r 1 e'lftS-t; -;--i'f!- New Cuslum Cannery Efficient and Sanitary Blundell Kanning Kitchen, South 13th and Wilbur streets, operated by Ronald Blundell, food technologist, features newest and most sanitary equipment for custom food canning. The enterprise is for the convenience of housewives who wish to do their own canning under scientific conditions. MARKET QUOTATIONS aWSalem Ltfeslca Market iBj Valley fee kin Company Rorini iambs 122.30 Feeder lamb $10 00 to 118.00, fc.vr 12 00 to 15.00 Culler cows 18.00 to 111 .00 Fat dairy cow fll.no to 112.00 Bulls 11500 to 119.00 Calves stood 1300-430 lbs.1 117.00 to flfl.00 Veal (130-300 lbs., iood ..130 00 to I23.O0 price.- paid irttntn lir ol Pori and price for each trpe Top. 170-22 .b Portland Eartaitte Market ' Lettuce fold for 11.35 a crate top on thr Portland Eastslde Farmers Wholesale Pro duce market today with most crate sell ln at 73 cents to 11.00. Raspberles brought 12.50 - J.7S a flat. Strawberries were S2.50 to 12.75 a flat. Bins cherries were quoted at 12 cent a pound with Royal Anne movlni at 8 cents a pound. Spinach sold for 11.28 a 31-lb box. Roundhead cabbaie. was 12.50 to 12.75 a crate with pointed types lolnf at $2.00 to 12.25 a crate. Portland Proa mm Balterfal Tenia tit, fusject to 1mm dlare ehangft Premium quality maximum to Jl to 1 percent acidity delivered to Portland l-64c it. first quality 59-62e ib. second quality 87-GOc Valley route ana country points le lew thap first Batter Wboletal FOB bulk cube to cholesalet trade AA. 93 tcore 61 -82c. A 92 cor flO-l'ic; B, 90 score. 87e lb.: C 89 score. 96c lb. Above, prices art strict ly nominal Cheese Selllni price to Portland whole ale Oregon emgles, 48'e Oregon lb lost, im-ftOVfcn: triplet We leer than Ingles ttf IT Wholesaler) trade largt 65-53 : A medium, MTi-Stlsc; irade B. la e 481'-5012C. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to retailer artde A prints 66c; AA cartons 67c; A prints 66c. A cartons. 87c; B prints, 62c. Egga Prke to retailer- 4 targe 56c; certified A large, 57c: A larse 57c, AA medium, 67c: certified A me dium 56c; A medium 55-56c; cartons 3c ad ditional. Cheew Price to retailer; Portland Oreaon singles eO'ViOVfee. Oregon lost, i ib 43tt-624et triplets lVad leu than sin fle Poultry Life Chicken No 1 quality POD plants. No. 1 broiler under 1" lb 27-28e lb: fryers 14-8 lb 30-3Sc; 1-4 lbs Sl-32c. roasters 4 lbs. and over 31-32c lb.: fowl. Leghorns under 4 lbs. 22c : over 4 lb. 34c; colored fowl, all weights, 26c: rooster, ill weights, 18-19c. Babbitt Average to growers; live whites. 4-5 lbs., 21-33C lb: 8-6 lbs. 19-21c lb.; col ored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does, 14c: dressed fryers to butchers, 67-60c. Tarkeya (Price quoted are lot to the producer on a dressed weight oailn - 0 8 grade A young torn 11 62 lb : No 1 young hen, nominally 60c Dreued inrkeys U retailerat Utede A young hen. 70-71c New tfori style drees d A grade vcunt torn M-Sftn Portland aftarellaneeaa laseara Bark Dry 12'4e ib.. green 4c lb. Keel Valley soar and medium grades Se lb Mobalr 25c lb. on 12-montn growth, nominally. Hide Calves, 10c Ib.. according to wruiit, kips 20c lb., beef 9-10c lb., bull 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. Nat Qnotallnna Walnat Pranquettes flral quality um bo 34 7c, large. J3 7e: medium, 37 3e, see ona quality lumboa. 30 2c. targe 38 2c medium. 26 3e: baby 33 3c. toft ahel first Quality large, 39 7c. med1un 36 3c. sec ond quality large 37 2c. medium 14 7a bbi 32 3c Filberts - .lum do. 30 ib . larga lie ftnedium. 16c; email. 