10 Capital Journal, Salem, Corpus Christi iAIfars Placed Mt Angel The annual Corpus Christi procession will be held at Mt. Angel Sunday, with altars iat the homes of Mr. and Mrs. "Emil Wolf. Mrs. M. A. Wagner jand Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwab. Solemn services with Jpomp and ceremony will begin with Solemn High Mass at 10:00 o'clock. Following the Mass services !th procession with the Blessed -Sacrament will form inside the 'ehurch and go in solemn march to the outdoor altars where .Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament will take place. The pro fession will then return to the ichurch for the closing cere 'mony. ! Joseph Faulhaber and Alfred Berning are the marshals of the ,'day. Members of the local fire department are in charge of .traffic, assisting the local police. Members of the Knights of Col lumbus, Catholic Order of Men's 'Foresters and the St. Joseph's '.Society are the appointed at tendants and canopy beaters. J Mayor Jacob Berchtold and members of the Mt Angel city ouncil will have their place im mediately after the priests. The women's organizations and the oung people's sodalities, Senior nd Junior, will march in a body, Jas will the Boy Scouts of Ameri ca. Fathers Special Guests at Church , Fathers will be special guests t the morning service at the first Presbyterian church next Sunday at 10:55 o clock. The re gular services will be in special observance of Father's day. Fol lowing this theme William Bush will sing "God Is Our Refuge" by McDcrmid and the choir, di rected by Virginia Ward Elliott, will sing "Strong In Thy Strength" by Bach-Cailliet. Mrs. E. H. Cravens, the guest organ ist for the summer period dur ing the absence of Mrs. Ralph pobbs, who is visiting in the east, will play "Chant Solennel" by Vodorinskl and "Postlude" by Stern. As a special Father's day sermon the pastor. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin, will preach on the subject "Marching Or ders." Church Group Called J Woodburn The quarterly meeting of the North Mariion County Sunday school associa tion will be held at the Wood burn Chirstian church Sunday, at 2:30 o'clock. All members and friends are urged to attend. Rev. Ernest Tremblay of the Gervais Presbyterian church will be the speaker. Woodburn Churches Christian V Lincoln and Doiid SI, don Priest, pastor. Sunrtav tchool, 10. Service, 11. CE, 7. Evening aervlce. S. ' Aaarmhl af And Second and Unrein ri. Lenter Olbaon. pastor, fiunda school, 4B. Prearhlni, 11 and 1:45. Young peo ple, :4. ' Free MvlhoriUt- Vnung and Oalrh Bis. Mr. RotHIa B. Douflan. pastor. Sunday aehnol, 8.45. Prearhing, It and 7:4ft. Pniriiiuare 1IA7 K. Lincoln St Arthur Qohle, pastor. 8unda srhonl. 9 4B. Wor ship, 11 and 7.4.V Young people, 4:45. Flnl Prfshvlerlan Oatrld and Third t. Earl K. Fpnton. pus! or. fliinria v school, f Divine worship, 11 and 1:30. Young people, a 10. rhnreh of Jesui Christ af Latter Da ta I Is IOOF hall. Runday school. 10. Bac rament meeting, 11 10. The P.xtrianlterf ('hatch wf Jesai Christ f Lallor Da Saint . Corner ot Becond nd OarflHd. OsorRft Oman. patnr. Churrh srhool, 10. Prearhinj. 11. Zton League, 7. Lecture stud v. a. PHhel PrrhlsrUn 3 miles ast on Union ft-Hnol mud Fsrl K. Pnton. pas tor. Worship, 10. Bunds t school. 10 4S. Church of Ciort Third and Orsnt Bts. Vaymmd W, Hood. pastor. Church school, 10. Worship, 11 and S. Young people, 1. Mtislnn if plaeopaH Lin- Van ft or- eoln Si at Cupids Court. Willi Meter, vicar. Church srhool, H hip. II. - .. AssemMv at flod William N. Beachr. Blhle Baptist Orange hall. Set tlemier pastor. Sunday school. 145. Morning wof nd Harrison. Earl Baker, pastor. Sunday ; ship. II. children's meeting, 7 30 Eve Khool. 4S Worship service, 11 and 7 45.1 ring service. I. Toung peopte, 45. I Immanuel 1 utheran Harvltt N Chrln enjien. pa t or. Dourt and Out a Id Bts. Sunday srhool, 10 . Worship servlre. I in Lutheran parish education teachers institute meet m rhurrh .1 o clock and T:30 with potluck lunch at . treats Preahyterlaii ErneM Tremhlav, fa-tor Sunday achool, 10, Worship. 