20 Capital Journal, Salem, CI.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING Per Lino ....IN Per Line i time 4M Par Udi time OOe Per Una 1 month . SI M Outside f Ssleaa lie Mr Uu M day 4 a Id loei I tlmw bib times mla II JO No Refund BSADERS Ib Local Newe CeL Oaln Par uh 0t To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SAL! HOUSES " HOMES ABOVE AVER AO E !,000 for thU Engliah style 3 BR noma. Hu Ige. Uv. at din. rms.. 3 bath, full dry baemt., oil ht., close to grade, sr. ft Jr.. school!. UP, 000 CAPS COD FW1 basmt., 2 If. BR., 11x34 Mr. rm.. 13. 12 din. rm., nook lln. In Ph. meho- fany. covered patio, 3 fples.. 3-ear gar.. 60 ft. pvd. at. front, oil la lawn ft ehxuba. 616.350 VIEW HOME Writ planned 3 BR. piped oil bt.. I -car fa;.. 80 ft. front all in lawn. Mo crack ed plultr In this homa. 131.000. 4-WAY VIEW Lee. Diet ure window. 2-car aar.. t 1ft. BR. Just tht placa to be by yourself Ut not uoi a tta. 111.000 BRICK HOME Burnt,, all plastered, full plumb.. 3 let. Bit., room for mora, 3-car gar, lift time rooi. rn. j-oobu. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th SI. a, 143 1 i BDB.M. house. Auto. htat. wall to wall carpeting, nlca yard, cement drive, nice garage At work shop. Ph. 2173. a 143' WELL BUILT HOME I700. North. 3 BR'i, fenced In back yard. Large lot. OI loan can be assum ed. Mlxhl consider farm. B. Isherwood, Realtor 300T N. Capitol Office Ph. 3-3SS3. Eve. 3-3147, 3-818 NEW HOUSE BY OWNER t BR, attractive kitchen at nook, comb. LR At dinette, f place, hdwd. firs., ample aupboard ft closet space. Lot 73x150 with reach trees. 1 blk. from Reiser stores, 3 blks. from school. Froren food lockers sett to back of lot. 19600. Ph. 3-7S30. al43 BT OWNER: Large nouse, 8 rm. down. 3 up. 4 lots, fruit ft nut trees. Could be' made Into apt. Prlee 14800. Mr. Back Schcll, P. O. Box. 326, Oarvals. a 109 FOR BALE BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm hofne.F.H.A. terms. 6756 down. Phone 2-280. also1 RINtiWOOD HTS. 3 bdrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two (Ire. places. New carpeting. P.HJt. Call own er J-BMJ. BIN' LEA VINO FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOUt Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors through out. Full plas tered caraie. Lots of atoraia apace. Terraced back yard. Cost over 618,- 090 to build. Will sell for 114.900, some terms. Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For more Information Inquire Steven Used Cars. 171 S. 13th Bt. - aiS4 I BDRM. older stria corner lot. Small down payfent. 2203 N. ath. al FrW. cottaae. Oood location. 4 fruit trees. 13800. 670 Ratcltff drive. a 13 ONLY 31150 DN. Modern 3 BR home, nice district. Balance 35400. F.H.A. Ph. 36189. 143 - Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors sa.-ftb. CLEAN 1 bdrm. homa, furnished. Close to school. Bus at door. South. Cfjl Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors BEST BUYS Or will sell building only for 67000. Lib eral terms. Eve, ph. 30473 or 33651. ENGLEWOOD DI8T. Brand new 3 bdrm. home with unfln. upatalrs. 3 blocks to grade achool, t block! to high achool. A real bargain. 11700 down. Total prlco 10,000. Eva. Pb. 3-073 or 3-3663. DUPLEX Older typo home In good condition. Pri vate ant. to each unit. Private bath rooms, corner lot. but at front door, school 3 blocks. 91000 down. Total price only WOO. Eve. h. 30413 or 3JM. FARMS 31 ACRES . I aeret under cultivation. 3 arrea In beaver dam. 3 rm. bouae. Considerable saw timber. Owner forced to leave atale. Total price 16500. Eve. Ph. 3-3403 or 33I3S. I ACRES Close la Boat. Large barn, ceveraJ out build togs, nleo homa alto. A good buy for HUM. Terme. Eve. Pb. 3903 or 33411. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors' joji Portland Rd. 1 tttf. ROUSE at Woodburn. Wired for eUotrlo range. Lot MiM. Prlee 33460. Barry Collins, 1330 Hyda St- Salem. al48 LOOK, YOU Bouse Buyeral I have B new 3 bdrm.. llv. rm., kitchen, bath, utility, all plastered, vent, blinds, 13x30 garage. Only 91000 down. Bal. PH. A. Would take b building lot or car as part down payment. Ph. 1-6133. a 16 REDUCED for quick sale BT"oWNER: 3 bdrm. hse., lovely yard, shrubbery. 31350. Includes circulating heater ranee. Bendlx optional. Near bus, store Si school. 435 Ford Bt Salem. t , al44 ttt.ooo. CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home". Hollywood diet Close to Catholic school. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Party room In basement. This 1 a beautiful home. Must sell. Call Stanley Brows wllh State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. Hub St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-5511 . ! to. MO. NEW modern 1 BR home on bus line, close to school. Hdwd. floors, fire place, oil furnace, V blinds, attached garage. Immediate possession. 10 da. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Huh St., Ph. 3-4111, Eves. 3-6341 , ! t OHNlli oood 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 39395 . ., aI45 OWNER: Eng. style rm. hse. 3 B R brk. nk PCS, auto Ml. 1IM So, H,.h Phone 31796. a 163 P.H.A. Houses EAST FMOIjrwoOD ADDITION H0 ENOLEWOOD AVENUE gaoooo Down Modern Bungalow, y Bedrooms, electric hal and fireplace Livtnt Dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook, laundry room, hard wood floors, garaae, concrete drive walks, paved street. Full price 110. too -FHA payments 151 91 per month. 1160 EVERORKEN AVENltc I3T0O Down Modern Collate type, I veuroom, eu neat pipea into each room. 1 fireplaces, living and dminc room kitohen and breakfast nook, hardwood floors, ear see, concrete drive and walks, paved streets. Pyll prlco 111,100. FH.A payments on balance 194.70 per month. All houses brand new and raadi fr im. nedlate possession. Can be financed lawu FH.A. Top loans at 4i interest i or i yar terra u wanted. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonle nidi. pit. 1-tllT insurance Heal Bet ate Mil. Loans al43' 44"J J Bd. Rm. House. Chicken hoiu shop and tilling ata. with 3 pumps on acre East of town. Bftlflt 3 Bd. Rm. in Kelser dial. Large Lfv. Dm. DIR. Rat. a sere. Call narvey nun. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors PbV M1T1 341 Ohemeketa St Ees. 3l aiu Ore., Wednesday, June 15, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES NOT JUST ANOTHER HOUSE A HOME 4 bedrooms, hardwood floori, basement, lot of shrubs, shade. Englewood Du- trlet. Sea W. E. Brown McKillop Real Estate Center and High Btg. Dan 3-8620 Xvm. 1-4837 a 143' SAVE $ $ $ $ $ $4250 FULL PRICE Unfinished house In Kelier 3 blocks from school and shopplm center. 30i 14 L.R.. 2 BR J. Dinette, ki lentil, bath Stairway Into upstairs. Separate lOill utility, attached garaia. Cement drive wey, sidewalks, septic tank. Your own well and pump. Special this week only! Call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor! 341 Chemckta St. Ph. 39271 Evas. 3)91) a!43- LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS PRICE REDUCED. Must sell I rm. plast ered modern homa. Large lot. Only 3 years old. 16000. IDEAL HOME. Practically new and among newer homes. Light cheerful rooms. Elec. heat. Larie garage. Engl wood Diet. Price only 17975. FEW SCBL'RBAN HOME en bus line cluta to school. 3 bedrms., hdw. floors. Attached aerate. Largo lot. Owner leaving. Price 16500. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors I4 Slat. II. Ph. 1J! Iv.nloH call: 2-IOOT, 1-4.10, or 3-1193 SPECIAL OFFER It's a a-ood value priced below market at 11650. Three bedrooms, HW floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, nlca yard with outdoor flreplaee and fish pond paved street, shade trees. Where can you match It? cilad to show any time. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 143 N. High St. phone 37660 al43 FOR SALE OR TRADE by owner, lovely rms Ac bath with garage attached. 3 odrms., llv. rm.. din. rm. and kitchen on large lot. Wall to wall carpet on liv ing and din. rm. floors. Furnace and iirepiacc. w win take smaller home In Trade. Call Mr. Miller for information. Ph. 3-1714. 9 to 13 a.m. week days. al3 new. 3 bdrm. house. Modern. Bendlx waener. ah over carpet. Price 1591. S n. wrignt. Aunuvllle, Ore. a 141 BY OWNER, 4 rm. house. Lot 80x168, prl- wen. rrico siioug. P.O. BOX 93, Lyons, Ore. OPEN from 7 to 9:30 p.m. New room uiiuij ana atiacn ed aaraie. Oak floors, 34" shakes, cor- ..... .... .uu,, uu ik. 11 m a aooa vaiue. Bus by door. Close to market and achool FHA terms. 955 Highland Ave. Carl ..,w,K 'wui.qerp. at3 BY OWNER: Small unfinished but livable win, rnone a-aoaa. al43' Mit. H A. and la to built 5-room home ml. uarai ina poultry house. Fruit trees. Will take In car. trailer house or Fiuwnir. 11 u. v. Hunta with State Finance Co., R'ltors i s. nun m. ea. 1-131. Evas. 3-5306. al44 39936. LATE built 3-BR home With unfln. unra Hue iocaia n.b. Hardwood nrepiace. auto oil floor fur nace. Attached garage. Cor. lot. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors jm . nign SI. en. g-131 Evas. 3-M08 . al44' I.31M. NEW attractive unfln. 3-room nwine in i-orners Diet. Large eor. lot. Has drilled well a elec. pump. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors jds o. man 01. en. 3-4131. Eves. 3-508. TODAY'S BEST BUY Owner leaving. Dropi price to effect Im mediate aale. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Hardwood floors. Both electric ft oil heat. Nicely arranied rms. Attractive ex terior desli-n. Excel, location. A better wi t is mm Walter Musgrave Realtor .... rii, s-eiuw, are. g-egig ENGLEW00D Behind those two lovely birch trees at 1330 Market St. Is an excellent value In a 3 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen nook foil basement, nice back yard priced right at 68950. Call Crawford. Hodern Ranch Home New 3 bedroom den. beamed-ceiling llvlni room, circulating fireplace, hard wood floors, all-electrk. Insulated, patio double garage on 3 acres, ten minutes from downtown. IMOO la a right price, good terms wlU take lot In Iowa In swsp. Call Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors IT0 If. High St. Ph. 3-llt Eras. 3-9390 al43 8S7M. LATE built 3-room home. Fireplace. -.. D.G. im. mil, lkKt , imtll acreage or small house in town. Call State Finance Co., R'ltors ... . nima m. m. J-11J1. ges 3-6308. WOO. BY owner. 3 bdrm. home. 1 yrs. old Near sch. At bus line. I cherry trees. 340 N. 9th Bt. 81400 DOWN. Modern 3 bdrm. homo. Lgo lot. Bus. 3619 Monroe. H7 BEAUTIFUL Virw"HOME 00 Klngwood naonaoiy priced. Ph. 1-8318. OPEN HOUSE Bv owner. Wednesday thru Monday New, plastered, well constructed, nicely arranied home. Oak floors thruout. all copper plumbing, auto, oil heat, 3 bdrm Larse attached garage. 3648 N. Church. alg BY OWNER: New FHA built hse. Hdwd; 1.. 1 11 rum n out. auto, oil heal. Insulat ed St weatherstripped, 3 bdrm. down stairs, unfln. upstalra for 3 bdrm. lots storase space. Lane llv. rm. Sj din ette, lovely tile f place, big kit. with Iota of bull I -ins. Big tsnice rm.. alt gar., large lot lust out of city limits south, a rand place for children. Small amount down, balance monthly pav 'nU.Ph3 -9329. 1 1 1) CO LB ATH LAND' CO.. REALTORS BfVYriN.TnnTiM a-tAnr. POKRIBLB liee DOWN: Buys 3 room house on larse lot North Price 11400. 3Q mo, POiJUBIi: km DOWN: Buva unfinuhed v-. ...Uir 4 Mtm. nouse in city. North. POdKlME 3106 DOWN: Buys eute 1 bdrm. ... . wutsioe. unrinuhed en S1900 ,orln' l 14. ONLY COLRATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1463 Center St. ph 3-4353. !) TV) Vfltt M rn . .. BDRM. North Salem. Price 11390. Trade S D!M uburb" n acre. Prlee t9H. .... . vtiini Up i9 ujog if, or COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS .... - ,0pn Tul ' 1613 CenterSt. Phone J-4353. 14V WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Hearty new home, pull basement- Fire place In basement ex living rm. Urge lot. Plenty shrubs A flowem. Over 1.400 tt floor space. Besides garaae. Immed. rJ4 l0w" ot ""intment Ph A BRINK AVE. cutio la waiting for aome ..... . i.w noiisrs. Tnert are two nk-o bedrooms, ou of closet space and breakfast nook. