) Local Paragraphs Miss Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier fails to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 8 PM. and a copy will be delivered to you. Detroit Dam Lt. Col. John W. Miles, engineer in charge of the Detroit dam, will discuss the building of the structure during Wednesday's luncheon of the Sa lem Rotary club. X-ray Coming A mobile chest X-ray will be located on the courthouse grounds from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wed nesday for the purpose of tak ing pictures of persons who could not be accommodated a number of weeks ago because of the failure of the apparatus involved. The chest X-ray pro gram is sponsored by the Marion County Tuberculosis and Health association and a number of kin dred organizations. To Spend Summer Recently arriving in Salem from Seattle to spend the summer, was Mrs. L. B. Guston. Mrs. Guston will reside at the Salem hotel during her stay here. Contract Awarded R. Ai Neuman of McMinnville is given 150 days in which to complete the work from the time note to proceed is delivered in connec ' tion with the contract for re pairing and painting the Salem post office. This is the informa tion received by Postmaster Al bert C. Gragg from postal auth orities in confirming the award ing of the contract to the Mc Minnville painter for $9,479. Liberty Youth Injured Jim my Wirth received a double fracture of his arm just above the wrist when he fell from a moving truck. He has been re leased from the hospital and is recuperating at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wirth, of the Liberty district. - Wohlford Rites Held Final rites for Mrs. Anna Marie Wohl ford, widow of the late George H. Wohlford, Portland, were held in that city Tuesday after noon with concluding services at Riverview cemetery. She was the mother of Albert Burelbach, Dallas and a sister of Mrs. Hat tie Abernethy, Hebo; Mrs. The resa Horsman, Portland and John Jungnickel, Albany, Calif. She is also survived by two daughters in Portland and one in San Diego and six grandchil dren. . Freedom Is Short Robin Stafford, 16, was back in the Woodburn training school by midnight Monday after he had made a break for freedom while at the Center street clinic where he was brought for treating shortly after 4 o'clock in the af ternoon. Police say that the lad eluded his watchers and escaped through a rest room window at the clinic. He took an automo bile belonging to Frank J. Dye, 1135 N. 12th street, which was parked at the clinic. Woodburn police captured him about 11:30 1 o clock. Service for Sheridan Door-to-door delivery of mail to re place the present mounted serv ice will be recommended for Sheridan by Robert L. Karr, postal inspector, who is con ducting a survey to determine whether achangein delivery will be made. The population of Sheridan is 500 less than the usual minimum required for door-to-door service but postal receipts are nearly double the minimum requirements, he re ports. Eggs Boosted Cent Top grades of eggs were boosted a cent here Tuesday, in line with similar changes in the Portland produce market. In the new list ings extra large AA are quoted up to 53 cents, buying price; large AA are up to 52 cents, buy ing price; large A are listed at 5?-53 cents, buying price; me dium AA grade at 50 cents, buy ing price; medium A at 48-49 cents, buying price. In the poul try list, top grade fowls were listed a cent lower. Grade A colored hens are now quoted at 25 cents, buying price; grade A Leghorn hens. 23 cents, buying price. All other produce re mained unchanged here Tuesday. Piling Received County Commissioner Ed Rogers advises that the county has received the second of two carloads of piling from British Columbia to use in rebuilding a 400-foot bridge across Hubbard lake on the Wheatland road. This carload contains 77 pieces totaling 2710 feet Work of rebuilding the bridge is expected to be done this summer and has been awaiting receipt of the piling. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the FHImrlnc N Cltlwm: BIELKNBKRO A ton to Mr. IM Un. Joatph H. B:ltnbrf, Junt la it SUvttton hMPlUI. HUVTrn To Mr. tn4 lira. Wiutin H intr. n ftob.ro Ivf out. , mo, Juat 11 ' Stlrn Mtmerlu bacplMl. KALLOWKLL To Mr. ino Mr. Wklfrta H. Hftllowtll. tot Ltrenl jtrt, DtilM. diuiht.r, Junt IS, t Siicm Mcnorltl hcwp.tal. BUIfHAM To Mr ftod Mrs. A. W. BjU- 1 rout S 031 It), ftt tot Bftltn Oto trtl hoipittl Junt . ft bor. DUNN To Mr. in4 Mrt. Llova W. Dunn. Urtnn. It tht Bftltra Otntrtl boaplttl, h tin. Junt It. MtlAmt-To Mr. tnd Mrs. Willltn Barl M;!ir. Indpn1rnct. tt in Saltm Ototr o Ootplul, a l.rl, Junt U. Named on Survey County Judge Grant Murphy, president of the Association of Oregon Counties, announced Tuesday he has named M. James Gleason, Multnomah county, to represent the association on a committee making a survey of child caring institutions under sponsorship of the state public welfare commis sion. The survey is to ascertain facts regarding present provi sions and unmet needs for care of dependent children, particu larly as to facilities and services related to foster family care and institutional care. Reappointed M r s . Berneice B. Farr, Portland, was reappoin ted by Governor Douglas Mc Kay today to the state board ol cosmetic therapy (beauty oper ators) examiners. Granted License Restaurant license has been approved by the county court to Kenneth L. and Doris L. Kelly, Mehama. Southe Salem Meeting The South Salem Progress club will meet for a short session Thurs day night at 1145 South Com mercial. A recording will be heard of a recent local radio forum discussion on public af fairs in Salem. Victory Club Meeting Townsend Victory club No. 17 will have a musical program and social Friday night at 8 o'clock at Mayflower hall, Fair grounds road. Building Permits E. R. Chapman, to build a garage at 1169 Fir, $800. Marie Pitman, reshingle a one-story dwelling at 2365 Fairgrounds road, $320. R. B. Comstock, to reroof a one- story dwelling at 1710 Trade, $98. J. Odlund, to build a gar age at 460 North 23rd, $925. Roberts Bros., to alter store building at 177 North Liberty, $2000. G. A. Judson, to repair a one-story dwelling at 980 Mc Gilchrist, $35. E R. Palmer, to reroof a 1 -story dwelling at 670 North 14th, $50. G. Fred Boyer. to alter a 1V4 -story dwelling at 736 South 19th. $200. Mrs. C. J. Comutt, to wreck a woodshed at 1516 Mis sion, $50. Planning Group Meets The Salem longe-range planning commission will meet Tuesday night at the Chamber of Com merce for a regular meeting. New Marshal Named Or- ville Kreps has been named city marshal at Oceanlake to take the place of Gene Read who resigned the first of the month. To Meet Wednesday Townsend club No. 4 is meeting Wednesday at the E. H. Earl home at 2125 North 4th street at 7:30 p. m. Acheson to Travel Dr. Thom as Acheson, of Spokane, former pastor of the Jason Lee Metho dist church here and the Cen tenary-Wilbur church in Port land, has been granted a sabbati cal year to travel for health rea sons. Action was taken by the Pacific Northwest Methodist conference in Tacoma. The con ference also sent Dr. J. F. Milli- gan to Grace Methodist church in Seattle, after his completion of six years as Puget Sound dis trict superintendent. Dr. Mill! gan held pastorates at the First Methodist church in Salem and Corvallis. DAV Chief Speaks Roy L Wolfe, past commander of DAV chapter No. 18 at Riverside, Calif., and a past district com mander there, will speak to members of the Salem chapter of DAV and their friends at the Woman's club house Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Wolfe has been active in DAV affairs for the last 23 years. Members of the chapter are expected to take a vote as to some other place for future meetings. Room for rent 1140 N. Capi tol. 141' Painting & Dec. Ph. 3-7552. 152 Demonstration "George" Gar den tractor at 2985 Brooks St., Wednesday & Thursday 1 to 5 p. m. 142 $25.00 reward for informa tio leading to the conviction of persons depositing garbage on the highway. By the order of the County Court. 141' Dr. Harmon T. Harvey an nounces the removal of his of fice for the practice of Diagno sis and Internal Medicine to 908 Livesley Bldg. effective June 19th. 1949. Telephone 2-3641 for appointments. 146 Federally insured Savings Current dividend IVi . See FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S Liberty Ph 8 4944 Up to 75 off on over 150 closeout Wallpaper patterns at Elfstrom'l, 340 Count St 14S' Guaranteed expert Swiss and Amer. watch rep. at Jewel Box. 443 State. Road oiling Call Tweedie. 2-4151 days and 1-5769 tves 143 Insured savings tarn more han two percent at Salem Fed Tat Savings Association, 480 Slat street. Rent Control Hearing Dated Rent control, or decontrol. came up at the city council meet ing Monday night as a highly controversial issue. By resolution the council set the night of June 27, the next council meeting, for a public hearing on the question. This was at the request of the Salem Home and Property Owners as sociation and the Salem Realty board. At the same time the council will decide whether a housing shortage exists and whether or not control is warranted. If it recommends decontrol its find ings must go to the governor, and if he approves it is then passed on to the federal housing expediter. Should