13c Quotations abovo supplied ey north Fori land Grain Portland. Oreg., June IT () Cash wieat (btdi: Unquoted. Hard red winter: 11 per cent 3.36; 13 per cent 3 26. Hard white baart: Ordinary 3 38: 10 per cent 3.29; 11 per cent 2.33; 13 per Cm 1.35. Today's ear receipt: Wheat 93: barley 3. flour 6; corn 3; oats 1; mill feed 13. Portland Llveatork Portland, Ore., June 17 (UR1 Weekly livestock: Cattle Friday snlnble 50: holdover 300: calve 15; few cleanup sale beef cows 50 cents and more lower: common and medium 14.00 to 16.00: few common steers unsold; good and choice vealers 33.00 to 26 oo. VHots Friday aalab 25: top 92.00. Siieep Friday salable 35; holdover 13; market nominal. Chleaao tlveitork Chlcaeo. June IT iP (USDAi Salable hot 4.000: alow: eenerally ateadv butchers under 300 lb. and on sows under 400 ib.: narrow demand for heavier weight both classes: these unevenly weak Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced In prlcel $395 $25 45 QUART PINT Fir Clendid Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 (pint. Fnnkfort DutillM Corp., BLUNDELL . - KANNING KITCHEN JODDC3 D . . -j ' iitml -ill, Minrii 3 Listless Session Board of Trade Chicago, June 17 Most grain contracts ended lower on the board of trade today after a listless session of backing and filling. Corn and oats showed tome strength in early dealings, but sank in the last IS minutes along with an easier tone in wheat. The bread cereal met selling in view of another clear day in the southwest speeding up harvest ing oprations. March wheat and March corn were the only two contracts in these cereals to advance. They were bought on the belief con grss will extend the 90 pr cent parity support program into 1950. Some demand from processors gave soybeans a slight lift. Lard also was firm without making any spectacular gains. Wheat closed H lower to higher. July $1.93Si-!5, corn was li lower to 1 higher, July $1.30-, oats were unchang ed to lower, July 59-V4, rye was V- lower, July $1.35, soybeans were 1 to 2 cents high er, July $2.28 y, and lard was 7 to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher, July $11.35. to as much as 50 cents lower; top 31.00 sparingly; most good and choice 170-240 Ib. 30.30-30.75: 240-270 lb. 19.50-20.35; 280-300 lb. 18.75-19.50: 330-390 lb. 17.50 18.50; several lots 375-435 lb. butchers 18.35-17.00: good find choice sow under 360 lb. 17.00-18.00, few 18.35; 375-400 Ib. 13.75-18.75; 425-475 lb. 14.35-15.35: 500- 350 lb. 13.00-14.00; heavier sows down to 13.50 for 800 lb. averages. Salable cattle 800: salable calves 300: teers 1,300 lb. down and cows and heif ers steady: bulls 50 cents or more lower; veaier weak to 1.00 lower; actual top 25.75 for load good 1.138 lb. steers; most medium and good steers and yearlings 22.50-25.50: common and medium heifers 18.00-23.50; odd good beef cows up to 49.50; most common and medium cows 15.25-18.50: csnners and cutters 13.50 15. SO; medium to low-good sausage bulls l9.O0-2l.0Oi common to choice veaier 18.00-33.50. Salable sheep 300; hardly enough here to make a market; scattered supply me dium to good native spring Iambs to small killers about steady at 23.00-33.00; quot able to 38.00: sheep mainly steady at 9.00 down to f.00 according to weight; bucks 6 00. Salem Markets Completed from reperta of SaMas tea era far lit galdsnre e Capital Joarnal Readers, Be?led dally t. Retell Feed Pries Ete Mesh 33.03. Rabbit Pellets 14.23. Dairy Feed 13.85. Pee lie b'mn arte Oreae A coin ed bens. 35c: grade A Leghorn hens. 23 cents: Orede A colored fryers, three pound and up, 11c Grade A Old roosters IS "enu Egg Boring Prleee Eitra large AA. 14c: large AA. 53c; large A. 51-84c: medium AA. 51c: med.um A, 49 -50c: pullet J0-33C Wholesale Prleea Bee wboieaaie price; e to 1 cents above tnese prices above Grade A generally auoted at Me; me diums tbc. Setterfal Premium, 83c, No.' L, I let Ho. 1 II 9c (buying prices), Better - Wholesale grade A. 9e; re- all 71a OBITUARY Adolah Maetler Albany Funeral e vices were held Fri day from the Ftaher funeral home for AdolPh Mueller. 