Linn Will Ban 'Jail Visitors , . Albany After July 1, anyone placed in the Linn county jail will, at usual, be "settin on the inside lookin' on the outside." but there won't be any company allowed. Sheriff H. A. "Mike" South ard announced that at that date all visitors will .be barred. Housing of federal prisoners enroute also will be discontinu ed, the sheriff asserted. "Owing to the lack of suf ficient personnel I must take these drastic action. Sheriff Southard declared. "We handled ,403 prisoners in the past 12 months, not counting those en- route to other Jails and prisons, and with their visitors it has meant that either a deputy or myself had to be constantly in the office. "The amount of both criminal and civil business has increased considerably. With only one deputy , to handle each phase I am forced to close the jail to visitors so that I can help take the load off my deputies," South ard said. Southard asserted the yearly contract with the federal gov ernment has not been signed and he will discontinue the Linn county jail as a stopping place for federal prisoners and their guards, to relieve the load on his staff. Leave for Indiana Amity Mrs. Charles H. Law, Amity, and her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Barmore, left on a trip to Indianapolis, Ind., for a visit with an aged aunt of Mrs. Law's. Tentative arrangements will be made for the aunt to come to Oregon to live. i a, Lumber Firm On Fast Time Springfield, June 18 11 About 300 office and operating employees of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. plant here will go to work an hour earlier tomor row morning under the em ployes' own "daylight saving time" plan. Jon Titcomb, manager of the Springfield plant, said the employes voted almost unani mously to change the working hours from 8 to 4 to 7 to 3. The noon meeting was in the compa ny cafeteria. The Eugene-Springfield area is still on standard time. Pastor Assigned To Albany Church Montesano, Wash., June 18 Rev. George Huber of the First Metodist church Tuesday an nounced he will leave Montes ano to accept an appointment in Albany, Ore. Rev. Paul Camp bell of Linden. Wash., will re place him. He came here in from the navy In which he served as chaplain. He did the initial work in organizing the Lions club and served as Its first president in 1947. He also was active in the Masonic or der and the chamber of com merce. Before going to Albany, Rev. Mr. Huber tr M wife will at tend the annual Methodist con ference at Ashland, Oregon. Brownsville Times Under New Owners T.phnnnn Mr mnA Mn T.en Giles, owners and publishers of the Brownsville Times since Jan. 14. 1939, announce the sale of their newspaper to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Roberts, formerly of Yakima. Wash. The Roberts take over the property Thursday. In Yakima, he was employed by a radio sta tion and also worked in the edi torial and advertising depart ments of the Yakima daily. He Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 1A, 1949 IS also formerly owned a weekly, home in Brownsville, but have newspaper near Yakima. imade no plans for the immedi- The Giles are retaining their ate future. WHY BUY! Ws Supply Uniforms Shop Towels, Covert Coveralls, Coatt NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY 548 Mill St., Ph. 39020, Salem rats. r. cr.. "" WHAT ABOUT WINDOWS Windows make all the difference in a home's ap pearance and comfort! Let us tell you of the many good looking, dependably working types we make. Same time, let's go over your other Mill Work needs. We can tell you much about Mill Work that may help you and, per haps, ease the purse strain. I SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Ph. 3-5953 Mother Makes the Grade The senior year for Mrs. Mar lon Mock Andrews (above) of Stow. Mass., was a little more difficult for her than it its for most people. She had to take time out from classes at Simmons College to greet the stork. Mother made the grade, however, and son Har old attended her graduation