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors 484 Oeurt Fh. 7t ENag. H1T3, 13 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Country Living for Only $4250 Jiut . HttU ov.r 4 ier. land vlth comtorubl, I barroom noma 1. I lite, ak iiev, aeuloi, locatad about 3 mllaa from clt, llmiu don't overlook thu. Want to Buy a Furnished Home? We have a good one, completely furnished on N. 3rd St., has a modern (7 years old) 3 bedroom home with full basement, fireplace, largo lot. Tho price la exceptional 110,300. Includes everything. You'll Say "It's Just Like a Park" When you sea the landscaping surrounding this attractive 3 bedroom home, tho entire yard Is enclosed by lovely natural trees and shrubs, there Is an unique pet to with a lares stone flreplaee, tti located on the South River Road tho' pries Is ONLY 116,700. Manbrin Gardens Special We have several 3 and 3 bedroom homes In the Manbrin Gardens that are lust waltlna for an owner. They're well built with lovely hardwood floors, auto ell heat, fireplaces, large lots. 13300 down will make you a proud own re. Balance 00 easy monthly payments. A Swell Place for the Children Plenty of place to romp around this 1 67 atresia on ClaxWr Rd., plenty of room inside too. This home has 4 bedrooms, lane basement with oil furnace, fireplace and double garage, the house la modern, there la a good chicken house and barn Uto pries la ralht. Gee!! We'd Like to Own This Home Because ks so spacious with 4 lovely bedrooms and double plumbing; lots of comfort, 3 fireplaces, swell sun room (use it for a green house), complete double lot with many, msnv varlentles of flowers and shrubs, alia up hith with excellent view of the city. Location Is tops too. We d like to show it to you. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors Eve. 3-40A3 - S-II913 - 3-3633 - 3-3S37 41T Court St. FOR SALE HOUSES EVERYTHING ! ! FINE RESIDENTIAL LOCATION LARGE LOT WELL IMPROVED LIVINO ROOM FIREPLACE DININO ROOM OAK FLOORS 3 LARGE BED ROOMS VERY FINE KITCHEN FULL BASEMENT AUTO. OIL HEAT OPEN FOR INSPECTION 3405 Hulsey ML. No. 633 111,850 F H A. Financed E. A. McGlauflin Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 338 N. Commercial St. Phones 3-5311 - 3-6056 3-3303 0143 NEW HOUSE down to earth price. Built for a home on a large lot with many trees. Two blocks to Kelier Be hi. 8 rms. and unfinished upstairs. HW floors, plastered walls, excellent kitchen and utility room. Lie. garaia. 11400 and worth It. Terms. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 45 Court flt. Phone 3-3639 Eve. 3-4189 or Mr. Craig 3-3053 Member of the Salem Multiple Listing Bureau, Ine. al44' NEW AND ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom home with bath, combination living room and dlnlna room, kitchen, nook, oak floors. fireplace, utility room, room for an extra bedroom over the garage, auto matic heat. 19.000. A VERY comfortable older typo home with 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dinini room, kitchen, nook, basement, furnace, garage. A bargain at 61500. POTENTIAL BUSINESS property with a definite Income as an apartment house. Possible monthly Income Is S200. t A. WITH a 4 bedroom house, bath, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat, garaae, new store building 33x36. barn, chicken house and 1 cabin which rents for 130 a month. Close to schools and transportation. Oood business location. 115.000. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-1546, 3-4896, Eves. 3-7665, 3-6686 a 1411 X9M CLAUDE is a nice place for the money, 3 nice bedroom, lane kitchen, breakfast nook, only 11330.00 down, bal. easy monthly payments. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors 484 Court Ph. 34707 Eva. 34773, 31383 B144- SELF-SELLER! No salesman is needed to sell this home. It has all the appointments of rino living. 3 fireplaces, 3 baths, dou ble garage, large tiled kltchd, lovely dining room, and living room, both with xeceptlonal views. Full basement. Beau tiful yard In a beautiful setting. Worth anyone's $33,500. Call for appointment today. No. 344-A So Much For So Little! 4 bedrooms. T room home. Close to bus and school. Nice 60x104 lot. No. 3 aone. Someone win make some money on this home. Only 13.300. No. 403 F. H. A. LOANS MULTIPLE LISTINGS Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-9303 Eve. At Sun. 3-3738, 3-6341, 3-3903, 3-3533 a 13 MOVE IN TOMORROW 31.000 down. Approximately 150 per month for this larce I -room home about S years old. Fireplace, nice cor ner lot, bus by door. 13,100 full price. Ho. 306-A. Reimann for Real Estate 301 80. Hlih Street Ph. 3-3303 Sun Sj Eves. 3-3738, 1-8341, 3-3905. ,144. OOOD B.R. home, full basement, oil neat, mil carpet In L. At D R. Very neat corner lot, garaae. 37350. Oood terms. Let us show you this fine 4 B.R. home. very lane It vine room with extra big fireplace, den, sleeping porch, basement Si with new furnare, walking distance to down town, 13000 down. Total price 813.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnts Personal Service 164 S, Com ! St. Ph. 3-8369 al4 810.600 VERY OOOD rm. home with nrepiace narawood floors, extra one rm. apartment ft bath on ground floor, nice basement, new oil furnace. Onlv 6 blocks from downtown on 98 highway. Excellent location for a business In your home. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 90 S. Commercial Phono 33349 Eve. 35360 al44 FOR SALE OR TRADE for nice homo in saiem. l't acres close In. 3 bed rm. modern home. barn, larie chicken house, family orchard, lota of shrubs, all for 110 000. MOTH!-IN-LAW LIVING QUARTERS ITtoo for acre close In. nice two bed rm. modern home plus two rm. house la back for inlaws. Call Ivan SI vers Geo, A. Walters, Realtor M s. Commercial Phong 33149 Ive, 37013 al44 WHY RENT OWN YOUR HOME Jiut think. 1600 down buya new 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. floors, The cuiest kitchen, floor furnace, garaae ft uliliiy room. FHA terms. Call 3-1633. Ask about tho homes of fered for 17350. This will surprise veu. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate ho n unurcn u rn. X-711Z. rri, g-tijg Home and Investment Large colonial home, very attractive! landscaped, lets of fruit, lane garden spot, two extra lots can be sold oft this property and still leave a frontaae of 110 feel. Reason for selltni. Ul health. Terms. 