Local Paragraphs Mill Your Paper? If tha Capital Journal carrier fails to. leave your copy please phone .11IIB n L-C IDC M D . copy will be delivered to you erans of World War 11. Col Labor Camp Clinic Arrange- George E. Sandv is chairman ments for the setting up of anof , commiUee to cooperate with Immunization clinic at the fanri employment agencies. Employ labor camp near the airport were. er, ,r. reaue,ted to contact the made Thursday night during meeting conducted by the Mar inn county department of health. The clinic will be held at 8 p in., June 23, with Evelyn Schrader, public health nurse in charge. Motion pictures dealing with im munization and tuberculosis were shown Thursday night to approximately 90 members of the camp by Francis Rierson, health educator, and Wm. Quinn, restaurant inspector. Kansas Visitor Irvin Bishop, hotel proprietor of McPherson, Kan., is a guest at the home of hi.i son, Clarence Bishop, electri cal contractor. The elder Bish op, formerly Interested in grain marketing, reports a bumper crop of wheat in Kansas with the growers plagued with almost incessant rain. Where to store the wheat once it is harvested is a problem that confronts the grower as well as the federal government. Bishop reports' al- u-;-- i ll i m vol ... '"'"lEstle Buchanan ra "Sl v' ' "" stacked in the open since this I type of storage does not result in too much loss if v eather con ditions are not unfavorable. Chest X-Ray Exams A mo bile chest X-ray unit that oper ated on the courthouse lawn Thursday resulted in 332 pic- tures being taken. Most of those! examined were persons who missed out a few weeks ago I when the unit became involved; in mechanical trouble. Members of the American Legion auxiliaryi 136 assisted Thursday. They were Mrs. Ted Ullakko, Mrs. Dow Lov-1 ell. Mrs. Ed Klippert, Mr. Car rol Robinson, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. George Spaur and Mrs. Klem Ohlson. State Appointments Govern or Douglas McKay announced the following appointments to day: Carl Y. Tengwald, Med-! ford, reappointed to a four-year term on the State Real Estate board. Mrs. Meredith Bailey, Sis ters, reappointed to a five-year term on the board of trustees for the state library. Social Security Topic R. C. S'.ilwell, manager of the social security administration here, spoke at the weekly meeting of the Corvallis Kiwanis club, re lating to functions of his office. He pointed out that there had been considerable losses' of bene fits to persons eligible for old age insurance payments because of failure to make application. Grocery Listed Certificate of assumed business name for Jefferson's Service Grocery, Jef ferson, has been filed with the county clerk by LeRoy A. Clin ker, 325 Ewald street, Salem. Service Station Noted Hi's! Shell Station is certificate of as sumed business name filed with the county clerk by Harold L. Brenden, Mt. Angel. License Approved The coun ty court has approved applica tion of James M. Hays and John D. Vigus for a beer and wine license at 320 Pacific highway. Measles Hl Clinic Because an epidemic of measles has hit Mill City the pre-school clinic this week was not well-attended, according to Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county health officer. He was assisted by Miss Joan Schneider and Mrs. Hilda Elli asson, nurses. Another clinic will be held shortly after school opens with first graders to be examined. Mill City residents assisting at the clinic were Mrs. Arthur Kriever. clinic chair man: Mrs. Clayton Baltimore and Mrs. R. L. Faust. Bridge Completed County Engineer Hedda Swart reported to the county court Friday that work on the McKee bridge has been finished as to the bridge it self which was moved from the Ppcific highway at Aurora to the new location on the Mt. An gel road. However, approaches are to be put in before traffic can use the structure and work on these will start Monday. The one to the west will be about 900 feet long. 200 feet of it to be a deep fill and the