Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 16, 1949, Page 14, Image 12

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    14 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. June 18. 1949
F. D. R. Jr. in Capital Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., name
sake of the late President arrives at the Capital to take his
seat as a Democrat in the House of Representatives, succeed
ing the late Sol Bloom. In front of him are his mother and
Rep. Walter A. Lynch, his sponsor. (Acme Telephoto).
ficials to
Discuss Parking
County Judge Grant Murphy
has issued a call for a confer
ence between city and county of
ficials for next Monday at 1 p.m.
to discuss and probably draft a
et of rules governing parking
inside the courthouse block. In
cluded will be members of the
county court, district attorney,
aheriff, lire chief and others. A
new law giving the court power
to enforce such regulations will
become effective July 13.
The court Issued such a set
of regulations for Itself back in
1946 and attempted to enforce
hem. Later Attorney General
Neuner ruled that the secretary
of state had no power to enforce
penal provisions as to parking
on the state house grounds and
this was followed by an opin
ion from the district attorney's
office that the court had no such
power at the courthouse. So the
legislature enacted laws to ex
tend such powers. Fire Chief
Roble of Salem had written
letter to the court warning of
fire hazards which had arisen
because of the laxity of enforce
ment of parking regulations
which couldn't legally be enforced.
Bid for Clearing Dam
Site Below Estimate
Portland, June 1 A bid
for clearing Meridian dam site,
submitted by C. F. Lylle Co.,
and Amis Construction Co.,
Moses Lake, Wash., was half a
million dollars under govern
ment estimates.
The army corps of engineers
reported the two firms hid
$1)1)1.370, low of nine bids. The
engineers had estimated the cost
at $1,43.1,0.14.
Cherry Yield Good
Grand Island Twenty pick
ers are employed harvesting six
acres of Royal Anne cherries at
the Louis Will farm here start-
Ing Wednesday morning. The
fruit Is good and is being truck
ed to the Farquar Brining com
pany at Salem.
Loganberry Price
Set at Eight Cents
Oregon Cane Frulti Control
Board, Inc., at a meeting at the
Chamber of Commerce Wed
nesday night fixed an 8-cent
minimum for lofjanbernei, boy
senberriei and youngberries as
compared with 114 cents last
year on boy sens and young
berries and 12 '4 cents for
loganberries. This is the estab
lished price to the growers who
are members of the organization
and William J. Lin foot, its sec
retary, estimates that about 80
per cent of the berry crop is
produced by the membership.
Loganberry ha r v e s t will
probably get under way next
week and boysens In probably
another 10 days. It is expected
the berry crop may be as much
as much as 20 per cent below
that of last year.
T. J. Burrill taught the first
American course on plant dis
ease In 1873 at the University of
Use Organic
The Right Way to
Rebuild Soil
Salem Y. R. to
Go lo Salt Lake
A delegation of Salem Young
Republicans will leave by auto
mobile Sunday for Salt Lake to
attend the national Young Re
publican convention opening
next Wednesday.
Steve Anderson, past presi
dent of the Oregon Young Re
publicans, estimated that Ore
gon would send approximately
40 delegates to the convention,
including a group from the Uni
versity of Oregon which will
include Beldon Owens of Salem.
Young Republicans of this ci
ty who have signed to make the
trip include Anderson; John Ha
kanson, editor of the state
Young Republican paper; Bill
Merriam, of Willamette univer
sity; Keilh Wright and Marian
Putnam, both Salem high school
students and Russell Tripp, stu
dent body president at Willam
ette university.
Small Irrigation
Pump Nips Fingers
Dayton Liopn Phelps re
ceivd serious injury to his loft
hand when hi hand caught in
the belts of a small irrigation
pump on his farm near town.
As a result he has lost the two
middle fingers to the second;
joint, the end of the little fin
ger, and the first finger was
crushed, but they hope to save
it. He was in the hospital until
Sunday when he returned home,
although he has been suffering
The pump was at the river,
back of his home, and it had
stopped running. In an attempt
to start it, it started with the
slightest touch thus catching
his fingers. Able to walk to the
house, he whs rushed to the hos
pital by a neighbor, A. F, Wilson.
