12 Cupltnl Journal. Falcm, Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 Only the Brave By CAUL EVAN LEHMAN By the li""- oAtuday arm Jei. nao pai u o euuJii am tiv'iir his auiiuai olmooic uti n. He hu li.m.i tomik;iu mm. tnal ooiiiue .ut ne.ei inunued U o.a ami iiuiiifi., iic e iiau ev tucceuea m pci'.'Uauliin nunu i beapve u.ai iiuinie ot'tWt.t. Connie anu Uleun wou.d oe ta besi tninii in in worlu wai cou happen. Due M) the excitement, over th kilting o( sam Toitfon, ne haa nets ieoteu to purchase hut Mippaes 01. his previous visit to CouRar, so hi rode to town late Saturday aiter noon. . As he entered the atore, a Uvei; discussion wiiicn had ix'tn uiule wav came to an abrupt nalt. jei. giancea about him. Br-Klde Ham. Wolf anger, the owner, he saw Chuck Gale and two of hi men S cowboy nom the Crown, a mine, named Benson and Bud Snyder the undertaker. Jeff moved over to the counter "I interrupt something?" he in qi tired. 'Yeah, you did." It was Chuck Gale who answered, and his voice was flat and cold. He wrnt on ah Jeff turned alowly to lace him. "Bud wan wonderin' and he go, U to wonderin', too iiow come there were powder burns arounu the wound in Sam i neaa. 'That easy. Glenn shot him For no reason whatever just like that." He fixed Gale with a cold tare. "That's what you're think ing Isn't it?" There could 'a' been a reason ftAm'i gold. They took that shack mart without nnduv it. His two men had been standing pear him: now one moved a few paces away and tha other started deina In the orooMte direction. "Stand hitched, boyi," came the drawling voice of the Crown puncher. "You make me nervous. movuv arouna maisway. Oale'a two men halted where thev were. "I'm waiting. Chuck," said Jeff tuietly, "to hear you ay that you were juk wonaenng. "I told you that's all wt were oln wonderin ," ha said sulkily Ha turned to Hank and ordered the few thirmi he wanted, then passed out of the atore. The Crown puncher earn trailing after him. uutsiae. saia. aaucn oojigea, eowboy." "Think not h in' of It," answered tha other. "Keep you ey on that Chuck feller. He's bad medicine, and you made him eat cold crow in public. He ain't the bird to for get." Jaff found Glenn in his kitchen ting supper, and drew a chair up to the table. Glenn was enthu siastic over his new office and de clared that ha had already made some profitable connections. "That's fine." said Jeff heartily. "And here's something you'll like: Connie's Invited us over to the Crown tomorrow with the guaran tee that there won't be any free-for-all fights on tha menu." "She has? That's great! I'll ride out to your place and pick you up. No need for your coming to Cou gar." i Jeff nodded. "While I'm here, there's one little point about the shooting of Sam Tolaon that I'd like you to clear up for me. Seems that Bud Snyder, the undertaker, found powder marks around the wound on Sam 'a head. I got the idea that Sam was standing In the doorway when ha was shot, and that's some dozen feet away from the window." Olenn grinned. "That's what comes from being literal. As a mat ter of fact, Sam wasn't in tha door-way- at all. We both went to the! table bv the bunk, and Sam got the gun out of a drawer and hand ed U to me. I backed