Local Paragraphs Miss Your Piper? If thai Gait Halta Blimp Tht Good Capital Journal carrier faila to year blimp which wit ached leave your copy please phone uled to fly Capital Journal newt 22408 BEFORE 6 PM. and a headlinei from the air over Sa copy will be delivered to you. lem Wednesday night, was un- able to make the flight to Salem New Bui Schrdulee Effec- because of a high wind. It will, live mursaay is a new urey-f WMther permits, appear j,me. will be chosen the oueen nouno nmuea dui .ervi - Thursday night Instead. The ' ofthe 149 Cheri-vland Festival tween Salem, Seattle and San blimp started out from Portland: Officially termed "Oueen S. Francisco and as far as Los Wednesday night, but turned i,,ti Niohl ih. .v.nt i. tn he Cherry Queen Chosen Friday For five young ladles of Mar lon and Polk counties this Fri day night is a very special night from that group of five, all graduated from high school this Angeles, according to V. ". back when over Oregon City Switzer, Salem agent, four 01 the rhertiile are announced for Carter Doing Well Roy Car- ...h f ih. fnllforni. cities, and ter. 16th and Lee street, who of the eight four are new here. Two new schedules begin from Salem to Reno, which are via Klamath Falls, with connec tions at Reno for Salt Lake City and the east or Los Vegas and the south. Cooperation Asked Fire Chief W. P. Roble has made an appeal to the public to cooper ate in the burning of grass and brush. He advises that when brush or grass is to be burned in the city that the fire depart ment be notified by phone so the firemen may be alert to calls from people who may not know that the fire is under supervi sion. Early morning is the best time for these fires, the chief aaid. Loses Left Hand Roy Carter, 1610 Lee street, suffered the loss of his left hand in an asphalt mixer while working with a state highway crew on the Sa-lem-Silverton highway. He is in the hospital at Oregon City- lost his left arm Wednesday, is reported as doing well at an Or egon chain mechanism crew's tar machine. He was tak en to Oregon City by ambulance where it was necessary to am putate his arm Just below the elbow. Gov. Douglas McKay has ap pointed the Very Rev. Francis J. Leipzig. Eugene, to be the public representative on the state board of labor concilia tion. The employers' represen tative is Stewart Weiss, Sweet Home, and the labor member is Ray A. Mclnnis, Eugene. held at the Elsinore theater be tween the two evening shows and is slated to take place about 8:40 o'clock. The five princesses. Jeannlne City hospital. Carter, B'nUey Dorothy Neufeld Grace member of a state highway re- lr,c' ";-""r pair crew, was working on the .nd Katherme Specht. after ar Paclfic highway near Barlow j "vln h ,h" " nv"" when hit arm was caught in the w' be eorted o the stage 0f a road iinruiitfTi u vuuiiiii ui I. uum or ine unernans. On their arrival on the stage the girls will be introduced to Mrs. Agnes Schucking. who was queen of the first Cherryland Festival held in Salem and last year's festival queen. Miss Lois! Esgers. They then will be Inter-1 viewed brieflv by the master of ceremonies for the program, Dave Hoss. Forming an escort group for the princesses will be a group of uniformed Cherrians. who have been asked to meet in front of the theater by 8:30 o'clock that evening. During the program there will be organ music by Mis Mary Barton. Following the Interview of the princesses bv Hoss the Judges' decisions will be announced and the queen introduced to the group. The entire program is to be transcribed for re-broadcast at 10:45 p.m. (daylight time) that evening over station KSLM. Licensed to Marry Paul L. Spratt and Wilma M. Belcher, both of Sheridan, have been is sued t marriage license at Van couver, Wash. A license was is sued in Portland for Allen A. Coleman, Milwaukie and Edith A. Jensen, Taft. Licensed at Al bany were James Thomas Work man and Thelma McEwan, both of Lebanon and James Wilbur Fox and Dorothy Pauline Alexy, both of Lebanon. Pole Permit Given Pacific Telephone & Telegraph compa ny has been granted a permit by Father Leipzig Re-appointed the county court to extend its W. T. Brown in Hospital William T. Brown, 840 South Liberty street, became ill while working at the Oregon Pulp & Paper company mill Wednesday. First aid was called and took him to Salem General hospital. Baby Son Arrives Felicita tions go to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Li Doerk over the birth of a sev f mnd seven ounce son, Wed "flSLay, June 15. at Salem Mem orial hospital. The baby, named Scott Richard, has a brother Jack Howard. