AUTOMOBILES ARE YOU CAR SHOPPING? You Can Drive a Bargain Home From Here Any Day '36 NASH LAFAYETTE SEDAN J A Z A one owner car . '37 v-8 coupe aorr A little dandy Ji4sJ '38 CHEV. 4 DOOR SEDAN AOZ Runs like a clock .LJ 35 V-8 SEDAN IOC A little rough, motor good XJJ '36 DODGE PICKUP OCC Now u the time ZJJ We Also Have These Popular Models Priced to Suit Your Needs 48 PLYMOUTH 2 to Choose From 42 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 2 to Choose From 42 DESOTO COUPE 39 DODGE 5 PASSENGER COUPE 39 CHEVROLET SEDAN ACME MOTOR CO. The Bargain Lot IEW and USED Truck Headquarters EVERYTHING TO FIT YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL . FREE ESTIMATES ON YOUR PLANNED BUILD-UP EXPERT TRUCKMEN READY TO HELP PLAN YOUR PROBLEM TERMS CASH TRADE YOU TAKE YOUR PICK PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE LOW MONEY SAVING PRICES Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION PH. 3-3147 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS These Cars Have Been "ON ICE" TOO LONG . We're Thinning Them Out Now With Some "RED HOT" Prices TERMS TRADE OR CASH DRIVE ONE AWAY WITH THE SAVINGS IN YOUR POCKET 1941 NASH Four Door Sedan $725 MBOHAHIOALLT OOOD 1948 FORD Station Wagon $1645 On FOR BUSINESS OR H.1ASURI. 100 H P. V-l INOtNI 1946 FORD Station Wagon $1449 pqllt RROONDmonan and ouarantrto 1940 FORD Tudor. A real bargain $675 1947 FORD Sportsman Convertible $1495 1948 FORD Tudor $1395 BRILLIANT M H.P, ENOTNE. "LTFEOUARD" BODY 1948 ENGLISH FORD 2-door $995 VERY FIW MILES. 10 TO 40 MILES PER OAL. A 1400 SAyiNO SEVERAL OTHER EXCEPTIONAL CARS PRICED TO BELL Valley Motor Mart CENT BR AT HIOH FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BART CLOTHES. Handmade dream, In fant thru lite 1. 11.19 end up. SIE9TBH GIFT SHOP. t ml. N. of underpaM. Phone 3-M8I. P1' Motorola Car Radios $39.95 MARK RADIO Fiti Most Can J 140 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-1811 III 49' Removal bale hu eeete tv June 30. Radlea, rtcordera, office inter-enm, ap pliances, furniture, futures, safe, etc Barf tin prices. W Court St. 1.144' ROOFING BAR a AIM: Prect. new davenoort end chair. Mot in f, tnuit sacrifice. J. B. Whlttatch, 4 nllea eait of Marlon on Marlon-aiavton Hwy. nI4 M. XI. 1 -WHEEL trailer with aide rare:, 140. Flat top t-drawer mahocanf lamp, Ilka new, 940. Ph. t-tm. l ni4 l PAIR of kunk beds. Can be nied aa tin beiia: new paint. Alto I nee-ly new vi at treated Reasonable, Pn. l-t4 IAUTCMOBILES Front at Center PHON 1-1147. q!44 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEAT MORS: Full bait, 13 9ft. N. W. Poultry, 190S N. rront. nno SEE Ot'R Firth Carpet Sample. Cut or der and laying servire. Prices reason- able. We five Green it imp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 Bo. Com'l. ni4S MAHOO. See'r.