-. i i .HAT"" ' W 1 West Salem Budget Given Approval by Taxpayers West Salem, June 17 A city budget of $74,538 for the fiscal year 1949-50 will be iubmitted to the voterj of West Salem at a special election to be held June 3(1, according to arrance menti made last night at the taxpayers meeting. The budget as reported out by the citizens committee and approved by the city council is Firemen Will Attend School Dallas, June 17 A three county fire school for personnel of the state forest service will Mart at the arboretum near Cor vallis Monday, according to W. M. Curtis, district warden for Fnlk and Benton counties, who will be one of the Instructors at the school. Men from Polk, Benton and Lincoln counties will attend for the three-day session, and about 40 will be present. Heading the instructors will be Don Moss. Lee Port and Radio Technician Bill Sanders. District wardens and their as sistants will complete the fac ulty. Among topics to be con sidered will be district policies, maintenance of rolling stock and other subjects. On day will be devoted to actual field training. While most of the men of the Dallas headquarters will attend, a skeleton crew will remain to keep in contact with forestry lookouts. Harris States Campaign Issue H. H. Harris, 2455 Trade street said Friday that his candidacy for the position of school direc tor does not mean that he has the backing of any particular group, but merely that he is "def initely Interested in education as well as in the taxpayer who has to foot the bill." "I realize that the position is something of a headache but I also realize that the duties' of a citizen carries with it responsi bilities," Harris added. Being self employed he said he would have time to devote to the posi tion. "I would approach the di rectorate from the standpoint of a practical business man." Harris, as a machinist, was employed by the Dougles county court for a number of years. Dur ing the war he had charge of the vocational department of the Eu gene schools and later was pro duction manager and cost esti mator for Multnomah Iron in Portland. Ascent Made Easy Ten miles of string for each of the 30 acres are needed for these thrifty green climbing beans on the Roy Fitzwater farm north of Lebanan. Fitzwater estimates that the 40 members of his present crew will handle a total of 300 miles of string. He says that the yield from his acreage will be well over the state-wide average, (Lebanon Express Photo). Lebanon Bean Yield Is Heavy i Lebanon A typical grower1 of climbing green beans, a crop which is annually gaining acre age in Linn county, is Roy Fitz water, whose farm north of Leb anon contains 30 acres devoted to this fast-growing vegetable. I Fitzwater says that soils ofi this vicinity produce an average! of 10 tons per acre, compared to! the state average of 5Vz to 6 tons. A ready market is found fori the crop, he said, and prices! here are the same as for grow-! ers closer to canneries, some of which will set up receiving sta tions here. i String manufacturers should be interested in this crop. Fitz water estimates getting his fields ready for the climbers re quires 10 miles of string per acre in all, 300 miles of string on his 30 acres. Fitzwater employed 40 men, women and children in string ing operations, and expects be tween 300 and 400 pickers will be required for harvesting, which will begin the latter part of July. U. 8. Warships in Britain Portsmouth, Eng., June 17 OP) Ten U. S. warships, led by the 45,000 - ton Battleship Missouri dropped anchor at dawn today for an official eight-day visit to Britain. Espee Asks Permit On Unlimited Speed Woodburn The council will consider the request of the Southern Pacific railroad that the city revoke the ordinance through Woodburn to 45 miles per hour. The change was ask ed to facilitate the schedule of the new streamline trains pro posed between Portland and San Francisco. Action will be considered Tuesday night. Should this action be taken by the council the probable speed of trains through Wood burn would be 75 miles per hour to permit the railroad com pany to save three minutes of time on their schedule. Four ordinances have been adopted by the Woodburn city council providing for the im provement of Sixth, Second, Third and Fifth streets between Harrison and the north city limits. Bids for the work will be called shortly. $1129 less than the budget ap proved for the lf)48-4f fiscal year, and will be offset by 810 in anticipated revenues, leaving $22,228 to be met by direct, taxation. The proposed budget to be voted upon by the people xeceeds the 6 per cent limitation by $3603. Even though the proposed budget provides for a $20 monthly salary increase for seven city employes, the amount to be raised by taxation will be reduced from $36,047 for 1948- 49 to $22,228 for the fiscal year 1949-50. This marked decrease in tax ation is attributable to a $9000 cash balance, derived from the sale of city land, pipe surplusses, etc., and increased anticipated revenue from the water depart