Stocks Advance round 2 Cents New York, June IS 11 The stock market swung upward to day or the largest overall gain in more than a month. Leading issues advanced frac tions to around 2 cents in a decisive move away from the 4'?-year low established Mon day. A rally started Tuesday but sputtered out before it ever got going. Steel and motor stocks were among the best performers, with rails, oils, rubbers, and non-ferrous metals following clo.e be hind. The advance was jerky, the market taking frequent resting spells. There was little tendency to fall back, though, even when demand slackened. Business expanded slightly when prices edged up. Turnover was at the rate of around flOO, 000 shares for the full session, which would be below Monday and Tuesday but still better than average. Among the gainers were U.S Steel, General Motors, Chrysler. Studebaker, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Standard Oil (NJ), Tex as Co., Richfield Oil, U.S. Rub ber, Goodyear. Anaconda Cop per, Kennecott. Phelps Dodge, American Smelting, Boeing, American Telephone, Dow Chemical. Du Pont, U.S. Gyp sum, American Woolen and In ternational Paper. MARKET QUOTATIONS STOCKS American Can 894 Am Pow Lt Am Tel Tel ........ .....13 Anaconda 38 Bendlz A vt it Ion 3? Beth 8teel 34 Boelni Airplane I Calif Piekine .S Canadian Pacific Case J Z I Caterpillar . MS Ohrvsler Comwlth A Sou H Con Vultee Continental Can ...... 3S Crown Zellerbaen 31 Curttes Wrliht Done! as Atrer?ft ...... S? Dupont de Nfm lis Oenerai Elertrla 35 General Pood W Oenerai Motow Goodyear Tira Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbbr McN A L Lon Beil "A" ' Montiomerr Ward Nub Kelvintior e Nat Dairy NY Central . . Northern Paclfle Pae Am rati Pae Ga & Elee Pac Tel Tal Penney 3 C s padio Corp Raronter 23 Rayonier Pfd Reynold Metal Riehf.eld Safewev Btorea 33 8ft n Roebuck Southern Paetflo Standard OtI Co Btudebaker Corp 1?T4 Sunshine Mining S'fe Transamerlee 10 Union Olt Cal 36 Union Pacific 74 V United Airline U U S Steel 31H Warner Broa Plfl 10N Woolworth Salem Markets Cesaeletevj trwei feperte at flaleee ieai re far the tTsldenre t Capital Jearnal Readers. ( Revised dally). Be Mean U.0I. Babbit Fetlets MM. Dairy Fee tt.M. Pealtrrt bavins Miee Grade A eolor- d hen 36c; trade A Let horn ben, S3 cent: Grade A colored fryer, three pounds and up, lie. Grade A old roosters 1 -eau. Irn Barte Mesa i Extra larce AA. 4e; Una AA. Mc; laree A. sl-Me. roeoium AA, tic: medium A, Oe: pullet 30-iie. vraeleeale Prieea Bet vttoieaala prices t 1 cent above the price abort Grade A generally ejuoted at Me; me d'ttnu 8e. attarfat Premium. Cle, Pta a, ilai Hex ft. BK (Mtuw price). Battse Whole ale grade A. Me; re tail ?la. CJWTT SIT PIN-WORMS cause Fidgeting and that awful ITCN1 Lnelnf steep, almost rHng wad rweatuM of a pantnK rectal (tea Thie mar be a warning eifn of Pin-Worms, agiy internal rxta that Can cause even more aerioua trouble. Don't put up with thia trtrmeut a rinrJe, Snneceaaary minute. Get Jeyne't P-W Vermb rage with that epedet, mMireltyappmvd ingredient that OMtroya PiD-Wnnna eneo ttfjeatly and remove them from the body. At the ftnf sjrn of Pia-Wonna, aak your druggiat for -W, the imali. eaay-to-take Unlet perfected by the famou Jane Co., apeciaiiatc 18 worm remedte for ovt 100 yare. Oet real reliefi P-W far PiR-Wonatl eteai Umiarl Mra iB? Vailey iirn CbS9ft?t Sprint iamb , 133 N9 f e-(jfr lamb n r t 11 l ..,. ! to ISM Cutter cow w j Pat dairy coa .......... llj Ml to 113.00 "ill .. . m w to taettfl Calve trod t3W-M Iba.i l!7,0 to U veal tiso-!06 ib.i toot . . ie 114 M 'ja pnt. puc atimp lac at Part .nd pnc im aafn tvp Top ItO-Ha a PertUnd ratae Market Bed rpberr:e o'.l for 3 a U-car fin on the Portland Eaauide Parm er Vt'ttoirxal PreMjtic market today. Cerr bromht 15 TS a aturdee era'. Field iron tomatoe were t3.M-3,79 a nt. Greert pepper were atioted it II 00 10-lb box. Lot an berr.e brought IS 00 13-halloek nai. Qtfrn triif tu offered at 3&e a pound fimt cnerrte old for 13 cenu a pound top. Royal Anne chcrrtet were 1 cent a pound Btraaberrie moved at I1W1 71 a flat. Bolaach waa 1.7 as or t net box. Pea were offered at to 10 eenU a pound. Green bean sold at 1 cent , pound. Lettuce old at la cenu t pound. Lettuce Quoted at ll.IS a crate. "orttn(l PraM BtttlffaiTcrttttfe. aueiect tm aia chant .'tfinlum ouaity maximum te i percent acidity delivered to Portland l-6c ib. firt guaUti se-3r second Quality d?ae Valley route and country point to l tnaj hrai ttuitrr wrtaietal rOB oula eu&ea t -holeie: trade AA 93 tcore l-SIc. A 83 cor 8S-P4c; B. erorc. 17c lb.' C. SB acore, c lb. Above price are strict if nom:n Chnf 8tfttn eric to rixttam whole tale Oregon arogiaa. 3Vh me Oregon to ioai. iv-68'r; uipteu tee teat than mgiea Egga T wneleea terai A grade targe ic A medium, &ittf, grade S, larte. 4,-SI!Jc, Portland Bairy Market Batter price to retailers Grade A print see; AA carton tic. A print Mc. A carton. 17c; B print. Me. Eggs Prke te rettier' AA targe Ic, certified A large. S7e; A Urge c. A A medium, sie; certified A ! dium Mt; A medium SS-Sfe; carton 3c ad ditional. Caeca Price te retaiiera. Peruana jinoTi amttea 4040We Oregon loaf, i o 34-3ACi utpicu ife in than ata glee Pealtry Ltve CbtekeBc - Bo 1 ettattty rOB plant. No t broilers under iba t7-tee lb; Trrers lot J0-31c: 3-4 lb 31-3c roaster 4 lb, and ever it -lie lb.; fowl. Let horn under 4 lb. 33c ; ever 4 35e; colored fowl, all weight, ; nwvte.-, all weiahU, li-lOc. Rsnktts Averaae to grower: live watte. 4-i lbs., 2t-21e lb: a-8 16. ll-Sle lb.: col ored 1 cent lower; o!d or heavy does, I- 14c: dre.vea iryer to butcner. 7-Boc. Tarkeje Price ouoieo atv lot u the producer on a dreaied weight aaaist - e grade A young torn 1 ilf a n t young hens nominally 8e ureases arae;a tm retailer: tjtade a young nena 10-7 it Kew fart tyl dree a arao t ont corns M-aa PartUnd Mtscelianeeaa laseara Bark Dr illie is., green 4e lb Woel Vailey coarse and mi&inm aradaa Ue tb Mohair 2c lb. on 13-month growth. nomsnatly. Hidea Calve. lOe lb., according to welcht, atp 30c lb., beef S-iCc lb., bull S-7c lb. Country buyer pay 3c les. (jaotstleae Valaate Pranqaeuee firat auattt. rum ee. J41e, targe. 33 7c medium. 37 Sc. see ond quality Jumbo JO 3e .aigt 38 3c. meoitim 28 ae oabv 3e tort ttraf quality large. 