AUTOMOBILES mm i CAR SHOPPING? You Can Drive a Bargain Home From Here Any Day '36 NASH LAFAYETTE SEDAN OAK A one owner car .-. .w Ay '37 V-8 COUPE A little dandy kJkJ '38 CHEV. 4 DOOR SEDAN AOC Runs like a clock .jkJ 35 V-8 SEDAN 1 A little rough, motor good XJJ '36 DODGE PICKUP OAC Now is the time t4JJ We Also Have These Popular Models Priced to Suit Your Needs 46 PLYMOUTH 2 to Choose From 42 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 2 to Choose From 42 DESOTO COUPE 39 DODGE 5 PASSENGER COUPE 39 CHEVROLET SEDAN K ACME MOTOR CO. The Bargain Lot "McKay's VISIT OUR MODERN (UNDER COVER) USED CAR AND TRUCK DEPARTMENT AND SELECT AN "OK" USED CAR OR TRUCK WITH CONFIDENCE, AS MORE AND MORE FOLKS ARE TRADING THEIR GOOD CARS AND TRUCKS IN ON "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUY OF THEM ALL". ASK FOR LAWRENCE "POP" FLATHERS MARVIN "MARV" WILLIAMS or KENNETH "KEN" SIDES Douglas McKay . ISO N. Commercial Street BONESTEELE'S USED CARS 1948 STudebaker Commander Regal Fully equipped 2390 mile. 1040 Studebaker Commander 4 Door Sedan, clean 1896 "Others To Choose From" Bonesteele Sales & Service 870 N. Church ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM and child care by em ployed mother, daughter 4. Write Capi tal Journal Box 404. 1)144' ROOM A BOARD (or one biulneu woman, . Ph.. 2-8573. JJ LOST AND FOUND t,08T: Diamond ring, 3 diamond. Down town on S. Liberty. Sentimental value. Reward. Ph. 3-9054. A LADY'S Oruen wrlat watch April 8 Between Miller A Pennye. Ph. 8-3487. k!42 MISCELLANEOUS WILL TR ADE" Vi ton O.M.C. ran truck for building lot with water. 344 K. Sa um HciahLs ive. ml43 LE8 SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court, we close Saturday 12:30. ml58 nmrrit. PT.ATK REPAIR I HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SKMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State A Commercial Bt , SALEM Phone 8-3311 BV HAVE YOt'R 8INGEB Sewing machine repaired by a queried Sinter repreeen ta" e Ph 1-3512 for free pick bp and delivery aervic on ai male ol ma chine Pr estimate elven before work U started Binger Sewing Machine Co rrrrrr J J J J 3 S if tr " BUILDING MATERIAL INS L' LA TED tide wall shake. I color. Willamette Valley Root Co., 30 Lana Av. ma 142 STEEL and Aluminum Window Frame. Cunnrnu, Double Hung it Commercial type. PUM1LITE. Bnlem. mal43' FiREPlZcEM ATE RIALS, Superior Heat form it Bennett-Ireland fireplace circu lators. All fireplace St masonry materi al. PUMILITE - WMl paeem. win ROCKLATH, Planter and Stucco Materi al. Complete line, quality material. PUMILITE We tSalem. m,lA! NEWORADE V doors "Y SO. Screen door all thicknesses of plywood. New win dow 100 of sash, rirtex. sheet rock, in sulation, cedar ihake. asbentoa tldlnf. Compart our prices. C. O. Long. Ph. 35831. 1 ml. North of Ke lier. SPECIAL:! Out id houe paint 13 43 P" tel.; paint sprayer rental reduced 13.00 per day with purchase with paint Howwr Brew.. Ph. 3-3646 BOWSER BROS., your power too) rent al he id quarter. New address, 1410 S 13th. Ph. 3-3840. wal43 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar mingle. No. 2 IS cedar wii shake and undercourae. 113 80 painted No. 1 unpatnted 19-00. No 3 14.10. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1194 ma nrETROTIl. new shipment. H" V ua lor new low eaata price Keith Brown, Front A Court. ma Builder-Contractors w have eompiete stock of framing lumber, timber A shipiip, all trade, at rock bottom price. Wejt Salem saw mill. 1050 Wallace Rd Ph. 3BS03 Free Delivery. J13' lrMATToVk - ALl'MTWUM LOCK fHINHLE The mode permanent roof ing. See you dcaicr M Call Out 3-6401 ataiM , m w ma Front at Center Corner" Chevrolet Co. Phone 3317S 1944 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4 door Sedan, dean, new rtnia ....1149ft 1947 Studebaker Champion t door 1941 Studebaker Champion 4 Door Man 1748 Phone 8-9277 BUILDING MATERIAL NSW SHIPMENT piast board " 8e. 4". 