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Doerk of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Sage, maternal grandparents, also reside in Chi cago. Mrs. Sage will arrive shortly to welcome the new ba by. The father is connected with the Memorial hospital. Leipzig Appointed Gov. LiouElas McKay today announc ed the appointment of the Rev. Francis P. Leipzig of Eugene as I member of the state board of conciliation, representing the public. lines along county road Sunnyside-Liberty road. 834. Hear! of Brother's Death William H. Crawford, 872 Par rish street, received word Wed nesday of the death of his bro ther, Thomas Frew Crawford, of Ardmore, Pa. He was on a train returning from Harrisbur to his home city when he died sud denly. He was a retired con tractor with offices in Philadel phia. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. William M. Smith, wife of a member of the faculty of Lafayette college. Easton. Pa. Building Permits Mrs. Effie Morgan, to reroof a two-story dwelling at 1467 Court, $225. Charles Stingley, to alter a one story dwelling at 972 Spruce, $60. J. V. Epping. to build a one-story dwelling and garage ai zu candalana, $11,000. Jo seph Vogl, to build a garage at 1790 Berry, $840. Violet Hoover, to alter a one-story dwelling at south 17th, $75. Cherrians Participating King Bing Daryl Myers of the Cher rians has asked that all Cher rians having uniforms and wanting to participate in the Queen Selection Night program at the Elsinore theater Friday night meet in front pf the theater by 8:30 o'clock, that evening. Veteran Druggists to Meet The Veteran Druggists associa tion of Oregon will have its 10th annual meeting at the Mult nomah hotel in Portland June 23 and 24 in connection with the Oregon State Pharmaceuti cal association. A veteran drug gist is one who has been regis tered for 35 years or more, of wnom several live in Salem. John Hale Dies John W. Hale, 85, brother of S. V. Hale, of Salem, died at Walla Walla Monday. He was born in Polk county, Missouri, and crossed the plains in 1879. locating in Garfield county. He moved to Idaho in 1909 and returned to Wglla Walla in 1916. He is al so survived by his widow, daughter, two step-daughters and another brother. Twins Taken Home Mrs. Edward Salstrom and twin sons have been dismissed from the Salem General hospital and are now at home. 1862 N. 5th. Other dismissals are Mrs. Donald Zah radnik and daughter, 2456 Claude; Mrs. Chester Newton and son. Hollywood Cabins: Mrs. Randolph Krom and daughter. 705 N. Capitol: Mrs. Herbert Stiff Jr., and daughter. Rt. 3. box 870; Mrs. Bert McConnefl and son. Monmouth, and Mrs. Lloyd Dunn and daughter, Wren. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes) ths Follow! n i Nw CHliem: TOMLtN June It it Stlvrrton hospital, a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tomlta. SPfFBlBle To Mr. and Mrs. Clarion svi fried or Dtnnn. a mv pound Ma. Junt 4 it thf McMI&nvUU hospital. MOrtnrLL Ta Mr. and Mr J James Momll. 9'U Bilvertou road. a on. Jun 14. at M!m Memomi nospitti. ADAM To Mr. and Mr. Wltllim Ad- mi. St ay ton. 4 dauahttr, Junt ai km Memorial hospital. Taylor To Mr. md Mm. John T tr ior, 1301 Nebraska iitwt, a son, June 14. at Salem Mem or ill hospital. MOORZ To Mr. and Mrs. Asoend , Moore. 