Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 15, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    I I
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Elmer C. Schloti
Club Speakers
To Be Selected
Elmer C. SchloU, executive
field director for the Associated
elubs, will meet with the board
of directors of the Salem Knife
nd Fork club at 10 o'clock Fri
day forenoon at the Chamber of
Commerce to select a list of
speakers for the 1949-50 season.
The local club is an affiliate
of the Associated club network,
which now comprises 300 affili-
ted groups throughout the
; united stales, as wen as Lana
I da, Mexico and Cuba, whose
5 membership annually hear over
2000 speeches.
I Scholtz is a veteran in this or
j ganization, having served eight
J years in the field of organiza
f tion throughout the network in
addition to public relations
among the clubs and the nation
al office.
The Salem board included
Big Prizes in
Plane Contest
Oregon's third annual model
plane contest will be held July
It and IT at Eugene, according
to an announcement by Ply
mouth dealer! of Oregon, spon
sors of the contest.
The tournament is open to all
young people from ages 9 to 26
Prizes will include three
scholarships to any Oregon col
lege or university. First prize
will be a $7.10 scholarship. Sec
ond and third prizes will be
scholarships of $500 and $250
respectively. These awards will
be to winners from 14 to 18
years of age only.
In addition to the scholar
ships, there will be presented
four all-expense trips to De
troit, Michigan, where contest
ants wilt compete in the August
22-29 Third International Mod
el Plane contest for $8750 in
prizes. Further awards at the'
Eugene meet will be prizes of
the day as well as trophies for
contestants in all groups.
Arra ngements have been
made in Eugene to hold control
line events on the University of
Oregon campus on Saturday.
July 16, featuring speed and
stunt flying. Free flight events
by gasoline-motored and rubber-powered
models will be held
Sunday, July 17, at the Eugene
Winning Pistol Team These sharp-shooting marines from
Salem's marine corps reserve unit this year won top honors
in the northwest company pistol league contest for the Mar
ine Reserve units with an average score of H01. 40, 10 wins
and no losses. Front row is Sgt. E. J. Kelm.. First Lt. Willis
D. Sims, officer in charge of the team, and Pfc G. B. Crump.
Back row Staff Sgt. Herman M. Doney, captain of the
team, Cpl. William Baldwin, Pvt. K. H. Johnson and Sgt. J.
W. Marcroft. Not in the picture are Pfc. B. C. Jeffries and
Staff Sgt. R. E. Unrah.
President W. W. McKinney,
President-elect Dr. Daniel H.
Schulze, James H. Hart and
Walter C. Leth of Independence;
Rev. Dudley Strain, Elmer J.
Scellars, Earl J. Adams, Guy
M. Hickok, Harry W. Scott, Ron
ald Hudkins of Salem and Dr.
R. J. Van Cleave of Silverton.
Festival Queen Candidates
7-- v.
. is- v n
if I .;. v v..
esr mm - ..-aaaw"- t
Rousing Greeting to
Governor Doug McKay
Governor Douglas McKay re
ceived a real western welcome
for his attendance at the 14th an
nual St. Paul rodeo, July 2-3-4.
when Queen-elect Patricia Zo
sel, Salem; Princesses Mara
Lynn Manning, McMinnville;
and Carol Lea Wilcox, New
berg, and members of the rodeo
association greeted him on the
State House steps Wednesday
Along with his Invitation,
Governor McKay was presented
a western hat by Queen-elect
Patricia, who has proclaimed
Monday, July 4th, as St. Paul
rodeo's Governor's day.
The Oregon Mounted posse,
Salem, and the Portland Mount
ed posse and Oregon Ranch Girls
will parade and be featured in
exhibition riding drills as a spe
cial July 4th attraction. Asso
ciation President Ray Manegre
Shelby Jersey
Bull Is Champ
Albany, June 15 Imported
Radar, three-year-old prize Jer
sey bull owned by N. V. Shelby
& Sons of Albany, Route 2, add
ed two more trophies to his
string of awards Tuesday as he
was judged grand champion bull
and senior champion in the
second day of the 29th annual
spring show sponsored by the
Linn-Benton Jersey cattle club
at the Linn county 4-H club
l pavilion here.
The Shelby Jersey Farms bull
took first place at the Oregon
State fair last year and grand
championship at shows in Mon
tana and Idaho. He won the
Sunny brook Dairy, Corvallis,
trophy as grand champion, and
the Medo-Land Creamery com
pany, Corvallis. cup awarded to
exhibitor of senior champion.
The Borden company cup for
the junior champion bull went
to Basil Jester Pinnake Royal
owned and shown by Rnllie and
Willard Davis of Blodgett. First
in senior yearling class was also
won by this animal.
In aged buns. Courley'i Jer-j Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 15. 1949 f 3
sey Farm of Albany, Route 2,j :
placed first with Brampton Pin- man a large field of 11 junior'Lincoln county Tuesday and will
nacie tsrea; ouns t a years, and 13 older exhibitors in thelcontinue until August 12. The
uouney s; junior yeaning duii.i 4. h division.
Gourley's; and senior bull calf, Champion FFA animal was
Homer Shelby and Richard shown by Dee Chamber of Al
Stewart, Albany. bany.
Judging of female classes was
featured in the afternoon by',, u 4- 01. ..
Delake, June 15 Bob Dono-
Taft high school football
Simply eat this delicious Vita
min and Mineral Candy
called AYDS. before meals as
directed. AYDS check your
appetite you automatically
eat less lose weight natu
rally. Absolutely safe con
tain no reducing drugs. Money
refunded if you don't lose
weight with first box. Month's
supply 92.69.
State & Liberty St.
4-H and FFA entries. Eugcne(coach, has been named director
Nygren, son of Mr. and Mrs. C 'of the summer play program
iNygren of Albany. Route 2. ex- which got undrr way in North
muneci me 4-H champion of the
show, and Richard Johnstone
son of Dr, and Mrs. A. E. John
stone of Albany Route 2, rated
4-H reserve champion, both
with producing cows.
Young Johnstone also was
judged grand champion show-
supervisor will be at the vari
ous communities on certain days
of each week.
Eye Cautions
Bniht. Hariris Mtht t.'m tyt. Avoid
icidini In a jhadow. Diffused, indirect
uaiit u rrjtful. To thf and rrlax ovr
Koikd. tore, tlrtd. biirnlni, itchint s
un eomlort.m pleasant Lavoptik. 30 yar
aurr'.u, WaUfd by thousand. Oft Lav
opitlt today. (Bve-cup included!. B dt
ttth'fd n- money bar. All drutauu.
$$ MONEY $$
Real Kstate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
l.W S lli(h St. S1 J-52J?
"Jwld Crown" atop tipttick cap k
circlat of Aaininq rKinitont turrounoV
In 9 larg briflMly colorod "qtm" ttono.
12 difltrcnt celortd stonai and I lovoly
lipstick thadat.
.Capital Drug Store
405 Stale Street
"Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also ' Waxers
Free Pick-Up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Don't take chances!
Buy from an established lo
cal concern whose prices
and services are right.
The safety of your home de
pends on your roof. That's why.
in considering roof repairs, or
reroonng, it is so important to
deal only with a reliable con
cern. Ask for free estimate.
10- Year Guarantee
Nothing Down and
Up to Three Years to Pay
164 S. Com'l. Ph. S-464Z
In the Third Week of
(15th ond Mill Stt.)
Rev. W. K. Pamp-to-pee, American Indian evangelist of
Battle Creek, Michigan, is doing the preaching each eve
ning. Rev. Pamp-to-pee is a full-blooded Indian of the
Pottowatomi tribe. One of three preaching brothers, who
have toured the United States and Canada in evangelistic
campaigns, a member of the American Indian Gl's of the
Cross. Working out of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Everyone is welcome to these services each nite at 8 o'clock.
Listen to broadcast over KOCO Wednesday P. M., 7 to 7:15.
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever" Heb. 13:8
REV. GLEN YATES, Pastor Phone 3-3382
They bought my FATHER'S DAY GIFT at
From This Group of five
young women from Marion
and Polk counties, all gradu
ated from high school this
spring, the Queen for the
1B49 Cherryland Festival,
dated for June 30,' July 1 and
S, will be chosen Friday night.
