r". 1 v Senators Nab Third Place In WIL on Twin Victories Gene Peterson and Ray McNully added wlna to their pitchingO- X v""- tT" tV N-v V . 'sl was mi -r" V i Two of - r . i records at Waters park Tuesday night ai the Salem Senators copped both ends of a Western International league double- -Ji i header from Vancouver s Capiianos, S to 1 and f to 1. The two i learns meet in a single game io ciock neonesaay. The twin victory elevated Sa- lem to third place in WIL stand-1 q Wll Srf,nfjjn(1e, 9 wH ings, Just two games arear of: V ' L . .7 "9 Kaiser Speedboat Henry J. Kaiser, auto builder, sits In his "Aluminum Star" which Guy Lombardo will attempt to pilot to a speed record at Lake Placid, N. Y. final Plans for Junior A League Made The junior baseball league is nearly ready to start, Clay Egel- ston secretary of the circuit, dis- closes with final plans for the 'A' league to be completed Wed nesday night at a meeting of the summer baseball program offi cials at 460 N. High. The sum mer season will be announced later. The 'B league has a total of The 'C league has a total of nine teams, with one manager still needed. Class C: Truax Oil era of Keizer (Ben Claggett); Four Corners (Mrs. Walker): River Bend Sand and Gravel (Dick Vincent); Elfstrom's (manager still needed); Bishop Electric (Gilbert Jones); Master Bread! Pete Valdez): 4-Star Market (Ambrose D'Eagle); Midget Market (Jim Vittone) Salem Steel (Mr. Stripler). All managers will be expected to contact Maple's for names, six teams. Class B: Team No. 1 Capitals (Lyle King); Team No. 2-Yealers Appliance Co. (Herb Booth); Keizer Merchants (Mr. TMvron BuUe : We , Sa!eiaddress" "Ph"e "um T.nmher Pn (Vinp. r.nn v rs of their players, so the Mayfolwer Milk Co. (B o b teams may arrange practices be Schwartz). ifore the first games. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, June 15, 1949 Ray Tran booted a grounder off the bat of Larry Orteig, putting runners on both first and sec ond. Mel Wasley then tapped a roller to the pitcher, Carl Gun- narson, who elected to toss to second. The toss was late and the bases were filled. The second error of the inning followed. Bob Cherry bounced to Eddie Robinson at third, and Robinson pegged to the plate in an apparent easy chance to throw out Peterson. But Catch er Bud Seely dropped the horsa- hide, Peterson raced across the plate with run number one. and there was still a Solon on every sack. Bob Hedington batted in Or teig with an infield grounder. and Wasley trotted home on a fielder's choice with the third unearned run. That was all the scoring Sa lem needed to register the vic tory, but they added single tal lies in the third and fifth for good measure. Tight pitching in the clutches saved the night for McNulty in the second game. The losers banged out no less than 11 hits and got at least one man on base every inning, keeping McNulty in trouble constantly. But Van couver scored only in the eighth, and that tally came as the re sult of a walk. They left 11 men stranded on base. Meanwhile, the Senators were bunching their seven hits into two big innings, the second and the seventh. In the second stanza, they pushed across a pair of runs on Hedington s single, a double by Marty Krug, and a single by Manager Bill Beard. In the seventh, they added trio of tallies on four hits, in cluding a triple by Bud Peterson and Krug's second double of the ball game. An unearned