ment, utility fees, and state funds. All voting in the special elec tion will be at City hall between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., standard time, or 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., daylight savings time, i Coast Lures Group Grand Ronde A group gath ered with their lunches and mo tored to Road's End for the day The guests were Rev. Grace Har ting, Mrs. Harry True and Ron nie, Mrs. Louis Jerabek and sons, Miss Mabel Brown, Mrs. Oral Singleton and daughters. Betty, Jeannette and Oralene, Mrs. Albert Johnson and daugh ter, Jeannette, and Miss Louise Curl. Later the group went swimming at Devils Lake, Colonel Ends Life Paris, June 17 A 50-year-old reserve colonel, identified as a follower of General Charles De Gaulle, took his own life today in his prison cell, an official an nouncement said. He was held on charges of plotting to "de moralize the army." Keep your Furs looking fresh and glossy. Place them now in our fur storage vaults. PROTECTION AGAINST MOTHS FIRE BURGLARY HEAT r Palmistry Readings Will tell your past, present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are fv o u worried? Why be In doubt? special Readings. linen 9 a.m. TiMre r in iu p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S, Commercial r t Commercial Street Will Get New Lights By August 1 Commercial street between Center and Trade, the downtown stretch of that street, will be lighted with 78 mercury vapor lighting unils. The Installation is to start Monday. The contract has been let to City Electric, Inc., following an agreement between the city and the Portland General Electric company. The 78 units will be mounted on 38 standards, two to each according to Fred M. Snider. head of the contracting firm, and will increase by several times the present Illumination. 1 a lure for all sportsmen I ! FISHING & HUNTING I CLUB of the AIR J $1500 in Prizes TONIGHT ! 7:30, KSLM 1 SPONSORED BY YOl'R M0BIL0IL DEALERS "Flying Horsepowtr" Wouldn'i you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in pricel 32i I 45 QUART PINT Fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 grain neutru spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. Viw' a I 1 i oniv.wisn Pd discovered new y stabilized BEVERLY sooner! It would make any mother happy to see my children ask for more. And the thrifty price helps. DENVER, COLORADO Seems like everybody f who TRIES IT love BEVERLY I Beverly comet in wide-mouth, re-usable glass jars. Thit STABILIZED peanut butter tpraadt like a dream, tastes tresh fresh -roasted peanuts, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOPI Spread Beverly often It's a food high in body-building protein and energy value. Priced to please your budget ot SAFEWAY nut flurrffs Lf Capital Journal, Salwn, Qrgon, Trldny, .Tiin IT, 1049 11 AT Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's Shop and Save with Confidence MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS FANCY STRIPE CRAFTSMAN SHIRTS NUCRAFT COLLARS SIZES 14 TO 17 A GIFT FOR A GLAD DAD MAIN FLOOR 2.00 MEN'S ROMEO SLIPPERS SOFT, COMFORTABLE CALF UPPERS STURDY WEARING NEOLITE SOLE A PERFECT FATHER'S DAY GIFT DOWNSTAIRS STORI 3.98 MEN'S FLANNEL ROBES 100 ALL WOOL FLANNEL ROBES COLORS BLUE AND MAROON REDUCED FOR FATHER'S DAY MAIN FLOOR 7.88 WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE ALL NO. 1 DUPONT NYLON HOSE 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER IN SMARTEST SUMMER SHADES MAIN FLOOR 88c TASTl WITHOUT RISKI Union you'r d lighted with lh Bvriy you buy, th Her will rKmd your nwny. DON'T MISS OUR caRnVal SHOE SALE 1000 BEAUTIES 1000 Regular Values to '13.95 At These Amazing Money-in-Your-Pocket Prices 450 350 446 Start Streof Phone 3-81 St Aem Gn&cdian l p (Elite Sure-Grip) TOILETRIES FOR MEN C147 HAT A GIFT for a mtrt! the finrit of fine toilfrrie In i brod-houIdered, ilim-wiitt ed. Burgundy (Ivory topped) con tainer nfht aut of thit uwWf Grace ful 1? itresmlined, tuperchareed with ntMoiline ippetl. Sure-jtnp when a min i hands ire et or inspy. . . balanced to itand lemre If hen he aets it down. After Shave Lotion, Cologne Of Talcum $2.50 2qB SETS $4.00 TO 7.5 CAPITAL DRUG STORE AOS Store Street MEN'S FISHING BOOTS LIGHTWEIGHT SPORTSMAN MODEL CONSTRUCTED OF NEW LIVE RUBBER A GIFT FOR THE SPORTMAN DAD DOWNSTAIRS STORI 8.90 FEATHER BED PILLOWS 100 DUCK FEATHER FILLING FLORAL OR STRIPED SATEEN TICKING 20"x26" MOTH-RESISTANT, TOO! MEZZANINE 2 for 5.00 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS POPULAR RAYON GABARDINES DEEP-TONE AND HIGH-TONE COLORS FINE FOR A FATHER'S DAY GIFT MAIN FLOOR 3.98 MEN'S T-SHIRTS LONG-WEARING COMBED COTTON SIZES 36 TO 44 WHITE FOR THAT EXTRA DAD'S DAY GIFT MAIN FLOOR 2 for 1.00 MEN'S PAJAMAS CRAFTSMAN FANCY STRIPE BROADCLOTHS DRAWSTRING BELT SANFORIZED PAMPER POP WITH THESE MAIN FLOOR 2!33 MEN'S CHAMBRAY SHIRTS STURDY WEARING BLUE CHAMBRAY FABRIC IS SANFORIZED SHRUNK JUST THE SHIRT FOR SUMMER WORK MAIN FLOOR 1.29 STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday