(t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 15, 1949 Cramers Feted at Silverton On Occasion of Anniversary soeia reZTot the week o ' "'" he " social eve m " ,..,, and Brrving wer Mn. Harry local ana many oui-ui-i-mu guests, was the Sunday after noon golden wedding oborv ance complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Everett K. Cramer, at thr Fireplace rooms 01 in nutafbon and Mr. and Mrs. Hel ton armory. meP Brokke. Families of the children of the The bri(a, cgke was whjte anfJ honored couple arranged the r-Rod three.ti(,rred( gold rose and ception and remained a nue;lCaf trimmed, wth a golden bell guests at the family home inifrom an arrh jn miniaUire as South Water street, until Thcs- j topping. This centered the day. UrrvinK table, flanked bv tall Special guest who were Pres-Wnite Rowing tapers in a theme nt at the original wrrWing.!,,, ivv Rldcd amid red roses, were M. W. Neal of HillrborojTho puncn was served from one and Mrs. Blanche Neal-Brady of end o( lhe Ion((t decorated table, Belt. Mont. and the coffee and tea service Miss Ivy Vine Hall and Ever- was at tnc other end. The bride tt K. Cramer were married groom's cake was decorated with June 13. SO years aeo at tne tjnv rPr roses and served in Hahn, Mrs. D. L. Wolfard, Mrs. Reuben Holstrom, Mrs. J. D. Drake. Mrs. Lloyd Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Wren Matheny, Mrs. I. L. Stewart, Mrs. John home of the parents of Mrs. Brady and Neal, Mr. and Mrs E. C. Neal, in Albany. They have made their home in De troit, Albany, Mill City and Sil verton, as his employment as an engineer in timber haulina from the woods to the mills demand ed. Children of the Cramers are Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Price (Vivian Cramer) of Riverside, Calif., where both are members of the high school faculty, Mr and Mrs. Donald MacPherson (Nana Cramer) publishers of a morning and an evening daily paper of Riverside, Calif., and they are the parenta of the only grandchild of the Cramers, Dickey. A son, W. H. Cramer, and Mrs. Cramer live at Klam ath Falls. An unusual surprise during the afternoon of the reception was a call of congratulations from a cousin of Cramer, Bede . Armstrong of Waukegon, 111., who previously had mailed gold framed pictures of a family group and specially framed pic tures of both Mr. and Mrs. Cramer. Mrs. Cramer wore a slate gray afternoon gown and an orchid corsage, and the bridegroom, a matching gray tailored suit and a deep red rose boutonniere. They greeted their many guests after being received at the door by Mrs. Elmer Richardson. Presenting the guest book for the first hour were Donna Dean Wolfard and Shirley Greenfield, and the second hour, Margery Hahn and Arlene Stam, youth-, f ul friends of the honored j couple. 1 Receiving and arranging the dividual sections. AH refresh ments were symbolic of gold and red roses. Flowers about the rooms were in huge baskets, bouquets made up of golden carnations, white snap dragons, deep red and pink roses with a mingling of blue delphinium for a brighter scheme. Guests attending included From Portlnnd, thrny, M; and Mn. Jirk Ma- unci Mr. Victor Hnnn, Mr. and Mn. Frank Aim. Mr. and Mn. n. fiordon MrCall. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hhrm and Mary 1. Mm. Be r iter Fen ft fit, Drlnrrl Iv-rnon, Mr. and Mr. John Welch McLennan and Mill Bertha Aim. From Blm, Mr, and Un. J. J. Otdtr, Mr. and Mr. Harry Utu, Mr. and Mn. U Haiklna and Jon and Robert. Mn. Krmai Creamer, Mr. and Mn. B. A. Miller and Mn. Gene Mat hen v. From Swtet Homr. Mr. and Mn. Harley Bowwr, Mr, and Mn. Lowell Bow Her and Sharon. Mr. and Mn Cleo Hovier and r. and Mrs. Albert W. (Ireen. From Mill Citv. Mm. Frank Basa. Mr. and Mn, J. M. Haia and Linda. Mn. Ida tleddta, Ml DaUey Cieddea and AJ Oed-dei. Mn. Elmer Rlchardaon from Lebanon, . W. Nral Of Hilltboro. Mrs. Blanche Neal-Brady of Blt. Mont.. Mr. and Mn. Troy E. Dirirkton of McMinnville. Mn. Fva Hammond of fleattle. Mr. and Mr. Derueve and Mariuerite ol Amity, from Riiicne were Mn. L. Taylor and Mr. and Mn. Roy Co pp in it lone and Lux 111 Whitehead of Lyoni, Mn. Nancy Hannaji of Molalla. From B.lverton vera Mr. and Mn. w. Matheny. Mr. and Mn. C. D. Math eny. Mr. and Mn. John Ouataffon and (Jerry, Mr. and Mn. Lloyd C. Greenfield and Khirity, Miu Mara;uerii uenr.t, ar. Mn. U A. Popple ton ana Howard, and Mr. Kenneth Hahn and Ken- a ! ncth, Veleta and Margery, Mr. and Mn. the t L. Wolfard. Donna and Oary Wolf- ara. Mr. ana uri. neuon iairorfj, Mn. Jonephine Smith, Mr. and Mr. Clarence Oreenfield, Mr. Lotti Morrlaon. Mr. and Mn. Willard Benson and Nancy. Mr. and Mr. Charle Amoa, Mr. and Mra. Theo dora Grace. Mr. and Mr. Ira L. Stewart, Mr. Pert Bye and Stewart and Diane. Miss May Hervlce, Mr. and Mra. Fred Myen. Max Myen, Mr. and Mr. Hel mer Brokke. Mis Chukke Brokke. Mr. , and Mr. Axel Johnaon. Mr. and Mr. I Scott MrPlke. Mr and Mr, (leorae Barr. Mn. Helen M. WriKhtman, Mr. Corlne I R. Cowdcn. Mr. ana Mr. MiMun Knauf. 1 Mr. and Mr. E. R. Oullum. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TomUon, Edwin P. Hamre, Mr. and Mr. E. T. Taylor. Mr. and Mr Harrey Mikkelaon and Carole, Mr. and Mn. Fred Farley and Rickey and Jim my, Mra. Carrie Aim, Mr. and Mr. Em 11 Grant. L. M. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Nelaon, Mr. and Mra. Eirhard Nel-1 aon and Eklse. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jnhn Ron, Mr. P. L. Brown, Mr. C. W. Keene, Mr. and Mr. E. A. Plnlay, Earl Htam and riauKhur, Arlene. Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Larsen, Mra. Lillian Heald, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henry, Mrs. Frank Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed, Mrs. Doris Cramer Plank, Mr. and Mr. P. W. Noftsker, Mr. and Mr. Clay Allen, Mr. Dewey Allen, Mr. and Mn. Ted Lorenxen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewi Bailer, IMn. Jole Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Borland, Mr, Flora Hob- kit, Mr. and Mr. Karl Haherly. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Prlslaff and Mrs. Dora Party for Miss Nelson Among parties being planned for brides-elect will be the nip per and miscellaneous ihower for which Mr. Walter Kirk and daughter, Mrs. Janet Kirk, will entertain on Wednesday, June 22, for Miss Elizabeth Nelson. Miss Nelson is to be married on June 23 to Scott Adams of Mil waukie, Ore. Miss Kirk is to arrive from San Francisco next Sunday to spend the week here with her parents. She is to be maid of honor at the wedding of Miss Nelson and Mr. Adams. MR. AND MRS. H. C. Lottls and daughter, Miss Annette Lot- tis, have arrived In Salem from Hilo, Hawaii, having coma by the Northwestern airlines. Mr. Lottlt will return to Hilosummer and In September MIsi in three weeks. Mrs. Lottii andjLottli is to enter Annie Wright' ( daughter will remain for thelsemlnory in Tacoma. ITCH: (able) to tlbl UfioH and waul far Ufa If mmi atataw. It tale t iiek - mlta iilil la Immi la ordinary treatment. EX 40RA kill tba Itch-mil alaaat latlaallr. Only thraa daya IXkOBA Iraaiaaant la rt a aired. "Mall ariera arlvea araatat aiteatlaa. 