run in the third inning, helped along by a wild throw by Cap Catcher Bill Bren- nar al,A aiarl UA Cnlnn ... j Whitewash Go ir.es Bob Snvder went the ru, on ,. . . ithe mound for Vancouver in the 15 Famed Baseball Umpire Succumbs to Ills at 70 Horse Cave, Ky., June IS IIP) Death has called the last trike for Charles B. Moran, 70, former National league baseball umpire. Moran, who gained national fame both as a baseball umpire and as football coach at Centre College at Danville, Ky., died of a heart ailment at his home here yesterday. He had been in 111 health for some time and was bedfast the past three weeks. As coach of the "Praying Colonels" at Centre. Moran tutored such football stars as Bo MeMillin, Red Roberts and Red Weaver. His 1921 team defeated Harvard, 6-0. He retired in 1939 as a National league umpire after spending 23 years in that job and had devoted most of his time in recent years to operation of his farm near here. He took great pride in the umpiring profession and was noted for his famous expression: "It ain't nothing until I call it." ancouver in second spot. Tuesday's opener, Peterson eked for only four hits. those came in the fourth frame, when the Canadians marie their lone dent on the plate. Three unearned runs in the first inning gave the home towners a jet-propelled start. Wayne Peterson led off with a legitimate single to right, and from then on the inning was a a fluke. Vancouver fielders com-iv Pet. .601 .566 .519 i By I Fit Aaeociated Pre W L Yakima 38 17 Vancouver 30 24 Salem 28 26 .Spokane 28 27 wenatchee 28 29 Bremerton 26 32 Tacoma 24 34 Victoria 22 35 Results Tuesdav: Salem 5-. Van couver 1-1: Tacoma . Spokane 5: Yakima 13. Victoria 4: Bremerton 12. Wenatchee a. Weaver-Szasz in Mat Team Win Frenchman Risks Middle Title in Fight Wednesday Detroit. June IS HP) Marcel Cerdan, the carefree fighting man from French Morocco, risks his world middleweight title for the first time tonight at Briggs stadium against squat Jake La Motta. an 8 to 5 underdog from P:rt linr: Vaneeaver III (it Si B H O A B H Robiruon.l I 0 1 f Peleren.3 1 1 Pernanda.a S i 1 B. Patten. 4 t Tran. 3 ISIS Ortela.rf I 1 Mral. rl list WulfT.lt 4 S R Trin. a 3 3 3 4 Ctierry.m 4 t and with one out. Cap Shortstop I sneeiy.e 3 Hminim.s 4 3 mitted two errors, in addition to a couple of mental boners that didn't go down in the score-book. With Peterson resting on first Official Box Buck Weaver and Al S.asz New York'i teeming Bronx combined to dump Frank Sto-I Cash from Jake's home prov jack and Lefty Pacer in Tues-'ince where he has an interert in day night s team tag event of two small fight cluby, beat down the weekly pro grappling show. Ithe price on Cerdan who opened In the preliminary Dale Kiser.ia 5 to 12 choice. It may go even tfii 18-year-old contender, tangled ! lower by ring time for the 13- .481 with the experienced Tony Fa-jround bout, scheduled at ap 8ltetti and lost via the one fall proximately 10 p.m. (EST). The -414:-nilt- v;.w.- .u.. ktu Ifioht u-ill nAt u. - er oi uaie. aownea Din eiaer icievisea. From this corner it looks like Cerdan, largely on the basis of the old cuts around La Motta's eyes that keep re-opening in every fight. Marcel doesn't hit hard enough to dump Jake on his panties but his slashing hooks are just the thing to slice tender brows. McLean ! lilt Bftrd.C S 3 ft 0 nunnarn.p 2 0 0 1 0Petrsn.P S 1 0 3 Andern,p 0 0 0 0 Total 4 U 17 ToUI 27 U 21 Vancouver 000 100 01 4 2 Salem 301 010 S H 1 Pitcher: IP Ab H R Er Bo Bb Ounnaraon 21 10 t 2 0 1 Andu-Aon 1 4 1 0 0 0 2 Q. Peterson 7 35 4 1 0 4 1 Wild pitches: Anderton. Left on baara: Vancouver 4. 