FOR SALS MISCELLANEOUS whits Horse Product pb a-1741 Di4i NIWBEHO TYPE BIVCR BOTTOM TOP SOIL. Hlb quality, attractive prle All kinds: Pit run; gravel, send; nli crush: concrete pipe tilt. -inferring gteel; cement; eeptie tanks OKFJOON ORAVKL CO. 1401 N. Proot 8t. Pb 3-M11 BIO 14 CU FT. CHEST IriMf He 1110 M Ph 1-434. SALEM SAND ORAVEL COMPART Contract Work Rm4 Clearing DIM) ewer Basement equipment Rental lft S s rd 13 M r hr 10 S yd IM per br 0-1 Ckl Dnit 10.50 per or 0- Cat Si Doaer 1.4 per br D-4 OH Domi T.M par hr Phone Day l-40 aTvt J 3 or 3-440 ttelem Oreton WALXJNO SAND ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road tod driveway cement, ready nil concrete, garden end. Bulldoting drainage and dltchim A-yd. ahovel mm) dru line Pb 1-9349 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NEED AT ONCE, lane quantity UMd funl. ire. Ph. 110. WOODRY. nans WE WANT atrswberrlej Market price lo cash Co at net Jory Packing Co at Ter mlnal Ice. 34 P at. Phont 3-40. pa WANTED furniture to flu Si repair Lee Broa Pare fUftnlanlng Co Pb 3-1001 USED PTTRN1TURK Phone f-lft PERSONAL STANLEY ROME ProducU. B CrOli St. Ph. 3-544. PlM IT'S NO SECRET" Olenn Woodry pare more for used furniture Ss appliances than any other dealer. Pb. 3110 for Cash in Plash. pl4i ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Boi 734 S-S334 pll AUTOMOBILES We Still Have Some Fine USED CARS These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned They Carry Our Guarantee Come Take a Look Convince Yourself We Are Going to Sell 'em 14 KAISER DOOR 147 FRAZER MANHATTAN 147 KAISER SEDAN 1847 FORD SEDAN 1847 CHEV. SEDAN 1S4 MERCURY TUDOR 1846 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1843 OLDSMOBILE S PASS. COUPE 1841 OLDSMOBILE ft PASS COUPE 1841 NASH 600 I PASS. COUPE 1941 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 1841 OLDS TUDOR SEDAN 1841 CHEV. ft PASS. COUPE 1940 CHEV. 4 DOOR 1840 DODOE 4 DOOR 1840 PLYMOUTH I DOOR 1937 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1837 WILLYS SEDAN 1937 ORAHAM SEDAN 3 LOCATIONS 363 N. COMMERCIAL STREET 340 PORTLAND ROAD TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 2-4173 'II CHEV. COOT. Terr eln. n. J-flll. 1937 DODGE H TON PICKUP Good motor 3395 18.16 CHEV. Sedan. Good condition $293 ORVAL'S (The lot with the turnUble) Center t Church BU. Phone 3-4702 'n DE SOTO cnup. Oeod cond. 115. Ph. J-M71 liter :!. 14 leea BUICK euper eeden. Oood eond. Hew tire. Ph. 3-easl. 380 Lencuter Dr. ,141 IMS NASH I p eoupe. RAH. Priced to eril. Ht. . boi mz. Ph. iim. oiei' t BDRM. HOUSE, W me. 1 yr. leeee. Uuet bur furniture. I2M Teu Are. Ph. J-1744. .! NEW CHEV. S rerd dump truck, 1500 dU eount. Tike cer IB trede. 1300 Tcm Ave. Ph. J-1744. 14J' 1041 CHEV. Apec. Deluxe club cpe. RAH. Betel Tubej. Ph. 30440. ! "41 FORD Spr. DeLux 4-dr. Sedan. Redlo. Meeter. Seat-covers. Sot. Lllht. Wind shield Wuhn. Perfect condition. Ilea down. Ill Pin St, Sllvsrton. Ph. 343. 17 BUICK Cpe. Oolni east, muat aacrl fke'i 1395.00. 3a N. Maple. 0.143 IMI t-DOOR Ford. Clean ar. 1795. PH. 3-491. llMadUon. TVtTVHTvROLKT Fleetmaster. 3 dr. town sedan, hatr and other extra. Car per fect, guaranteed. 