Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 1949
Dimbat-Sanders Wedding
jChurch Event Saturday
The Calvary Baptist church was the scene for a pretty wedding
Saturday evening when Miu Phyllii Sanders, daughter of Mr. and
Sirs. George H. Sanders, was married to Donald Dimbat, son of
fMr. and Mrs. Edward R. Dimbat of Turner. The service was read
Lt 7:30 o'clock by the Rev. Charles S. Durden.
i I The church was decorated
ttmmmir,-rMna w wtn roiei, gweet peas and blue
delphiniums carrying out a pas
tel setting.
Miss Cecelia Greene and Miss
Barbara Sadler were the candle
lighters, both wearing blue
gowns. For the music, Mrs.
Clyde Gilman sang and Miss
Emmaline Bair was at the or-
Spinsters Club
Spinsters club met last eve
ning with Misses Jeanne and Ja
nice Myers, Miss Helen Zielin
Ikl and Mrs. James Armpriest as
hostesses at the Myers home.
Jviore than 20 attended the meet
ing. ' Plans were made for a basket
iocial to be given July 8 at the
ralem Golf club for members
nd friends. Miss Margaret Lov
fell is general chairman for the
The club will meet during the
Rummer, the next session to be
tfuly 3.
Miss Morse Sets
August Wedding
S Announced for August 7, is
lhe wedding of Miss Pauline
Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul W. Morse, and Frank Char
les Rock, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
f. C. Rock. The wedding will
he In St. Paul's Episcopal church
ht 4 o'clqck that date, the re
ception following to be at the
Morse home.
I Miss Morse, who has been at
tending Whittier college in Cal
ifornia, is to arrive June 18.
6he is meeting her sister, Mrs.
Rafael Venegas (Sarah Morse)
of Irapuato, Mexico, in Los
ngeles. Mrs. Venegas and two
daughters, Sarah Lucia and Mar
la Elena, will be in Salem for
(he summer.
i . .
initiation Event
I This evening, members of the
jSalem Business and Profession
al Women's club will present in
itiation and emblem service for
Ja griup of new members, the
event to be in the Salem Wo
tnan's club house at 7:30 o'clock.
(Presenting the emblem service
iwill be Mrs. John Versteeg, Miss
Alberta Shoemake, ' Mrs. Sue
vBooch, Mrs. Beryl Muelhaupt,
Miss Mildred Yetter, Miss Cece
lia Woodruff, Miss Vada Hill,
JMrs. LuVerne Hardwlcke.
I New members to be Introduc
ed Include Miss Merle Dimick,
Mrs. E. Donald Jessop, Mrs.
(Margaret Ringo, Mrs. Pauline
Lewis, Mrs. Walter Werstlein.
Mrs. Eugene Estes is In charge
fcf entertainment and Mrs. K. N.
Voorhees is chairman for the re
freshments. ! ' '
To Install Officers
i The ritual team from Pioneer
toost. No. 149, American Legion,
Jthe all-woman post, will go to
Cortland Wednesday evening to
jnstall officers for the women's
post, Danna King post, No. 137.
In the group from here will
4e Miss Alberta Shoemake, Mrs.
JSylvm Kraps, Miu Bertha Pan
sgrr, Miss Essie White, Mrs. El
Jen Sprenzel, Mrs. Harriott Bel
scher. Miss Mildren Christenson,
fend thev will he Inin.ri hv Mr
JVelma Davis, member of the
post here now living in Port
Get Degrees
Portland (Special) Three
Jitudrnts from Salem were
mong the 303 graduates to re
ceive degrees from University of
Portland during Impressive
Vwemonies on the campus last
Edward J. Yarnell, son of Mr
Jind Mrs. J. N. Yarnell, Box 28,
('ark St., was awarded his bach
elor's degree from the college
f business administration with
magna cum laude honors.
Bachelors' degrees from the
College of nursing were granted
to Miss Dessa Lee Holmes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ever-
tt Holmes, 21S3 Laurel, and
JVliss Jacqueline Louise Torger
on, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
JAlbcrt J. Torgerson. 701 King
(wood drive. Miss Holmes re
ceived cum laude honors.
S MR. AND MRS. Horry Churl.
ion were hosts Saturday evening
for a picnic supper in honor of
Jklrs. Louisa Propp on her 74th
fclrthday. Guests were the chit
Wren of Mrs. Propp and their
lamlles: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pade,
tlr. and Mrs. A. D. Prnniv Mr
J.oyd Hamby and Alfred and
f'atriria, Mr. and Mrs. M. G
propp and Melvin, Jr., Jerry
find Sally Marie, Mrs. Anne
JVane and Bill Wane, Mrs. Olo
Miller. Mrs. Propp Is leaving
Thursday for Los Angeles to
pend a few weeks with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Hanson.
