12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday. June 18. 1949 M,, ndim iu nave Disaster Drill Labor Set for Session CVA Debate Slated Saturday Evening r rilnPnP PVlnn I The Salem Amateur Radio 1HJWIIW WJrflwII The Columbia valley author- club, group of local radio ama- th. uwli "v ",u wl" oeDaiea over teur, will take part in a nation Amenameni oi ine social se i koin Saturd.v from . UI,H, riri , a,,..,., rommuni. .mo over contributions be 5 " 5:30 m- " on he cation, network, thi. week-end eent Instead of 1 oer cntiColumbi' ne,work "Cr0M s"ibv " up a portable radio E m 1 .u. L-luiL - . r.. '" USA." station at Fanno mountain near 7, . ' .. k i.,.l Speaking for the CVA will belValseti. 5.1. - j 5:..;.. .1 4ul Ronald E. Jone. of Brook, date vention of the Oregon federa tion of Labor in Eugene. During the week-end a meet The convention starts Mon day and about SO member, will be present from Salem unions. Heading the Salem contingent will be Herbert E. Barker, who la executive .ecretary of the Sa lem Trades and Labor council and vice chairman of the con vention committee on laws and legislation, and F. J. Boehringer, district representative on the executive board. ing of the building trades coun cils and some other groups will be held. Among this group from Salem will be F. D. Van Swer Sponsored by the "hams" na- president of the Farmers Union, jtlonal association, the American and Chester Duston, regional Radio Relay league, the 24-hour director of the CIO. i event will test operating skills Speaking against It will bejand the portable equipment of Lowell Steen, president of the i the club group, and will thus Oregon farm bureau, and David prepare them to render better Simpson, past president of the I service in case any communica Portland Chamber of Com- lion emergency should strike merce. itnis area year', test successful, since theirt To date farmer, have applied achievements will be given na-jfor program assistance under tional publication In the month- the weed control practice on 8000 acre, of thistles. Pay ments amounting to one half the cost of the chemical are made to those producer, who obtain prior practice approval and carry the practice out according to specifications. Program assistance is also . r . i I j : Marion county farmers ere!'" lo P""-". .Ur ur.. waging a full scale chemical war . fertiliier and pasture seed on Canada thistles this spring, iing practices. A producer says W, M. Tate, chairman oflshould notify his community the county's agricultural eon-lcommitteeman or the county of servation program. fice of the intended extent of his conservation practices be for he carries them Into effect. ly magazine QST, published by the American Radio Relay lea gue. Chemical Warfare On Thistles Waged Palmistry Readings Will tell your past pi-cunt and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all Questions. Are 'vou worried? Why be in doubt? Special Reading. ... OP" eniiae t. It p.m. Moved from 46( Ferry to 113 S. Commercial 4fe Dwight Cook will be moder ator. The time schedule is day light savings. jMrs. Hoffer Hostess Mt. Angel Mrs. Victor Hof fer entertained at two tables of bridge at her home. Honors were given to Mrs. Clarence iEbner. Mrs. Matt Wagner, and: country. The conditions under ingen, executive secretary ofMrs. Walter Kruse. Other guests which the station will operate, the Salem Building Trades coun-1 included Mrs. Al Wilde, Mrs. and the types of messages han- Paul Brandon, In charge of the local club's field day group, said about 12 club members would take part in the test. The transmitting equipment will probably be kept on the air continuously for the 24-hour pe riod, in order to make a. many contacts as possible with other field day stations all over the eil. Among public questions to be discussed in the convention will be socialized medicine, the Taft Hartley law, and the Columbia valley authority. Convict Guilty of Setting Flax Fire Reuben J. Partlow, convict, was found guilty Wednesday by a circuit court Jury of aiding In setting a flax fire at the state penitentiary last Monday. Only 25 minute, were used up In de liberation.. Partlow said he wasn't Involved In the crime but Peter Luthy, flax farm superin tendent, gave testimony that he ... 13-- 1 --. u Partlow is one of seven eon-' vlcts indicted for setting fire to the stack of flax and Paul Le Roy Gardner Is on trial Thurs day for the same offense. Part low's sentence will be Imposed later. Don Aman, Mrs. Gene Barrett, died, will simulate conditions Mrs. Bernard Kirsch and Mrs. experienced in an actual corn Gordon Aman. The latter two munications emergency, guests assisted the hostess at The local group, according to serving the late supper. -Brandon, intends to make this 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If ymu uka UuUm Nfularljr har bow proved you nay brk tha laiativa habit. And wUbluh your natural pnwara ot regularity. Ktlhty-thrtM par ccol ot tba om Laatad did U. fto can you. Wop taking whatavar you now Uka. IB tad: Ewy night for nnn work laknZ Cartar't fills. Second wwk-one aarh niiht. Third tk ona avarv nthar night. Than nothincl Every day: drink right Klaaaaa