14 Capita! Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pee LIB . 1M Per Une l times 40c Per Une ttmM at per Une I month 13.00 Outside erf Salem lit w lia N day Mia Met I ttmM mm 06e 4 times mia II JO N Refund UADIES 1 Local Rewe Cel Owlyi PW UM .... Tt Pises an Ad Phont t-tltt FOR SALE HOUSES X OWNER: Laree nouse, rma. down. 1 up. 4 lou, fruit nut trees. Could to made Into apt. Price $4400. Mr. Bek achcii, P. o. Box 336, oervais 159 tOm. SALI Br OWNER t Maw 1 bdrm. home PHA. terms. 1M down. Phone 1-3840. . fclNGWOOD MS. 3 bdrm. homi, base ment, rumpua room, ell heat, two fire places. New carpeting. FHi CaU own ar 3-1543. w LEAVINO FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tilt kitchen, bath upstair and down. Hardwood floor a through out. ruu Pies- tarad garage. Lota of storage apace. TrrrifMl hack vard. Coat ovar lit.' 000 to build. Will aall for 114,400, eome terms. Alao will conaldar ah a par houaa to trade For mora Information Inquire At Btavena Uaod Can, 414 S. 13th Bt a is1 CANDALARIA, 1 bdrm. home. Br owner 330 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31341. altl 4 MM. HOUSE at Wood burn. Wired for electric range. Lot 40i40. Price 22460 v.rn caiiina. Ilia Hvda It- Salem. a!4S LOOK, YOU House Buyeri! I have a new 2 bdrm., llv. rm., xiicnen. cam, uuuvj, ii Bi..tri nnt. blind. 13x30 garage. Only 81400 down. Bal. PH. A. Would take a building lot or ear aa part down payment. Ph. 3-4433. i REDUCED for quick aaia BT OWNER 3 bdrm. hie.. lovely yard, shrubbery. him. Include circulating heater range. Bendix optional. Near bua. Mora m acbooi. 444 Ford Bt, Salem al44' Br OWNEBi Oood 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 29I8S BT OWNS I: Sng. atria 4 rm. hie. 4 B.R., brk. ok., F.e.a, auto oil, law bo. man. Phone 3886. a"" BT OWNER, 4 rm, home. Lot 40x144, pri vate well, Price 6"W. r.u. box Lrona, Ore. a!44 BS4. U A. anl laU built 4-room home aaat. Oarage i nd poultry house. Fruit Ireea. Will take In car, trailer houaa or property. Call O. V. Hume witn gtate Finance Co., R'ltors 143 8. High St. PB. J-lll. irea. s-a-w eiaa- M&a. late built l-BR home with unfin ished attic Located N.B. Hardwood floor, fireplace, auto oil floor fur nace. Attached garage. Cor. lei. Terms call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co.. R'ltors 113 S. High Bt. Ph. 1-4131 Bras. 3-8304 at. ISO, NEW attractive unfln. l-room home In 4-Cornera Diet. Large cor. lot, Has drUled well Jj elee. pump. Terms Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement living rm. Large lot. Plenty ahruba At flower. Over 1.400 ft. floor ipaee. Bestdee garage. Immed poss. Price low. For appointment Ph. 3-3134. 4 -taiM. LATE built I-room home. Flreplaee. c ell ueat, nice lot. Will take In email O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High Bt. Ph. 3-4111. Evas 3-620B tit ao DOWN. Modern 3 barm. home. Lge. lot. Bus. 3810 Monroe. al47 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOMI on King wood Heights. Reasonably priced, rn. j-(b. al47 OPEN HOUSE By owner. Wednesday thru Monday. New. plastered, well constructed, nicely arranged home. Oak floors thruout, all eopper plumbing, auto, oil heat. 3 bdrm. Large attached garage. 3448 H. Church a 144 BT OWNEB: New PHA built hse. Hdwd. firs, through out. auto, ell heat. Insulat ed A. weatherstrlpped, 3 bdrm. down atalra, unfln. upatalra for 3 bdrm. it lota storage space. Large llv. rm. At din- . lou ef bullt-lns. Big service rm., att. gar., larae lot lust out of city limits south. Grand place for children. Small amount down, balance monthly pay ments. Ph. 3-1338. el45 FOR HALE OR TRADE for nice home In Salem, 3'fc acres close In, 3 bed rm. ' modern home, barn, large chicken house, family orchard, lots of shrubs, all for 110. 000. MOTH IN -IN -LAW LIVING QUARTERS 17900 for acre close In, nice two bed rm. wioaern noma pi us iw, ran. uvuk ' hi beck for tnlawa. Call Itan Rivera Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 33448 Bve. 37013 al44 S BRINK AVE. cntle la waiting for eome one with a few dollars. There are two nice bedrooms, lota ef closet space and breakfast nook. VUV'U TI til M11U .llV.Ullltll Realtors Ph. 14107 34773. 37383 a 144 NEW HOUSE down te earth price. Built for a home on a large lot with many treea. Two blocks to Keliar Srhl. 8 rma. and unfinished upstairs. HW floors, plastered walls, excellent kitchen and utility room. Lge. garage. 11400 and ' worth It. Terms. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 45B Court St. Phone 3-362J Eve. 2-4786 or Mr. Craig 8-5051 Mrmber of the Salem Multiple listing Bureau, Inc. ai44 Kim tAlTDE is a nice place tor the i money, 3 nice bedrooms, large kitchen. breakfast nook, only 11380.00 down. bal. r easy monthly payments. flftnHwin nnH MnMillin Realtors eat uoun Ph. 14707 Eva. 34173, 17381 MOVE IN TOMORROW 1.000 down. Approximately 886 per rnunm law uiw iiria room noma about years old. Fireplace, nice ror ner lot. bua by door. 81.106 full price. Reimann for Real Estate Ml An with atrt Ph. 3-6363 1-8604. all . Bun Eves. 3-1118. .634l, 2-3513 OOOD 6 B.B. home, full basement, etl heat, full carpet In L. e D.R. Very neat corner lot, garage. 11356. Oood terms. vi a mow yon inui una a B.rt. noma very large living foom with extra big fireplace, den, sleeping porch, basement At with new furnace, walking distance te down town, 11000 down. Total price 813.