8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuemlar, June 14, 1949 Miss Spranger, Mr. Sandau Married Sunday Afternoon Bethel Miss Mini Lee Spranger and Donald M. Sandau ex changed their marriage vow at a four o'clock ceremony Sunday afternoon at the Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church in Salem. The Rev. Russell Mayer performed the double ring cere mony. The decorations of the altar were lighted candles in tall candelabrums, palms, rea roses'- and white delphiniums. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arno C. Spranger and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sandau of St. Louis, Missouri. Miss Gladys Edgar presided at the organ, playing the wedding music and the accompaniments for Miss Grace Ashford, and Miss Mary Jane Solomon, both of whom sang. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with a lace bertha and lace on the cuffs, Piano Recital Due This Evening Ruth Robinson is presenting her piano pupils in a recital this evening at 8 o'clock in the Sa lem YMCA lobby. The interest ed public is Invited. Program and those taking part Include: On the Deep Sea . .Stelnhtimer Donald the Dinosaur Schaum Nelson Ayres Piccaninny Serenade . .Eckstein Carol Gerllnger Vale of Song Rolte Joyce Prelssler Yellow Butterfly . . Maclachlen Esther Utterback The Elf and the Fairy . . Btntley Colleen Zamzow Blue Nocturne Nevin Sharlene Simmons Southern Shuffle Black Dennis Pemble Wood Nymphs Harp Rea Barbara Jean Gerllnger Whirlwind Steiner Eleanor Marshall Clowns Lake Bharan Cross A Merry Dane MacGregor Joyce Mount Melody In F (arr. Wallis) . . Rubinstein Carol MeHord First Butterfly Torjussen Phyllis Oraber rrollicky Rollkky Wind . . . Coburn Doryee De vrles onato Pathetique, Opus 13, First Movement . . Beethoven Ethel Blanchard Warriors Song Heller John Steelhammer Indian Sunset Klemm Shirley Quiring Charmante Groton June Damaska Butterfly Merkel Dianne West Tumbleweed Bliss Elsie De vrles Rushing River .Adler Raymond Utterback The Surf VanDyke Dennis West Theme from the Warsaw Concerto Addinsell Arlene Kuhn CENTRALIA TEMPLE Py thian Sisters, will hold their final meeting until fall, Wednes day, June 15 at S p.m., at the Knights of Pythias hall. The pro gram will feature Flag Day and Memorial Day. Lunch will fol low the meeting. fitted bodice and long sleeves. The full skirt swept into a long train. The bride wore her moth er's silk wedding veil and head dress. The veil was folded mak ing it fingertip length. Her bou quet was Red Delight roses, and her only ornament was the ca meo brooch worn by her grand mother at her own marriage In Norway SO years ago. Attendants Listed Mrs. Calvin Welch of Corval- lis, wearing a gown of shell pink faille, was matron of honor. Mrs. Donald Mader and Miss Grace Ashford were the bridesmaids and wore identical gowns of rose heather faille fashioned with fitted bodice and trimmed with accordion pleated ruffles of self material. The attendants wore floral halos and carried old fashioned nosegays of mixed flowers. Herbert Schlicker was best man. Groomsmen were G. W. Frentzel and Donald Spelbrink, brother-in-law and cousin to the bridegroom. Donald Mader and Calvin Welch were ushers. Mrs. Spranger selected for her daughter's wedding an ensem ble of pearl gray crepe with blue accessories. Mrs. Sandau wore an aqua blue afternoon dress with white accessories. Both mo thers wore corsages of Talisman rosebuds. The bridal party greeted the guests at a reception, immedi ately following the ceremony, in the church parlors. Mrs. A. E Sykes of Seattle and Mrs. Ray mond Hotter of Portland, aunts of the bride, cut the wedding cake and poured. Mrs. G. W. Frentzel of St. Louis, sister of the bridegroom, served the punch. Miss Lillian Grimm of Portland served the Ices. The serving table was centered with pink roses and tapers in crystal holders. At Reception Assisting with the serving were Miss Phyllis Holler, cou sin of the bride, Miss Aleda Rehm, Mrs. Lyle- Hadley, Mrs. Donald Regehcr, Miss Romona Van Hess, Miss Dorothy Wulfe- meyer. Mrs. Edward Walker and Mrs. Carl Raetz were In charge of the gift room. Miss Dolores Spelbrink passed the guest book. For traveling the bride wore an apple green suit with gray accessories and a corsage of rosebuds. On their wedding trip they are driving to southern California. Following their re turn they will spend the sum mer In Oregon and will go to Missouri In the autumn. BROOKS Jerry Nolan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nolan, celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary with a party at the home of her par ents. Following games, refresh ments were served to the fol lowing guests: Juanila Hawley. Bonnie Blaire, Kathy Archer, Nancy Morrow, Charlene Wy more, Maxine Fitzgerald, Bet ty Jackson, Sharon and Sally Nolan and Jerry Nolan. AUMSVILLE Mrs. L. D Roberts was honored with shower at the Robert Mickey home. Following games and the opening of gifts, refreshments were served to Mesdames Con nie Roberts, L. D. Roberts, Sr., Jack Sphoon, Bud Killinger, Jack LaRont, David Weltmer, Bob Adams, Bland Spear, Joe Nicholson, Otto Papke, Melvin Gildow, Don Gildow, Dewey Wells, Mark Lewis, G. Fough, Charles Wright, N. K. Bates, Royal Holford, Guy Shields, Marvin Bradley, Clare Guilford and Miss Minnie Peterson. IT V I wupirai urug Store Father's Day Gift Headquarters 4 tlflt SHEAFFIRS mnmXSGRmmm Cmm 01 ha, Mm m Me fcith riatvv-lM melel mm Pm. Ill Kb: hurt, M 00; Slrilo- HHP. $16.00. C8IM' ThfMimin snvrm irimau i Triple ptMevr. In brown, Mir Of bltcl. Pert, SIO.00; Pencil, t 00; Stretewriier, fT .00 Cento plete Threeiome, fllfl.Miet. 121.00; no let. tu. ioon ir em mm. ikaoi eMtrnn -TttviMr mm in Mod- shewn (w Jot Criti. flT K, lwlwdtMf4M.'whlflOt', Otht f htttr Deal. StU from 110.00 M 1100 00. Capitol Drug Store 45 STATE STRFKT CF Girls Plan For Day Camp Plans are complete for the day camp to be held by the Sa lem district of the Willamette Area Council Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Camp will be held at Hager's grove on Tuesdays and Thursdays. June 21 and 23 will be Session I, Magic Carpet; June 28 and 30, Session II, Hobo Jungle; and July 5 and 7, Ses sion III, Romany Road. Day camp is open to all girls who are going into the third grade and older whether they belong to Camp Fire or not. Camp Sta-Ho's day camp pro gram is planned to give as much camping experience as possible to those girls who cannot attend regular camp and for those who attend established camp for only a short time each summer. The activities will center around outdoor crafts and skills. Registrations should be sent to the Camp Fire Office at 147 N. Commercial street before June 20. Mrs. Milton Hartwell, field director, will be in charge of the camp. The counselors at Sta-Ho will be girls working on their torch bearer rank under adult supervision, ' A training course for counselors will be conducted June 14 at 1:00 at the VWCA. Girls will be picked up at Marion Square at 9:30 on the mornings of each session and taken to Hager's Grove by bus The bus will return to the square at 3:30 in the afternoon Additional information may be obtained by calling the Camp Fire Office, phone 3-9887. Mrs, Leonard Auxiliary Head Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard is the new president for the Salem Me morial hospital auxiliary fol lowing the meeting of the group, Monday afternoon. Serving with Mrs. Leonard I will be Mrs. Ed Goeckner as vice president; Mrs. H. A. Cross, second vice president; Mrs. Eu gene Anderson, secretary; Mrs. Howard Doak, treasurer; Mrs. P. W. Geiser, Mrs. M. B. Rudd, Mrs. Richard Upjohn, board of directors. Mrs. Geiser Is the re tiring president. A check for $1000 was pre sented by the auxiliary to the hospital for furnishing the new formula room at the hospital. Reports were given by all com mittees. Hostesses at the tea hour were Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mrs. W. A. Pettit, Mrs. O. C. Lynch and Mrs. Ivan J. Frost. MRS. H. G. MAISON was in Springfield over the week-end as guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Dorris. of LOW Just oof: e? tbe fine-up this vmtt rt .SAHEOT.fi7 These Prices Effective Wed., Thurs., Fri.f Sat. Salem Store Save on These "Coffee Buys" "In the Bog" Coffees Sore You Extras. Airway SF 40c Nob Hill COI LB. COFFEE il r 4JC Edwards Coffee )b. 51c Vacuum Packed Other Can Coffees 53c Pound i We re really excited about the low prices we have for you this week. You'll be too, when you see the store full of money-saving values. Low prices on Fresh Produce! Low prices on Meats! Low prices on Canned Foodsl Low prices all over the store! You'll think each section of the store is trying to outdo every other in offering you savings. Like those listed below. Check them. Then hurry over and save, SAVE, SAVE! PURE LARD 2 - 25c CANE SUGAR 10-87c MARGARINE 19c BISQUICK MAYONNAISE SNOWFLAKES 2-39c BEST FOODS PT.JAR SODA CRACKERS. , 43c 2k- 45c Remember ALL Prices Are LOW at Safeway Every Day You Save on Everything , SOAP PRICES Are DOWN at Safeway Super Suds Tide, Oxydol Ivory Snow Dreft, Rinso Ivory Flakes White King Duz, Vel Lux Flakes S.. D...U r White u-rurb Magie PeetS Soap Large pkg.. Giant Oxydol Ptj? . 79c j 25c 35c Swift's PREM 37c Cherub Canned MILK 10c 8D&D JELLO 4 PKGS. LEMONS 25e a,". lb. 19c GROUND BEEF LB. 39c Ground Fresh Doily. SOLID, CRISP HEADS LETTUCE lb. 5c Cnsco, Spry 83c E?oyal Satin SHORTENING 3 lb. can 79c CANTALOUPES Sweet - Pink Meated Melons 10c Fresh PEAS Plump full pods of young tender sweet peas 2 lbs. Frankfurters Old Fashioned Kind -Too Good to Be Called "FRANKS" lb. VEAL LOIN CHOPS lb. 59c VEAL LOIN Steaks lb. 59c Plentv of Free Parking Space V AT ALL Safeway Stores short ribs of Beef (C 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 245 COURT ST. 2120 N. FAIRGROUNDS 935 S. COMMERCIAL 1420 STATE STREET 1230 NORTH 1R0ADWAY For the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1420 State St., are open until 8:00 P. M., EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY.