DEATHS ar . ? Blue Eyes or Brown? Brown-eyed Prucilla Tomllnson, 20, and blue-eyed Hugh T. Gardner, 24, University of Wash ington students, await their marriage in Los Angeles, which they hope will settle an argument over hereidty. The bride contends brown eyes will predominate in their off spring; Gardner says it's the other way around. They de cided to marry to settle it but Priscilla stressed "don't think that's our only reason for getting married." (AP Wirephoto) Wheal Loses Up to 3 Cents Chicago, June 16 W Wheat tumbled more than 3 cents a bushel at times on the board of trade today. Soybeans, lard and other grains also declined In a generally weak market. Selling of wheat came mainly from leading commission hous es with southwestern branches. It was believed to be hedging against purchases of new crop cash wheat. Clear skies over the southwest were speeding the new harvest, now underway in a., few southern Kansas coun ties. Speculative and Invesment buying shied away from wheat as traders waited to see how prices would hold as new crop movement expands. Cash pric es on both new and old crop grain declined a few cents in the southwest. An IwrpaKP in Cash com re ceipts helped to depress that grain. Selling came from a lead ing elevator firm. Spot mar kets eased. Cash oats receipts also increased, but a good de mnnri ripvplnned in the SDot mar ket and prices moved higher against the trend in futures. Wheat closed lH-2 lower July 1.94-, Corn was Vt Hi lower. Julv SI. 31-1. 31 V oats were - lower, July S9V4-H, Rye was Vi lower to higher, July $1.33, soyoeans were 1 to 1 Vi lower, July t2.26V4-Vi, and lard was un changed to 7 cents a hundred pounds lower, July $11.20. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salsas Llvsatawk Market IBv Vallsj factum Compufi Spring iambs 123.50 feeder lamb llt.OO to 118.00 Ewes 13.00 to 13.00 Cutter cows 18.00 to 111.00 Fit dttry cow 111,00 to 113.00 Bills 115.00 to 120.00 Calve, food (300-450 lbs.) 117.00 to 1 00 Veal (160-300 lbs.) food ..130.00 to 124.00 foe price paid vithln Ifrt ol Port tnd price for tacb tM Top. 170331 ib Portland Eaatelda Market Strawberries sold for 13 SO to 13 75 a flit on the Portland EuLstda Farmer Wholeaale Produce market today. Loeanberrle were 13.50 to 13.75 a flat Bint cherrlei brouaht 13 eenu a pound. Radishes moved it H to to cent dotrn bunch. Celerr wu M.TO aturde erat. Salem Markets STI IT Iiaan Joirnal Eaadera. tBevIs ) ds.11). tall Ftti Pthm Bit Heib 15.05. Babbit Pelleta 14,38. Dalrr Feed 13. 5. Paattrri Myrai onea Orade A eoio H heiu. 3&c: trade A Leshorn hens, M etnU; Grade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, lie oraoe oia rooaiera 16 mdU in Bvylnr Prices Kxtrt Ian AA, Mc: lane AA, 53c; )are A. ftl-54c; medium AA, lie; medium A. 49-50c: pullets 30-33c. Wbaleaale Prleea Bag vboieaait prlcai ft 1 cents above these prices tbove Orada A tenerallr Quoted at 59c; me diums 55c. feeuartal Premium. 13c, No. L, llei No. 1 Ho (bujini prices). Batter Wool!; trad A, c; it laU lie. Csileaf Livestock Chicago. June 16 0J.W Livestock market: Roir: 6500. Slow; 35 to 60 cents lower loth butchers and sows: most decline on lutchen over 330 pounds and on sows iver 400 lbs4.; closing dull: 60 cents off in all hogs: Increased supplies sows here; top 31.00 sparingly; most good to choice L70 to 330 lbs. 30.39 to 30.76; 340 to 380 fcl. 10.35 to 30.25; 300 to 320 lbs. 18.50 to 10.25: heavier weights scarce: odd lots ip to 376 lbs. As low as 17,00: sows under 150 lbs. 17.00 to 18.00; a few 11.25; 375 4 400 lbs. 16.00 to 16.75: 435 to 450 lbs. .5.00 to 15.75; 475 to 600 lbs. 13.75 to .4.76; heavier weights sows as low as .3.00. Sheep: Salable 600. Heater supply of tative alaughter lambs fully steady at 1.00 to 25.60; a small lot choice offerings lo small killers, 36.00; culls and common. 