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Bxeluslva Llstlngg Personal Service 161 B. Com ! St. Ph. 4-414 ti al44' lie.Mte VERY GOOD 6 rm. home with fireplace At hardwood floors, eiira one rm. apartment ca bath on ground floor, " nice basement, new etl furnace. Only 4 " blocks from downtown en 66 highway Excellent location for a business in your home, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 66 , Commercial Phone 33149 Eve. 35340 ai44 FOB SALE BT OWNER: New 3 Mrm" hnme. Close tn ii til builL ft. iMia or sail at 600 . Cottage. aim Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES $5950, Business Zone t bdrm. home with full basement, a good place to have a business and a home. HI heslth only reason for selling. See air. Bourne en this one. Bve. Ph. 3-7311. $4950 Late built two bedroom home with large garage. O. K. for Bute Veteran with a low down payment. Call air. Bourne Eve. pn. 1.7317. Farm Trade Have a 40 acre farm, good land, north, haa a beautiful plastered late built. modern home with full basement and automatic oil heat, owner must sail be cause of health, will take In 3 or three bedroom home In Salem on a trade. Cal Mr Bourne. Bve. Ph. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8314. a!44 TODAY'S BEST BUY Owner leaving. Drone price te affect Im mediate aale. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Hardwood floors. Both electric as ell heat. Nicely arranged rma. Attractive ex terior design. Excel, location. A better deal at 13.000. Walter Muserave Realtor 1311 Bdgswater. Ph. I-I10t. Bve. 3-6918 a 140' Home and Investment Large colonial home, vary attractively landscsped, lots of fruit, lane garden spot, two extra tots can be sold off this property and still lesve a frontage of 110 feet. Reason for selling. Ill heslth. Terms. 110,000. CaU Mr. McQueen eve. 3-I4T4. Suburban Acreage Two bedroom home, garage. 4'i acres, good barn, poultry houses, located north, vary attractive terms te right party. Property Is good Investment because of location. CaU Mr. McQueen. Eva. 3-4474. $5500 Two bedroom home with full basement, large garage, nice fruit and nut trees, fenced in yard, good location. CaU Mr McQueen eve. 3-4477. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-314. al44a BT OWNER: 3 bdrm. house. Oood loca tion. Completely remodeled. Oil heat. Utility room. Oood buy. Phone 3-9540. ai48' IF YOU ARE INTERESTED tn a well built 3 bdrm. home, nice dis trict well priced phone 3-1814. al4S II RM CASH. Bal. easy terms. 4 BR house. Newly decorated. Bath both floors. Oil furnace, run basement. Large lot. bua line. Price 610,000. Will take small nouse in trade. M. B. stegner 1447 Cottage. Tel. 3-4093. aids BT OWNER LEA VINO STATE 14500 nearly new 3 bd rm. acre, lota ou i It-ins, peeon floors, att. gar., cement arive eua ey oor, close to school tires Terms. No reasonable offer re fused. Rt. I, Box 114 en Oardcn Rd. Phone 38335. gl45 NEW 3 Bd Rm. house on large lot. Llv Ine. dining rm., kitchen and nook. Hard wood rioors. Montag oil furnace, V blinds. 130 Illinois off Canter St. a HI LOTS Any alia In fine residential district New addition to city above W. Balem on the hill or south In Salem Hts. district. Priced to sell. Easy terms. Call owner, Earl Kelder. Days call 33464. eve, 43611 aal48 ACRES. 3 In timber. Lovely view. 3 bdrm house. Newly remodeled. Recently palnt- ea exterior, new ie it. well m pump. 2 stoves At daveno go. I miles from Ladd Ai Bush bank on the Battle Creek dr. 33971. Ph. 3-3030. I4 OPEN from T to 6:30 p.m. New 6 room nouse. Has fireplace, utility and attach ed garage. Oak floors, 34" shakes, cor ner lot. You'll like It. It's a good value. Bus by door. Close to market and school. PHA terms. 055 Highland Ave. Earl Sea mater (builder). al44 You Can't Beat This! ONLY 15350 for a view homo on Ter race drive. Lge. lot. Bsmt. apt. 11350 dn. will handle. $6800, Wallace Road 2 ACRES, corner lot. Near Lincoln. Oood noma, modern, X BRs dn. Could be more. Dble. garage Ac workshop. Oood terms B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3143. Evas. 3-3147 or 2-4836 al45' ??? DOWN PAYMENT If you are a responsible party and can pay 170 per month including prin cipal, interest, taxes and Insurance, you can name your own down payment un Cliner one Of these 3 suburban mod ern 2 bdrm. houses with hdwd. floors, fire place, ven. blinds, unfinished up stairs larae lot. One sella for 68100, the ether for I65M. Call at 3705 Sunnyvlew ave. at wen snow inem to you. i MM, Clean 3 BR home located 160 N 33rd St. Immediate possession. 41,009 down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 141 B. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eves. 2-5541 B144- 0. 14 A. with clean 2-BR home close . Barn. Chicken house. Oood well. S t. to city bus. Call Stanley Brown tb STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 S. High Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-8141 al4l t.eee. Clean modern 3-BR home. Holly wood dUt. Close to Catholic achool. H.W. floors, fireplace, parly room In base ment. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 163 B. Hloh St. Ph. 2-4131. Evee. 2-5581 al4i NEARLY NEW attractive 1 bdrm. home. nrepiace m V, bllnda. all modern. Large gar. For quick sale 84600. 1mm. Pou. Term i, 81 100 down. 190 Lena Ave. Ph. 24779J el45 ATT It. CATS Cod. Built 1941. Nr. Buah M-h. Vt blk. to bus. 2 bdrms. dn.. 2 up. Hdwd. flrt. dn., oil Mr. turn. Ina. A weatherstrlpped. Nrarly fenced back yd. 11150. 11550 down. Bal. F.H.A. 1336 Lee. Ph. 34103. a!45 N.E. Sl'Rl'KBAN fine pre-war home, ov arii! rooma, basement, party rm.. auto, oil fur. 1 A. land, mostly irrigated. Bus at door. 1mm. poaieailon. 413.650. mall down peymrnt. R. E. Meredith, Hit. or B M. Mason, 110 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4641. H4 At RE, house started, you" flnlsliT Well water. Pull price 11.050. Rl. 7, Box 330 K. ml. east of Totem Pole, turn lert, 4th house end Lnculra. Henry iewar(L sl4l I BIRM. house. 