rest sloping down. About 200 feet will be needed on the east fill which will also be tiled to care for water In a ditch. BORN The Ctpilal Journal WHcftmea the Followlni Nw Cltlyn: LAMBERT To Mr. tnd Mra. BlWTn ft. timbfrt, 1419 D. at th Salem Qnra) hnxpiut, a tirl. Jufi 17. WrDDLR To Mt. aiMl Hr. ont WkMI, Mltrton, at thr 8a lem Onro! Iirvpttal. o bor. -fur IT. WYM To Mr. a red lira io!in Wva njPit1f'ne. at h Sii'm Oenrral ht- lal. a f:rl. Juno IT. HOTTING RW To Mr. and Mra PYd Ki mifr, rout 1. a:alon. da'ifhttr. Jun 1. at 8 .era Memorial hoipital. BAKE To Mr. and Mra Carroll Beler 1.) Evriren avenue, a son, June It. it )-m Memorial hoapital. roIOEB To Mr and Mra. Jamlt td lir, rou t. ortt T. Da Tion. a on. June II at Selem Memorial hwpital. on. BEIT -- To Mr. anil Mr FrerMt .vOriheri nf Plk atreet at a Salem ho tPltal June 10. tUuihter. t;iM T .. J 1. A...... H. ft. -,..1... Lnn. CUMNtNOHAM -T Mr. and M' W II 1am r-innlntham. ''in If, ( th S.ltr urn feoapuoi, a daufhtor. Work (or Veterane Salem chapter No. 6, Disabled Amer- ican Veterans, adopted a reso- ...tin.. TI.....J.. ninhl Innbim lution Thursday night looking to work for unemployed vet- veterans placement officer of the state employment service Billy Suggs. C. Arthur Picker ing and Tony Cannon were ap pointed a committee to work with the American Legion on plans for the state convention Roy L. Wolfe, DAV member from Riverside, Cal., who will live in Salem, spoke at the meeting. English Woman Here Mrs. M. M. Hill, 73, of South Hamp ton, England, has arrived in Sa lem for a three-months visit with her son-in-law and daugh- l.p M anrf Mr. Ft. Ttaltaf 37S5 Portland road. She made"Vawmi ,rom'h. no.rlh the trip alone. Guest from Kansas Mrs. Glen Southwick, of the Orchard Heights district, has as guest her route 5. Salem, has been grant sister, Mrs. Bess Howard of ed a permit to move a hay baler Pittsburg. Kan. She exp?cts to' in all county roads. be here two months. K.f U . . .. U Home Mrs.; mnA lnf.nl " 1 daughter have been dismissed from the Salem General hospi tal and are now at home on Route 9, Box 838. G.l. Bodies Returned Bodies of two men from this section of the valley, who lost their lives in the Pacific during World War n, were among the 1.922 re turned to this con Pacific abQard (h tr Private John R. Towle. The two are Pfc. Albert H. Hanson, army, son of Lauritz Hansen of Detroit, and Pvt. Wal ter .1 RfiHsar orrv.tr urKno. of kin was iisted as Ferdinand A. Keller of Sweet Home, Pastor Gets New Car Rev and Mrs. Lloyd T. Anderson, 1055 Cascade drive, are en route back to Salem after taking de livery on a new Kaiser Deluxe automobile at the Willow Run plant of the Kaiser-Fraser cor poration. Mr. Anderson is pastor of the First Baptist church of Salem. The Andersons were quests for a day at Willow Cot tage. Kaiser-Fraser's retail cus tomer driveaway building. Priming Ends Work of put- ting a priming coat on roads lo'L. Hanson. Portland and Lor- be reoiled this summer is being finished up Friday on the Croi san creek road. Roads in the D street and Park avenue areas were primed earlier in the week and other roads on the 15-mile priming program still earlier. About 50 miles of oiled roads will be repaired in one way or another this summer. jonn i.auierman in jonn L. Lauterman. hotel man here for many years, is reported serious ly ill at his home, 475 N. Sum mer. Honor Court Slated Troop 41 of Boy Scouts will hold a court of honor at the Keizer Grange hall Tuesday night. Wo men are asked to bring pies for auction at a social which will follow the ceremonies. Spencer Corsetiere Mrs. Vera Stoner, 425 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5072. 149 Don't be satisfied with any thing but the best in Venetian blinds. See them at Reinholdt & Lewis or ask their salesman to call and give you free estimates. Ph. 2-3639. 144 Sewing, alt. 360 Stale St.. 145 ' Guaranteed expert Swiss and American watch repairing al the Jewel Box. 443 State. 144 Road oiling. Call Tweedie. 