off a step or two and ha took a stride toward the door. I could see him outlined gainst tha si aright. In the dark nens It looked as though ha were standing In the entrance, but of course he wasn't. The crash of ?las came right afterwards, and he shot right on top of It. I think ftlug was up against the window nd Jtist poked his gun through tha glass and fired. It all came so uddenlv that well. It's hard to remember exact data Us. But that's the way It must have been." He cocked an eyebrow at Jeff. "You eertalnly don't think Inat I shot him?" "Mr gosh, no. But Bud made the mistake of telling It to Ohuck Oale. and Chuck do nt like tou Wt, he was quite buv ticking the tasi Oi it, iu' goid i mussing, .o; bin i signed mem how Slug Jid have readied throun me inoow and laen it. But it sure ies me to hear a lellow uke Chuck ale running ' on down, when you n the rik of warning Sam.'' The Sunday sixmu ai th? Crown as all ihat couid be desired, The inner as excellent. Glenn spent .ie aftenoon riding wiih Connie, .nd Jelf iounged on the gallery -vitn Jeb King. He liked the cattle nan and leli that the !ik:ng wax eturned. Connie and Glenn came .ii at .sundown, flushed and happy as a pair of kid, and Mrs. King wouldn't let them leave until thev iad supper. It was almost dark when they started for home. It was pitch dark when they reached the trail to Jeffs home stead on the north side of the vaiiey. Here thev faid aood n sht Mid Glenn cuntinueri toward Cougar ien wanted Ked along the dark iran. Red bore him through the black ne.ys to the southwest corner of his little spread, but instead of stopping for Jeff to ntvn r.h sat he kept right on. Jeff reined In re membering distinctly that he had closed the gate alter him that morning. He got down and started bark on foot, tripped over some wire and went down. He swore worriPdly and struck a match. By its li8ht he saw that t he whole section of fence wm down. He returned to Red and rode swiftly to the house for a lantern The fear that had been welling up within him was Justified. Not only was his fence down, but every unr oi nw twenty precious Here fords was gone! 2509 SIZES 2 Sun-Fun FashionsSummer en sembles are smart for younger sis ter, tool Perfect for all-day plav is sun-suit No. 3014 -it haa a shelter ing bolero and bonnet. Verv grown up. Indeed, is sun -drew No. 2606 with matchlns bonnet and bloom ers. (Two separate patterns. no. 3014 is cut in sizes 1, 2, J, 4, and 0 Size 2 set. yds. 3S-ln. No. SftOfi is cut in size 2. 4. and 8. Sizes 4 set, 2S yds. 3fl-in. Cottons again strike a high fash ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easv to hand'.t Send now for tha SPRING FASHION BOOK which Includes in its 150 Da Item designs, a big selection of alluring si ingestions for cotton fashions ror every aga and occasion Prlca Just 20 cent. Address Caoltal Journal.1 W2 Mlaskm 8t Sun ptsnclAco b Calif. Flower Basket -This beribbonad asaasaaaaaaaassssaaBssBBgBjpaaas basket, adds decorative charm lo any room and will hold either real J w paper flowers. Measuring 14 I T JT inches In height. Including the v xJJI handle, the ba.it is wide enough to 1B Vweifl r noW 'ater tumbler. It is easv m V' r n( 'Mt erochet for the stitches