2 yrs. old. Oood floors. Newly paved at. 15930. Small down PT ment.Ph. 2-0319 altar 4 p.m. a HI 67,100. 3 bdrm., living room, kitchen, nook, bath, unfinished upstairs, room for 3 more large bedrooms, attached garage, hardwood floors, 60hj lot. 4760 Har court, off Dearborn. Reiser Dtat. a 145 BY OWNER, Hollyw'oodUtrTRTTanch type. 793 South St. a 149 GOOD Bt'INKlTocellon with a 3-bed-room house. Haa bath, living room, din ing room, kitchen, full baaement. auto matic heat, attached garage, cloae to arhoola and bue. 04340. I mm. poaa. 3-HF.lt ROOM HOME With bath, living room, dining room. kitchen. utility room, garage, rioaa to schools. tTlty bus. 1mm. poaa. 66000. P. H. BELL. Realtors 361 Chemeketa si. Ph. t-1641, 1-4896. Evas. 3-6684, 3-7164 al46 St'Rl'RRAN I room home. Oarage, Large lot. PRICE $9300 W. G. KRUEGER 14T North Commercial Phone 3-4138 I44 These Things Mean Home tit. MO Large lot. well landscaped. New district. Beautiful living and dining rooma. 2 nice bed room and bath. Kitch en haa leu of built-lna Pull base ment with auto, ell furnace. Fireplace House la well-built and nicelv arranged 2 Tara old. Inaulatad and weather at ripped. A real buv. Call or see Andy Halvoraen Office Phone 3-630 or home. 3-1163 McKillop Real Estate Center end High ai46 FI'RN. I bdrm old type houeeti691 N Capitol St. 84500 or would leaae for 1 tear at 648 per month. Ph. J. 3666. alii FOR SALI HOUSES Grabenhorst Specials Apartment House Special One ef Salem's mut modern units. I class A rentals, exceptionally fine location North. Income 1138 per mo. Offered at 111,400. CaU Cob urn L. Orabenhorst. Business Lots 1)700 N. Com'l St. 80x130 ft. 15,400 S. 13th St. Corner lot, 43x100. 11,300 8. 13th St. 100x140. 8,500 Corner lot. 135 ft. frontage, 114 ft deep. FOR THESE AND MANY MORE Call Richard L. Orabenhorst. Beautiful Bldg. Site 10 acres located I ml. South. Oood view drilled weU. Price 13,400. CaU Rkhard I. Grabenhorst Realtors 134 South Liberty Btreet Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Oelser 1-0964 Earl WMt-2-1232 FOR SALE HOUSES nrAIITrFULLY LOCATED Pour bed room i. very attractive older tvpe home, lovely yard. Buah school dlitrlct. An excellent value at $4500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS wa Mnrih Kith at. Phone 3-7460, al46' BT OWNER: Small house to be moved arms. batn. corner or noiuwooa wr. At Bunny view Ave. Rt. a. box Planned for Living: Lovely well planned 3 -bed room home on one floor. All hardwood floors, fire place, large kitchen, double garage, bullt-ln book cases, large lot. Very reasonably priced. NO. Jis $1,000 Down Approximately 850 per month. Large, parloui 4-room home with fireplace, Heat outlet In each room. Corner lot, km h itnnr. cioia to achool and but. Muat be aold this week! No. 206-A F HA LOANS MULTIPLE LISTINGS Reimann for Real Estate mi A,ik wt-h Rt. Phone 3-8303 Eve. At Sun.. 3-3731. 3-8341, 3-6906. 3-3532 One Acre Bargain uilneaa location and 3-bcdroom spot lass home. Oood for any bualness, plus room for extra rentals or trailer court, The eddreaa la 390 S. Lancaster Drive. OLAF THONSTAD. REAL ESTATE 41 North Capital St. Ph. 3-7403 al44 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS HARD TO BELIEVE! 5 rm. home. Extra large living room. Cement baaement; furnace. Oarage. Cloae te store an! bus. Paved street. Price enlr 44390. EXCELLENT VIEW. 3 r. old 4 rm. bunga low- Large rooma. nrepiace; carpet wall to wall. Full eem, basement; furnace. Price 813.500. REAL'TIFIIL DESIGN. 6 room home. Fire place; hdw. floors; atalra to floored attic. Dandy cem. basement; furnace. Fenced back yard: lota shrubs. Engle- wood out. price 1 15.M. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Phone ioboj Bvenlnga call: 3-4007. 3-4510. or 3-4103 hl46' WEST BALEM All modern 2 bdrm. bungalow built 3 yri New 34x34 ft. gar. framed but not fin ished. Close to sen., bus At stores. Own er wants place In county. A good val ue for IS500. HOUSE AND 9 LOTS Very etean 3 bdrm. home with large att gar. Price lust been reduced 11,000. Csll Bon Clear. Walter Musgrave Realtor NORTH EAST 15750 New modern 3 BR house. Large LR DR. and kitchen. Detached garaae. Oar den apace. Easy terms can be erranced for veteran under Oregon Veteran's """'KEIZER DIST. 11.000 DOWN Large rambling 2 BR house, LR, DR. Plenty of bullt-lns In kitchen. Elec. heat. Laundry room, attached garage. Nice slaa lot. Paved road. Full price 18.750. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Ma ionic Bide. Ph. 2-8317 Real Batata Mortgage Loans - Ins. al8a Priced to Sell By Owner 4 BR. sewing room, double plumbing. LR. DR. kitchen, nook. auto, heat, full bsmt., large enclosed back yard. Oood location. Must be seen te appreciate value at 664 N. 31st St. al45 $4750 3 Bedroom elder house, close In. or paved street At large lot. All la good con dition. $8900 Kmc wood heights, 4 bdrms. very at tractvta decoration. LR, fireplace, din ing room, bath, large lot, outside bar becue, fruit, larae trees. Owner leaving atate, selling below his cost. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years In Salem 350 Tf. High St. Phone 3-4136. a146 LOOKING FOR A HOME New 2 bdrm. home, H.W. floors. Very well built. Basement, garaae, unfinished up. Prked at 810,300. Will trade for Portland home. 1150 DOWN. New suburban home. Paved street, biurbr door. Full price 16350. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate 480 N. Church St. rn. i-iati. one. z-uwa. al44 Income Property unit permanent rental court, 3 cerates, utility rm.. larae lot In choice location. Income 1115 per month plus owner's living cuarters. Will accept trade for nice home In Salrm. 