Beaaie Grefereon 1 'I ! I fi ii MM I Labor Officially Opposes Decontrol Salem Central Trades and Labor council is officially on record against decontrol of rents in the Salem area. Action of the council Tuesday night followed a petition receiv- Hannah Olson Silverton Grade Teachers Chosen for Norway Study 'Silverton Miss Bessie Gregerson and Miss Hannah Olson members of the grade school faculty of Silverton, are two of three Oregon instructors selected to represent their state among the 200 leaving New York during the coming week for a six weeks' study course in Norway at the university of Oslo. Miss Gregerson and Miss Ol- on left Portland Sunday by train. A stop has been arranged for the young women at Chica go, Washington, D. C, and Phil W adelphla. From New York will be four flights by plane. The two women are on separate planes, Miss Gregerson preced ing Miss Olson by one day. They plan to return from Norway by boat. Applications for the study in Oslo were made through the dean of the American division of the University of Oslo, Nor-! man Nordstrand, a member of the faculty of St. Olaf's college! of Northfield, Minn. Through the dean, all plans are complet ed for the entire travel and edu-1 cational trip, including special excursions and sightseeing tours. The Business and Professional Woman's club honored Miss Ol son, a past president of the club, in a bon voyage gift at a recent meeting. Complimenting Miss Greger son, her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Lar aen of Welch street, was home hostess to a group. Bidden were Miss Gregerson, Miss Olson, Mrs. Mrs. Oscar Satrum, Mrs. Frank Norris of Portland, Mrs. Amos Fincher, Miss Clara Hanson, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Miss Bet ty Kleinsorge, Miss Olga John son, Miss Marie Brye, Mrs. W. D. Lamar, Mrs. C. J. Towe. Mrs. Oscar Gregerson, Mrs. EJmer Thompson, Miss Helga Brosten and Mrs. Esther Erick.'on. THE LITTLE JOBS 6ETOUR ATTENTION, AS WELL A3 BIG ONES, LET US MENTION Journal Want Ads Pay DqD00dqd BLENDED WHISKEY )l4aaata)4 WWdMJLj (M halarf," Asia, J ' r M H Bret. Mrsral jar. iV"! S, f mm ycttKNOU) U'tta place to CO fovtjowi' HARRY SEMLER .lifcflfHf You'ra ossured of Skilled Craftsmanship, Ouolity Materials and Precision lens-Grinding when you bring your prescription to SEMLER Optical Offices. New smart styles, colorful frames. Liberal Credit . . . Ltss Jhan 10c a Day Get your glasses NOWI Fay later en SEMLER'S Easy Terms. Small Weekly or Monthly Amounts ... NO EXTRA COSTI 1-DAY SERVICE N Waiting t Semltr'il SingtfViii!., j - I iFoceli, mn4 Hi ntw Tri-Focal OItitt VV-F" Tit I?&M ft uiuollr rtotfy within 24 dawn fitr laiuXY yv bring In your rVticriptiOft. Ncvtr "4r J ' 7fi ' OFFICES Ontt OAIIT I villi I WitKi.tU aVk STATI t COMMfDriAl UL. ft.. ed by the city council Monday night, signed by about 25 union labor representatives, request ing that rent control continue. Owners association and by the decontrol It would report to the Salem Realty board. i governor who would then sub- Decontrol does not lie with mit the matter to the federal the council. Should Its findings housing expediter In Washing- A general petition received the as a result of the hearing favor ton same night was signed by over 200 names. A hearing on the question will be held by the city council the night of June 27. Decontrol Is petitioned for by the Salem Home and Property FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE See us for reasonable Automobile and Truck. Insurance premiums. Compare our rates with whot you are paying. You will be surprised at the savings. Aair like .TffAW? t 1 R Vk 7 I Restore natural Capital Journal, Salem, Ore gnn, Thurnrlay, June 1(1, 194913 From where I sit y Joe Marsh Don't Fence Yourself In Erery print Handy Peterana and Easy Roberta patch as the atoM wall that separate their farms. They walk along talking Easy ea one side. Handy oa the other picking ap tha fallen aUwea and patting them back. Afterward., over a friendly glass of beer. Easy says, "Yon know, wall-mending is a nice neigh borly custom, bat we really don't need that walL We keep R ap just beeawae It happens to be there." "Yea, says Handy, "a lot of walls and fencea and boandariea keep oa aevaratinc peoptt for no good reason. Maybe we'd all ba better off if aome of them wen ton down, instead of kept etaadhif." From where I ait. Handy saki moothfal. Take the "walks af fat tolerant" that people baikl ea araiast earh other. I like a teat. perate glass of beer bow and tfcea, yea may prefer battermilk bwt that's a reasoa for bm to erHidaa yoa, or yoa, ate. Let a tree and let He rosef hrr inaldac BMr (ritada aad feasor "walla." i ii ill s-t' r iwrtFXJ i, . kpy j oils with... 