yClass Meets At Reunion The 10th annual meeting for the Salem high school class of 1896 was an event of Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Judson, who are both members of the class. The group started having annual events upon the 40th anniversary, but skipped the meeting during the war. A picnic dinner was served. Of the 42 members of the class 16 were present Sunday. There are 10 others known to be living. At one meeting or an other, all living members of the class have been present at some time. Class members attending the Sunday gathering included Rich ard Churchill, Inez Adair Gren fell of McMinnville, Marcia Bur ton Smith, Grace Babcock, Wal ter Davis of Oakland, Calif., Lewis Judson, Florence Math ews Purvine, Dae Mathews Staf ford, Mae Mathews Cochran, Pearl Macy, Gertrude Riddell Wilson.Wilson, Ida Stege Sav age of Oceanlake, Paul Stege of Ocean lake, Reba Gans Moun tain of Eugene, Edith Patton Judson, Vera Pettengell Ronan of Los Angeles, and as a spe cial guest, Mrs. Metta Davis Pennicard of Portland, who was one of the teachers of the class Other guests attending were J. Stewart Grenfell, Mrs. Rich ard Churchill, Robert Savage Mrs. Paul Stege, Miss Elouise Huntington of Portland, Mrs. P. J. James of Portland, Roy Buck ingham, Mrs. Mathias Crouser. Bridal Shower Jefferson Mrs. DeRoy Mc Gill entertained with a bridal shower for Miss Loma Helms, who will be wed to Louie Wil liams of Dayton this month. The rooms were pretty with bou quets of calla lilies, roses and delphiniums. Gifts were placed on a large table centered with a doll in bridal attire with para sol and streamers suspended from light fixtures. Invited were Mrs. J. C. Bent ley, Mrs. Wallace Dawson, Mrs. J. S. McGill, Mrs. DeWitt Tiger, Mrs. Mervin McGill, Mrs. Claud McGill, Mrs. Joe McKee, Mrs. Jean Kelly, Mrs. J. Devaney, Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs. For- Reception Given Independence A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wil liamson of Monmouth on their silver wedding anniversary was given Saturday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson were married it Kalispell, Mont., on June 10, 1924, and have spent the past 22 years in and around Monmouth. The reception was planned by '.heir daughters, Mrs. Lester Green of Monmouth and Mrs. Paul Cookingham of Portland. Two Entertain Honoring Mrs. A. L. Adolph son, who is leaving in early July for a trip to Europe, and Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell, who is accompanying Mrs. Adolph son as far as New York City and will remain in the east for an extended stay, Mrs. E. H. Ken nedy and Mrs. Harris LieU are to entertain on Wednesday for a luncheon. The affair will be given at the Kennedy home, Friends of the two honorees have been invited. rest Miller, Mrs. Anna Bomber, Mrs. William Jowry, Mrs. J. J. McGill, Mrs. Les Shields, Mrs. Florence Curtis, Mrs. A. B. Hinz, Mrs. Helen Caywood, Mrs. Olin Coz, Mrs. E. B. Henning son, Mrs. Dale Eisenman, Mrs. Henry Rothrock, Mrs. Paul Mc Kee, Mrs. Harvey Mitchell, Mrs. Chet Newton, Miss Helms and Mrs. Helms. Miss Pollard Is Recent Bride Mt. Angel In a setting of white delphiniums and white and orchid Canterberry bells at St. Mary's catholic church, Miss Marilyn Pollard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pollard of Colton was married to Emery Gorbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gorbett of Molalla, on Saturday morning, June 11. Rev. Hildebrand Melchlor, OSB, officiated at the double ring ce remony, and read the nuptial mass before a large gathering of relatives and friends. Miss Hel en Keber played the wedding music and soloists were Miss Pauline Saalfeld and Miss Eu stelle Bauman and St. Mary's choir sang. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She was dressed in a wedding gown of white organdy fashioned with fitted bodice, yoke of nylon, a self ruffle with embroidery at the low shoulder line, a gather ed skirt with rows of the same embrodery, the dress ending in a slight train. Her over the face and fingertip veil of illusion was held with a halo of twined illu sion. She carried a spray bou quet of blue delphiniums, pink bridal roses and white iris, tied with blue satin streamers. Miss Carol Bixel of Colton. wearing an organdy gown of powder blue styled similar to the bridal gown, was maid of honor. The bridesmaid was Miss Shirley Pollard of Mulino, cou- OiMJ -cl -T""- " HINT cAH-omvt yOUHSItl I9 CMS WITH HADIOS-SINSIIU Am-HIIi I0 INfOMMTION GRoyllon 4-6600 1037 Cory si. SAN FRANCISCO sin to the bride. She wore a powder blue dress made with a lace bodice, and an organdy skirt. Both attendants wore a matching shoulder length veil In powder blue, and each carried a colonial bouquet of bridal roses and irises. Sid Gorbett served as best man for his brother, and Leroy Arola of Molalla, a nephew, was groomsman. Ushers were Jim my Diballa of Silverton, and Private Walter Dix, of Fort Lewis. Breakfast was served at the St. Mary's dining room. The re ception was held at the home of the bride's parents at Colton Mrs. W. J. Jibala, sister of the bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Maurice Buxton served the guests. Passing the guest ook were Wayne Pollard and Walter Dix. SALEM HEIGHTS The Lit tle Garden club of Salem Heights met for a no-host dinner at the home of Mrs. John Doug las on Salem Heights Ave. The program for coming year was discussed, and plans were made for the club members to attend the state convention of Garden clubs in Corvallis on June 23, 24 and 25. Mrs. Fred Burger was an honored guest. She was one of the first members of the club when It was organized. The next meeting will be in July, but no date has been set. The club plans to go to Agate Beach at a low tide when they can see the marine gardens Smith-Donkin Rites Sunday Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock the marriage of Miss Edith Don kin to O. Dale Smith was solemnized by Dr. Charles Dur den in the fireplace room of Calvary Baptist church. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Howard Rose of Falls City, wore a white taffeta street- length dress with white acces sories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mr. Smith is the son of Mrs. Martin Petersen of Salem and F. A. Smith of San Diego, Calif. The best man was Richard Lar son of Portland. Attending the bride was Miss Velma Carver, who wore an acqua dress with white acces sories and a red carnation cor sage. Music for the wedding was played by Miss Beverly Mat lock and the tapers were lighted by Mrs. Harry Otte, the bride's sister, and Miss Jill Otte. The reception followed imme diately at the home of the groom. Miss Bonnie Bennett cut the cake; Mrs. Thora Pederson persided at the coffee urn and Miss Roberta Matthews at the punch bowl. Miss Velma Carver was in charge of the guest book. For her wedding trip the bride chose a brown suit with pink hat and gloves and other accessories of brown. The bride attended Salem schools and Mr. Smith is a gra duate of Willamette university, where he is a member of Beta Theta Phi fraternity. He is now a graduate student at Oregon State college. NEIGHBORS of Woodcraft Thimble club is to meet Thurs day lor a no -host luncheon at 12:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Walter Craven, 1080 Fir street. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 1949 9 1. Timber-line lodge during the past week. Better Tasting Always fek-.il. , ; Hear Alfred Wallenstein'i Favorite Story "A Doll's House" KSLM Pwntnd by PORTLAND GENERAI WOOD BURN Mr. and Mrs. cai.vkrt rkskrve Blended Whiskej ri (Di rAUBtUV nvj cmitu - SB.srrooi t.vourain Neutral spirits fchtvilllV WftlrMn Clyde Smith and three sons Caivert DStuier Corp ..New York city n""nl made a trip to Mt Hood and - That's why thousands have switched to uniformly superb Calvert Reserve. Weed Spraying Lawns Average City Lawn, $5.00 PH. 25973 Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on Jove, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are ty o u worried? Why be in doubt? Special Readings. Ooen 9 a.m. tioiAT to 10 p.m. Moved from 468 Ferry to 173 S. 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