I lCpUa Journal, Salem, 0r.. Wednesday, June 15. 1949 fTwc vacoutv or ie Salem, . MWSM OOfcWCH? W6H SCHOOL W6JTTo ClASS TX?.SStD UK6 me pupn-s and Puf Fki6 Beete' 6u" "to Snow TuC PueuS HouJ "KV L0OkEC.(".4 ittM) "P a--. ferofcMCS M PvPH-S VH.t WOW ROhsK, TWt APPLE Foe Sz we hwc no Deoer "act mt FACULTY C0MtV4C:D MORC KtspE el s'' WH rri SftT1A,ii.S OJT. EXCEPT CAT VrtA.y THY DC. -oft"" -meoe was Mofte IS? as. rf-p- TwtStSAroftwAPDSTtP t4 Except eTiw6S of thp. 9Pt MT 1EACHE RS ASf,OClATK4 iwspfsr of vff.s rvor enough 'Emily's' Charms Cause Upset for Hours on Film Lot Br VIRGINIA MACPHERSON Hollywood U..) A Idy named "Emily" kicked up a Hollywood criiiis by showing up for a prominent movie role with nothing on. She held up production tor houri while studio "yei-men" (cur ried lor lomebody to cover up 'Belle of the Yukon,'" Hi says Polio Outbreak In West Texas her voluptuous "nekkidnem Meanwhile, she Just stood there with narv a blush to her nret- ty face. 'The Secret Life of Walter Mit- "Emily," you ee. ia a nearly.' That nude wai all there wai life-sized painting of a ahapely t0 the barroom besides a brau nude the kind western saloon keepers used to hang in gaudy gambling palaces. And that's precisely what Pro- San Angelo, Tex., June IS UP) The nation's first serious polio epidemic this year brokej out with renewed intensity to day. Shannon Memorial hospital hanHlari rt. pawr the mnit it hat 'And a beaut for Danny Kaye-sl(r,.H .inr. th. .niml, h.. Angelo were acting normally . They continued to patronize theatera and swimming pools, although city health authorities cautioned everyone to stay away from places where crowds gath er. Crews were spraying DDT throughout the city, School Mettingi Set Falls City School budget, meeting will be held at high school auditorium Friday eve ning at S o'clock. A school meet ing will be held in the aa.e place Monday evening, June 20, at 8 o'clock to elect a director. ducer Nat Holt hired her for rail and a spittoon but nobody complained about the lack of furnishings," Berry says he's been painting A Salem Looks to Others This cartoon comment of the recent teachers' take-off of their students at Parrish Junior high school was synidicaled nationally. The creator, Francis Dahl, has won recognition for his satire. He has been de scribed as "an exaggeration running amuck in a bottle of India ink." This cartoon was sent to the Capital Journal by Dahl. Group Polk Choral Offering Concert Independence The Polk county choral society is present ing its spring concert at Camp- bell hall in Monmouth at 8:15 o'clock this Thursday evening, i A song cycle, "A Persian Oar- den" by Hubaiyat of Omarj Khayyam, composed by Lira Lehman will compose the pro- j gram. Hayesville to Vote Upon Tax Matters Hayesville Notice of the an nual school meeting on Monday night, June 20. have been post ed in the Hayesville district at which time one director is to be elected. Also to be voted on are two tax items which are above the six per cent limitation. There is considerable desire on the part of a number of citi zens that a meeting be held to discuss plans for the construc tion of additional classrooms which the district will need in Special solo parts include thei,n, future following: Marjnrie Stewart, so- - prano; Anne Van Otten, con-1 . . rralto: Ronald Craven and Le- FellX Wright DOCK roy M. McDuffee, tenors; and p f T-l.-. I. C.v Ivan Marble, baritone. ,our IOK" ,r tui7 Following the concert a din- S II v e r t o n Felix Wright, ner nortv will he held at thelowner and manager of the Sil- American Legion club in Salemlver Falls turkey hatchery, was for the chorus members. Benefit Is Arranged For School Lunches Union Hill A benefit straw berry festival dance will be held at the Waldo Hills community hall Saturday night June 18 for the purpose of raising money for the school lunches of school district No. 42C. The public ia Invited. able to return to his place of business Tuesday forenoon for supervisory work only follow ing a severe heart attack a week ago at his home. Wright is vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, direc tor of the Methodist choir, and otherwise active In civic and social progress of town and is being missed from contact with his fellows. His condition is re ported aa improving satisfactorily. A. F. of L. May Issue State-Wide Paper Portland, June 15 Wi The State Federation of Labor will be asked to consider establish a stale-wide newspaper at its convention in Eugene next week. The central labor council here is advocating the move on the grounds the paper is needed to push the AFL program of po ltical education in Oregon. Independence Iron Plant Progresses Independence1 Work on the new home for the Independence Iron Works on South Mam street is progressing satisfactor ily according to Ralph Spencer. Pouring the foundation is prac tically completed. The building, which is locat ed one block south of the new bridge, will be 62 feet in width with the 32 foot section extend ing to a depth of 93 feet and a 30 foot section extending back for 125 feet The front 30 feet of th long er section will be devoted to a show room back of which will be the stock room, machine shop and steel room. The other section will house the machine shop and welding shop with the offices located on a