Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 15, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    M i4.,M- .'ill U
Posies Please Public Although the arrangement of Peace
roses entered by Mrs. Dale Weeks at the Lebanon Garden
elub festival show was disqualified by accredited judges,
it was chosen by popular vote of festival visitors as the most
attractive display, thereby winning the grand sweepstake
award. The cream colored roses with pink edged petals were
grown by Mrs. Weeks, above, in her Lebanon garden. (Ex
press Photo).
Rebekah Events
Are Announced
Mrs. W. E. Gardner and Mrs.
Mildred C. R. Turner were
taken into the Salem Rebekah
Lodge No. 1 Monday evening at
the lOOF temple. Visitors were
present from Stayton, McMinn
ville, Balston and Ocean Lake.
Mrs. W. J. Beard, district dep
uty president, announced joint
public installation of Salem Re
bekah lodge and Chemeketa
lodge on July 'll at, the IOOF
The Past Noble Grands club
will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m.
it the home of Mrs. Leo Weir.
S10 Shipping street. Salem F.
L. club will meet Thursday at
I p.m. at the home of Miss Edlyn
Holmquist. 315 Bellview, apt. 5.
Willamette encampment No. 2
invites all members and friends
to a no-host supper, dancing and
sards at 6:30 p.m. at the IOOF
A. R. McLaughlin, grand patri-
rch of the grand encampment
af Oregon, will be honored with
reception June 27 at the IOOF
temple in McMinnville. Mem
bers of all branches of the order
are invited.
Mrs. W. I. Newton, good of the
arder chairman, announces "the
last day of school" next Monday
svening. members to come dress
V -Hiram mm
Compare, tUp
M proof. Blended whiskey. 3fr irrtight
k hulcey. 70Tc grain neutral spirits. Hirsm
- Willcet At Sons Inc., Peons, Illinois.
ed as youngsters and to bring
their own lunches.
Yocoms Leave'
Mrs. Ray Yocom. who has
been visiting here with friends
and relatives, is spending this
week in Portland with her son-
in-law and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs. Don Fox. Mr. Yocom, who
came west with Mrs. Yocom, left
Monday night to return to Chi
On Friday. Mrs. Yocom and
son, Raymond, and her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
To give the women of Salem and vicinity advantage of
the special values offered in our Eugene store during
"Eugene Salute Days," we offer for three days only,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 16, 17, 18,
Included are chambrays, cord, linen-type and
smart sun-back cottons so popular this season
at Kailes Apparel Shops.
320 Court Street
quality I Vas&a
H mm
I utr)4.ii omo -
flftfc I 1UINOIS
Open Soon
Area headquarters for Camp
Fire Girls announces that Camp
1 Kilowan, the resident camp for
Camp Fire Girls of the Willam-
mette area, has about reached
its capacity in several sessions.
Camp Kilowan opens June 27
and runs for a six-ween period.
The camp is divided into four
sessions with a double week fol
lowed by two single week ses
sions and closing with a double
session. Due to the fact that the
two single sessions filled so rap
idly for all four age levels, the
first double has been divided to
accommodate all ages except
girls entering senior high school.
Openings are still available
for girls the first and second
weeks of the first session for all
ages. The second and third ses
sions are completely filled ex
cept for the Blue Bird unit. The
last session, a two-week period,
has openings for all ages except
those wishing to attend Green
wood, the unit for girls entering
the ninth grade and senior high
The camp committee announc
es that a new primitive unit be
ing' constructed will be complet
ed for operation and can ac
commodate the additional girls
registering. This new unit will
give girls of the age with several
years camp experience the thrill
of really camping out.
Parents wishing to plan their
daughter's camp weeks to fit
in with family vacations should
call the local office for possible
AMONG Salem women to be
in Seattle next week for the
national convention of the
American Association of Uni
versity Women will be Miss
Constance Weinman of the Sa
lem branch.
Bruce W. Carkin, and their chil
dren, Susan and Johnny, will all
leave for Chicago. Mr. Carkin,
who was graduated this month
from Oregon Stale college in
engineering, has a position with
General Motors, he and his fam
ily to live in La Grange, 111.
During their stay here the
Yocoms were feted at several
informal affairs given by friends.
Salem, Oregon
FAIR VIEW Mrs Low all
Campbell, Mrs. Merle Campbel
and Mrs. Martin Busekaux were
hostesses at the Hopewell Sev
enth Day Adventist school house
honoring Miss Eileen Alsop,
whose marriage to Clarence
Bloom of Sandy will be solem
nized June 28 near Portland.
There were more than 50 at
tended. The room was decorated
in white streamers and red
hearts. The gifts were placed
under a white parasol. A pro
gram was given. The wedding
will be at the Seventh-Day Ad
ventist church.
DAR Board
The annual June meeting for
the state board in the Daughters
of the American 'Revolution was
held Tuesday at the pioneer
mothers' memorial cabin at
Champoeg, Mrs. Archie W. Mc
Keown of Hood River, state re
gent, presiding.
Miss Ruth Rulifson. a past re
gent of Chemeketa chapter, Sa
lem, is secretary for the newly
named board of governors for
the pioneer mothers' memorial
cabin. Mrs. H. F. Butterfield of
Woodburn is house chairman for
the group.
