- 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oragon, Thuraday, June 18. 1949 STEVE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT DOUGH? WHV ARE VOU CMIttf. RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN II IHt dHckLOCK HOLMES TREATMENT THURSDAY P.M. 'KSLM 13M I KGW KSIK0C0 "y 'KOIN J fcT.TRE?v 1 Ck-HbrXA aaa L'vf." 1 BROKEN SAWTEETH -VDUR PNrVM 'v A A A A has hf i fft thf uttr j i Chaoter 8 Early the next morning Jeff rode in Cougar for auppllea. He found " Olenn in nia oince. " "What haDHened now?" he- in 7" culred "The whole town's up on .. Its hind legs." .. . Glenn repeated hia account ol 8am Tolson'a murder the night be- tore. Jeff listened thoughtfully. Nice playful little client you ""nicked!" he ooserved. jelf, I've been thinking. There . nothing at Cougar for me. I won- der how It would do to ride over lo Briscoe and see u l can maac cum- ffM'tlnnit there." Sounds good. Brtocoee the coun ty seat.'' "I thought I might open an office two towns." h starter! at one and Jeff rode down to the gulch. A few miners were morning. Dm maei 01 uwav who had not ridden with the posse were gathered before Sam's shack talkinic about the tragedy. Jeff dta . mounted and Joined tnem. Two men were inside the caoin syswmacuc- tillv dismantling It. "Lookin' for Bams aold," a miner answered Jeff's question. "He used to keep it In a cigar box up on that shell, but the box is empty. None in gam's clothes, either, although he had a fat poke on him when he left Mikes." "Riiiir nrobahlv aot it." "Well I don't know. Slug could shoot him easy enough through the window, but he couldn't climb in and Ret the gold and then climb out again. Not through that hole. And tiam fell right outside the door and Gleason was with him till .we got here. Alter that Slug was busy maklrV tracks." Jeff circled the cabin and put his arm through the broken win dow. By stretching he could just reacn tne sneu inere you are. That's how Slu - BOt it." Some of the watching miners shook their heads in agreement, but one of them voiced his doubt. "Slug ain't got the reach you got.'' "I don't know. Slugs' a big man, but he's heavy and so looks shorter than he Is. It must be the way he got it if It was there to begin With." Knowing that Glenn could not return from Briscoe until late the next day. Jeff waited until Wed nesday before visiting Cougar again. He found Olenn in good spirits, en thused with the result of his trip. "I know I can do some business over there." he told Jeff. "Found a little building that was made to order. I can buy it for two hundred and flty dollars, and another fifty will fix It up. Working at both ends of the line I ought to be able to make a decent living. Vou need your money and I hate to call on you every time I need a sack of tobacco. What do you think?"- "Take it," answered Jeff prompt ly. "Walt here and I'll have the money for you In three shakes." He walked to the bank. Jeb Klnp, . greeted him warmly and took him 4.iJito his office. "Jeb. how'd you like to buy a MlR in a poke?'1 "Huh. Depends a lot on the pig. -I'm a cattleman, not a hog raiser." "This particularly pig Is a purest-bred Hereford bull. Connie knows -eat tie, and she's told you about my two bulls. I ll sell you one for three hundred dollars." Jeb stroked his chin thong ht- xully. "Accordin' to Connie, either r one of 'em's worth that