2-4151 days and 3-5769 eves. 155' Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 144' Now is the time. Place your order for the coming season's canned fruits and vegetables. Ph. 38487. Aufranc's Custom Cannery. 144 Air-steamship tickets. Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694. 144 Salem's Unique Dining Club Shattuc's Chateau. The new hours of Mar's Des sert Lunch, 2V1. N. High St.. are: Sun., Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Thun . 0 a.m. to 1 a.m. Fri. and Sat., 6 a.m. to 3 a m. 145 Dr. Harmon T. Harvey an nounces the removal of his of fice for the practice of Diaano- sis and Internal Medicine to BOB Livesley Bldg. effective June .n... in.n ,.., 19th 194B. Telephone 2.1641 for appointments 148 Federal!) insured Savings -Current dividend See MRST Federv Savings FIRS! 142 S Liberty Pn 1 4944 Up to 75. off on over ISO closeout Wallpaper patterns at Elfstrom s. S40 Courrt St. 143 Guaranteed expert Swiss and American watch repairing at the Jewel Box. 443 State. Injured savings earn more nan (wo den-enl a' Salem Fen rm, Savmsa Association, 56i itat street. Dismissed from Hospital Leaving; Salem Memorial hns- pital Thursday were Mrs. AI-' len E. Stevens of Rickreall and her infant son and Mrs. James Logsdon of Stayton with her in-! fant daughter. Will Build New Home A building permit was issued at the city building inspection of fice Friday to Dale Pence who will build a one-story dwelling and garage at 284.1 Sknpil ave nue, to cost an estimated $13,- ouu. Painter Makes Filing Cer- tificate of name for assumed business Harold Dunsmoor rive Generations of painters Haven, Conn., president of the Maybe We Painted the May- Naionai Society of Public Ac flower," has been filed with the I countant!t Professional prob county clrek by Harold Duns-jiemI will b. discussed at the moor, 198 W, Myers street. J convention. nt. M r. Representing Orange and Mrs. W. A. Jones are repre- the state con f err nee now beinff held at Coos Bay. Permit Given - Permit to lend of the county to Salem has been .ranted by the county court to Capitol Lumber Fuel company. Bernard A. Schmid, Joins State Police Donald MacDonald, world war II vet - .... ..... ....... ...u ,ii,Bli,.clBI tii uciiuu.i. waa gwuin i... as a member of the Oregon state police here this week. He is head of the cheese curing room at the Coquille Valley Dairy cooperative and will re main on the joh until his suc cessor is named. Wood Rend Painter Herbert IZ J,?" .Ve:iWood former superintendent oeeler i i S Croi .Tree, painting to the state of Oregon who supervised the finishing of the forestry building in Salem, is now in the paint contracting business at Bend. His family, consisting of two sons, are now i!oca,ed in, ,h. city- Wood. h.s Just completed two years of pri vate contracting in the Hawaiian islands. Nehraskans Visitors Frank Reinhard and son, Gerald, of Broken Bow, Nebr. have been house guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Van Dyke, in the Liberty com munity. Licensed to Marry Mar riage licenses have been issued at Vancouver, Wash, to Eric Lindquist, Portland and Lydia L. Dirks, Pratum and to Alvin ena D. Godfrey, Albany. Thrown from Auto A wom an who told state police she had been thrown from a car on Wal lace road two miles north of West Salem was returned to the state hospital Thursday where she had been undergoing treat ment as an alcoholic. The wom an had been listed as mtssinff from the hospital since June 15. and in her story to police she related a sordid tale of her ac tivities which were supposedly climaxed when she was thrown from an auto by a man. Asks Slow Sign George Sir nio has asked the county court to Install a "slow" or "caution" sign at the intersection of Dear born street with North River road. ( Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 144' Glenwood closed for dancing till Sat., Sept. 10. 145 Wallery's Men's ware. Fairgrounds Rd. will be 1993 open till A p. m. Sat., June 18th for FATHERS' DAY SHOPPERS. 