10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thuraday, June 16, 1949 sf Boots and Spurs wMmsawgiriiKWBi Another lumnwr, another season of fast and thrilling rodeos! Taking top billing this week-end is the smasheroo Sheridan rodeo with Harley Tucker stock and big name cowboys from all over the country. Preceding the big show on Saturday afternoon will be a colorful street parade with riders and saddle clubs from many localities in atten- dance. BITS OF THIS AND THAT: Cupid knocked gently at the door of the Saddle club last week and announced the en gagement and coming marriage of two popular members of the riding set, Miss Pat Sharkey and Tommy Livesley. A bridal show er was held Wednesday even ing at the Mayflower in honor of the happy bride-to-be. The young couple will be wed at a quiet ceremony the end of this month and after their wedding trip will make their home In Canada. Sincerest congratula tions and best wishes will travel with them from all the members of the Saddle club. Wes Cameron, who is resting this week because of an Injury received when knocked from his horse at the Lebanon show last week, is recovering nicely and will soon be riding again. The St. Paul Rodeo associ ation members were hosts Mon day evening at a social and ban quet held at the St. Paul City hall for members of the press The St. Paul trail ride held a week ago Sunday is still being talked about with the highest of praise from all those who at tended and rode in the exciting event. It was a thrilling sight to horse lovers who watched at nearly 300 riders all mounted on fine horses leave the half way point at Champoeg in a seem lngly endless stream. With them rode the new St. Paul queen and her court, the queen having been chosen during the picnic lunch at Champoeg park. Salem rid ers were doubly proud of their candidate, Miss Pat Zozel, for the lucky young lady Is now not only a member of riding royalt) but Her Majesty, Queen Pat ricia I of the St. Paul Rodeo. Queen Pat will ride her hand some Palomino, King Bing, when she assumes her regal du ties at the St. Paul rodeo over the Fourth. WOMEN'S auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church is meet ing Friday at 1:30 p.m. In the parish house. Feature of the pro gram will be reading of records of early day meetings of the group. Miss Jean Quickenden, youth director at the church, is to give a resume of her work for the year. Tea will be served. DAYTON A surprise bridal shower was given for Miss Ru thena Weisshaar of Newberg, bride-elect of Irwin Reu of Day ton, at the home of Mrs. R. A. Kessler, McMlnnville. The honor guest received many gifts. Re freshments were served to about 30 guests. Those attending from Dayton were: Mrs. John Reu, Miss Florence Reu, Mrs. Manley Borgcn, and Mrs. August Hillig: from McMlnnville: Mrs. G. O. Kessler, Mrs. Irvln Kessler, Mrs. A. E. Kessler, Mrs. Walter Wish, Mrs. Hattie Wish, Mrs. Carl Sie lcr, and Miss Darlene Kessler; from Newberg; the bride-to-be's mother, Mrs. John Wrish-:ir, and other relatives and friends. Optimists Hosts Members of the Salem Optl mist club entertained their wives at a dinner meeting at the Mar ion hotel. Present at the meeting were several guests from the Port land and Vancouver Optimist clubs. L,oui Larson, district gover nor of Optimist International was guest speaker. Speaking briefly also were Bernard Bell, lieutenant governor of this dis secretary. OAK KNOLL Ladies Golf cIud held its regular play, Wed Mrs. R. G. McFarlana won the low net in the blind partner play. Next week the group will en tertain for the Corvallis wo men, play to start at 9:30 a.m. with luncheon following at Dal las. A two-ball foursome event is announced for June 26 at 5 p.m. FRIITI.A.ND Mrs. William D a m e r y entertained Swegle Woman's club at her home for the June meeting. A luncheon was served with Mrs. Elmer Terrill assisting. Guests were Mrs. Sara Wood burn, Mrs. Kenneth Morris and two children and the sister of Mrs. Helen Enloe. Members present were Mrs. Clifford Yost, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. Helen Enloe, Mrs. Will McKinney, Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. Rnx Peffer, Mrs. John S w a n s o n , Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Otis Dawes. MR. AND MRS. Walter Wood are visiting relatives in Colum bus. Ohio, and are attending the wedding of Mrs. Wood's sister, STOP SHOP nesday. Mrs. W. A. Ott andiMiss Virginia Lee Brush vg fWyJ """" new drama in velvet . . . the BROKEN EGG . . . vibrant ond lustrous in our dressier version of .the pointed edged Parisian favorite so ad aptable for mid-summer costumes. Millinery Second Floor 1 r fc- A UT Thing eta? Seagram's w 5urc ITAGRAM'S 1 CROWN. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 Ptool. 654 GciM Neutral Spirits. Staium.Distillm Cocpoiition, Cdiytlti Building, NnYoit KEIZER COMMUNITY A Rapidly Growing Community Shopping Center, Offering You QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Located Out Front Street Just 5 Minutes from Downtown Salem LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. 4990 N. River Road KEIZER Phone 2-8230 SUPER MARKET Save Every Day - Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday -Saturday -Monday SALAD FRUITS"' VEGETABLES Preferred By Millions Fruits and Vegetables uuith I'lSJl BEST FOODS'? MAYONNAISE lg) Pints . 39c Quarts . 69c GOLDEN RIPI BANANAS 2LBS29c LEMONS 360 SIZE Doz. 39c JUMBO CANTELOUPES 15c LARGE CRISP LETTUCE .HEAD 5c RED RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs 25c KEIZER TZl MARKET PORK SAUSAGE lb. 49c Lean, Mildly Seasoned SWIFT'S READY-TO-EAT SHOULDER HAMS lb 55c CENTER CUT PORK SHOULDER ROASTS All U. S. Government Inspected Meats LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. s & w APRICADE 46 oz. can 39c CANNED SHAD FISH Can 10c LITTLE CHIEF SHRIMP BROKEN Can 33c YOURS as warm This 70 SUGAR SPOON WM..HOGfHbyONtlDAlTD. Ju$t for Trying QUAKER PaekOTln YOU GET MORE for row oy w 3 pkgi. WISCONSIN SiONG HORN SIN m CHEESE LB. 45C LUMBERJACK SYRUP 14 oi. bottle 35c e 79c BbH BILL g 0 g Shoestring Potatoes 'n, L ,rOOC 2 n. 29c FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI VELVA TOILET TISSUE O ROLLS 23c 4 BEAUTIFUL GLASSES . 29c With Purchase of 3 Lbs. SWIFTNING SWIFTNING . 3 lbs. 79c ICE CREAM TOPPINGS CHOCOLATE O MARSHMALLOW STRAWBERRY CanS PINEAPPLE CHOCOLATE 29C FUDGE Pheasant No. 2s CR. CORN 2 for 25c Garden No. 2 Vis PORK and BEANS Can 17c CERTO Bottles 39c Good Bamig ts Ao ACCDMT.. IT'S 0CCIDE1 FAMILY FLOUR o9 3-PieceSet Silverware ttf50t OECIDiiNT FAMILY FLOUR Mil W AMP MOW Of FVtCNASf cciMwr on at mixniAmtn. mmm, Edwards & i:l Drakeley Sam Snow Set EDWARDS & DRAKELEY have the cold spot at Keizer Frozen Food Lockers IT McDERMOTT VARIETY ANNOUNCING REOPENING Entirely New Merchandise Old & New Customers Welcome FREE PARKING 4945 North River Road Meat cut, double wrapped, locker-ready, quick frozen, 3c per lb. Phone I-ZM4 N. River Rd. The Real Corner of Keizer KEIZER Korner Store W. H. "HUGH ' SHATTUC, OWNER Phone 2-4373 Al's Radio Clinic GUARANTEED SERVICE tf It's Fixable. We Can Fix It Radios and Small Appliancei Ladies' Apparel and Infants Wear A new store with new merchandise for a new community GOt. Dili's IIKKSS SHOP 4U4 NMIfc aim a. Ml I Ml Om IS H I Tn9 PtrfetM IT JkXXWNXVWVVVXVVXVW5 r m mm. m y FOUNTAIN I V 9 Gda 'A' restourant ' r Lunches Dinners Soft Drinks We ipeciolize in Homemade Pies Keizer Korners SUMMER Is Cleaning Time Pittsburgh Paints And All Allied Supplies KEIZER FEED & SEED CO. Ph. 13219 We Deliver KEIZER SHOPPING CENTER Larro Farm-Teated Feedi Albera Quality Controlled Feeds Hav . Grain Concentrate Seed Fertilizer! Sundries Come In and see these qual ity lines of merchandise Our prices sre right LARRO FEEDS SPRING IS HERE Let us clean your winter garments with our insur ed moth proofing system before storing them. Six months' guarantee against moth damage at no extra cost. ANDERSON'S KEIZER CLEANERS 4954 N. River Rd. Keizer District Phone X-71M for Pica-op and Dtllverj Service REED'S BARBER 8HOP Courteous and Efficient Service Our Motto Reiser Korners Shopping Center KEIZIR BEAUTY SALON PHONE 2-3276 For Your Sprint Feather Cot Cold Wave 110 ap. 4958 North River Rd. - KEIZER Builder's Supply Inc. One-halt Block West Kena School "The bl little lumber Yard that has Everything" Phone 24208 Keizer Hardware & Appliance Is Showing A Special Plastic Garden Hose 50 ft. lengths at 5.40 Also Stocking - Galvanized Water Pip & Finings From ' in to 1 V Inch Check Our Prices on These Heavy Duty Wheel Borrows Light Wheelborrowa Lawn Carts ft Mowers Electric Appliances KEIZER HDW. AND APPLIANCE CO. Phone 24350 4964 N Piver Rd.