his order de control Salem rents he would also Issue a decontrol order for unincorporated areas in the dis trict. Hugains Again Heads Chapter Charles- H. Huggins will head the Marion county chapter. American Red Cross, as chair man tot a second term as result of annual election of officers by the board last evening. All other officers also were re-elected as follows: Milton L. Meyers, first vice chairman; Wesley E. Stewart, Jr., second vice chairman; Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, secretary; Linn C. Smith, treasurer. The new term of office be gins July 1. W. H. Baillie sub mitted the nominating commit tee report tor the election. The rest of the board meeting was taken up with reports. The home service department listed 160 as the case load for the past month with $693.63 given out in grants and loans to veterans and dependents. . Donut Shop Files Certificate of assumed business name for DeLuxe Donut shop, 986 S. Commercial street, has been filed with the county clerk by Otha A. Moore, Shelton, Wash. Renamed on Board Gover nor Douglas McKay has notified County Judge Grant Murphy that he is reappointing Mrs. A li ner K. Kline as a member of the Marion County Public Welfare commission for a term from July 1, 1949, to June 30, 1953. School Entered A portable vacuum cleaner and attach ments were removed from High land school over the week-end in a burglary of the building a police report indicated Tues day. Lecturer Dr. Victor N. Phelps, assistant professor of education, general extension division of the state system of higher education, will serve as a lecturer in education for the OCE summer session which opens at Monmouth June 15. Why swelter? Buy an air cooler from Judson's. 141 Mum plants 15c each this week. Flower Basket, 1020 Mar ket. Ph. 24802. 141' Going to reroof? Our estimates are free. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-9694. 141 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary. Ken Potts Insurance Asen- cy, 229 N. Liberty. 141' Let Reinholdt & Lewis show you the many advantages of the nationally advertised, easy to clean, Flexalum Metal Slat used exclusively in Salem Venetian Blinds. Phone 2-3639. 141 Capital Bowling Alleys close for refinishing Thursday, June 16, to Wed., June 22nd. 143' Phone 22408 before 8 p.m. If vou miss your Capital Journal. ' Spencer corset. Amina Fell of Spencer Shop in Portland will be at the Senator Hotel Wed nesday, the 15th. 141 Baby beef for your locker 42c. C. S. Orwig Co., 4375 Silverton Rd., Ph. 2-6128. 141 Dr. L. B Warnicker Dentist Is now associated with the Dr Painless Parker office. 125 N Liberty St, Salem. Ph. 3882S For sale by owner 1 choice Englewood lot Ph. 3-5970. 142 mm x' I- pi ii M-pr L wQo lip v Indoctrination Members of Girl's State, assembled in Salem for a week of intensive study about the machinery of their state government, consider the seal beneath the capitol rotunda and interpret its meaning. From left: Bonnie Bigg, Carlton; Shirley Olson, Springfield; Mary Ann Trebin, Hood River; Janet Magurer, Salem; La Vaun Krueger, Eu gene; Vicky Moran, Woodburn; Barbara Lytle, Parkdale and Delores Brice, Portland. New Anita Shop Grand Opening Clerks of the new Anita Shop at Liberty and State streets were busy unpacking mercha n d 1 s e Tuesday while building trades men rushed finishing touches in preparation for the grand open ing Wednesday. The new ladies ready-to-wear store is the first tenant to estab lish business in the new building which was constructed on the site of the old Guardian build ing which was destroyed by fire in November of 1947. Lynn McDaniels has been named as manager of the Salem branch of the retail system which has some 21 stores throughout the Pacific northwest and south. "A great faith in Salem and its future was what prompted the opening of the store," Charles G. Colby, owner of An ita Shops, explained. Colby said the store would of fer a complete line of popular priced ladies wear. Ideal Weather in Valley Continues Salemites continued to enjoy ideal weather, Tuesday, the 12th day without rain except for a trace. Rainfall to date for the month is .13 of an inch, or .43 of an inch below normal for the month. In June of 1948, however, only .11 of an inch had been recorded up to June 14, and only .38 of an inch fell for the month. In 1947, the month re ceived 3.60 inches and in 1946, 1.28 inches. The Willamette river was down to the zero mark, Tues day, after being considerably low for some time. The river Is running about true to form for this time of year, having reach ed the zero and minus stages in June last year. 3 More Sewage Plants Portland, June 14 (PI The state