X Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 15, 1949 7 Die in Navy Plane Crash Santa Monica, Calif., June IS VP) Charred wreckage and a tall fin painted with yellow "XV to designate it ai an "old crash" are all that remain today of a navy transport plane which carried seven men to their death Monday night. The RD4 navy version of the DC3 crashed into the Santa Monica mountains while trying to land here in a heavy fog on a flight from Moffett field, San Francisco. The airmen were naval re servists from the naval air sta tion at Memphis, Tenn., on the west coast on a training mission. A heavy fog prevented aerial searchers from locating the still- smoking plane until yesterday afternoon. Rescuers reached the scene and removed the burned bodies with the aid of bulldoz ers and rope. Eugene Lumber Mill Hit by Fire Eugene, June 15 UP A lum ber mill was destroyed and sev eral larger, plywood and lumber plants threatened yesterday by flames that were whipped by a stiff wind. Destroyed was the Arkley Lumber company mill at the highway approach to Eugene where the city's main industrial district is concentrated. Dam age was placed at between $ 50, 000 and $79,000. Firemen were able to save the neighboring Associated and Eu gene Plywood mills and smaller lumber plants but the fire con sumed the Arkley mill within half an hour. The mill had been closed for over a month and cause was not determined. It was believed fully insured. The blaze resulted in a snarl f traffic on Highway 09 during the hour firemen fought the blaze. Exchange Club Talk Of Fingerprinting J. S. Murray, identification chief at the Oregon state peni tentiary, deflcrihed the "artis tic patterns' of fingerprints, fil ing systems and identification work Wednesday for members 1 of the Salem Exchange club. The fingerprint and identifi cation expert detailed how prints are used to clear suspects in i criminal cases as well as to make positive Identification of the ac tual criminal. He pointed out that various agencies, such as the Portland police department, had found it necessary to fingerprint their own staffs to be sure criminals were not employed. nrr - Ph. 3-3721 Opens 6:45 P. M. STARTS TOMORROW! Jf.M3gBrA8M Glenn! 7A7 LTV 1 J A ll F V A 1,1 I 11 1 J v Vi '" 1 f"nk Tddt" y, t g-, rrj fTm3&XMillhi r?S4WQ,i r h V Cutest movietone news i Budget Deficit Now Assured Washington, June 15 VP) A budget deficit more than double the $800,000,000 forecast by President Truman now appear in the making for fiscal 1949 when it ends June 30. Some official said the sea sonal spurt in income tax col lections from quarterly pay ments falling due today will have to be impressive to hold the deficit as low as $1,700, 000,000 or even $1,500,000,000 With the government heading that deep into the red this year after two consecutive years of surplus there was some specu lation over whether the presi dent might take the occasion to renew his January request for a $4,000,000,000 tax increase. The budget outlook has turn ed worse since Mr. Truman ask ed the tax increase to (1) over come a deficit he estimated at $873,000,000 for the new fiscal year beginning July 1 (congres sional staff estimators say this will be tripled in actual prac tice) and (2) to permit a sub xtantial reduction in the $251, 600,000,000 federal debt. For expiring fiscal 1949. ex penditures have been holding close to the pace of President Truman's January estimate of $40,180,000,000, which counted on an 18 per cent increase over fiscal 1948. Millmen to Vote On Wage Offer Members of the millmen's union in Salem will meet Thursday night at Labor temple to vote on an offer of the Woodwork Employers associa tion of a wage increase of 1 i cents an hour. The mill workers are request ing an Increase of 17V4 cents and it is anticipated the offer here will be rejected as it was in Portland where the vote was 402 to nothing against