Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCBEB i 6 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 15, 1949 jMiss McKay's Date Book ifTo Be Filled " A busy person preceding her wedding will be Miss Mary Lou i,IcKay, daughter of Governor nd Mrs. Douglas McKay, sev eral affairs being arranged in her honor preceding her mar riage to Lester E. Green of Eu igene, on July 23. ' Invitations will go out tomor !row for a tea for which Mrs. '(Fames T. Brand and Mrs. J Charles A. Sprague are to enter tain on June 30 at the Brand J Residence, to honor Miss McKay and Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, 'who is to be married August 8 iio John Philip Maulding of Til 1 jamook. ,' On June 27, Mrs. John S. Boa 'key and her daughter, Mrs. Ro jgcr Schnell, will entertain at an evening party for Miss McKay, guests to include college friends of the honoree. J Governor and Mrs. McKay and Miss McKay leave tomor- Irow for Colorado Springs, the i governor to attend a conference of governors there. Mrs. McKay land daughter will return June 25 while Governor McKay goes on ! east to Washington, D.C. r ... 'J VISITORS here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Spra ' gue are Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Naef J nf Akron, Ohio. The Sprngucs mnd their visitors were at Klam j'Bth Falls and Crater lake over the week-end and today and to morrow will be at the Sprague I, Bummer home on the North San riiam. The naefs are on a trip r through the west, n ... VFW Auxiliary's Meeting Reported j'1 At a regular meeting of Mar- ion auxiliary, Veterans of For eign Wars, Monday evening, the impost joined the auxiliary when jjnemorial services were held for nlMrs. Jennie Winchcomb and i;;Mrs. Preble Thompson, mcm ,fa'rs of the auxiliary who pass lei away the past year. A new ;xin ni jrial altar cloth was pre i i ..ied the auxiliary by Mrs. Ar jvln Strayer. i'i Mrs. Marvin Miller gave a j (report on the buddy poppy sale i and stated the public had given "extensive cooperation to make i the sale a success. Other reports given were by Mrs. Don Stup- Jca, finance; Mrs. Iva Hamilton. hospital; Mrs. Joe Hornnefer, re habilitation; Mrs. B. R. Osborn. i home fund. Plans art being 'made for a rummage sale this ! Jail. J1;; Mrs. Clarence Forbls plans to ('present 16 flags this fall to the 1 two new schools being built In Salem. Mrs. Leon Hansen, community service chairman, announced a she has to assist her on this com jnlttee Mrs. Henry Fournier, :-Mrs. Nell Jensen, Mrs. Ivell Ha-J'-ley, Mrs. Delia Schoneboon and iJklri. Joe Hornnefer, and plans '"were made to assist the Cherry land Festival association In the -ale of their festival buttons "which starts June 18th. They i -will have their headquarters for I these buttons at a booth in front tot the Chamber of Commerce, for Stevens Jewelry store. Mrs. .Hornnefer and her committee Jar. working with the post In r preparing a float for the cherry "festival parade. A prize will be furnished by the auxiliary for "the chlldrens parade. 2 Mrs. Iva Hamilton and her "committee will visit the tuber culosis hospital and see what as sistance can be given the pa tients. , Following the meeting the auxiliary joined the post for re freshments served by Mrs. Ruth Xater, Mrs. Maude Olson and (Mrs. Mary Becker. ... J ", WOOI)Hl ltNThe annual In irtallation of officers and final Jilinner meeting for the sum-i-mer season will be held by the Wooriburn Business and Profes sional Women's club. Thursday, at 7 p.m. at the Episcopal par ilsh hall. Following the inrtalla tion of officers the emblem cere mony will be given. ' The executive commute Is In charge of the procram and In trludos Mrs. Henry Stange, chair Jlnan, Mrs. Eugene Stoller, Mrs. i))on Bell, Mrs. Harold Steele and Mrs. Leland Plank. k ' Rainbow Event Members graduating this year from Salem high school were honored at the picnic supper for Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Tuesday eve ning. Twenty-eight seniors are members of the order but only eight were present to receive recognition. Those honored were Misses Gladys Boock, Thais Crandall, Una Mae Grayless, Alta Had ley, Sharon Hamilton, Allle Lou Ohling. Catherine Person, Edith anne Simpson. Misses Ida Jo Henderson, Ger- aldine Radcliff, Sharon and Nor ma Hamilton were in charge of the picnic supper. Past Worthy advisers present were honored, Misses Thais Crandall and Mart lyn Burris. The history of the assembly for the first six months of this year was read by Miss Gloria