7 Acres Close in N. Nice 2 bdrm. home, barn At outbldss. Land In bearing berries, walnuts At fil berts. This is a nice place. Price 812,500. Call Mr. Nooncheater. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1166 If. Breed a v rn. J-ussJ Eve. 3-0103 or 3-3116. a 1 44 COIBATH SPECIALS 1. 4.1434 trailer houaa to trade on house around 44000. 3 Nice Pa vr. old. trailer hse., price 81000, to trade aa down pvmt. on home up te 64000. Subatantlal monthly pymla. 3. 3 year old 3 bdrm. home with utility rm and attached garage. Price 65850, 81600 down. 4. Pnaaible 11000 down buva this fine old home with upatalra rental. Located rloae to State Rldga. Or will trade on small 1 bdrm. he. around 15000. 8. PoMible I8M) down bun mis cntle. 3 hdrm . hdwd. fir a., choice dlitrlct. Price IT180. 4. Possible 6650 down buys this unfin ished hie. In city, 2 bdrma.. unfln. up atra . wired for range, elec. wtr. htr. Fmuhed out, unfln. la. acre. Price 83150 T. Pull price only 83600 buv l'l us. eld smell hie. with LR. kitchen, both. Com- ?letely (urnlthed No bdrma. . Pull price only 63650 buva I yT. old 2 bdrm home with attached garage north, all modern convenience. 6. Onlv ! down and 816 month buva yoe nice lot NP Price 8350. (Better hurrv on theie. seven aoM lait week. I COLB ATM LAND CO. REALTORS Open Kvenlngi Till J 1661 Center Bt. Phone 3-4553. aUI ttm DOWN. Small houac. unflniahed but livable. Vacant, move right In. Ve 'rr 63364). Owner. Phone I-JM3. 1M FOE SALI HOUSES overlooking city and ; Orabennorat. itni. Oood road. Bros., Office Phone 2-3471 FOR SALI HOUSES LARGE HOUSE. Newly remodeled and re decorated. Good neighborhood. By own er. H. L. Stiff. Phone 3-1185. a!46 VERY NICE 3 bdrm. home In Englewood dlst. Full bsm't., large lot. Brick front. Asking price 613.980. For appt. to show call Hughea, evenings, 3-7049. ALSO a olcc 3 bdrm. home close by for 66160. 1 RM. house and garage. 14 acres ef land. Dice trees. All year spring about 6 ml. from Balem. Aaklng price 83500. Call Scderatrom. evenings. 3-6166. BEVERIN REALTY CO. 313 N. High Ph. 3-4014. e!44 FOR SALE LOTS 610 DOWN! LOTS WITH WATER. BUS SERVICE, CLOSE TO CHOOL. Balance 616 per month. Bee them today l Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Phone 3-6303 Eve. At Sun., 3-3738, 3-4341, 3-3833, 3-5905. aal46 T. OR DUPLEX SITE Od. location, I biu. state bides, 12000. Walt Bocolof aky. Real Estate. Ph. 3-S83S. aal4S VIEW LOTS. 600 blk.. Fiats Ave WOOD ED LOTS, 600 blk. Ratdlff Dr Re t neted, cttr water Ph 3-4314. aa FOR SALE FARMS CHICKEN RANCH 14350. Wallace Rd. 3 A. Berries At fruit. 6 rm. house. 3 chicken houses. Oood well. Ph. 3-3266. General Real Estate 256 Center bt!4 Today's Best Farm Buys 40 acres, grade "B" barn with 11 stan chions and drinking founts, grade "A" milk house, two tile chicken houses. three bedroom house, modern kitchen and bath. Buildings all good. Vary pro ductive Willamette isoil. creek through pasture, 33 acres cultivated, family fruit, plenty of good pure water; good dairy cows, one heifer: full set farm equipment Including tractor and har chopper, all Items or machinery, Full price 116,000. It's worth your time to inveftttrate. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 146 N. High St. Phone 3-7440 Eve. Ph. 3-4581. 2-6605. bl45' 50 ACRES with soma ver? good bottom ground. 1 acres of blarkcaoa. Year round stream. Older type. 4 -bedroom home. Also modern prune, nut and berry drier, with Iota of berrlea. Will trada for city property. Only 810.600. No. 611 17 acrea In strawberries and boysen- berries. Attractive 3-bedroom fsrm home. Buyer will get bovaenberrr crop. Lore Ion In Lablsh Center. Price 830.000. NO. Reimann for Real Estate 301 Soth Hrh St. Phone 3-6303 Eve. At Sun., 2-2633, 3-6341. 3-5806. 3-3738 bl44 66 A. FARM, will take trade. Ina. 07 N Capitol Apt. 6. b!4l SPECIAL! 113 ACRES ONLY ISM0. Mr. Bargain hunter, here's your deal. This lge. gen. farm. loc. few miles from good valley town on mall, milk school At phone line must be sold AT ONCE because ef accident to owner. Oood rolling prod, loam, woven wl:e fence, spring At creek. 3 A. In gtrawber rles. family fruit. Attractive 7 rm. home, wired elec, range, good barn. ISO. cap, pltry bldg. Elec. wtr. svst. pltry. Cows, Ar tool ?xtra at bargain IMPROVED SrSt?RBAN FARM. This 10 Acres, on pavm't near Salem, alt In fine Boyaens At nuts Is the best lnvestm't for the future you'll find. Oood 3 B.R. tue . new barn, garage At pltry. hse. IP SOLD NOW owner will Include profi table crops. Everything for 26450. Terms. RlflHWAY FRONT OE YR. TROI'T STREAM OOOD GRAZING LAND. These are features that add to real living en this 31 acres near Sclo. Is cult, bottom land, bal. pasture, woven wire fenced. Oood 3 B.R. home, bath. cap. cow bam. 30x40 pltry. bldg. A Tnve'r soot for onlv 14500. Terms. IRRIGATED RFAN LAND. Absentee own er sara 8FJ.L my 84 acres (all rich black loam). Lie, pleat, hse.. 40x60 barn. Oood 35xlM pltry. bldg. (piped hot wtr. heat). Farm la only 3, miles from school At mkt., on mall, milk A school rts. May be your Ideal for grow ing high priced truck crops plus dairy ing At poultry. 19006 Dn. will move you In. bal. of 80000 en good terms. P.8. Act now A- eet share of rroas. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 B. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8.186 b!45 FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRES Just out ef Mt. Angel. 3 bdrm. house. I .and all cultivated: trade for house In Salem, or tell for 16500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORB 14t H. High St. Ph. t-7480. OM48 HtnHWAY FRONTAGE. 4 acres en 66E. 8. 3( ml. Salem. I bdrm. house. Other bides. 