6alm 10. Error: R. Tran, SrietMr, Krui. Two bue hit: HrdlmtDn. Mead. Run batted In: R. Tran, He dim ton 2 Krut. Beard. Sacrifice: W. Feteron. Krui, O. Peteraon. Double playi: Waalfy to Beard. Time 1:15. Umpires; Bilttam and Youni. Second tame: Vancouver Ml ( Salem BHOA BHOA Robinon.3 ft 2 1 3 W Pet ran. 3 3 0 1 3 Fernndz.cf 1 1 2 0 B Pet ran J 4 14 2 L Tran. 3 ft 0 3 1 Orteif.rf 4 0 10 Mead, rf 4 0 0 Waaley.If 4 0 11 R.Tran.aa 1 1 t 0 Cherry.cf 3 0 10 Brenner.c 4 3 3 0 HedlnCtn.S 3 13 2 OSnyder.tr 4 14 0 Krua. 1 4 3 0 McLean. 1 4 3 ft 0 CarLon.c 0 4) 0 0 BSnvder.p 3 10 0 McNulty.p 3 115 Sheely' 110 0 Beard.c 3 2 t 0 Ounnrjn 0 0 0 0 Total 32 11 34 4 Total 30 1 27 13 Batted for B Snyder In ttn. Ran lor Sheelr in 9lli. Vancouver 000 000 OtO 1 11 2 Salem 021 000 30x 0 7 0 Pnclier: Ip Ab R H Er So Bb Snvder t Mill 13 McNulty ft 32 1 11 1 7 ft Left on baxea: Vancouver 10. Salem 4. Error: Brenner, O. Snyder. Three but hit: B. Peteraon. Two baae hiu: Krut 2. Ruor batted tn: McLean, Krui, Beard 3. Orten, McNulty. B. Peteraon. Sacrifice: Pernandes. Hedington. Stolen base: R. Tran. W. peteraon. Double play: Hedlni ton to W. Peterson to Krua: W. Peteraon to B. Peterson to Krui: McNulty to W. Peterson. Time I M. Umpire: Young and Biiham. Attendance 1270. The Uneacorea: Tacoma 112 401 0000 U 0 Spokane Ill 000 0018 10 3 Portter and Warren: Werbowakt, Bab bitt t4. Neely , Kimball it and Roul. Bremerton 012 0J6 00112 17 1 Wenaichee 002 000 113 ft 10 4 Kahnut, Simon l and Ronnlng; Green law, McCollum 16) and Winter. Victoria 000 000 400 4 13 1 Ynklma 401 11 OOx 13 IS 1 PropM, Prowse )2 and Moraan; Brad ford and Tornay. Soap Wrappers Win Free Ducats Mark dortball second ame v . hi ill Kav Tran, Lapilano shortstop. For Youngsters rlay at Leslie 'had a perfect night at the piate. Through a cooperative ar-j Two whitewashings were ad-;He collected three singles in rangement between "Care", the ; ministered Tuesday night in City! ihree ,rlps the plate ln the i,.iin thoi .onrt fnndileoBue aofibsll nlov t iflrst game, and socked a single i.. it. ik. m.nn.inorw Wnnl hlanW.H Kniohi. of and drew three walks in the fotnr.r. of Swan soan and the Columbus 6-0 behind the 6-hitinl!htcaP- Salem Baseball club, each 'pitching of George Roth, while! The Salems took over exclu TounKster who submits twoiMootry i downed 12th Street, 7isive occupancy of third place to 0, to retain loop leadership. in the Industrial division In terstate lost Its first encounter of the season when the Paper makers edged them 7-5. Clear Lake collected 12 hits to beat Warner's 7 to 4. Wednesday night's Industrial program: 7:30, Interstate vs. Clear Lake: 8:30, Post Office vs. Naval Reserve. K of C 000 DIM 0 0 2 4 Rcvk Wool . . . .100 023 - t 11 2 Pirton tn4 Alley; Rotn tnd flint, r. Uoolrr'a 300 120 11 6 1 12th St 000 000 ft 0 S 1 Rawlins tnd Hrnm; Hllhktr and ' lUf hk,. Intentat 021 020 S 1 4 P,p,rmakrr ... 