11 CI, I.M. Methndlst- M'th ichool aud'torfim Har pe P. Pemherton, pastor. Churrh ichool. t 45 Worship. 11. Luae'i Calhollr V I Moffartha-er aj'nr. HarrUdn between Jrtl and 4th Sunday services, a. i in inrt low, Bsna ictlon after 10 yft mas Stinrtavs Nldarai I theran i Monitor) . .aurrtret II Sunday srhoot, in CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Service) Every Sunday 45 e m. 11am. Sunday Srhool 9 SO m. :aliiC nth Oregon. Friday, June 17, 1949 5)alem 6 C Lurch ei C.rttm l,ulhrn KIX Luther 8. Bor- !en. paMor. Wnnhlppmg In Engiwoon ifrhoo, North lth and Nbraka t recti. Divine worship at 11. Sermon theme: "A Father1! failure." I The Rrarimlsra' Thtirrh f Jeu Christ I of Lallrr ! flilnla -Corner Norlh lTh end Cheme'keta meet. F.ifier tnirm n. Afhtr pmtor. Church srhonl. 10. Preach ing erviren, 11. Zloni league. a:30. Bible study, 1:30. First Baptist Marlon at Libert 1 Bts. Dr. Llovd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brlrkweriel. assistant pastor. Sunday srhool, 9:4a. Morning worship service, 11. Ouest speaker, Dr. John B. Hnur. Le banon. Oregon. Youth Meetings. 45. Eve ning evangfllollc acrvlec, a o'clock. Or. Houser speaking. Halhrrt Memorial Rspilst Lorated one mne north of underpass on Hlshwav 99E. Rev. C E. Brlrkweriel. pastor. Sunday school, -4r. Morning worship. 11. Rev. C. E. Brirkwedel, speaking. Youth mest Inss, 1:30. Evening evangelUtlc service. 7:30. HI. Mark Evangelical Lutheran 141 North Church street. M. A. Getzendenar. D. D. and John Bagllen, pastors. Sunday school, 14. Morning worship. 11. Sermon topic: 'The Lost Opporlunltv." Church and Sunday school, picnic at dinger park following aervlces. Christ Lutheran State street at 18th. C R. Srhul, pistor. Divine worship at R 4ft and 11 o'clock. Sunday srhool at 9:50. Calvary Chapel (Vail Gnspeli 1 143 N. Liberty street near Belmont street. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 1:411. Monitor Community Full Gospel Moni tor, Ore. Rev. end Mrs. E. C. Schilling, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship. 11. Young people'! service. 7. Eve ning service. I. Salnl Paul's Episcopal Churrh and Chemeketa atreets. The Rev. Ocorae H. Swit, B.D., rector. Holv Communion "in the rhapeli. 7:30. Nursery school In Par- ;h house, 11. prayer aervice ana sermr 11. Court Klreet Christian 11th and Court. tV H. Lvmin, paor. Bible school as sembly. 9:4. Mornina worship and com munion 10 W. flermon by Ed Farrell, a jnoritte minister. Christian Endeavor -.our, 7. Evening service. B Demonstra tion Dally Vacation Bible achool. Church nf Jrsus Christ af Latter Da Saints ftlh and MndlJion. John E. Balis bury, blrhnp. Sunday whnol, 10. Priest hood meeting and primary, 11:30 a.m. Evenlni aervlce, 6:30. First Spiritualist 141 N. Com'!. Rev. Maxlne Robert, speaker. Service at 7:30 p.m. Circle at 6:30. First Kvanielfral Lnllesl Brethren Where Marlon crosaex Summer. Rev. Wil mer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday achool. 9:45. Mnrnlna service, 11. Sermon sub ject, "A Half-Hearted Church." Eve ning service, . Sermon aubject, "What It Ueans to be a Christian." Central Lutheran Clalne and North Capitol, o. B. Rund.strom, pastor. Sunday .school, 9:45. Mornini worship, 11. Jun ior Luther League, 7:30. I'nlted Penteroslal 445 Ferry. Rev, Nathaniel Wilson, pafltor. Sunday achool. 9:45. Mornina service. 11. Sermon ubiect. The Bread o Heaveg. Evening service, 7:10. Sermon subject, "The Revealer of 3ecreU." Truth Center 3S3 N. Cottage. Sunday nchool, 0:45. Foursquare 4S0 N. 19th. (Between Chemeketa and Center.) Rev. L. E. Mun- .on, paaior. Sunday achool, 9:45. Mornlns aervice, 11. Sermon, "Crucified Chrla ttana," Young people's Crusader services at :4S. Evening aervicea, 7:45. Sermon, The Personal Return of Christ." First Churrh of Christ. Srlentlst Liber ty and Chemeketa. Sunday school at 11. Morning aervioa at 11. Sermon subject, j "Is the Univers, Including Man. Evolv- i e-d by Atomic Force?" Nursery for children p to 3 years of age provided during the I lorning service. Evening service at I l Sermon subject, "Is the Universe. In cluding Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Institute of Religious ScienceSalem Woman's club, 4lto North Cottage. Rev. William Byron Charles, pastor. 