SOCIAL afternoon for women
tot Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star, will be Wednesday In
Jhe Masonic temple. There will
pe a no-host luncheon at noon.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther the bride wore a wedding
gown of white satin, designed
with net yoke, long sleeves, a
peplum, a row of buttons down
the back and a train. The finger
tip veil was arranged from a
seed pearl crown. For her flow
ers the bride carried a bouquet
of pink rosebuds.
Mrs. Earl Brlnson of Albany
was matron of honor. She wore
a pink dress, pink rosebuds in
her hair, and carried a fan-shaped
bouquet of pink and yellow
roses. Mrs. Lauren Kubler in
pink and Mrs. Edward R. Dim
bat, Jr., wearing blue, were the
bridesmaids. Both wore pink
rosebuds in their hair and car
ried fan-shaped bouquets simi
lar to the one carried by the
honor attendant.
Junior attendant was young
Miss Judith Sanders, sister of
the bride. She wore a blue frock
and carried a fan-shaped bou
quet of roses.
Edward R. Dimbat, Jr., was
best man for his brother. The
ushers Included Lauren Kubler,
Leslie Polzel, Carl Zimmerman,
Robert Boyer and Ellis Sanders,
brother of the bride.
Mrs. banders wore a rose
dress for her daughter's wed
ding and the bridegroom's moth
er was in blue. Both wore cor
sages of white roses.
The reception was In the
church. Mrs. John Meier cut the
cake, Miss Ela Lovre assisting.
Mrs. Maurice Lee of Albany and
Mrs. Russell Baker of Oregon
City poured. Mrs. Richard Salz-
man of Condon, a cousin of the
bride, had charge of the guest
book and in charge of the gifts
table was Mrs. Walden HillDot.
The couple are to make their
home In Salem.
Beach Party
iwenty-one members of the
Salem Business and Profession
al Women's club enjoyed
week-end at the beach at Bree
ze Hill apartments near Taft.
In the group were Miss Effie
Smith, Miss Ida Mae Smith, Miss
l.ois unmart, Mrs. Byron B.
Herrlck, Miss Helen Noble, Mrs.
Mabel Clock, Miss Lois Kurtz.
miss Ruth Jayne, Miss Margaret
Maddox, Miss Mae Cleveland,
Mrs. bue Booch, Mrs. Wanda
Gifford, Mrs. Marion Wooden
Miss Cecelia Woodruff. Mrs
Maude Eckman, Miss Josephine
tvans, Mrs. K. N. Voorhees, Mrs.
Ethel Parr, Miss Ora McKenzle,
Mrs. Emily Howard, Mrs. Effie
MRS. A. L. WALLACE left to
day for a trip to the east, leav
ing on the Portland Rose for
Boston. She will visit her fath
er, George B. Patterson, in
Scranton, Pa., also will make
stops at Boise, Cheyenne, and
Chicago and will visit in New
York City. She will return home
by way of California and plans
10 De away until the last of Aug
SOJOURNERS club's no-host
supper for members and their
nusbands on Friday evenine will
be at the Mayflower hall at
o:au o'clock.
Silverton Mrs. Craig Clark, president, and a portion of
her official Parent-Teacher association "family," who were
present in the gardens of the Clark home for a social and
business afternoon meeting, making plans for the coming
year's program. One working feature of the local PTA is the
lunchroom project with nearly 400 young folk and faculty
members served each day during the school year. From left
to right are Miss Hannah Olson, Mrs. Harry Vetter, Mrs.
Harry Riches, Miss Olga Johnson, Mrs. Ralph Schmidt, Mrs.
Craig Clark, Mrs. Allan Foster, Mrs. Earl Erickson, Mrs.
Alan Brown, Mrs. Orlie Russell, Mrs. Irene Roubal, Mrs. Estel
Owen and Miss Marguerette Hallock. Other members not
present for the picture are Mrs. Harold Toft, Mr. and Mrs.
Harley DePeel, Mrs. James Hollinsworth, Mrs. Gordon Van
Cleave, Mrs. Cordell Woodall, Mrs. Larry Ernst, M. B; Ford,
Howard George and Cordell Woodall, the three principals of
the grades and junior high.