Wood. Father and Son Banquet Friday A no-host father and son din ner for men and boys in the En- glewood district will be held Friday night at 6:30 o'clock in the basement of the Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church at 17th and Nebraska streets. Melvin Propp, chairman, an nounces the following program numbers: Introduction of Jack Spong, master of ceremonies; invocation and reception, Rev. Lloyd Uecker, pastor of the church; dinner; recognition of helpers, fathers, etc., Jack Spong; two numbers by violin duct, Otis Bradbury and Frank Young, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Walters: selections on French horn, Darrel Klampc; instrumental number, bassoon, George Hewitt; reading, George Veale, proprietor of Crestwood Acres, YWCA summer camp. known to Salem young folk as uncle George; songs, mens quartet: Frank Young, Milton Gralapp, Donald Walters and Dwight Gralapp; song, all bovs; song, all fathers; address, "Fa ther, Son and the Church," Rev. Wilmer Brown, pastor of First Evangelical United Brethren church; closing prayer, Rev. Lloyd Uecker. Ladies of the church under Mrs. Myrtle Lowmillcr, chair man, assisted by Mrs. Wayne bchrunk and Mrs. James Bvers will serve the food and core for the clcan-up. Committee chairmen for the affair include: Henry Myers, Wayne Schrunk and Otis Brad bury, general and welcomine: Frank Young, decorations; Emo ry Raboin, food; Melvin Propp, program and Harold Douris. publicity. MISS SARAH JANE Bark strand is expected to arrive Fri day from Palo Alto to spend the summer with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Backstrand. She has Just completed her freshman year at Stanford uni HOSTESS Tuesday to her Knimng group was Mrs. J. S. Backstrand. An additional guest was Mrs. Charles Mills. Wedding Saturday Eve At a charmingly arranged ceremony In the fireplace room in the First Presbyterian church, Saturday evening. Miss Irene Hamilton Barbour, recently of Portadown, North Ireland, and formerly of Scotland, was wed to Robert Wayne Price, son of Mrs. Wayne P. Price and the late Mr. Price, Dr. Chester W. Hamblin reading the vows at 8 o'clock. The bride wore a dov gray dress designed with bustle in back, and with It she wore a large black picture hat, white accessories and corsage of ma roon and white carnations. She carried a white prayer book. Miss Marjorle Price, sister of the bridegroom, was honor at tendant. She wore a forest green dress with black picture hat and a corsage of yellow car nations. Mrs. Price, mother of the bridegroom, wore a two-piece gray costume with black hat and gray accessories, and a corsage of maroon carnations. James Zigler was best man. Following the service at the church a reception was given at the Price home. Mrs. Maurice Fitzsimmons assisted Mrs. Price at the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Price have gone to Hollywood on a trip and will be at home at Leslie Manor in Salem. ... MACCABEES, Capital tent hive, 84D, is meeting Thursday. a no-host dinner to be served at 6:30 o'clock at 248 North Com mercial. On the committee for the din ner are Mr. Golda Kyle, Mrs. Ethlyn Thompson, Mrs. Edith Strang, Mrs. Emma Dencer. Vir gil Parker. After the dinner there will be a class in folk danc ing, starting at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Marjorle Brewster as in structor. All Maccabees and families are invited for the eve ning. TO PASADENA on Saturday go Mrs. George Hanauska and Miss Betty Ferguson to attend the national convention of AI pha Chi Omega sorority June 21-26. The convention is to be held in the Huntington hotel Mrs. Hanauska represents the Salem alumnae club of the sor ority and Miss Ferguson goes as tiie delegate from the active chapter at Willamette univer sity. The two plan to stop In San Francisco before going on to Pasadena. While in the south Mrs. Hanauska will visit In Los Angeles with Mrs. David Slater (Janet Blake). ... PAST MATRONS' association, Order of Eastern Star, is meet ing Friday in the Golden Pheas ant for a dinner at 6:30 o'clock On the committee are Mrs. C. E. Roblin, Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Mrs. Willis Brown, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. Bess Shelton, Mrs. Mona Yoder, Miss Leila Johnson. ... WOODBURN Mrs. Martha Jacobs, worthy matron of Gar den City chapter, Order of East ern Star, of Chicago, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Atwood. The Atwoods are also members of Garden City chapter of which Mrs. Atwood is a past