11 a.m.. "Ood in Man as Man." p.m., "The Joy nf Right Thinking." First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor. John L. Qoodenberter, assistant pastor. Church achool, 9:45. Morning worship. 10 55. Ser mon by the pastor, "Marching Ordrea." Knliht Memorial Congregational lih and Ferry. Louis I. While, minister. Sun day school, . 45. Morning worship. U. Sermon. "Lifa Worth Living." Church time nursery. Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday school at 9.4B. Morning worship at 11. vrmnn b pastor. "The Boldness of Faith." Father fiav dinner a tier the morning service. Evening services at 1 30 Sermon, "The Chriatian'a Triple Birlh rlght." Amity Churches Itspliit Bruce Wakeman. pastor. Sun day srhool, 10 Morning worship, 11 sr, mon topic: "Temptation." Youth Fellow ship. 7 pm. Evening service, g. Toptr: "Faith and Doubl." Church ef Christ William F Morse, minister. Blhle srhool. 10. Morning wor ship. 11. Junior meeting. 7. .10. Young people meeting. 1 .10. Evening service, j Methodist Rev Fremont Paul, pastor. iPnnflay school. 10. Mnrnlng worship. 11. Junior Fellowship, Youlh Fellowship, 7. REMOVAL SALE Radios, Appliances, Recorders, Furniture, Fixtures, Safe, Office Inter-Corn Systems, etc. Bargain Prices MUST VACATE BY JUNE 30 Court Street Radio & Appliance Co. 157 Court St. Phone 1-I02S Selem, Oregon Church School Sessions End Silverton Church activities will include the closing of rum mer Bible school sessions this weekend with somewhat less attendance in numbers but re ports from all groups of a steadi ness In study and presence. Evening displays were made Friday, with a noon no-host luncheons, picnics and award presentations observed for the young folk with record grades and attendance. Immanuel Lutheran is an nouncing the meeting of the Men's Club Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock with hosts, Orval Towe, Clarence Sindet, Al Tip pner and John Overlund. The Immanuel Sunday school teach ers will meet at the Fireside Room Wednesday evening. Trinity Sunday school teach ers meet at the parsonage Mon day evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Erickson will entertain the Ruth Circle members at her home Wednesday evening. The Saturday evening, June 18, 8 o'clock Youth Pally is be ing sponsored by peveral church groups at the Silverton KP hall. Dallas Christian and Missionary Alliance group is funrnishing an orchestra for the pntire pro gram. All young folk are wel come to attend. Doctor Divinity For Rev. Anderson At the annual graduation iflr vice of ths Northwfitern Schools. Minneapolis, Minn.. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the First Baptist church, Sa lem, received the degree of Doc tor of Divinity from the school of which he is an alumnus Others honored with him were Pev. Alvin Carlson, Minneapo lis, Rev. Robert Pierce and Gov ernor Luther Youngdahl of Minnesota. The beautiful and impressive service was attended by 7,000 friends of the graduates and the schools. Dr. Anderson and his family are in Minnesota on vacation and during their absence, the church will be filled Sunday by pulpit of the First Baptist Dr. John B. Houser, pastor of the First Bapttist church. Leb anon, Oregon. The Victory Male Quartet Seattle, Washington will be presented in a full evening pro gram on Wednesday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. The public is in vited. Vacation School The Dailv VipilU. nihl. school of St. Mark Lutheran church, 343 N. Church street, will conclude its program with a demonstration and display pro gram for the parents and friends of the pupils Friday at 8 p.m. in th Sunday school auditor ium. The Bible school reached an enrollment of 7IN pupils. Mrs. Irene Knutsnn directed th pro gram. Stoyton Churches Baptist Rev. Willi rd Buckner. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Training hour, 7:1. Evening service, . Charrh mt Christ Clde Freeman, pas te, Bible achool. 10. Worship service. 11. Youth Fellowship, 1:10. Evening worship. Chajreh of Christ L. M. Seld. minister. Bible study. 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship, I. Methodist John Morange. pastor. Bible school. 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, JO. Evening worship, I. Assemble af fiosl Rev. Uelvln Stock-w-ll. pastor Sunday srhool, 10. Morning service. 11. Young people's meeting, .4S. Evening evangelistic service 7:41. Immaculate Conception Catholl Bev. Math. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses i, 7.30 and 10 a.m. at. Part lea's Catholic Lont Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st, Jnd and Mh Sundav, mass 10 .It am.; Ird and 4th Sundays mass at JO a.m. Oar Lady of t.oardei Uardan1 Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st. Jnd and th Sundays, mass I SO a m ; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 LUTHERAN HOUR CHORUS of St. Louis, Mo. with Harold Hiller as student director, which will be presented in concert at the Leslie junior high school auditorium the night of June 20 at 8 o'clock. The chorus will be sponsored in its local appearance by the Lutheran Laymen's league of St. John's Lutheran church. Church at Unionvale To Install Officers Unionvale The annual elec tion of church and Sunday school officers of the Union vale Evangelical United Breth ren congregation was held at the social room of the church this week as follows: Church class leader, Mrs. J. R. Bell; assistant class leader, Clarence S. Crawley; treasurer, Mrs. Ersel Gubser; trustee, How ard Steingrube. Sunday school Superinten dent, Carl Rutschman; assistant superintendent, Donna Finni cum; secretary, Mrs. Clarence Rockhill; assistant secretary, Phyllis Finnicum; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Stockhoff. Installation will be held June 22. There were 50 members at tending the election following a family dinner. Woodburn Follows Summer Schedule W o o d b u r n Dr. Harry F. Pemberton preached his final sermon at the Woodburn Metho dist church Sunday in the high school auditorium. A minister for the Woodburn church will probably be appointed at the annual conference now in ses sion at Ashland and will be an nounced this Sunday. Miss Louise Campbell, a retired mis sionary from India, will be the speaker at the 11 a.m. service this Sunday. The summer schedule of ser vices is now in effect at St. Luke's Catholic church. Sun day masses are at 6, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.; week days, 7:30 a.m. Benediction after the 10:30 mass Sundays. No week day devo tions. Choir to Present Sacred Concert The choir of the Christian and Missionary Alliance church will present a sacred concert Sunday evening as a conclusion of its season's activities. John Schmidt is director of the group. The or ganist is Eunice Thompson. Two members of the group will be featured in solos: Evelyn Frie sen, soprano, and Ronald Sheets. tenor. Also appearing on the program will be a quartet con sisting of John Schmidt, Ronald Sheets, Pete Friesen and Jim Larson. Guest soloist for the evening will be Jerry Brown, violinist. 9 Never Before! Never Again! Will You Toasters, reg. 18.95, new 9 Coffee Makers, reg. 8.50, Woffle Irons, reg. 13.95, 9 Also Many Other Name Heme Sunbeam Rltht and I f (t-Hsnded Irons Westinthous Irons The Nf.W LIGHTWEIGHT Salem Lighting & Appliance, 236 N. High OOOOOOAOft AAA n Silverton Churches Marquam Metbadlil Andrew Langen dorf. minister. Sunday achool, 10. Worship, 11. Young people meet, 1:48. Church f Jeau Chriat of the Latter Day Satnti (Mormon) K. P. Hall, Oak and Mill. Sunday school, 10. Evenlnc er vice. 7. Thrlitian Science Sunday srhool. ft: 46. Service, 11. St. Paiil'a Catholic Father .tohn J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 6 and 10, Week day, S. Apuembly ef God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday srhool, 9:45. Divine worship, 11. Young people's society, S:4S. Evan gelistic. I. Church tt God Rev. E. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday achool, 10. Worship hour, 11. Evening aervlce, I. Plltrlm Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11. Evenlne; service, 1. Seventh Day Advenllat Elder A. D. Chilson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo cal elder In charge. Sabbath achool. Sat urday, 0:30. Morning worship. 11, Satur day. Sunday evening evangelistic service. nmannel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10. Divine worship, 11. Sermon. "The Rich and the Poor." Special music. Luther League, 7:30. Topic, "Better Homes." Methadiat Ben 7. Browning, pastor. Sunday school, nursery for very small children. 9:45. Mornint worshlo. 11. Sneak er, Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of Wil lamette university, saiem. Tneme: "cnina, Land of HoDe. Our Danaer." Ben Bnrlck. layman. In charge. Youth Fellowship, 7:30. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates. minister. Bible school, 9:48. Communion and sermon: "Crusaders for Chriat." Crusade Sunday. Christian Endeavor, 7. Both Junior and senior. During the 8 o'clock sermon hour, 'a representative from the Turner Memorial home will give an address illustrated with pic tures. Christian and Mlaalanarr Alliance Gordon T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school. 10. Worship hour, special singing, 11. Pastor In charge. Young people meet. 7. Evangelistic service, I. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Puhr. pas tor. Sunday achool, 10 a.m. Bible e lasses. Divine worship, 11. Sermon subject: "The Price of Dlscipleship." Special music. Lu ther League Sunday, June it, at th voiding iarm. Calvary La there n James A. Tofte, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class, 10. Divine worship, 11. Pastor In charge, ape- iel slnRing. It's here! the ;iisei'Ti.iveler Teague 355 N. Liberty St. 9.95 UP SOME FLOOR now 5.95 up AITOMATIC IRONS Proetor Champion Proctor Never-I.lft Wirinr Steam Irons I'niversal now 10.95 "P Petlpolnt l-Wajr Iron SILEX STEAM IRON Lutheran Hour Chorus Here The Concordia seminary Lu theran Hour chorus of St. Louis, Mo., will appear in a sacred con cert Monday evening at the Les lie Junior high school auditor ium. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. The internationally - known chorus, heard every Sunday morning on the International Lutheran hour, comes to Salem from Hillsboro, another stop on its six-weeks tour of the west coast. Monday night's concert here Is one of 50 planned for the summer. The chorus will leave Salem for Albany Tues day. Highlighting the program Monday night at Bach's "Chor ales," "Go to Dark Gethsem an," by Nobe and "The Crea tion" by Willy Richter. Daily Biblelchool Planned for Detroit Detroit Daily vacation Bible school will begin in Detroit on June 20, 9 a. m. to noon and will continue for two weeks. The Bible school is sponsored by the Detroit Church of Christ for all children between the ages of five and fourteen. Beginners, primary, junior and intermedi ate groups will be included in the program with handwork, stories and study suitable for each separate age group. Mrs. Otis White will act as superintendent with Mrs. Rich ard Hansen as assistant. The teachers secured to date are Mrs. Llovd Ferris for beginners I with Betty Arnett and Jean Bray as helpers, Mrs. Richard Hansen for primary with Mrs. Charlotte Peterson as assistant, Mrs. Lloyd White for juniors and Mrs. Otis White intermedi ate. There will be a small weekly charge for each child enrolled to cover cost of materials, but not to exceed 35c per week. Hart Party to Hold Revival The "Hart Evangelistic Party" nt Dallas Texas, will be con ducting revival services for one week only at the Monitor com munity Full Gospel church, Monitor Ore., commencing with a jubilee fellowship Monday, June 20, when ministers ana i.vm.n from hnth the Washing ton and Oregon districts of the California Evangelistic Associa tion Inc.. will meet together in a day of fellowship, and the general public is invitea lo tne services Monday afternoon and evening as well as to the revival meetings every night next week. Youth Rally Slated W n n ri h ii r n A Youth for Christ rally will be held Satur day night, at 7:45 p.m. in the Wnnrihurn Free Methodist church. A good program of mus ic and group singing has Been arranged and the public is in vited. Willis Geyer is director. Motor Co. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-4173 See Such Values! C SAMPLES SAVE! Dial 3-9412 O-E Xtnm and Drv Irons S14.7S f Methodists at Lyons Drop Sunday Sermon Lyons There will not be my Sunday morning services at the Lyons Methodist church due to the fact that Rev. Quirin will be attending conference. The Fathers and sons banquet will be held Thursday evening, June 23, with Ray Fedje of Salem as the speaker of the eve ning. All fathers with their sons are invited to attend. Bethel Baptists Fathers' Dinner The ' people of the Bethel Baptist church will remain after for a dinner in honor of the the morning service on Sunday fathers and the sons. The dinner is for the entire family. A pro gram has been arranged at which Rev. Emanuel Wolff of the Salt Creek church will bring a Father's Day message. The Male Quartet of the Immanuel Baptist Church will sing several songs. All members and friends of the church are invited. The Wimen's Missionary society is furnishing the meat, buns and coffee. There is no charge for , the dinner but each family is to 'bring some potato salad, a hot vegetable, a salad and pie. Alliance Bible School Program The Daily Vacation Bible school program by the children who have been attending the (Advertisement) Fasf Relief from Ugly Skin Caused by Messy Pimples! Yes, ii's true, amazing new KLEEREX instantly covers up pimples, blackheads and ugly skin blemishes. It's a sooth ing, medicated, flesh-colored liquid that hides pimples as it driea ihem up . . , sometimes overnight. Relieves itching instantly . , , drives redness out. Crease less, stainless, invisible. GET KLEEREX now. Monry bark guarantee. At good druggists 49c. Big triple size, only 98c Celebrating Our 4th Anniversary We want to thank all those customers who have patronized us in our 4 years in Business in Salem. We also extend an invitation to others who are interested in the Better Quality of Workmanship and Materials in Body and Fender Repair, Sandblasting (to remove rust) and Complete Paint Jobs. II Years Experience 12TH STREET PAINT SHOP 1095 S. 12th BROKEN LINES Gowns Values to 8.98 4.98 Slips Values re 5.98 2.98 HOWARD CORSET SHOP 131 N. High St. Phone 3-4032 Avoid Constant Use Of Laxatives By J.' I. WILI STT I lb, OkviikI Ormt Surt An easy and dangerous habit to acquire is that of taking laxa tives. Constant use tends to re duce the natural process ot di gestion and bring about other physical disturbances. Digestive disorders are best treated by a doctor who may recommend beneficial changes in diet or exercise, or suggest a non-habit forming medicine that will temporarily aid elimination Guard your digestive tract from harsh laxatives that were never Intended for continuous use. Buy medication your doctor advises from pharmacist who stocks fresh, potent, pure drugs. CwrUh Tht, It Ih, ami f MMM f C4Hrlkl Mr rrMar. Capital Drug Store State Liberty Phons 1 11 IS A Mian.. Rihl irhnnl will Ore- sent their program on Friday night at 8 o clock. The nastor. Herman J. Bohl, will bring a "Father's day" mes sage in the morning. Mri. Beth Inman is the soloist and the choir is singing "Draw Me to Thee," Nevin. JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOFING ror vry type of service Yes, a national turvey showt J-M roofing preferred by owners 8 to 1 over other brands. We are proud to offer this quality line for every type of service. Ask for a free estimate. 1 0-ar Guarantee Nothing; Down and Vp to Three Years to Pay MATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 16 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4S43 Tel. 36465 in roofing I IT'S Johns-Manville I 8 TO l r J ON