145 What's a PIZZA PIE? A tempting Italian delicacy by Chef Nick Marino . . . and once you have tried one you will be coming back to the Salem Sup. per Club for more! Yes . . . Just Iwo short miles from Salem on Dallas highway. Entertainment by Evangeline Shelton. Club privileges. Dancing nightly. 145 Removal Sale Must vacate by June 30. Radio, recorder, of fice Inter-com, appliances, fur niture, fixtures, safe, etc. Bar gain prices, 357 Court St. 149 Dressed fryers, deliver in town and S. Salem. Ph. 2-2144 144 Mum plants 1.1c each this week. Flower Basket, 1020 Mar ket. Ph. 2 -4802 144 The Knit Shop will re-open Monday June 20, Ruth Nyberg. 11)0 N. Liberty. 140 The Melodalra art at Shattural Chateau. , f inal STORE-WIDE ILEAR - ANCE on all merchandise. 142 Hi Th, rhion Lounge. 1,4 "Top Hatters" Dance Band Cottonwoods, Sat. Danct t till I 145 Custom made Venetian Blinds call Reinholdt & Lewis 1 .1M9 145 Painting & Dec. Ph. 1-7V.2 19 Free deep freere home freerer clinic. June 21st, 7:30 p m V.F.W. Hall, 630 Hood St. Spon- sored by Yeater Appliance Co 147 Phone 22408 nefnre 6pm If oj misa your Capital Journal. ' Accountants to Meet June 23 ! In the Invest- Topflicht SDeakers fields of accountancy. ment, taxation and law will be on the program of the state con vention of the Oregon Associa tion of Public Accountants at Memord June Zd, Z ana 23. ac- cording to J.me. E. Keys, Sa- lem, president, Heading the list of speakers1 it II h HuDh Farla rn artnr nf mteI.nli revenue for the Oregon Hl.lrlrt- .Tohn .1 r,.rrim New A the concluding session u- .u- i " " J " 1 K H i rnrritH in th narinn U'hn ha contributed most to the ad I vancement of public account- year. Non-member public account-j ants are eligible to attend the.sttidrbakr car. n convention. Keys said. He indl- Ti."m"eJm i!' cated that a good Salem delega- unim. on cai '.'.'.'."'.'.".'.'.'.'.""!" tion would attend. I Final plans for the convention ! Iwere made at a meeting of the board of governors in Salem thisi 'week. I n A special program at the Keizer community church Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock in observance of childrens' day. Bail Firm Files Northwest ern Bait Supply company is as sumed business name filed with thm ........ U.. T A nd g x. BarreMi 325 Unjo street. Theater Firm Files R. N. Vickers and F. C. Andersen have filed a certificate of assumed business name with the county clerk for Canyon Amusement company, Detroit-Idanha, theater operators. Lumber Company Files Articles of incorporation for Bradfield Lumber Co., have been filed with the county clerk by E. A. Dorothy M. and Earl F. Bradfield with capital stock placed at $26,000. Aged Home Named Certifi cate of assumed business name for" Nora's Home for the Aged. 3845 D street, has been filed with the county clerk by Nora L. Robinson, same address. Exchange Prisoners Depuly Sheriff James Shobe of Clack amas county Friday morning brought Roy James Sutton from Oregon city to answer to a charge of obtaining morfey .by false pretenses here and took back with him to Oregon City Elmer Belleque, Jr., Gervais, to answer to a similar charge there. Burke Appointed Purchasing Agent Timothy J. Burke, Delake auto court operator, was appointed by the board of control today as an assistant state purchasing agent. He formerly was an electrical supply salesman, and work for three years for the war assets administration. He will be the fourth assistant purchasing agent for the state, the recent legislature having giv- en permission to hire another one. Roy Mills, board of con trol secretary, is the chief pur chasing agent. COURT NEWS Circuit Court HurvBT v Cthr1n Cm, rlivorct com plaint i lift Mt eru'l and tnhnmnn trit mrnt. Murrl April l, al Yuma. Arlsona. Brnic H r John L M motion lo mrwiily dicrt mon'y. , def'nM n P port Ribert William Rider lorte Alex ander, warden or rtte ata' penl'eni.arr. iMwr of defendant dnnni all the al'e ationa In tha rep- and ak;ni for an or der denying writ of habeaj rorpua. Dorothy