83. who died June IS, at his home near Tangent. Burial wa In the Willamette Memorial park. Mr. Muel ler was born September 37, 1883, at Un terkulm, Switzerland and came to the United States first locating In Wiscon sin! then to South Dakota. He had been a resident of Tangent for 38 year. He married Bertha Maas, November 9, 1898, nin mutrti N.Y.C. A ISJf. a at Iroquois, B. D.. who died In 1941. Sur viving are the following children: Max Mueller, Salem; Paul and Pete Mueller, Tangent: Felix Mueller. Albany; Hattle Tharp, Balem: and Mare ret W hippo and Martha Peterson, Corvallu, and the fol lowing step-children: Fred and Will Mass Yale, S. D.; Arthur Mas, Laverne, Iowa: Henry Mass and Mrs. Ida Forsttr, Tansent and two sister In flwltaerland. Viola Gray Knution Albany Mrs. Viola Mary Oray Knution, 80. Bhedd, died Tuesday, at the Albany Oenera hospital. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Oakville United Presbyterian church In charge of i he Fisher funeral home with burial in the Oakville cemetery. Mr. Knutson was born October 4, 1863, near Durante Iowa. She came to Oregon in 1933 to live with her niece. Mr. Oscar Lund, Shedd. She was graduated from the Wilton Academy, Wil ton, Iowa, and took nurse's training at Chicago. 111., and followed the nursing profession all her active life. Walter Oray of Shedd, a nephew also survives. Eugene Harold Elite Lebanon Rotary was recited Friday at 9 a.m. at the Hnwe-Huston chapel for Eueene Harold Ellis. 9. who drowned Wednesday afternoon while wading In an abandoned gravel pit near Waterloo. Fu neral service were conducted by Rev. Carl Wachtcr at 10 a.m. at St. Edwards Catholic church. Burial in the IOOF ceme tery. The lad waa born April 13. 1940. at Ibanon and attended the local school. Bealde hi parent. Mr. and Mr. Har old Ellis, he la survived by a lister. Pauline, and grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. w. Peter ol Aumtvllie. Osear Rudolph Lelsy Lebanon ucar nuaoipn Leisy. wno would have been 75 years old Friday, died June 16 at his home In the Tennes see district near Lebanon. Born June 17. 1874. at Keokuk. Iowa, he lived in this community for the past six and a half years, and prior to that, at Salem and Monmouth. Services will be Saturday at p.m. at the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev. Carl Maton officiating. Survivor are his wife, Nellie; son. Floyd, Ne braska. Earl. Lebanon: daughter. Ruth Mundorf. Albany. Irene Smith, Sweet Home, Mae Nelson, Lebanon: his mother, LiHle Lelsy. Aberdeen, Idaho; brothers, Albert. Idaho, August, Florida: sister, Setchen and Augusta Lelsy. Aberdeen. Lydla Weddel. Aberdeen. Dora Haury, Kansas, Paulina Schowalter. Kansas, Minnie Btauffer, Nebraska; and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Mary Ann Mully Hubbard Mrs. Mary Ann Mully. Tl, Thursday, at a Salem hospital where she had been a patient for two days. Born in Brooklyn, N, Y., August 19. 1877, and lived In Oregon 40 years. Resided on a 'arm southeast of Donald for past 12 years. Member of St. Agnes Catholic church at Hubbard. Survived by husband. Joseph Mully of Donald. Services will be held at St. Asnes Catholic church at Hubbard Saturday, June 19. at 10 a.m. In terment In St. Luke's Catholic cemetery at Woodburn. Direction Rlngo Mortuary of Woodbjrn. DEATHS L, Jang Sing At the residence, 944 North Commercial street, June i. i. Jung sine, at the age if 72 years. Survived by wife. Dora Sine of Salem, and four step-children. Harry Mun Gate and Mrs. R. G. Chang, both of Portland, Ernest J. Sing of Delake. Ore gon, and Master Set. Helen Mun Tayne with the Wats at Fort McPherson. Oa. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Saturday, June 18. at 10 a.m. Con cluding services In the IOOF cemetery. Mrs. Fannie A. Bcverldge Mrs. Fannie A. Beverldge, late resident of 1493 Center street, at a local hospital, June 18. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Helen B. Law of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Laura Harlow of Ore.ham; two grand sons. Robert Beverldge Law of Eugene and Joseph Edward Law. Jr.. of Salem: and four great granddaughters. Private ser vice will be held at the chepel of St. Paul's Episcopal church Saturday, June ib. at p.m. witn Rev. Oeone H. Swift officiating. Please omit flowers. FINANCIAL OENERAL FIN A NCI CORP. LOANS Lie S-1IS end U-I2I and P.OY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S Com mere I a St Tel 3 -9181 fa J&tlwt& 'Day MAONIFICfNT MEN'S TOIIITINU IN MATCHUSS CONTAIN!! Combine! Sett Selection of Co)ott THI OuisiNifm COIN' cam a coMMftcui aein wrO'CAl Cfefl't JANCH lest Itlflt a t3isy FINANCIAL 1LKNN WOODBY pays top cash prices for furniture appliances. Ph. 33110 for Immediate results, no haggling. 143 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Oar loan up .to Itoa Com In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 31032 Lie N M369-S391 Floyd Kenron. Mer. t FARM AND CTTT LOANS 4't end 1 TOl'R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real btate Contracts and Second Montages CAPITOL BECURITXXS CO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 8-T1CT r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. AIRPLANES FOR SALE: 1943 Ercouoe. Only 350 hr hour meter; aennttive Altimeter: 3-way Bendlx radio. Alwayi hangarrd. Call Jams H. Maden Co., 3955 Silvarton Rd. 3-4123 or 3-3852. 143 TRAILERS USED Columbia trailer houie. almost new. Sleep 4; Beautyrext mettresa and springs: oil heat; ga cooking; both alec, and ga lights; water under pres sure: eelr. brakes. Price 31500. Bee at James H. Maden Co.. 39S5 BUverton Rd.. Salem. Oregon. Ph. 3-4133. tl45 MODERN TRAILER, llthts, gas, water In cluded, 113 per week. Oreen Apple Trailer Court, 2 miles north on 99E. 1149 194 KIT-CHATEAU mod. trailer house. Like new. 11350. Ph. 2-8858. tl44 IX FOOT Trailer House. 3393. Elbert Col lins. 1009 Front St.. Woodburn. t!47 dOUSE" TBAILER1130. Ph 38773. UU It -ft MAINLINE. Late '47. Awning, ice box, panel ray. A-l cond. 31330. Ph. 1-U375. 2130 N. 34th. t!44 FOR BENT: Trailer apace, 310 month with al: modern convenience. Right ecross thr street south of Paul us cannery. Lot ol room for children. No pets. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-8885 t HI- TRANSPORTATION LEAVING for Kani. July 1st., 8 p.m. Will take one or two. snare expenses, can 2-5895. 1:30 to 9:30 p.m. X14S Ol R ECTOR T ADDING MACHINES All make need eneehtna sold, ranted repaired Roea 45 Court hme 9-8173 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking & alt. 3M6tate St. ol68 APL"AN"cE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service Free esttmates Trade-ins accepted on new appliances Vlnee's Eiectrle Phone 9-B339 157 8 Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR GRINDING 'awnmower harprnlng and repairing Dexter Pn 3S833 AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 133 8 Liberty Ph 9-8958. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 8-9II6 3-1804. 333 Center. Hike Panek. 373 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3101 Brake and Wheel aligning specialists Ol SB- BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terms. No down payment Phone 3-4950 0144 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 33909. ol37 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 38537 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. VirgU Huskey. 1010 Patrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3149, Salem. o-180' Light crawler dosing. Ph. 2-3370. ol88 CASH REGISTERS tnstani delivery of new RCA cash register Al males sold rented, re pa -ed Roeo 46 Court Ph 1-8773 o' EMENT CONTRACTOR Oeneral cement eont. Honest work at honest prices. Ph. 3-1183 or 3-7487 0184 For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sidewalk a. drlvewaya patio, curbs, well etc Call 3-4850 0144 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnaee chimneys vacuum Bnsiey Til S 21st. Ph. 3-7178 StJoseph IS ASPIRIN AT ITS IEST (At Magnificent Courtley toiletries In nutchleu "permanent" contain er, will thrill him every day for yean. AFTH.IHAVT IOKOM e-aONTH UZt 11.30 tl Hliat operatt sscm GdU ' M M M - M r M DIRECTORY CPMENT WORK Let us do your cement work NOW Driveways, sidewalks, patios, u. Ph. 3-4412. Ol48 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Viic' Electrl for electrical wiring, contracting repairing ill S Liberty Ph 3-92S9 EXTERMINATORS Brelthaupfi for flowers Dial 3-9179 HOI'SKHOLD PRODUCTS Wat kins Co 1717 Center products Free Ph 3-3391 LANDSCAPT N'lRSERY A. Dorrfler Sons, Ornamentals. 