-deak. Reg. 99. W. New but slightly damafed. Reduced to (11 M. 7 dr. wal. van. waterfall dek. apeciat at 44.99. Maple fin. dek. renter dr., ihelvea on end, net. Clear tree aale price 1ft M. Or ten itampa. BALBM HOME FURN. CO. 137 Bo. Com'l ni49 1 FT. LATE model rtfrlg. Reasonable. Ph 37091. nl45 COMB. FOLDINO crib-play yarrtNatural fin. Rf. ae. m. ep. eiearanee Oreen Btampt. SALEM HOME FURK. CO. 137 So. Com'l. D14S' I ANTIQtE chair. 1 ftre fide benrh up noiaie rea who neesii point, sno earn 4ftt University. nl49 BILK DREMp.s. sires 1 14. nme like nn, 14 each, Bea Rrout unliorm. mm 16. 49 Unlvemty. ' ril49' bf oiun t T a bTeTI4io. slHoyt:ni'J L'-ED-ftEAR- d Roebuck Drai Sew. 1M pRtM RtNort LARS, leather cm. I3S.04. Pa. "Ml. alii IAUTOMOBILES If It's the BEST You're Looking for and the Good BUYS Seem to Hi&h Come in AT Your Convenience To See WARNERS Extra Special ras? USED CAR LOT 1949 Mercury sedan cpe. Overdrive 1948 Ford sedan. Six cylinder 1390 1345 1946 Mercury sedan. R&H 1395 1295 1946 Chev. Fleetmaster Tudor 1295 1295 1942 Ply. sedan 1941 Ford Tudor. Special 1941 Olds sedanette 1940 Ford cpe. special 1940 Chev. Master Deluxe 1939 Ford tudor 1939 International P.U 1939 Lincoln sedan. New 1938 Plymouth tudor 1936 Ford tudor WARNER MOTOR CO. YOUR LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER Phon. 9-3011 54ft 4"4 SHROCK FUN or When you buy a Used Car, you expect satisfaction, care free transportation, economical driving, and not failure in the form of breakdowns, costly repairs. When you buy one of our Shrockized Used Cars, you insure yourself against the inconveniences and disappointments that are sure to occur in the Average Used Car. A SHROCK IZED Used Car gives YOU more for less. 1948 Ford Sedan Coupe, R&H, Col., O'D. 1048 Hudson Sedan. R&H 1648 Nah Super Sedan, very eleen 1047 Ford 8. Del. Coach, R&H 1947 Hudson Sedan, RAH, O'D 1946 Chrysler Windsor Sedan. RA-H 941 Chev. Coupe, new short block 1940 Chev. Coach, RA:H. new paint 1940 Ford Sedan, recond. motor. Satisfaction with Each Transaction TWO LOTS OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time It's Hudson Hlfhway THRIFT Yard 3030 Portland Road Phone 27033 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! HOYT ST. SURPLUS Everythlnr Come south on 13th to lane HOYT sltn. Turn But to 1351. nl44 ALMOST NEW Axm In titer 9x13 blue rut pad. Paid I13&, will aacrlilce lor us. Call 3880 Center St. nl4fi FOR RALE OR TRADE: Oood daveno. MB N. Church Bl. nl46 URED REFRIO. 1139. 1 apt alte. I6B. Wal lace Hardware. Ph. 1-6977. nl4B' I 1-H.P. EVINRUDE trolllnf motor. Run 0 hrj. Weir tit 1ft lb. 160. Ph. 1-3377 after S:30 p.m. VACUUM SWEEPER, wltb Attachment. Ph. 1-9337. WISCONSIN 9 HP. Motor. 1SB1 Hoyt. 190 BASS PIANO ACCORDION Ilka new In perfect condition, win eacrmce. m Front St.. Woodburn. nHB DROP HEAD treadle jewlnc machine. ISO. 1680 Jefleraon St. Dl4s FOR SALE: AMer planU, 35c per doten. 