j Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Juno 16, 1949 rimmmmmmiim mmmmmmmmmiiwmmmmmmmHmimm ) n i ,n,i m . tTlljUllllllHIMIIMIi C I I mSk? Jj Jg tessI ptsf kJ rCl lain i 3 !: -J - WW 4 4. a ? I . -" " atM K 1 I . 1 er,.," ,.r . '"Ml .... d . t' r i ( t 1J y;'Sa. . etc. " PWjh Ji I nT." lo .1.. 0 -'"ice hlr,i IS "chen I" ' !i L PiM,'"rr In Pill.. I. v Dm... . fa $i59 : n NOW 0(7? SUMAif? CLEARANCE OF FINER SHEETS AND CASES! PEQUOT SHEETS 81 by 108, reg. $3.25, now $2.95 72 by 108, reg. $2.95, now $2.85 63 by 108, reg. $ 35, now $2.60 42 by 36 Cases, reg. $1.45, now $1,30 CANNON SHEETS 81 by 108, reg. $2 69, now $2.50 72 by 108, reg. $2.25, now $2.19 36 by 36 Cases, pair $1.00 PEQUOT PERCALE SHEETS AND CASES 81 by 108 Percale Sheets $4.95 81 by 108 Percale Sheets, hemstitched $5.50 8f by T08 Percale Sheets, scalloped $5.50 72 by 108 Percale Sheets $4.50 Percale Cases, 42 by 36 $2.00 Percole Cases, hemstitched $2.50 Percale Cases, scalloped $2.50 DOWNSTAIRS MM mmammm MM M WWIMUMW n i I I I II II iwiiw inimrm "" " 1 ' MiMnmnraiiwMWwinwHmMi wwjuuumji ILLERSMID 1L 1& uiiilJl inJ U I j : .. Spec;0 E ". I v f' "i7 ii 5 n cfefc ;ians ----i2!l!Sw BRAS . VsVw Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June H, 1949 S 5 iSMSBBssssga year mm o A STORE-WIDE EVENT Beginning Friday 9:30 CLEARANCE OF OUR FINEST FOUNDATIONS! Reg. to M6.50 V Know the comfort of a fine quality, fine fitting founda " tion . . . and save over half besides! , These fine founda tions, full length garments made of fine brocade, lastex and satins. Broken sizes but all sizes in the group 34 to 44. Talon closing on most styles. PANTIE GIRDLES Regular to $7.50 Here's a clearance of pantie girdles with Talon fastener, lastex backs, etc. Sizes 29 to 34. : ONE-PIECE FRONT LACING FOUNDATION One piece front-lacing foundations in this special group at Mid Year Clearance. 34 to 43. Reg. $10.00. Reg. to $3.95! Included in this group is a group of Jantzen white and blue bras also some sport style brat of printed jersey. '"nit r"P J.. hl. "ice 11 2 ic .".JS.;Clr--' . . . -"on . Pen too "tKSH'Af'C. e. r.' Peny,"'? to i. IH ' fit , ec,V , r "n.. . III I. S! ". f IJ lira! ""I Jl-f-r - V -a I-,iMt.J ttmrt "f B 1r -v 7l; .7 s'S;s-. : 1 4A. y v second y FLOOR n $59wl $19 ly w.i Mid-Year Clearance Bargains! LINEN HANDKIES 65 $125 Colorful. Regular $1.00. PURE SILK PRINTED SCARFS Reg. $3.98! Smart for vacation. COTTON VOILES 39' rej fnort 'fie,; ?e Light and dark grounds. Reg. $1. YD. CLEARANCE GROUP RAYONS, CREPES Moires, crepes, plain or print. For blouses, AAC dresses, etc. Reg. $1.98 yd. YD. OO PRINTED SHANTUNGS Washable, also plains. Reg. $1.79. YD, SKIRT LENGTHS IN WOOLENS less one-third! GOLD KID HANDBAGS Reg. $5.95! For your summer vacation to compliment your gold sandals ond belt, "ODDS AND ENDS" "ODDS AND ENDS' C In notion dept. Choice J A FEW SHORT AND OUTDATED 1 FILMS IN CAMERA DEPT. 4 PAPER NOVELTIES Super bargains in the housewares If department downstairs. 3 TWILL AND HERRINGBONE SLACKS $ 50 Blue and brown. Reg. $3.25 downstairs. . JL FLOWERED CREPE GOWNS Sizes 16 to 17. Reg. $3.98. Downstairs. X RAYON JERSEY TAILORED GOWNS TAILORED RAYON SLIPS $125 $298 Off 34 to 40, pink and olice blue. Reg. $3.98. Downstairs. 32 to 44. Reg. $2.98. Downstoirs. JACQUELINE COCHRAN COLOGNE Reg. $2.00. COMPLEXION SOAP. Reg. $1.50. BATH SOAP. 3 bars in box. (Cosmetics subject to tax) $1 00 s-joo 75 THIS STORE-WIDE EVENT BRINGS MANY UNUSUAL AND TIMELY BARGAINS TO YOU. A SAVINGS ON STAPLES YOU NEED NOW AND LATER. A SAVINGS ON NOVELTIES, VACATION CLOTHES . . . SWIM TOGS . . . FOOTWEAR .... FURNISHINGS... ETC. COME SHOP MILLER'S NOW DURING MID-YEAR CLEARANCE. YOU'LL FIND GOOD QUALITY BARGAINS! 3rd. FLOOR FURNITURE BRINGS YOU BIG SAVINGS ON FINE QUALITY FURNITURE! The remodeling and modernization program going forward on the third floor furniture department . . . offers the opportunity of many deep-cut bar gains . . . you may need an odd piece of furniture for your new home or o few pieces to make your home over . . . these are slightly soiled or dusty from the remodeling operations, hence, the deep-cut prices! CHAIRS, DAVENPORTS, TABLES, LAMPS, PICTURES RUGS, ETC Miller's are well known for their quality furniture and home furnishings! Furniture that lends a distinctive air to your home as well as being utilitarian in its use. Miller's invite you to shop the third floor furniture remodeling sale during mid-clearance days. You'll find REAL bargains here! OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN! Yes, our loss it your gain. There was nothing we could do to prevent our stocks from receiving somo damage here and there. And to keep it cleared and to make room for new stocks which are on the way now . . w offer a substantial cut on almost everything in stock. 0 4 UP TO $ ON YOUR OLD FUR COAT OR FUR TRIMMED CLOTH COAT IN THIS MID-YEAR FUR SALE! This sale of furs presents the once-a-year opportunity to cash in with your old fur garments. WE WANT THE BEST FUR IN YOUR COAT TO USE IN OUR REMODELING WORK. IF YOU JUST WANT TO TRADE IT IN . . , WE'LL GIVE YOU UP TO $75.00 FOR IT! Don't delay . . . now is the time to have your furs taken care of while the dull summer months offer the lowest labor costs. Cleaning... repairing... glaz ing . . .demothing are all a part of our regular fur service. TRADE IN YOUR FUR NOW! SAVE MONEY - TRADE-IN NOW!