p18 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday, June 15, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN Chanter 7 v Busy with his thought. Glenn was within a mile of Cougar be "fore he Daid more than casual at- - tentlon to hU surroundings. As he "' (lanced about him he saw a horf 'grazing a short distance away and - recognition 01 tne animal reacn X"d him he ierked his mount to an a abrupt halt. It was Gienns horse. I the hore Slug Benjamin naa taxen. But why had Slug returned? 1 Glenn remembered the first time he had visit M Slug at the jail and 81ur's venomous threat, "Sam J Tolson had no right to bind me i over. He's preiudiced against me I I'll get him yet!" Slug had come back for his re- venge. When Glenn finally reached the town limits it was quite dark. He J did not ride In 10 the street, bui I took the alley which led to the back i fcf his place, stabled both horses, f avent into the house, prepared sup i jper. and ate it. Finished he crossed she street to Mike's place and en- lered the saloon. " Glenn said nothing about his i 'find. It was passible that Slug had 5 'left the neighborhood, but if he 5 'had remained to even his score with, r 6am Tolson. Glenn thought he! a knew how to deal with him. Sam Tolson and his three cronies came J in. found places at their favorite .tame. I; Glenn left after a while and went i to the office. He sat down by window In the dark recent ion room I where he could watch Mike's place across the street. Then when he iaw Tolson and his three com pan -' Ions come out and start for the J rulch. he went outside and followed I He hurried to the gulch and fol I lowed its edge. When he was oppo 1 ilte Tolson' cabin he crouched be- alnd some bushes and waited. He 1 saught sight of the shadowy figure ; of Bam as it moved oenina tne J ihack. and presently a pale light a a-lndow on Glenn's side. a He eot ud and moved awav from the lip of the gully There came to nis straining ears a slight rusue In the brush. Inch by Inch he mov l d forward, feelin? hut way from jee to tree: and at last he made &ut a darker shape among the a lhadows and after a moment knew it for a horse. Slug's horse? It had be: no other would leave his mount In this secluded place. He made sure that Slug was not arjout, ! :hen walked silentlv forward, shp- 9 ped the knot in the rein and led I .ne animal wmie uimhihc rhere was a tight grin on his Hps is he made his way back to the rulch. He descended by the regular jam ana nurriea aiong tne crem " lntil he was opposite Sam's cabin , The light from within showed a laintly through a window. He mov g td toward it, angling off until he lould see Sam. Tolson had taken ff his coat and shirt and now 31enn saw him draw something rom a hip ockct and place It in : i cigar bax on a shelf. a Glenn moved forward, treading i tghtly and raising his feet high io as not to stumble. He reached e door and scratched softly on Ht. Sam said. "Who is it?" 1 "Be quietl" warned Glenn. "It's ! 