I I ( r large. Starch Terv allfflv for Jm Pattern Rnvelopa No R2A2t con- 1 w tains complete crocheting inatruc- k-j W a t,on" material requirements, stitch W jT-T illustrations and finishing dlrec- asP Jr j K I' obtain trm tinm send 20c m O'N8 flvl,m Pattern numbei m. iii li rHU name adrtrwis and aunt num JJ bei to Pegg? Roberta Capttal Jour f srV n,u 828 Mission Btreat Ban Fran- mjfojm f ciaoo I. Calif THE MAr3 vou DE5CBIBE W vou DON'T ftv KAMC OUT NOT THPEE MINUTES ANY HAPPV wju, kk hawkm, ma ouovf (CHAMCE MAKE AWAY Hi APPABiNTLY UAO I A HOBBY OF LICENSE NUMBERS, 00 VOU r I'M AFSAID NOT, SIS' mo r.lt.a UwL. Jr. Frank H.lnffv Pbi.Ihi P.r.4. ('.m.i, C.rtll.r, '' BUT I DID COME ON, 1 f A CHINESE CAPfelE WE SHOULDN'T " I rnlVL9r'e-.L'N'' DBIVEB cma. be too hard to find in Washington WAS A l-AT CHIN ESI lHbiR'iTpJ I LOOK UP THE NUMBER OF THE TAXI 1 e"r i M i t t license bureau ' : : - I 1 i 16-17 M N... MMSBMnVBBBBBMBBkirBBB L , i , O 1ft Br.akf.il G.Bf O Jr Tv-y' ' Sfi r y 1 Qm Br..n..i cm "" "P J tv HtA-X RECOGTIIZE I B-BUT Wr! DON'T CrANT HELP IT, I'M 5, " T" ' g WE-E WEN CMHB THrS OLD MILL SWELL-OUET TWOeS CABS- SfzVfzO, OF THEM y ) WANT TO GET rNTO HE9AID-WELL WELL- N k': n.i. C.l.r BT THE EfW Of THE LEV... HEBE -W.ENTV Or I ALL "most REPORTERS PROM B ( TH' PAPERS VET- AND WHAT BRINGS O " N"' eOOLE"" ITqPCTL " ' """" (i&fis&l pi75M fsffigsfii iwja,sTv -f - as- T VwuKTX TMA-- Ely pRS . 3-5--,tt HKSR Jnm 1 wrS aw ii hi j ri5 4s ar - ti- I -"pT-eC 2f r '' JI" r "' -V' -'T-5 -1 I CATS PLT A MiSillM' NAME. SI I DO TH' T CAHV l FISH ALOKlG I L VCOWV6 UPOU,TE.f .N'ADWKS-J F,SH OnAMfTC SON. IN CASE I . fV P .Sit H,S AN' S THANK, i A FIGHT- 4 TUCK TO H I SAVrO' 1 TUBIO NO' crYr,1TC I 1 Fivlt-rM V? L V1 'I 1i?ES? "P, UwGOODNESfi.' BUT VCTORV .IT MlOC.fl' LI IqOTTA GRUNWIChVh' ADDRESS I rSSXtfl '"'i .---'Sf JC T TH (u,r) NTTV-N M'NE.'.''i!te -n I I 931SON?) VII.LAGE. ) IT'LL BE A ""OMe A)SUt !FOR j IM SORRV SIR! tT COSTS cosh TON I DID U7 I COULDN'T ! TONI.COME BACK!.- rFO0L M BIG FAVOR THAT YOU FIVE DOLLARS FOR 1TC01T NOT UNLESS I -VPROMISE yoULLil U "N1,TW0 lf "AVE A WARRIAGt LICENSE FlvE YOU GET vou CAN LEND ? . 0"AIT PCt. BUCKS FOR A f-VVl AST -r NOWI . ' t,..os THE tc nrucD I .iS VnS ME' . l-ta51''THTjEBPEBS, BUSTVlll TH6RES NOTrlK&TOM JPI l "l CANT 6ET OVCB SMS AND BLAND "f'l . IM 6ETTIN6 A SCARED OP-AT LEAST NOT I I fe LEAVW6 ThESB HORSES S16HTAT THE u fri ! r -t doors nqtrastpbp... , I M THE POOT OP TH6 TRAIL, JUST in M'ly "1 J j I SORTA, HA.13O WITHOUT") I row WELL, I61 ITS JUST I Kf.W'0M. ELL. OK; TW, , o, , ,..,,,r-" SEEiNSTME LIAK...K A SIMPLE LEAK ANMsE. J v 3 V. M E'LL BE OUT D ..LyvXa Nuy i o ouess about L, 'T r-ive dollars' z ta -4 - " ThiS'S OOVALO DUCK... TENI LX5LLA5S T6N L- L N iA4ivAJ-eA,s ' Oioij t' auiLO YVjriA jobs " M Qri f-jHTr jstsssK vnm susJm r. rr KT5' LV''rLW' N V-T rl--4?7J: U ,-SiJ ntCONHt PONT KNOW K Quf N Of TXt CROW 1T1 I N0T0lOU0.W nr.ADY.8ERE? ), I 1 J r"" M -i t i f P WMATVOU'REWPPOSEOTO frTlfirfTENtM'NO'FOrl'" CHILD!