6e a U Rock lath 41 . ft 11.78 MONTGOMERY WARD 8LEM 8KIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm oiore. tjo ouvenon hq. mano1 SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Ward five you oompieu IH STALLED price on your rooflne need Wide ran of color Call our ouuid salesman fot free trtlmatt Phone 8-3191 MONTOOMERY WARD CO SALEM, ORXOON ma' noOBS, INTERIOR 9 panel door, at the treat ipeciaj purcnue bottom price bartaln of only 16.40 each. Keith Brown. Fornt ft Court Si., Salem. ma ALUMINUM ROOFINO 8 It. wMlh la Mm lollowlnt lenitrut 4 11.74 8 Ill 10 IH ir tii At about Installation aervic MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM ORBOON NURSERY STOCK BEDDING PETCNIA, alvla, 4 do. II. Tuberous betonla. Merrill Oreenhotue, Brook. mb!43( FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Aater plant, 35c per dozen. 143a Center street. Ph. 3-9349. nl40 8x14 BFRKENWALD walk-In cooler and compre-Ror, 1 10 1 4' meat ae Good condition. S750take all. Term 11 de I red. Call Columbia Food Store, Leh anon. Ore. nl4J I'NBEAM 2 llee pop-up toaster now 18.9&. vtnee Electric, 187 8. Libert UKED Ice cream cabinet lood ah pe ll 00 00. Vine Electric, 187 S. Liberty St. nl44 8 ELECTRIC RANGES at 113.00 each Vlnce a Electric, 157 S. Liberty St. nl44' NOROE ft, Freeaer (Uprleht). Reaular 1339. , now only 8190.80. Vlnea'a EWc trie. 137 S. Liberty St. B144' FOR HALF: Eureka Vacuum Cleaner, 110 3435 Center street. Ph. 3-8345. nl46 BEXAIBR Vacuum Cleaner oMd 1 week Keaular tllM. only 144 50. 110.00 dn. New tuarantee. Vine" Electric, lit S Liberty St. nl44' BENDIX Automatic Washer, tood coodl tioo I8S00. Vlnce' Eieetric 157 e Liberty St. nl44' DEEPFREEZE Home Freeters 1139.50 up at Ore on a ' Lartet Ireeser dealer. Vine' Electric, 137 S, Liberty St. nl44 t'ED WASHER, lift. SO, iood condition Vlnce' Klectrtc. 197 B. Liberty It. a, 144 ARE TOt' lnterrxttf the wrvtcs sta tion biulneM? I hr one tor sale at In ventory price In Monmouth. Ore. Coiv tact Warren Doollttle. Distributor. Oen era! Petroleum Product. Plant No 24619 nl4' ROY4L BRt'AH Type vacuum cleaner, like new i7, w. MKOphen 619. Ire boi IT M. Lawn mover 47 50. Rabr butav 89. Full pet Of ailfte tor tit 88 50. Ofllf fluha. tennis rarftet. tBMe aw. coffee table. very ftaonatt. Mil PtrUtM R4. BlM' NURSERY STOCK BEGONIAS 2 FOR 1 SALE Yes! We are having a twofor one sale. Salem's exclusive Begonia Gardens are having this big sale starting on Thurs day, June 16th, and running four full days. However, may we suggest that you shop early. Just Imagine, you purchase 1 doz. seedling plants at the regular price of $2 50 and we will give you ABSOLUTELY FREE another doien Begonias, in all colors. It's the buy of the year, so let's all take advantage of it. Remember for finer Begonias, it s Salem'i only Begonia Specialist . . . D-VISTA 322S D Street AUTOMOBILES Specials 1848 Plymouth Sedan 11195 1043 Bulck RAH 10B5 1341 Dodge Sedan, vary clean 895 1940 Chev. Sedan, new motor .... 795 1937 Pontiac Sedan BAH 395 137 Bulck. Coupe, RAH 395 1936 Bulck Sedan, RAH -195 1941 Chev. Pickup, clean MS 1938 Chev. ton Pickup 995 193S Chev. Coupe 95 1934 Pord .Sedan, food motor .... 100 1916 Chev. Sedan 193 1939 Bulck, tood motor 395 1938 Ford, good motor 250 1935 Pord Pickup 195 1941 Chev. Sedan, new motor .... 895 1934 Chev. Sedan 15 1038 Nash 35 SEE ART HANSON Eisner Motor Co. Lot 10 N. Hlfb St. Saltm, Ore. Q144 YOUR BEST BET Is State Motors Inc. TODAY'S SPECIALS 41 Desoto Custom Sedan 41 Dodge Custom Sedan 41 Chev. Spec. DeLx. Sdn 40 Chrysler 6 Cyl. Sedan Watch For Our Daily Best Bets State Motors Inc. 140 No, Hllh St. Your Best Bet Is State Motors, Inc. "Today's Specials 47 Packard Clipper Sdn. 47 Mercury DeLx. Sedan 47 Chev. Fleetmstr. Sdn. 46 Ford Sup. DeLx. Sdn. 46 Chev. Fleetmstr. Sdn. Watch For Our Daily Best Bets State; Motor's Inc 140 No. Hllh St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED WASHERS, various makr. From 500 to 59.80 Ued Relrlterator 99 50 to 114.50 New OB Re rite rat or. 4 cu ft 18975 New Pacific apt. Slae Electric Ranse 129.98 New Wedtewood Oft Rante with Ortddle. 1944 floor model, a la ..148.40 CloselOut Popular Brand Oil Heater 1 floor sample. Ret. 138.50, only 74.50 Ued Electric Rante 27.80 to 99.50 used Coruoie Radio, a dandy 25.00 GEVURTE 275 N, Liberty Ph. 3-4415 ni47' RI'MMAGE SALE Frl. 984 8. Libert?, lut Cong. Fro, Group. nl43' ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lena Av nl42 l'ED LAWNMOWER At tr catcher. In lood condition, 1400. Ph. 3-9123 2035 .1. 