The five, four of whom will
be princesses in the royal
court following the selection
of the queen, are: top row
left, Jeannlne Bentley, of
Lyons, representing the Stay
ton high school; top row, right
Grace Marie Kirk of St. Paul;
second row, left, Dorothy
Neufeld of Dallas; second row,
right, Patricia O'Connor of
Stayton, representing the
Sacred Heart Academy; and
below, Katherine Specht of
r -
aV fn
ai Hi hail
There ii a dillercncc!
Buy id Taste it! Enjoy the
"hand -dipped quality of
this 'extra-rieb' icf cream.
Be sure to ask for it by
name .... at your nearest
Arden dealer
Weed Spraying
Average City Lawn, $5.00
PH. 25973
All Metal "NU-FRAME"
Window Screeni
Require no fitting . . come
ready to install . are of
permanent all-steel con
struction . need no paint
ing or upkeep . will not
rot nor separate at the
corners . . . made to fit any
standard window they
are the finest flat screen
that money can buy yet
Cost No More Than
Wood Frame Screens
Lumber Company
IS Lena Ave. Phone S-493S
t blocks north, 1 block
Prenatal Care and your
prenatal support
Prenatal care can do so much for
both mother and baby. And your
Camp maternity support does a lot
for sensible living.
Physicians recommend Camp
Supports because they're
scientifically suited to
nature's laws - to help
relieve unusual strain and
fatigue. That's why
Camp means such wearing
comfort - the patented
adjustment conforms easily
to the changing figure.
Just by feeling better, you'll look
better, too. An expert fitting will
prove ever so reassuring.
II CTttttw ii
" i
lilt $1495-
jlf. . ! I SLASHED TO "
, : L,,;.!..; ;it Wht : SHAVEMASTER
I Xi. $8.55 A
ymf''llz9 I It I III llll M III III 111 I More thiinj( surface . . . greater whisker I
) 5 I I I PICK'UP higher cuttcr-ipced la chic II
V '' '" t I I I llllllll I n tensational new shaver. Has a powerful, ) If
'lya II llHIt 111 111 lliV Hnnh-type, self-sianing mcitnr. 1,'ntil you've (I
. X II I I I ill Hi uwd it you have no idea of the fait, smooth, II
Vv T" II I MMill I1IL close-ihaving comfort you can now enjoy. II
ii 'f f I II f M I II Ull (fr W tnow yu ,mt,e hn you ll
rfZ& sfJ I It II I (III 111! llll) OUI t"1"00' 'f,t hat has Jill
t S1'"y I I! Ill 1 IH II llll ill l heen made in electric shaers. 1
:m . mi lurnwMfimiifii
Here Are A Few Sure Fire
for DDA
They're Quality With Savings
And Dozens of Others in Our Store
Stanley Brace Reg. n
No. 945 has 1 0-inch sweep. Pric( 1 Q W
Polished steel finish. Positive ... jf
ratchet action. Firm grip
Miller Falls Brace R9- Qfi
No. 1710 has 10-inch sweep. Price 111
Rugged construction through- 3. J0 mm
out and polished steel finish.
Stanley Hammer 4 QQ
16 oz. straight claw. Ripping Reg. I 07
type. Hardwood handle. Well 2.35 '
Stanley Plane JOQ
No. 4 a 9-lnch Bailey, Reg. 70
smoothing type plane with 2- 0 45
inch adjustable cutting blade.
Miller Falls No. 9 r MQ
9-in. long. Polished steel finish. (,35 J
2-inch adjustable blade.
Miller Falls No. 9C f-QQ
With corrugated bottom face 6.65
otherwise same as No. 9,
Miller Falls TyiQ
JACK PLANE NO. 14 Reg. j4
14 inches long 2-inch odjust- 6.35 '
able blade. Highly finished.
Miller Falls fQQ
JACK PLANE NO. 14C Reg. Jj 7
With corrugated bottom 7.85 "
otherwise same as No. 14.
Stanley Brace AO
No. 965N has 10-inch sweep. Reg. 07
Strong ratchet action and poti- 3 25
tive bit grip.
Capital Drug Store
State and Liberty "On the Corner"
Cmmp Surf ImI tuppm H Tovf Dafr'l rrmrlp(M
Steel Rule
A 6-ft. polished steel
tape. Streamlined, easy
to read. Designed for in
side or outside measurements.