180 Lancaster Or at 4 Cor Ph 31333. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed aervlee. New power and hand mower. Call Rarry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St ol55 LAWS MOWER SHARPENING chimneys A block laying. MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 9-4089. MT1C LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando lin. Bin Jo. etc. 1333 Court St. Ph. 3-7589 0182 NURSES' REGISTRY Practical Nur. day-night. Ph. OFFICE FVRNITL'RS SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing auppllc safes, duplicator and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brief eases lerc wire Recorders Roen 438 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SFRVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph 3-8073. PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanalng and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph 3-3868 Free est. 0148' Strom's are equipped painting Phone 1-3493 to do your PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING fc paterhanglng Painting and paper Manning. F mate, h. 3-3313. 851 Shipping cin M60i for your Painting J hanging Attractive rates PICTURE FRAMING Ruteheon Paint Store PLUMBING ruber. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0154 PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W BeUke. Ph. 3-1308. L W Caudle Ph 3-7909 RADIO REPAIR General Elec. home appl. repairing, alfo radio repairing. Broadwav Appl. Co. 433 Court St. Salem. Ph. 3-1585. ol83 Complete ery reas rates Free pickup Si est. John's Radio Shop. 350 Court St Ph 30715 ft 33418 O150 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Sons. Pb 31193 By Drive-in Theatre. Sine 1917. 0149' REFRIGERATION ft APPLIANCE REPAIR Kelvlnator freezers Lehman ft Matthews. 337 N High St Ph. 37941 Q144 SAND ft GRAVEL Garden Soli crushed rock Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Gravel Co Phone 3-9349 0 Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Sltt. sand ft f 11 dm Excavating 10B ahovel ft cats Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34002, re. 37148 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANEB Elec trio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raaor 4harp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewers or Drains- Septle Tank Cleaned Reaa Pb 8 5337 or 3-9488 SEPTIC TANKS M ke'a Septle Service Tanks cleaned, n Sewers. 1079 Roto Rooter Service Elm St. W. Sali Ph. 1-9488. S-S337 0138 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In' atalline the new approved 300 gallon concrete septic tank. W lay drain lines also. Ph. 3-9488 01 K F. Hamel. Beetle tank cleaned Eiectrle machine service on sewer and drain line. Guaranteed work 1143-8th St. Went Salem Ph 3-7104 0143 New Improved KENMORE VACUUM Liborol TrooVI Allowance Yes, thii Kenmore Vacuum not only cleons rugs or car pets efficiently, but also does oil your above-the-floor cleaning, too. With new self-cleoning rug tool; improved exhoust baffle; new clip device for dustless removal of bog. In two-toned burgundy color! At Seors! DIRECTORY TOOLS FOR BENT Howser Bros. Your power tool r total head quarters. New address 1410 S. 11th Ph. 1-3841. 0163 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs end rent Roen, 458 Court. TRANSFER STORAGS '.teal as Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, eoal h briquets Trucks t Portland dally. Agent for Be kins House bold goods moved to anywhere In 111 o. Canada. Larmer Transfer Sj St orate Ph 1-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds mad to order ti reflntahed, Ralnholdt Lewi 3-34UI WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3. Box 317 Ph. 3-3133. OISI J. A. Sneed U Sons, well drilling. 