17th St. nl42 TEETER-BARE, IS 00. Ph. 34414. nl43 USED TIRE BAROAINS Because of the treat demand for Ward new Air Cushion tire, we have accumu lated a lane stock of unusually tood trade-ins. Monti omery Ward Tire Store. Trade Hlth. n!44 .MTNo"MATTRE!, sprint St bed. 120. Rose Bt . Ph. 2-1542,. n!43 WANTFD: Good dot house, reasonable. Ph. 3-4080. n!43 COOD r RED Klvtnsior refrlierator over 4 cu. ft. recent model reconditioned V guaranteed. RALPH itOHNBON APPLIANCE 255 Center Pn. 2-1119. n148 LVAIIIEE dlAt ssnder. Used very"llttle! 140. Pb. 2-3837. 1124 B. 14th, apt. 4. n!41a ABC SPIN dry wssher. New. never been jsed Was given to a hundred-rear-old lady by Kay Kwer' proeram. Can be had for IDS. ka than wholesale. See at 1718 N, Wmur St. Also elec. ranie. nl48 VSED wwlng machine Ph. 13139. nl48 FENCE POSTS, poles, all type. Shlntlet, fertlllier Si riatrork. Phllllpa Bros., Rt 4. Box 118. Ph. 8KF22. n APT. SIF.E electric rant. Oood a new Ph. 3-9825. B143 STUWBfTRRir.S. U-plck. 4c. Nlte er rtes Ottnd pick int. Brim container. P E. Sander. Rt. 7. 352, Salem, 1 ml E, mi. S. Totea Pei, Biu I NURSERY STOCK GARDENS Salem, Ore. FOR SALE MISCELLAN IEOUS SILVER TONE CONSOLE radio St record player. Excel, cond. 1830 N. Cottat. nl42 MOVING SALE I GARDEN MASTER pie. nt I lit machine. puah type, A due for any spaclnt, seed or kernel. 110. Sump pump, lued 3 mo. like new. h p., 840. Electric chick brooder. 50 chick capacity, sear mod el. 110. Infra-red brooder unit. 300 chick capacity, 115. Buttery fence charter unit. 110. 1 old 18x20 still camera with bellows it fixed leil.V 520. 32 auto, til standard pUtol, 120, one 12 tuagi Hanser shot tun. slnsl barrel, 17. RT 7, BOX 92 PH. 36200 nl42 SAVE MONEY!! Buy tood clean used clot Mm cheap. Garment Basaar, 2020 John St. Ph. 2-5497. nH5 KEROSENE white enamel rime. Blmu lated elec. rante style. Coronado. 1365 Broadway. nl43' 1 OLIVER No. 20 Combine. 1 Ford buck rake. 1 Ford mower. 1 Ford post dieter 35 weaner plug. 1 Dodne 4 wheel drive pickup. A. V. Jack Gilbert, Ph. 321, Sweet Home. nils DAVENPORT A chair. Maple fin. arm, coll spring cushions. I1S9.50 value for 489.88. Mople arm love seat St chair to match itw sb. we give urren stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 S. Com'l nl42 -WAY floor lamp with nlte lite. Bronze or ivory si ana. ritsu-sut anaae . Oreen Stamos. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 S. Com'l nl42 GOV'T. SURPLUS bunk bed with mattress 30" width 822.95. Oreen Btamoi. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. nl42 SPOT CASH lor your furniture, Appli ance. Huts, wnat nave "u"T GLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER nl45' FULLER brushe. 1748 Orant. Ph. 38357 U184 FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, milt pasteurizer, at close-out price Yater Appliance Co. n!48' NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use Piastl-Kote, the cellophane-like finish for your floor or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance. Co. nl48 DEEPFREEZE homa freezer. 1139.96 and up. Yeater Appliance Co nl4B ELECTRIC SEWING machines. ( Pre-We- tlnthouse) Yeater Appliance Co. nl48' USED REFRIGERATORS, washtnt ma chine, ramw, water beater. Yeater Appliance vtt. ni4B' STEEL clothesline post. 811 St UP. Rail int in stock, copper lantern St Ttne at reduced prices. 1145 N Liberty. nl53 PEAT MOSS with turtey dropplnti Oftc per eact. a sacas si.&o. valley rsrv Btora,3W BUTerton ko. ph. 33024. nl44' GENERAL ELECTRIC Croaley, Oibaon and Montat Appliance at Garurt. GARDEN SAND, travel crushed rock Shovel St drai-llne exeayatlni. WALL- INQ SAND GRAVEL CO Pb 1-9249 WHITE ROITSE Products Ph 3-8741. n!4l NRWBERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOF BOIL. High quality, attractive price. All una: ru run; gravet; aana; mix crusn, concrete pip A tile; re-lnforrlni ateel cement; septic tanas. OREGON O RAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. D1411 14 CU. FT. CHEST freeaer New 4380.00 Ph. 1-4384. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO MP ANT Contract Work Road - Clearlnt - DlMblna Sewer Sn Basement Equipment Rental 15 B H yd. 12.00 per hr 10 B yd. 9.80 per hr D-T Oat St Doter 10.80 per hr D-4 Cat St Doser 4.40 per hr D-4 Oat St Dosei 1.00 per hr Phone Day 1-9404 Eve. 3-434 or 3-4400 Balom Ores on WALLTNO SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK tor road and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, tarden and. Buildoilnt dramate and dltchlnt 14 -yd. above) and dra line Pb. 1-9249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NEED AT ONCE, larte quantity used funl. ire. Ph. 33110. WOODRY. nal45' WE WANT trawbtrriei. Market price In casn. uoniaci jory faeting co at Ter minal lea, 349 D St. Phone 3-4590. na1 WANTED furniture to glue St repair Lee tro. rum Keiinianing uo fu 1-7001 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9188. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL adviser Mrs. Phillips re turned to Balem. Annta, dally. 33 14th St. pl44 STANLEY HOME Products. 558 Cross Bt Ph. 3-&44t. piee 'IT'S NO SECRET" Glenn Woodrr pays more for used furniture St appliances than any other dealer. Pb. 38110 for Cub in a Flash. pl45 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Box T24. 1-3234 pm AUTOMOBILES '48 NASH Amb. Fully equipped, like new. 10,000 ml. priced to aeii. 305 loin. ql47' 1M CHEV. Fleetllne 4-Dr. Like new. Drl ven only 11.400 miles. For only 81695 1887 N. Winter street. q!44 I FORD 2 dr. sdn. Good cond. with aood rubber, 1150. 1930 8. High. Q.144 IMI t-DOOR Ford. Clean car. 1795. Ph 2-4914. 1835 MadUon. Q.1431 CUSTOM FORD 1939 three-window coupe. '48 Merc, en sine. Less than 3000 ml. '44 Merc hr draullc brskrs and column shift trans mutton. Custom paint Job and uphol stery. W.S W. tlrea on wide bae rims. R H. dual pips and custom bod: work. This car must b seen to be p phenated- Sacrifice for fraction of In vestment. V at 584 N. 31t after 1pm 142 1917 RTI nrHAKTR -ton pickup. 11.180 Vincent Oersctt, R!. 1. box 188. Scott Mi 1. Ore., on Crooked Pinter roso ei45 MV NEW CAR I bere to must sell '38 Bulck sport special 4 door eedan. 30. 000 miles on '47 motor At U In excrllent condition throuihout. All of the extri Must sre Sr drive to appreciate. Reason sale. Don Madr, Rt. 4, box 133R. 5 east ol Pen 4-Corner. 144 F O r"Va Lt70 eTt BADE : I HI 1 ton he a v y duty Ford truck. Stock rack, flatbed. New tires. Radio, heater. Low mlleaee Antru Leffler. Rt. 1. Box 13, Sclo. Ore ql4A USED . . . NOT ABUSED 1B48 Buick Super Conv. 1948 Buick Rdmstr Sdn 1046 Cadillac 62 1B4S Buick Super Sdn . 1B46 Buick Super Sdnet 1946 Pontiac Conv 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Chev. S pass. Cpe . 1947 Mcrcurv S'dan OTTO .7. WILSON Cotnm.rclal t Cour $2495 2.19 229S . 14 184 , 179 , 1795 153 1495 CO ,144 AUTOMOBILES BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2311 Completely Equipped Delivered at the Factory Save from $272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center e.154 It rr. TRUCK VAN. Very iood eond, 1100. or will trade lor what I con uae, fh. It&8. 0144 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 1918 WIUm Kntfhl wdoD. 1 owner, IH. Ph. 3M34. 014T' I FORD Station Waton. 48 Mercury mo tor, 9000 mile. Sell or trade for later model. Oood cond. 341 N. Liberty. Apt. 3. ql41 We Still Have Some Fine USED CARS These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned They Carry Our Guarantee Come Take a Look Convince Yourself We Are Going to Sell 'em 1949 KAISER 4 DOOR 1947 FRAZER MANHATTAN 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1947 FORD SEDAN 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1944 MERCURY TUDOR 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1942 OLDSMOBILE PASS. COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE 5 PASS COUPE 1941 NASH 400 8 PASS. COUPE 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 1941 OLDS TUDOR SEDAN 1941 CHEV. I PASS. COUPE 1940 CHEV. 4 DOOR 1940 DODGE 4 DOOR 1940 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR 193T CHRYSLER SEDAN 1937 WILLYS SEDAN 1937 ORAHAM SEDAN 3 LOCATIONS 153 H. COMMERCIAL STREET 2840 PORTLAND ROAD TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 2-4173 ' CBV. COLTE. Vtrr clem. Ph. J-S3S1 q!43' 1941 CADILLAC "41" elub coup. Jet black finish. Put lr equipped. W.W. tires. A real value. DOWN PAY'T 9499. PULL PRICE 