1 10,000. Call Mr. McQueen eve. 3-6476. Suburban Acreage Two bedroom home, garage, ( acres, good barn, poultry houses, located north, very atirarllve terms to rliht party. Property Is good Investment because nt toe at ion. Cell Mr. McQueen. Eve. 3-6416. $5500 Two bedroom homo with full basement, large garaae. Bice fruit and nut trees, fenced tat yard, good location. Call Mr. McQueen eve. 3-9477. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1144 31. CepiMs Pm. 9-316, vl4 IFOR SALI HOUSES Phong 3-4113 FOR SALE HOUSES ON CITY BUS LINE 3 bdrm. all on one floor. Built 4 yra. V acre. Oood aarden. fruit, berries, grapes and fine lawn. 16300. Ph. 3-3369. General Real Estate $5950, Business Zone 3 bdrm. home with full basement, a good place to have a business and a home. HI health only reason for selling. See Mr. Bourne on this one. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. $4950 Late built two bedroom home with large garage. O. K. for State Veteran with a low down payment. Call Mr, Bourne. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. Farm Trade Have a 60 acre farm, lood land, north. has a beautiful plastered late built, modern home with full basement and automatic oil heat, owner must sell be cause of health, will take in 3 or three n eo room nome in saiem on a trade, can Mr. Bourne. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8316. at FURN. 3 bdrm. old type bouse at 1697 N. uapitoi at. 94000 or would lease lor 1 year at 665 per month. Ph. 39867. a 143 FOR SALE LOTS .OT 45' x 100' on MeOllcrtet St. at Sum mer. 1550. Ph. 3-1655. Rt. 3, box 907 at Roberts. aal43 to school. General Real Estate 333 Center St. - Open Evenings aal43 VIEW LOT, 64x143, city water, bus serv ice. Near school. S. Liberty Rd. Reason able. Ph. 33109. aa!43 VIEW LOTS. 300 blk., Vuta Ave WOOD ED LOTS. 600 blk. Rat cliff Dr Re stricted, city water Ph 3-4364. aa FOR SALE FARMS IRRIGATED F.ARM! BO A. Farm. Fronts major hlrhway ft river 3 stdesl WILL, ft CHEHALIS LOAM SOILS! ALL IRRIGABLE! Edge of town I Fine mdrn. bldax. Hlxhest state of cultivation! 330.000, Inc. equip ment! Income starts today! 103 A. FARM! On river ft hiway In INDEPENDENCE dUt. Nice home and bldgsl DISTRESS-PR ICED for our NEW DEPRESSION) Even Herbert Hoover would applaud this CUT-PRICE! 913,600, Full Price! C. W. STULLER, Agt. Salem, Oreg. Wallace Road, mile North of bridxe. blt3 86 A. FARM. Will take trade. Inq. 607 N. tapnoi Apt. g, Dlfl SUBURBAN FARM CLOSE IN. 16 Rich -;re on pavm t., mostly bottom soil, running water In pasture. VERY AT TRACTIVE set of bldga. Mod. 3 B.R. home, elec. heat, 3 fireplaces, patio ft outside flrepl., 3 car garage. Roomy barn with concrete floor and hay fork, pltry hse. A model Country estate. You'll go for this. 118.500. Terms. QUALITY LAND QUALITY BLDO. IS Acres, rolling Wil. Silt, on pavm't, close In. NEW 3 B.R. mod. home, lie. L. ft D. Rms., tiled kit. ft bath. plbg. upst. fully Insul. ft W. stripped. Full basm't, 50 cu. ft. deep freeie. NEW gar aae. with finished apt., rented. NEW 30x90 barn, all concrete floor. 300 ca pacity pltry hse. Auto Lawn spk. avst. A SUPER VALUE here for 933.000. Ex tra land with jr. stream available. BUY AN INCOME FARM. By all means, sea mi 10 choice acres on pavm't, few miles north. All In fine prod. Boysen Berries ft Nuts. Has good 3 B.R. hue., new barn, aaraie. pltry hse. Reduced to sell at once. 19850. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com 1 St., Pb. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 b143 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE. 4i acres on 99E. S. 3a ml. Salem. 1 bdrm. house. Other bides. 16500. Term. Trade for Portland property. Rt. 4, Box 496. Owner. bbl47 ti ACRES on Baxter road. Unfinished house beautiful view, lood well. Price 83,300. Phone 3-7833 alter 4 p.m. bbl46 A Home for the Future 10 acres, creek, older type 3 -bed room house, berries, nice larden, 16,500. See W, E. Brown McKillop Real Estate Center and Htih Streets Days 3-6630 Eves. 3-4931 bbl43 3i ACRES with 500 feet hlway front - ie on Bo. 99. Older tpe home with outbuildinia. fruit ft shade trees. 14950 Phone 3-9110. bblt 16 ACRES or choice land. No buildings. Close to Haiel Green School. 30 acres near Swegle School. No build ings. OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Pb. 33091 bbt43 LAKE LABIRH 18 ACRES S acre beaver dam. Rest In grain. 3 bdrm. hoiue. Family fruit. Price 613. 600 Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate REAL ESTATE LAND BARGAINS Oovernment ft State ranch ft timber lands In Calif., Oreeon. Washlnttnn 91 73 to 19 acre. FREE LITERATURE. Pacific Lands. Box 3330-CT. Hollywood 38. Calif. C143 APARTMENTS Showing splendid return on Investment. 1133 income per month plus owner apt. 3 opts, duplex, house trailer. All for 10,730. BPll. New bldg. Elec. appliances ft heat. Excellent location near State House Very good Income and needs bo caretaker. BUSINESS Eone 3 lot 60x199. f rm. modern nouse suitable for 9 apis. Larae bldi. on alley tor shop or mfi. Reduced to 38900 for quirk salt. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 3T Taara in Salem 350 N Hllh St. Ph. 3-4199. (143 FOR TOI'M 8AT1NQ8 investment buy a first an encase en real estate, Salem ft vteiBlty. Examine eeeerlt? yourself. Amounts 8500 to several thonaand Ovu lars net investors We aaake all col lections for you if desired STATE PWANCS CO, Is & Blgb FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS DUPLEX Two side by side units, one three room, and one 4 rm. unit. Dole, garaae. Elec. cookini water heating, oil circulator, corner lot, clean. Call Peter H. Oeiser, NEW 3 BDRM. HOME Located East on lie. lot, fruit trees, lawn ft shrubs In. 1460 sq. ft. of real livable floor space, auto forced-air oil heat. 3 lie. bdrma., hdwd. firs, thruout. This Is a buy at 813,608. Call Earl West. EXCELLENT VIEW HOME 8 bdrm.. liv. rm., din. rm., hall, bath, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full ceiled baxm!.. lie. obi. garase, paved driveway, excellent yard, nicely landscaped, view faces directly over Salem, Priced right. Call Roy Ferris. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Street Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Oeiser 3-9868 Earl West 3-1333 REAL ESTATE SPECIAL lit ACRES ONLY 88 MM, Mr. Bargain hunter, here's your deal. This lie. gen. farm, loc. few miles from good valley town on mail, ml In. school ft phone line must be sold AT ONCE because of accident to owner. Oood rolllnx prod, loam, woven wire fence, sorlni ft creek. 3 A. In strawber ries, family fruit. Attrsctive 1 rm. home, wired elec. range, good barn, 350 cap. pltry bids. Elec. wtr. syst. pltry. Cows, ft tools extra at bargain. IMPROVED SUBURBAN FARM. This 10 Acres, on pavm t near Salem, all in fine Boysens ft nuts Is the best Investm't for the future you 11 find. Oood 3 B.R. hse.. new barn, garage ft pltry. hse. IF SOLD NOW owner will Include profi table crops. Everything for 19850. Terms. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE YR. TROUT STREAM GOOD GRAZING LAND. These are features that add to real living on this 37 acres near Scto. y. Is cult, bottom land, bal. pasture, woven wire fenced. Good 3 B.R. home, bath, t cap. cow barn, 30x40 pltry. bldg. A lovely spot for only 14300. Terms. IRRIGATED BEAN LAND. Absentee own er says SELL my 84 acres (all rich black loam). Lie. plast. hse., 40x60 barn. Good 35x150 pltry. bldg. (piped hot wtr. heat). Farm Is only 3, miles from school ft mkt on mall, milk ft achool rts. May bo your Ideal -for grow ing high priced truck crops plus dairy ing ft poultry. 39000 Dn, will move you In, bal. of 19000 on good terms. P.S. Act now ft iet share of crops. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-6389 CH4 NELSON NEWS NICE HOME 86300 Lie. Llv. rm.. Din. rm., kit. 3 bdrm util. rm. on 1st fir. Bdrm with kitchen ette upstairs. Gas. fir. turn., wired for ranae, hwd. firs. V. blinds down stairs, att. gar., paved St., lawn, shrubs, fruit trees on am. lot. 12000 down. Can be had furnished for 36500. Near bus ft Leslie school. OOOD HOME - 11500 DOWN fl3xl6i L.R., 9x10 DR.. 3 cood sized bdrma., kit., bath, shower, hwd. firs.. Insulated walls ft celling, elec. heating, wired for range, att. gar., 3 blks. to bus. Price 18300. Owner will take car or trailer. SER. STA.-OAR.-3. HOMES On through Rd. with expanding busi ness because of Detroit dam traffic. New ramps, air compressor, hoist, weld ing equipment, battery charger. 14400 down. Full price 316,000. IDEAL FOR SPECIALTY MECHANIC A 33x30 bldg. at a good cross rd. loca tion plus a 3-bdrm. mod. home with elec. wtr. htr., ele. htlnc system, about ' ac. land for only 15500. The owner will take a car as part payment. GOOD WALNUT ORCHARD Mod. 3 bdrm. home. Din. rm., Llv, rm. with f pi ace. kit., bath, ele. wtr. htr. Partly furnished with cle. range, rfg., etc. 6 ml. 8. 810.300. 100 ACRES EQUIPPED Irrigation system for 30 acres, extra well good for 30 to 35 ae's., good lie. mod. home, bath, ele. wir. htr., wired for ranie, lie. barn, P. orchard. Price includes 34 cows, 1 registered sire, Farmall tractor ft other machinery. 82,300 cash. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. Hllh Ph. 3-4632 Cl3 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED ACREAGE 1 to 5 acres within s miles saiem. box 405 capital Journal. cal47 WANTED from owner, best house 14,500 will guy. Pin. 3-3507. cal3 WE ARE In need 01 good bouses to sell in or near saiem II you wish to dsl your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-2411 ea NOTICE! If your property la for gale, rent or exenange, list tt with us We have all kinds of cash buyers. TATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 Hlgb St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities Unlimited! Motel on MB with 170 feet of hlway frontage. 3W Acres of grounds. cab Ins and t room home. Most of house furnishings included In the amaslng low prlco of 315,000. No. 720 Large Income! Almost 30 Income besides living quarters from this property which has 43 room apartments, small 3 room rental on rear of property and room owners living quarters. Only 813.600. No. 753 Reimann for Real Estate 301 South Hllh Ph. 3-9303 JTve. ft Sun. 3-3738, 2-8241, 3-5905, 3-3332 Cdl3 Business Opportunity Are you ready to retire? This Is one of the finest 8 unit courts In the city. Located at 701-713 No. Cottage St. 4 unit furn. All turn, with range and Ref, 8 garaies, utility rm. and 9 stor ase lockers. Built-in water system. 133.000. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. Onas S. Olson C. R. Rlckgrd 643 Chemawe Rd.. hi Ml. West of Kelier School. Phong 3-1380 or 3-4313 Cdl45 ARE YOU interested in the service sta tion ousine.w? I hsve one for sale at Inventory price In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doolittle. Distributor Oen ersl Petroleum Products Plant No. 34616. edl47 LEASE FOR SALE on business Room 334 n. man, pens tor Hotel Bldg. cdl44 MODERN, Insulated six-unit auto court. iw it. irom oeacn, paved streets, com pletely furnished, hardwood floors. Fin est automatic oil furnace, reasonably priced and wil tirade in residence In Salem. Your chance for an easy living and Income besides. Write Box 70, Nels cot ore. cd!47 BEER TAVERN Doing a good business in one of the llviieat loeiing towns In Linn county. Owner must sell on account of outside interests. Total price 814 000 or win trade for house In Salem. For more In formation see Pat Jarv.11 with Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HO'v N. Commercial St. honeJ-3030 Eves. 3-4363. dl43 OARAGE and Service Station. Blvd. 34x30. noma equipment. Doing good business. PTlce for bids, ft eejupt. 33.000. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 103 S. High St. Ph. 3-4111, Eveg. 3-3308 Cdl44 NEW MOTEL Near Salem 4 lovely units all furn. El ectric heat hdwd. firs. 393 feet on 99 E This is a lood buy for 116.000. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 77oaconn. Ph. 3-4649. rdl43 BY OWNER: Repair shop ft service sta- ton. 1 bdrm. home, 8 9 acre, income 11.006 per month. Unlimited poseifu Hies. Terms may be arranged or may trade. Mr. Green 1-9199. ed MI SER VICE station for tase wrth tnvea- tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petrole-jm Call EAm 1106. Port land. Ask lot Mr. Moore m Mr. Sjkea IFOR SALI HOUSES Office Phone 3-3471 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEAT ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment. Do ME. N Salem. Ph. 23326. cdl3 337.600. CLEANING ft PRESSINO Excl. shop ft equip. Business showing ateady Increase. Long lease, low rent. 85500. SERVICE STATION Stock and equip. Lease pumping 13,000 gu. mo. 836.000. BUSINESS BUILD. Leased for 4 yrs. at 6400. mo. 838.500. RE8ID. COURT t Unit. Rents are Re a. Has caretaker. GROCERY STORES 63300. Stock, equip., llv. qtra. Lease. 87500. Stock, equip., lease or rent. 816.000. Property lncl. stock, equip, llv. qin. 817,500. Stock at Invoice ft equip. Lease. 339.000. Property lncl. stock, fix., lg. llv. qtrs. Phono 36680 ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. edl43 3 HOUSES for the price of one. Only 89000. 1 has T rms. 1 has 4 rms. Large garage. Close In. Newly decorated. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Office : , 3-3863. Eves. 2-2147, 3-8836, Cdl43 ELECTRIC Contracting ft Service. Large farming dtst, provides ateady yr. around work. Franchise on major appliances, att. living quarters with refrlg.. range, auto, washer ft oil htr. Low rent. Mod. bldg. At Invent, about 64100. 20 mt. N. Salem on 99E. Hubbard, Ore. Pb. 4511. edl43 Apt. House, Walking Distance 6 gpti. Private batru. refrig. ft stoves, Income 8278 per mo. Price 315,500. Ph, 2-3389. General Real Estate FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices. WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. d MUST SELL Dine cupboard, antlnu Man. an cnesi. a eve no. new reirix. and Hot roini atove. uesk, small ruxs, modern chairs. plants kit, table. chrome chairs, bed iirdr nols, etc. Ph. 26633. swjesn sMTJJSj.--njTs- -c d144 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Pb 3-5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonllht, 7 p.m. Lane Sudtell'a Auction Sales Yard, lo cated m miles east of Fairgrounds on Btlverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. ddl42 AUCTION SALE Having sold the place X will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the farm 3 'a miles west of Salem, Oreson, on Dallas highway, the following described property on Friday, June 17th Starting at 1:30 p.m.. Daylight Saving Time 4 HEAD CATTLE 1 Guernsey milk cow, fresh 30 days, milking 6 gals, dally. One 2-year-old Guernsey-Jersey heifer. 1 yearling hei fer. 1 small calf. 1 doaen Barred Rock hens, 1 year old. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Maytag washer, square tub. O-E re frigerator. Davenport. Dinette table and chairs. Wood circulator heater. Dresser. Dresser base. Table radio. Rocker. Sin gle bed complete. Miscellaneous dishes and fruit Jars. MACHINERY - ETC. Model A Ford tudor, 18" wheels. Two walking plows. Two horse discs. Two Brlcis ft Stratton motors. 30 gallons roofing paint. Some new berry wire. Keg 10 penny nails. A few cherry pick ing ladders. 1 gals, outside white paint. Lawn mower. One 6-shovel cultivator. Two wheel trailer. One Maytag motor. Two 30 gal. barrels. Shallow well elec tric pump. Two rolls roofing. One feed grinder. Three gallons linseed oil. Ap proximately 1 ton baled native hal. Al) kinds of shovels, hoes, rakea and assort ed pipe fittings. Large assortment of hand tools Including pipe cutters, pipe dies, bolt cutters and other Items. Some electric wire and fixtures. TERMS CASH MART A. SCHUETT OWNER C. M. Nelmann. O. E. Olaxebrook. Auctioneers dd!43 FURNITURE AUCTION every Tuesday. p m., urrnwma naiiroom. soo yet. N of Chemawe 4 Corners on 99E. No junk, all aells. Sell on commission or pay "U" the eajh. OLENN WOODRT, AUCTIONEER dd145 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE WHITE weaner pi is, $12.00 each Elton Watts. Phone 31025, 1 ml. South of Central Howell. 144 JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow ft heifer caffT fresh June 13, heavy milker. J. E. Clark, 743 Cum minis Lane, Kelier district. el 43 1 JERSEY-GUERNSEY heifer. 1 yr. 4 mo., fine shape, 1100, Ph. 36200, Rt. 7, box 92. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED ft LICENSED livestock buyer E. O McOandllxh. 1127 8 35 Pb 3-8147 e153 RABBITS RABRITS: 1 doe, 1 buck. 11, six Wks. old. Ph. 3-1407. ebl42 PETS FOX TERRIOR dog. Ph. 3-8031, 3880 LeBranch. ecl43 ROLLER CANARY birds. 110.00. Ph. 3S929 ec!57 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies Rt 1, Box 163 DD, Stay ton Near auction heiwe er!54 FUEL OOOD 16 Id edging. 93 SO a load Double load 810. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-6333. eel46 FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2231 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eel 60 TRi-crrr fuel Fresh gut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 37443. We give 8 ft B OreeB Stamps Oreen 16 la. mill wood ee CALL RIOHWAY FUEL FOR DlMel and Steve Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood, Ph. 36444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Biock. planer ft slab wood ft saw. dust Ph 34031 ee' FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE c hit U every Thurs day. Ph. 3-3361. Lees Hatchery. f PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck. 3e lb. Turn West at Kener. star on paved Rd. 4 ml. to raneh. H. L. Pvarcy Nursery. Rt. 3, Box 1M. Ph. 3-1333. ffl43 FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES. U-Plck. oc 1. k. p. Barnwell, ) 1, River Rd . Ke:ier. ft 147 STRAW RFRRIIS. U-P-ck. Oc lb Rt 3. on 476. PR. 3-8183, Peal EmUasJU. 