31eason." I "What do you want?" "Let me In. I've got to see you it once. Your life's at stake." a Glenn heard Sam take down the Mr across the door. The hinges tqueaked slightly as the door swung inward a few inches, and Glenn J jaw the reflection of starlight on a the barrel of a gun. a "I'm not armed," whispered a Olenn. "Let me In. Slug Benjamin's i in the loose and If you help me we tan nab him." Sam reluctantly' opened the door ind stepped bark, keeping the gun a limed At Glenn as he entered, i Dlenn closed the door and spoke i rapidly. a 'I was coming back from the; Crown this evening and stumbled 1 an that horse Slug stole out of my it-able. Slug had doubled back and twitched It for another. I knew he'd threatened to get you and figured a that's what brought him back. I a Tound a horse tied In the trees and I poved It. I'm sure It's Slug's. Now isten. We'll get some of the boys. guleMy, and send them up on the bench where Slug had the horse : tied, men we ii raise the alarm ann "Wait a minute! I'm not heeled You aot an extra gun?" Sam felt his wav i a table be side the bunk and opened a drawer "Here." he said and pressed a neavv Colt into Glen's hand. He started for the doorway and Glenn could see his form linned aeaiiut :he harv light which hovered over tne creeg. There came the crash of breaking glass, the roar of a six-gun. Sam stumbled forward a few steps and plunged through the door wav Glenn wheeled and fired through the broken window behind him urrtll his gun was emDtv. The camo came alive. Miners came out of their shacks on the run. partly clothed, guns in their hands. They found Glenn kneeling oesiae tne aeaa lorm or am I Ol son. Swiftly he told them what he told Sam. "Slug must have known that Sam had been warned.' he concluded He came close to the window when Sam blew out the light. He saw Sam against the opened doorway ana snot mm. ui course I started shooting through the broken win now but I don t know wnether or not I hit him. If I didn't, he's on his wav to where ne left his horse Get up there, some of vou. and make It fast. You might get him oerore he finds where I ert it " Olenn stood bv the dead body of Sam Toison. listening to the pro gress of the pursuit. A gun roared from the shadows nnd a miner cried out and fell. The others swept on. Another shot a third: then a whole vollev as the miners cut loose at the trees. Then "ame a sudden silence which was broken bv the Quirk flurry of beat Ine: hoofs. Glenn swore fiercely, feelinglv. Slug had found his horse. T ho '"Mlnuerf) lt:00 !sirn Off I flush him out of his hiding place i He'll make for his horse and the i poy up there can nail him." a "Say!" said Snm. "You ain't so lumb after all. Let 'a go!" He step- f V ' ''''S'i-1 11 J ped forward and opened the door, Calif Cover-lip Cape Here's a sun- dress Introducing the new form of cover-tip a swirling, scalloped cape to match I This is a style that la equally nice topped with shoul der straps of boned for strapless wear. No. 3006 la cut In sizes 12. 14, 18. 18. 30, 38, 38. 40. and 43. Size 18 dress. 3 yds. 3o-ln.; cape, ll yds. 30-in. Cottons again strike a high fash ion note. They are inexpensive lo make, easy to hand't Send now for the SPRING FASHION BOOK which Includes in Its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion Price Just 30 cents. Address capital Journal, 553 Mission St., San Francisco 6 I rELL JVC DECIDED TO THAT'S A 1 MAKE A SAL . I vAH-I HAD TO ITWINO IF I I fYX AT TWF 1 1 I i t LCI KEEP THE PING GOOD DEAL CHARLIE fcrvE 40 PEC CENT OFF LOOT' IT DOES MV aBWC &?7 J T -J III keep the Hody-fOR both fffOQ cash, srese-but soul good to gaze upon vTJkrY 9 ) S&4 T rUFUS.MiSTEB' ST WHEN THE PIPE THOSE POPTRAJTS OF . " V V 1 V-50LONO, I p tfi BUPN5 OUT, YOU DOfl r, FRANKUN AA . 