Modem styling in eye glosses
looks and your morale. Have
Good Looking
Glasses Give a
Man Confidence
Dr. E. E. Boring
383 Court Dignified
'RE lUfh WITH 'W
houyVocue Vffife . r
't&Jeuua, Tilt Tfjjytmx 1
Tha ideal LJvTV. " I
he will weor with pride X-.v I f f
the yeor 'round, i "i? I J t
$100 $coo
TEXTRON pajamas
1 "fayiaw?s-vttw''
Garden Tea
Next Sunday
Among brides-elect being en
tertained this week is Miss Pa
tricia 'Nickens, who is to wed
Robert Schroeder of Portland on
June 26.
Next Sunday a garden party
is to be given for Miss Nickens
at the Glenn S. Paxson home
with Mrs. Budd Coons. Mrs. Er
nest Hobbs. Miss Gloria McClin
tork and Miss Barbara McClin
tock as hostesses. The group
will honor Miss Nickens with a
miscellaneous shower.
The guest list for the affair
includes: Miss Nickens, her
mother, Mrs. R. E. Nickens. Mrs
Glenn S. Paxson. Mrs. W. H.
Moran. Mrs. Luella Newton,
Mrs. Miles Edwards. Mrs. Edna
Olson. Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs.
Ray Johnson, Mrs. Gordon Bru
nell, Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mrs
Hubert Williamson, Mrs. Ed
ward Salstrom, Mrs. Courtney
Jones, Mrs. James R. Phillips,
Miss Margaret Newton, Miss
Jane Carson, Miss Suzanne
Small, Miss Jane Nicholls, Miss
Janet Lindley, Miss Harriet Hus
ton, Miss Barbara Sundet, Miss
Miriam Shellenberger, Miss Bet-
does a lot to pep up your
your eyes examined by an
OPTICAL fca fc! I
Dr. Sam Hughes
Credit Phone 3-6508
Ri, sV . &K.
These pajamas are designed for
the bet-Hre?ed man in your life . . . VOL !
Made from an exclusive Textron
pattern styled like a suit,
you'll see that the
jarkel sleeves and Irouser legs
are finished with deep cuffs.
The trousers are nit
over an exclusive pattern . . .
te eliminate all but
the most important seams.
Tailored of smooth, Textron rayon
or Sanforized cotton.
In clear, solid colors
or clean-cut prints . . ,
designed for masculine tastes.
Siws A to D. From
.THie MAN'
ty Lou Edwards, Miss Joanne
Fitzmaurice, Miss Madeleine
Keene of Corvallis, Miss Mari
ann Croisan, Miss Joan Blax
all. Miss Barbara Hendrickson.
Miss Marilyn Hill, Miss Patty
Wilson and the hostesses.
The Schroeder-Nickens wed
ding is to be in St. Paul's Episco
pal church the afternoon of June
26, a 4 o'clock ceremony being
planned, with the Rev. George
H. Swift officiating. Mrs. Ernest
Hobbs is to be matron of honor
and Misses Gloria and Barbara
McClintock as bridesmaids. Sue
Carolyn Show is to be flower
girl. Fred Schroeder will be best
man for his brother.
in San Francisco are Mr. and!
Mrs. Grant B. Fallin and daugh
ter, Kathleen. They visited with
their son-in-law and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hersey (Carol
Another daughter, Miss Ann
Fallin, went south with them
June 19th is the day you get
things FOR Father, not from him.
Make it a successful day with
quality gifts from a quality store.
Many fathers would really like a
Bport coat. Does yours have one?
With a Kuppenheimer or a Varsity
Town Coat he'd be king of the
walk. Both are handsomely styled
and tailored.
2950to 5500
Slacks are a gift he'd appreciate
any time. Don't pass him up now
when such beautiful gabardines and
flannels are available In Just the
shade he'd like.
$1595, $2750
- 1
? .
3M , 6
Store of Style, Quality ond Value
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.,
and remained for a visit.
At Redwood City, the Fallins
visited with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Amans, who are coming to Sa
lem this week to visit Mrs.
Amans' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Williams.
Enroute home the Fallins also
stopped at Fortuna to visit Dr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Girard, Mrs.
Girard being a niece.
MRS. I,. H. RANDI.E has re
turned from San Francisco
where she attended the North
ern Baptist convention as dele
gate from Calvary Baptist
church. While in the south, Mrs.
Free Estimates
Phone 25643
lite - West Salem
1. Manhattan WhHe Shirts f I.M
2. Manhattan and Rogue Sport
Shirts 15.95 and more
1. White Stag Four-seasons' Jacket llt.M
4. Swank Tie Clips, Cuff Links
and etc 11.50 to 6.M
I. Handsome Slippers hand
turned soles 15. 5 to ft.M
f. Tie Racks, Pant Mangers, Coat
Hangers $1.00 to IS. 95
Give him socks,
be sure they're
best socks Ii
woven. Beautiful
terns in wools.
rayons ic 1
55' $3
oo r trv 1 1
The host way to Rive a fine Dnhhs Hat is to buy a Dobbt
Ortifirst, place it in miniature box containing a tiny
hat. Later he can select his own hst at his convenience.
Wednesday, June 15, 19499 '
Randle visited at the home of
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parks at Tom
ales, Calif.
Featuring Crone J
nd Standard Fixtures J
Call 3-8555
Salem Heating &
Sheet Metal Co.
1085 Broadway
Little trouble! can hum
bipj repair bills later on;
Too much "play" in th Mew
ing wheel causes damage to th
gear . . . makes driving difficult
and unsafe. See us if you need
Herrall-Owens Co.
660 N.Liberty Ph. 241 13
"We Pickup & Deliver"
$ooo $on
y to
I j
Jy ill tmSAXV A
s.'ulMW.U viks'JaSVs.' t: nA