18 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Thureday, June 16. 19flpr Officials PCL Standings i Br United Frcu) W L Pet. W L Frt Hollywood 1 10 .39 Oakland 41 .415 Aaattl 44 S .Ml AnPTllCKO II 44 .410 Bin Dim 4S If .544 LoaAnicl 14 41 A2i Sacramento St It .4(4 Portland ftaaaMa Yaalarttar Vatlk San Francisco 4. Lot Am Lea t. Portland I. Ban Dieio I, Oakland 2. CUn Dlwo S. Oakland J. Hollywood 14. CacramtnW 4. 1 41 .414 Wild witch: DlBlajl; Firm inf. Paaad ballr Oladd. Umpire: 8omr. Devr and Runit. Tint 2:35. Attandanc MOT. Five Errors Help Bevos Oust Angels from Cellar far tho JLftloeliud PrM The battle for the basement takes the Pacific Coaat league spotlight today. The Loa Angelei Angela atepped out of the cellar momen tarily at least by overwhelm ing the Portland Beavera laat night 8-3, aided by five Beaver miacuea. The night before the Portland club had emerged from the low spot at the expenae of the Angela. Now the Beavera are back below again. The Angel win wai featured by the debut of Booker McDan lel, the first Negro pitcher to perform in the circuit. He went the route and gave up five hiti, atruck out aix and walked ight. Branch Rickey, Brooklyn Dodger bosi. aaw hia affiliate elub. the loop-leading Holly wood Stara, shellack Sacramen to 10-4. The Stara exploded for aeven runs in the fifth frame. Frankie Kelleher aocked hia 15th homer in the aixth for the Stara with one aboard. Walt Dropo did likewise, a 1 a o with one on, for the Solona in the fourth. Second place Seattle kept pace with Hollywood by setting back San Francisco 6-4, to re main 5 Mi games in arrears. Jackie Albright homered for the winners in the fourth. Four singles and a walk in the fifth gave the Rainiera three runs more than enough to win. The San Diego Padres shaded Oakland 3-2 on Harve Storey's two-run triple in the seventh It was Al Jurisich's eigth win Luke Easter, who had walked and Max West, who singled, did the scoring. Official Box Can FrancUe 100 210 0004 II 0 Sattla 200 lit 00 4 II 0 Binilaton, Oreif iit and Jarvia; Karptl and wnlta. Han Dio .010 000 2001 10 0 Oakland 000 010 1003 7 9 Jurlaich and Moore; Jont Ctcll til and Padictt. Saramrnto 000 300 003 4 1 3 Hollywood 000 011 02a 10 II I Johiuon, Llarman and Raimondl, Maltfrerter and Sandtock. Portland B H O A 1 10 1 4 UarqtitE.lf 14 0 Shupa, 1 310 Ttionu.3-1 110 Rtickftr.cf 2 12 0 110 Brovla.rf 4 0 10 0 10 Baalrukl.2 2 0 4 4 0 i I Oladd. e 4 111 111 Auttln.u 1123 9 0 0 BiBlaal.p 10 11 Laxor 10 0 0 Mullen. u 0 0 10 FrnnU 0 0 0 0 Total! 40 13 27 total 10 ft 27 12 Oroundfd out fnr Aw tin In Bth. alktd for PI mini in tin. Trwtlltr.3 Mauro. cf Oatrwakl.3 Madd'rn.ll Moran. 1 Abaraon.rf 8flmJlri Burbrlnk.e McDanltl.P Lai Antlea HIU Portland ....... HIU Pltchlni: WeDaniel , OiBlail Plenum Loclnff pitcher: ..100 030 310 I 310 031 21113 000 030 000 I 000 011 010 8 AB R H KrSoBb 30 I 5 I I I .4 an 4 4 o 3 l .4'., 20 4 I 0 I I DiBlaal. Error brink. Marques. Thomu 3. Baalnaki, Aiia tin. Buna: Terwllleaer I. Oatrowakl. Mad dern. Aberaon, Burbrlnk 3, Bhupe, Aus tin. Plemlni. Runa batted In: Oatrowakl. Terwllllier. Thomu, Oatrowakl. Home run: Bhupe. BacrUicea: Marques. McDan iel. Double playa: fteriuater lo Terwilllger to Moran: Baalnskl to Auatln to Bhupe. Left on baaea: Loa Anielea t; Portland f. Mootry's Plays Portland Squad In Exhibition Taking advantage of a gap in the City Softball league schedule until June 23, arrangements have been completed for an ex hibition contest between Moot ry's of Salem and Parti's of Port land at 9 o'clock Thursday on Leslie field. A make-up corv test between Knights of Col umbus and Marine Reserves is booked for 8 o'clock. The Industrial division will stage a single twilight game at 4:30 between Teamsters and Paper Mill. Lop-sided encounters featur ed Wednesday night's Industrial loop program as Clear Lake blasted Interstate 8-2 while Na val Reserve downed Post Office, 11-2. Clear Lake wrapped up its contest in the third with a seven run scoring bee. The Re serves tallied four in the sec ond and five more in the fifth Oltar Like 007 JO t 9 S Iiu.ratal. 