100 to 31.00; big pickers showing little r no Interest In either Iambi or sheep; atter rlasa about steady: mont slaughter twes, 4.00 to s.OO; choice handy weights 6 50. Cattle: Salable 3500. Calves 600. Steer ind heifer yearllnga steady; few load teers weighing up to 1330 lbs. about teady with the low tlmt Wednesday; but radically no outlet for medium weight md heavy steers; cows steady to 35 cents r more lower; bulla weak to 50 cents ower; vealers 50 cents to 1.00 lower; ;nod to low choice steers and yearlings, 360 lbs. down, 35.26 to 36.75: choice hea y steers bid as low as 35.50: medium to ow good steers, 23.00 to 36.00; package holes mixed yearlings, 36.60: common to ew good beef cows. 16.35 to 10.00; can ters and cutters, 13.60 to 16 50: medium nd good sauiage bulls, largely 30.00 to 4.00; odd head 32.60: practical top 3600 cholft vealers; load common, 438 lb. uthwest calves, 16 00. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS MIL. of Kldnar Tuba Flush Out Poisonous Waste, Wii disorder of kidney function permits Poisonous mattr to remain In jour Wood. It may oauee namrintr hawkarhe, rheumatls Pains, leg: pains, loaa of pep and etienrr, grU tins up nighti, swelling, pumneas under tha tree, beadachet and dizziness. Frequent or rarity putitM with amartinr and burning? ometlmea shows there Is tocoetiuDS wrong With your kidneyt or bladder. Don't wait I Aak your dniinrtet fr lVn 's rills, s stimulant diuretic, Bed tueceaafullr I fT milllona for or 60 yean. Doan's 1 . Ppy relief and will help th It miles of r r""v"D" nn r"i-noua waaia iron ( ar blood. Get Data's PUis. , rertland Predsa Bntterfst Tentatlva. su'ejeel to Immt dlata change Premium quality maximum .n to i percent aeiaiiy aauverta n Portland 61 -flic lb., first Quality 5B-63c b. tecond aua itr 67-60c valley route and couDtry polnu se leas than met Butter wnoiesai fob ouii suoas m choleaalet grade AA, 03 score 6162c; A. 03 acor flO-fllrtc; B, 90 seora, 67c lb.: C. 89 score, 56o lb. Above prices ars strict ly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon ernglcs, 3Bl-iZt. Oregon I lb 10 a I. tm-MVio; iripiau va isai uian Infill Eggs 4Ta fhoiaaalars A trade lars S5-55lac: A medium, b2'i-bi,e; grade B. larre. 48-504c. Portland Dairy Harkrt Butler Price to rstailera- Grade AS prints 69c: AA cartons 67c; A prints. 66c. A cartons, 67c; B prints, 63c. Eggs Price to rstailera: as large 56c; certified A large, 57c: A large 57c, AA medium. 57c: certified A me dium 56c; A medium 56-56c; cartons 2c ad ditional. Cheese Pries to retailers: Portland Oregon singles aoW-aOVac. Oregon loaf, i .b 43tt-624oi triplets iVas las tbao sin glee. Poultry Live Cblekena Ho. 1 quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under 3Va lbs. 37-26e lb; try era 31 lbs 30-32c; 1-4 lbs Jl-jae: roasters 4 lbs. and over 81-S3c lb.; fowl. Leghorns under 4 lbs. 22c; over 4 lbs. 34c; colored fowl, all weights, 37c; roosters, all weights, 16-lDc. Rabblta Average to growers; live whites, 4-5 lbs., 21-I3c lb; 5-6 lbs. 19-31c lb.; col ored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, I 14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 67-60c. Turkeys (Prleea quotea sre lot to the producer on a dressed weight oasis 1 0 S grade A young tome, tl 63s lb.; Ms 1 young bone, nominally 60s Oreased tsrfceys t retallerai Otade A rouni hens. 70-lle New rorr atyla drase ed A grade ycuns toms 86-ftsa rsrsians asiseeiiansess Cascsrs Bark Dry 12 He ib green 4e lb. V?oel Valley sosrss and medium gradaa l6o lb. Mohair 36s lb. en 13-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 10c lb., sccordlo to weight, kips 30 lb., beef 0-10c lb.. bulU 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. nut (jaeiBiiona IVelnuis Pranauettea flrat aualitt turn oo. 34.7c; large, 32.7o; medium, 87. So; eec ond quality Jumbos, 30.3c; large, 36.3c, medium. 36.3c; baby 33. 3e; soft ebel. first quality large, 90.7c; medium 36.3c; sec ond quality large, 37.3e; medium 84 7s; baby 22.2c Filberts - Jumbo. 30 tb i tare, lis medium, 16e; small, 13c tjuoiations soove auppneo By Mertn Portland Grain Portland, June 16 ( Wheal futures not quoted. Cash wheat (bid: Soft whits fexclud ig rext 3.26; wblU club 2.26: western red 2.36. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.26: 10 ner cent 3.26; 11 per cent 3.26; 12 per cent 2.26. Hard white baart: Ordinary 3 36; 10 ner cent 3.20; 11 per cent 2.82; 13 per cent 2.S5. Today's car receipts: Wheat 14: barley 4; flour 3; corn 3; oats 3; mlllfeed 8. t WHEEL Trailer. Heavy dutv all steel. 600x16 rubber, excel, cono. tus. tiunnara Home Appliance. Ph. 4511. U43' Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., June 16 (U.B Livestock: Cattle aslable 350; calves 60; market tow on moat classes: canner and cutter cows fairly active, steady at 10.60 to 13.00; shells -town to 9.00 and below; few com mon and medium beef cows unsold: no early action common and medium steers; demand for grass steers extremely nar row on stocser and slaughter account; medium snd good steers Wednesday 33.00 to 36.50; top Monday 37.25; odd cutter steers today 15.00 to 17.00: common to good sausaie bulls 17.00 to 31.00; good beef bulls 33.00; light cuttera 16.00: veal ers slow; mediums weak: food and choice 25.00 to odd head 37.00; common and mediums 15.00 to 33.00. Hoss salable 100; markt steady: cood a d choice 185-230 Iba. 23.00; heavier and Li inter wrignts salable 30.00 down: good s-jou id, sows la. 00 to 17.00; sood and choice under 120 lb. feeders quotable 32.50 to U N, Sheep salable 200: market strong to 50 cenu higher: limited supply: few sood ana cnoice. mostly good, sprlne lambs 34.00: one lot lightly sorted 34.50; strict ly aunea gooa ana choice lots o&siibl quotsble to 35 00: scattered lots common lambs 30.00; good under 150 lb. ewes sal a Die e to 7.0a; neavier well hi and medium grades salable 6,00; commons down to 3 00. La era Brlle Mesa La are Belle Moss, at the home of ber da us liter, airs. Leston W. Howell st 125 Nortn Capitol street, June 11. at tne as 01 143 years. Survived by to daughters. Mrs. Lcston (Hilda) Howell snd Mrs. Lloyd U. r 1 Mabel) Hill, both of Balem; s brother, I Mark M. Myers of Portland; four grsnd 'aons. Dr. Clifford t. Hill. Richard H. Hill. Robert L. Hill and Howard Hill, el Salem; great granddaughter, Kath 1 lero Anns Hill of Salem; two nephews, ' Dr. John W. Mysrs in Oregon City snd 1 Virgil V. Myers of Independence and sev eral nieces snd nephews In California I nd Missouri. Member of the First Chris tian church st Oladstone, Oregon Serv .eas will be held at the Holman-Han-1 kins snd Rilanc funeral home at Ore on City Friday, June 17, at 130 p m. aith Rvv. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment n the Mountain View cemetery at Oregon Citr. Direction the Howell - Edwsrds chspsl. Jadg Percy K. Kefir Judss Percy R. Kelly, lste resident el 1 202 South 17th street, st a local hospital, June 14. at the age of 76 years. Survived by wife, Marsarrt Kelly of Salem: a sis ter. Mrs. Msrr Hogue of Berkeley. Calif.; a foster dsughter, Mrs. Dorothy Cornelius of Balem: two nieces in California and a nephew In Honolulu. Services will be Fri day, June 17, at 3:30 p.m. In W. T. Rls don chapel, with Dr. William Wallace! Younsaon Portland, officiating. Ritual- 1 istlc services under euspxes of Orand Lodge of A.F.acA.M. of Oregon. Conclud ing services st Belcrest Memorial park. Wesley M. Wire In this city June 14, Wesley u. wire, late resident of 160 South 15th street, at the see of 65 years. Survived by wife, , tura May Wire of Balem; a daughcr, Mary Wire of Salem: and two brothers, Av. Melville Wire of Salem and Frank U. Wire of Portland. Member of A P. Si AM. lodse of New berg and of the Method it church. Services will be held at the W T. Rigdon chapel Friday. June 17, at 1 p.m. with Dr. Charles Rarlck offlclst- ing. Concluding services st Lee Mission cemetery. Ritualistic travexlde services under the direction of the Masonic lodse. Vina Olive Hnr Vina Olive Moore, at her home In Tur ner. June 15. at the ase of 78 years. Sur vived by three daughters. Mrs. K. E. Hell- emn of Lyons, Oreson, Mrs, Ruby OM of Clsllsm Bar, Wash., and