9 fins Mtam mr-i emakt 't r, iwh y. . ,v. ' .jj ' 1 W .J - j 0 mtiymimmmia oopn few ha! ho vwree pkwt- h wb.u, i EayNO it all 7 oefinttelv- ll I HM M-MOBE WE SHOULD' SAFE ' n"s BEE" 1 BANKS Htfyg BUT TXEPE ORE BOUNO 3 fT'S MINE fM COIN' TO ' BUT STILL- I K MM THOT MONV TO TME SAFE IIM6B6 IT fi- I BEEN "SAFE" To BE QUESTIONS -A I SPEND IT ALL FOR TH' BEST THERE WILL BE p . BANK. WHERE WE COULD SOME OF IT, FOP 1 THAT LONG- LOT OF QUESTIONS- S CAUSE I KNOW OP LEGAL POINTS- j r ' CHECK AGAINST IT-ANO HUNOOEDS t VFARS- J v A H WHEtlE IT WOULD BE SAFE- ' M li COME IKI,PWOEBE WHELLO AMB.TIT5 TOOIATE) IM 6LADT0 ClKlOVOU TlT WAS PUN.VlT'S LUCKYVt3 Jfi , i AMD WILBUR. M 1 WOPE WEREjKlOVv TO BWOMe.ROSETTA.lREAUYj BUT 1 ENJCf (POR AMBV ISCOTEEWiKn5rZr R VOO WERE RUSHING 1 TOO ONCE lw7CAUSE THE WLN l h lC2tsrf&a&&iU THri vi5x! f vPUT everv niswt lastA awuile Jthing he enjoy: !i ' -ij I SON-HERFS 7 WHY NOT BUY 1 I SHO' NUFF-BUT, TH' NKWS- VI I IT'S TH'OMLV WMV NOT SIT I ALUJSTHINKIN' Y IT DON'T 'L J I A NICKEL.-?- IT AT HADDOCK I I PAPCRS SOFT-HEARTED OOHH I WAV WE GITS IT T HADDOCK 1 I O' YOFtF- J MATTER WUAR I CO EJJY A HARRY ?-TH' WRAPS HIS FISH IN IS MORE NEWSPAPERS HARRY T STUMMKX, ) V YO' TO AOES L FISH AT FISH THAR O-TO-DATCT- AN' THASS, IH THESE X SO WHUT CT) INSTEAD O' 7 LATELY-TH- SOrr-HEARrtO ) iSFRUHMff RCALLY WHY WE IS BUYIN' J PARTS If m'NEWSItS , YORE MIND.T )( NEWS SMELLS I UOHN'S.- TH' FISH T OIT TH . j-- WRAPMS V STALE- TH' ) OOT'SOFT- 7ASElADAS- I " ii. ArT LATEST NEWS S T AROON' ( FH'U. BE !. HEARTED ( TW' FISH.';'" J fe f lk ! ,1 M H?1 S''ZrT'T SURE .' AN ElECTPcl WT VOU THINK IT y I OOfT KNOW BUT WAIT, PUSTY.'.. LISTEN.'... VESA KlNP OP i "VjJl I V' SB I SS- ,. jn. ,.. t, l. , WKEITS ISUUTEP MFANS... A WIRE UKE I LET S FOLLOW IT AND PO VOU HEAR K HUM .'-IS THAT WHAT j jJ ' " f ) 1 liVNu y-Sf . . .. If - ,L'M i . Mil & I ftfatTAI I I r I 31 . .'S j R2562 1 t ""' -1 "7;X , Jr& A -A ROOM AND BOARD By Gen. Ahem ? ' PATTERN No, lUAAt n wV! )J ( 7, f' V V Sf" )JkT, r p.-- 1 -BEdFir Tromo UnMt-Hi ymi nffrt U-TSSTsi;1. V J ' V 'Qebr f V,Ui Iru J2ts iEA lv( J . - M VACATION PLANS UPSTATE UNCLE vvOLFSANG 1 J VCaQtl hn" or hoiufwiimln. ltl? Thrn V W.VC. ifcC-N. T A.' W I jLvkV-1 -ilVSTSS SfcAi--aV V ' ' VfERE 5T '.f AMD I'LL B BUSY ALL I ' ! l ytr vou'ii wm u mk ihu wt ot S?rt Af Arjsi jA-cutlA. " i h I rfy ?fic" ?TSirl5rfc. j :: summer., and I :1 suaweb. removims J f ' IV. dint towfli fmbroldfrl In ((wt- 11 jkA4T I V .JSL'? I SifL i I 1 1 X. I ; KNOW HE LL PKXjONS :?, TREE STUMPS AND T ( AT fW ! (C X) Pttrn Knvrlope No. R3362 con- K -f TZj iSfcH . S5!. J SSJ ) I V A, .l.n.. color ch.rt. tl.c.h lllu.tr,. I VWS , " Jjl )fr Ci f. I Jl ' VSH Jf O llon nd mbro",'rln dlrfCtloiu. I , , I J2 I FORPAINTEENG INTHt MANNAIDE 'Smmm' irTHCTHTHF LA UH--BY THE WAY--fORTHE rTI iV,- Ll ViOULD YOU ( f ! COINS tln, p.tt.r numeet Jv OAWN ffiTSV 'AuirMYwnKi LGRtATtR THAN MATI5E AND If JSywl l?.mh., Xj -r gi rif (II ar 1 Aft4. ii iir r imi i 11 1 1 ii ii i i i mi i 1 RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1IH ' UBC rIIa Lvlt. ir. Frank HrMlRHU Csra Csvallrlr raptiiK HMnltbt Tai Mil r.akrlrl HtttUr Narlhwm Kawa Mia Mnsta WEDNESDAY P.M. NBO k n Wi ' ! flarvar It Caast Karvay Clara Kit) ttifa KM What'i tht Kama af that Bant Variety Tima Variety Tima Stlaet Lal Ktwt Kewa Mtlfle :M Fulton Lwli, Jr. IS i(lfb Paala Show :XIMB Paala lliair Mmie Waman'a ftrrt