11495 ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntable) Center at Church St. Phone 2-4703 1946 BUICK Rd. Master sedanettt. Ordinal ltxht blue finish. Fully equipped. Windshield waaher. Excellent tires St motor. DOWN PAY'T 8599. PULL PRICE 11798. ORVAL'S 1948 CHEV. CONV. 3350 actual miles, fully equipped. Di rectional a Una I, backup lite, under coat, aide view mirror. Frosty ireen fin ish, black top. This Is it. DOWN PATT 3609. FULL PRICE (1995 ORVAL'S 'The lot with the turntable) Center at Church Sts. Phone 1-4702 4144- 1948 MERCUR Y Sedan. Lm than 9,000 actual miles. Radio, heater, defroster, windshield washer. Llaht trey finish. DOWN PAY'T 8538. FULL PRICE 11515 ORVAL'S The lot with the turntable) Center at Church St. Phone 1-4702. WANT A 1949 CHEV.? SEE ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntable) Center at Church tSa. Phone 1-4702 1947 CHEV. Fleetllne Aero. Rsdlo. heater. defroMer. W. W, tire. Two tone finlh. 26,000 miles. DOWN PAYMENT 1586 ORVAL'S fThe lot. with the turntable) Center at Church Sts. Phone i-47nj ql44' SPECIAL $1085 1846 etTUDEBAKFR CHAMPION SE DAN. RADIO. HEATER. SPOTLIGHT. OOOD RUBBER. SWELL MOTOR, IN FIRST CLASS THROUGHOUT. A 1048 WHATi WHERE CAN YOU FIND A BUY LIKE THIS? ONLT ONE PLACE, THAT 8 LODER BROS 189. Ph 143 Itia RLTf'K super dn. Oood cond. New lire. Ph. 3-8Mtl. 300 Lancaster Dr. ajl4l lall NAH 5 pas, coupe. R&H Priced to aell. Rt. 6, box 105Z. Ph. 11118. 0141 NEW CHEV. 8 yard dump truck. 100 dis count. Take car In trade. 3380 Tm Ave. Ph. 2-6744. L4I foil rilFV. Spec. Deluie club CP. RH Safety Tubes. Ph. 3440. I4J' '17 Ri;!tK Cpe. Onine east, must atrt ftoe 1361 M. 1886 H. Maple, 14S AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL 1949 HUDSON 6 CLUB. ALL ACC DRIVEN ONLY 5000 MILES. A NEW CAR. NOW AT A USED CAR PRICE. LOOK, ONLY $2350. WHERE? AT LODER BROS Your Olds Dealer 2410 Fairground Rd. Ph. 21490 1937 DODGE V, TON PICKUP Good motor $395 193S CHEV. Sedan. Good condition $295 ORVAL'S (The lot with the turntaole) Center at Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 Ql43 iM CHEVROLET Fleetmaater. 2 dr. town aedan, twater and othrr extras. Car per feet, guaranterd. 11.000. Loder Broa. Downtown Lot. 403 Center St. Ph 2-7973 or S-4110, jl43' "hTmERcYrY aport nedan. Lea than 8000 ml. 1400 extra. Coat 12700. a? 11 I21S0. Like new. Ph. 3-S035. S190 Garden Rd. 4143 WANTED TO BI7Y: 1917 to 1940 model llaht car. Must be clean. Clipper Sta i. on. Aumsvllle. Ore. Phone 1754. ql43 4 PI Y. 8-pasa. Recently overhauled SS9S nr re as. offer. Must aell. 3297 North River Road. om' 'SI CHEV. CPE. 340 8. Hllh. Ql44 1041 FORD PICKUP In pretty fatr shape. motor overnauiea iau ran. iow con sumption, mare tire. Can be naa i or without pipe rack and vise. Phone Balrm 3-8098 before 5:30. or phone 3-6204 evenings. Q142 BY OWNER 1941 Chev. 3 dr. RdcH. Ex cellent motor. After 4:30 pm. 1235 N. 25th. Ph. 2-7446. Q145 If9 MODCL A, lust overhauled, 1225. Ph. 28200. Rt. 7, BOX 92. QHZ I BY OWNER: '37 model Bulck 4 dr. Sdn.. very tood cond.. 8550. IS miles north of Woodburn. Qeorie Hooley. ql42 40 DELUXE FORD 4 dr. RAH, new seat covers, battery. After 6 p.m., 1022 N. Jo-n'l. 0142 17 HUDSON super 8. SB0O Portland Rd.. apt. 4 1)142 '49 G.M.C. 6x8. Equipped with Baunh man lime spreader. Ph. 3-0594. ql61a FOR RALE or trade, '36 Pord, R&H. Ph. 2-4389. 4.145 Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT BELL TRAD1 TERMS tit Palrc round Road Phono t-6454 ThU Tim It's HUDSON I Service - Sales - Parts Borne of Good Used Can SHROCK MOTOR CO Ohuren ChemekeU 8U Pa 8-9101 Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. pt.' cpe. 1395 '39 Nash coupe ..... $395 38 Chevrolet dn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 1M CHER motorcycle. SUB Jeruen Avr. ItU BARLEY DAVIDSON 7t 111 oxe.l. condition. Ml N. Rlvtr Rd. Pb. 17333 ttt.r 5:S0 p.m. 0.M3 Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 9001 Portland Rd. Ph. f-143 q FARM EQUIPMENT 1047 FOBI) Feriuaon Tractor and equip ment. Very reasonable. Rt. I, box 105Z. Ph. 31138. qbl43 I'SED TRACTOR TIRE, pnpular sires, 15.00 and up. Mont some ry Ward Co.. Bnlem iM44 BOATS FOR SALE BOATS Super Special New Marine Plywood 13-ft. V-Bottom Boats Phone 2-0060 Rt. 7, Box 22, Claxtar Rd. FOR SALE, BOATS Super Special. New marine plywood 13 ft. V bottom boats Ph. 2-0060. Rt. 7, box 22 Clarter Rd. TRAILERS iotas K ITC II ATE A I mod. trailer house Like new. I11A0. Ph. 3-86M. 1144' It FOOT Trsiler Houae. 