in Boston. Here she holds twin priies, four-months-old Harold and her diploma. (AP Wirephoto). Methods of heating bee hives electrically are being tested by federal agricultural department technicians in an effort to pre vent bee losses during the win ter. TwIsThostess PLANAMP SUPPLY OLYMPIA SHOPPING GOOD) SUMMERTIME jjSRANCI j OlYMPI MCWMI) CO .Otywipll.Wlrt .U.J.. MOTHER KNOWS BESTI jgf 4$ more in new size! M0B COtWErJlEHr More of thit favorite on hand! New Jiggle movte cutouta for the lucli on every box. Crisp ind delicious by every test, no wonder children love Rice Krlspies! Now, by popular demand, a new package that holds 45 more of this nourishing energy-food. Get the new, economical large size today I When ovory brand claims H is tho fast, how's a woman to toll which bright? i&M& J While other brands dam better quality, your grocer will tell you only S W date to pmt it We invite a grocer to select other brands any brsndi from his shelve. Then together we open each can and compare iti quality with SW, prod uct for product, by actual taste test. For more than 50 years, grocers who have made this actual wore teat bv judged S W best, every time. PROVI IT YOURSILF Try any SW Fine Food -fruits, vegetables, juices, oreo-baked beans and brown bread, or fimoul SW mellow'd coffee. We are confident you will ssree that SW b in a class by itself. y Cook .Book an ckso NNJ ON MY TABLE are Putting mm (FOODS it: n( .: if.- i. . i-tf-.frV.Hi-.iii- ' i -"'i-i Tomato Catsup Lge, 14 oi. bottles 2 tot. French's Mustard T&iM 2 j.r. Best Food Mayonnaise j., ... Everyo j likes Best Foods Deviled Meat Reg, No, Vi cans. ... 3 Meat Balls & Gravy ??!:'. Noodle Soup Mix Lipton's ... 3 pkgs. Onion Soup lZ French Kettle gular can Sold for 25c can under O. F. A. Reliable Vanilla 8 oz. bottle 4 oz. 9 c Pint battle 23 C Duff Cake Mixes Regular Pk9. ... Devil's Food or Spice (White 33 c' DEL Cream style TO, MONTE VOrn No. 303 Canst7G DEL ii :- No. 2 sq. can 10" MAIZ IVieXICOrn You will like it... C DENNISON D Somethinf OI, RO-HO DeOnS new cans Chili Beans in Meat Sauce Sweet Peas K"'... 3, .. 25c Packed by Libby's Diced Carrots D,Ste3 33c SHOE- Dt.i. Blue Bell 1 C STRING rOtarOeS No. IH can uc 25c 17c 39c 22c 39c 29c 10c 15c 27c You, Too, Can Save on Your Groceries at Erickson's Two Big Complete Food Markets Open 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Quickly Prepared Summer Foods Chicken & Noodles 25c Corned Beef Hash iL,.f.aB 29c White Star Tuna Smi.r?..... 31c (Sextant No. M can 25c) 17c 35c 25c n O D , Dennison's Large rum at vcuna No. 2'j can. (No. 300 can 10c) tall cans cans Spaghetti & Meat Balls 2 KiDDered Snacks g n 3 Ideal for quick snacks and picnics Sweet Mustard Pickles .V 10c Adds zest to lunches and picnics Sweet Pickles NLbb2y;ARi0areda,e 37c Canned Salmon No. 1 tall can . . 39c Sweet Potatoes No. 3 squat can . . 2 cans 29c FROZEN FOOD CARTONS Size Mm Doz. 23c Canned Dog Food Please or Playfair. . . Pard, Calo, Dr. Ross . . . 3 2 tall cans tall cans 25c 25c Nestyle Frozen Food Cartons Pints dozen 49 C Quarts dozen 59 C Ball Freezer Jars For Lockers Pints dozen 99 C 24 oz. .....dozen 1.19 Complete stock locker supplies BORAXO Hand Cleaner 8 oz. can 1 6t 1 lb. con 27c BORAX POWDER 2lb.pkg 27c S lb. pkg 63 c Washing Powder SUPER SUDS Lorge pkg 25c Giant pkg 63 C Granulated Soap PEETS Large pkg 36 C Giant pkg 7.1 C I ft i i i I m bb m a i iSl! il-L V.....-IF to 4-arfJl ' iv-s ff i a. v rr n s FROZEN SALMON BY THE PIECE 390" PURE LARDrr- 29c. 57c HAMBURGER 39c FRYERS 1.49 - PICNIC HAMS 49c WATERMELON NEW POTATOES Thin Skinned California Klondykes lb. California Shorter Large Site Whites . .10 lbs. 4c 39c rADDATC Locally Grown Solid CADDAV9C Green Heads 5cLb. TOMATOES F,l.dRip. 2 Tub.. 25c SQUASH 2 Lb, 25c YELLOW CROOKED NECK ZUCCHINI Morrell Snacks ntT.. 33' r T r t r - - - 25e rce Q 24 os. " 10c Jir free with 14 os Amaizo Syrup Golden or White Vl lb. 5lb- jar IUG jar (Amaiso Waffle Syrup, 1 lb jar, 13c 39c quality is so much better 3720 E. State 3060 Portland Road