price. But a4 didn't know you wanted to sell." T hadn't Intended to, but I need -some ready cash for an invest- merit.' ! "All right. I'll buy that pig. Jeb .jMched for his check book. - Jeff cashed the check and re- turned to Glenn's office. "Here's a4he three hundred. Get yourself ver to Briscoe and start to work." - He rode back to the little ranch. Tot himself some dinner, then went .gown to the pasture and roped one if the bulls. The animal was gentle nd he had no trouble driving it, 4ut the distance to the Crown was -rmslderable and It was late In the rternoon when ne arrived. Connie "Tame out to greet him, and eyed he bull with an appreciative eye "It's one of your purebreds. What ..Are you doing Jeff taking him for walk?" "Nope. And he's not mine anv more he's yours. Your father Mxnight him from me. Where do you ""Irani him?" ZZZ She was piir.?d. but did not rjjiistion htm. "Turn him into that empty corral until Dad comes 5 b Lvi;;ttJ U.f U home.- He did this, then tot down from Red and sat beside her on the steps to chat. And in the course of the conversation he Just had to men tion Glenn's new venture. "It sounds good to me." he told her. "Court is held at Briscoe and there's plenty work lor lawyers. And lor a few hundred dollars Glenn can open shop. And he can keep nis place m uougar and spend a few days a week there. The more lines he has out the more fish he'll catch. "I suDDOse so" she a arced ab sently. Her thoughts were on this man beside her more than they were on the flashy Glenn. A lew hundred dollars would be the price of the bull he had driven to the urown. He had made another sacri fice for that precious foster-brother of his. It was pathetic almost tragic and for some reason Connie wanted to cry. She didn't. She said, "I want you to spend next Sunday with us. Oh. Glenn too, of course. Bachelor meals must become sort of tiresome, and I'm sure we won't be bothered with Chuck Gale again." He accepted the Invitation, al though a bit reluctantly, and parted. His peace of mind dt-mand- ea mat ne keep as far away from this young woman as he possibly could, and he realized that each hour spent In her com nan v would make the task more difficult. He firmly resolved to spend the day with her father and mother, leav ing ine neid open to Glenn. As soon as he reached his cabin he started to work on the wood pile. He split a whole cord before stopping for supper. Work: that was the antidote. How well he knew in (To be continued) Center of Attraction The Em pire waistline one of the new details that make this dress so im portant! Added attractions the buttoned shoulders and scalloped pockets, plus a long pleat In the back to ease the skirt silhouette. No. 900 is cut in slses t. 11, II. 15. and 17. 81 13. 1 yds. 5-ln. Cottons again strike a hlih fash. ion note. They are Inexpensive w msae, ea5y 10 nana'.c send now for the SPRING FASHION BOOK which Includes In Its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions lor cotton fashions tor every age and occasion Price Ju.il 20 cents. Address Caoltal Journal 56a Mission fit. San Francisco 5 Calif. R2682 Cut and Cool Suit This slmnle- tc-sew summit was designed with busv mothers in mind. Requiring Utile time to mske. the suit opens fist for easy laundering. Anv little girl will look cute and cool in this beruffled outfit with Its sweetheart neck