1295. Elbert Col lin. 1000 Front St.. Woodburn. H47 HOrETlMII.ERll50Tn38778. 1144 Tl-fl MAINLINE. Lata '47. Awning, nox. panel rav. A-l cond. 11310. '-U775. 31S0 N. 14th, Ire Ph 1 1 44 FOR RENT: Trailer space, 110 month with all modern convenience. Right acnv the treet south of Paulus rannerr. Lot of room for children. Nn pet. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oiford Ph. I-I885 U4V I t Willi I, frailer. "Heavy du'v ail Heel Home Appliance, Ph. 4511. tui iMBAM'MINUM trailer eastern built. 35 ft , excel, cond , fully equip. Sacri fice. Albany Trailer Court.. Albany, Ore tlO ex e''d'4Ae''ede FINANCIAL VACATION LOANS Your Way and Fnst Oet a vseation loan from Personal Fl nsnee Co ahera Hi "es" to 4 out of S Cash on alarv. furniture, or car. No en-siiner n'ceiwry. Phone or Visit the YES MN TODAY You'll appreciate the consideration he'll show yoi PERSONAL Finance Company II Atue s , Rm 138 Pn' 2-3464 Lie, 133 M-I4I. C R. Ailen. Yea Managaf rl43 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., FINANCIAL il KNN WOODRY paya top cub price for furntturs at appliances. Ph. 95110 for Immediate reaiilu. no hagallni. rl45 PRIVATE MONET Special rale nd term on Unei loan Ions and short time payment ROT H 81MMON8 1)9 Soi 'h Commercial St Phone 3-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3457 Lie No M-156 8-154 BKB OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4S INTEREST I to 40 Year and No Communion Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Bt Phoi 2-3M3 t GENERAL FINANCB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-138 and M-326 and ROY R BIMMON8 INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Cnmmercia St Tel 3-9181 f $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loan up to 1500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairs round Road Aero street from bank No Parkins problem Phone 27032 -Lie N M369-S291 Floyd Kenron. Mur. T FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 4 and 5 VOiTK OWN TF.HMS ol repayment wltnin reaon Cash for Real Etate Contract and Second Morrxases CAPITOL SECURITIES CO JO I Pioneer Tru.u Rldi Ph 3-71S2 r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. DIRECTOR! ADniNQ MACHINES All mki mod miehlMi told, rented rop&lrad Rocs M court Phnn. 1-6173 APPLIANCE SERVICE Rl.RCTRIC nOMB ftppllane repair service Free estimate Trade-lna accepted on new appllancra Vtnce'a Rlectrle Ptaonr I-933S 157 8 Liberty St. AT-CR DOOR GRINDING Uwnmower aharpentng and rapalrlna Dexter-a. Ph S833 AUTO RADIOS Authorlred Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 S. Liberty Ph. 3-0055- o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phono 8-8386 Riant 2-1804 333 Center. o Mike Panek. 378 8. Com'L Ph. 3-5161 Brake and Wheel aliening specialist 0158 BUILDING CARPENTRY RemodeL repair that home now Terms No down payment Phone 3-4850 ol44 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also house raited. New foun datlons. Phone 35900. 0157' BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 36537 Bulldoilna. leveling, road bid., clear- In ir, teeth for brush. VI mil Husker. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Bnlem. o-l Light crawler dosing. Ph. 2-3220. o!86 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash rectster AI makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 458 Court Ph 3-6773 o' EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement eont. Honest work at honest prices. Ph. 1-1565 or 3-7487 0164 For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sidewalks, driveway, patios, curbs. walL ato Call I-48S0. 0144" CEMENT WORK Building foundation, remodeling, paint ing. Klang Bros., Ph. 33293. olSO Let as do your cement work NOW Driveways, sidewalk, patios, tU. Ph 8-4411. 0l4H CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned Enstey T71 8. 