Nelsons Vacation in Oregon, Washington Silvcrton Jurge Alf. 0. Ncl on of the local Justice court, accompanied by Mrs. Nelson, is pending a fortnight vacation in a travel and visiting tour along the coasts of Washington and Oregon. During the absence of Judge Nelson, his daughter, Mrs. Don Burch, of the Homeseekers' Agency will look after the civil cases of the court, and the criminal cases are to be trans ferred to the Salem Justice court. to Capital Journal, Ralem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 19491 Coast Highway Jobs Progress Widening of the Agate Beach section of the coast highway is well under way and will be completed by August 1, accord ing to the state highway depart ment. Almost all the grading of the section Is completed and surtac lng and oiling will follow. Only the final seal coat and patching are necessary to finish another portion of the new highway be tween Newport and Agate Bearh. Other projects under con struction and which are sched uled for completing about the same time are the surfacing and oiling of the Alsea highway be tween Smallwood creek and the Bentnn county line; oiling of the Toledo-Simpson creek section of the Newport-Corvallis highway; surfacing and oiling of the Ed-dyvillc-Kline mountain section of the Newport-Corvallis high way and the surfacing and oil ing of Mill street to Waldport. Fined $100 for Car License Switching David Mendle RiRgs, Rt. 9 a former employe of Dickerin Dick's used car lots on South 12th street, was fined $100 and costs Monday In district court for operating a car with switched plates. According to court testimony, the car had been purchased from his employer, but it bore plates registered to another car at the used car lot. - A recent police investigation of Richard Carter, operator of trie U5ed car lots, unearthed the fact that an embezzled auto, registered in Mississippi, had been purchased by Carter, re painted; then, stored in a Riggs' garage. Royal Princess To Wed Texan Langen, Germany, June 14 W) A royal princess of Prussia will soon be at home "deep in the heart of Texas." I Princess Cecille, 31, hazel-eyed granddaughter of Germany's late Kaiser Wilselm, will trade her family's medieval castle for an apartment in Amarillo when she ; marries Texan Clyde Harris, 31. He is the son of Konawa, Okla., Banker Bert Harris. ! I The princess numbers among her ancestors Queen Victoria of England, the emperors of Germa ny and Innumerable reigning prices, grand dukes and mar graves. Her father Is the for mer Crown Prince Wilhelm. She is a sister of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia who work ed for the Ford Motor company in Detroit between the two World Wars and visited the United States last year. The wedding plans, secret un til yesterday, call for a marriage June 21 in the bleak Hohenzol lern castle in Hechingen in the Bavarian Alps. Brooks Missionary Group Holds Meeting Brooks The Women's Mis sionary council met at the home of Mrs. George Bacon at Bethel Gustaf Nears 91 King Gustaf V of Sweden (above) will celebrate his 91st birth day June 16. On December 8 of this year the king will have reigned for 42 years. Asks Grange to Approve CVA Coos Bay, June 14 ( Nor ton Tompkins sounded the key note of the annual State Grange convention today by strongly en dorsing the proposed Columbia Valley Administration. State Grange master since 1942, Tompkins urged the 700 delegates at the opening session of the convention to become educators and apostles for CVA." Tompkins' opening speech ranged over a wide variety of subjects, but mostly he dwelt on CVA, which he called a home rule agency and a "co ordinated river program under a single agency." He asserted that "CVA would mean a little bit of Washington, D.C., would be moved to the northwest and our development would be guided by the people living in the region." Tompkins gave approval of a sort to the government's farm program. Some bamboo growl to be 120 feet tall. COMPLETE DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REPAIR .treatment Maybe it's just a burnt-out switch or perhaps there's a short in the motor. If you can fix it swell! but if you can't, that's where we come in. Our electricians are the finest any where (we think) with years of experience in keeping things run ning. So whether it's at home or business give us a call the next time there's trouble. We'll gladly tell you what's wrong and what it will cost to fix it. FREE ESTIMATES DEPENDABLE SERVICE park for an all day session. Work was done on a wool quilt and a Hungarian doll made of kitchen utensils and notions. Mrs. Betty Burton had charge of the business session in the absence of the president, Mrs. Helen McGee. The