14 CapHal Journal, Relem. Ore.. Wednesday. June IB. 194 Salm, Oregon .Ml ,M o THHMMIB,68i mP.fAI.BKS t i i w j v i i i k 9 e :i i r a b ti Apain . . . Penney's gives you MORE for your money! Now you g , irJ&K siiirts, newer styles at the &AMJbi LUW FKICEI YES, PENNEY'S GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! LOOK... fw,Mow...a Better White Shirt ! AT THE SAME LOW PRICE! m m 2M Towncraft 144x76 White Broadcloths Again, wt say it ond we prove it . . . Pen ney's gives you MORE for your money! NOW, we give you 220 fine combed cotton threads to the inch 24 more than before! Now, you get smooth pearl buttons! You get HIGHER QUALITY throughout, ot no extra cost! You get all the other Towncraft value features, too . . . Sanforized, mer cerized, Nu-craft collars. Cash in on this value, now when you need white shirts! Now, in time for Father's Day. Sizes 14 17. Sleeves 32-35. MAIN FLOOR INDIVIDUALLY GIFT-BOXED FOR FATHER'S DAY-JUNE 19th AT PENNEY'S ONLY! A NEW HIGH NOTE IN 1949 SHIRT STYLES! Cord Tone Broadcloths CASH-AND-CARRY LOW PRICED! A slick new shirt exclusive with Pen ney's! It's a neat cord effect in those sensational new pastel colors! Sanfor ized, of course. Widespread collars. Dad will go for this new style, too. At this low price you can give him a couple. Sizes 14 to 17. MAIN FLOOR EXTRA! EXTRA! THIS YEAR'S BIGGEST SHIRT NEWS ! ! ! New Pastel Colors AT THE SAME LOW CASH-AND-CARRY PRICE! "We wont bold-colored shirts," our cus tomers told us! Here they ore ivory, maize, pink, helio, blue, tan, gray, green high shades to brighten your ward robe. Fine combed Sanforized cotton. Non-wilt Nu-croft and widespread col lars. Dad will like them, too! MAIN FLOOR Gifts from Penney's SUPER SPECIAL GIFTS FOR HIS DAY! AT PENNY'S LOW CASH-AND-CARRY PRICES! Men's Fine Quality Towncraft Pajamas A Father's Day Gift at a Cash-and-Carry Low Price! Penney value means high quality plus low price! So we give you fine Sanforized cotton broadcloth pajamas at this low price! Colorful 'Stripes bold or neat. Coat or slipover styles. Compare the quality. Check the price! All sizes A, B, C, D. MAIN FLOOR Men's All-Wool Flannel Robes! Special Price for Father's Day Gift-Giving .88 What could be a nicer gift for Dad on his day than a new 100 all-wool robe! The cash-and-carry price is low even for Penney's! It's a winner for looks, too well tailored, shawl collor, .three pock ets. Several colors to choose from. S-M-U MAIN FLOOR Towncraft Ties! For a Glad Dad Smart New Patterns at the Same Low Price jU9 Come in and take a look ot the brilliant new selec tion of Towncraft ties! Sensationel new panel prints, stripes, florals, figures! Acetate rayon sotins, jac quards, foulards! And colors to match your new shirts! Don't miss these Penney values! MAIN FLOOR 100 All-Wool Gabardine Slacks! Penney-Priced for Father's Day Gifts M.75 The Father who knows fine quality will surely ap preciate a pair of these handsomely tailored 100 wool gabardine slacks. The smart summer shades will match smartly with his favorite sport coat. Penney-priced, too! MAIN FLOOR