y Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, June lg, 14 7 Everything in Fashion's At Johnsons and This Is Johnson's "Everything in the Store" Pre-Season THREE DAYS ONIY The reductions on this page are extremely large. For this reason we must say: No ex changes, no refunds, all sales final. Everything you see will be regular in-stock merchandise. EVERY CREPE BLOUSE IN THE STORE . Long and short sleeves; all colors: whites, prints and polka dots. Sizes 32 to 44. Were 8.95, they are now - 6.95 Were 7.95, they are now - 5.95 Were 5.95, they are now - 3.95 EVERY ONE OF 200 BRAND NEW COTTON DRESSES All colors, oil prints, all styles. Sizes 9 15, 10-20, 14'j-24j. Were 12.95, they are now - 9.95 Were 10.95, they are now - 8.95 Were 8.95, they are now - 6.95 EVERY ONE OF OUR FA MOUS NAMES IN MIL LINERY IS INCLUDED IN ONE GROUP OF SUMMER HATS TO RE SOLD! DUR. INO THIS FASHION PIC NIC at REDUCED PRICES. MM C U V U C TIIURS. FRI. SAT. JUNE 16 - 17 - 18 OtVI C IVI LQUICd All items are famous brand name goods which we may not mention in this advertisement. All prices go back to normal after the picnic. If there is anything at all you need, now is the time to buy it . . . for EV ERYTHING IN FASHION at JOHNSON'S. EVERY GOWN IN THE STORE Nylon, crepe and celanese jersey. Colors and white, sizes 32-44. Were 14.95, they are now - 10.95 Were 12.95, they are now - 8.95 Were 10.95, they are now - 7.95 Were 5.95, they are now - 3.95 Were 3.95, they are now - 2.95 EVERY SKIRT IN THE STORE Gabardines, 100 wools, worsteds, menswear strutter cloth. All sizes and styles. EVERY PAIR OF SLACKS IN THE STORE Rayon gabardine, strutter, novelty checks. Sizes 9-15, 10-44. Were 8.95, they are now - 6.95 Were 7.95, they are now - 5.95 Were 5.95, they are now - 3.95 EVERY SHORTIE COAT IN THE STORE Short shorties and fingertip length, wool gabardine, covert, worsted, all colors. Sizes 10-20. Were 35.00, they now are Were 24.95, they now are Were 19.95, they now are 100 Nearly 24.00 17.00 14.00 They were 10.95 They are now. . . They were 8.95 They are now. . . 6.95 5.95 They were 7.95 They art now. . They were 5.95 They are now. . , 4.95 3.95 EVERY SUIT IN THE STORE EVERY JERSEY NEGLIGEE IN THE STORE A truly beautiful collection. All colors, all sizes. 8 95 They were 12.95 They are now. . They were 10.95 They are now. . . 7.95 Julliard Pacific gabardine worsteds. 24 Vi. They were values to " 95. They are now Sizes 10-20, 14'z 35.00or less EVERY ONE OF OUR FIRST QUALITY WISTERIA NYLON STOCKINGS Regularly 1.50 per pair . . . Two pairs for 1.00 AT THE PICNIC. EVERY SLIP IN THE STORE Nylon, crepe, satin and jersey. Colors and whites. Sizes 32-44. 6.95 3.95 '"WW They were 8.95 They are now. . They were 5.95 They art now. . They were 3.95 They art now . . , They were 2.98 They art now. . 2.95 1.95 BEAR IN MIND This Johnson's Summer Fashion Picnic will fast for three days only. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 16, 17, 18. You can't very well afford to miss it... for everything in fashions at Johnson's. EVERY ONE OF TWO FAMOUS BRANDS OF RAYON PANTIES Regularly to 1.50 a pair two pairs for 1.00 At the Picnic. Sizes 24-40. EVERY ONE OF THREE FAMOUS BRANDS OF BRAS Satin and satin with loce trim. Regularly O TTC to 2.98 each... AT THE PICNIC three for. .J. J V.