Oa Sannr rb'rfc F"ttr. (iaana Maara4 Rlanrfla Blantfl M atrial Tar h tails ftaiar rnrttmm Da fir 'a Tavam naffr'a Taam Ranald Calmaaj laid Calaian Tha Hit Star Tha Bit Xlarr Cartala Tima Carlaln Tima Vuppar Dab N'rwa af Warltl Arrhla Andrrwi Arrbla Andrvwa Ch'fk riirSm iportt Fata Final Mr, Dill. Attarnay Mr. DIM. Altarnar iim tlaTM, Bra. Current A Cholra WaalarH Caravan Wntrrn Cararan siaTbn Rhtfhm Ranrb Rhrlhm BaaaB Itint rrai taarl Fata Candla tlfht and SMtar Nawa Troptrana l.rt Wa TaraTl Fddia l.aMar Bjndtland Bandiland Dutaut Dapa Ratrhall Rairaall Baarball Batrball Haaahall Ha nr bill Ratrhall .Herb flhrtn'r Tima l.iltie Show ;( lHb IS. CUB jFdw. B. afar raw Knot Mannlni tilaR Chat H natter Nawt raantr Fair Cauntr Fair Thl la Braadwar Thia la Braadvar Thli la Broadarar Thia la Broadway H weed Mut. Hall H waod Mtia. Ball I.oweli Thsmat Jark Kmlth ba Dr. Chrhlian Dr. Chrlitlas Baaeball Raaehall Ncwi Trark 14fM Trark HfW Trark ItfrO Track MM Trark 1 400 SlfD Off Fiva Star Final It a My Belief Vou and Secarttr It'a Danrc Serenade Vou aV tht World Orrheatra Orrheatra Silent THURSDAY 6 A M. TO 4:45 P.M. aw 100 , Newa :IB Yawn Fatral f 1:M Nnrthweat Nawi r -M j March Tima 7 00 Yawn Patral I Yawn Patral :W Yawn Patral Stwa Breakfait Gan :M Braaklait Gan i faa Xtadei 9:H BarsalD Covnter 1 Vlctar Llndlahr Sans al Fianaar Maale W:M Northwest News :1 Rata Smith 6 Paatnr't Cat i Charlla Bpleah J :M Naara H n :1ft Bennla Walker J I :M wilea Orfanatltlas u m Walta ttrenada f ar"B m Tap Trades I1! It Newa I Qaeen far a Day Queen far a Pay I:M Ladiea First :l Ladiea First "SO Northwest Newa M Bab Eberly Shaw fB Ian Bark, Listen mM :1ft Johnson Family I M :M Tell Nelthbara i ' Bint Slnaa 3s Aaalnst tha Storm 16 Aaalnst tha 8 farm :o Musia Masie 4: T B A Ift IT B A Sanaa af Timea I iNi-w, Hadia Padta Vews Hedia Podta KOIN It tack Kneass, Kewa XOCO Klark KOIN Kinck lladta Pedta KOCOKIerk KOIN Ktock Farm Time Tea Bitter KOIN Kletfc Farm Time News Sparta Newa Tha Old Santa Top O Mornloa News Kneass w. News Nws Fred Berk Fred Warlna Western Melodies Consumer Naara Fred Waring Heatern Melodies rt Baker Rld'rs P'rp. Saaa Home Sinter Robert Q. Lewia Sam Hayes Chrch In Hlldard Robert Q. Lawls Tha Saeand Cup Haven af Best Feature Starr Tha Second Cup Haven of Best News Jack Boreh Maale Wftheal r.rand Slam fl Kneass w. Newa Worda Rosemarr N. Y. Honeymoon Coffee Cup Wendy Warren " N. Y. Honeymoon North writ Report A,unt Jenny Ton D'rsey Shew Rhapsody In Helm Trent Tew P'rseyghow Rhythm , OBf QaJ Qoday Tom D'rsey Show Glass Wai Rla Sister Tom D rsay Shew Glaaa Waa M, p,rkhli Today's Children Glass Wai Youna Dr. Mslaaa Tha Brlthtar Pay Glass Was Guldlna LKht Double t Nethlnc Everybody's Ideaa swb " Double 'r Natblnc Hollywood Muale Cotne J Get It Knease w. Newa Norab Praka Msht af World Ted Pala Presents Makes Yon Tfsk Life Cn Be Bat If I Mar's Melodlea Snd Mrs. Barton' Ma Perkins Mat's Melodlea Perry Masan Pep. Yonnf Fern. Mae's Melodlea pat O'Brien Shew Ritht to Ha'p'neas Mac's Melodies Petty Lee Barkstste Wife Mae's Melodlea Newa pa per af Air Stella Pallas Mar'a Melodlea Newspaper of Air Lerense Jonea Mae'a Melodlea Winner Take All Ync Wldder Brwn Mae's Melodlea Tunefully Years When Glti Mar'les Mac's Melodies News Portia Facta Life Mae'a Melodlea Meet the Missus Just Plain BUI Mae'a Melodlea Meet tha Mtitaa Front Pa. Farrell Mae's Melodies Arthur