Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 16, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, T'ursday, June 16, 1949
iSoroptimist Club Installs
At Dinner Event Wednesday
' Salem Soroptimist club Installed new officers last evening at
t formal dinner party in the Cherry room of the Senator hotel,
,40 memben and guests attending.
Mrs. Henry Kayser installed the officers in a candlelight
ieremony. assisted by Miss Alice Crary Brown at the piano and
a 1 I I ...i 1 : l . . . i
me lafiuies.
The new officers installed In
clude: Mrs. Glenn E. McCorm
ick, president; Mrs. H. G. Mai-
son, first vice president; Mrs
Jonn a. BeaKey, second vice
president; Mrs. Leo Johnson
treasurer; Mrs. Donald Reinke,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Eva Rush, recording secretary;
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, director.
Hold-over directors are Miss
Irene de Lisle and Mrs. Ethel
Miss Irene de Lisle, retiring
president, presided at the open
ing of the meeting. Miss Flor
ence Polster gave accordion so
los and Miss Glennis Allen sang,
accompanied by Miss Jewell
The tables and room were la
vishly decorated with blue del
phiniums and yellow daisies
Also, down the centers of the
tables were blue candles encir
cled with yellow blossoms.
" past president s pin was
presented Miss de Lisle.
r,ieven or me guests were
members of the Portland Sorop
timist club, including Miss Anio
Malinem, Mrs. DeEtta Rodgers,
Miss Emilie Eisenhauer, Miss
Harriett Sheasgreen, Miss Sally
Diacmnan, mrs. Armena Felt.
Mrs. Mary Boyle, Mrs. Fred
Meyer, Miss Pera Wilkins Mr.
Myrtis Russell, Mrs. Minnie Un
derwood. Mrs. Susan de Lisle
Mrs. Harry Kelley and Mrs. Ro
bert M. Fischer, Jr. were other
guests at the dinner.
Portland S or optimists have
invited Salem members to at
tend their installation on Sat
urday evening, a dinner to be
at the Benson hotel. A mnn0
mose planning to go from here
Sorority Event
rnuo of Salen
Alpha Chi Omega sorority will
!sn to Portland Saturday to at
Kend the groups annual state
luncheon to be at the Benson
Among those going from here
are Mrs. Howard Barlow, Mrs.
"Roy Rice, Jr., Mrs. Frank Gue
Jrin, Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs. Le
wis D. Griffith. All Alpha Chi
Omegas around the state are in
cited to attend.
.Miss Sparks Is
Recent Bride
Rnsedale On June 5, at 3
n m . before an altar banked
Swith Dink and yellow roses,
white peonies, blue delphen-
lumi and garden pinks, the Rev
Durnr Brown performed the
linele ring ceremony that united
in marriage. Miss Grace Ann
Stoarks. daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Ben Sparks, and Dannie Nathen
Bonge, son of Mr. and Mrs. n
V. Bonge of Salem.
The bride wore an ivory sa
tin gown with net yoke embel
lished with embroidery and seed
Jiearls. Her fingertip veil was
lace edged and gathered into a
Coronet of braided satin trim-
?ied with orange blossoms. She
arried a shower bouquet of
pink rosebuds and white carna
Jion tied with white satin rib
don. Glenn Sparks gave his
klster away.
Mrs. Milton Bingenheimer was
ier sister's matron of honor and
swore an orchid taffeta frock
Svith sweetheart neckline, puff
leeves and bustle back. Miss
rihirlcy Bingenheimer, niece of
he bride and Miss Eva Bonge,
lister of the bridegroom, as
iridesmaids wore pale green
Jrocks made Identically to that
nf the matron of honor. They
411 carried pastel colonial nose
gays. Mrs. Wayne Sparks and
J4r. Glenn Sparks, wearing
qua taffeta, lighted the tapers,
yllss Clara Sparks of Portland,
PISICT Ol Mi in:,
fend Bowerman of Albany sang
Mrs. Forrest Commack accom
panied, also playing the wed-
J . ,
Charles Rogers stood as best
knan for his cousin. Ushers
were Wayne Sparks, brother of
She bride, and Milton Bingen
tielmer. J Mrs. Frank Griffin passed the
guest book and Eulalia Ket
hum of Mulino, cousin of the
Wide had charge of the gifts.
A reception was held in the
thurch presided, over by Mrs.
Bert Hamilton. Clara Sparks
But the wedding eake. Mrs.
Clngenhiemer served the
Jrroom's cake and Mrs Wayne
Cparka and Mrs. Glenn Sparks
n-Mrided at the punch bowl.
farewell Event
Mrs. John H. Hann was hos
Jbeiw this afternoon at fare
swell tea to honor Mrs. Howard
jconkle, who with Mr. Conkle
tsnd their two sons, Gordon and
Brian, are moving to Seattle the
tfirst of July to make their home.
Invited were a group of sen
site secretaries with whom Mrs.
Conkle worked during the legis
lative session, Mrs. Hillary Ktzcl,
Mrs. Floyd Query, Mrs. James
jNewcomb, Mrs. Robert DeAr
smonri, Mrs. Robert Needham.