100 10 3 3 1 Killlni.r and Bruuler: Kreft and Buiu. Rfwrni 141 0511 7 1 poat office ooo an a i l Pox and Jarvla; Odor, and Weleh. Ohambera. Seek Competition For Ball Team The Prison Greys out at the end of State street have an exceptionally atrong baseball elub - this sesaon and they would like a bit of competi tion. The achedule for June is pretty well tilled but open dates are numerous In July following the 4th. There will be no game the Sunday be fore the Fourth because of the necessity for g e tt 1 n g the grounds In shape for the an nual Independence day cele bration. Good semi-pro eluba anxious lo pit their akill against War den George Alexander'a boys should eall the prison. Bevens Collects Suit and Watch On Prexy Homer Home runs by proxy are something new in baseball. But, regardless of precedent, Bill Be vins, now playing with the Houston club in the Texas league collected handsomely for a cir cuit blow he didn't hit. It seems Houston home run Lhitters are awarded a new suit of clothes and a wrist watch for their first circuit blow. They cannot repeat insofar as the prizes are concerned. Those who have not hit four basers pool their names and when one of their more fortunate mates re peats in the home run depart ment, a name is drawn from the pool.. Bill was the fortunate in dividual the other day, so he is sporting a new spring suit and wearing a wrist watch on each arm. He already had one of the time pieces. First amateur to win the U.S Open golf title was Francis Oui met, at the age of 20, captured the crown In 1013. He'll Win Race To Glue Factory Portland,- Ore., June IS W Plus Cost, a 40-to-one shot In the final race at Portland Meadows, dropped dead at the finish line, the last In a 10 horse race yesterday. Jockey Haskell Laswell jumped clear. A seven-year-old gelding. Plus Cost was owned by Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Loggans. Willie Anderson and Bobby Jones both won four U.S. Open golf titles, more than any other player. Headllner King Henry Lee, who will engage John L. Sulli van in a 10-round light heavy weight boxing match at the ar mory the night of June 22. Abandonment of Junior A Loop Is Held Certain After investigating all angles to the situation, junior baseball officials have just about reach ed the decision that there will be no division 'A" competition this season. With but 30 boys of eligible age signed and with no sponsors in sight it was agreed that abandonment of that part of the program seems certain. Agreement was reached that the nine team "C" division would play Monday and Wednesday evenings with the first games scheduled for June 27. The "B" division, involving six clubs, will meet each Tuesday eve ning. Schedules for both divisions are in the course of being pre pared and in the meantime play ers are asked to await developments. CAPITOL ALLEYS MAJOR RCHATCH IAOIE Don Paif ABC Cleaners, recorded 818 (or the top jteriea whit. McCltiskey aeored a 230 blah ame. The Hartwell .Electric team rn la tere d a 2215 aerlej. Cupboard Cafe 1 2) Henderaon 001, L. Braden 540, fltratton 480, Boyca 571. Karr'a HI Wllkeraon 333. Mathli 521. Karr 407. Coe 573. Cllne'e Mi Ollne 584. Oalund SSI, Craw ford ft3!. Youni 539. Rartwell Electric C. i Hartwell 018,- Reeve 4M, Laraon .V H. Pace 553. He na tor's i It Iron $47. Prleien 476. OIner 486. Weat 577. Braden Body Shop t2 Evan 583, white 031, Mcciarr 535. a. Braden S03. A. B.C. Wlndaw Cleaners 11 McCltia- 17 572. M. Hartwell 437. D. Paie 038. Blaler 560. Capital Bed din a 3t Poulin 585. Boa Ml. Loaan 530. Hickman 828. OREGON SAYS HELLO TO A GOOD BUY CARSTAIRS Whitfe Seal IS HERE! I "E POPUlAll Sjgpr l '"ICED WHISKEY I P"WJUM PRICED I j J I UkBID ! 