1435 Center street. Ph. 1-9345. D14B HAY TARPS, 1351 Hoyt. nl44a 8x10 BFRKENWALD walk-In cooler and oompreaor, 110' A 1 6' meat ease. Oood condition, !7B0takeji all. Ternu If deairad. CaU Columbia Food Store, Leb anon, Ore. nl7 SOIL PIPE, 1351 HOTI, n!44 M'NBF.AM slice pop -up toasters now le.OS. Vines' Electric. 17 S. Liberty St. al44' I USED Ice cream cabinet food ahape 1 100 .00. Vlnca'a Electric, 1B7 S. Liberty flt. nl44 I ELECTRIC RANGES at 115.00 each. Vlnce'a Electric, 157 S. Liberty Bt. nl44 VORRE 8 ft. Freezer (Uprlfthtt. Rrtfulai 1239.50, now only vincta elec tric. 157 S. Liberty St. nl44 OIL CIRCULATORS 135.00. 1351 Hoyt. nl44 FOR BALE: Eureka Vacuum Cleaner, 110 3435 Center atreet. Ph. 3-9345. Til 48 RFXA1RE Vacuum Cleanrr tued 1 week K'lular 1119 50, only 184. so. 110.00 dn New t lie ran te. Vince"a Electric, 157 8 Liberty Bt. M44- HAND WINCH, It Ton. 1351 Hoyt. nlM BENDIX Automatic Wajiher. food condi tion 165 no. Vince'e Electric. 157 8. Liberty St. nl4' IS INT K.S. 1351 Hoyt. nl44- nEEPFRKE7.E Home Prcttert 1139 50 uv at Orefeon'a Laraest Ireeter dealer Vlnce'a Electric, 1B7 B. Liberty St. nl4l USED WASHER, 119.50, food condition Vince'e Electric. 157 B. Liberty Bt.n)44' ARE YOU Interested la the service sta tion biuineM? 1 have one for sela at tn ventorv price tn Monmouth, Ore, Con tact warren Doolittie, Distributer. 0n' eral Petroleum Product. Plant No 3410. nl4T TRK3SIRE COOKrRS, 13 cu. ft. 1351 Hoyt. nl44 USED WASHERS, various mak-s. Prom 100 to MI0 Ued Refrlferatnrs 19 50 U 114 M New or. Refneeraiors. 9 en ft 199 75 Mew Pacific apt. Bite li metric Rente 139.15 New Wedsewood Ou Ranee with Oriole, 1948 floor model, as in .181.10 ClfwelOut Popular Brand Oil Heater 1 floor aample. Ret. Uf 50. only 74 AO t.d Elertne Ranees 37.90 W 90 Ueed Console Raln. a dandy 19 00 OEVURTZ 371 N. Liberty Ph. 3-415 nl47' 'AVE MOM. Yt! Bur etod tlan used r. oihine ciap omot Basaar. iJi Jonn St. Pa. 1-9497. s!4' I AUTOMOBILES Book Prlct Our Prtci R&H. $2445 $2195 870 795 810 795 1155 895 665 545 tudor 735 695 510 495 455 395 motor 665 95 435 395 345 245 "SEZ" FAILURE IPSO Ford Coach, new paint 1937 Chevs Sedan, R&H 1037 Ply. Sedan, heater 1936 Ford Sedan, aood 1930 Ford A Coupe 1929 Ford A Sedan 1941 Chev. Pie It up, new paint Plus a wide jeleetlon of most make and models from '19 to '49's. Downtown Bales Lot Where Chemeketa Qoes to Church Phone 37933 4144 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROYAL BRUSH Type vacuum cleaner, like new an. bo. saxopnone via. ice not i7.o. Lawnmower 7.60. Baby buggy 96. Full Bet of dlahea for tlx 99.10. Oolf clubi. tennla racket, table aaw, coffee table, very reaionable. 30AB Portland Rd. nl44 47 OMC Truck, 16' bed. 13B1 Hoyt. nl44 USED TIER BARGAINS Because of the treat demand for Ward's new Air Cushion Ure, we have accumu lated a larte stock of unusually eood tradelna, Montgomery Ward Tire Store. Trade At Hlfh. nl46 GOOD USED Kelvloator refrlf erators over I eu. It. recent model reconditioned It uaranteed. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCE MB Ceater Ph. 1-1 II. nlM' WATER BEATER, fa, till Hoyt. 144 ADO SPIN dry washer. New, never been used. Was flven to a hundred-year-old lady by Kay Krser'a proiram. Can be had for 1136. lesa than wholesale. See at 1711 N. Winter Bt. Also eleo. ranee. nl46 USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nll FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shinties, lertniser llatrock. Phillips Bros., Rt $, Box 119. Ph. 99P33. n DISHWASHER, larte, 1SB1 Hoyt. nl44' 1 OLIVER No. 30 Combine. 1 Ford buck rake. 1 Ford mower. 1 Ford post dlstet. 36 weaner piss. 1 Dodte 4 wheel drive pickup. A. V. Jack Gilbert, Ph. 331, Sweet Home. nHS' SPOT CASH for your furniture, Appll TRAII.ER 1x30', 10 Ton, 9300.00. 1351 noyt. nl44 ances, Ruts. What have "U"T GLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER P14B FULLER brushes. 1741 Grant. Ph. 181 ST nIBB FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll er, mux pasteuriaer, at close-out price Yeater Appliance Co. nl48' NO WAXINO REQUIRKb when you use Plastt-Kote. the cellophane-like (inian for your floors or linoleum Yeater Ap pliance Co. nl48 Bt S SEATS 110.00. 1311 Hoyt. nl44 UEEPFREE.B home rreeaers f 139 9B and up Yeater Appliance Co nl4 ELECTRIC BEWINO machines (Prtc-We- tinthouse) Yeater Appliance Co. nl48 KXHAtrsT FANS Ctoaa-out prices Yeater Appliance Co. nl4S I RRIO A TION PUMP, 300 fpm, Wisconsin motor, 1351 Hort. nl44 USED RE FBI OER A TORS, washing ml' chines, ranees, water beaters Tester Appliance Co. nl4B STEEL clothesline pou, 911 ex up Rall ints in stock, copper lanterns At vanes st reduced prices. 1149 n Liberty. nlB3 PEAT MOSB with turkey dropplngi tBe Ser lire a aaria 14 99 Valley rmtm tore,434S Bllvertoa Rd. Pb 33034 nl4f LAVATORIES, new. Cast Iron Com p. I37.50. 11M Hoyt. n!44 OENFRAL ELECTRIC Crosley7blbsoD and Moot as Appliance at Oevtirta GARDEN BAND. grael. crushed rod Snoai drag-line eieavatini WALL INO BAND O RAVEL CO Ph 1-9349 16 CU FT tHIT treerer New 1930 M Ph 3-4394 n WALLING BAND ORAVtX CO CBCRHFD Kil X tot read and dmewars cement, read mti concrete, garden and Buildming drainage and dltenins -r ho?el and drai lint Ph 1-839 j BTEAM KBTTLK, N lat 1151 Hon. ol AUTOMOBILES BONESTEELE'S USED CARS 1941 STI'PEBAKEB Cmn minder Res at. 1 14 PLVMOITH Deluxe 4-door sedan Fully Equipped. 3390 miles. I Clean, New nnta 11495 1911 FORD B-paAs, coupe. Super 1947 STI'DF.BAKKR Champion. Deluxe t896 3 door 11550 IMO RTi nFRAKMl CiHimar.der 4-door j IMI STI'DF.RAKER Champion 4-door aedan. Clean 18951 sedan 1746 "Others to Choose From" Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH ORVALS at REAL VALUES 1941 FORD Super Deluxe Tudor $695 Radio. Heater, New Tires 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan $795 Radio A; Heater 1941 DE SOTO Custom Sedan $995 Radio it Heater 1940 OLDSMOBILE "66" Tudor $695 Radio & Heater " 1940 OLDSMOBILE Station Wagon $695 Radio it Heater 1939 DE SOTO. Custo mSedan $595 Radio ft Heater 1939 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1939 CHEVROLET Coupe" $495 , Radio At Heater 1939 FORD Deluxe Tudor $495 Radio A: Water 1938 BUICK Specail Sedan $595 Radio it Heater 1940 BUICK Special Sedan $895 Heater Orvals Used Cars (THE LOT WITH Center & Church St. FOR SAL! MISCELLANEOUS! SALEM BAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clear In t Dltchlnt Sewer it Barmen! equipment Rental 15 B "A rda 13 00 per hr 10 B H rds 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat A Doier 10 50 per nt D-8 Cat At Doier 9 40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doier 7 00 per hr Phone Days 9 409 Eves 3-839 or 3-4400 balem Oreaon n' wantedmTscellaneous SF.F.D AT ONCE, larte quantity iwd funi ire. Ph. 33110. WOODRY. nal45' WE WANT atrawberrles Market price In caah. Contact Jory PactlnR Co at Ter minal Ire. 34 D Bt Phone 3-4590 jia' WANTED furniture to ilue ft repair It Broa Furo Rafinlihlni Co h 3-1001 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 PERSONAL I wit,L NOT be reaponalble for debts con tracted other than my own auer junr 17. 1949. Gordon W. MrMorrla. pl46 PROFEBSIONAir'advlser Mrs. Phillip re turner) to Salem. Aunts, daily. J31 8. 14th Bt. Pi STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Croas flt, Ph. 3-5448. pl IT'S NO SECRET" Glenn Woodry pays more for used furniture At appliance than any other dealer. fn, ssuo tor Cah in a Flash. Pl45 AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC 1940 S pass, sedan. Details on request. Priced td sell. oau i-eanB. qiw Tnsfl DESOTO 3-dr. Excel, runnlnf cond No lade ins. no dealers. 985 Marlon. ql4G' 1M7 BVICK 4-dr. super sdn. Perfect cond. Low mlleate. RAtH. Must sen Mis weex Ph. 3-6849. O-l' im" r h v.vtt oi.Vt Sedan, aood condition 919 South 131 h. Q.)B Precision Rebuilt Motors With New Motor Guarantee Alio new motors. 35 aavlnga on all car repair. Bee ua about our mommy pay ment plan. Amundson Garage aog Edgewater Weit Balem Phone 3-7133. ql' MODEL A Road ter. A-l cond. Oood tire, new battery. 8100. Ph. ev 3-3997. qH USED TRUCKS 1941 Infl Pickup 8 750 1943 Federal Willi body and hoUt 9 900 1941 raderal wlih Induing equip. 8 900 1940 Whits with logging equip. 1047 motor 911O0 1917 C1MC JW ton 350 1941 Int l, long- whetbae with hodf 91100 1948 Int l. Kfl-5. long wheelbaoa 1120 1941 Int l. K-B 39 Patenter Bua 811 1941 Diamond T IN Ton ..61450 JAMES H, MADEN CO. 3955 Bilverton Rd. Ph. 2-4133 fla'em, Oregon q 1 4ft BYOR!ilNAI,owner:""l94BChevr Conv Like new, low mileage. 91896. Call eve. 970 N Liberty, Apt. 9. ql4B' HMt fHEV. truck with '48 motor. 205 Pat tenon Ave,, Wet Balem. 0,145 BYOWNF.R 1941 Packard "',,rnT.paa. conv, RAH. WS.W.. low mileage, Ex ceptionally clean. Ph. 318.17. 0148 CHRYSLER $2105 Eisner Motor Co. 161 N. Hlfh, Balem. Oregon aH4 '48 ( Hr.V. Dump Trurg, 4-1 d- boa. Um than 6.000 miles. Job with big company toes aith truck, pn. 1-3398 eve. or an? time Snt. 933 N. Mleh. fl!4 !H1 H9.vr3drdn.Compiete"r( on'1l tlnned motor. 90. rubber. R AH. 9 198. 3398 Fairground Rd. Ph. 3M91. q!48" Special Of fer This Week 1917 Che. Ton Plrkijp 919100 Manr tale Model TnickJ at New Low Prices Truck Sales & Service Co. Phono 1-8111 85k N, Fron IAUTOMOBIIES PH. 3-9277 ,!' $495 THE TUBNTABLBp Ph. 3-4702 ill 45" AUTOMOBILES CHEV'S ARF YOt! 1NTERFHTED IN A l.ATE MODEL CHEVROLET? WE HAVE THEM IN RKAL OOOD Ct.FAN ONES. ONF. OWNER. OREGON OWNED AND PRIC- EO TO 6FI L 4 DFI.I'XK Flrelllne 5 dr, RA-H. OraT. 48 Af RO Rrln. Two-tone. RA-H. Sharp. '4K AFRO Sdn. Blur-grav. R&H. 91705. ta CLB. Cpr. Fltms'r. 13.000 mt. 11745. '47 4 PR. Sdn. ItA-H. Maroon. Special. Bale for this wrrk only, 91395. '47 AERO Bdn. One of thr beet. 91598. New air cushion, w.w. tires. 48 4 DR. Sdn. Very clean for a '48. Black, air ride tires. HAH. Only 91295. 'in rm.V. Pickup. Deluxe Cab. Heater. A bar kb in on ttm one too. H295. 31 ( HFV. Sdn. A dandy old but. 8346. M FORD Sdn. illow did that net In here?) But It Is a dandy. Onlv 8445 WE DO HAVE A FEW OLDER MOD ELS AT OIVE-AWAY PRICES. THEY EVEN RUN. WE WILL TRY TO MAKE A DEAL IF YOUR TRADE IN IB CLEAN WE CAN'T HANDLE THE ROUOH ONES. THANK YOU. Kannier Used Cars Wet Balem Ph. 281102 1305 Edgewater. Arrow from M.K N. Furniture. ql44 BY OWNER: Oood '36 Chev. j-T. panel hub. en. J4, qi44 EQUITY !n "49 Chev. Conv. See at "Can teen" Tavern on Monmouth Rd. a; 145 PRIV. OWNER. '.M FORf) 4-dr. sed. Heat er, seal beam lit-, new tires, aood mo tor. Body In perfect cond. Very clean 1395. PH. 3-.'.B12. ql4ft' MERCURY th49 Maroon 4-dr. itedan. Low Milease Radio, heater and overdrive. $2295 Eisner Motor Co. 353 N. High, Balem, Oregon 0144 '4 NASH Amb. Fully equipped, like new. 10,000 ml. Priced to sell. 306 S. 18th, q147' 14N CHEV. Fleetllne' 4-Dr, Like new. Dri ven only 11,400 mile. For only $18l5 1887 N. Wlnler atreel. ql44 tBSO FORD 3 dr. dn. Good cond.wllhffood rubber, 1150. 1930 B. Hilh. ql44 1947 KTLDERAKKR S-ton plckupll,150 Vincent Oersch, Rl. 1, bun 188, Scom Mills, Ore,, on Crooked Flnaer road q!4A MY NEW CAR ljT"h7re so mwtaeli' -39 BuIck sport, w'clnl 4 door M'dan. 30, 000 miles on '47 molor 8c Is In exrellent condition thromhout. All of the extras MiMt ee At drive to apiar'laie RetAon able. Don Mader, Rt. , box 153R, 9 mi et Of Pen 4-Cornera, q 144 FOR SALE OB" TRADE: 1948 TToiTTieavy dity tord irnck. Stock rack, flatbed. Nw I Tf-t-., hi'Rtrr low nil If me Aiikus Lcffler, Rl. 1, Boi 13, Sclo, Ore 0145 USED . . . NOT ABUSED lf)48 Buick Supor Conv. $241)5 14R Buick Rdmstr Sdn . 23B5 194 CadilUc 62 2205 1 04 R Buick Super Sdn .. 1B45 1 346 Buick Super Sdnnt . 1B45 194(1 Pontiac Conv 1795 1B47 Pontiac Sfdan .... 1795 1947 Chev. 5 pass. Cpe .. 15.15 1947 Mercurv Sedan . 