14500. Terms. Trade for Portland properly, Rt, 4, Box 436. Owner. bb!47 tti ACRES on Baiter road. Unfinished house beautiful view, good well. Price 83,300. Phone 3-1433 alter 4 p.m. bbl46 44 ACRES With 600 feet hlway front age on so, 99. Older type home with outbuildings, fruit At shade trees. 14856 Phone 8-4116 bbl44 REAL ESTATt BEST BUYS 84600 TOTAL PRICE 4 rm. he. rloae In N. Cloae te bua. Will accept trailer hat. as part payment. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 30473 er 33566. 4 BDRM. Atmoit new. located N. ef Englewood. elect ric heat, apartoua rma.. corner lot. 3 Mt a, to bui Well worth 310 800. F.H.A. terma. Era. Ph. o7l er 33566. FARMS 10 ACRES 4 rm. modern home, private well, ap proximately half has been cleared. Bull ding alte with eirell view. Total price 5400. Will accept heme tn town of eauat or better value. Eve. Ph. 36403 er 33566. AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 303S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7636. 1.4566 (145 FOB Tol l fUVINtls investment ur 6 rirai wiertgaae en real estate Balem gt vicinity Ei amine security yourself Amounts I WO to eevgra) thousand dew Isra. net investors We make ell eel-le-tlcns for ou if desired BTA1S flNAMCR CO, 161 t Riga WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CHERRIES WANTED For Brining Purposed i Royal Anns 5 cents. Bings, Lamberts, Black-Rep., Waterhouse. Deliver to 1460 Tile Rd. Kelley-Farqhuhar Co. Ph. 3-4133 Lugs can be obtained at O. E. warehouse on Locust and Laurel Bts. na' REAL ESTATE SPECIAL !!! ARE you looking for a good buy In a good farm? Here Is one that will Interest rou. 60 acres all fenced Ac cross-fenced. New elee. water system, new machine shed, new barn, new cattle loafing shed. On paved road. Oood location with 2 BR home. Will take a house In Salem In trade or will take a smalt down pay ment. Priced at 216,500. For Informa tion call at our office. HERE Is a good stock farm with 330 acres. 136 acres cultivated, balance pasture Ac timber. With new 4 bdrm. house and 18 atanchlon barn, poultry house. This farm can be bought all stocked Ac equipped Including 30 head Her fords. For more Information ask for Mr. West. SUBURBAN HOME 14 acres on Lancaster dr. with large frontage. Very good soil with a variety of berries At gardening. 4 BR home Ac 3 stanchion barn. Poultry house. Nice lawn At lou of shrubs. Price 16.800. Would take 3 BR home as part payment er in trade. George W. Hubbs Co. J. Zeeb. Manager 1851 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 Evening phones: 2-1441 and 2-6862 cl4!' WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT THE best acreage 41000 down will suy. capital journal Box 465. eel 44 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Homes for 41000 ar lass down payment. COLBATH LAND CO. OPEN TILL 6:30 1643 Center St. Ph. 2-4552. cat 46 OB 2 LOTS that will pass FHA. City wat er. In vicinity of 1400. Ph. 3-7748 after 6:3' p.m. or Inquire at 1826 Maple are. call! WANTED: 2 BR home. Not over 2 rra. eld. Small down payment, balance monthly payments. P.O. Box 482, Salem. cal45 WANTED ACREAGE 1 to 6 acrea within miles Salam. Box 406 Capital Journal. cal47 WB ARB la need tn good bouses to eaQ ta er near Balem 11 rou wish te list your property for sate are GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty Bt. Phone 3-2471 ea NOTICE! If your property la for aale, rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds ef cash buyers. STATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 Hltb St. ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN Club privileges, restaurant, draught beer, good building, long lease at 175 monthly rental; all good equipment; fine business and possibilities. Ask Mr. Bean to ten you about this place. SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 3-0605. 2-4591 Cdl45' To Trade for Apts. or INCOME PROPERTY 3 A. near Jefferson. Irrigation sys tem. Fine for truck driving or dairy farm. House and barns. Price 83,600. What have youT Ph. 3-3280. General Real Estate Co. 25S Center St. cdt44 EQUITY In good going reitaurant. 431 rront pi... wooqourn. caitB1 COMPLETE sun equipment and stock for Tune-up Shop. Everything brand new. Has other Interest. Phone 3-8600. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 2-1664 evenings. Ask for Tom. edl48 SMALL FABRICS At Infant Wear Shop for sale. Redmond. Oregon, Tel, 265W, One lady can handle It. 12.300. Call 263W or write H:len R. Dugger, Redmond. Oregon. cdl45 84160. CABINET Shop and equipment cloae In on Winter Bt. 83500 down. W1U isia trailer nouse in trade. STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors Call Stanley Brown with 3 8. High St. Ph. 4121; Eve. 25461 Cdl46 CAFE $1250 Do you want a email sandwich shop? Let us ten you about a grand piece on 88 E. Owner must sell due to Illness. The beat offer made takes it. Rawlins Realty Hollywood District Ph. 24664 Eves. 26013, 31121, 35757 Cdl44 Business Opportunity Are you ready to retire? This is one of the finest 6 unit court! In the city. Located at 701715 No. Cottage Bt. 4 unite furn. All fum. with range and Ref. 6 garages, utility rm. and 6 at or ate lockers. Built-in water system. 155.000. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. On as S. Olson C. R. Rickard 465 Chemawa Rd., H Ml. West of Reiser School. Phone 3-1340 er 3-4313 Cdl4S ABE YOU interested In the service sta tion easiness? 