and tiny waist. Pattern Envelope No. RJMJ con tains tissue pattern for suit, sires J. S and 4 Included. Tracing for embroidery, stitch illustrations. material requirements and finish ing directions. to ootain um uanern send 20c in COINS giving pattern number four name, address and tone n um bel to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour na. 838 Mission street San Fran cisco I. Calif 3009 wTJ SIZES i 1 is VITAMINS r T I " FOR THAT S f -v HI I Dodf5 tat; q2 V iT jj Csnu p 0 ; ' 1 'rTCEOv'l ''when we get our THETwcHrrecr'' I SUPE KNOW g LEGAL OflTg ltL DO I TOPt TOO MUCH MEWS GETS OUT I OKHm CITY Dot TWt WU PtS WW. there aywws whb?e tmebe-s qiiv the best! get our ooPHftu err v bult I let Aitwie jixt tw to (our agents already p 5 MrIEY-THgT-S WHY I HIRE 2g ) I CIM,, 'FORE WHCCVER PIGGERY OH P CHISEL ti ON THW" J HAVE BOUGHT UP RUDvT) I 1 50M6THW' AWUL IS UAPPENIM' I ITHAT REALLY JM IS! ALU ll WELL.TWE BEST ) fiTlS I t SOTTA S TO ME .1 CArJT SLEEP AMD SOUNDS SERIOOSJDO IS WAV TO MAKE A S T 1 .sfv"L' ! SOMETIMES 1 EVEW CANT v AME5V XREAM OF J DREAM COMETRUE ) 6''6' H rrTSr -LEAT.MUCW -J -Tprri nf ROSETTA 5TONE.S JS TO WAKE UP'.yJH "lYZ'S ' V BEAD McYtTSAYS Tw' W'-TMET REMINDS YttE.'SAN, VO TV SO HCI ' A. r2?5f 'L&'" TH' SASSIEIV J-DOWAGEFl MBS ME.-AHXL HAFTA Ao-SCMfre) THC 0H-MIQUt DO-, L Q ?rTHfS,?i ' "JEWS'r ITS VAN FLOPHAUSEM SHOVE OFF T' NlitOt J Of A URtttf ( S'GH-r ) MVlttiSS ,7t NICET' HAS SAILED T-TX' . DEAD HAWG J WCT) 0 UttO ) -GOESS , MAM mr "AJ'T WERt KNOW WHuT W ,SLE O' CAPR, . ISLAMD IN MAM OV.' VOU.'.' J I VO GOTTA . -XT f WF.APPID IN.":' CjC OTKCRSOSHUl) IN HER 300-RXTT 8 FOOT CAT- HI AM OVCM &W.' ZT GO. SON I y ajr iwtwo - as SSHEV?HM,S ?- T OEFF LOVES VA, IV HERES A NICE Q WoH. HELLO. MUTT! M GUESSES WITH HIS HOW W WNEy .TH0SE eiG 1 ?ll BIG KISS FOR l 1 GO I'M BABy U TONI'V!A4 ANCE I I BEAUT'FULeAeV J (9-MM.I( JO I SITTING FOR & riB Ilia i J gyjg j gT1LL HEAB RuSTy , Jf COME ON. NO HARM IN WHAT THE dCrtNS'iTW HORSES wiru 1UU,. -1. f SCWS U MAYBE E OU6HT TO 60 IN JS CiON6 A LITTLE WAV... TIED LP OUTSIDE THE CAVE ; MUST f M . ytaWHUMMINC)H?SIS A MACHINE . . ANV FARTHER; THIS WIPE COVES FROM BE SIMS AND BLAND.' THE BLOOMN'JW WHAT I MEAN.' VOU SOL M THE SAME DIRECTION IDIOTS 0OSHT TO BETTER JsVfli NICElOOOOCOMPO- J woup PAPA A I fATHtRmPtCTywMT rr THFt ""S LIKE AHAUOWEIN VM I 816 SECRET! BUT Ht?t "N 5ITION,RlCHCaOR, Hf fHttNP, M All MODERN Z"ral DlZ OFAullPA'Ty'WITH CHAMPftiNtyOU 1 HINT.1- -WATCH FOR A CHARACTER ) INTERESTING TEXTURE! J THFv f HOLILD 1 p4INTtR F '' V ARTS'' WEETH WBBIN& FOR CIDER!- wESti WwO LIVES IN MV LAST NAME J M WE SHOULD HANG IT HAN&ME,,4 BEING PARTIAl S COSTUMES ' AT M'DN'GHT WE KCOME AS, AND Rmvv" WITH IT! 51 6: 7 jR:j 91 fnlton VtwU. Jr., H'min'i Sccrtl Frnk Hrminrwar Khhhf Sidt Paailoi Pftrad Nwi Ntwf Gceri Mord Htralfhl Arrcw Strlnf Scrtatd SIralibt Arrow Airing Sfranftd (ill, Midnlfbt Mvalral CMkltvlU Tana Mil Elmr Mrrm (tbrlH Htitttr Ntlm Eddy Nrthwi Naws '! Cddr Mnalc narolby LaMr Mu.lt Doralbr LatnaoHf Mfdlflne Drantft ftcreva Guild Muale Uouaa Srrcaa Galld Marian Manner Frad Warlnf Marian Mannar Fred Waring TBA ftpr Club TBA Nawa ml War! Caaat Surrar Aldrltb ram II Coaat BTYay Aldrltb Family Ntwt "" Ntwa rll Local Newa Sparta Par Final Xw Band ml Land Band Wagon Fnllan UwU. Jr. Sam Haraa Bob Paalc Show Carrcnl Cbalca Bob Faale Shaw Lcl'a Dane Marina