Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, 16, 1949 3 -Lowest Prices Every Day -Prices Good Through Saturday! Fred Meyer Fewer Values my Mastercraft Ties '1.00 Beautiful shades to bland or to dominate any suit. Wide full shapes. fully wool lined, to prevent wrinkling, Hand Paints, Scenic designs. ana ranei prima, um roiaers to mane me gin compieie. UU" Men's Dress Socks pairs far '1.00 All fineat quality, high f uage rayon banner wrapi. anort styles-in a wioe variety or colors. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs Pure Irish linen in a full sized handkerchief. A gift you'll be proud to give to Father. IUYIYNAMIIUY MARK TWAIN! Long and 39c SANFORIZED RAINlOW DINIM PEDAL PUSHERS $2.95 Zipper back closure, large patch pockets, cuffed trouser. Colors, red. faded or yellow in 12 to 20. Faded Denim SHORTS 1.69 For the girl who prefers to play in shorts. Cuffed with red calico. DRESS SHIRTS $2.95 Quality tested material pearl buttons. Style sized fit fused collar comfort cut collar sizes 14 Vj to 17. San fnrized Shrunk. Personality Dress Shirts White and prints Sanforized fused collar. C T Oft Sizes 14 Vi to 17. Gabardine Sport Shirts $3.95 Cool rayon gabardine sport shirts. Long sleeves convert ible collar, assortment of shades in small, medium and large Gift Wrapped Cigars for Father! Choose Dad's favorite brand from the Northweet's largest variety and freshest stocks. At your Favorite Fred Meyer Tobacco Section. Van Dyck Cigars, box of 25 - - 2.25 Aurelia Biltmore, box of 25 - 3.50 1 White Owl, box of 25 - - - 2.25 V Roi Tan Perf ectos, box of 25 - 2.25 Robt. Burns Panatellas, bx. 25 3.10 King Edward, box of 50 - - - 2.75 Samuel Davis, box of 50 - - 7.82 Golden Crown, box of 50 - - 2.39 At Fred M.y.r talon Tekaeae Seetiea. For Father's Day CHOCOLATE NUT FUDGE CAKE Decorated for ' "Dad" 89c A moist chocolate butter lay er cake filled with Oregon Walnuta and iced with choco late nut frosting. Serves 14 to IS. Almond Wreath Regular 35c Special 29C Rich almond filled eoffee cake topped with vanilla ic ing and raapberry jelly. At Freel Meyer Salem Bakery courltx the pla. Garfield ia Idaho in 1, Walla Wnlli o survived "Ampeco Crown" Red or Green """Llostic Hose $7.95 Twin Taken! aue.Mat.ea1 Yun Salstrort, ""jMiry Sprayers at Lowest Prices Milhk Type Spraver Combination Sale at a New Low Price Sore '1.50 Regular 6.07 Two 25-fr. Lengths, Black Rubber Hose 1 Adjlstebu Hose Nozzle om4.49 .$6.95 ' Regular Easy te eeea top. Adjasta.le hrase ami.. "Weiss" 8Vi" Hcdga Shiart M.15 zr.T'iso Len handles' style 7-rieee filaee BERRY SET Ref. 49c Hew reeled, eae large disk aad six tadlvMaal diehee. Mi ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS 79c 9x20, Opens to J7 Inchee 12a24, Opens OA. to 4S Inches CYC 1S24, Open, to 17 Inchee. 98c Plastic Bathroom Curtain ENSEMBLES $379 $4.49 finale C.ler Twa Cetera fx shower curtain, J7x54 window draperies with tie backs. Both maae o( heavy guage plastic film Shower curtain has metal eyeleia i-noiee or patterns en Blue, Peach ereen. Rose, Yellow end White. At Fred Meyer Salem Variety Beetle. I SZl-Sai;'- i r ppii Favorite of all Hot Weather Foods. The Perfect Ice Cream HOMEMADE STYLE 50c Quart A very rich Ice cream made as you'd make it at home, of heavy sweet cream, sugar and the finest of fruits and flavorings. Fifth Avenue Ice Cream - - Real Summertime Refreshment Strawberry Milk Sherbet - - Keep Perishables Cold! qt. 39c qt. 29c Frostaire"Drylce" - - - - 6 lbs. 45c At Fred Meyer Salem Ice Cream Section Reg. 6.95 Utica Automatic FLY REEL : M.88 Split Willow FISH BASKET Regular $2.39 14-Inch Sixe 1.88 Regular $9.95 RUBBER BOOTS Fly Weight Hip Lenfth '8.88 Regular $11.95 BLACK RIVER COMBINATION ROD Makes S Different Rode '9.99 "Weaver" RIFLE SCOPE 9.75 Can be Installed on most rifles. Excellent for target shooting. 