Godfrey Road of Life Women's Fata Arthur Godfrey Lorn tawtan hlloepher Arthur Godfrey Aunt Mary Spoltite on Mnsle Arthur Godfrey Wa Lara A Learn potilto an Musle Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; CY Wednesday P.M :. Saalrrel r U A caet ft:M. Johnny Lnlacki :, Keepina I'p With Spertai :1S, Home Edi tion t :S0. Challenta af Yukon; ."Id win C. Hllli Elmer Davis i 7:, Music Timet 8:00, Lone Ranger; i:M. Amateur Hour; :S0. Lawrence Welki tn:M, Rirh flcld Reporter i 10:15, Intermcitei o:M, Concert Hour; It:W, Memo te Tomorrow: 12:00, Xtra Honri l.M, Sign Off. 1 r V ThuradtT A. M.9.0D. Early Bird: iI.A ):o, Ntwsi ):I5, Bob Johnssni 7: SO. Bob Haien Shawt Time Temposi :M, Myrt and Marts) :1S. Martin Agronskyt S:S0, Zeke Man nrrsi 8; 45. Easy Acesi 9:00, Breakfast Club; 10:00, Newsi 1(1:111, Stars of Today t 10:50, Kay K Tier's Kolletei 11:00, Ted Malonai Traa Stary. (Listed K0AC :0, The Chemistry i Farmers' :0fl. Great News) 11:00, 10:00, Sign KOAC, 650 :1ft, Galea Drakai U:, My Pacifla Standard Tima) Wed. P.M. 4:00, On I be Cp Bcatt 5:50, 650 Sparta Claai Newai :1B. Melodlaai :t, 4:45, Gueat Start t:4 Union; 9:15. Farm Bourt Sontst R:M, Vets' Newsi S:45. Musie; :, Meditations! Off. (Listed Paelfle Standard Time) KOAC Halh 1t:00. 1:00. Rlda'ei 1:45. Home Assemhlyi I Thars. A.M. 10. News; 10;ll, For Women i 11:00, Concert Newst It: 15, Noon Farm Roan m Cowboy i 1:15, Variety Timet Garden Hour; t:00, 4-H Club :0fl, Newa. Youth Is Ambitious Unionvale Lyle Burnham, 12, has a large garden at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burnham, Sr., and just to show his energy he is hoeing and irrigating 200 tomato plants that are now blooming, 100 cab bage, 100 cauliflower besides 13 rows of onions from seed large enough to sell for table use. He has peppers, melons, beets and many other vegetables in proportion. across - L Simpleton 4. Thick ft. Trunk of a felled ueo II. Cereal 1J. Tne pick 14. Room in ft harem 1ft. Flat cap 17. Buccsneers ' Ift. Acknowledge openly 1L. Brood of pheasant IX Recovering the inatda 2ft. Gypsies 29. Land meaaura SO. Put on cargo ird Jl. Food fish 14. Air noiile of ft force It. Hindu title 7. Draw forth 19. Ak-eft 4L Kin of BashBD it Blind tha ajt 41. Slides th. Younaj demoa 47. Commotion 48. Make ready &2. Legislate 65. ConatellatloB U. Falter &. Pedal digit 59. Affirmative 40. Back of ft boat 41, Posses DOWN t. Sphero I. Forevar S. Wild 4. Ex plod SeOsTl i mIeHb a o 0 R'PA W HVjMlA S E fA mipilIeB Tit utpiels u s e Is Hrj e vjT sIeJJJi T 0 WlgjSjwfoJo jJjfpo A T B flY ElM LP H tA llAcR I E flS! Pi Rj EE ESfsii. ni6hCe!a!n B EX A l?EH A , M . A S ' S H O 'n '0NloBlgL AiNgUjP S I. rWrieIPIE RtTjojRiV Solution of Yesterday's Puult i. Uearta of tranaporta tton: colloQ. 4. Pinch 1. Bit of an Inaeet ' p p t , s 7 0 ; w to t 32 23 34 2S 24 27 2B 2f TJo TjlJ "" 42 r- 9 Uf jo 3T ,, Js2 S3 l t. Uticanny I. Piece of ground 1. Poem 11. ExpanaiTft aubatanc 14. Wicked 14. Air: com Ik form 2ft. Broad 22. Speed contestaj 23. Wear twsr It. Pot of ft atatr raa 24. Pfitm leaf 17. Urban chief executiva t. Dimcuitftft 11. Slovenly woman 31. Payahlft 15. Godftesa of discord 3S. Paper fastnF 40. Frnnt of tha lower ier 41. The man who) roit Id eat BO fat 44. One of tha Mil sea 44. Anfmal'a ' atorrtarha 4H. Thieknesa Female aandV pfpr Aurora Prererltns nla-ht Bovtne animal Number 67. ComnaratlTft ndlns 49. 51.