213 OOX 7 0 4 Hudon and Butu: Fnrlow and Kfphart. Warnar'a 002 020 0 4 7 3 Clfar tak, 021 002 3-7 12 0 Mlckanham and Conutock: Wrlani and back to I wrapper! from the soap will be dmitted free to Wednesday night's fame at Waters park. For Men two wrappers sub mitted, Lever Brothers com pany will contribute a cake of soap to "Care" for distribution verseas. The Idea which originated ln BRlem, has spread rapidly throughout the country and many ball parks are now coop erating. Sinovic Returns As Spectator to Waters Park Mix Dick Sinovic came Waters park Tuesday night and although he donned a "monkey suit" he remained a spectator throughout the twin bill be tween the Senators and the Ca piianos. Sinovic, who batted .SSI last season, good for second place In Western International circles, was recently returned to Portland by Macon of the Sally league. Whether he will be as signed to the Salem elub has not been announced. Sinovic held down center Held for Solons where he had defensive mark of .178. He was used as a pitcher In 1947 winning S and losing 13. University Bowl I.ADirs Sl'MMra LB ani'S Baa Data?, rnlllni ror Randall a. arorad tha lop tama af 173 and tha hlth aarlaa of 411 to laad Bar faam lo the hlth team terle o: ,. fatted Vlkeel Allenaaeat fli-Carla Tto- aartaon 3t. ltene Loufh 371. Kathr Hei ktna 347. Joeea Rowland 303. taee'a Jewel. w (ft Idtta WrBlhener 3tS. Allra Loeken 133. naaol Marka , Ardte Fredtrlekeen m BandaB'e viae Meate TBr-Bea. Daeer til, Dorothr Maaitreitl 370. wanrv Elliott 111. Brelrn Bvani 3tt. flaak Blaal Canal. io Jeanne allrhaud 307. Rube oarneon lit, Mildred Plank 317, Beit? Schroedar 371. Aea'a Baraae Shea (0-Del Del aji,e 3. CU Smith 341. Ruth Welrh 370. eTItli. ea Hardware ISI-Olorla Hoffman 313. S:ala wlUiamemt 404, EleMI Purrar 311, June Lemon all Stale atreee M . . -t tt U r. Wotta ItA Lenta Vihhert Set norBihe Tire lat.l' tZ?'?"..V .y""u" 'V.r'1,""" " championship. He took the ti' eln.ler 357 trim K'i:-;" 32J, Jean due to Spokane's 9 to 5 loss to Tacoma Yakima added to its lead by trouncing Victoria, 13-4 while Bremerton outscored Wenatchee 12-9. The world 00-yard dash rec ord of 6.1s has been equaled 17 times fince Ralph Metcalfe ran it in 1933. Salem Legions to Meet Mt. Angels Friday Afternoon The undefeated Capitol Post No. 9. American Legion junior baseball club, coached by Bill Hanauska. will engage Mt. Angel Friday afternoon. The game is slated for Water's field if arrangements can be made for its use. The following Sunday the local juniors will go to Stayton for a second shot at the juniors of that community. The first half portion of the district sea son will soon be a matter of record. PCL Standings W L Pet. W L Pet. Holl v wood 50 SO .MS Oakland 38 41 .481 Seattle 4.S.16 bb 8nKrncco 38 43 .4jtj San Dleto 42 38 S38 Portland 32 44 421 Sac r ammo 38 38 bOC LoaAniela 33 48 .418 Reaalu Turmdar flan DWo i. Oakland 4. San Praneiaco 4. Seattla t. L-oa Antelea 3. Portland 4. a cram n to 7. Hollywood (t. Tiger Hurler Challenges : For Honors on One Hitter By the Auorlatad Preaai Virgil (Fire) Trucks, Detroit's strong-armed righthander. It) challenging New York's Vic Raschi for American league pitching honors. With the season only one third gone, the 30-year-old Alabama, already has won nine games against three losses. Only Raschi. with 10, has won more. Now- houser has won seven. Trucks gave further indication last night that he was out to make this his greatest year when he limited Philadelphia to one hit as the Tigers blanked the Athletics. 