11.00. Loder Broa. Downtown Lot. 41 Center St. Ph 3-773 or 3-111. s l '4 MERCl'BT eport aedan. Oil than 1000 ml. MM extra. Coat 13700. sell I31S0. Like new. Ph. I-S03. 310 Gardes Rd em WANTED TO Rt'lf: 1937 to 1940 model lliht ear. Muat be elfin. Clipper Sta tion, Aumsville. Ore. Phone 1714. tjlt MODEL A '30 Ford coup. m4 hapa. Ph 9-8031. 3880 LaSrineh. UI CLEAN -41 Che?. Special Delupe t Dr Sedan, mo. Phone 1-0311. 141 '4 PI T. l-pui. Recently overhauled. 1191 or ree. rfsr. Murt Mil. 9397 Nort h River Road. 144' iru enrv , excel. c4t. t hm 14th. 100. ,14l 11 MODEL "A" Fordor Sedan. Oood mechanleal condition. II. l Fawk Avenue XI CHEV. CPE. 340 S. Hilh. Ul44 IM7 PONTIAC. Excel, cond. mechanleallr Nearly ood a nrw. orltlnal owner R"toniblf prlefd. 130 Wait Owen. Ph 94330. 14lfoRD PICRt'P In prett? fair ahape. motor overhauled lael fall, lew ell con umpnon. ipar tire. Can be had with rr without pip rerk and Tie. Phone SUfm 3.909 before I.M. or phone 8-30 eeninte. 143 T OWNER 141 ChT. t 4f. RSiH. It re!Vent motor. After 4 3 pa. 1331 N liltl. Ph. 3-744. ! 49 lV: MODEL A, juat overhauled, 1131. Ph. 3300. Rt. T. Box 93. 13 RT ilWNCR: '37 mocWl Bulek 4 dr. Sdn . very eoAd rend.. t 1 mile north f Wood burn. Oeorie Hoolr. t3 I e"bFi.ixE rosb-4lr RR. aw eat w enrer. batUn. After p.m., 199 " -O-BL SlO AUTOMOBILIS II HUDSON upec . J8Q Portland Rd . apt. 4 4143 4 O.M.C. i. Equipped with Bauih man lime p reader. Ph. 3-0H4. e,tl FOR IALK or trade. U Ford, RAH. Pn. 3-439. 14&a 41 CREV, conv. Oru. owner Low mlleaee 7 N. Llbertr. Apt. . Call eve. till Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS try . SELL THADI TEKU1 I3S PilrtreuDde Roed phone I-I4M WANTED elrio 3110 A Com I cere Bob Kerr Thle Time It'e HUDBONl Berriee Selee . Peru Rome ot Oood Oeec Cere SHROCK MOTOR 00. Ohureb Ji Ohemekete 6U Pb. S-0101 Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1443 '41 Spt. cpe 893 47 Ford DL spt. cpe. 1395 '39 Nash coupe $395 '38 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. eeo n. Libertf Ph 14113 MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS FOB SALE: Doodle Bu. The wife aald no ao IU tot to fo. Juat contact me, Old Okie Joe. Salem Fire Dept. U141 1948 HARLET DAVIDSON '74 In excel, condition. 3988 N. River Rd. Ph. I71S2 after 1:30 p.m. qal43 Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 9-1423 qa FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BOATS Super Special New Marine Plywood 13-ft. V-Bottom Boats Phone 2-0060 Rt. 7, Box 22, Claxtar Rd. qql43 1947 FORD Fenuion Tractor and equip ment. Very reaaonable. Rt. , box 105Z. Ph. 3I12R qbl43 BOATS OUTBOARD MOTOR. 2fc HP. light dvelanl, 143. Brand new. n Iversreen Ave. qql41 FOR SALE, BOATS Super Special. New marine plywood 13 ft. V bottom boats Ph. 2-0060. Rt. 7, box 22. Clarter Rd. qqlM TRAILERS tt-ft. MAINLINE, Late '47. Awntnx, Ice oox. pane) ray. A-l cond. I13&0. Ph. J-U37S. 3130 N. 34th. tl44 FOR RENT: Trailer apace, 110 month with all modern convenience. R It tit acroaa the Ureet south of Paulua einnerr. Lota ol room for children. No pet. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-1811. tl4fl 3 WHEEL Trailer. Heavy duty all steel. 