of watar; aat B dannit tima for rag utahty. Pit New York dVtora proad Ihla plan mm break the laiative habit. How ran laiative brk the laiativa ftabit? Borauee Carter'a Pilla "unblock" the lower digestive tract and from than on let ft niako um of ila own nalurml powara. Further Carter' a Pilla contain no habit farming druga. Break the laiative habit . . . with Carter Ftlla . . . and bo regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork make you irregular temporarily Uka Carter'a Pilla lemporarily. And never get the laxative habit. Gat Carter'! Pilla at any drugstore for 31i today. You'll be grateful the rent of your life. A MEAT TREAT . . . YOUR DOG WILL EAT AhO epeeu liCAT FRESH MEAT 40 FRESH MEAT & marrow bone r Hom.?JLLflTE uet'5:.m:oT ooa pooo y? 1 III MU WWII Itifl 1 jjj BUY THEM AT YOUR DEALER Manufactured for AMERICAN PRODUCTS SALES CO. 91S S. E. 7th Ave., East 4S11 Portland 14, Oregon l '.Vto'1 V ' developing TRIANGLE DEVELOPING FEED SEE YOUR LOCAL TRIANGLE DEALER 'diityou don't see Invisible lermi often tiijt on Jpsyl i r" I links ond droinboordi... germs if Ijg Thot's why millioni of women AlT1l that con menace family health. M ,'f use Cloros in routine cleaning Jt&(S J Ordinary cleaning is not m ' f ' kitchen and bathroom. For jftfwL -ir'lt J nough. To protect health M if g Clorox hoi germ-killing power... l -. you need a dependable MA it diiinfecti! In addition, it removes " dilinfectont. M 0 f "oim and deodoriies. Clerei kelp, prelect health Waikd.ri, leel It gently bltarhti whiit coto djfM 1 Us'(. J Ofd mmnt tnewy. whit (bright Tf ' $ J tnt foit eolttri, rtmovtt ihsini, j ' dtOvOhiM . . . nd mok lintnt 1 Sjjf rvTm w tanitory, on 96696 prottction t Sj&s F e5 1 fom,ly htdlth! gAy yP&S I .You get thesehftiwith CLDRDX VMI 1 Clerelconi.rvioilly (Tl 'V' CT) Imtnienddoe.ebtHer CsO I rTl ib e' diittinj GENTLER GREATER Z IEACHINB ACTION j 0ISINFECT1N6 EFFICIENCY ub..n..,...med. by ...langar lift far Itnana I I ..MM W1M1 rottcnaiil en eitivtix formula mwmmmmmmmnmmX LmmmmhI pretecled byU.S pontl rA,WAlIl ' toward purchase of 1 pkg. KRUSTEAZ Pie Crust Mix or 2 Pkgs. KRUSTEAZ Hot Roll Mix Not Valid after July 15, If It TO 01 A I tit For tarti eonpoa redeemed in accordance with tenet here pecified. and teat to Conrtaeaul MilU. Seattle. rou will be reinborsed for face ralu of this eeaooa. plu le for handltoc total tic, in accordaflce with asrecment made with rou pro viding you and cuatomer have complied with term of thii offer. Any other application conuiiutea fraud. Cuttomer mutt par any lalet tax. This coupon void in anr ecate, territory or municiptltty where prohibited, taxed or otherwise mtricted. Continental M1II1. Inc.. Seattle, Waibinston. (Cot reoeemoble volwe 1-20 of 10 TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOU 6ROCM . . . mv. on trww fin Kruteaz products I For tnder, flaky pto crust and delicious homw- made rolls vry fimo-it'i KRUSTEAZI So simple, so cm f taint ClOROX . ,AMIIC'I VOITI IIIACN AND HOUIIHO10 0I5INMCTANT Phone l j Jl P . Jel 1288 S-6489 P fc ' ' I Stale St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry TENDER SKINLESS Wieners n,. 39c MILK FED Veal Steak ... 59c FRESHLY GROUND Hamburger ... 39c LARGE ASSORTMENT Lunch Meat ib. 49c SUGAR CURED FOR SLICING Bacon Squares 29c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Beef Arm Cutt Blade Cut. KOOSt m Rump. lb. 45c SUGAR CURED J k Sliced Bacon b 4JC EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD Rib Steak Jlc FRESH COUNTRY ' Sausage ib JC Equal Part. Ham, Veal, Pork Ham Loaf ib J5C Ham Hocks b"fe M"lr 29c Pork Shanks M"!y 29c FRESH FISH Halibut Steak . . Ib. 43c Salmon Steak . Ib. 59c Ling Cod Fillets . . . Ib. 39c LOCKER v BEEF founur & Tender! Eastern Oregon Hereford Branded "Quality" Lb.3912C BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center CANTALOUPE 8c Solid, Crisp Head. A A I Large Bunches, Fresh A LETTUCE 3 1 UC CARROTS 2 ,., 1 3C CATSUP,, 2 .,25c Resedale Sweet M I Dal Mont Crushed, No. 1 cant A PICKLES.. ,,,.. Sit I Pineapple 2,. Lit MIRACLE WHIP 49c BUTTER Gradt A Sweet Cream . , ib 67c nnr 1 Sliced White, Enriched DKCAL Hi lb. loaf 19c SUPER SUDS 2. 39c Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. June 16-17-18 Shop and Save t BASINGER'S 13th 1 STATISTS. aving (((enter Stores salem li Mile North of Underpass WEST SALEM At Foot of Bridge Specials for hi, Sat. and Sun. Both Store. Open from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. ICE CREAMS . 33c BREAD IVi Lb. Loaf. 2, 35c ASPARAGUS Sn. 2 2 ... 29c PORK & BEANS hTTT 9c HI-HO CRACKERS 25c PREM 12 oi. can 37c PRODUCE CANTALOUPES r. 2 for 23c LEMONS Sunki.t Dozen . 29c RADISHES . 2 bun. 9c Green Onions 2 bun. 9c ICE COLD Watermelons Meat Department (Steak Season Is Here) It's our turn now. A treat for the family and also the pocketbook. Shop at our Meat Market and en joy the best at these record low prices. ROUND STEAK , 69' T-BONE STEAK L, 59' RIB STEAK 55' Also the Largest Assortment of Lunch Meats in Salem. mmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmm Home Owned Independent aving (Renter Stores At th toot of 'l Mil North Th Iridge Of the Underpas. WEST SALEM SALEM