4-0. Only a fifth in ning single by Hank Majeski prevented him from hurling the Major Standings 9 Beavers Trim Angels to Cli!r.b from Basement The Portland Beavers, who have been low men on a totem pole since too far back to remember, finally gnawed their way out of the Pacific Coast league cellar last night. The Beavers tangled with the Los Angeles Angels in a fight over the booby slot and come out one-half game in front by trimming the Seraphs 4-3. A- line double in the 10th inning by Joe Brovia drove in Johnny Rucker who had singled. The winning run also drove the hinges off a 67-day-old cellar door for the Beavers and gave Roy Helser his eighth win against five setbacks. Sacramento knocked the props from under the league leading Hollywood Stars by a score of 7-6. Both teams got away to a flying start by rapping in four runs each in the first innings. In the eight frame with the score tied, the Solons loaded the bases on a triple by Walt Dropo and two walks. Jim Marsh stepped up to the plate and bunted on a neat squeeze play to break up the game. At Oakland, the Oaks fell 5-4 under a barrage of home runs by the San Diego Padres in an other close opening night tilt. Round-trip blows by Orestes Minoso, Max West and Harvey Storey paved the way as 10.915 Oakland fans braved the cool weather to watch big Luke Easter perform. Easier went hitless in four trips to the platter while Min oso, fleet-footed Negro center- fielder, hit three for three and West banged out his 23rd homer of the year to go into a tie again with Easter. Seattle came from behind In the seventh inning at Seattle to edge out the listless San Fran cisco Seals 8-4. Lanky Con Dempsey, the Seal's portside specialist, walked three men afler the bases were loaded. The Seals jumped on Guy Fletcher who was aiming for his 114th win and drove him to the showers by the fifth. "Hard Luck" Herman Besse took over the chores, the Seattle win giv ing him his fourth win of the campaign against 11 losses. Official Box Portland- 1 S 0 0 1 1 10 0 1 Lot Anielea BHOA BHOA Djinnto,3-a 1114 Marquri.lf 1110 Mauro, ef 4 0 2 0 Ahupf.l S 0 10 0 Ostrowskl.J ft 2 1 4 Thomaa.S ill Maddern.lf ft S 4 0 Rucker.cf Malone.c 4 2 2 0 Brovia. rf Aberon.rf ft 1 1 0 Baa In It 1.3 Moran. 1 4 0 14 0 Oladd. c SL-tuter.aj 2 0 3 ft Aiutlln.aa CarUen.p 3 1 Melaer.p Terwiiiar.Z 10 11 Af.thonr.p 0 01 Glow OP 10 0 0 Total 38 ft 3S 17 Totala IS tS0 11 Gloaaop grounded out for CarUen ln 8th. s One out when wlnnini run acored. HO innlnta) La Aniele 010 000 020 S H:ta 010 102 040 19 Portland 000 003 010 14 Hit 001 102 110 3 t Pitching: Ip Ab ft H KrSoBb CarUen 7 1 1 1 1 I Anthony 3a 10 1 I 1 1 0 Helser 10 38 I t I 0 3 Enora: Moran. Schiuter 3. Runs: Mauro. Qstrowiktl, Maddern. Stiupe, Thomai, Rucker 3. Run batted in: Maddern. Rucker, 0troltl 3. Oladd, Brovia. Two bae hit: Brovia, Home run: Maddern, OMrownkt. Sacrifice: Brovia. Anthony. Double Playa: Carlaen to Schuater to Moran- Oamato to Srhuater to Moran. Left on ba.se: Lo A me lea t. Portland I. Hit by pitcher: Br HeUer tTerwtllecen. Wild pitch: CarUen. Balk: CarUen 3. Loalnf pitcher: Anthony. Umpire: Runte, 8om- era and Oeever. Time 3:30. Attendance 5,298. By Dmted Preaat N.nONL LBAOI'I W L Pet. W L Pet. Rrooklvn 31 20 82) Hew York 38 38 hH St. Loula 34 32 .S89 Cincinnati 33 31.418 Roaton 30 23 .58 Pit tabu run 30 33 JH Phlldtphla ?9 2S .S37 Chicaao 10 33 .Sit AMt RK (M LEAGUE - W L Pet. W L Pet New York 31 18 .647 Wahtnitn 38 30 season s first no-run, no-hit t ptuidiphia 31 23 sis cmcmo 31 so i (-Ift-eianti 334.610 St. LouU 18 31 3M ReaHllB TiiHnie The Tigers iced the game inj