vj Abe PatapnfT, mntfon ek- Ini cut tod of 0 child and ISO a montli support pendini tail. Hea v B1 ward Hon for trial. Peterson, applic Har Cowan va Bar C. Bever and om ri, answer of defendant Charl's A.sen vlnt doini business as Northwestern Brokeraaa com pan', osklnc that h rlt mi. ana lai.iaai in prnetrt? involvM B. "'"f iltttS iT.it" in!"a"i.".i. i.au a .... u.n. ' Edward i. and A lie B Kn'il Or will c and Al'a O. Jonn. answer ) Ini (also representation as to con ratt, asi Int oareemant reusun another agreement and for mil ni at-1 mnnr. wa reasonable rtniai. Maki p. va waittr Youni Mood, oivnrce compiaim aii-tes rruei and miviman tren - Im.nl Hirr.M Januari ia-, at Lrona Lroh-,. erobaju court I Lavalla an Da.lli na Ont.a. minora, r. - ra Hnr. William noodman auar- ahawa propflr ama fnf IMM to lBlM- Tuns .ataia, final arronnl , Tuna, adminlatralrlt, ip- 1 V Braaa I era.. car. tin t ar).ta m.aia vai-i.a ai mm .. w. cmn., n.m Lo-i.ae A RehfuM U'a- Valied a1 una William amr Ocr na md aom.niii'ra'or and 7 horn m B Oattuel He;n Ctdina- I ton and Madonna PriiWalo appraiser. Mania9, Lit.nwi" ,. . ,..,, w. ., and J..nn K. anvlar. I. Inpnd.nr Arn. Adam. Jr la. an4 Bllaab.th Sal.m. II tiinnt N.unn, 31 x.na wuma una, it, a. n.ma, too s.,.a STOCKS .at na 4iat r.aaa. tmaneaa Cm 4m Pn 1.1 .IMS . J1. I Anarnnaa landil Aviation lain Slaa; ' Panamas raciiia ixJ'J,.,',, ;n.i.i jomalth m Sou .. !ona Contlnan'al Can z-a.cn nouiiaa Airrr.n MS I "J"""' ' N" .Tenerai Klertrn ,,, 'natal Pood ltnril Umorj .loodyeai lira (ni Hanuttr Int Pipfi , 'Iennecr.t Uooj Mel L .... '-on Bell A' tonttomer Ward , Naaft Krlvimaor ... Sat Oairj . S I Jo', central ... Nortriern PaifM ... ; "1 1 1" 1 T 'ac Oaj K!e io. frr.nar J C Radio Cora . fm aeynouu ui it'. J'""; ; --V.:::- . Us 'Jl"l, u s stai liiiiili: ami Broa ria Woolwortlt fonlrarf Award iContinued from P?Re 1 Importance of this service, the secretary of state said, was that if accidents Involving state ve hicles are reduced a large sav ing can be effected in the costs of repairing state cars. He said the liability insurance protects the privately owned cars damag ed by collision with state owned cars but does not cover the cost of repair of state cars. Newbry also said that uijfci the terms of the policy of Lie successful bidder the slate will be given a graduated reduction in rates in accordance with the percentage in reduction of ac cidents. Asked why the newly organ ized safety organization set up by the slate department could not carry on a safely program i for the stale Newbry said that the costs would be prohibitive We do not have sufficient men in our safety organization to do this work," he said. Paid All State Claims The Los Angeles firm paid all state claims during the three years the company carried the state insurance, according to Roy Mills, secretary of the board. "We did have complaints that the company was slow in settl ing claims of private Individ uals." he added. "However. I be lieve the main consideration of the board members was to ob tain the service of the engineers who will inspect the state's fleet of cars and make suggestions Tor more safe operation." The state operates 1312 pas senger cars, 1892 trucks and more than .500 odd pieces of equipment, all covered in the liability policy. Auto Park (Continued from Pag 1 E. L. Gray, present as repre- sentatlve of the citizens who are town Salem, and that evening I interested in the underground!, nor ,how h been slated. Parking project, discussed the;Tni, too j, to be held at the possibility of some sort of 'fairgrounds, 'riend'y ,uit t0 et th opinion Set for Saturday. July 2, at 01 ,nB cuur, lo wneiner ine county court could legally lease jThat evening a drill tram and the land. The district attorney drum and bugle contest will be suggested that it might be pos- nrid at ln( fairgrounds with the sible for the county court to take winner to r.Ceive the Cover some steps in that direction and nor cup then some qualified party could step In with