devotionals were in charge of Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Williams, missionaries on fur lough from Central America. Several native songs were sung, accompanied on guitar, and in teresting experiences related. The dinner was served be neath the trees to the following guests: Rev. and Mrs. Fred Sny der, John Cavanaugh, Rev. and Mrs. Carl Martin, Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and sons, Ralph D. and Byron, Mrs. George Ba con, Mrs. Betty Burton, Mrs. El mer Conn, Mrs. Maude Timm, Mrs. Irma Tischler, Mrs. Willa 2-4156 Remember . . . FATHERS DAY is SUNDAY, June 19th ond To show you cared enough to send the very best, say it with a Jdafimark FROM Edward Williams 330 Court Vinyard, Mrs. Cora Otto, Mrs Edward Edmond, Donna and Duane, Miss Stella, Jordan, Ed die Anderson,- Miss Dormalee Bunn, Miss Evelyn Austin, Mrs. A. H. Jensen and Donald and Clarence. Moisan Is Hospitalised Gervais Ex-Mayor G. J. Mo isan, who has been in poor health since his retirement from office and who has been at the home of his sister, Mrs. Albert Nys of Brooks, has undergone an operation at the Salem Me morial hospital. Church Federation Has Panel Discussion Silverton The Woman's Mis sionary Federation of Immanuel Lutheran church will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Fireside room of the par ish house. Mrs. Emil Loe will present the topic: "Louis Braa flodt, God's Humble Scientist." Directing panel discussion to pic: "Stewardship," will be Mrs. John Overlund, Mrs. Elmer IJohnson, Mrs. R elder Foverud Mrs. JL. v. awayze. Mrs. Jonas Bvbere will i- . of her work with the cradle roll. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. B. E. Gaffev. Mrs. K.....L Henjum, Mrs. John Kinney and Mrs. .a uveriuna. Return From Arlsona Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Ray Messick have returned to their farm here after spending several months in Phoenix, Ariz., due to Messick's health. Mrs. Mes sick will return to her Job with the state tax commission. "I'm convinced ! new PEEIjiVe$ me the WHITEST WASH 0Bt" says Mrs. Virginia Edgar 964-14th Street, Oakland "NO MORE DULL YELLOWS OR GRIMY GRAYS in my wash," says Mrs. Edgar, "not since I started using new Peet's Soap. My white things are whiter than ever before and my colored things sparkle with new lite. From now on, there's only one soap for me new Peel's." rv" ma SEE THE DIFFERENCE ... OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! New Peet'a will prove itself to you. Try it. If it doesn't give) you the. whitest, brightest wash you ever had, simply send the unused portion of the package to Colgate-Pal molive-Peet Co., Berkeley 10, California, with your name and address and the price you paid. We'll send you double what Peet'a cost you. for DAD?" tttSPAV SSJQ GM20 Off CEG CD wmm w Fax j x '.TawI I a M i u w Bigger SINGLE Twice-as-wide Head New shop It easier to handle. FASTER CLOSER SHAVES than you ovtr thought possible No beard too lough . . . no skin too tender. This new Sunbeam has greater CONTINUOUS-ROUND. SHAVING surfact for FASTER WHISKER PICK. UP. It's Instantly superior to any method Dad's ever used. Now, a more compact and more powerful motor thao ever before. Comes in beautiful gift case. "SALEM'S OLDEST EXCLUSIVELY APPLIANCE STORE" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 North Liberty Street Phone 1-4)11 155 N.Liberty Phone 1-3191 d frames w m COCKTAIL ROCKERS WARDS is FIRST to show these stunning COCKTAIL ROCKERS... they're NEW... they're DIFFERENT-there isn't another one on the market like 'em. Not just another Cocktail Chair...not just another Rocker.. .BUT a BRAND NEW 1949 MODEL that fits right into your Modern surround ings! These FACINATING Rockers, styled in two COMFORTABLE models with arms... without arms. Both upholstered in your choice of Dobby MOHAIR and mod ern figured cotton TAPESTRY. Seats have no sag SPRING construction, thickly padded with new felted cotton... rocker back are SHAPED to fit your back, adding to your RELAXING COMFORTI iwoo nd corne wood in a smooth COCKTAIL ROCKERS high, 23'A" wide, 19" are glued, dowel blocked. satiny BLOND finish, stand a good 30" and 22"deep. Home makers, BUY them for Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Playrooms and DensI BUY one of each, or BUY 'em in pairs, threesome, foursome. These are the ROCKER HITS of the YEAR in Style, Comfort, Pricel Your Choice Cifher Style Figured Tapestry Covers 24.88 29 Decorator Celerst Red, Rose, Oray and trow r m h 1 1 SESSSSSgS Your Choice Cither Style Woof Frieze Covers Glorious Colersi Rose, flame, elge,.Orey ad Kelly Oreea uy Your Cocktail Rocker n Wards Convenient Monthly Payment Plasi Furniture Third Floor V