13 Harold At., at the Salta Ota eral hospital, ttrl. June U. OR AVER To Mr. and Mm. Don lid Otivm, litlD, ai the Salem Oeneral hos- ami. ttrl. Jua II. LKMKAU To Mr. and Mra. 1T.Min.Mh mkau. Independence, ai trtt Saltan Ota oral flaeptUl. a aoy, Jun 11. tfSCHER-T Mr. and Mra. Edward Fischer, 1111 Dearborn, it the Salem Oenera' hospital, a ttrl. Junt la. DOrRK To Mr. and Mr. J irk L Doerk IMA Duncan inu. son, Wednesday Junt is. ai Salem Memorial hospital. OORMAN To Mr and Mrs. Jsrk Oor- tnt-n." 34ft Kst' Nob H.U. a dauihtfr WsytfiMrtiy, Junt la, at Btltm Memorial nnspiui. MrFKFR To Mr and Mrs. Prank Mk r cvjth Cfiureh strft. a ann, wd ntvjay, Junt It, at Asltra Mtmonal has-.!. raiora Ti Mr n ur. tiri Cirr:ir. CM SoulB Elm A-nu a 'lr,M4ltr, Jum IS, si tim MfmaritJ heMtttl. Rosenhurr Funeral Final rites for Mrs. Elizabeth L. Rosenberg, 8f, mother of Mrs. Catherine Wodeage, Salem, were held at Pendleton Wednes day afternoon. She was born in Germany and had lived in Pen dleton 48 years. Two other daughters, a son, sister, 19 grandchildren and several great grandchildren survive. School Offers Program The program of the Daily Vacation Bible school of the Four Cor ners Baptist church will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. In addition to songs, memory verses and stories, there will be an exhibition of hand work of the various age groups. Parents are urged to attend and the pub lic is invited. A magnificent trophy, donat ed personally by Governor Douglas McKay, and to be presented by him to the win ners, will be awarded the best organization appearing in the annual state-wide drill team contest, a feature of the Cherryland festival. Above is a likeness of the trophy, which is 30 inches high. It it on display at Stevens & Son, Jewelers. It becomes a per manent possession if won three successive times. The presentation will be Saturday night, July 2. Ban Transfer Of County Funds Lake county was blocked to day in its plan to shift 825,000 from its road fund into ltt al most empty general fund. Attorney General George Neuner ruled that the transfer proposed by the Lake county court would be unconstitutional. The opinion was for tht coun ty's district attorney. Robert L. Welch, who previously had told the county court it couldn't transfer the funds. Neuner said the county could transfer up to (5,000. The county's general fund now has a cash balance of less than $6,000, but there's 8100,000 in the road fund. Neuner wrote: "Both funds are for county purposes, but each is for a dis-i tlnct purpose, and warrants drawn on either fund are gen eral obligations against the county. "It appears obvious that any transfer from either of such funds to the other would result in a general obligation against the county and if in excess of the county debt limitation of S5.000 would be prohibited the constitution." il ' Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon. Thursday, Junt 16, it ! ! i i "' ''M t f I ,ni four years. v i nam upenea 19495 For Canninng A new enterprise today in Salem. is Durins thf rmslndfr of this month the recruiting office is auth irmrpd to take an unlimited number I of 18-YPar-olri.v j Recent communications received : t the Msnnr Corps recruiting of j 'ice In th Salpm pot office bulld ilns atao informed the recruiters opening that ex-marlnes have only 90 dava 'now In which to re-enlist in the A new building at South 13th thfir rBI,nK. and Wilbur houses one of the I most modern and efficient can- j g' '.r Br,dW , th, nlng kitchens on the west coast. salem volunteer naval ait reserve At a cost of a few cents a can. unit will leave Seattle July 1 on a Salem housewives quicklv and itwo-weeka cruise to Juneau. Alajlta. efficientlv produce top-q'ualitv ,plSg,ifid M,; . . . .ion the Sprinitfleld will spend tha canned goods at a substantial Forth of July at Juneau. saving. The new business Is Blundell Kanning Kitchen. Can-your own or custom-canning sprang up during the de pression when housewives were looking for ways to save money. Canning kitchens were the the by Auditor to Speak Irving Brown, auditor for the office of state treasurer, will speak at the Friday noon meeting of the Sa lem Board of Realtors at the Senator hotel. He will discuss inheritance and estate taxes as related to real property. Leave Salem Memorial Dis missed from the Salem Memor ial hospital with recently born infants are Mrs. Edward V. Davis and son. 2365 N. Liberty; Mrs. George Ray Dickenson and Barry Dies Word was re- son, 1112 Pacific highway. ceived today of the death from Woodburn, and Mrs. Frank Gird Plan Extension of 25th