sanitary authority an nounced approval of three more sewage treatment systems in Or egon today. They are the $600,- 000 system proposed for Coos Bay, the $248,000 system pro posed for Sutherlin, and a $785,- 000 projected for the southwest hills district adjoining Port land. Mrs. Mason Home Mrs. Al bert Mason and Infant son have been dismissed from the Salem General hospital and are now at home at 3835 Liberty road. Mrs. King Home Mrs. James King. Route 2, Amity, togeth er with her infant son, were dis missed from Salem Memorial hospital Monday. SALEM COURT NEWS Circuit Court men m Rij Louck, dlvorc complaint illfcei eruel and Inhuman trtatmtnt. wka piaintlff b flvra cuttodr ot thrtt Jauchttra and dfftndant ot tout aoru and for approval ot property attleinnt. Mar rt4 April . IBll. at Bat tit Creek, Mich Alba L. Cora Mat MeCotlum. dlvora complaint allcixa daatrtton. Married Aui tut 27, l4, at La Vmu, Ni. Jo-ret a Da la Rowland, arur and roa complaint all cruel and inhuman treatment and uki defendant be men ruxtMy ot two children and ownership of certain property both real and peraonal. State vs Clavton Roberta, ball fumUh ed br Orrln Roberta and Ina Manafleld rt leaaed. lata on relation of Ola a M. lalft. for merly Olea M Woolery. va Cecil R AToolerr. defendant directed to appear July I to ahow cauae why h ahould not ba punuhed for contempt. Mariorle Raker Tuna a Dorothy Vap. Frank A. Majuelll and Prank Pack, Jurr verdict in automobile datnaie action tor defendant and acaliui plaintiff. Marilyn Hauth by htr tuardiaa ad litem. Oertrud Hauth. va Char lea II Ralley and othera, arwwer ot defendant Charlea H Raily admita he waa opera tint an automobile at th ttma alleged but deniea plaintiff ha been damaeed in the Hum of lift Mo a or any other aum and therwi akaa denial. Proba Court Brown W Buuujn tuerdianebip order confirm aale of properly for loaaa to Rodney ft. and Florence H. Mark. Arvld I Johnaon aetata valued at IJW. ttr Hnwvi) nam m! admin:iramr and Oerar Apwht. Jama It Nichalaon and elja ftrtiatt sppraatara. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Tuesday. June 14 Marion county chanter. Reserve t-Miicer association. Wednesday. June 15 Volunteer Naval Air Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. In Japan with the Eighth u. 8. Army in Tokyo, Japan - Pfc. Donald D. Douglas, son ol Bruce Douglas of route 8, Salem, Oregon, has been assigned Co occupation duty in Japan. The Salem soldier, who took his oasic training at rort urd, Calif., is a rifle man with company P. Second battalion. 7th cavalry regiment. First Cavalry division and is stationed at duad Barracks in Tokyo. 40 et 8 Committee For Convention An organization has been formed for the state meeting of the 40 et 8 August 3, 4 and .1 which is to precede by one day the state convention of the American Legion in Salem. General chairman for the 40 et 8 is Gene Vandeneynde Other commute chairman are: Parade, Bert Victor; banquet. Ira Pilcher; registration, Al Gragg; wreck, Waldo Mills; en tertainment, Dave Hoss; memor ial, C. V. Richardson; publicity, Ethan Grant; distinguished guests, Ira Pilcher; secretary and finance, Ted Brabec. Registration will be the eve ning of August 2 and the grand caucus will be held at Legion hall the evening of May 3. Mrs. Ida Barquisf Dies at Residence Mrs. Ida Caroline Barquist resident of Salem tlnce 1920, died at her home at 1395 Mis sion street June 14, after an ill ness of several weeks. Born at Vardo, Norway, 74 years ago, Mrs. Barquist came to the United States with her parents when eight years of age and the family resided at Calu ment and Dollar Bay, Michigan April 29, 1901, Ida Caroline Sthore was married to Victor Barquist, who died July 27, 1930. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Carmelita Barquist of Sa lem and Mrs. Margaret Saund ers of Portland; a son, Frank Barquist of Salem; and two grandsons, Brian and Gary Bar quist of Salem. Announcement of lervlcei will be made later by the Clough-Barrick chapel. Car Stolen F rank James Dye. 1135 N. 13th, reported to Salem police that a 1937 model Ford coupe had been stolen from Front and Center streets where he had parked the machine. Bertha M Brian eatato appraised at 117,772. la bv T. M. Muller, Oeona Ren tier and Clara Muller, Thorn aa Wataon sleeve tuardlaniffitp. order provldmt for modification ot certain trma ot a least aareement. Atto P. jlnhnaon etate. order conflrma aale of property In Wat Balem tor ftftOO to Ortion Pulp Paper company. John D. Thorn a eaiat. decree of final acltkment to C. J. Thome, admlnutrator. Anton Sterner Jr.. eetate, decree of final aettlement o Wil helm ina Sterner, admin uitratrlt. District