Band Ufa Panca Stin Off HI in Off 1!: FRIDAY 6 A.M. Ncwa Yawn Patrol Northweat .Newa March Time Vawn Patrol Yawn Patrol Yawn Patrol Nrwi Newa Breakful Gang Bargain Con n tar Victor Llndlabr Mone ef Pleneera Muile Norlbweal Newa Kat Smith Sings Paaler CaD Wllea Walla I Newa Geapel Rlngera Perry Come Welti Serenade Queen for a Day Queen for Day Lad lee First Ladles First Northwest Newt Bob Ebcrly Show Lean Back, Listen Johnson Pamlly Tell Venr Neigh. Blng Slnga Aialnst the Storm Atalnst the Storm Salem Hlgb Novelties on Par. T B A TBA DIAL LISTINGS! REX. If FY Thursday P.M. a:, Sejulrrel r Cagei 5:30. Sky Klngt 6:00. Keep ing l'p With Sports i 6:15, Homo Edition i :M, Green Hornet i 7:00, Edwin C. Hill: 1:15, Elmer Davlsi 7:30, Name the Moviet II. Counterspy; :-, Time for Music; 0. Milton Berle; 9:30, Damon Run yon The alrei 10, Rirbfleld Reporter! 10:15, Inter mciroi 10:M, Concert Hoart 11:3. Memos to Tomorrow) lt:00, Xtra Hoar; l:0f, Sign Off. LfCV Tri. A.M., Early Blrdt t:45, CA nirt Farmer; 1. Lawxon MsCallt 7:15, Bob Johnson t 1:80, Boh Hateni 7:45, Farm Newsi 8:M), Mrrt and Marge) S:I5, Martin Aironskyi S:30, 7.rk Manners) 11:15. Easy Aces; :, Breakfast Clabi I. News; 10:15. Stars of Todayt 10.30. Kay Kyaer's Kollegei II, Ted Melon) 11:15, Ga len Drake) 11:30, Trno Ssory) 11:00, Bet ty Crocker) lt;15, Newai lt:M, Bankhaiet lt:45, Nancy Craig; 1 :00, Northwest ernera; 1:30, Kay We-tt t:0O, Breakfast In Better Bakers Busy Falls City The Better Bak ers 4-H club has completed its work for the year. Mrs. Teresa Smith was their leader and she ACROSS 12. Short and to J, Sunken fence the point . Hop kiln 13. Flower . East Indian 3$. Exclamation tree IT. You and 1 11 Means of com- 19. Fur-bearlnf munlcatlon animal 14. Old card game 40. After taking- 15. Knowing deductions 16. Regret 43. Novel 17. illdweitem 45. Remainder itnte; abbr. 46, Short supplo- 18. Myself mant 19. Unity 48. Palm IHy tU Horseback 49. Support gam 60. Month of th 14. Writing fluid year: abbr. St. Bird of the 51. Farewell cuckoo 15. Crude metal family ot. First per It. Old-time hunt- formanceg In dogs (!. Engtlnh letter 28. heave ho 59. Medical fluids 10. Down: prefVX CO. Act of selling s 7T ;;;;35 v i7- -mr-w -wmWr '', - Ju 7 S46 3f" So" VA'Si S3. S3 l$4 ;' '' ': ST yfi. S sj rtl 1 -hrl 1 1 1 rl 1 l ROOM AND BOARD I KMOW AARS. PUFR IS JUST ABOUT READY TO SWINK3 TME CLEAVER. AT ME TO GET Mf UNCLE WOLFGANG On MiS WAV OUT Of HERE BUT MOW SMALL I GO ABOUT IT ROSIN. IN A TACTFUL WAY 7 mere I 1 VMXFSANS Herb Shrlncr l.Htla Rtaaw Clnb IS, CBS Ed. K. Murraw Knai Manning Bcnlah Cbet Hnatlay Newa SnaaBM Saapante Crime Pbatag. Crime Pbelag, Flnt NUhter Flnt Nlgbltr Columbia Feat area Columbia Fealara Baafhall Biball Baavball Baarball Baseball Lowell Thomaa Jaek Smith Shew Mr. Keen Mr. Keen Baaabail Newa Track MM Track 111 F1t Star Pinal FBI, Peaca-War FBI. Feaea Wat Let 'a Dane Track U9e Track 149 Track 14H Track 14M Serenade Von Ik Wirll Orcheetrn Orcbealra Silent Sign Off TO 4:45 P.M. Kb y tbm Bancb ttbrtbm Kanak Bine Craabv Spart Paw Candle I.libt and tltar Nrwa Bill 8Ur Gaait Star Kddla LcMar Bandatand Bandatand Dufout Dopa Bairball Batrball Hodge Podgo Newa Hodio Poda KOIN Kleek News KOCO Kloefe KOIN Kloek Hodte Podia KOCO Kiack KOIN Klock Farm Time Teg Sitter KOIN Klock J Farm Tlma Newa a Sport Newa Tba Old Bonn To ' Morning Newa Newa Newa Fred