Street to Airport County Engineer Hedda Swart and City Engineer Harold Davis held a conference Wednesday af ternoon at the extension of 25th street from Mission street into the airport which is to be im proved as a joint city project by paving and reached an agree ment as to the method of pro cedure. The city will scarify and grade the roadway and the county then do the oiling work. The road lies partly in the city limits and partly outside. Each will keep track of its respective costs and the total cost to each will be pro rated as to the lineal feet improved. The one with the least costs will reimburse the other party for the difference when the total expense is figur ed. This plan met approval of the county court when reported to it Thursday. Work is expect ed to start in a few days on scarifying and grading and the county will do the oiling share of the job probably in July. Valsetz, and daughter. a heart attack Wednesday in Onaway, Alberta, Canada, of John Charles Barry. Barry, a resident oi the Salem area for the past 25 years, was visiting j president of the Oregon division ai ine nome of a daughter at the o' Ine American usieopamic as time of his death. His wife died ocial'on in Portland Wednes about three years ago. day, succeeding Dr. R. M. Gor- I don, balem. other officers are ropes Buy rarm Mr. ani.r s P.i.r.n .ik.nv. fir.i vi Mrs. F. W. Pope, of Stayton, president; Dr! E. L. Burnham, have purchased a 40-acre farm Oregon City, second vice presi- eigni miles northwest of Silver- dent, and Dr. David E. Reid ion irom ine r iscus Drothers. The Popes will raise berries and engage in some general farming. Smith Exhibits Indian Dolls Don Smith, the grand aweep- stakea winner in the recent hobby show sponsored by the Rotary club in Salem, will dis play his hobby handmade In dian dolls for the public in the Salem branch. First National bank of Portland for two weeks from June 28 to July 2. Don,, a 15-year-old student of Parrish junior high, is an artist in his Indian work, and has won many ribbons and trophies for his hand carvings and etch ings. Among his winnings he was a winner in a scholarship art display in Meier and Frank m Portland with his ink etch ings. His winning etchings were shown in Carnegie hall in Pitts burgh. According to Don his only training has been in art classes in school and his self-training received by his extreme interest in the Indian people. He pecta to make a life's work of Indian history, wants to become Jr?". c, an authority on Indian lore. HeUm rn Tel spends a great deal of time vis iting the Indian reservations for ideas, and his interest in their life and history. For this Inter est he was made an honorary member of the Nez Perce tribe. Don speaks several Indian languages and corresponds with several Indian chiefs. Boyd Named Sales Manager The Union Oil company an nounces the appointment of P. H. Boyd as district sales man ager for its Salem district, with headquarters at Salem. He re places T. G. Wise, who has been oromoted to manager sales ser vices for the northwest terri tory, at Seattle. Mr. Boyd has been associa ted with the company for almost 20 years. He started in California but progressed to the northwest in 1933 where he has served in a number of positions In various locations. He was district sales manager at The Dalles before coming here. He has always been interested in civic affairs, ann is a transfer member of the Chamber of Commerce. Boyd is also an enthusiastic golfer. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have two sons aged nine and five, and a baby daughtet. They have pur chased a home at 2070 South High. George R. Kaye will continue to be in charge of the company's Salem business as resident man ager. The district comprises cen tral section of the Willamette valley to the coast. To Join Second Division Two Salem men who are to be assiftned to the Second Infantry division at Fort Lewla. Wash.. Pvt. Reeford Oakes and Pvt. Richard K. BankMon. are now apending a 10 riav delav en route leave in Salem. Both enlisted through the local rccruitine station. Oakes is the son answer. Buying fruits and vege-iof Reetord M. oakes and