Court Ob t a mm money under fa tee pretena a: R. I. Brother ton, continued for plea to Juna II, bail I1M0. Folic Court Reekie drlvlnff Carl Edward Beaeii, Independence, lined 111. Failure to atop at the cene of an acci dent: Carl Edward Beach, potted IM ball. Disorderly conduct: Donald 4, Pwortnan, CorvaUu, fined IM). Morriog Llconioi Mifco D H or man. tl. truck driver, tod Vivian m aotty, H, clerk, bvtn Bakm. Carl J. Brwert, 14. farm laborer. Wood burn, and Mary Loulaa Mohr It, aierk irput, Satan. Harold Chrla Ramoert, tl, electrical entmter. Scepwooae. and Avon Joan Sim mon, II, puree, Woodburn. DonaM J Bomrntr. II. aaleaman. and Jar que Una Torteraon, tl. aara, both Sa- Merle V Waaner. Ita. drnr wrtr. and Deioru H Unit, legal, telephone op erator, bota aWlea. Senators Hopes Remain High The Salem Senators cannot be counted out of the Western In ternational league pennant race even though the club has lost ground during the past two weeks. This is the opinion of Bill Beard, playing manager and George Emigh, business mana ger, who with a few of their players were luncheon guests of the Salem Kiwanis club Tues day noon. Both recognized the need for additional pitching strength. Emigh said that there was a shortage of capable pitchers and other clubs were In the same po sition. Beard remarked that "given a bit of pitching to go with our hitting, we will be up around the top." Bruce Williams performed the duties of master of ceremo nies and- pointed out that only one third of the 48 games play ed to date had taken place on Wateis field. The club remains in striking distance of the top even though they are currently on the .500 mark, he added. Control Board Continued from Pane 1 Authority was granted to Col William Ryan, director of insti tutions, to move 10 milk cows and a number of hogs from Hill crest home for girls to the dairy larm at the penitentiary annex. Ryan told the board that the dairy barn at Hillcrest school was In bad condition and un less the move was made a new barn would be necessary. The board authorized pay ment of $1,299.72 to Leslie D. Howell for architects' fees in connection with the remodeling or lour ware; Datnrooms at the I Eastern Oregon state hospital. 68 Agriculturists To Get Salem Fruit Distinguished agricultur 1 s t s from various foreign countries will see a practical demonstra tion of Salem fruit crops and hospitality on June 22. On that day, at about 10:10 a. m., the visitors, en route home from ... International Agricul tural Federation meeting in Guelph, Ontario, will pass through here on a South Paci fic train. At the depot they will be greeted by Salem Cherrians and other Chamber of Commerce representatives, and cartons of Salem's best Royal Anne cherries will be distributed among them. The fruit will be well selected ana win be pre-cooied over night. The visitors will number about 68. The convention In Guelph was attended by Ronald E. Jones of Brooks, president of the Ore gon Farmers Unir.n. MEN WANTED Applications Are Now Being Taken For Positions of Firemen" City of Salem. Ages: 21 to 31 inc. - - Height: S ft. 9 in. - Min. Applicants must b physically and mentally qualified and bt registered or ari of tha City of Salam. All applicants must reside within the city limits of Salem and ba residents of tha city for at laoit ana year prior to tha data of hit axamination. Date of Examination: June 24th, 1949 - 9 a. m., City Hall Application blanks may ba secured from tha City Recorder's Office and must ba raturntd not latar than 5:00 p.m., Juna 17th, 1949. Wage: $225.00 per month for beginners Honorably Discharged War Veterans' Points Allowed Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 1949 9 YW Gets $600 For Camperships Three new commitee ap pointments were announced at the June meeting of the Salem YWCA board, Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Mike Stcinbock has been named to the finance commit tee; Mrs. P. H. Brydon as a member of the music committee; Mrs. George Hewitt as a mem ber of the camp committee. A sum of $600 has been con tributed by various organiza- tions in Salem to set up cam perships for girls. This year, the summer camp program is specializing in "ten-age treks," short trips to the Crestwood Acres camp and other tours. Most of the meeting was given over to discussing budget ing and the finance program for the YWCA here. The executive committee and personnel committee were em powered by the board to go ahead in hiring the new execu tive director to take over in the fall. The Tuesday meeting was the last for the general board for the summer. Justice Kelly (Continued from Page I) From January, 1911, until 1930 Kelly served as circuit judge for the Third Judicial dis trict comprised of Marion, Linn, Yamhill, Polk and Tillamook counties. September 24, 1930 he was appointed to the supreme court by Gov. A. W. Norblad to fill the vacancy for position No 1 caused by the death of Justice Thomas A. McBride. He four times was re-elected to this posi tion without opposition and from January 6, 1941, to Jan uary 4, 1943, served as chief justice of the Oregon supreme court. March 29. 