21t. Ph. 8-7178. ol56 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' Electric for electrical wiring contracting repairing 187 S Liberty Ph 3-92S0 0 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cro. 1555 Pearl. o!56 Brelthaupt'a for flowers Dial 1-0170. ' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkln Co product Free de ,lvery 1717 Center Ph 3-3308 LANDSCAPF NURSERY F A. Doerller St Sons, Ornamental. 130 N. Lancaster Dr at 4 cor Ph o- LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowera. Oall Harry W. Scott. 147 no. com'l i. oaoo LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Iipert work. F Roach, call 380)8 ol43 At your door lawnmower aharpentng Dexter the lawnmower maa Ph 36833 Fireplace, chimneys A block laying Ph. 35068. o' HATTRFRSF Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4088. Ti7c-iTssoNs Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7VH Nt'RSF.d' REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night. Ph. 38071 0145 OFFICE Ft RNITI'RE A M'FPMFX Dk chairs, file and filing supplies, safe, duplicator and supplies, desk lamp typewriter Mn1 brief ease iere Wire Recorder Roen 456 Court OIL CIRCj:iTORFtVICR "c'i'.T Cr Younger. Ph. 3-6073. PAPKRHANOINO Expert Panerhnlng and palnllnx. I Woodworth. Ph 3-SBflB Free er. ol' "Hfitrom'a are equipped lo do font painting Phone 3-34M PA INTINf 1A N D PA FT. R 1 1 A N H I N n Paint. ne A parerhanxlng Don Lurero, ph. 35MJ. ol7 Pulntlns; anrl ppethantlng. Free etr mste, h. 3-05U. 857 Shipping. Ol3' Call 32808 for your Painting A Papr hanmiiit Atimrttve rute' o'' PII-Tt'RE FRAMINO picture fromint eiutrheon Palnl Store PhTke I - 687 pTrMiiiNd mi Flher!" "44 BCnm'i. J.JO0"l9: 0lS4 PRI NINfl. BPR AYINfl Philip" W" Beilk. Ph"3-1308. ofsf L W Caudle Ply 3-70Q0 ol R4.nioltr.FAIR General Flee, hnme appl. repairing ahn radio repair. ne Broadway Appl. Co. 4M court m. aaiem. rn. s-ibm. Wednesday, June 15, 1949 21- DIRECTORY Complete serv reas. rates. Free plckirp tt est. John's Radio Shop, 850 Court St. Ph 30715 St 33416. olSO RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr St Sons. Ph. 311B3 Br Drlvc-ln Theatre. Since 1817. Ol4F' REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE REPAID Krlvinator freesera. Lehman St Matthewa. 337 N. High Bt Ph 37941 Ql4t AND CRAVfcL Oarden Boll, crushed rock Shove) anj dragline eicavatlna Waltloc Saod St Gravel Co. Phone 3-0348 0 Valler Sand St Oravel Co Sill, sand 88 Ml dtri Rxcavatlni 10B shovel St cai. Tractor scoop it truck for dirt movies. Ph. office 34003, res. 3718. NAWK Salem Saw Wrk. Ps. S-7S03. 1398 N. 6tS". ol81 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS ElKtiio Roto-Rooter Eicluslva PaWal Raaor iharp Steel Cult Ins Blades. Clean Hewer or Drum SepUO TanU Cleaned Heaa Pb 3-6337 or 1-8488 a SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septls Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Servlee on Sewers. 101ft Elm Bt.. W. Salem. Ph. 8-0408. 1-5337. olSfl SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In Ma Dine the new approved 600 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain 11 n a:o. Ph. 3-9468. 0149 K. P. Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned. Elertrlo machine eervlco on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8tb St.. Salem Ph 3-7404. 0l4 TOOLS FOR RENT Bowser Bros. Your power tool rental . head quarters. New address 1410 6. 13th. Ph. 3-3048. 0183 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington RoraL Under- r wood portables All make ued machines Repairs and rent Roen, 450 Court, o TRANSFEP A STORAGE Tocal .A Distance Transfer, storaaa. Burner' oils, coal A briquet. Trucks to Portland dally. Aaent for Beklna House hold iood moved to anywhere In D 8. o, Canada Larmer Transfer St Storaro. Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free est Phone 37318., i Klmer the Blind man Salem Venetlao Blind made to order or' re finished Relnholdt A Lew la. 1-3830. WELL DRILLING WEATHERSTRIPFINQ WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt St Lewis Ph 33839. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme V.lndow Cleaner Windows, wall . A woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-8337. 