accept ance. Several Salem shops are pav ing the wage requested by the millmen and are in operation A news dispatch from Port land was erroneous in stating that the Hi-cent offer was from the Portland employers. It was from the state-wide asso ciation instead. BASEBALL Tonitfj, 8 o'clock SALEM SENATORS VANCOUVER WATER'S PARK 25th and Mission St. nn - to JH Capital Journal Headlines in the Sky This is the Good year blimp that will flash Capital Journal headlines in the sky Wednesday night and Friday night of this week. NEWS BY BLIMP Capital Journal Skylines Over Salem Again Tonight Another "skyline will be added to Salem through the blimpcasting' Capital Journal news Wednesday night by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company's airship Volunteer. The flashing of late Capital which was first inaugurated her year ago, is scheduled for twice this week, weather permitting, and will provide those who may have missed the last aerial pre sentation of local and global news with another opportunity to observe this "flying news paper". The 10 large 8 feet by 6 in candescent frames, each having many clusters of five-watt light bulbs, will blazon the news on the left side of the baby dirigible in a manner that can be easily read by the spectator. The headlines will literally fly through the air for about 45 minutes between the hours of 9:15 and 10:15 p. m. tonight and Friday when the Volunteer flies over Salem, while "blimpcast ing" the "sky edition" of the Capital Journal. They will first be telephoned from the news room direct to the Goodyear blimp base at Portland, where crew members will complete the intricate operation before the blimp leaves the ground. The Volunteer, a non-rigid L type airship, which is 150 feet in length and contains 123,000, cubic feet of non-inflammable 1 helium, wilj be piloted by Capt. R. H- Hobensack again this year. Possessing more than 14, 000 flying hours in lighter-than-air craft and credited with tak ing the first non-rigid airship Z njyTlZj FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! I I E Woodbnrn Ul I Oregon I ' I r "unknown island" : mmBmmmammtaLmmLmmSmmmmS 1 -tr.'-. ! NEW SHOW TODAY! . LpI, p m . ' L.... .. .. .. . . .... i nnm'ndintd!Hr:tJ "rcrssarn Journal skylines over the city, during the blimps aerial visit a south been of the Equator, he has operations department for overj 20 years and served in the navy as a commander during the war. Air Chiefs Meet- Trenton, Ont., June 15 IP Some 30 military representa tives from three nations met yes terday behind closed doors with a view of remolding the air training pattern of Canada, Bri tain and the United States. Only Gene Sarazen (1922)1 and Ben Hogan (1948) have won the U.S. Open and PGA galf titles in one year. ( raTTTTTTl' 111 ',L,FE,LEY" 17 II dZttm? "f'll V O I ill Charles Starrett I ! "VTiWWT 1 ! NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. ' 111 "TRAIL TO- Iff t!A( ErrolFlvnn 111 LAREDO" J j t "ADVENTl'RKS OF I LJJ1J-J I ""HZES" J-1M& DON JUAN" ff ' f i . TM I Liu ' I V' 1 Mv- I -WfUKUl ,y; (jU&i in iccnnicoior LASeVvESSs oorowo sbnhasdt s . DesTiTnar J&S-S I SECOND FEATURE I 'CUBAN PKTE" ' 1 fTl I rWfaTTffrrfl' I "DESIGN FOR DEATH" j--J-'1 jJuSIittUEliUiJ ' Th' Story It Tells Is True I ' """"I I LM C.MA T . O D Jut I Ivs i iiic kiiuyc unite vi i t , r "TN A CPV A I ITIAM" $J ii K mm mrnrnm ff --.s Summer Session Opens, Monmouth Oregon College of Education Monmouth, June 15 Opening of the annual eight weeks summer session today finds an estimated student body of 600 with an ex panded faculty roster of 50 pro fessors, 26 of them resident fac ulty members and 24 visiting in structors from twelve different states. The first faculty meeting Tues day afternoon brought together the largest group ever assembled for a summer session on the OCE campus. campus. J ,, mv7fV3rX1i ii f T i 1 I rl I Ridel far tbt KldrflM