1495 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commerrlal st Center at44 PONTIAC .941 HvdramaUc anianet, deluie mod el Tutone blue. WW., BAH, many other extras, Only $l!)f)5 Eisner Motor Co. 19 N. High, Balem. Oregon BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2,112 Completely Kquipped Delivered at the Factory Sav( from $272 tn $291 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial ai Otnter ajM Capital Journal, Salem, OrEn, Friday, June 17, 1949 15 AUTOMOBILES Specials 1949 Plymouth Sedan 11195 1941 BuiCk RAtH 1095 1941 Dodte Sedan, vary elean 995 1940 Chev. Sedan, new motor .... 795 1917 Pontlae Sedan R&H IBS 1937 Buiek Coups, ResH 395 1939 BuIck Sedan, RfrH 39?, 1941 Chev. Pickup, clean 1931 Chev. V ton Ptckup 395 1939 Chev. Coup 95 1934 Ford Sedan, food motor .... too 1939 Chev. Sedan 19A 1939 BuIck, food motor 995 1919 Ford, eood motor ..., 35fl 1939 Ford Pickup m 1941 Chev. Sedan, new motor .... 9f 1934 Chev. Sedan ...i 75 1939 Nash 35 SEE ART HANSON Eisner Motor Co. Lot 910 H. Hlfh St. Salem. Ore. ql44 YOUR BEST BET Is State Motors Inc. TODAY'S SPECIALS 41 Desoto Custom Sedan 41 Dodge Custom Sedan 41 Chev. Spec. DeLx. Sdn 40 Chrysler 6 Cyl. Sedan Watch For Our Daily Best Bets State Motors Inc. no no. Him i. BUICK 1948 Super Sedanette. 1 owner. Only 7000 miles. Looks like It )ust came off the show room floor, and Is equipped with everything. $2195 Eisner Motor Co. 953 N. Hlth, Salem, Oreaon Your Best Bet Is State Motors, Inc. "Today's Specials" 47 Packard Clipper Sdn. 47 Mercury DeLx. Sedan 47 Chev. Fleetmstr. Sdn. 46 Ford Sup. DeLx. Sdn. 46 Chev. Fleetmstr. Sdn. Watch For Our Daily Best Bets Statj Motor's Inc 940 NO. Hlfh Bt. AUTOMOBILES 13 FT. TRUCK VAN, Very good cond, 1100 7ri958 4)44 KXCFFTIONALLY CLEAN 1938 Willy; Knlfht sedan, 1 owner, 195. Ph. 39874. n!4T 1948 MERCUR Y Vdan. Ias than 9 000 actual miles Radio, heater, df rwter. winlihietl aasherA Light grey finish. DOWN PAY'T ISIS. FULL PRICE I1S!. OKVAL'S 'The lot with the turntable) Center at Ctnirr.:i Ats, Phone 3-4707 1941 CADILLAC '63" ehto coupe. Jet black finish. Fill 1 equipped. W.W. tires. A resl value DOWN PAY'T 1499. PULL PRICE 14S ORVAL'S 'The lot lth the turntahl'i Center si Church Bui. Phone 1-470! 1946 BUICK Rd. Muter ledanette. Original Hah1 blue finish. Fully equipped. Windshield w.her. Kseellent tires motor. DOWN PAY'T 1899. FULL PRICE 11798 ORVAL'S 'The lot with the turn'ahlei Center at Church Bit. Phone t-4701 1948 CHEV. CONV. J7S0 aetual miles, fullv equleped. PI rertional slanals. barlcip lite, undf coat, aid view mirror, Froitr green fin ish, black top, Tnis is It. DOWN PAY'T 1889. FULL PRICE 8'99.i ORVAL'S 'The lot with turn'sble) Centir at Church Its. Pnone 1-4703 tH4 il tMtvrCPirj40 High. U4 AUTOMOBILES We Still Have Some Fiis USED CARS I These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned They Carry Our Guarantee Come Take a Look Convince Yourself We Are Going to Sell 'em 1949 KAISER 4 DOOR 1947 FRA7.F.R MANHATTAN 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1947 FORD SEDAN . 