natioku. lkaoib game. the first inning, scoring three times against Carl Scheib. The victory left the second place Tigers three games behind the Yankees. Raschi notched his 10th tri umph against one defeat with out mucn trounie as tne Yankees inn whn thrpw fn PpH Rhr... shellacked the Chicago Whitedienst to catch Carl FuriUo ai Sox, 15-3. An eight-run sixth in-second. A last relay to Nippy Philadelphia 9. Chicaao 3. Boeton 3. Pttuburah 4. New York 2. Cincinnati AMERICAN' LEAGl'E Chicaao 3, New York 15. Detroit 4. Philadelphia 0. at. LouU 7. Wahlnton 3. Cleveland 10. RrMton ft. ning at the expense of loser Bill Wight, Allen Gettel and Marino Pieretti changed a tight pitching duel to a rout. The apparently revitalized Cleveland Indians vaulted from sixth to fourth place in the American league standings after soundly trounring the Red Sox in Boston, 10-5. Bob Feller, who had lost his last five starts, went all the way for the Indians to gain his sec ond victory of the season. .Joe Gordon hit a grand slam home run in the first inning. The St. Louis Browns finally beat Washington, 7-2, after los ing eight straight decisions to the Senators. Lefty Joe Ostrowskl pitched six-hit ball to gain his first victory of the year. Mickey Hoefner was the loser. Jones got Robinson off first for the triple killing. Wally Westlake rapped a nintfi inning double to drive in the ty ing and winning runs in Pitts burgh's 4-3 victory over the Bot ton Braves. He previously ha(J hit a homer, triple and single. Larry Jansen registered hfj first shutout of the year as the New York Giants defeated the Reds in Cincinnati. 2-0. Tht slim right-hander allowed four hits in winning his sixth game The Philadelphia Phillies ru ined Frankie Frisch's debut sj manager of the Cubs. They waK loped Chicago, 9-2, in the onlj afternoon clash in the major Andy Seminick paced the Phil; 1 1 -hit attack with a three-run homer, his 12th. Brooklyn increased its Na-j a m. f m. tional league lead to three games AmilV UClCQlS over the Cardinals with a 7-2 triumph over St. Louis. Preach er Roe beat the Cardinals with a 10-hit effort for the Dodgers' eighth straight triumph. The Cards came up with a tri ple play only the second in the majors this year. After Jackie Robinson had singled in two runs in the first inning for Brooklyn. Gil Hodges lined to Marty Mar- teams committed two errors. Tiqard, 10-3 McMinnville Amity's ball club defeated Tigard here Tues day. 10-4, with Nauman being credited as the winning pitchet The Amity team scored their victory on 11 hits while Tigarfl crew recorded only three. Both Short aeorea: Sen Franc Ueo 320 000 0004 11 3 Seattle 000 130 30K 8 10 0 Dempsey and Parte; FleUhtr, Beaae (S and Oraaao, White IS). Sacramento .400 Oil 0107 It 1 Hollywood 410 010 000-4 10 1 Frfita, Salvo (4). Comer 8 and Ral mondl; Olten, Salreson (4) and Unjer. San Dleto 100 010 1301 It 3 Oakland 000 001 1114 IS 3 C. Adam and Moore; Candlnl, Thomp son i9i and Padiett. Timt to repair or roploco GUTTERS j DOWNSPOUTS j FLASHINGS PL UMtfNO -HA T$NQ 279m COMMfmtiAt ,1i i IT'S HERE The ill ntw Saflicycle Commsndo Real economical trans portation over the road 100 miles per gmi. I.lirht, itronf and aturdy. Motorcycle type seals and forks. New trouble free Flex-a-Matic clutch, no ears to shift. Chrome plated fenders, erash bar liithla, and exhanat. 