3303 Brooks St.. Salem. Ph. 3-6809. ol5S tVEATHERSTRIPFING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 1-3983. WINDOW SHADES WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls es woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Lanadoe, Culbertson and Mather WOODSAWING WOOD I SAWDUST Wet S.1,1. Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IRIPROVL JASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 75 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINK OF GREAR feTREET. Notice nerebr given that the common council ol the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient ano hereby declares lis purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point which 1 71 feet north ol the north line o( Orear .Street In Ih City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city ol Salem, by brlnelng said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and pav ing ald portion of ald street with a inch asphalt 1c concrete pavement 84 feet wide In accordance with the plans and spec II ics t ions therefor which were adapted bv the common council June 13, 1949, which are now on file in the office the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares tie Purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the atreet Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council June I, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is June i. 1949. June,30,31.33. 1949 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WESTERLY ALLEY, BLOCK 1. THE OAKS ADDITION. FROM BELMONT STREET TO MARKET STREET. No! ice hereby Is given that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve the westerly alley In Btock 1. The Oaks Addition, from the north line of Belmont Street to the south line of Market Sreet, In the City of Salem, Mar lon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and paving said alley with a 8-Inch Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide. In accordance with the plans and specifications ' therefor which were adopted by the common council June 11. 1949, which are now on tile In the olflre of the elty recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By order of the Common Council June 13, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is June 15, 1949. June 15.18,17, 18.30.31. 33, 31,34.35.37th, 1949 LODGES I.O.O.P mepts every Wed neflday night. Visitors wel come. A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.P. & AM. Stated Meeting Fri day, June 17. 8 p.m. 144 New Low Price 6795 414 Rt.te Street Phone 3-9191 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, 100 ,.'1000 Aula or Ptnenal MOM COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAJV INCO..O.ATKOM 460 N. Church St Ph. 3 - 416S ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 Another METRO MARVEL Marshmallov PEANUTS NOW ONLY FRESHLY MADE SWEET and CHEW-Y MARVELOUS FLAVOR It Always Pays to Shop THI STORES 136 North Commercial St. L1IY1ITEDS Direct, Through Schedules No Local Stops Alr-Condl-tioned Super Coaches Space Reserved No Extra Far Daily from Salem No Transfers En Route 8 "Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE 4 "Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS to SAN FRANCISCO 4 "Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS to LOS ANGELES P .f t THROUGH r,us schedules to RENO vie Klamath Falls with direct connections to Halt Lake City and points East ... to Las Va gal, Phoenix end points South. 10 SAVING See your friendly agent for frequen, convenient service V. H. Swltter 450 55 (dJjMi.i.l.?r) Friday, J una 17, 194911 liiOOosj 4.J, m OF BETTER VALUES v . Salem, Oregon "Fosf-TnitF" There Are NO LOWER Fares! Portland SI. OS Seattle 4.3S San Francisco 9.7S Los Anieles 13.90 Reno 9.3S Sale Lake City . 21.05 Phoenix 20.75 Chicaio 41.25 ri, r,ar,i Ta ON ROUND TRIPS complete Information about other from Saicm. N. 1'hurrh Ph. 12421