Mrs. Janet Collier, Mrs. W. B
Kimmet. Mrs. Pearl Young, Mrs.
Robert Brennan. Mrs. Hann.
! .
Falls City Mock orange and
lither blooms formed a floral
vaekgrounds for the wedding
keremony of Miss Donna Ber
riece Luhde and Francis A. Gi
foux. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
piroux of Silverton June 11 at
I p.m. at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luh
te nf Falls City.
The Rev. Willis Keithly offi
ciated. The bride was given In
Jnarriage by her father. The
frrlde wore a white taffela and
ce gown, with fingertip illu
sion veil and carried a white
Bible and an orchid.
J Miss Alice Luhde, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and
pore a blue laffeta gown and
tarried a nosegay of yellow
loses. Miss Dianne Luhde. a sta
ler of the bride, as bridesmaid
k'ore a pink taffeta gown and
tarried pink roses.
Best man was Elmer Glroux
brother of the bridegroom. The
froomsman was Johnnv Classen
r Dallas.
I The reception was held on the
lawn. The newlyweds will reside
In Monmouth, during the sum
mer session of college, where
fcoth art students.
I. RAVING Friday on a vara
nn Into Canada will be Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Reinke to be gone
three weeks They art making
aha trip by motor. i
Two Couples
Plan Supper
Among informal parties on
the late week's calendar is the
buffet supper for which Mr. and
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Barr will
entertain Friday evening.
The event will be given In the
garden at the Fitzmaurice home
Parties for
Mrs. Wise
Mrs. T. G. Wise, who is leav
ing soon for Seattle to reside, is
being honored at several par
ties preceding her departure.
Mrs. P. C. Anderson enter
tained this afternoon at dessert
and bridge for Mrs. Wise, mem
bers of their bridge club being
guests. In the group were Mrs.
Wise, Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mrs.
Edward J. Hagen, Mrs. Loren
Lewis, Mrs. Willis Clark, Mrs.
Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Gordon O.
Leonard, Mrs. Milo Taylor, Mrs.
Sam Campbell, Mrs. James
Payne, Mrs. Ed Goeckner, Mrs.
Lee Thomas and the hostess.
This evening, Mrs. Carl W.
Wood is to entertain for Mrs.
Wise at a dessert supper and
bridge party, guests to include
Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Ottis Berry
Mrs. Elmo Lindholm, Mrs. B. M
Donaldson, Mrs. Howard Eis-
mann, Mrs. Almo Eberhardy,
Mrs. Charles R. Shaw, Mrs. Wes
ley E. Stewart, Jr., Mrs. Wood.
Mrs. David Gray and Mrs
Harold Heiserman are inviting
friends for a bridge party next
Monday evening to honor Mrs.
Wise. The affair will be at the
Gray home. Guests for three ta
bles are being bidden, a late
supper to follow the bridge
EXPECTED home Friday
from University of Oregon
wnere they are students are
Jack and Miss Joanne Fitzmaur
ice, son and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice.
fv r ' - i
f: ,
Recently Wed The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. August
Dean Knupp (Claudine Hahn) was solemnized June 3. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Hahn and
Mr. Knupp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Knupp.
(Linna Chitwood photo).
Marie Ling, Miss Irene de Lisle.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs.
Charles Gabriel, Miss Mary Bra
dy, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Clifford
Taylor, Mrs. Paul Heath.
Mrs. Gertrude S. Huitt. East
St. Louis, 111., president of the
Am.riran fmliiralinn rJt Cnrnn.
are Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs.Uimist clubs, is to be speaker.
regular $10.98
regular $19.95
Spring and Summer
Dresses . . . Versatile
Assortments . . . Crepes,
Cottons, Casual and
Dressy Styles
Corner Liberty and Court
Woodburn Garden
Club Entertained
Woodburn The regular meet
ing of the Woodburn Garden
club was held Tuesday evening
at the library club room with
Frank Covey presiding.
A round table discussion on
the care of roses was the main
topic of the evening and the rose
show committee demonstrated
its winning arrangement which
took first prize at the recent
rose show m Salem and exhib
ited the eup which was won.
Roses from the gardens of mem
bers were exhibited.
Plans were made for the an
nual picnic for members and
families which will be held at
the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Colgan the evening of
July 12, the last meeting of the
club for the summer season. The
new president, Mrs. Ralph Seely,
and her officers will take over
the first meeting in September.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess committee, Mrs. H.
F. Butterfield and Mrs. J. J.
Supper After
I Following the rehearsal Friday
evening for the wedding of their
daughter. Miss Norma L. Fisch
er, and Delton C. Trinklein, Mr.
land Mrs. William H. Fischer
are to entertain at a supper at
their home, 30 to attend,
Guests from out of town will
be Theodore Hillman of St.
Louis, uncle of the bride-to-be;
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlewitz of
Seattle, uncle and aunt of the
bridegroom; P. J. Hillman of
Oakland, Calif., uncle of the
The Trinklein - Fischer wed
ding is to be an event of Sat
urday evening in St. John's Lu
theran church.
Shower Given
Two recent parties have hon
ored Miss Fischer. Mrs. William
Hinz, Mrs. Henry Ruecker, Mrs.