1203 fcgH Now You Can Enjoy the Big Whiskey Value Favored by Folks "Back East"! It's new day for the whiskey buyer of Oregonl Now. for the fint time here, you can taste Caratairt White Seal the Perfectly Balanced Blend at budget balancing price! Now you can discover what you've been missing whiskey that'l rich yet light, mild yet hearty, and fasfea juat riiht. Now you can know why Carstairs White Seal is to popular in the East and why it's bound to be a favorite here. Buy it try it today I The Man who Cares eavs CARSTAIRS BLENDED WHISKEY CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO, INC, BALTIMORE, MO. K.I PROOF, 72ft GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS J Western Group Agrees on Duck Season Limits Seattle, June 16 U Agree ment on a S0-day duck season for 1949 and a aeven-bird bag limit was reached here by delegates from the seven western states to the western migratory bird con ference. Delegates also asked that jack snipe and mourning dove seasons be added, that shooting hours be set from a half-hour before sun rise to sunset, that the possession limit be two days' bag limit, and that the goose limit be five per day. Delegates approved a t2 duck stamp, provided at least 23 per cent of the increase be used for protection, and approved the pro gram of more refuges in the Pa cific flyway. The provisions were the same as those approved by the annual! convention of the Western Asso ciation of Game and Fish Com missioners, also meeting here. The bird conference re-elected Eugene Bennett of San Francis co, it president; elected Lee Ol well of Seattle, vice president, and named William Caubu of San Francisco, secretary-treasurer. Delegates' recommendat ions will be sent to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife service In Washing ton, D. C, for final approval. The first player to break 70 in a single round of the U.S. Open was Tom McNamara who shot a 69 at Buffalo in 1912. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport i. if Ji.m. 11 11:3 a.m. 0.1 SOtpm. 10 Judo 11 0:30 a.m. 0 0 0 10 i.m. 3 S 0 13 pm. 7.3 13:10 pm. 0 0 31 o m. 1 37 p.l 1 30 0 I JMOO 30 Juno II I II I. 10 0 u o n. 1.0 0:M p.m. 1.7 1 Horn. 01 0 41p.m. 7.0 1 10 on. 1:04 pa. I 10 0 m. 1 11p.m. I 00 m 311 p.m. 4 01 i m. I ll p a. Bunions , Got thm quick relief. Lift mourn prssamTUis, sotMJUieaB, cuou iona. protoct th scnaitivfi spot. ak for Lboi Butuoa aix. r CARLOAD SALE PEAT MOSS Horticultural Poultry 13 Bales . . 1.95 each 12 Bales . . 2.25 each WHILE THEY LAST! Large Size . . 4.25 Mulch Your Lawn and Flowers We Will Deliver Phone 3-4903 Salem Seed and Implement Co. Front and State Solflm, Oregon WE ARE PLEASED . . . To welcome the return of Miss Dorothy Mcllvaine, Beauty Con sultant for the famous FRANCES DENNEY Beauty Preparations who will he in our Cosmetics De partment for three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 16, 17,' and 18. Miss Margaret Walker, of trie Quisenberry corner, Court and Commercial, hopes especially that all those who were unable to do so earlier will take this opportunity to meet Miss Mc llvaine on her return visit to Quisenberry's and Solem. uisenbeST THI OUISfSSTn 8fr CONF COUtl 4 COMMttOAl Om. 3-0133 HfOlCAl CfNTfO 10INCH UM OIIA0 Stilt! Mm HIP Hhat operate atom' via) SECTIONAL yf oV UVING-ROOM GROUP $16900 1ti 1 BBUDGtT-WSE'V'- rVJ J 1 0,6.90 Delivers All 9 Pieces 'LfeV 1 ' with an additional club X. T it U I " 1 A three-seat sofa . . ' TWQ extra cnairs WU,. , H ! S v I Ch:S nSva.--occasiontab.es and 2 I M ' I ;;Je-y. -tchina table lamps . V Eoiy and (un w Qroup (hi ultromodtrn, rU fpssrj r-. I if- . wH conifructtd, boutifully upholilftd, I'll lilj Mctionol Hving-room piteei to luit your liv "7(iTB TT I (fg tpoc and Individual tattt! ""A j L IM j jl Sitting COmforf it aiturtd by fht No-Sog Spring SSll'y:-ii?fi lTa.iSif conitrtxtioA. fv wonderfulry itvrdy, hmc- JlEJ jHE IjfWafe tionolry dtigntd nblt. for overy occasionol Pj tfw ill aKrT'lr itA pwrpottl SotfrOAol pitcet and tablet prae- I I ' I IJ'p? lically fvrniih yowr living-room, at a priea L I " s'tWf that it truly "budgttwi"l $ th cltan cut lint i, and firM wfttat tonat of rtta ttrong, durable hardwood framewoHi , , uphotittrfrd In coloHvl tobriet. SUPER-ior Of MODERN VALUE T 1 L 1 Ar 1 Proof Again That It Pays to Buy at Woodry's