Rotana Planning
National Meeting
Rotana club was entertained
last evening at the home of
Mrs. J. L. Stanton, Mrs. Waldo
Baker assisting.
Plans were talked over for the
national Rotana convention to
be held in Salem, July 22-24.
Some 150 delegates are expect
ed to be here for the event.
Next meeting of the club is
to be July 11.
Miss Vada Hill of the Salem
club, the national Rotana presi
dent, was in Medford last week
to present a charter to a new Ro
tana club there.
THE TWO circles of the Wo
man's Society of Christian Serv
ice of the Leslie Methodist
church will meet Wednesday
afternoon at No. 1
will meet with Mrs. P. L. Pratt,
910 South 13th; Circle No. 2
New Releases
DEUBES: Coppella Billet
Royal Opera House Orch
Constant Lambert, Cond.
DEBUSSY: Clng Po'emei
de Charles Baudelaire
A French Song Recital
Jennie Tourel, Sop.
Claude Thornhlll Orch.
will meet with Mrs. S. M. Laws,
1680 State street. The program
for both circles will consist of
devotions, business, reports on
society porjects and the piec
ing of quilts.
THE REGULAR business
meeting and monthly program
of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service will be held
Wednesday in the Carrier room
of the First Methodist church.
The business meeting convenes
at 10:45, followed by a noon
luncheon with circle No. 1 act
ing as hostess circle, Mrs. Herb
ert Ostlind, chairman. The pro
gram begins at 1:30 with Mrs.
Waldo Zeller leading the devo
tions, "God's Light." The theme
of the pledge program is "By His
Light Shall the Nations Walk,
with Mrs. Ruth Fugate, Mrs.
Waldo Zeller, Mrs. Melvin Gil
son, Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Miss Pho
ebe Mc Adams, Mrs. Ted Ullak-
ko, Mrs. Roy Lockenour and
OES Chapter Gives
Mrs. Manning Honor
Mrs. James Manning, grand
royal matron for the Order of
Amaranth in Oregon, was hon
ored especially at the meeting
of Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star, Saturday evening. She
is a member of the chapter.
Degrees of the order were
conferred upon Mrs. Hal De-
Sart, Mrs. Melvin Gallaspy and
Andrew West. William Newmy-
er, worthy patron, also was giv
en a special degree, it being his
birthday annlversa r y . Later,
when refreshments were served,
the dining room carried out the
anniversary theme, the day be
ing the wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Newmyer.
Following the chapter meet
ing, a musical program was
presented. Mrs. Sam Charbon-
neaux of Lebanon was a visitor.
The decorating committee for
the evening included Mrs. Leo
nard Kephart and Mrs. William
Skewis. On the refreshment
committee were Mrs. Charles
Boyer, Mrs. Clarence Shrock,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gibbens,
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Leasure
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kenne
Mrs. Edna Waterman taking
part. Mrs. Robert F. Anderson
will sing and there will be other
musical selections. There will be
no meetings during July and
August for the WSCS.
4 to Fete
Mrs. William J. Busick, Mrs.
Harry U. Miller, Mrs. Henry V.
Compton and Mrs. George Cro-
isan will be hostesses this com
ing Friday afternoon at a tea to
honor Misses Jeanne and Janice
Myers, two brides-elect.
The tea and miscellaneous
shower will be at the Busick
home on North Summer at 2
Miss Janice Myers Is to wed
Lloyd Lewis on July 17 and Miss
Jeanne Myers Is to be wed in
the early fall to Henry B. John
son. The twin sisters are daugh
ters of Dr. and Mrs. Burton A.
. .
Garden Club Elects
Brooks Mrs. Jack Bartlett
entertained the Brooks Garden
club In her home with an all
day meeting and luncheon.
Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, presi
dent, conducted the business
meeting. Mrs. Hazel Bartlatt
gave a report on the rose show
at Salem. Mrs. Ora Gregg read
an article on "More Beautiful
Officers elected for the new
year are: Mrs. Emma Wadley,
president; Mrs. Anna Dunlavy,
vice president; Mrs. Evelyn
Jones, secretary; Mrs. Marguer
ite Lowery, treasurer.
Guests present were Mrs. J
Eggers, Miss Janet Bartlett, Mrs.
E. B. Klampe, Miss Ann Lowery
and Mrs. F. O. Johnson. Mem
bers attending were Mrs. Eva
Conn, Mrs. Evelyn Jones and
Richard, Mrs. Nona Sidebottom.