100 Wool SLEEPING BAGS $13.88 . Can be tipped together to make a double bag. 14 inch TACKLE BOX $3.95 Two cantilever trays, strong construction, rounded corners. FISH NET Will not sink $2.75 Shakespeare Castinf Line, $1.19 re $1.85 PLASTIC CREEL '4.95 Keeps fish cool and elean. SAVE FATHER! easy pushing TEMCO LAWNMOWER Regular $1 5ft 115.95 NOWI l4.37 Hardwood Handle, Full U-lneh Cut Other T.mtes $19.93 te $24.95 Famous Raa Fewer Mower, 1 'j H.F, Motor, $ 1 22.00 GOLF BALLS Reeuler ZQ 9Sc J far liU7 Championship and Geld Cap each 62c IXACTO Whittled Set $3.00 te 7.50 Hobby Carving Sets. Al Fred Meyer Salem Aute Supply Section. POCKET KNIFE 1.50 taO Genuine Camillas. Inner Central SP0TLITE $11.88 Pistol Grip, Crome Plated. Sealed Beam. At Fred Meyer Salem Aata Supply Seetloa. Fred Meyer $2.2e Value 89c Poker Chip Rack 98 c 100 Plastic Poker Chips 39c Playing Cards All three far $1.39 At Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section. 141 NORTH LIIERTY ELECTRONIC INVERTER $4.95 Increases shaver efficiency 88 ... Speeds up shaving time, even on the toughest beard. GIFTS FOR FATHER $2.00 $2.00 1.95 98c 65c 1.25 1.98 98c 85c 98c King's Men Set, 2 piecei . , Yardley Men's Set, 2 pieces. , Shulton Travel Kit .... Mennen Skin Bracer . . . 1 lb. Roll Tonsoriol Soap . Schick Injector Razor, 20 Blades Adex Plastic Playing Cords . . Wildroof Creme Oil .... Yardley Invisible Tole . . Tri-Color Pen At Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section "H.aven Scent" PERFUME 1.50 Exotic Fragrance by Rubemstein. Save $1.00 Regular $1.00 COLONIAL DAMES COLOGNE For a limited time. 2 ,.,$1.00 COTY TOILET WATER 1.85 L'Arment L'Ariaan f) Ineranda "WRISLEY" Acquaintance SOAP New Lew Price 5 t.r'1.00 At Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section, $2.00 Value Save over 50 "Lavender" Shave Bowl and After Shave Lotion Only 49c Both an ideal gift for Father. Get a good shave from a good lather. Refresh your face with the lotion. Al Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section. DEEP CUT PRICES 89c Similoc (limit one) - - 1 lb. 75c 47c Fitch Quinoil 29c 1.19No-Frig-Od 89c 1.98 Sun Glasses 49c 1.98 Beach Balls, 16-inch - - 1.79 2.39 Picnic Jug 1.65 13c Paper Towels - - - 3 for 25c 13c Paper Napkins 8c - - 2 for 15c At Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section. "PRELL" SHAMPOO 25c 49c and 79C "AMMONITE" TOOTH PASTE 57c 2.4 ei. Contains Ammonium Ions. At Fred Meyer Salem Drug Section. "KLEENITE" DENTAL PLATE CLEANER 39C and 69c Prevents tooth decay, Boyle's "77" AMMONIATED TOOTH PASTE ... 59c At Fred Meyer Salem Drag Seetloa. You've Read About It Now It's Her. At Fred Meyer Photo Just in time for Ferher's Day r with a POLAROID Jattd CAMERA Think of tha fun you can have with camera that givee you the finished picture in a minute! Show yourguesta their pictures while the party ia atill going on. Make sure you've got once in a-lifetime vacation acenea, wed dings, family gatheringa. Only the Polaroid Camera leta you aee your I ft pictures aa you take them ai me very moment they mean the moat.