349 -Couri. Langdoo, CulberUoo and Mather, WOOD A SAWDUST Wet Baler. Fuel Co. Ph. 1-4031. LODGES I.O.OJ. meet every Wed nesday oight. Visitors wei Hodson Council No. 1, R. & S.M., special meeting. Degrees, Refreshments. Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 p.m. H21' A Pacific Lodge No. 60. A.P. & AM. Stated Meeting Fri day, June 17, 8 p.m. 144 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE .IASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 71. FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINK OF GREAR STREET. Notice hereby given that the common' council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deem It neceary and expedient ana hereby declares ILs purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point which Is 75 feet north of the north line of Orear , Street. In the City of Sa em. Marlon coun. .. ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abut- , ting and adjacent property, except the , street and alley Intersection the expense. of which will be aaeumeci or tne city or Salem, by bringing aald portion of atd street to the establlahed grade, con structing cement concrete eurbs, nd pav ing ald portion of said street with a J 4 Inch asphaltlo concrete pavement 84 feet wide in accordance with the plana and specification therefor which wrra adopted by the common council June 1, , 1049. which are now on file In the office of tha city recorder and which bv this reference thereto are made a pnrt hereof, The common council hereby declare it,, ,, purpose end Intention to make the above., described improvement by and throuan the atreet Improvement department. t By Order of the Common Council June IS, 1840. ALFRED MtrNTrT, City Recorder Dale of first publication hereof ts Juno. 18, 1040. June 15, 16, 17. 18,30, 3). 33. 33, 34. 35,37th. 184 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVS" WESTERLY ALLEY, BLOCK 1. THE OAKS ADDITION. FROM BELMONT ATREET TO MARKET STREET. Notice hereby 1 given that the common council of the city of Salem, Or en on, deems H necessary and expedient anf hereby declares It purpose and Intention to Improve the westerly alley In Block 1,. The Oak Addition, from the north Una of Belmont Street to the aouth line ol Market Breet. In the City of Salem. Mar lon County, Oregon, at the expense of the butting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersection the expense ol ' which will be assumed by tha city of 6ft lem, by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and paving said alley with a 8-Inch Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide, In accordance with the plan and specific all on therefor which were adopted br the common council June IS, 1048, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder end which by this referees thereto aro made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares It purpoee and Intention to make the above dcrlbed Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement department. Br order of the Common Council June IS. 1848. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la Junw " 15, 1040. June 18, 16,17,18. 30, 31. 33 83, 84, 35. 87th. 14 5 doctors prove this plan breaks . the laxative habit - If you Uke laxative reflaHy here'e how . you can topi . ' Because b New YcrV doctors now havt proved you may break the laxative habtt. Aim, , extsMiih your natural power of felmy. . iK hty -three per rnt of the caeea teeted did lb , Bo can you. , , , . Ptop taking whatever you now take. In rt-e.d: Every night lor one week tke2 Carter t Pill. Sefnnd week -ne eeeh night, i h'Tfl wek -one every nthe night. Thea- nothing! Kvery dav : drink eight gtueea of water; - dennit time for regularity. Five New York doctors prOTvd this pi . can break the laatv habit. How can a laiativa break the taiatlv hab.t: IW.U- rertet'e Pilla ""WH'k thi li.wer rtigMitive tract and from then on let 18, make ue of it own nutntal powers, ... Further-Carter s 1'illa eootain no bebia. ,0 mealthVlaiatlva habit ... with Certerw PUU ... and be regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork maa you Irrntular temporarilytake ( arter s I ilka . lempnranly. And never get the laxative ; habit. (iVl Carter's Pilla at any drugstore (or U today. You'll be lAe rest of your Ue. To place classified ads Phone 2-2406