3 Je. medtun. IS 3e and ouality tarts 17 3c medium HI Ftlberta - J tiro fro. 70 n . urn lie medium, 10c: smalt. Ue Quotations above supplied by Norta rhtrxe Livnteek Chieaao, June IS 6JJD (USDAt Live lock market; Hoc: Salable 7.S80. Bather slow, un even, but generally ateady both butcher no ow: top 21.35; most good and choice 170 to 33S lb. 38.75 to 21 80: 34Q to 270 30.7S to 30.75: 280 to 130 lbs. 10.00 to iv.m; neavser weiaht acarce: odd lou a low a 17,00 for 400 lb averaae; ow un der 380 lbs, 17,56 to 1.35; a few 11,50; Wheal, Other Grains Advance Chicago, Jun IS Wht bounded up a couple of enti; in fairly active dealing! on the: board of trade today. Other Kraim, as well a soybeans and lard, also advanced. The bread cereal got off to slow start, dropping around a cent, but buying from local traders and commission houses reversed the trend after the first hour. Moderate mill buying. reflecting overnight salea of flour to the government aided the upturn. Light receipt of cash grain in the southwest caused some of the wheat strength, as did re ports of lower than expected yields in Oklahoma and mention of rust damage in the Kansas weekly crop report. Cash re ceipts at nine southwestern terminals totaled 500 can against 1,98? a year ago. Wheat closed 1H-2H higher, July $1.87-1.87, corn was i- 1V4 higher, July $1.32 -", oat were -l1 higher, July 59'4 4, rye was Vi- higher, July SLSSH-Mi, soybeans were 2ti 3i higher, July $2,2TW-. and lard was 3 to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, July $11.27-11.25. OBITUARY vy Baceae Mever ! Jefferson Punerat service for Harvey Xutene Mayer, 11. who was killed in an 5itofe6iI re:dent nesi Albany eariy i Sunday mornine. wilt be held fro the Talbot CoruBvinit j church Thursday at 10. clock, Bev. Baser Irwta entciaiint and im.! in the Jeflersen cmfrv under ?ht direct ton of the Puner luneral heme ff Albany Be was born at Huso, Ok. a. Mar. S, l3t. and had livsd la the Talbot ?ommttntty ts year. H wa ducharaed 'roes the army lo Pebruary 1040 alter being to Germany where he wa injured, B.o hi paren. Mr. and Mr. Lonme P. Mover. i Talbot, he i survived y four brother and two eutter. Mrs. th Mr TaaiMa Weodeura Mr. Atna May Theinpsen. 77. died early Wedscsday morning at the home of her coo. Chester Englies. 31 Oswald afreet, Woodburn. Bh a sera So Allamakee county. Iowa, October 4. 171, and cast te Woodburn aeven year ate Trent Nebraska. Burvtvor Included four aeos, Chester Snclish et Woodburn. Carroll Themwaa and Howard Thsaip ion of Oeanns. Bebruka and Hsrbla Thompson el Portland; three daughter, aft he! dsr and Esther McDonald el Qtartnc, Nebraska and Pauline Baker at Woodburn. She also leave 33 grandchil dren, and two brother in California. She wa a member of the Woodburn Church of God, Puneral wll be held Fri day, 2un 1. nlnn. at the Bmto chap el, followed by interment in Bell Pat cemetery. Survived we tw dtis?r le Cr mehta Bsrt i Jt at BsiB and Mrs, Mr isret Baunde of Pertiand; a tm. Prank BsreuUt of Balem; te crancafen, Iriin and Oary BtrctuLfC of tt'.fm, Xa b er , Mrs. Ivan Cc4eman of Port'tnd arid Mrs. Jack Peterson of Pirns, U-tii.: sjsr .Ue, Mrs. Leis 8t; of