an injunction suit and secure a court determina tion. "I suggest you discuss the matter with your attorneys," said the county judge to Gray, "and thpy in turn can lell their, views to the district attorney." The district attorney said he'd be glad to consult with them at any time. 1 Californians Held On Check Charge 'Nsvsl slid Marin corps training. A California couple were held center. In the Marion county Jail r"r'-!M(m)., junr 'a " (lay pending a hearing on a,' nr',H M.ri... rr,w. n.rrv charge lodged by a Mt. Angel 'ttnll at the Naval Murine Corn. ' market operator dealing with an ', Rerv Tralnlns center, attempt lo pass a fictitious, c,Di,i Pn,,' Nn .' American Le- CherK. A hearing on the charge of at - tempting to obtain property by ma, , . . '"' pretenses was set lor aal - urday. The couple was identl- , 'prt Clifton Thomas, .lr.. and 1 Shirlev Ann Denn. Bail for each iwas set at S1000. The couple told the sheriff's office that they had pasned sev- : rB nhmfitm in t n. ini.l.i Kn. . . . i"-n n-t.iiiiijur .parenuy jan- led when they attempted to cash a check at Schmidt's Market In Mt. Angel. A similar trip to Oregon last year was also partially financed tn Californians admitted by : cashing checks in Independence and Lebanon. j Lebanon Man Named C'het i Dreeen, Lebanon, country cir-( jculation manager of Ihe Corval jlis Ga7ette-Times. Mr. and Mrs Dreeren have a ton who will en ter Oregon State college In the I fall. They will live at 801 S 20th street. I ONG to Parade On Saturday Oregon's National Guards men will parade Saturday afternoon at Fort Lewis, where they are now taking two-, weeks of summer training with the Washington units of the 41st division. Occasion for the review of, the troops is Governors' Day i honoring the governors of Ore gon and Washington, with a number nf prominent guests from both states and from the i armed forces invited to attend. Staled for 2 p. m. the re-$ view for which formal invita- k "Vtions were issued bv Oregon's adjutant general. Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, Washington's adjutant general, and Maj r,tn Rnv Pf.rri-.lt th i-nmiviar.. i der of the 41st division, will be' held at Gray field. Fort Lewis. Oregon is to bp represented by William E. Walsh, acting governor in the absence of Gov. Douglas McKay. Walsh If; will fly to Fort Lewis for the!' event early Saturday morning and will return to Coos Bay that same evening by air. Tricycle Crashed! ! 'Ill I mjurea A 3-year-old child, Michael Delk, was released from Salem General hospital Friday after treatment for numerous cuts and bruises which resulted from be ing run down by a car near his home. The driver of the car, identi fied in police reports as Agatha Leslie Vogl of 1389 Lee, was cited to appear in municipal court on two charges: driving with defective brakes and oper ating a motor vehicle with ira paired vision. The woman told police who investigated the accident in the 1100 block on Nebraska that she didn't see the child riding on tricycle. The report quoted her as saying she heard something dragging in front of her car and thought her bumper may have fallen to the ground. The . tricycle was mangled The child was taken to Salem General hospital for treatment by the first aid crew. The police report said the youngster suf fered severe injuries to the right side of his head, a badly injured left knee and numerous cuts and bruises. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Delk, 1130 Ne braska. Cherryland r Continued from Page 1 Preceding the program at the Elsinore the princesses, their chaperon and their Cherrian es corts are to be entertained at a dinner at the Gold Arrow. Coronation of the queen is slated for the night of June 30, the opening day of the three day Cherryland Festival, and will be held at the grandstand at the Oregon State fairgrounds. Following the coronation cere mony the Paul Armstrong School of Dance will present a revue. J ul v 1 is the date nf the an- nllal D.rild. . be held in down- to .m. is the children s parade. Button sales for the three-day festival will start June IB in nil of the stores with adult buttons Helling for a dollar and thnsp for children at .10 cents. Buttons will admit holders to all pvnnls connected with the festival That same day sale of reserved and box seats for the events to be held at the fairgrounds will R0 on n at Stevens and Sons, MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS ' Friday. Junr 17 I Oriianixfd HBie rrve unit st gion at Amerirsn Legion ha II. 1 ' . Headquarters provisional Infan- IIV Well i B llll. Ol IUI MKflllirril ir- 1 rVei com ow 1 1 urouo. al the Arm; Reserve nuoniei huts. QUALITY OF 0LYMPIA Mbeeausing ''lHHITtT.lllllM t men tatrwMt CO., Otrman. . V IK 1 EXTREME DEMAND. ADVISABLE YOU SHOP EARLY") Capital Journal. pHlem. Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 5 :av 1 , kVj-.I ' f y A J kV t jt I J7 ft JH W f A , Y j , j 7 ' I W l ill! "Panhandler" Her Brother This smiling stranger couldn't ' fool Mrs. Alice Parr of Dallas anyway he couldn't for very long. He asked for a handout. Mrs. Parr gave him a sharp look. Then she got the family resemblance and recognized 1 her brother. Allen Slockwell, from Texas. They hadn't seen' each other for 63 years. By the way, he got tha handout 'Stranger' Turns Out to Be Brother Last Seen in 1886 Dallas Although the man al her door asked for an hand out, he was not dressed like a transient, and Mrs. Allra Parr of Dallas hesitated. After a moment's srrutiny of tha smiling "panhandler," a' light of recognition slowly spread over Mrs. Parr'i face. "Why, you're my brother, Allen!" she exclaimed. It was true. i. The stranger was Allen Storkwell of Raymondvilla, ; Texas., who had come to visit his sister after a separation , 63 years. The last time they were together was In Kansas In i8 shortly after the death of their father when sha , was 12 years of age and he was lfl. Mrs. Parr had lived the five years previous to this In Highland county, Ohio, after her mother'a death, while Mr. Storkwell had accompanied his father to Kansas nntil th , time of the latter's death. ' The sister was married to John Parr In Ohio In 1901, but1 her husband died in 11)13. She left Ohio In 1U to com te i Oregon. In 1339 she moved to Dallas. ! Slockwell lived In Kansas until 1915 when ha moved to Texas. The two had planned meetings several times during , the years, hut earh time something prevented It until tha , current surprlce visit. The brother plans to remain until tha j middle nf August. Millmen Refuse to Accept Wage Offer Members of Salem Millmen s union, local 1411, have unani mously rejected a wage in- 'crease offer of 1 cents an Sweringpn. nmir y p. Vali lVow...jee fi POLAROID CAMERA THAT MAKtS Rig (.1 x A Inrh) hrillUnt prints nf profenmonnl quality art your Hutotrntlirnllv you advance) th film for tha nexl picture. Now you ran make sure of gftting juM th picture you want. Now nil can eoiov th picturea tog other at Iho very moment they mean tha moat . . . and they'll laat for yeara to come. Come in today . . . are it in action at Pirmitntnt fttrturtt Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in $ 3 45 QUART fine Sl.nnait Wni.liav W - pmnl. R0V .nits lianaloit Dittiilan Coip., It! I) - I litm executive secretary of the Salem building trades council, report ed Friday. The vote, laken Thursday night at Labor temple was 101 to nothing against tha offer. Van Sweringen said Portland millwnrkers rejected the same offer Tuesday by a vote of 402 lo 0. The union had asked a boost of 17'? eenls an hour. DIRTY UNA rilTIRS , NOWl ' Protect your walla and rWmah inaa bf replacing dirty air Altar with clean, now HURT-STOPS in your forced- warm-atr hirnora. New DUST-STOPS art hihl afnrmnt "dirt f airhara" eoat hula -aava fuel and alartricity by por mmittmi bailor tirr-ulo-ttoei of air Got ymir now DUST-STOPS todiyl AIR rilTIRI ft UMBING -HI A TING lOm CWttiLMi e.iJ m pricel riNt 'ir nant.s. N Y C. v ,-ai-JA MPLACI --ll jojra, aoiss