41 aU Fred Merer Praa Sec li ana and r GOOD Drag Stare. Be sure it's PURE CANE Be sure with C-H Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price! $395 $25 45 QUART PINT 'fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 f rsin neulrsi pints. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. fcosfft Another METRO MARVEL! RAYON SATIN STKAPLIESS BRAS Sizes 32 - 34 - 36 WHITE and TEAROSE Proving, It Always Pays to Shop TKI STORKS Of BETTER VALUES' 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon Attractive designs . . long lasting . . . 39c to $4.50 per single roll Hare's yaur opportunity to dacorate your homo with attrac tive new wallpaper dsilgns that are remarkably im valuesl Hero you'll And a wide variety of beautiful designs In mod ern, traditional and period stylos . . . striking United Stylo Album and Salon selections . . . unusual Dorothy Lolbos Weaves . . . and colorful budget patterns that are fade proof and washable. We also carry a complete line of Varlar Stalnproof and Woll-Tex Fabric wall covoringe and exquisite hand prints. aaeeHi"a""""""" 1 "I . 7- ev its! I i 'vrf . ... AtCr our trrMJ WaflpaiMjr C. SlStf&SCB Tffm tWmin9 New Fume-Proof SUN-PROOF House Paint Keeps Homes Looking Whiter Longer! Pittsburgh's new SUN-PROOF House Paint pro duces a film of unusual whiteness that really ttayt white! It's fume-resisfanf-coal smoke and industrial gases will not darken or discolor it. Easy to apply, dries quickly. Self-cleaning, too. Come In for FREE copy, "COLOR DYNAMICS for Your Heme Gallon $6.11 a'm Tir.iiiiieMTl s PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY 254 North Commercial Phone 3-3636 LET'S MAKE DAD FEEL LIKE A KING on SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Nothing would give Dad more pleasure than a gift for his home. Dad thinks a lot of that home and loves gifts that give the rest of the family pleasure too. A new Radio, a more comfortable Chair, a better floor or Table Lamp, perhaps a Smoking Stand or End Table. Come in ot once and let us help you make a wise selection. AH-H-H... ? .pF W They're Tops with Pops! FOR FUN THIS SUMMER AND ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLES Model ISO Self Charging Model Here's the portable you can play all you please. It recharges Its baUery from any AC house outlet or from a car battery. Famous G-E natural color tone. Powerful 5V Inch speaker. IT WAS IJA1U CQ95 6 00 Down, 83.50 NUll J 7 5.00 Month sseM 14 3-Way Very-Thin Personal Model What a gift! What a beauty! Here's a delightfully different portable! Its stunning maroon plastic case is a slen der 234 inches. AC, DC, batteries. Only 7V2 pounds complete. LVIAlAf 795 480 D0" 5.00 Month 1 1 This Rockin' Chair's Got Him! It had Grandmo ond Grandpop, too, in the olden days . . . because there's nothing so placid and restful os o good swing rocker. Dad likes good old down-to-earth comfort. This is it! CHAIRS . . CHAIRS . . CHAIRS m lounge chairs, restful tilt-back chairs with matching ottomans from the GIFT BOX Crystol cocktail sets, beverage glosses, Pennsyl vania Dutch ironware osh troys, frames for his fav orite photos, Toby jugs. New 3-Way Portable This G-E portable is packed with power, priced to fit your purse, and so pleasing to look at. It plays like a dream. When Dad goes fishing or off on a trip he can count on this model every time. A-C, D-C or bat teries. Choice of colors. NOW 42 25 4.22 Down 5.00 Month every type you coul imagine can be found ot ELrsTROM 5! 29' 95 Swing Rockers from t .