Mrs. Fannie Ouch of Portland and five sons, Her- nan Moore of Salem. Chester Moore of Bend, Charley Moore of Warm Springs, Ore., Alonzo Moore 01 bona view, wbau, and Dewev Moore of Detroit, Mich. Sep vices will be held Friday, June 17, at S:3( a.m. at the Howe II -Ed wards chapel with li '.erment at City View cemetery. L. June Sins At the residence, 944 North Commercial street, June 14, L. June Sing, st the age jf 72 years. Survived by wife, Dora 8ms of Salem, and four step-children, Harry Mun Gate and Mrs. R. G. Chans, both of Portland. Ernest J. Sins of Delake, Ore gon, snd Master Sat. Helen Mun Tayne with the wacs at Fort atcpnerson. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlsdon chapel Saturday, June 18, at 10 a.m. Con cluding services In the IOOF cemetery. 4fra. Ida Bell Brown Mrs. Ida Bell Brown, at the horn of her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Hobbs, route 4, .ox 022, Salem, June 15, at the ase of 86 years. Surviving besides the daughter sre four grandchildren and seven great gr ind ent Wren, Shipment has been mace Chehalis. Wash., by the Howell-Edwsrds hi pel for services and Interment. DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth. Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Ul Cross. 1356 PearL a 156 Breitbsupt'a for flowers Plal 3-0178 c HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Co products Free de .ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-6306. o LANDSCAPF Nl'RRKBT P V Doerflsr A Sons, Ornamentals. 160 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service - Nen power and band mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St. Q135 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING work. F Roach, call 38036. Expert 0143 At your door lawnmower sharpening Dester the lawnmower man Pb. 16633 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4068. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7669 t 0163 NURSES' REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night. Ph. 36073. oltb OFFICE FURNITURE a SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and tiling supplies safes, duplicators snd supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stsnds. brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders. Rosa. 454 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE TRAILERS MODERN TRAILER. llJthts. gas. water In eluded, 113 per week. Green Apple Trailer Court. 3 miles north on 98E. tl48 I94S KIT-CHATEAU mod. trailer house Like new. 81350. Ph. 3-8656. t!44' It FOOT Trailer House, 3295. Elbert Col lins. 1000 Front St., Wood burn. tin SOUSE TRAILER 8150. Ph. 36775. tl44 tt-rt. MAINLINE. Late '47. Awning, lce . box. panel ray. A-t eond. 81250. Ph. FOR RENT: Trailer apace. 110 month with all modern convenience. Right across tne street aouth of Paul us cannery. Lots ot room for children. No pets. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-8685. t!46 1916 ALUMINUM trailer, eastern built. 25 It., excel, cond., tuny equip, sacri fice. Albany Trailer Court., Albany, Ore. tl43 DIRECTOR! ADDING MACHINES AD makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Roan. 464 Court Phone 3-4773 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking ft alt. 360 State Bt. 0I68 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair service Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on new appliances Vlnee'e Electric Phone 3-0239. 157 8. Liberty St. O AT-UR DOOR GRINDING Tjewnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter's Pn 36833 o AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Marrow Radio Co.. 153 S Liberty Ph 3-6055, o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9386 (lie fit 3-1604. 832 Center. O Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073. PAPERHANGING Expert Psperhanglng and painting. H J Woodworm. Ph 2-5868 Free est o!48 Tlfitrom'a arc equipped to do youi painting Phone 3-2403 o PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Painting St Ph. 35527. Painting and pa pern an (tin. Free esti mate, h. 3-9513. 