matron. GRAND RONDE Mr. and Mrs. William Houck of Agency celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary June 10. It's The Jewel Box for iHoi t.nini. cinit ron WATCHES K IIA.M1I.TON KMilN ,- III I.OVA !; t;m i:s HINDIS i U.M.THAM A olhrr Makra aa : low aa $1893 He deserves the finest. Give him one of these handsome and useful gifts that will mean so much to him. They're oil priced to fit any proc tical budget, RINGS DIAMONDS RIH1KS ZIRCONS SAI'l'lllKES (AMKOS r.MM.FM RINGS As Lows as MO 95 THE EXPERIENCED 1 SHOPPER buys) ; Miscellaneous Gifts j OLYMPIA BEER IN ADVANCE. PLANNING Key Chains.. $2.9J lo $I.BS Pen Knlvea f.V.VI to SK.7B Belt Rurklrs .... S.13 to Ss.M WATCH BANDS leather IV lo M.M Mrlal .... J'.Jl lo SI.1.UJ Mens leather Mllllarr Beta si. si' Miami. (ara II SO to 1 1 5.5 Cigarette C'aao Utere Jl VI to 115 S Tie Holders .. Cuff Links l.iMtse I'lna ... Identification Hrarrlrta , Sfhrafer Frn Nrta reran Watch (halm ... Dek ( locks .. Travel Clocks , I1.M t ld.1l ,. Sl.M lo MM .. 8Jc U I27.M W.13 to till! , to tu.u .. V to ttl.M .KM to t2S.1t MM to I . . aiinT'1- Engagement Told The betrothal of Miss June Camp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Camp, to 'James E. Phipps, son of Mrs. Mamie Phipps, was announced recently. (Ken-nell-Ellis studio picture.) Wedding Set Next Sunday A wedding for next Sunday afternoon will be that of Miss Geraldine Gardner and Vernon L. Emra, the ceremony to be solemnized at 4 o'clock in the First Congregational church. Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiating. Miss Sylvia Lee is to be maid of honor and Willis Emra, Jr., of Portland the best man for his brother. The reception following also will be at the church. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Gardner of Tillamook and is on the staff in the state treasurer's office here. Mr. Emra is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Emra of Portland. Shower Given Honoring Miss Gardner. Miss Alberta Petersen entertained last week at a miscellaneous shower. Guests included Miss Gard ner Miss Betty Seder, Miss Merna Combs, Miss Mary Thompson, Miss Marie Bosch, Miss Opal Callison, Miss Sylvia Lee, Miss Marjorie Williams and the hostess. ... THE WOMAN'S Society of World Service in the First Evangelical United Brethren church is meeting Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Miles home, 454 North I7th. ... HOME from a month In Alas ka and Vancouver island are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars who returned Monday evening. Reports Feature Auxiliary Meeting Reports from chairmen for the year's work were given at the meeting of Unit No. 136. American Legion auxiliary, last evening. The call to convention to be in Salem in early August was read and many members signed up to assist at the event. Plans were made for the in stallation and initiation on June 28 when Capital unit No. 9's degree team will put on the work. Mrs. Edward Klippert is chairman for that meeting. Mrs. Clyde A. Warren was welcomed into membership. Six members signed up to assist with the mobile X-ray unit on Wed nesday and Thursday. For en tertainment Merlain dance school students, Sandra Bllven and Elaine Murphy, gave num bers. o INDEPENDENCE Miss Don na Luhde of Falls City was hon or guest at a bridal shower at the Charles Bullock home re cently with Misses Barbara And erson, Helen Taylor and Myra Mohr as hostess. The evening was spent playing games and opening gifts. The refreshments table was lace covered and cen tered with a bride and brides maid dolls and. pink roses. The gift table was decorated with a cupld and red heartmotif. The hostesses served refreshments to a large group of friends. EXPECTED home today from Colorado are Miss Helen Randle and Jack Randle. Mr. Randle, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. H. Randle, was graduated on Monday from the University of Colorado at Boulder in arts and journalism. His sister flew to Colorado to attend the commen cement and the two are return to Salem by train. GRAND RONDE Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hines announce the marriage of their daughter, Max ine, to Wilmer Leno, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Leno. The cou ple are living in Grand Ronde. ... FIDELIS class of the First Baptist church is meeting Thurs day at 2 p.m. at the church. ... AMONG guests attending the breakfast Thursday morning to honor Mrs. Thomas Luke of Portland, who has been named to the office of Bodoura in the National