mezzanine floor over the slock room. ax. to decorate his barroom scenes nudes for the movies for years in "The Fighting Plainsman." and years but there's no over But he didn't reckon on "Emily" Supply and there never wiu be being quite so undressed. ,.They haye g my,teriou, way Nobodv knows who painted ' disappearing when the film's her in the first place, but he finished," he chuckled. "Later must have done it when men!hey urn UP over somebody's were men and women were l personal bar. I even the altneether. Onlv the wisDi- one mysen once. est of veils tried to conceal "Em ily's" charms from the cash cus tomers. And that, declared Producer Holt, would never do. Some body would have to camouflage those curves before his movie could proceed. And so it hap pened that Hi Berry was called to the rescue. Hi is the dean of Hollywood's erAnir artiste tn th AO vnarc since he went to work at the old y'l Thomas tflison studios in lhei(B Bronx, he's painted everything i y-j from cumulus clouds floating in; the sky to naked ladies floating! down staircases. But this morning he had to put his talents into reverse and de-nude "Emily." Which, he says, he did with "utmost luctance." since the epidemic gan several days ago in this west Texas area. Twelve new cases were diag nosed this week, bringing the total for the year to 1.18. Eight deaths have been attributed to the outbreak. The latest victim was Tommy Yarbrough, S, who died of the bulbar type polio that paralyzes the chest. As Tommy gasped for breath, surgeons performed a windpipe operation Sunday. The effort was of no avail. All but three of the patients at Shannon hospital were chil- snaggeddren. Outwardly, the people of San ww WsaSi i Liberal Terms Make !t Easy To Own This Big New IIOTPOItlT FOOD FREEZER WITH TH SPACIOUS HotpniM Food Frrfrr ytm Can purrha- lafft imnami of vtgrtahl, fruit and mraia whn priri mn Inwrtt and at favorable qaamirr-huvinjt price frcca and wore them for m in during i be fe. HOTPOINTt NIW interior defijrn jttve von more ma hie aiorajre space. Hot point' Ion k life Thrift matter I 'nil airaret plemv of reserve cold (or vear round freein and etnrafre dependable iwi M n amazingly tow operating cost. jgiiSS Inter ONLY 4 3.15 Per Week! : A $31900 J Iverybody's Pointing le AKKLIANLto salem s finest appliance stopc ISI CCNTtR ST. "I filled in the veil across her . . . uh . . . chest," Hi ex plained. "And spread it out a little below her waist. What was left still looked too naked, ao I airbrushed a smoggy mist over ner Dare legs and hips and etc." j J This. Berrv reoorts. is the first L time anybody's hired him for a job like this. When he's not painting Lady Godivas for film factories, he's at his art school in Pasadena teaching young stu dents. "I did a lovely nude for. Be Safe! Store your furs now Guard them ogainst moth end worm wea ther damage. Store them in the air tight vaults at m I k yA. 133 North Liberty 0' where a FAN belongs BLO-FAN electric f iling ventilolor builds in be twttn the ceiling joi.ti directly over the kitchen ronoe - where a fan btlongi. BLO-FAN ducti out imoke, odorj, and grtote laden air . . . a they riie . . . before they fpread. BLO-FAN'S patented blade providei the vol ume of a propeller with the power of a blower. BLO-FAN ll !' by Ik, roti.nolly t..rf "! f't C. IM., .n.clvr.tt .( ..-..Hie v.ntil..i. .ol...r.l ' " Min than A Matt III" I (j YARD. I PHONE S W 1 npT t i-; a i j. i in uiuiii my ume until I get a Chevrolet I want to be sure I get the most for my money!" Thai ftprewM vmflmenf. of ronnflf.-w people in all inrom gmtipM. tnrludina; many who pan afford to buy much hipher pricfd cars. They're nurveying the rest but awaiting the bet Chevrolet M mnt brnittifut bay o all! We belieTe yon. in will rleriHe that Chevrolet (rives more for your money more fine-our beauty, mora fine-rar feature, more EXTRA VAMT.S of all kinrli at the Invert pric and with outstanding; eronomy of operation and upkeep. Yea, the new Chevrolet is the most beautiful buy for everything from styling to stamina, and we cordially invite you to confirm thu fart and tell your friends "I'm Win my time until I grt a CherroUC 7ie most 'Bcauffid ' BUST gfatf 11 YOU want these EXTRA VALUES xtlutlv ft) OwvroUt In ft flW WORLD CHAMPION VALVI-IN-HIAD INOINI ! r. .With aawar elan Htat't HMat Hta tntii tar Hta InavMra, risHIt iOOT imiNO AND LUXURY CIRTI-SAFf HYDRAULIC IRAKIS (with DuU-Ufe Rlvetless Irake LlnlntO atH twHIar, Mtar Maa laf rw aae raw (emlh LONOIST, HIAVIIST CAR IN ITS PIIID, with WIDIST TRIAD, as well fMna aiara ream, atara Hetaa-aaailart. aiaia raa Waaatnaw aa 1-INCH WIDI-tASI WHIILS (with Intra Law-Pressure Tires) Ika wldatt rtmt la Nm anttfa lav-arlta Hal; aravMtaf graatar riaa-ataWIHy. CINTIR-POINT STIIRINO alobif aaaaanaia lrtai.aa . . . wMkaal Mlfin ar "tar . end tavae allawaara aaly aa aaMliar cara. CURVID WINOSHIIID with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY uaatrla Hwt aM Waaa whldi aiaan ufta fy, aaclativa M Chaoralal la Na aM. riSHIR UNISTIIL RODY CONSTRUCTION with tint waaW la ilaal all arawad yaa lar naaliaam lalldlty, aulalnatt and tafaty. IXTRA ICONOMICAl TO OWN-OPIRATI-MAINTAIN and artnfinfl yaa laara whaa yaa Irada; far ChavraMt DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 North Commercial St. Salem. Oregon