Mra. Anna tahln urh-n ihv u r ( it.j.ir!L. Oakcx and Banksl.on la the son peak of perfection and lowest in price, then canning them in canning kitchens, thrifty wo men produced fine quality canned goods with little expen diture of time and effort. The process is simple. After preparing the fruits or vege tables on large tables, the housewife places them in cans and turns them over to the pro fessional canner. Unlike home! canning, every can is perfectly preserved with no loss because cans are sealed scientifically. I Ronald Blundell, war veteran and owner of Blundell Kanning Kitchen, is already known to many Salem citizens. With a de gree in food technology from OSC and canning knowledge and experience gained through practical experience in various canning plants, he is well quali fied for the new enterprise. A new concrete building just south of the new Coca-Cola plant houses Blundell Kanning Kitchen. The finest, most-up-to-date equipment has been In stalled. All equipment is effi cient and sanitary. of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bankston of 100 Williams avenue. Pappe on Leave Pvt. Rofier D. Rappe. on of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rappe of route 3. Box 155A is spending s 1 riav delay enrmite leave in Salem before reporting to Fort 8am Hous ton. Texas for duty aa a cook with the 2;i9th military police company. Rappe. a former navy man. enlisted in the armv throush the local re cruiting office January 18. 1P49. and ha bpen takinn a refresher courps of Fort Ord. Calif., and at tending an etdht-weeka cooks and bakers school at that post. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS STOCKS Br in uotlawa erMal Truman Silent on '52 Washington, June 16 (P President Truman had no com ment today on a report that he will not run again for president in 1952. He was informed at his Osteopathi Elect Dr. O. L. news conference that Quick mag- Hutchins. Pendleton, was named azine had printed such a story but he would not be drawn out Lamb to Manage - Boys Training School Sign Not Needed Countv En gineer Swart hat reported back. to the county court that in his opinion a stop sign requested at N. Jamet street and Jefferson avenue is not needed as the traf fic does not warrant it. Installa tion of stop signs at too many intersections where traffic con ditions do not warrant has a tendency to cause motorists to disregard such signs in general, was an opinion expressed by court members. Lebanon, secretary - treasurer. Dr. E. A. Flaming, Dallas, and Dr. J. S. Gilhousen, The Dalles, were named trustees for two year terms. The 1850 conven tion will be held in Tacomt with the Washington division host. Checking Petitions Referen dum petitions are now being re ceived for checking at the coun ty clerk's office, one being on house bill 436 of the recent le gislature, the needy aged per sons public assistance act, tnd the other house bill 454 provid ing for uniform standard time in Oregon. Salem's Unique Dining Club Shattuc's Chateau. Rummage Sale Fri. 988 S Liberty. 1st Cong. Pro. Group. 143' on it. Underwriters Meet The monthly meeting of the Salem Underwriters' association will be held at the Senator hotel Fri day noon. Officers will be in stalled and national quality awards distributed. Wanted In South Two offi cers have arrived here from Eureka, Calif., to return Cromie Davis to that place to answer to a check charge. He is on pro bation here on a similar charge. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Salsm 6tl A Supply Co., Aums v)le Lumber Co,, complaint sftkj to col lect 13213.1 and lntTMt for staal sup pils alleKMUr d11vtrs.. Arltn I. va Alexander aVhrHber. div orce complaint allaes eruM and inhuman treatment and desertion, asks plaintiff be awarded SO a month almtony and re stored her former name of Arlene Klampa. Married November 1, lt4l. at Labfh Center. Sewing, alt. 360 State St.. 145 I Lawrence Minnie E. Kvll. default ine Meioaairi are ai anauue order entered. Chateau. Final STORE-WIDE CLEAR ANCE on all merchandise. 142 The new hours of Mar s Des- S. High. The Fashion, Lounge. 144 .ert Lunch, 255 N. High St., are: Sun., Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Thurs.. 