H. J. Brown and Miss Hulda
Schultz were hostesses at a
shower at the Hinz home for
one. The guest list including
the honoree, and Mrs. L. E.
George, sister of Miss Fischer,
her mother, , Mrs. William H
Fischer, Mrs. E. Hoffman, Mrs
A Hoffman, Mrs. A. Rassmus
sen. Miss Amanda Schwabauer
Miss Anna Shirmer, Mrs. A.
Schafer, Mrs. Wesley Gladow,
Mrs. A. King, Mrs. D. Kiacr.
Mrs. E. Nickodemus of Mt. Ang
el, Mrs. Harlan Hanson, Mrs.
Floyd Brodhagen, Mrs. A. G
Brodhagen, Mrs. Henry Grosi,
Mrs. Herbert Miller, Mrs. Carl
Kreft of Dallas, Mrs. LeRoy Mit-
.i.nrfnrf Mrs. Bertha Junk Dar
by, Mrs. Bertha Cook, Mrs. John
Gettman, Miss Meta Garigu.
Mrs. Marie Rohlf, Mrs. Jay
Schaefer, Mrs. Al Laue, Mrs.
William O'Neil. Mrs. Herbert
Trinklein of Portland.
An al fresco garden party
was siven at the home of Miss
Juanita Peters for Miss Fischer.
Guests included Miss Fischer,
Miss Patricia O'Day, Miss Mary
Hecnan, Miss Phyllis Brewster,
Miss Josephine Hill, Mrs. L. E.
Georae. Miss Mildred Stookey,
Mrs. Evangeline Ott,
Many Guests at
Women's Golf Day
Several guests attended the
Salem Women's Golf association
day, Wednesday, including Mrs.
W. H. Sabin of Yakima; Mrs.
Paul Kliever, Mrs. Jack Brande,
Mrs. Richard Peters. Mrs. Ken
neth Juza, all of Lebanon; Mrs.
Walter Miller, Mrs. Lawrence
Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Goss,
Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mrs.
Douglas Heater, all of Stayton.
Mrs. Mark Seale was welcom
ed as a new member.
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton was
medalist in the qualifying round
for the Kay tournament.
Winners for the day's play
were Mrs. Hamilton in class A;
Mrs. Werner Brown in class B;
Mrs. Frank Burlingham in class
C; Mrs. Loren Kitchen, class D.
Announcement was made of a
two-ball foursome event on June
VISITING relatives In Salem
are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bar
Truff and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney
To Be Feted
Among affair being arran
ged for next week to honor
brides-elect will be the shower
and party for which Mrs. Har
old Gardner (Jeannt Demytt)
is to be hostess Monday evening.
The party will honor Miss
Margaret-Jane Emmons, bride
elect of John Syme, and Miss
Janice Myers, who is to be wed
in July to Lloyd V. Lewis.
. .
Piano Recital
Gerald Martin il to be pre
sented In a piano recital Friday
by his teacher, Miss Elma Wel
ler. Assisting on the program
will be Miss Pebble DeSart, so
The program is as follows:
Prelude in D minor Bach
Hunting Song Heller
Prelude Heller
Tarantelle Heller
Funeral March Heller
Gerald Martin
Vocal numbers
Miss DeSart
The Roaming Bumble
Bee Williams
Prelude C minor Chopin
Valse Brahms
B. Bartruff of Anna, 111. They
are guests at the home of Walter
Bartruff's brothers, Joe and Carl
Bartruff, whom he has not seen
for 30 years.
A reunion for the family is
being planned, honoring the
aunt of the men, Mrs, Kate
Scharf, on her 80th birthday
anniversary, June 19.
If J LJ I I I 1 1
Extra Values Special Sayings Smaller Down Payment
Automatic Washed
Without Suds Saver
11.00 Dn S.00 Mt.
"-V s
With Suds Saver SSL'S.1:?:?. 209
You'rt no slove to a big pile r,f laundry with this fomou Kenmore Auto
matic! It washes elothts clean; rinses them better than you tvtr did by
hand; spins them drier than an, roller ever squeezed thtm and oil you do
is put in the soap and set the dials. What's more. Sears price savet you
money. Compare!
Old Price 279.95
New Price
26.00 Down, 11.50 Month on Start loiy Ttrmi
(Vsual carrying charge)
We have received a limited quantity of this specially
priced Coldspot to sell while they lost! It's a big 8.7
cu. ft. model with o giant 38.3-lb. copacity frozen food
storage chest. In our opinion this refrigerator represents
one of the most substantial price savings you havt seen
in a long, long time. For beauty, for food keeping eon
vemence, for ease in cleaning ond for low price
see Coldspot now at Sears!
Model B9X in Limited Quantity
Now at Your Start Start
Parctlain Enamel Mtat Steraft
Drawtr Holds 10.4-lbi. af Mtat
18-Sq. Ft. of Eicluiirt Dtiifn
Stainltsi Stttl Shtlvinj
largt, Dtep Twin Criipert Keep
23-Qtt. af Vtgttabltt Fresh
Shop Until 9:00 P.M. Friday
484 State Street y
Phone 3-9191