1 have one for sale at Inventory price tn Monmouth. Ore, Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor Oen era) Petroleum Products Plant No. 3461. cdl47 LEA8E FOR SALE on business Room 234 High. Senator Hotel Bldg. edl44 MODERN, insulated alx-unlt auto court, 100 ft. from beach, paved streets, com pletely furnished, hardwood floors. Fin est automatic ell furnace, reasonably priced and wll llrade ka residence In Balem. Yout chance for an eaiy living and income besides. Write Box W, Nels rott. Ore. edl47 BEER TAVERN Doing t good business to one ef the llvliest logging towns in Linn county. Owner must srll on account of outside Interests. Total price 114.006 er will trade for house In Balem. For more in formation see Pat Jamil with Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HOW N. Commercial St. Phone 2-3030. Eves. 3-8566. rdl45 OARAGE and Service Station. Blvd. 34x60. Some equipment. Dome toad business. Price for bldg. Al equpt. 65.006. CaU O V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 163 6k High St. Ph. 34131. Eves. 1-9306. Cdl44 REBVICI station for lease with inven tory and equipment Hollywood district United Petroleum Call EAt 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes ed To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 (WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE FOR SALE SAVE $40 Beaut. 4 pc. solid oak bedroom suite consisting ef roomy chest At drswers. full size bed, vanity with landscspc piste mirror Ai vanity bench. A 8116.68 value at the sensationally low price of 896.66. 810 down. 86 me. Free delivery. WE orVE BAH OREEN STAMPS H & H Furniture Co. 1556 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8-3767. dl44 4-PIECI maple llv. rm. aulte. 3 yr. eld ex cell, cond. 176. Ph. 3-1160. dl44' UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. d MUST BELL Pine cupboard, antloua blan ket chest, daveno, new refrlg. and Hot Point stove. Desk, small rugs, modern chairs, plastic kit. table, chrome Chairs, bed. garden tools, etc. Ph. 28633 dl44 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-8110. da AUCTIONS CAR AUCTION Sat. night, I p.m. You buy or sell. AumsviUa Sale or Service, Aumivllle, Oregon. Phone 1061. ddl45 FURNITURE AUCTION every Tuesday, 6 p.m Olenwood Ballroom. 600 yds. N. ef Chemawa 4 Corners on 68E. No Junk, all sells. Bell en commission or pay "D" the eash. GLENN WOODRT. AUCTIONEER ddl45 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE WHITE weaner plas, 812.00 each. Elton Watts. Phone 31025, 1 ml. South of Central Howell. el44 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED Ai LICENSED livestock buyer. 3C. C. MeOandllsn. 1121 B 26 Ph 2-6147. eal53a PETS FOB SALE: A.R.C. reg. Alrdale pups. Will Lux. Star route, box 80A, Bllvarton. 0C145 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt. 1, Box 163 DD. Btarton Hear auction house. eel 54 FUEL PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. Ph. 66P32. OOOD 18 In edging, 13.50 a load Double load 616. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. ec!46 FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 3353 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eel60 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 37443. We give 8 At H Oreeo Btampa Oreea 16 ta. mill wood CALL mail WAT FUEL FOR Diesel end Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph. 36444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Block, planer Ai alab wood m sew- dust. Ph. 34031. ee' FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chick every Thurs day. Ph. 3-3861. Lee-s Hatchery. f PRODUCE RASPBERRIES 33.00 crate. Rt. 3, Box 300, north Chemawa. Ph. 2-1386. f f 1 68 " STRAWBERRIES. U pick. 1c lb. Bring coniainera. nennein nayne, nu 7, box 201. Hoodvlew Road. ffl45a STRAWBEBRIES, you pick. 6c lb. Plenty or berriea. Joe Kenny, 1 mile cant o Brooks. mile north. If HT Wanted Cherries For Barreling. Hudson, Duncan & Co. For Information, CaU 3022 Dallas ffl4B FIE CHERRIES. 6c lb. you pick. Bring your own containers. Oo to Pen Pour Corners, turn right H mile to McCtay Rd.. out three miles oa left. R. M. Live-ley, Rt. 6. Box 416. K14S Royal Anne & Lambert Cherries U pick them ec bring containers. Be lb. 2540 B, Com., Salem. Kate Hlgglaboth am. ft 145 STRAWBERRIES, U-PICK Oood berriea while they laat. Bring con tainers. No Saturday picking. Ed Sprotd. V miles East of Keller. ff 146 STRAWBERRIES, U pick, 6c lb. Oood Picking, Clarence Zlellnskl. Rt. T. Box 3611 mile east, U ml la north ef totem pole ffl45 RASPBERRIES. 32.00 per Crete. Ph, 1-2647. II 143 U-PICK STRAWBERRIES. 2467 H. River rd. Clean patch. Oood picking. ff 15 STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. 6c per lb. Oeorge Christ off arson farm, on Portland high way, 2 ml. north. ffl45 FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck. 8c lb R. P. Barnwell, 4830 N. River Rd . Kelter. ff!47 STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck, 6c lb. Rt. 3. Box 476. Ph. 3-8103. Paul Zleltnskt. ffl44 U-PICK good Strawberries, ! ml). E. ef totem pole, turn right, 2nd hse. Ph. 31603. J. U McDonald. Rt. 1, Box 385. ni44 STRAWBERRIES. U-Ptrk Sc. Good pick ing. Arthur Evana Rt, 1 Bex 384 at Clear Lake. ffl44 STRAWBERRIES, U-PtCk, 6c lb. Oood berries. Silver Falls highway. Rt. I. Box 66. Sublimity. John Ziebert. ffl44 STRAW REBRIF-, U-Plck, Sc. Extra nice berr-ee. Clean patch. Oood picking, bring creamer, P. t. Bandera. Rt. 1. Box 353. Balem, I nL I4 H mlla south ef totem pole. ftl44 CFRTiriFD Netted Jem aeed potatoes. 61 60 for 100 lba. Al Ted Rt. 1 B"X 146-F. la suiee aorta el aadtrpasa. Ph. JUM. 11144" PRODUCB ROYAL ANNE Cherries 3e lb. U-Plc. D..nK.r.t.. littmi Si Bovacn later. R. A. Kites Rt. 1 Box 66 Salem 14 miles N of underpass, west on isiascar O E. tracks, tura N, Ita bouse 00 right. No Sat. calls. " STRAWBERRIES -U-Plck 10c. Bring con tainers. Out Silvert 00 Rd I1 ml. te Middle Orove School. Tura right ml Herr At Rlenaehe. BED BASPBEBRirS. a. 2-4178. 