I ! I 1 I I '""tin Dtstlr at I p.m. I I I If I I I I Bill -v- 1 ---------- lis f fuiDi rc Biturnnn II Starts Tonite! I 10HN H0DMK A II , ii,:ni II If rnuaon aDiinin II James Gleason 11 a M S nr,rVri;?Cl VII6.MUWIY IL Plutonium Most Deadly Poison Washington, June 15 uPi Plu tonium is the "deadly material" the Atomic Energy Commission says must be guarded at Hanford, Washington. Machinery to keep it out of the air is one reason why costs of a plant there have exceeded estimates. This was made clear today at hearings by the aenate-house at omic committee. H. A. Winnie, General Electric company official, told the com mittee that plutonium "is one of the most deadly poisons known to man." He said that the plant at Han ford is so constructed as to per mit only one particle of pluto nium to 100 trillion parts of air. "This is the amount consid ered today by the best authori ties as a safe margin." tin .' - i j il.i : i . i. . I iiiiiic auut-u Mini II me orig inal specifications naa been-carried through permitting one par ticle of plutonium in 2'i trillion parts of air, it probably would have been necessary to rebuild the whole plant at a cost consld ably higher than $25,000,000. A ventilating system will fil STARTS TODAY Open 6:45 M'G-M rttsims the rwsi ik hemic imi CLARK GABLE WALTER PIDGEON v VAN JOHNSON ddiiu nnui ruv onirin iuni-ii a ter all air entering and leaving the plant. Plutonium, which GE is turn ing out for the Atomic Energy Commission at Hanford, is used in the atomic bomb. School Boy Held On Arson Charge Portland, June 15 VP) A 14-year-old schoolboy was held to day in the burning of two port able grade school units in one of two fires that resulted in an estimated $215,000 damage last night. Destroyed in north Portland was the main mill of the Penin sula Fuel and Lumber company on North Vancouver avenue. Owner Charles Weeks estimat ed the damage at $200,000. Cause was not determined. Arson police squadmen said TODAY! mm mjammmmmr t A I LtSUt SiScCl Daffy Duck Cartoon 1 I gg HI I Warnlr New, FOR VACATIONS OR WEEK-ENDS VISIT THE COAST tISHVlTlOMS 1 ' ',p J CUTLER CITY Notice Fishermen Under New MANAGEMENT! CUTLER CITY MOORAGE Boat - Motors - Crab Nets Cutler City, Oregon Melvin C. Ellison Follow Cutler City fish signsj DEPOE PACIFIC DEPOE BAY, Sea Hawk" - "Jimco" Latest Type Sport Fishins; Cruisers RADIO EQUIPPED Charters Deep Sea Fishins; Trips - Excursions HEADQUARTERS COAST MARINE BUILDING AND DOCK WAITING ROOMS REST ROOMS Phono 590 NEWPORT Newport Manor Motel BEAUTIFUL, NEW, MODERN On Hlway 101 3 blocks north of Yaquina Bay Bridge. Phono 425-W Box 646 NEWPORT, OREGON Automatic Electric Hoot k Beautyreiti Go Deep Sea Fishing Charttr tht CYGNET Diesel Powered - Pe4. Insp. and Licensed Two Hours Fishing f J.1S Four Hours Fishing 5.15 All Day Charter (up to 45 people) toe.Ot OVER-NIGHT and LONG TRIPS by Special Arrangements Radio-Telephone Sleeps IX for over-night trip ' Phone S45 if no answer Phone to-J J. Elfving Box 903 Newport, Orejon ABBEY HOTEL HOTEL COFFEE SHOP TAVERN ' j VACATION LAND Phone for Information II HUNTING FISHING BOATING BI S CONNECTIONS TO ALL LINES YAQUINA BAY AREA Newport, Oregon Post office Box A Newport, Ore. . the boy held In setting the Dunl way grade school unlti had ad- . mltted piling papers and ragt and lighting the pile. Compan ions who had witnessed the in cident confirmed it, police said. i Jiff jumm First 1949 AGATE BEACH 29 PINES LODGE Agate Beach, Ore. Horn Cooked Food Italian Dishes ROOMS Ph. Newport 07-J-l-X for Reservations 3 MI. NORTH of NEWPORT BAY TROLLERS' OREGON - "Falcon" - "Therese" WE WELCOME YOU -NEWPORT- Where you can enjoy fish ln in Yaquina Bay, so deep sea fishing, fet a sun-tan or o surf bathing. For in formation Ph. 111-J day or night. THE WAVES COTTAGES At Nye Beach - ..- -- i -f - i m a v j i COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS III r t -"- 1T I J !!