Daughters of the Nile organization will be Mrs. Doug las McKay and Mrs. David Wright of Salem. The breakfast will be at the Shrine club. INDEPENDENCE The home of Mrs. Armund Fulmer was the scene of a bridal shower re cently in honor of Miss Barbara Jean Anderson, who will marry Thaine Bullock June 19. The gifts were placed on a small table decorated with pink roses. Games were played and then the guest opened her gifts. Refresh ments were served to 23 guests in buffet style from a lace cov ered table centered with a large bowl of pink roses and green tapers. MRS. EVA BENNETT, outgo ing commander of Salem unit, No. 6, Disabled American Veter ans, was elected department state junior vice commander at the state convention in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Verne Ostrander will be the department's historian and national VAVS chairman for the Portland hospital. Salem unit again won first prize on its history book. While there the auxiliary members visited Camp White at Medford. The next business meeting of the auxili ary will be July 8 at the Wom an's club house. There will be no meeting Thursday. Keep Cool! With our low-cost air-conditioners f f PLUMBING-HEATING 70 CT1tfKlAt HOMt-444t ROBBED of Sleep by Awful Dry Eczema Itch "... tried Rwinol relief seemed like a miracle!" Ask your druggist for thin fa mout ointment today. Have the comfort tn joyed by thousands, as the Resinol medication In lanolin acts fast to give Vngering relief to itchy, burning skin. Oh! Such Agony From Gas Pains I suffered terribly with a gassy stomach." iad a lady living right in this vicinity: she further said 'At times this aas Dre.ssed ud intc my throat and I could hardly ge; by breath, and the awful pains from this aas would even extend around Into my back. Was also badly con stipated. Then recently I got KAL-O-DEX and now my gassy stomach and bowel constipation are relieved. That shortness of breath is gone and I feel fine In every wav. This is truly a 'wonder' medicine." KAL-O-DEX is an Herbal for mula containing medicinal juices from 5 Great Herbs: these herb cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish intestine; and kidneys. Miserable people soon leel diiierent an over, so am i go on suffering. Get KAL-O-DEX at all Drue Stores. they're both the best so get them together your Dad and 0 Maybe Dad's already felt the supreme comfort of Evans Slippers, but whether he needs a new pair or wants to try his FIRST pair, give him the greatest gift in the world for a man Evans Slippers! I'liarrllr Uteri SIM te S1I.M TaMr l.llrra ....K.M U tt-M PAYS OFF IN RARE r jjftamjvrwH'n REFRESHMENT, New Account Invited Ma Chart 'or Cmtfi SI DAD'S Day It L P Jiin 19! Evans HAND TURNED Slippers Your guide to the best in Men's Slippers J 411 Star St. choose your So many new, exciting designs to choose from in this season's Eaton collection I Make your own deeply personal choice, certain of Eaton's quality and correctness, knowing it will ba moderately priced. auntuiq K ON TOP IS THIS OFF-THE-FACE STRAW, right out of the designing; hands of Draper, I if th Avenue. It sports a sly veil and a piquant little rosebud. Of course Pictures Hats are very much in the picture this season, too and dressy or tailored you'll see them all at Johnson's by Draper, Hollyvotrue or Thornton. Priced pretty, too! be cool and fragrant... Cooling , . , refreshing , , to fragrance you all over . lucien lelong Stick Cologne . . . can't spill or leak because It's cologne captured in solid form LUCIEN LELONG ..... $&fK ......... :ffCk 1 1 str.. ifi-. fiuij jlj t.-p..i n - jlj ::fpp r v 135 N. Liberty. IS: ft SIMPLE AND SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! And don't YOU be too casual about running down to try on this new "Casually Yours." It's beautifully tailored of Burlington Washable Tom-Tom; rayon-shantunt; and a classic must. Full-length zipper, covered down the front. This dress would easily sell for well over ten dollars but it's priced at Johnson's for just 7.98. THE ARISTOCRATS of uniforms are those by Bob Evans and Barco. We show them in fine cottons with short, three-quarter or long sleeves from 4.95 to 8.95. If you like, they are also available in Nylon from 12.95. J Z3 SLF.EP SWEET AND COOL ... in Carter'! Charming Celanese Jersey Shortle Gown. Precious lace yoke front and flatter-fashioned puff sleeves. This one's in Blue, or Pink-orchid, Small-Medium-Large 4.95. AND EVERYTHING'S AT John KOlft v-,- Always Figure. In Fashion" a tUMPia KEWIH6 CO . Owi. Wis . U I r