3746 ff!45' Brooks St. HELP WANTED 'wOMAN FOB general work, man for Janl- ... u.k.i.) OM n.nnla'm Horn. 183S Center St. ' WANTED Cherry Plrkere: 6 ml. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 30. Phone 17F13. James Beat, Rt. I. Box 633. 148 rirrnRT PICKERS WANTED! GOOD CROP. Free Chcrrlea te pickers. Bonus If you stay for aeason. a. h. Bone. Rt. 6 Box 664 on Orchard Helghte Rd. 3' ml. from bridge. Ql44- THEBBY PICKEKS1 Oood orehard. low trees, level ground. Ph. 34446. B. A. Wheatley. 725 Court St. 6144 CHERRY PICKERS, Rt. 3, box 463, ml. N. off United Growers cannery, can eves. 2-3C43. 6140 WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June 13 in. uoofl ramp ground. Ammun unrs Rt. 6 Box 683 Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. I0F18. g!47 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Taient Test ao in Education column. g!45 WANTED: ONE exp. wool preitcr. Electric I Cleaners Ph. 3-4421. tlW HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN under 35: Nest, agl., free to travel. Ore- wash. & Calif, and return. Mr. Collier. Grand HoteL : te 6: p.m. Don't phone. ga!45 COOK: Man to cook for large group. 8160 mo., less maintenance. Perm, poa Oregon State Training School. Wood burn, ga" HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. OIRL for general offlco work. Some bookkeeping, typing, short hand. Must be available for permanent work and willing to move out of town. Write Box 403 Capital Journal. gb!44' SILK FINISHER to wort fn dry cleaning plant. Apply Ferns cieaneri, Monmoutn or Ph. 443. gb!46 ASSISTANT to bookkeeper. Soma dictation necessary. Beginning wage 1175. Reply Capital Journal box 401. gb!45 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES orncl and cluical rosmoNi CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency IM St.t. St Ph J. Hit ,f WANTED SALESMEN INSULATINO SALESMAN Need one top notch closer Will furnish LIVE LEADS DAILY. Bee Mr. Stevens, Builders Insulating Co., 680 8. Com'l. , 86144- EXP. TIRE Salesman. Must be acq. In Salem. State age At exp. Capital Jour nal Box 403. ggl4S WANTED, an aggressive young man, ex perienced la selling real estate. Must have car. P. 8. Bell. 361 Chemeketa St 61 OPEMNG for experienced real estate aaieaman. business, rarma, city property. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 North Capitol. Ph. 38210. ggl44' WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Several hrs. work evenings. Refined young women. Ph. 3-0695 or EXPER. TRUCK mechanic, combination welding and frame man, can give cxcell. ref. Call Ed Stubba, 34381. or write box 767. Rt. 3. Balem. hl4 CARE FOR children In my home. 26 yri. experience, fa. x-aaao. niaa WOULD LIKE fuU time Janitor work or gooa weicnman joo. exp., reis. rn. 2-3801. hl46 YOUNG DEPENDABLE lady wishes to care for baby from 2 to 6 months In her own home. days. Mrs. Kuhnly, 3805 Garden Rd.. rear. hl44 PAINTING & DEC. WANTED: TWO smell children to care for In my home. Have a fenced-in play yard and have had lota of experience with children. Mrs. Fay Prink, Falls City. Ore. Phone 322. M44 BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-6934. hl66 MOWING, At RAKING. New power mower. rn, 3-7133 or s-iaoe. nisi LAWN mowed, edging, shrubbery work k hedges trimmed. Experienced man. Ph 3-7623. hl44 CUSTOM HAT baletng. rake with job. also Will mow. Ph. 27103. M62 TRACTOR WORK of all kinds, discing. plowing, leveling. Ph. 3-1131. hI44a PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and ehim- aey building. Ph. 2-4386. Free estimates bl61a ijiWN maintenance. Rebuilding aad put ting In new ones. Ph. 2-2608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph. 28315 or 33887 eve. MSB FOE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 665 N. lth. Ph. 3-3643. hl5S TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. Serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h!52' LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototlltlng. New lawna, tree work. Richard Borer. Ph 3-8110. hl49 SEWING and alterations. Ph. 2-4834. bl48 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 34850. hl44' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing ins op wore guar, w n. Mc Allister. 846 Trade Ph 31496 h!44 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Rar Ettcr Call Bhrocl Motor ce 3-6101 EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, metch or paint write for Talent Teat (No. Feel. Give age and occupation. Box 382 Capital Journal. hh!43 ARTISTS MAKE MONEY. Do V0U like to draw? send name, addreae. ace ana oc cupation for FREE ART TTPT to find out your ability. Bog 381 Capital Journal. hhl45 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS. Hot and cold water. 48 IN. H lh. it ! WELL FI'RN. sleeping rm. Close la. HC water, wen oniy. in center. ja.ua FURN. BDBM. with home privilege. To refined Christian womaa or girl. Ph. 3-:o. Jkl45 SLEEPING ROOM, close In. Close to eof Jkl47 fee shop and bus line. Ph. 36526. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-43SS. ATTRACTIVE rma 2031 McCoy Ph 3-6093 Jkl45 DOUBLE OB twin bedrooms. 1666 N. Ca Jkl44 puol. ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTR HOTEL SALE.M Tel 1-1111 POR RENT APARTMENTS I RM. Fl RN. apt. Kitchenette, prlv. bath. reirig Bus at door. Adults, uio Madi son Sr ipl46 LARGE t-RM. furn. apt. Ground floor. CfcJdrta OX 166 Comb. I-66J4. Ipl44 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL APT. with bath. Close la. tCT. Stiff. Phone 3-6148. Jpl46 4Trm. APT. with bath. Newly redtcor- ated.H. L. Stiff. Phone 3-6166. Jpl44 BM ALL. NICE L Y f urn . a pt . Reasonable. 