1V4 and S H. P. sises low price. Now in stock for Immediate delivery. DEALERS We hare dealer agencies available see now. DISTRIBUTOR HAIN'S OUTBOARD & SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial, Salem Phone I-60S0 OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Jnno 1ft 3:41 OB. It 10 04 OS. -0 3 ft 11 p.m. I I 11 13 I Jvm II 4 IS a aa. TS 11 :M .- 0 3 08 P.M. Tt Jun IT ft 10 an. to 10 a. 3 3 53 pm. 7 3 13 II P.m. 9 8 J me II I 11 a m. 1.1 1:10 a.m. 3 t 717 pa. 7 3 104 p.m. 1 ) Jun II 1 11 am. ft. I 3 10 a.m. 3 4 I 31 p.m. 7 1 1:53 p.m. 1.3 June 30 I 41 a tn. 51 3 08 a m. II 104 p.m. 7.7 3:43 p m. 3.3 June 31 MT i m. ft.T 4 01 a.m. 1 3 I 47 p m. 7.1 3 34 P m. 3.7 Jory Florists To Meet Macs on Thursday Night The Jary rioritt baseball learn will go to McMinnville Thursday night for a session with the Townies of that com munity. Manager Bob Reeves has announced his probable line-up as: Oirod 2b, Valdex lb, Unruh ss, Staats cf. Cummings c. Osborn If, Harp 4f, Alderman 3b, Butte and Glenn pitchers. Province a nd Garver may be added to the outfield. The Florists mere the victims of five hit pitching on the part of Whitey Bernstein as they were beaten by the Prison Greyj 7 to 2. It was the Greys eighth win in 11 starts with two John sons, one at second and the oth er at third, playing exception ally fine ball. ' Florists 200 000 0002 5 t Greys 101 000 OJx 7 7 6 Butte. Adams (7) and Reeves: Henthorne (7), Berntitein and Trumbly. Johnny Goodman wss the last amateur to win the U.S. Open Here A t Last The Cars You Have Been Waiting for NEW DODGE Lower Priced WAYFARER Now on Display THE ROADSTER THE 2-DOOR SEDAN THE BUSINESS COUPE With the same Dependable "Get-away" Engine and Gyrol Fluid Drive as our Coronet and Meadowbrook Cars. And Just A Few Dollars More Than the Lowest Priced Cars See Them Now STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE - fLYMOt'TH High and Chemeketa Sts. Dodge Job Rated Tracks Phont 2-2468 WHATEVER TYPE YOUR DAD IS WHETHER THE " 'V 7WX.a- S.fMT..'r.ITPE :D MODEST TYPE : EXECUTIVE jm YOU'LL FIND JUST WHAT "IT TAKES" TO MAKE HIM SMILE ON HIS DAY ... AT S&N CLOTHIERS, OF COURSE! It's a Fact! He'll Look Better In a Mallory Hat! "C'raveneted" for rainy .Salem weather. Lightweight for summer wear. Pastel shsdrs. as low as rSO He'll Be Fit to Be "Tied" In a New Wembly! l A sure hit wllh I ,,d: He'll Feel Better With This 'Smile-Getter!' Famou B. V. D. perl ahirt thal'a leb waft hible! Tsp eualll; ab ardlne c rmeen. Wide selection ef eelers and sties. only ViM, five him a rHMiutiful new WHITE LUOK... the lie tnMtlon f the tMUMin! COME RAIN OR SHINE! en the falrwar ... an the street! He'll be a "flad lad" with thru.! AI.I.KiATOR CiOI.F SHIRTS "Llsht as a feath er for all kinds of weather." Water- fabric. 7.50 flFRM T" HHIRTfl Cool as a elmid " Damlins aaaort ment of colors and patterns. 2.50 e- 1.50 & 2.00 for the better thinsji... S&N Clothier ...456 Stat Street Brighten His Day This Easy Way! (live him a sond tack', be All pattern. Me to l.M. Knro or Win Drew ChlrU. While., eallerna. twalela. Hpread er rernlar collars. Frenrh Miffs, 1.9S-I.M. llaras for stammer and Sail wear Oatai and all-woo la. Tew .holee. II.M-11.tt. Tie nip. by Areaon. flrle Clip. t.M plus iaa. Jackets by Rportacaeler. Xtpper fronts. Poplin Cloth. IM-liM. JUNE im mow 1 T'l I ' L". L 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 Aaf sa.J Xf 3, AO II 19)0'21 22 23 24 V1- Mitnaua Ml, Jean Anion let. .title in 1933.