- HE AT M -IT'J ALMOST Vj" ll T ri fTl TXlTl C H tEPFNT,6UE!..8UT,IFv;'NSt THE OOOR NOWl1 TIME FOR U$ TO I f7l g S ?K L M MR ,rJtNVWX0HAC0M- ) 1 WOULD TELL MEETAiR diM LEAD THE ORANO T ! I ?jf Jt UT ' PANICS C0lUE,YOUrRE GREENWOOD TOTAKE THEE J-sgVL, WACH! . , t5TIr.:3L I E NlSs ?W A T x RADIO PROGRAMS pRIDAi I KGW P.M. KOCO arn Hnrt AI Oirl Orcb. At (UvU Orr. PiltU al Piaat ElMtr fataraan Wtbilar Saya Wbtlr Sai Mr ClaaS WKa Mr OaaS Wifa llrainat Draanat III Stars ahrlai Tin Supr Clib Nawi af WarK jRDiHila Daraata JnMmla Daraata at Rhrthw anB Khrtaaa Baitak tat Traabr Saarl Pan CanSIa Llihl illvar Nari Flibraalar Ra Prandli Hall Sa PrauSli Hall T.a Band Tap RanS nuiaut Dim Baiaball naifball Baaaball Raff ball bUnball Baitball Baaaball KOIN Saarla Pan Mail Blf Tfwa Blf Ta San Haraa Carranl Chalaa Wfitera CaraTia VV'tittrB CaravaD Sia-aTbrf Baaaball Nawa Camba Canter Track 1IM Irark MM Traak IIM Traek I4B0 Track KM 1:90 A.M., SlfB oaa Hrrb Xhrlnar Tha Mill Shaw Dub IS Mar4 MurrB Knai MaBfilni Brulah ( htl Uunllar Ntwa Thaatra af Iha Alt Tbvalra af Iha Air Thralra ( Iha Air Thra!r al Ika Air Plarhauaa Plarbauae Favarlla Huiban4 Pa aril HuibaaS Iwell Tbaara Jark Baalth Shaw Jack Taraaa Shaw Jack Taraaa Rbaw Fira Star Pinal Kpart SpallliM ll'a Dana lat'l Danei Saranadt V Iba Warli lrrhtra Orrhrttra Sllrnl SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. HoBca PaSxa HaSaa Padia Nawa Hadaa Padia Saw Rr Tht r Brar Thla Tha Old ! Tel litter Nawa Far a Mkl. Bap. T B A T B A Jerry Marlewe Saat Hart Fraak Marrlwall Frank Marrlwcll Ed MeCaatiell Ed McCaanril Nawa Pabile Allalra Oraheatra Orrheatra Parn-Hama Baai Farai-HaM Hoar Mary Lea Tartar Mary 1-at Tartar Vaaag Orefaalana Yaam Oreiealaoi Ncwa Rlart an Itrot TBA TBA TB K TBA Vaar Health Bita af Hlta ( on trait Tenlraati TBA UordMaad P Orthrttra Urcbaatra Cunt Star TBA TBA Science Exearetea Pepalar Varieliea Haae Blatere Weitem Meladlca Harea af Real Hareai af Rral Maai Wlthaai WarSe Crela af Bant Crela af lom Rhapaady la Rhythm Satardar Serenade Saturday serenade Satarday Serenade Saturday Serenade Everrbedy'i Ideas Orcao Mood a porta Tad Dala Preaenta Review ! Rhvlhaa Klddlea Matinee Klddlea Matinee Sal. Matlnea Matinee Matlnea Matlnea Chln-fip Corner Chin.lp Corner Chin-l'p Corner Chln-I'p Corner DIAL Friday P.M. 5:Mi, Saulrrel Caaat .1:3(1 Johnny I.uiark: :0U. Kfp- Int I'p Hltb Hport. t:IS, Hoaie Editloa; fl:M, Yukon Cballeaaeri S:4A, Dirt Doe it; Edwin C. Hill; 7:15. Elmer Da flu 1:3.1, Tbe Sherlffi :. Muale af Nar man; S:SU, Sport Blue Booki K:4, Sport Show; 9:00, Fat Mam f:3U, 'Neath West ern Sklen IS:iHl. Richfield Reporter IA: IS. Inlermetaei Iflr.ld. Concert Hoart II:S0. temoi la Tomorrow) Vi:i Xtra Baur: l:U0, Sim Off. Kalurday A.M. fl:0O. Dawn Down beat, turn. Round-up Boy: 1:16. Time Tempo; 7:49, Adventure in Be lla Aarontkri 11:80. Home Demomt ration Aienti S:1lt, Frankle Carl: J:M). Johnny OUen Get Toaetbrrt 9;M, Torland Tunes: I:IH. Star af Tamer row; ll:Ot. Cilrli' Corps) l:Sfl. Amerlran Farmert lt:0fl. TrcBuury Show; It:. 