'UwW i ami vi&v? i (nStt-h 466 Court St. '"- osko l 1 lfesjjt , Try t. a. rpWO SHaaaeOO .fc.Lt, iwaLCT W miTim I Crri4t, -r, Vui Suua AVr, Tm IL rHI t sapEtyay m Slice into a tomato from Safeway. Notice the perfect deep red color, the just right firmness- Then taste the mouth-watering flavor of this tangy fruit. Safeway takes special care to bring you tomatoes at their juicy best . . . pays the price to get the finest . . . then speeds them to our store in your neighborhood. Buy toma toes here, as you buy all Safeway fruits and vegetables, guaranteed to please. ret, H'strw! Tomatoes Are Here-today! Full of nature's qrown-in m flavor you'll taste tha 1 i difference right away. 12-ounee J tuho war GREEN BEANS, Tender Lb. 19c RED BEETS, Young ones Bch. 5t CABBAGE, Solid, crisp Lb. 6Vi CANTALOUPES APRICOTS, Ripe, Lb. 1 9 c ORANGES. Valencia 5-lb. baq 49c CELERY Lb. 10c Fragrant, vtne-rlpanao) cantaloupes are bar at Safeway nowl 8c Get Tours Today Crispy, Full-Flavored Lb. Tender Carrots 7e LETTUCE, Garden fresh NEW POTATOES, White 10 ZUCCHINI SQUASH Lb Lb. 5e T lbs. 49 c I -b. 9c LEMONS, "I f lamoaaole, Lb-23c GOLDEN CORN, Tender Lb. 1 7c CUCUMBERS, Crisp, fresh Lb. 1 0 c Pear Halves No.2'2 OQC Can L7 Highway brand. Male a delicious salad with grated cheese and mayonnaise. Fancy PEAS 16' No. 303 Can Sugar Belle. Fancy pack famovs for quality and taste. PEACHES TISSUE Rio Rita Srva wiffc eott wVmm tor a ssaliaa Comfort bread Toilet TUsae 4 ROLLS TUNA Famous WHITE STAR Fancy Pack No. V Can 35c PEAS Highway Brand A very good buyl Stock upl 303 Cans 2-19 UPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX packets 32e Shredded Wheat 2 for 29e Nabisco. Serve with fruit for delight ful breakfast. Green Beans No. 2 Qc Can 17 Highway brand. Taste like fresh cooked beans. Sunnybonlc MARGARINE 19' Lb. SUGAR BISQUICK Stock Upl Can or Beet 10-LB. SACK 85' Just add milk 2VJ-LB. Qc 7 for biscuits PKG. DALEWObD MARGARINE 25e 29c LEG of VEAL ROAST Rump Roast Included in this special price. Tender, young flavorebl veal always a hit! A fine spread Lb. VEAL SHOULDER ROAST lk;49 Paraffin Wax For sealing ,, yourjam, '20- A "TC i jellies "a- Jelly Glasses 49e Tall or squat Dos. For Iced TEA Canterbury Lipton's or Tertderleef 'ST 18c 'VS.' 21c Certo Pectin Sure Jell M.C.P. Pectin Powdered CkrarMarl Ralrtin 1QC jiiituutu iiuijivis eke. l-es. kettle 22' 2 25c PH. 12' 18c CRISCO For Flaky Pit Crustt It's digestible cib 83 tall tea IOC . 7c Pkl Mb. pt,. 3V Cherub Milk Jell-Well Desserts Otletlae Pcrter's FriMets Babo Cleanser 2.., 23' White Magic Bleach v. 23c Playfair Dog Food 3 .... 19( RINSO Granulated Soap 23-ox. 26 CTe Pkg. Pkg. SLICED BACON Cudahy Peacock fancy SMOKED HAMS Half or whole WHOLE CRABS Ready to shell and eat FILLET of SOLE No bones No fuss HALIBUT STEAK Solid while meat FRANKFURTERS Fresh Daily 49C 49c Lb 39 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb, Lb. BEEF ROAST Standing Rib BREAST of VEAL For tasty stews SHORT RIBS Quality beef GROUND BEEF Lean and nice PORK SAUSAGE Country tfylt FRYERS Fancy pan ready 69' u. 25' . 29 u,39c u. V u. 65' DUZ Granulated Safe for colors DUZ does JOVji 26 everything Phej. ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS A large variety to choose from at this hot price on cold cuts. 49' For the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1420 State St. are open until 8:00 P. M. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. Prices in this ad effective Friday and Saturday YEL For marvelous sudt 15-ot. Pkej. 26' dog FOOD?; 2..27 V I'M am i .tii ii mi ii i l-n7TTaawaaae aurrmtwa ornate