Queen Dorothy Will
Rule Sheridan Fete
Dayton Mini Dorothy Dee
rundas. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Dundas was chos
en to rule as Queen of the Phil
Sheridan Rodeo, at the Queen's
dance, at the American Legion
hall in Sheridan. The dance was
sponsored by the Eagles lodge.
Miss Dundas it a member of
the Dayton Saddle club, and has
been riding horses for the past
ten years. She has made this
her hobby. She was a graduate
of the Dayton Union high school
class of '48. and the past year
has been attending the Modern
Beauty college in Salem.
Her Princesses are: the Misses
Doris Green, Grand Ronde Sad
dle club: Shirley Schneider,
Carlton Canter club; Mary
Gladys Turner, Sheridan Can
ter club; Faye Carlson, Spirit
Mountain Saddle club.
Miss Dundas is princess for
the Dayton Saddle clubs twth
Queens, the Misses Patricia and
Betty Zwlck. daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Zwick of Dun-dec.
The Phil Sheridan Days cele
bration parade will be Friday
morning, with Mrs. Lulu Chap-
in, as Pioneer Mqther. The
Phil Sheridan Rodeo will open
on Saturday afternoon and the
final show will be Sunday after
Socialists Lose
In B. C. Election
Vancouver, B.C., June 16 U.pj
British Columbia voters today
rejected a socialist party bid for
power and returned the coali
tion administration of Premier
Byrqn Johnson with a sweeping
Final returns showed the co
alitionists had elected 40 mem
bers to the 48-seat provincial le
gislature. They entered the
election with 38 seats. Six Ca
nadian Commonwealth Federa
tion candidates were elected,
one labor member and one in
dependent. The election was a two-party
contest fought on the straight is
sue of free enterprise n. social
ism. .
n.. nrint aovernment re-Ji
turned to power is coalition at
the liberal and conservative) par
ties, while tht opposition we
the Cooperative Commonwealth
Federation, a socialist party.
This will be the third term
In. th rnalitionlsts. who went
I Into office originally in 1141.
The best
cooks in
MKt gM act funny for you!
Bit funny Walt Disney charac
ters Qoofy, Minnie Mouse.
Donsld duck, Piute, Miesey
Mouse and Funny Bunny. 4 te I
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Rain Drops actually "bahieft"
your handf. guard their
tmoolhneii with gentle pro
tection, each time you use it.
aflaaUa-. l inches
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ppfflffl wrm mm iWTfti : Br" I
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GMCejSfy Help, keep .l..ue. 'edytfaeees
0 healthy and tmamammmmmmmmmm j
ArjAST! LirpLJ lUj A
xM A broom that dtiSS
mholds its shape ' -CT ' '
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: ? lr-"n Hi
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kv'ULLLl ULl?Ll T..,.in ,.,. O FRANZ, Oregon'i most popular bretd, li an fin-
fZOZ W7aa- esin fl JW ctlctWl nurtB aC I "edern living
tSEE l jn brilliant JlZUlt"''0U SSs . I . Portant factor in your family's healthful, balanced
p"" CrUSad8r fsf c2,NN0,jfDNU' l lI vX" d'et" ItS richness in nuttious, energy-fmnt; cle-
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Wy ' ' ' jXr? Ml slifejnSllL ' Help,"!. Serve FRANZ every day with the assurance that
J ,m '4 this bread that tastes so good is jooof or you
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fAtnfo'fRff!tyJ 1 Ii utkt Moan mb, jiflM, prmmi XfeZ
TV S J( . Mitt.4MM Wens pftfvtof Mts wftk Jfl
A k rk K2 sbbbV"! ill jl '' e- lW
trAf-j I I liV-J f saaSsT rrt 1 Ls aiePi-Ji-fiMikMiTaenwfmi IJTI
V', I ill m 1' WwAtSjIHsar ONIV ONf RlCIPt FOB AU 1
& iU? li W8gpt nun and umu Stptf l
rrB use peN-ia-i.::;,clti r-
Fre of Weed Seeds