Bt'.tm. An-in-law. Mrs. tois Bud: of Bsleat. Bemres ili be tieid at the Cleat Same csswS T tiday. Juris if, t i pat. with Rer. Oeere But f f;f.strst Interssest ta ft City View cemetery. Wester M. Wire Is hs city June H, WeJey It. Wire, late re loom ttt ! So-jsr lath ctreet, at the ate e 4ft year. Bsrv&ed ev Wife, iura Mar Wire of a d'inr. Mary W re ef Salerno and twe statner. ,v. ilelvilie W(re ef and Prank B Wf al Prrnd, Member ef XT A M )odc f Kewberg and si f Method, at church rvt wsa be Bid at the W T. S fd-w chie! Pd? June Jt, t tfg !rn Or. O.t re Bar!: vXteiat in Cenclao nt serves t Le UiXin cemetery. fiitt!;atjf trsesle efce under tie d re? n at the Msnse lod Xim OHv Mre Vms OiHe More, at hr hme is Ttf ner, Jan Is, ( the e of yr. ffjr vtved bv three dattehters. Mr K t HU mrt of Iron. Ofa. Mf. Riiy Oet-f Ctaaani Bav. Wean . -d Mr Tnn Ouch ef Portland. Announcement of serv ice later by the H&wellBdsrd chsrel L. ieac ts At the residence, rth Commerce! street, Jjfi 1. L Jan S:nc. t the t of It year. Survived bv ajfe. fora Sri of a.m. and tour je-chitdren. Uua Oat and Mr. B O. Chna botfc of Portiand. Brnest 3 Bina of fe1ite. Ore gn, and Mir Bet Heien Man Ts wih ir War at Port MrPhTfn. Oa, Services wiil be tield a ?h W T. Rscr rhpel Bat'irday. .f'ise X at 18 a m Cm- j Capital Jsurssf Sslfm, Of., WHiwauJav, Jus t 1349 IS ciasat ?rsc in sfst 1O0P cemetery. ' Hava ffFsi rfi4c I HiSt t"issd Ce&aa, le resent ef f S CspKa 8t , t a ierai 14. Bifvjvd 9t ?p-djfttr, Mr IJ, W, Orvrxiv eJ Gfi &d iirt. 3. T Owir tftfi Uui J:he Hoe net a el B, 'p-a. C A Htw el B:, Ber K' tU fcf h'S Tharsda?. jim at 5 SS pat t tMs ClfKfa-Sm'k cnsre; j Imerment wM be n CHy View ceamery- Bi F, raster r:nffi P rir. lafe restdent f H Viin Pitr sd f ra, E;Coa B? er, Addison if F T, Pn?r, si of ; three C!ttftSf, Seine Lta ef Hs,5 H; Wt, r, rernre Oilmsn g$ St Helca. Pffdesc Sd ef A?n;t. n) fe? &x ss4?S;je, erWes w;H Js TSaf4-v, Juss it, tfte Hswa-C4T4 CJn as J sat, is erant m W Kj m rfmt'f rr Wr Ida Be cV Mr l Ben Bfs. rm fe-vst st iter daitver, M. Mm Hra, ?suf 4, J3. at sr.t s d t( er. Bir,a &e te 4awse? tcs four TSBdchi;dreB sr.rt vjfa f4 jjtsi r?tre. ArinsaBcemeist of ri se n t ftmtP4rd cS? sn to in, oe te it oo; to i a. 14.71 to 1 M; Iteavter weight a Jew a 11 n. Cattle: Salable KX Calve 0 Slow, steers 11M lb down and h;fer IS to 11 cent lower; steer ever 1180, 50 cent te 1.00 lower: cow and bull unevenly stead? to so cent lower: vealer weak te 1.0$ lower: early top . for a load of high choice 13JJ lb fed steers: lead or so held higher: bulk good and choice steers, 3S S6 te 3I.M; to lew good kinds. 32.SS to 35.3a: early good and choice neUers, 3S 2S te 3T.0C; several load held consid erably htaher: most common and medium beef cows, 1 5S to li S8; canner and cut ters, 12.40 to ltt.00; medium and f cod sauc aie bulU. 30.59 te 33.09: top K on good weighty beef b'llU; few choice vealer. 