Capital Journal. Salem. Oreron, Tuesday, June 14, 1949 T COMING TO SALEM IU1 In A 1,000 - BEAUTIFUL PAIRS -- COUNT 'EM - 1,000 There are no freaks in this show but we guarantee a PRIZE IN EVERY PACKAGE GET YOUR LUCKY-MOC RIGHT HERE FOLKS . . LUCKY MOC ii made by GOLO and it' good for young and old. Price ii aet to juit 4.50 for both shoes. LET THE LITTLE LADY THROUGH . . . she wants to see the SHORE ... a shoe fashion wave and just 6.50 ... six and one half dollars! REDUCED-every little number on this page-REDUCED. So HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! A WINNER EVERY TIM! . , , th SAH BEAU . . , fin for sports ond just the ticket for summer Car nival time. 4.50 h pair. RIGHT OVER HERE THE BEAUTIFUL SALOME . . . a veritable dream of a pair and yours for only 6.50' THEY WALK, THEY TALK. They talk about this smasharoo . . the iwell looking D'ORSAY, reduced for the Carnival to 8.50! THE TUMULT and the shouting go together, lady. Just hold that kewpie doll while you slip into this one. A carnival all by it self at 6.50- NOTHING OVER 8.50 IN THIS GREATEST RAI MAR CARNIVAL OF THEM ALL. JUST THREE PRICES . . . 4.50- 6.50 and 8.50- Those shoes you've been dying to get . . . well, they're oil here ... all styles, all sizes, all colors and all at tht RAIMAR CARNIVAL. ADMISSION IS FREE . . . BRING THE FAMILY AND STAY ALL DAY. ROUND AND ROUND GOES THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE . . and it's all good in this BERTIE. Mighty popular winner in all colors and now 8.501 THIS ONE YOU CAN PLAY UP BIG. It's MARA, the great est little shoe In the business and a real curtain-raiser at S.80I STEP THIS WAY, FOLKS to see the gorgeous yellow cobra. There's nothing like it (but the bag to match) and the name is VERDI. Reduced for the Carni val to 8.501 ONLY A GEEK wouldn't love this 8MAKTIE. Every color of the rainbow (one at a time) and a world beater for easy wear ing. Easy buying, too at 8.501 RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES we're making little prices out of regulars . . . Like this: DOLORES by LAIRD SHOBER Is usually 13 95. At the RAEMAR CAR NIVAL . . . prestol 8.501 HALL OF FAME nominations Include this STROMBERG, a genuine bow-bedecked exhibit, reduced for the carnival to 8.50! GET INTO THE SWIRL and you'll have more fun than the house of mirrors. SWIRL has a strap that loops the loop . . . blue or clack it's just 6.(0- NOW HERE'S A LITTLE SWEETHEART. Just a little closer folks to this Mutual beauty. Noth ing to compare with this one for looks . . . and re duced tool Just 6.50! GUESS YOUR WEIGHT? Doesn't matter . . . the GOEFFREY is just right for every size and shape . . . flattering? Sure it is and in all colors . . . 6.50- THIS IS CARNIVAL WEEK AND THIS IS RAEMAR. THE GREATEST SHOE ON EARTH! BUY 'EM BY THE BOX. GET 'EM WHILE THEY'RE COOL . . . AND BEAUTIFUL AND COMFORTABLE ... 1000 BEAUTIFUL PAIRS 1000! COME TO 466 STATE STREET AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. THE GREATEST ... THE MOST DARING SHOE RE DUCTIONS YOU EVER SAW! NOT AN IMITA TION . . . CRACKERJACKS, this pair. And priced for peanuts) Ask for SHARON and you'll be in for a treat. This pair's In cocoa 8.50! A TRIUMPH . . . that's what they'll tell you about this sensa tional palrl And they're just what you've been waiting for. There's no midway about these. They're tops . . . and reduced for the Carnival to 8.501 CANDY KISSES or otherwise . . . you'll be up to the moment with the bee-vou-tee-ful BAND LET. Wrap the strap and start strutting ... at the Carnival only 8.50! THIS IS NO SHELL GAME . . . but here's a swell shell vamp you don't want to miss the bet on . . . ask for CELESTE. . . . 8.50! THE HERO WEARS A LAUREL CROWN . . . and the heroine is honored with a LAUREL shoe . . . like this Boffo at the RAE MAR CARNIVAL . . . 8.501 SMOOTHEST LINES IN THE WHOLE SHOOTING GALLERY has the SAXON. It's breath taking blue and reduced to 8.50! SEE THE THRILLING MODEL R0LL0FLANI. THAT GREAT EYERLY AIRCRAFT CREATION . . . THE RIDE OF THE YEAR ... AT THE RAEMAR CARNIVAL AND NO FOOLIN', FOLKS! IT'S SENSATIONAL! DOESN'T COST A DIME . . . NOT ONE TENTH OF A DOLLAR ... AT THE RAEMAR CARNIVAL YOU'LL SEE THE FAMOUS EYERLY AIRCRAFT MODEL FLY-O-FLANl. IT'S FUN! IT'S EDUCA TIONAL! BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!