1910, Kelly was married to Margaret A. Dawson of Portland, who survives him. Active in Masonry Justice Kelly did not confine his activities to the bench and to law but was active In many or ganizations. He was a Scottish Rite Mason and from June, 1925, to June, 1926, was grand master of the Masonic lodge In Oregon. He also was a member of the Elks, Pythians and the Shriners Surviving besides the widow are a sister, Mrs. Mary Hogue of Berkeley, cam., two nieces. Saye and Hortense, of Califor nia; and a nephew, Charles Hogue in Honolulu. Announcement of funeral services are to be made later by W. T. Rigdon company. 1000 British Troops Land af Hong Kong Hong Kong, June 14 (0) The British troopship Halladale to day brought 1,000 reinforce ments to this colony. That boost ed its known land strength to more than 6,000 men. This figure is only half the announced goal of 12.000 men. Government sources said 2,000 men are enroute. Meanwhile the government ordered that Chinese employes of the government on leave may not visit their home in China because of the unsettled condi tions in that country. JAQUITH Music Co. BUY 1ATER! J ftps WE RENT MUSICAL SfZ VJ INSTRUMENTS (JA 136 So. High Ph. 3-4641 Feeling Runs 'Continued from Pik 11 Reduced from $1500 to S100C the witness fees item for the citj court, and removed $210 as th pay for a vacation substitute judge. Removed from both sides ol the ledger $32,000 estimated tc come from an occupational tax fo' off-street parking becausa there is not yet a provision for it by ordinance. Cut out city band concerts, budgeted at $1800. Voted City Recorder Alfred Mundt an increase in salary from from $4260 to $4800. Increased City Treaurer Hau- ser's salary from $3900 to $4200. This was against the recommen dation of the committee. Playgrounds Favored The special committee recom mended that the item for the city's half of public playground employes be reduced from $13, 933 to $10,000, but this was vot ed down by the other members. In the argument over police and firemen's salaries Alderman Gille said adoption of the budget estimates as advocated by the mayor was "serious discrimina tion against the fire depart ment." "It is very unjust," said J. W. Simeral, special committeeman. Mayor Elfstrom and Sephus Starr said the budget only at tempted to put them on the same level. Fred Paului sided with the firemen and special commit teemen. Fire Chief Roble and Captain Ellsworth Smith both took the floor for the firemen. Before acting on any budget items the general committee ap proved a list of recommenda tions of the special committee de signed to reform the budget making process. May Change Procedure One of these was that a spe cial committee of two aldermen ana me city manager be ap pointed by the mayor to formu late a more comprehensive me thod of future budget prepara tion. Another recommendation, ap proved by the general committee and acted on by the city coun cil, wipes out the "cost of liv ing" estimates which for several years have entered into water department salaries. These, set up by the department of com merce, are revised every three months. The special comr.iittee declared they throw salaries out of adjustment and cause hard feeling. The city manager was directed to prepare a salary schedule tor the department without them. : Another recommendation ap proved was "that there be no transfer of funds from one ac count to another; no expendi tures made without proper au thorization, and no withdrawals from the emergency fund with out the full consideration and approval ot the council; that future budgets should be classi fied into three categories; name ly, salaries and wages, general operating and maintenance ex pense, and capital outlay; that no deviation from these categor ies should be allowed." Bridge Sinks Reports to the county court states that a small bridge on county road 828 a half mile south of Liberty, has sunk down and needs repair or re placement REVIVAL CONTINUES at the Watleyan Methodist Church Corner 15th and Mill Streets Here in Salem Rev. Warren Pamp-To-Pee, converted Indian, preaching each evening at 8 o'clock this week, except Saturday. An invitation is extended to all. Glen Yates, Pastor ;1 ii t -