17.60; bulk common te choice 00 to 3 .SO. Sheep: Salable SO0. Generally steady on li clsjuea: native spring Umb. 23.90 to 7VM: lattet price top but no high choice offering here, slaughter ewe 1.00 to t.iO. Parilaad Uvesteek Portland, Ore., June 11 aj. Ltvetsck: Cattle salable 300: calve S6; holdover catC 17a: market tow: early sale tedy te eak; two loads medium and good steers available: odd cutter and common steers 18.00 te 31.00; cutter and common heif ers 15.00 to 18.50: canner and cutter cow 1 j. to 13.50: odd head IS M; shell down re 7.00; common and medium beef cow 13.7a to 18.00. common te medium ssus ase bulla 17.00 to 18.50; good and choice vraler limited; generally asking steady at 25 00 to 37.00: demand less urgent. Hog aiabl 300; market active, teady; o tronaer: good and choice tas te 330 lbs 22.00: ISO to 185 lb 20.00; few 27ft lb at 18.50: good 330 te SOS lb sow IS ftS to 17.00; good and choice feeder saStbk 23.00 to 31.50. Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. June 1 Ch wheat bidi: Soft white 3.28; soft white exclud ing rex 3.38; white club 3.28; wester?, red 3.38. Hard red winter; Ordinary 3,38; 1$ per cent 3.38; 11 per cent 3.36: 13 per cent. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.38; 19 per cent 3.36; 11 per cent 2.32; 12 per cenl 2 35. Today' ear receipts: Wheat It; barley 1; flour 1; corn 3: est 2; millfeed 11. m S3 proef Canadian Wttlikay. Imaortad la Ml br J. t J. Dunbar 4 Ca. SnttM by tin Old Manaitnry Ca. taattta, Wanin(lM. flnl 1.S; M Qaart S4.S1 e-r I ClH YOU 6CT tllOltHO I 20 IS Mas. 9.21 HS.92P21.7S ?0Mw. 7.39 12.771 17 8 Abev poyi cover er teem ef eee emawt. er fee xredi, are m praaortfee. teem ue to 5500 ce evuw. Need money for billg ... medtcei or dental xpenan , , , aeeaona! necdf ... or any good purpose? It'g "YES" to 4 out of 5 at fcuat No u( atdert involved. Phona or riiit ftiigetafS YES MANagar todajr. - m- Loam z& m S9e or More on signature, Furniture l'p to ISM an Aato Pet- CO. C. R. Allen, Mir. I "t"' tomrmrff sua? nss to t tezMmal finance 518 stale Bt. Room l2d Lie. I-12J M-16S. arour expense, f e V X V- if aTJ ; , TV, l aw f nDl T A " ,Ts Regular 39 Six Introductory Sin and fJr Find out fef fount tf wht awrt amb toA women ost Arf kl thin Mir other deodorsnt! Set h this ma deodorant don for foo! 1. lnta.Hr Mnalrtli 1 3 dirt. Acts iafeif. 1. & Mt rat drastei or men's sfaira. a. Inmi sdw from etrfBitttioa on connn. 4. fraaa at Irrteat. akta. Antiseptic Preferred br lt 7,000 mines. . A white, stainless vanithtnt cream. Arrid wtih rb amuini new in(rtdient,Oeamoaen, will not drr out in the jit. SATISFACTION OUARANTIID OR YOUR MONIT SACK! I'w bH m inL II m aaa't m Ama a ia tan var dw aaa. aw. mil m at t naa aia. ttnir. Sir a Caiwr SntK. lac Kt )WS. R Y.. tx kll nhad. DEATHS taara Seile Met Latir Beile line, at the home ef her daughter. Mr. Lea ton W. Howell at MS North Capitol street, June 11. at the age oi J year. Survived by two daughter. Mr teat on (Hilda t Howell and Mr. Lloyd U Mabel t HtU, both ef Salem; a brother. Mark II. Myers ef Portland; four grand son. Or. Clifford P. Hilt, Richard 8 HUE. Robert L, Hill and Howard H:li, all nf Bslera; a great granddaughter, Kath leen Anne Kill of Salem; two nephew. Or. 3thn W. Uyers in Oregon City and Virga V. arm of Independence and ev eral ntecea and nephew tn Califarni nd Miuourl, Member ef the First Chris tian entiren at Gladstone, Oregon