657 Shipping. ol62 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phove 3-6687 a Fisher. 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7000. RADIO REPAIR DIRECTORY Salem Venetian Blinds made ta order or refiulaoed. Ralabeldt Lewis. 3-3630 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymor. Rl. 1 Bos 317. Pa. 3-8138 . 168 J. A. Sneed St Sons, well drilling. 3505 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 8-6809. 0158 WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates T. PULLMAN. Pn. 1-6965. 0156 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made lo order. 1 Del Relnholdt Lewis Ph 33839 WINDOW CLEANTNG Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls As woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 8-8337 847 Court. Lansdoo. Culbsrtaoo and Mather WOODS A WING WOOD A SAWDUST West Sslei Fuel Co Pb 3-4031. LEGAL, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE J A BON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 76 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINE OF GREAR STREET. Notice herttfy given that the common council of the city of Balers, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose snd Intention to improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to s point which Is 73 feet north of the north line of Oresr Street, In the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be sssumed by the city et Balem, by bringing said portion of ssld street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, snd pav ing said portion of said street with a 2'i Inch a phallic concrete pavement 34 feet wide In accordance with th plan and specifications therefor which were adapted by the common council June II. 1040. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder snd which by this reference thereto sre mad a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement depsrtment. By Order of the Common Council June Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 16, 194921 IS, 1940. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is June 15. 1040. June 13,16.17.16 30 25 27th, 1049 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WESTERLY ALLEY, BLOCK I. THE OAKS ADDITION, FROM BELMONT STREET TO MARKET STREET. Notice hereby Is given that th common council of th city of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improv the westerly alley in Block 1. The Oaks Addition, from th north line of Belmont Street to the south line of Market Breet. In the City of Salem, Mar lon County. Orecon. at th expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense of which will be sssumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing ssld alley to the estab lished grade, and paving ssld alley with a 4-inch Portland concrete cement pave ment 19 feet wide, in accordance wah the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council June 12. 1049. which ars now on file in th office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purgose snd Intention to make the above described Improvement by snd through the street improvement department. Byorder of the Common Council Jung ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder jl j,' "r1 PuHleation hereof is Juo Jun 16. 14. 17, 16,30.21, 23. 23, 34 35, 27th, 194S ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HERESY OIVEN that FOR REST U. OROFF. as administrator ot th eatets of WAYNE c ohofp, da. oeaeed, has filed his final account as such, and by order of th Circuit Court of the Stat ot Oregon for Marlon Coun ty. June 30. 1940, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, snd the courtroom of said court has been fixed as th place tor the hear Ing of objections to ssld flnsl account and th settlement of said estate. FORREST D. OROFF. Administrator of the Batata of Wayne C. Oroff, deceased. R HOT EN A RHOTEN, SAM F. SPEERSTRA, Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorneya for Administrator. May36June3,9.16 78 General Elec. home appl. repairing, also raaio repemng. uroaawav Appt, co. 433 ioun ot. naiem. rn. z-i?sa. 0163' Complete serv., reas rates. Free pickup ft est. John's Rsdlo Shop. 350 Court St Ph 30715 At 33416. olOO RADIATOR REPAIR . Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Sons. Pb 21103. By Drive-in Theatre. Sine 1017. ol49 REFRIGERATION ft APPLIANCE REPAIR Kelvlnator freezers. Lehman ft Matthews. 337 N. High St. Ph. 37041. ol44 SAND ft GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel snd dragline excavsting. Walling Sand ft Gravel Co. Phone 8-9240 o Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Silt, aand ft f II dirt Excavating 108 shovel ft cats. Tractor scoop a trucks for dirt moving. Ph. office 24002. res. 37146. o Salem Saw Wrks. Th. 3-7603. 1203 N. 5th. OlSl SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raior iharp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tanks Cleaned Reas. Ph 8-6331 or 1.9464 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septle Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1070 Elm St. W. Salem. Ph. 4-0408. 3-6327. 0166 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In st a u in f the new approved 300 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain lines also. Ph. 3-0468. ol40 K. P. Hamel. Septle tsnks clesned. Electric machine aervlc on sewer snd drsin lines. Guaranteed work, il3-6tb St., West Salem Ph 3-7404. ol45 TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head quarters. New address 1410 S. 13th Ph. 3-3646. olflj. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court, o" TRANSFER ft STORAGE ocal ft Distance Transfer, storage, Burner oils, cos) ft brlqurts. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent for Be kins. House hold goods moved to anywhere In US o. Canada. Larmer Transfer ft Storage Ph 1-3131 . VENETIAN BLINDS Made in Salem Free est Pbona 37328 Kimer th B!lnd man Mike Panek. 275 8. Com'L Ph. 3-5161 Brake and Wheel aligning specialists. ol56 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terma. No down payment. Phone 2-4850 ol44 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 25900. ol57 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 26537 BulldoElng, leveling, road bide., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fatrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. o-160 Light crawler dozing. Ph. 2-3220. ol66 CASH REGISTERS Inst an' delivery of new RCA cash rerlstei Al makes sold, rented, re pared Roen 436 Court Ph 3-6772 o EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement cont. Honest work at honest prices. Pb. 2-1565 or 3-7487 0164 (Advertisement! Gas In Stomach & Bowels Relieved OR NO COST Fain In the abdomen are often do entirely la bm nreaeure. bom sunerers eMvesioneiTy have a burning; pain at tbe pit -f the stomach, called heartborn. Others enm plain at times M nalpllsthMl, labored breathing, soar rising, neueea, beeHaehe. or diiiinem, any of which may result from gas pressure. If yon are tmnbled with pals and raees at gas In stoma-h m bnwla ymi ehould gt m paekag of Raarmann'a daa Tablet and try tfeem for qwkk relief of the distress. Buy Raalmana'a Gas TaMets especially for tbe relief of nrees gas and dleomfort re sulting frees ga pressure. No physic. If you aren't fuHf setiafiH with rewrite of flrat fw teMote taVen at directed, msntifirturer will rfund -wf mry. Why rrWt ? Why delay? Get them trees your druggist today. For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sldewalki. driveways patios, curbs, wall etc Call 3-4650. 