10. FatelnaOnt Rhy Ibaa i 1 :00, Ballad Bax i 1:18, Hare 1:30. Band Ron S:nO. Tea and Utile Bll Little Bit i Spotlite sa Spollito an LISTINGS: KKX. 1190: KOAC, 550 (KOAC SUndard Time) Nrwe KOIN Klaek KOIN Kleek KOIN Sleek n Klerk Nawa News Conaaaier Hewa Muela far Tea Muale far Tob Ya Are There Yea Are There News Lei's Prelea Jnnlar Mlae Jun lor Mia Theatre af Today Theatre af Tad ay Grand Central Statiea Stars Over Hollywood ;. and Take fiiva and Taka Newe Driver's Plarbeota Meet tha Miasaa Meet the Minua Mather Knew Best Columbia Feature Columbia Feature Newapaper af Air Newipaper af Air Sat. at Chase Sat. al Chase News llick Hayme Way for Youth Way for Youth Griffin Barrroft Lake Surcesa Catbird Seat l.arry La Sueur KOAC Friday P.M. :0A. On the l r beat: 5:MI. ft.V) Sport Clubt n-.m, Tbo Newrt; S:IS, Eddy Durblnt S:30, Muale af Caerhoilovakla i 7:1ft. Evenin Farai Hear: 8:1(0, Reiearrb Report) S:IS, Here's t Veteran i S:.10, Great onM K:15, Tbe News; S:tM, Muilc That Endures; 9:4S, Evening Medllatlonm I0:IHI. Artis try In Clanieti I0:1S, Serenade, 10:45, Tbe New) H:IMI, Sim Off. (KOAC koac r:?.:, Standard Time) A.M. 10:00, New) 'Specially for Women i ll:M, Tbo Concert Hall, 12:00. News; 12:11, Noon Farm Hour) 1:00, Ride m Cowboy, 1:30, Voire af the Army) 1:15, Melody Lane) 1:00, 4-H Clnb Atirmbly; 3:00. Mnle or the Masters) S:4S. Split of the Vlklnsti 4:00. Driver's Planhouie) 4:1V Sons of lhoWost)4:IS, Children' Theater. Cram pet it 1:00, 101 Ranch Bovo H:M, Meet Iha Band 4:00, Junior Junction) 4:S0, Jany Concert. Granqers Take Resf !of Fla Day- June 14- An in- Dayton There were 14 j"""". "iaia Vl members of the Dayton-Webfooti"''" '"i1" iiaK5 were exn,D!1 grange who attended the closing Refreshments were served. meeting held at the Webfootl xliaL u" grange hall. The program was tumn will be Saturday evening, recreational and in observance September 10. 14. Asnm to b ffll!a 15. Couch 16. Ribbed fa brio 17. Denijtna 15. W-ithout cost 20. Period preied- lnjr. Easter U. Short poem 24. Daub 36. Solid water 19. June bug 30. Whereat SI. Rule of actio SI. Above 24. Season lb. Kxceot Pei line again Kind of dug u. weaKen 41. Shelter 42. Conjunction 44. In teneraJ favor 4ft. About (i). Mature 62. Town in Penn sylvania IS. Unoccupied Tha nouthwaat wind IS. Greek latter 17. Cut of meat IS. Permit M. Buah M. Bple poaai I. E "B-i-SJA PHi- o AlwU EWRuleljT N D BaawBa 0 1 N IIN C PjOIUlOMlKM aInI I Q ALA(NI ft fpER!8jEpr TIaSlt wfn l e gfl a u UaIp ji eju O rj El P R gMl IRES Solution of Ytitarday'B Puul DOWN 1. tVeneaaM I. Paat ' V lJ V K W 1 ' I" ' it '-'dts 13 ''''., ' '1 Wi l WM1 iii 'mmi 2J 23 TV', " 5T IT tit vf& L-, ,;.'M-. ,.....) '' ' V'0k "1 143 THT; 44 AS UA 17 fa Ut Uf ts 4; 3 v'Tf ' , ',;Ar- ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' I Those who nrlura oakB 4. Bo told I. Tale of anrroaj . Wonder &n4 f.sr T. Puts bark I, Arabian aeapori t. Air 10. Conjunction 11. European rlTr 19. Enalinh latter 21. Befora 22. Srent 12. Symbol ot pear II. One of tha Flames t win 17. Role In th earth J. Pltrher IS. Harveattnf machine! II. Aseptic 37. Volcano II. Old musical nott 48. Spoken 43. Prevalent 45. Bard 4fi. To 47. Biirdan 41. Medky 4. Swrnrpi II CrM 14. imal! cup used in cultlna dlamonda ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem AUM-KAFP' I. AM, RESRET TO TELLVOU THIS, UNCLE V(OLFGAN5, BUT VOU KNOW WE TAkE LODGERS INTO PUFFLE TOWEW, AND MY WIFE WAS RENTED VOUft. ROOfVN TO A NEW BORDER WHO WILL CHECK IN ON MONDAYS WUY, YES, OF CO.'5?E 1 LL DEPAST ON S'JNCAY A AFTE DINNER, LM' BETWEEN 0'VAHDTHE4 I'LL SEE IF I CAN SET HIM TO BUY MY TRUNK O" KITCHEN GADGETS