Berv cee will be held at the Holsten-Han-fcins and RUanr funeral home at Oregon City Prlday, June 17. st 136 eat. with Bee, OadSey Strain officiating. Interment :s the Mountain Vtew cemetery at Oregon City. Jedge Percy B. Bf!v Judge Percy fi. Keiiy, late resident ef lit South itth street, at a local hospital, june 14, at the ace ef 78 year. Survived by wife, Margaret Kelly of Anient; a l ter. Mr. Mary Hoeue ef Berkeley. Csllf.; foster daughter, Mr. Dorothy Cornelia of Salem; two nieces In California and a nephew tn Honolulu. Bert tees will be Fri day, June 1J. at 3:38 a.m. in W. T. Btg- don chapel, with Or. William Wallace Yotingssn Pert land, omc:attn. Bttual- tie service under auspice of Grand Lodge of r.s K of Oreioa. ConcJud ng service at Belcrest Memorial ears. Mr. Ida Caroline Barewist Mrs. Ida Caroline S. BarquUt at the re:enre at lSvl MV,s.on ::eet, June 14. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses Dent wait save yourself from another day Of suraieg foot torture Get Ire-Mint '0wf Joitt the ntitilons ef happy people who walk is cool frtth comfort thanks to this frostv whita medicated hatm. Enjoy its amaiiag caeiinc soothing actios. Get ice-Miat teday at all druggists. SO FAST..PURE..0EPEN08Lt yQMS, . the prettiest tOMi OH 0UR STREin L K f 77vr, ; in$t4uf witH Fulttr Pure Prepared House Paint When you paint invest in quality. Saves time and money protect! for years. The BIST Paint Casta LESS per year! met! toioM-moti mcomtins hup Let tta rrcommf nd a reliable palntiai and df corsiini eantrae lor for year job. Paints Wallpaper Glass 171 SOUTH LIBERTY Jutt South of State We Will Be Sled te Furnish the Name sf Reliable Poperhangers VUUbK j I prints! with a POLAROID Jatui CAMERA TOnk of th ftin you can have with a camera that gives you the finished picture fa a minute! Show your guests their pictures while the party is stilt going on. Make sure you've got once- in-a-lifetime vacation scenes, wed dings, family gatherings. Only the Polaroid Camera lets you see your pictures aa you take them at the very moment they mean the moat. . . . wt 60 asmit . Don't be holf-iafe-Se Arrld-ufs) .. Use Arrid -to bo swre I .Ull tlMll IMIUMIIIIIUMINIII 23 K J FATHER'S 3 DAY IS h H JUNE F V 19 J jateit,.. EIGHT WAYS TO . rfcetV .... 6i mt ejktahjMS. BTrlhaiaaan.sVeiws w a lAieaaKjtM'Wi'i.i w Lord Jeff Ploy Shirts Just right tor jolt or plain loafing in knockout patterns that are sure to please! h ;?ra lv V I No. t McGregor Sport Shirts In a gorgeous array of "paint tube" colors! Washable! 95 from Timely and McGregor Slacks AU-wool gabardinet Bedford!, Glen PUWi and Sharkskins. No. 4 front 11 Famous Westminster and Esquire Socks r, , , Van Heusert Dress Shirts Give him the genuine "Bold Look" Shirt in his favorite pastel. Say ;:.o "Swank Tie Klip4 Isn't a Bad Idea! Vs. i Wembley Regal ' Van Heusen Top Quality Neckwear for That Grand Guy Tremendous assortment of beautiful tie. ISO from e Nylons e Arg les e Links e Many ethers A sure hit with Dad! from 5r Famous Mallory Hats Fin Imported Panamas and fur felta in the sua and shade he wants! 695 JAYSONS Liberty at Court Salem Home of Timely Clothes 3 S r