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Fri. and Sat.. 6 a.m. to 3 a rn. 143 Dr. Harmon T. Harvey an nounces the removal of his of Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary. Ken Potts Insurance Agen cl, 229 N. Liberty. 143 Dance Band. 'Top Hatters fie for the practice of Diagno-l Cottonwoods, Sat. Dance 9 till 1. i mmA Internal Moriirin. tn QDAI Livesley Bldg. effective June 19th 1949. Telephone 2-3641 for appointments. 146 Federally insured Savings Current dividend 2 See FIRST FedereJ Savlrg FIRST 142 S. Liberty Ph 3-4944. Up to 7S off on over ISO closeout Wallpaper patterns at Elf xtrom's, 340 Courrt St 145 Guaranteed expert Swiss and American watch repairing at the Jewel Box. 443 State. Custom made Venetian Blinds call Reinholdt & Lewis 2-3639. 145 Going to reroof? Our estimates are free". Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-9694. 143 , District Court Paint ine & Dec. Ph. 3-7552.1 152 S""i"t Hummer v!) r , IH mercial. pe6d iullt. Jfl.4iav State ts Paul Leror Oardner. Jury tlnds defendant guilty of arson In connec tion with aidlrif to start a fire In a pile of flat at the state penitentiary. This ts ont of el tht rases Involving the same crime. Three have been tried, two beini found guiltr and the. third not nilltj by reason ot temporary insanity. Portland, June 16 James Lamb, chief probation officer of the court of domestic rela tions, will become superinten dent of the Oregon boys school at Woodburn July 1. Appointment of Will Drum, supervisor of social service as acting chief probation officer, was announced Wednesday by Circuit Judge Donald E. Long. Lamb will quit his present job Friday. In the boys' school post he succeeds M. D. Wooley, who will become executive sec retary of the Central Oregon Chamber of Commerce at Bend. Lamb has been chief probation officer for 5 4 years. ...13't ... Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth ateel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Paclfte Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler s ."Tom with A Sou Cons Vullee Continental Can '3 Crown ZrlWbacb 21 CurtLvi Wrltht Ooualaa Alrrr-ft " Dilpont de firm 4.1' Oenerat Klertne 34 Jeneral Food 40 Cleneral Motors Goodyear Tire Int Harvester Int Paper ' Kennecoit Ubby McN 1t L Lon Bell "A" ' Montgomery Ward Nash KH vlnt a or Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific " i Pae Am Pish Pao Gas it Elee II Pae Tel ft Tel Penney J C 4 Radio Cora ..... Rayonler ..... Rayonler Pfd ... Reynolds MetaJ . Richfield . Aafewav Stores . Sears Roebiirk . . Rout hern Pacific Standard Oil Co .... M Htudebsker Corp US Sunshine Mining K , Transamerica ins Union Oil Cal 3A'a Union Pacifie United Airline 11 u a ateei am Warner Bros Pie lrS Weolwrrfh 4', Thurftday. June I Oreamzed Naval Rpsfrv Sur face unit at Naval and Marine corps reserve training center. Salem Air Reserve composite unit, Friday. June 17 Organized Seabee reserve unit at Naval and Marine corpa training center. Vacation Bible School Closing The Daily Vacation Bible School at the Bethel Baptist church, north Cottage and D street, will clone with a dem onstration program on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The classes will present in program form some of the things they hav done. The school has had an en rollment of 47 pupils with 41 at tending regularly. The ones who have attended at least five days will receive a certificate. Tha public is invited to the program. License Approved The coun ty court has approved an appli cation for a beer license for Steve Sadowsky. Broadacrrs tavern, three miles west of Hubbard. j To Haul Logs W. B. Hirta, route 1, Lyons, has been grant ed a permit by tht county court to haul logs. To Take Crulw SR Colbert B. Nevin. USNR from Salem surface division 13-28. Is among those naval reservists, who win take two weeks crui.se aboard the USS Pk-kawav. navv attack tinport. The Pickaway is slated to leave Seattle June 2.S on the training cruise, which win take it to Kitchlkan. Alaska. The men will aisemoark at Seattle July 8. Unlimited Enlistment Beginning July 1 the Marine corps will begin