1947 CHEV. BEDAN 1946 MERCURY TUDOR 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1943 OLDSMOBIIJr. 6 PASS. COUP! 1941 OLDBMOBILB 6 PASS COUP 1941 NASH 600 8 PASS. COUPK 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR BEDAN 1841 OLDS TUDOR SEDAN 1941 CHEV. 3 PASS. COUPE 1940 .HEV. 4 DOOR 1940 DODGE 4 DOOR 1940 PLYMOUTH 3 DOOR 1917 CMRYSLER SEDAN 1937 WILLYS SEDAN 1937 OR AH AM BEDAN ' 3 'LOCATIONS 353 N COMMERCIAL PTRF.RT 2640 PORTLAND ROAD TEAGUE MOTOR CO. FHONE 2-4173 WANT A 1949 CHEV.? SEE ! ORVAL'S fThe lot with the turntable) Center it Church tSs. Phone 3-4703. 1947 CHEV. DOWN PAYMFNT 1565 ORVAL'S fTha lot with the turntable) Center at Church Sts. Phone 3-4701. Cjl44 I' PI Y. ft-pa.'j. Recently overhauled. I89S or reas. offer. Must sell. 3397 North River Road- ql44" BY OUNKR 1941 Chev. 3 dr. R&H. Ex cellent motor. After 4:30 p.m. 1335 N. 35th. Ph. 3-7449. ql45 FOR SALE or trade, 30 Ford. RAtH. Pn. ql41 Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SPLL TRADE TRRMS 333 Falrtroundi Road Phone 1-8451 e V ANTKR ftran uved cars Bob Ifsrr. 1180 fc Com'l Thle Time It's HUDBONI Smce Sales - Parts Home of Ooorl ( Curs SHROCK MOTOR CO f.b'jrcti 84 ChHrnvkeia SU Ph 3-9101 Klsncr Motors to Buy o Eisner Motors Fine Cars' PONT1ACS '47 Sdn. cpe $14-1. '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt cpe. 1395 '39 Nnsh coupe $395 '3fi Chevrolet sdn. . . . 295 TERMS TRADES Hemill-Owens Co. 960 N Libert? Pb 14113 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Muslim k Wlnzzcr Shrurk Mutorcyrle Satc.e ; 3007 Portlanu Rd Ph 3-1433 qa FARM EQUIPMENT tisr.n 'v urniNKRY I w-r Alii cimliiiTa witli mower 9tlo 1- T-10 Trac'iTftrtiir 8 1 85(1 1 -Tl-fl nitti 13350 1-Pnrmall "H" Hh Df rubbrr 11500 1- Minlei "A" Trm lur with plow and woirt sit .91300 1- PrncHmliy not No, 80 Oliver Traruir 815" 1 - S liO Olner T r hi .1 tllO i i n-fl ibhmi 1 l'.irnn.:i ' V Tun :r .1 80 1 - Ifl-ril Trei n.t "fi 9 MO 1-If-47 'll-14 w.ih laec rto'.rr aurj rlfiim 1800O 1 -TO. IS With Dorer and drum 12500 1 -Clftrar I IM 1-1 HP (ltrn Trartor with plnw. rtnl and rimr .9 300 I 7 Ifl .liln Plow I 115 13 14 Daud Bradley Plow 3 175 I -1 1 I'lo 9 U5 -It Cm i'h pi-kup. nfin 14B HMrr Loaning Arrh ,,...70O . 100 JAMfH H MAIJK-J r 3B55 Bilvrrtnn Road Phnne 3-4197 Swtem. Oreii'm qt145" nt D TR ( TOR Tlttt , pnp ilsr iliaa, t.i no and up, Moiitnonieri' Ward At Co, Balem qM44 FINANCIAL PFHF.ONAI, FINANCF, f'O 919 t tP, Jio.mi 1J5 I'M 3 3464. C. R. Altrn. Mut. l.u-. H 121: M-lfiS. rlU PRIVATE MONEY Bpecial rates and terms on laner loans Ions and nhnrt time parmrnM i RnT H BIMMONB 136 Sot 'h Cnmmerclal 81 Pnone 3-9191 AlHO LoNfl fviiXAMrrrt en enrt co f2 S Churcn Parkini a Plenti Ph t MM Llc No M-1S9 8 194 w 8'F. OS FciR A ITRAfl 1VR f A It M LOANS ONLY 4'". OR 4't' INTFR FJST I to 40 V-ars and No Commission , Leo N Childa, Inc. REALTOR 344 Bfa'e fl Phone 9-9"J3 r (Continued on Page 13)