Mrs. Patsy Brutka, Mrs. Minnie
Dunigan, Mrs. Anna Lehrman,
Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Willa
Vinyard, Mrs. Nora Westllng,
Mrs. Hattie VanCleave, Mrs.
Ora Gregg, Mrs. Bertha Moris
ky, Mrs. Marguerite Lowery.
Mrs. Elizabeth McNeff, Mrs. Ma
rie Bosch, Mrs. Elva Aspinwall,
Mrs. Nettie Wright, Mrs. Emma
Wadley, Mrs. Anna Dunlavy
and the hostess, Mrs. Jack Bartlett.
Mrs. Britt Aspinwall is the
delegate elected to attend the
State Garden clubs convention
to be held in Corvallis June 23-
24-25. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Ora
Receives Honor
Mrs. Floyd Utter, a past pre
sident of the Salem branch of
the American Association of
University Women, has been ap
pointed to a committee for the
national convention of the
AAUW opening In Seattle next
Mrs. Utter is to serve as one
of the tellers on the voting pro
cedure committee at the conven
tion, first meeting of the com
mittee to be at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Miss Madsen
Given Shower
A family gift party in
compliment to Miss Colleen
Madsen of Hillsboro, bride
elect of Piatt Bliss, Los Angeles,
was held Saturday night at the
Arthur H. Madsen home on
South Church street, with Mrs.
Harold A. Larsen, Silverton, as
sisting hostess.
Miss Madsen, seated on the
center of the living room floor,
was circled by her paternal and
maternal relatives, while open
ing the gifts presented to her by
Miss Kay Madsen, her cousin,
and Miss Loretta Madsen, her
At the refreshment hour. Miss
Althea Meyers, the occasion be
ing her birthday anniversary,
poured at the lace covered ta
ble centered with pink sweet
peas and lighted green tapers.
Present at the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. Victor S. Madsen and
Misses Colleen and Loretta Mad
sen, and Roger Madsen of Hills
boro; Mrs. M. J. Madsen and
Mrs. Ole Satern, grandmothers,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Miss
Joan Satern, Darold Satern, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Satern, and
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
Satern, L. H. Meyer and Miss
Althea Meyer of Silverton; and
Mrs. Arthur H. Madsen and Miss
Kay Madsen of Salem. Arthur
Madsen had not yet returned
from Detroit, Mich., where he
went recently on a business trip,
Miss Madsen's marriage to Mr
Bliss will be an event Sunday,
June- 19, at 9 p.m. at Trinity
church, Hillsboro. She received
her degree June 8 in education
at Oregon State college where
she is a member of Sigma Kap
pa sorority. Mr. Bliss was gra-
P.E.O. Meet
Of Interest
Several Salem women will
be In Redmond for the annual
state meeting of the PEO Sister
hood, the event to open next
Monday and continue through
June 22.
Among those going from here
are: Mrs. Richard Smart and
Mrs. Sidney Boise of chapter
BQ; Mrs. E. A. McGlaufin and
Mrs. R. R. DeArmond, the latter
of Independence, for chapter
CB; Mrs. Wayne Gordon and
Mrs. E. G. Sanders of chapter
BC; Mrs. Ivan Fowler and Mrs.
Ivan Stewart for chapter G.
From chapter AB, Mrs. Ar
thur Bone and Mrs. Ross, C.
Miles will go to the meeting.
Birthday Event
A family supper party was
held at the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Kroeger on
Sunday evening honoring the
young son of Lt. Cdr. and Mrs.
Howard Berman of Seattle on
his first birthday anniversary.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin Oehler, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke Lee, Carroll and Joan;
Mrs. Mary Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Barrick; Mr. and Mrs. Don
Barrick and Patty; Mr. and Mra,
Albert Zielesh; Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Smith of Delake, Ore.; Mr.
Harlan Oehler of Gulfsport,
Miss.; Mr. Jay Harris, Mrs. A.
Harris, 'Miss Bessie Smith, Mrs.
E. E. Bergman, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Kroeger and Winona and
Abbie; Mrs. Howard Bergman
and son, James Jay, of Seattle.
Lt. Cdr. Bergman was not
present as he Is in Washington,
D. C, on business.
duated from the school of for
estry at Oregon State a year
ago and Is now with a lumber
brokerage firm in Los Angeles.
He is affiliated with Sigma Nu
They will make their home in
Los Angeles.
Before moving to Hillsboro
a few years ago, Miss Madsen
lived at Silverton, where her
parents both were reared.
Dewnstaln Oregon Bldg.
tale sad Big a Mill
Journal Want Ads Pay
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