again enlisting an unlimited number of men from 17 vears through 28 years of age for regular enlistment periods of three sMfCP Jam Jelly PECTIN US , !', YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there Is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing Hiking Fishing - Horsei Big Bonfiraand Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET For Reservations. Price List and ROAD INFORMATION Phone Detroit 81 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Rreitrnhush, Oregon Ask About Your Hospitals MarlArlf Bakrr Yung a Dorothy Vapp 1 t4 rrtr. Judimnt erdsr in favnr nil than 55 patients. mo&tie accident Hamas action. Probata Court Brtha BirtMs 171 IB br Mabel Jenas and Edna R. Mtst BPPrStStM) II Ncadriam. Allen 0 approved capacity for 64 beds and 18 bassinettes. We have crowded into it 80 beds and 34 bassinettes. For the best service to patients the a vera Re occu pancy should not exceed 45 and at no time should it have more When the oc cupancy exceeds 80 of the beds some patients have to be placed where they should not be. In 1948 the average occu pancy was 72 and at times there were above 90 patients crowded Into the rooms snd halls. 2. We have repeatedly been forced to turn people away who should have been admitted but who were not dangerously ill. 3. Almost constantly we have ja waiting list seeking admission and a surgery schedule listed for writ mt erwas vithoui (fir ni funds two io inree wee wan. wi h cmb-i 4. Every department in the l.nr susnd t,ndef provision ,ht, nospnai nas outgrown IIS auoi- Free deep freeze home freezer restitution msd m chert ted space except the kitchen and clinic. June 21st, 7:30 p.m Offlrtal mt tha Saleaa HapMal Dtvtlnpment Pros ram. anil the eHrerUr. With la keep the paMIc well Inferme abnal the pprpoae an prntre. t Ihe Uc lor II.IM.onn. There arc wav to do lhl h tha new More releases front lime ta time, and y anawerlnr pellona thai mar arise In tha mind of the people. If yea here a aetfnn, write It oat and lend It to the hoapltil drlto headquarters. SM North Htth. or telephone 1-MAI. Spar for the anestlont and answers will be alven dallv In the Capital Joomal. The cam. palsn la saon la b tarried ta the senaral pabllr. Here is the first question and its answer: QUESTION: Miss McDonald (Superintendent of Salem General Hospital) Why do you need the proposed New Hospital Building? ANSWER: We need the proposed New General Hospital Building because: 1. The present building has an) 7. There are no suitable spaces for contageous disease patients. 8. With the proposed new building all these patients could have the needed care under pro per conditions and have it prompily. TIME TO SWITCH rneat C Dennr eat an, supplement a! final account of First National bank, ad ministrator, and decree of final dis charta. Metrtew a Rintwald a iiardlanahlp, Oeorte Rintwald named auardian. John H'nrj Drmnnn estate, final order I to J. B. OIner. executor. m a Road oiling Call Tweed le. 2-4191 days and 1-3769 eves 143- Insured savings earn more nan two percent at Salem Fed f ri Saving Association, 690 Stat street. V.F.W. Hall. 630 Hood St. Spon sored by Yeater Appliance Co. 147 Capital Bowling Alley close for refinishing Thursday, June 16, to Wed., June 22nd. 143 Phone 22406 before I D m. II you ml yoa Capital Journal. ' B, na iwr n T.,r; ,un until il. uil nm nA..ihl. Jun, J4 in comn with i-nvirt ora-r. ,he boll'r r00m- Everv P'Dle extra spare has been taken up Marriage Licenses and storage crowded Into places ii'ii Kt.ni.ntwr. is . in it that slow down work. limit ana B'ttv 4. Mtrnt, II. rrt"arr. "irtnn. 5. There is no space for an rw, O.IT. XTrTi,. ladequ.te children department, mtt. j : atKi anpnu . vi.;i Miu.t 'We have taken one private room .1. i.,.. Jt. .u -,.,. iind pul four rd, in ,,. '5Rriitsr:v-EiendM-Whi.k.r Miiford ftuane Hoar tn trur dn r I a Thre are no beds for M 8 Proof-a.-.1 Oroln Neutral Spirit, rant 4 Solem. and Marr Sella KU, It Lu-.i j.-.. CIH Dlstllleni Corn N York Cly Ja llano. Today join the switch lo milder, mellower Calvert Reserve. j chronic disease patient. fnirrrvin fs (Vyi! i 1 1 r a a LA) : sTOUjvyiL.iSat i 13 176 N. Liberty J: -'.