1 employed person. 431 N. Winter St. JP144 FL'RN. 1-RM. apt. with sink. elec. range, icing, bui uaouiwih wjw rt. T inirr. Jp.44" 2 RM. APT., hot Ai cold water, refrig' No children, pete er drinking. 44s Dlvlilon St. Jpl44 I RM. APT. 2nd fir. Ph. 31530. Ipl48 CLEAN, QUIET 1 rm. Apt. Ulddla aged iay preicrrcu, vvn rviij, jpilo 4 FURNISHED suburban rentals. Week or monin, hi. -box hi. rn. J-7H0. pl46 FOR RENT HOUSES t-RM. MODERN furn. cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jml44 6-RM. MOD. houaa. 3 bdrms. Rent 1 yr. ao una oniy. see mo. ai nee n. 4th. Owner at 460 N. Hat. Jml46 4 RM. I'NFl'RN. houae. July let. Suitable lor x. nose in. ox asa, capital journal. Jml46 4 RM. house to rent for party who buya range, oeeitatiin jeiierson. Jmi46 NEW 1 RM. houae. Phone 3-1731. Jml46 I'LL HAVE a new 2 bdrm. auburban houae for rent Sunday. Haa hdwd. floors and elec. heat. 870 mo. Positively no doia or cata. 4555 State St. ml46 3 BDRM. house for rent. 820 Cascade Dr. rungwooa nit. su.so. rn, j-iajs. Jml46" TVRS. CABINTor adults. Shower, autet location, bus service. Prefer steady renters. Ph. 3-8114. Eve. or Sat. p.m. Jml48 RM. for employed middle aged. Near cannery Ar bus. Kit. privileges, 1751 N. Front. Jml45 t B.R. mod. home at Rt. 4 Box 316 H. Follow Garden Rd. to Swegte Sen. Turn right, then left for H ml. 160 me. un furn. Jml44 I BDRM. HOUSE, ISO mo. 1 yr. lease" Must buy furniture. 3360 Teas Ave. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Business Building. 6000 6. ft., good location, north. Call Mattson & Roethlin Ph. 3-5818 Real Estate 331 H. High Even. Csll 3-7534, 8-1724 J144" LEASE FOR SALE on business Room 334 N. High. Senator Hotel Bldg. J144 WARE HOUSE 31x37. Ph. 1-3603. 1141 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery Ar pickup ef machine. 14.00 per mo. Ph. 33513. J 164 GROUND FLOOR office space for tent. Ph. 35802. juse OFFICE Bpacae awA deak apacea. Ph. 65491. Lr.ASE for sale on business. Room 334 N. High. Senator Hotel Bldg. J144 EXCELLENT location for barber shop, no competition, or good for email bual neaa, location north. Immediate poaa. and reasonable rent. See Mr. Bourne 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. J144 GROUND FLOOR rooms, au I table for ef flee er stores STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 p D DRIVE trucks cars Ph 3-1103 POWER TOOL rentals for home Ai la dustrlaJ use Bowser area Ph 63641 t TRAILERS 1200 per day Bowser Bros. 1410 8. 12th. West Salem f BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. ! GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rant Montgomery Ward f TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er. We ell everything te complete the Job. PP?8.1- BROB Ph 8-2644. J WANTED TO RENT 3-BDRM. HOUSE. Will furn. damage bond 11 oeairea. ynone 3-3253 or 3-732. Jel46 SINGLE WORKING girl desires small fur. or partly lurn. Apt. Close In. Reason able rent. Ph. 24041. , Jal48 rent. 3-3041 after 7 'p.m. ' Jal45 BUSINESS MAN, wife At 6 yr. old boy want to rent or lease two or three bdrm. house by Aug. 1st. South Balem preferred. Excellent ref. Ph. 2-6930. Ja144a ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ROOM and child care by em Ployed mother, daughter 6. Write Capi tal Journal Box 404. JJ144 LOST AND FOUND LOST Lunch kit. Initialing outalde. Ph. 2-1413. E E A. on kl46 FOUND: Bicycle, owner Identify and claim. Phone 26016, add. 833 Water St. O. F. Savage. kI44 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 444 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. ml56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENT 1ST Adolpb Bldg. State Commercial Sts. BALEM Phone 3-3311 m" HAVE TO IB SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a eual'fied Singer represen ta" e. Ph 3-3513 fee free pkk up and delivery service on ah makes ef ma chines. Fre estimate given before work la started Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL INSULATED aide wall shakei. I telert. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lena Av. mal44 CEMENT MIXER for rent. STEEL AND ALUMINUM window frames. casements, double hung Ac commercial types. FUMILITR WEST BALEM mal44 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace At maaonry materiala. rUMlLlTE WEST SALEM ma144 ROCRLATH, Plaater and Stucco Materials vompirie une. quantv materiala. n MI LITE WEST SALEM mal44 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 3 13 cedar wall shakes and undercourse. 112.60 painted. No. 1 unpalnted 19.00. No. 2 64.10. Ted MuUer. Ph. Salem 2-1166 ma" SHEETROCK, new shipment, V At ty. or ua ior new tow casn prices, KCItrt Brown. Front Ai Court. ma" ALU MA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call DUt. 26401. mal54 NEW SHIPMENT ptast board. S" 4ei 6e aq ft Rock lathe 46 e. ft, II. ft MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM SKIL-TOOL rental service. Btorc. ajs suverton Rd. SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range ef colors Call our outside alesman for free estimate Phone 2-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD Al OO SALAM OREGON Bl doors, interior 3 panel doors, at the great apeclal purchase bottom price, bargain or only 16 60 each. Ktllb Brown, Fornt At Court Sts., Salem mi ALUMINUM Ft OO FT NO 1 ft width la the following lenethai 11 74 333 3 64) 1 44 At about tn-tellatlM) service MONTGOMERY WARD Al CO SALEM OREGON rrrrrriMiiii. taa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ART KKD with RiBHrtu. rlr.nlatar both iluntlj u.rt. Mat, rt.Mn.bl. f-' f.r Phftn, .,:ij. .Kii, ONI KHtIL lr.n,r. (II. 1011 I. Kurt? (Continued on Page IS)