11144 PRODUCE U-P1CK good Strawberries, 1M mil. E. of totem pole, turn rliht, 3nd hse. Pb. 31903. J. L. McDonald, Rt. 7, Box 333. Hl4' STRAWBERRIES, exrel. ouamv 10c lb., you pics, nest pic King 01 tne season now available. Large and rloe. Come out alter work today, get aome for canning and your lockers. Patch located 1 1 1 miles north of Re Ire r school on Clear Lake Rd. P. A. Brewster Rt. 3 Box 361C. ff!43' STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck 6c. Oood pick ing. Annur svani hi, a box as at Clear Lake. fM44 STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck, 6c lb. Oood berries. Sliver Falls highway, Rt. 1. Box 69. Sublimity. John Zlebert. ff!44 CHERRY PICKERS go down Lansing Ave. to Chester Ave. Ph. 30393. Ml 43 STRAWBERRIES, U-Pick, Sc. Extra nice berries. Clean patch. Oood picking, bring container. P. E. Sanders. Rt. 7. Box 352, Saiem, 1 ml. E., " mile south of totem pole. ff 144 CHERRIES. U-Plck 3c lb. Good picking. 1rvvLsncs1.tr ur. ium- CHERRIES. U-PlCk 3c lb. Ph. 33923. 1403 Triangle Dr. 11143 MARSHALL Strawberries Sc. you pick. Bring your own contalnera. Oo to Pen Four Corners, turn right mile to McClar Rd.. out three miles on left. R. M. Livesley Rt. 8 Box 476. ff!42 CERTIFIED Netted Jem seed potatoes. si.m tor 100 lbs. Al Ted Rt. 1 Box 149-r, 3's miles north of underpass. Ph. 31560. ffl4 ROYAL ANNE Cherries 3c lb. U-Pick. Raspberries. Logans ft Boysen later. R. A. Kites Rt. 7 Box 69 Salem l'a miles N. of underpass, west on Clascar Rd. to O.E. tracks, turn 5th house on right. No Sat. calls. ffl44 CHERRY PICKERS WANTED! GOOD CROP. Free Cherries to pickers. Bonus If you "stay for season. A. H. Bone. Rt. t Box 568 on Orchard Heights Rd. 3 ' ml. from bridge. fI143' STRAWBERRY PICKERS, Se box. R. P. Barnwell, 4930 N. River Rd. Kelier. ffl43 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. 10c. Joe Fendrlck. Rt. 6, Box 438, McClay Rd. Brim containers. ff 143 MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES, U-PIck, 8c lb. Across from Clear Lake church. No. River Rd. ffl43 . ANN CHERRIES on 10 trees. U-plck at Rooerts. Ph. 3-1535. ff 143 Strawberries U-Pick 8c Bring container, come get yours today, l'i ml. East of Keizer School. Ed Bproed. Rt. 3 Box 403L. ffl42 STRAWBERRIES U. pick. 8c lb. Plenty of berries, Joe Henny, 1 mile east of Brooks, mile north. Box 216. ffl42 MARSHALL Strawberries U-Plck 8c lb. Good picking. 4 ml. out of Silver ton Rd. L. V. Hammer Rt. 6 Box 372A. ffl42 STRAWBERRIES, U pick, 10c lb. Bring your own containers. Rt. 2, Box 44B. 1 mi east of Keizer Sch, f f 1-42 STRAWBERRIES -U-plck 10c. Bring con tainers. Out Silvertoo Rd 2'v ml. to Middle Grove School. Turn right t ml. Herr ft Rlensche. ff HELP WANTED CHERRY PICKERS! Oood orchard, low trees, level ground. Ph. 3-4469. S. A. Wheat ley. 725 Court St. il6 CHERRY PICKERS. Rt. 3, box 462. W ml. N. off United Orowers cannery. Call eves. 3-2C43. g!46 CHERRY PICKERS WANTED. Ph. 22374. g!44 WANTED Berry pickers. Marshall!. 3 wxs. picxing. starts won. 13. Furnished cabin. Rt. I. Box 156. End of mail rt. Crooked Finger Rd. Mary Mairew. Scotu Mills. 12 WANTED: Cherry plckera atartlng June 13th. Good camp ground. Ammon Orlce Rt. 8 Box 593 Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 16F15. g 147 BOYS ft GIRLS 12 yra. of age or over, interested in picking cane berries ft beans on a platoon. Call Mrs. Martha Plnson Ph. 35865 after S p.m. or stop to see her at 642 N. Cottage. g!42' IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see raient Test ad in Education Column. gl45 WANTED: ONE exp. wool pressor. Electric WANTED: CHERRY Plckera. S Tesa Ave, ru. gl43" CHERRY PICKERS register now. Ander son farm, N. Lancaster ft Hayesvllle dr. Rt. 7, box 173. Ph. S-1801. gl42 WANTED Cherry pickers soon. Ph. 23024. g!42 HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN WANTED HAVE OPENING on our sales force for 1 or 2 neat appearing men, ages 20 to 50, with car and willingness to work. We will train you and furnish leads when you are ready. See Mr. Miller, Room 23, 346 N. Commercial St., Salem. Ore., between ft 12 a.m. ga!42 YOUNG MAN under 35: Neat, sgl., free to travel. Ore., Wash, ft Calif, and return. Mr. Collier, Grand Hotel, 6: to t: P m. Don't phone. gal45 COOK: Man to cook for large group. 3190 mo., less maintenance Perm, pos Orei on State Training School, Wood burn. ( HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. GIRL for leneral office work. Some bookkeeping, typing, short hand. Must be available for permanent work and willing to move out of town. Write Box oj capital journal. gbl44' WANTED part time girl. Deluxe Donut Shop. Apply between 11 and 3 p.m. 986 S. Com'l. abl4t PART-TIME SECRETARY for Insurance agency should have some experience In insurance and be capably trained In shorthand and typing. Tel. 3-7171 dur ing office hours. gb!43 WOMEN to sew coat linings In fur coats. See Mike Wasserman . Miller's Fur Dfpt. 8bl42 SILK FINISHER to work In drv cleaning pim. Appiy rerxa tieanera. Monmouth or PIk 442J gbus SALESGIRL wanted. Must be experienced. rn. josti. gbt42 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL for mother's help er. Rm. ft board, wages, may go home Bites. Ph. 3-9476. gb!42 ASSISTANT to bookkeeper. Some dictation necessary. Beginning waie 8175. Reply Capital Journal box 4D1 gbl45 RECREATION directory for summer months. Oood Job and good pay, prefer rably a P.E. teacher on vacation. Ph. 2-3023. 16141 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OPTICS AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 gt WANTED SALESMEN INSULATING SALESMAN Need one top notch closer Will furnish LIVE LEADS DAILY. See Mr. Stevens. Builders Insulating Co., 980 8. Com'l. ggl44 EXP. TIRE Salesman. Must be acq. In saiem. state age ft gap. capital jour nal Box 403. ggl49 WANTED, an aigrrastve young man. ex perienced In selling real estate. Must have car. p. H. Bell 361 Chemeketa St gg' OPENING for experienced real estate salesman, business, terms, city property. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 North Capitol. Ph. 36316. g144' WANTED POSITIONS MOTHERS while you work, leave your children (3 yrs. or older) with me. A mother myself, will give noon meal, ex. care. Write Mrs. F. Barnes, Oea. De livery. Salem, Ort. hl3 YOI'NO DFPENDARLE lady wishes to rare for baby from 8 to 6 months In her own home. days. Mrs. Kuhnly, 3M3 Oarden Rd.. rear. hl44 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 3-73S3. hit WANTED: TWO email children to care for tn my home. Have a fenceo-tn piay yard and hevg had lota of experience w-th children. Mra. Pay Prink. Falls CHV. Ore. Phone 333. hi D4Y AND night nursery. Btrel. rare rnone 3-3172. juasoaaote raise, aim WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0380. hl6S EXP. OFFICE girl needs imm. clerical po sition Will also consider child care, board Included. Ph. 3-9793. h!43 DEPENDABLE Woman wants house work or practical nursing, Call 36876. hl2 MOWING-ft' RAKING. New power mower. Ph. 3-7133 or 3-1404. M31 LAWN mowed, edging, shrubbery work ft hedges trimmed. Experienced man. Ph. 3-7433. h!44 CUSTOM PICKUP HAY BALING HERR & RIENSCHE 34 ml. out Silver ton Rd. to Middle Grove school. Turn rliht mile. hl3 CUSTOM HAY balelng. rake with Job. also will mow. Ph. 27103. M63 TRACTOR WORK of all kinds, discing. Plowing, leveling. Ph. 3-1121. hl44 TREE SPRAYING, Uiht tractor work. No lan Bathurat, 4388 Hager St. Pb. 3-3907. b!42 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Pb. 3-4369. Free estimates. hl61" CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 3-2093. hi6l LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new one. Ph. 2-3406. M5S GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job. Streets, roads, subdivision Ph. 39316 or 33897 eve. h!58" POE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl3S TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5073. h!53 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilltng. New lawne, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl49 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp- Ph. 3-6736. hl48 SEWING and alterations. Ph. 2-854. hl3 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. hl44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worx guar. w. o. c Alllater. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. bl44 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101. h" EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Teat iNo Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 393 Capital JournaL hh!45 ARTISTS MAKE MONEY. Do VOU like to draw? Send name, address, age and oc cupation for FREE ART TEST to find out your ability. Box 391 Capital Journal. hhl45 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM for rent. 1140 N. Capitol. Jkl43- SLEEPING ROOM, close In. Close to cof fee shop and bus line. Ph. 2S526. Jkl47a WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. HftC Water. Men only. 737 Center St. Jkl42 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. 817.50 month. Ph. 3-302S. JklSO ATTRACTIVE rms. 3035 McCoy Ph. 3-6093 JkllS NICE SLEEPING RM. for employed la dy. Kitchen privileges. Ph. 2-3066. 1153 Leslie St. Jkl43 DOUBLE OR twin bedrooms. 1555 N. Ca pitol. Jkl4t ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 FURNISHED suburban rentals. Week or month. Rt. 6 Box 822. Ph. 3-7626. JpltU NEWLY DECORATED furn. apt. 125 Oerth, West Salem. Jpl43 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Prl. bath. 330 8. 14th. JP141 S ROOM apt. Partly furn. Prlv. bath ft entrance. 760 N. Church. Pb. 3-9201. JP142 CLOSE IN. Redecorated. 3 rooma, prlv. Dam. con center. jpi" z RM. Furn. apt. Shower ft toilet. Ph. 3-4449 or 3-7046. Jpl4S 1 RM. furn. apt. and kitchenette. 1490 Broadway. Ph. 26509. Jpl42 RM. turn. apt. 123. 2310 Hatel. Jpl39 s RM. furn. apt. Main floor 2310 N. 4th. Mrs. Fred Lemon. Jpl48 1 RM. FURN. apt. Hot ft cold water. Shower bath ft elec. rente. 1 or 3 ad ults. No children. Ph. 3-8621. W. Salem. JP142- NICE 3 rm. upstairs unfura. apt. Prlv. ent. Utilities ft elec range. 1471 Elm. West Salem. Jpl42a 3 LGE. RM. unfur. Apt. Auto, oil heat. x.ieci. range inciuaea. private Dam. win allow children. Ph. 37773. Jpl42 RM. furn. Apt. To employed couple or single. Near new shopping center. 460 N. I3th Jpl42" CLOSE IN Apts. Auto. heat. H. L. Stiff 39185 or 37030. Jpl42 FOR RENT HOUSES 4 RM. HOUSE, wired for elec. ranae, elec. water heater. Close to bus, cannery ft store, pply J. C. Heney on Liberty Rd., across from cannery. Rt, I, Box 784. Jml43 t B.R, mod. home at Rt. 6. Box .318 H. Follow Garden Rd. to Swegle Sch. Turn right, then left for ml. 150 mo. un furn. Jml44 3 RM. COTTAGE. Completely furn. 340. 667 Front St. Ph. 30596. Jml44 3 BDRM. house for rent. (30 Cascade Dr. Kingwood Hti. 667.50. Ph. 2-1335. jm!42' FURN. COTTAGE. 1 Bdrm. 80. 2 nil. North of Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottage, Jml43 3 BDRM. HOUSE, 130 mo. 1 yr. lease. Must buy furniture. 3260 Teas Ave. Ph. 2-8744. j m 1 4 4 NEW S ROOM bouse for rent. Oood dlst. Suburban. 165. Ph. 2-1073. )ml43 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS LEASE FOR SALE on business Room 234 N. Hlih. Senator Hotel Bldg. J144 WARE HOUSE 31x27. Ph. 3-3603. J 146 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery ft pickup of machine. le.oo per mo. Ph. 33312. J166 3 IN. POWER SYCLE mower: power now. er, aargen liners; paint sprayers; pow er tools; plumbing tools; air compress or and etc. Howser Bros., 1410 S. 12th. GROUND FLOOR office space for rent. " JIM" OFFICE spaces and desk spaces, pfc, Uft. LEASE for sale on business. Room 334 N. High. Senator Hotel Bldg. J144 EXCELLENT location for barber shop, no competition, or good for smell bus! ness, location north. Immediate posa. and reasonable rent. See Mr. Bourne 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. )144 GROUND FLOOR rooma, suitable fog nee er stores. STATS FINANCE CO, Ph. 34131 j U DRIVE tracks cars Ph 2-3103 f POWER TOOL rentals lor borne ft m duatngj nee Bowser Iron pB 8-3646. r TRAILERS 13 00 per day Howser Bros. BUSINESS RM for rent H. L. Stiff. J GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. J floor BANDER for rant Montgomery Ward TO DO a good lob rent a good floor send er. We el) everything to complete thi ROWSER BROS Ph 8-3646 WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN, wife ft yr. oM bet want to rent or lease two or thrt bdrm. house by Aug. 1st. South Sales preivrrwa. saceiient m. Ph. 3-8930. JB144 (Continued on Page 21