vV - Testify at Espionage Trial Dr. Edward U. Condon, di rector of the National Bureau of Standards, and Mrs. Condon arrive at court in Washington to appear as witnesses at the Judith Coplon espionage trial. Dr. Condon blasted the F. B. I. when the name of his wife Emily was linked to a Bulgar ian employe of the Soviet Intelligence service in one of the secret F. B. I. documents made public at the trial. (Acme Telephoto). Girls' State in Legislative Session Friday Afternoon Representatives from all parts of Oregon attending the an nual Girls' State meeting here visited several state offices Fri day morning, and planned to consider bills at their model legis lative session this afternoon. More than 200 girls are here for the government-instruction event sponsored by the Amen- Scouts to Meet In Valley Forge The Boy Scouts of America has selected Valley Forge, Pa. for Its second national scout Jubilee in 19S0, according to word received ny me iascaae area council. Selection of the site was announced by Dr. Arthur A. Schuck, chief execu tive of the organization. Over 30,000 scouts from every state in the Union and all U. S. territories will camp together from June 30 to July 6 on the site notable as the winter en campment of General George Washington and his continental army during the Revolutionary war. Valley Forge park is owned, maintained and preserved by the state of Pennsylvania. An invitation to hold the Jamboree there was received from Gov James H. Duff. The Jamboree will be the climax of the scouts' two year crusade to "Strengthen the Arm of Liberty." 2 Planes Collide; Pilots Uninjured Corpus Christi, Tex., June 17 u.B)Two lucky F4-U Corsair pilots had only minor scratches and sore muscles to show today as souvenirs of a collision in flight. Midshipman Donald K. Zerbe of Glenwood Springs, Colo., parachuted to safety on Padre Island yesterday after his plane collided with one piloted by Midshipman Thomas H. Thorn berg of Portland, Ore. Thornberg made crash land ing on the Island. They were picked up by a navy rescue heli copter 20 minutes after the crash, Masons Elect High Officers Portland, June 17 WV-The grand lodge of Oregon Masons elected Shalor C. Eldridge, Port land, as master here yesterday. Worthy Harvey, Eugene, was named deputy master; Ralph S Nesbitt, Portland, senior war den; and Jared W. Summerhays, Milton, Junior warden. The order of Eastern Star in stalled its new officers at the close of the annual meeting. Mrs. Edna Throne, St. Helens, became worthy matron, and Les lie Bass, Portland, patron. Mrs. Leila Wimberly, Rose burg, became associate conduct tress and Leon B. Baketel, Port land, sentinel. Other officers: Mrs. Alice Robinson, Independence, con ductress; Mrs. lima Thum, Cot tage Grove, lecturer; Mrs. Mar jorie Merriott, Salem, chaplain Hell's Canyon Run Tried Again Portland, June 17 Cl In his third try at running the Snake river rapids through Hell's can yon, Phil S. Williams. Portland, hopes to reach Lewlston Sun day. He reached Homestead, Ore. Tuesday, and there mailed a letter telling of his latest ex ploit. Then he left downstream on a ten-man rubber boat. Aboard with him was Will Whitsell, Portland. Williams was capsized in two previous attempts to run tne wild stretch of river. He used smaller crafts in the earlier at tempts two-man rubber boats. tuna 400 miles off Newport, 9rt last week. The tuna season Is not expect ed to start on the Pacific north west coast for another month. J. H. Petrich, master of the 85-foot tuna boat Aleutian Mail, said his boat was driven to port by stormy weather after sight ing the tuna. Petrich said he failed to catch any of the fish because of the storm and be cause the boat's fishing gear was not ready. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 3 been discontinued from Tatoosh Island, Wash., to Newport, Ora. MEW MIRACLE LUSTRE WALL, WOODWORK FIHISH! Storm Warnings Removed Portland, Ore., June 17 (u.R) The weather bureau announced that small craft warnings had Tuna Sighted Off Newport Harbor Astoria, Ore., June 17 U.B A Seattle fishing boat skipper reports that he sighted albacore BASEBALL Tonite, 8 o'clock SALEM SENATORS VICTORIA WATER'S PARK 25th and Mission St. .Ae l.. mnrro LUUklOAND BAKED ENAMEL! Your SHtRWIN-WILLIAMS Heodquorters can Legion Auxiliary. Pat McCulluugh of Gresham took office as girl Governor of Oregon at Thursday's session. Other new officers include: Evelyn Low of Portland, sec retary of state; Barbara Chris tenson of Sherwood, state treas urer; Nancy Nelson of Astoria, attorney general; Nancy Erick son of Astoria, superintendent of public instruction; Eileen Fricke of Glenwood, chief Jus tice of the state supreme court, and Fay Coxen of Toledo, labor commissioner. Sara Archibald of Grants Pass was elected president of the sen ate, and Delores Brice of Fort land was chosen as speaker of the house. Veronica Buckholtz of Mt. Angel was named sergeant-at-arms of the senate and Vicky Moran of Woodburn, sergeant-at-arms of the house. Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland addressed, the young model lawmakers Thurs day night. Gov. McKay had ad dressed them earlier, before his departure for Colorado Springs, Colo., to attend the National Governors' conference. State Senator Marie Wilcox of Grants Pass is serving as an instructor for the girls of Girls' State. VOW SIIOWIMi Ooen 6:45 JOHN Carfieid SNEftioaM 'OBMfN Ant CttUr Crta Warner Nrwt Second Feature -DESIGN FOR DEATH" HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB TOMORROW Doors Opet. 1:00 P.M. for Special Kiddies' Matinee Talent Show Broadcast over KOCO. 1:30-2:00 State Program Prizes Cartoons Serial Special Matinee Feature: "THROW A SADDLE ON A STAR' with The Hoosier Hotshota Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Smith French Tana Dee Bird Emma Jean Saddler Norma Adams Rlrhard Mason Bobby Campbell . Beverly Hupp Tommy Meier Judy Meier Nancy Llllle Jean Ayres David Tautfest Gary Casey Carol Anderson Eve. Show font, after 5:30 P.M Doors Open at 6:45 Tonight) If It's at the Elslnore, It's the Best Show In Town! ON OUR Stage Tonight! Come Early! Cheer Your Favorite! Grand Finals Selection of 1949's CHERRYLAND FESTIVAL QUEEN PRESENTING Miss Jeanne Bentley Stayton Miss Grace Kirk, St. Paul Miss Katherine Specht, Jefferson Miss Dorothy Neufeld, Dallas Miss Pat O'Connor, Salem STARTS TODAY! The Big-Time, Love-Time Musical Smash from Warner Bros.! wm XKT h S&ija. t v 1 sr" '''' Ms HoP" "" Slw"'f I NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! J JtZJJ' 2ND ACE HIT! MENJOU eveARDEN CHAEL CURT1Z .iSS U I T(H .Vrf ADOLPHE MICHAEL CURT1Z .' fcw Pm to Hurjr ftwrTNtz i Din luur 3 EXTRA! Warners Bros.' COLOR CARTOON RIOT! "SCAREDT CAT' Latest Warner-Pathe News 177 north liberty manufacturer's close-out! famous "stratcs'ine'" initialed belts 65c Nationally advrrtisrd at S3 95! Father's Day rs just around the corner next Sunday and values hire these hit town! A whole array of handsome belts to choose from. All first-quality imported pigskins, alligator-grain pigskins and top-grain cowhide all- with the famous "Stratoline" streamlined buckle, either with a smart initial ac plain polished-gold finish. Suntan. natural, hlack. Inuwa. Men's Fuiiwihaip, Mmn Floor 3.65 (Wf. XVI Main Float i fT" "" 'l ' jjlW I NS W TH "DREW snowy-cool comfort for father in bis favorite arrow whites Might as well give Father one of his super favorites he always enjoys Arrow stylingsl Fine combed cotton broadcloth, cut to fit perfectly, Sanforized shrunk to stay that way! In three most popular collar styles the "Arden," a short cut-away, the "Dart," standard collar style and the "Drew," a happy medium between the other two. All with anchored-on buttons, fused collars and every other famous Arrow feature! Men's Furnishing, p".T hundreds of smartly, patterned ARROW ties $50 They're the style right ties that Dad will appreciate elegant stripes, colorful gi-omctric designs, all in color combinations that will be so appealing I Packaged in a gift folder for Dad's Day! Men's Furnishings, Main Floor