fUek Fred Waring Wettern Melodies Consumer Newa Fred Waring Western Melodiea Art Baker Riders ml Sag Hume Singers Robert Lewis Sam Ha yet Church In Wild Robert Lewis Second Cay Melody Time Vocal Varieties Scrond Cup Melody Time News Jack Bercb Mnate Without Grand Slam News Wordi Bosemary Hostess Honsa Coffee Cap Wendy Warran Hostess Hons Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny Rose Festival Rhapsody la Helen Treat Boat Festival Rhythm Our Gal Sunday Rosa Festival Glaso Was Big Sister " Rosa Festival Glass Was Ma Perkins Today's Children Glass Was Young Dr. Males Brighter Day Glass Wai Guiding Light Double or Nothing Everybody's Ideas Newa Double or Nothing Hollywood Mnalc Come Get It News News Norah Drake Light of World Ted Dale Presents Makes Yoa Tick Life tkrautlfnl Mac's Melodies Snd Mrs. Burton Ma Perkins Mac's Melodies Perry Mason Pepper Young Mac'a Melodies Pat O'Brien Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Peggy Lee Barkstaie Wife Mae's Melodies Jv J JSdsasMifg Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Jfv J Joedsaj Lorento Jones Maca Melodiea Winner Take All Wldder Brown Mac'a Melodiea Tunefully Years A Girl Marries Mac'a Melodies News " " Portia Faeea Life Mae's Melodies Meet the Mlssa Jmt Plain hill Mac'a Melodiea Meet the Mi sitae .. Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey Road of Life Women's Pago AtMiar Godfrey Lora Lawlon Philnaopber trthur Godfrey Aunt Mary Spotllte on Muale Arthur Godfrey We Love 4r Learn Spotllte pa Musle Arthar Godfrey 1190; KOAC, 5M (Listed Pacific Standard Time) VChC Th ! . UPbOMl r VMV. 5:.VI bparts Cloi : The News) :!., Dinner Melodies) thflo. Round the Campflrei 1:1ft Evening Farm Hour; 11:13, Great Sonii) :t.1. News: :00, Music That Endures! 0:45, Evening Hedt tatlona. (Listed Pacific Standard Time) fCLC rrlo :b p.m IWAVf m:oo. The Newsi 10:15, hf per tally for Women i 11 :00, The Concert Hall; 13:00. Newsi 11:15, Noon Farm tiourt 1:00. Ride 'eon Cow boy i 1:15. Variety) 1:30. Melody Lane; 1:00, Ea. pertally for Women) 3:30, Memory Book of Music: 3:0(1, News, Hollywood) t:30, Talk Tear Way Oat of III 3:00, Surprise Package; 8:30. Bride and Groom; 4:00, Welcome Travelers) 4:30, Art Llnkletter. has taught them how to cook many things among them bis cuits, muffins and cookies. All the things they made were judged. Solution of Yesterday's Puszts DOWN L Philippln nativ I. Chop I. Wing 4. Rollirloug is courses I. Conjunction t. Brother of Mom T. Full of spirit I. Pronoun t. Foreign 10. Regards 11. Coal ocuttleg 13. Turn to tha right SO. Symbol for odium St. Rout 12. vergren shrubs IS. Roman houia horn god 14. Represents ST. Condensed motstur 29. Cereal grass 31. Formerly 34. Long step) BS. Golf peg 38. Bear 39. Exclamation 41. Margin 42, Symbol for tellurium 44. Anxlou 46. Century T!an 47. Short atoep 48. Red ponry E3. Uaxcullno nam M. Long flna 54. Employ 17. College deffrow By Gen Ahtrn I IfNO WIS KINO mes hardehto get out than th' BonriM OS of Catsup in a bottle you CANT give HIW TH' VERBAL HPAVF-HTI SO WHY DONT "rOU TELL HIW MRS. PUFFLE HAS RENfTEO HIS ROOM? vn rr -! OjAFlDlgNElLoTon rfiYlilJeii. iUodjj b'E RIE Tfl P j jtAT et BBI W iw H m ppfiggil R E U I NT N Cj R'QiM S A R Hl ATP E Jsjolt A N C Q DMT kjWI E U BJ Y A asBaaST5 ? U 1 jt Baf plRlBSA" R HBrrl k Jr 0 H W A V ETRfl TOE vIeIsUsItIeirInUoIwInI y i " 7 MM