0144 CEMENT WORK Building foundations, remodeling, paint ing. Klant Bros.. Ph. 13302 ol50 Let us do your cement work NOW Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph 1-4413. ol48a CHIMNEY SWEFP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Enstfy 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176, ol66 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlic' Electric for electrical wiring contracting repairing 167 S Liberty Ph 3-9319 Don't Be FATI R.D.X. helps you reduce Tike R D X Tabtefl be fore meali to belo vuu curb four appetite for unnecded food befVecanmli.R D.X. Tablets help von stave on hunger thai cauiet yo es overindulge iq fattening snick. Reducing betomci more pleauot, e more co joTibke wsy of eating. If your doctor has told you to take off weight. ik him about tbe woodcrful i new P..D X. Tibleti and Re . vciKing Plan. It O X. Tablet! Hconti.n o at(i . J Lei The Scales Show You. You do wim to lose weiehr, d in t ion' Then bin a pick as M RDX. Tabietl and i e rt v .educing Plan. L . "Oldat 40,50, 60?" Man, You re Crazy Forfet your utei Thouasoda are peppy at TO. Try "pawing V" with Ottrei Contains tonic tor weak, mrvlnirii r re hn due aolelr to body's lack ot iron i;rt minr men and wntoen rail "old." Try Ottrei Tooie Tablet Tor pep. rmnser reeling, this vary day. Mew "im acquainted" at as awie SO a. At sll jrug stores everywhere to Salem, st Fred Meyer's Advertisement CT7T1T7TC catarrh 0A1UWi9 ' SUFFERERS FIND CUSI FOR MISERY DUI TO NASAL bwnirssiiwn. surrLT kushso HIROI Relief at last from torture of sinua, catarrh, and hay fever due to nasal conges tion Is eeeu today In reports of suceeaa witb a formula which has tbe power to reditre nasal eongeetton. Hen and women witb axon icing ainua headaches, elocged aoatrita. earache, hawking eitd eneeaing misery tell of bleaoed relief after oaing It KLORONOL eaata 6100, but eonaldering results, thw is not xrvenoi vp, imnimts tn only pennlee par drw KI-ORDNOL eiitlofi, only ss directed) sold with Banner-back grantee bp ftrbaefrr Drag, IM Ne Cemeserelal A Perry Dree. 129 Be. Coaaasercial. Mail Orders Filled. in Isaurt. ICr J I Dlsor- the fev VI Hemorrhoids (Piles) ntui. f and er RccUl 1 ders corrected e a y . convenient way. No hospital atton. quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rectaf Specialist 1144 Center St.. Salem, Ore. PI). 39466 FREE PARKING VsjUMWlsht ff (aewey loch gfc fjlk, for Why Suffer Any Longer When oners fan ase rat Chinese remedies Amsaing success for 6000 rears :n China No matter with wnet ailments you are afflicted disorders inuaitia hen lungs, liver, gldneys fas, mnstlpatlon ulcere diabetes ftieumathm .gall and bladder, favar sin ime complaints CHARLIE CHAN CiriNESt HERB CO. Office Rears Itol Tars aad Sat. Oary tSS N Ceaaesereiai Ptiene tiasa AL.M. ORE l Vr4r : ra.fA S., ."VJ STRETCH FOOD DOLLARS I BUY W .6 1 juicy small oranges ftei 1 This lummtr, email oranges provide jr?s. Ov,j mi p.i,r. it. y J more hea th for vour monev. I LVrrtaai r ---. '- EA They're as sweet and juicy as the VVOl. ' VMJrtiS l. : TSSfVl IarBe ones-and rich in vitamins C, ii -LQ gtS ' ' ' fij jyEJjd A and B, and important minerals, salads and desserts, too. Get Sunkist, & f! ' . U vjw- Ana as tne coin pictures show, small the famous top-quality brand, or & ' - V 1 , SisT" Jff l "-1 oranges give you more juice for the other good grades from the same Cali- t Slip ",f samemoney!ChoosemaUorangesfor fornia and Arizona growers. - !,-- 1 ft VJrJ TT?S h 1 ;"7?xl ."I O r RlMIMBIR-rHorang - BIGGEST MTTLE MARKET TWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF COLORED J-n FRYERS i Approximately 3 lbs. lach U M SWIFT'S BONELESS Pic-nics Lean Vi or WhoU Ml AGED SHORT RIBS Beef T-BONE CHEESE BEEF Roasts STEAK 49c, 29Ct 49c - 65Ct Ysor Old Lots of Lean Lean Tender Tander GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SoltdBHAeads ORANGES Tomatoes CUCUMBERS gc , 3-o. 55c 2 7 lie 2 19c Medium Six Full of Juice Large Six HOT MASTER BREAD EVERY DAY, 4:30 P.M. MACARONI SPINACH PINEAPPLE u. or SPAGHETTI jijice Margarine 35c k9 2 25c 39c 2 - 39c 2V4 lb. Pkg. No. 1 Toll 46 ox. Con Mayflower COCA COLA MAYONNAISE HI-HO DILL 24-BottU Cat Crackers PICKLES 1.00 33c 29c-- 25c Deposit Full Pm jgMnM Quart Con IGA rt! Store roadway (Srocery IGA Store BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M.