800x18 rubber, excel, cond. BS. Hubbard Home Appliance. Ph. 4511. tl43 14 ALUMINUM trailer, aaatern built. 39 ft., excel, cond., fully equip. Sacri fice, Albany Trailer Court., Albany, Ore. tl43 FINANCIAL 1LENN WOODRY para top caah prlcea for furniture appliance.. Ph. J9110 for Immediate reaulu, no haifllnc. rl45 PRIVATE MONET BrMleJ rataa and lernu oa Uriel lcwne long and ahort Umo payment ROT H SUUIONB U Sorh OoBmeretaJ St Phoae -li AUTO LOANS WTXJuAMETTB CREDIT CO. 12 S. Church Parklac a Plenty Ph. 1-3417 Lie. No M-IW S-II4 V SEE CS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INT BREST I to 44) Tear and No ConmUaloa .Leo N. Childs, Inc. 144 Statt i GE3VEHJU, FTTfANCB CORP. LOANS LM S-1J. and U-93 and ROT R. SIUMONS XNSURANCI AND LOANS 13 S. Commercla St. Tat, 1-911 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FTTRNTTTJRE. LIVESTOCR BQUIPUKNT LOANS UP TO 1300 Oar wena up to 9) Come Id or phone ' Hollywood Finance Co. 1H1 Palrkrousda Read Acroaa atreet from bank No Parklni problem Phone 17031 -Lie N U919-4U91 Fiord Kepyen, Mgr. t FARM AND CTTT LOANS 4'i. and 9 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reuon Cash for Real Satat Otmtracla end Second Meniaa CAPITOL SECURrTTBS CO 101 Pioneer Trail Bldg Ph. 9-TlCf t Buy Real Eitats Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. Set State Finance Co. IAS 8. High St. OIRECTOIT 4BDINO MACRTNBS All eaakeg lead eiMhrBoa gold, fwnttd repaired Raea 4H Court PhmM 9-4773 APPlUNCt IERVTCB ILECTBIC 9IOMB appliance repair eerrtf. Free eattmalaa Ttade-lna accepted on new appllaneaa Vlnee'a BioatrMv Phone I-I7H 197 S Liberty St at-l'r poos oampfwo "pawn mower tharpenlu aod roalrte Devtera Ph 9s AI'TO RADIOS Author tied Warranty Repalf Station for all maku of Auto Radios Morrow Radi Co.. 1M S Liberty Pit 1913 o MARION MOTORS It ASH SERVICE Towtat Mrneo day phone t-Pt. Ritnt t-1104 13 Center Mike Panek. 371 S Coml Ph. 3-111 Brake and Wheel allgmns apoelalieu ! 81 ILD1NO CARPENTRY Remorl!. rpair that home art Terms II Sows payment. Pboao 3-44M. 144a DIRECTORY Bl'ILDING CONTRACTOR A:t Brea AlJo hoiuea raioed New fouo datiooa. Phone 30 oll7 BI'LLDOEINQ Dean Roblnion. Ph.3iI7 o Hi BulWoiini. leveling, roed bldg., clear ing, teeth lor bruah. VirgU Hiukey. 1010 Fairvlew Ave. Pn. 3-314. Salem. o-l0 Light crawler dosing. Ph. 33330. CAH SEOIHTERS Inatani delivery of new RCA caah re later At maaee aold. rented, re pa. ed Roeo 41 Court Pb 3 773 o EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement cont. Honeat work at boneal pneea. Ph, S-ltfll or 3-747 014 For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, aldewalks. drivewaya patloa, curba, walL et call 3-48511 0144J TkmENT WORK Building foundation, remodelln. paint ing. Klani Bru , Ph. 33303. O1&0 Let ua do your cement work NOW Driveway, eldewalka. patloa, etc. Ph J-4413 014B CHIMNEY 1WEF.P Furnace chlain- vacuum cleaned tnsxj 771 B. 31il. Ph. 3-717. ol3C ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce' Electric for electrical wiring, contract Ini repairing 17 S Liberty Ph 3-9239 O rXTERMlNATORR Cockroach, Moth. Exterminator Service Ph. 3-10S. Lee Croaa. Ill Pearl. olSO Breithaupt'a for flowera Dial 1-9179 o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R Watkina Co product- Free 6. ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-6S95 o LANDHCAPr NURSERY f Doer tier Ai Bona. Ornament iM 190 N Lancaster Dr at Cor Ph 3-1322 e LAWNMOWERH Sharpened, guaranteed eervlce. New power and hand mower Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St olftS' LAWN MOW PR" SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Expert work F RoncO, call 380. o!43 At youi door lawn mower aherpenlnr. Deiter the lawnmowar man Pb 333 Fireplace, chimney Ji block laylne Ph. 35988. 0' MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4089 MUSIC LESSONS SpanUh and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 1-7.189 0162 NURSES' REGISTRY OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Deak chair, fllaa and flllnt auppllea salea. dupltcatora and supplies deilt lampa typewriter atanda. brief cuejt Pierce Wire Recorder. Roan 45 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073. PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanalni and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-58 Free tst. ol48 YJfstrom'a are equipped to do youi painting Phone 2-3493 o paint1ngndpa1rhanoing Painting and pape rhannin. Free esti mate, h. 3-9813. 857 Shlpping. ol2 CallM60 for your Painting tb Paper, hanslng Attractive niw. 0145 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheoo Paint Store Phowa 3-687 o" PLUMBING Flahcr. 944 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o!34' PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-130. ol61 ; L. W. Caudle Ph. 3-7900 ol9 RADIO RF.PAIIt General Elee. home appl. re pa I r In r. also radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 453 Court St. Salrm. Ph. 2-1565. ol3 Complete aerv., reaa. ratea. Free pickup A eat. John'a Radio Shop. 250 Court St Ph 30715 A 3341. O150 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned. teeatrM. J. C. Balr x Sons. Ph 31193. By Drive-in Theatre. Since 1917. Ol4i' REFRIGERATION A APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND A GRAVEL Oarden SolL eruehed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand 4k Oravei Co. Phone 1-9949 o Valley Band Oravei Co Slit, aand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B ahovel S cau Tractor acoop A truck for dirt moving Ph. office 34002. rea. 3714 IEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Excloalvt Patent Raaor flier Stool Cutting Blade Clean Sewera or Drains See tie Tank Cleaned Reaa. Ph 9-5)31 of 9-44 SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septle Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. 107 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-9499. 9-9937. oil SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In stalling the new approved 900 gallon concrete aeptie tank. We lay drain line alao. Ph. 1-949. ol49 K. P. Hamel. Septle tanka cleaned. Eleetrlo machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. U43-tth St.. Weat Salem Ph. 3-7404. ol49 TOOLS FOR RENT Howier Bro. Your power tool rental head quarter. New addrea 1410 S. 12th Ph. 1-34. 0141 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portable. AD make oaed machine Repalra and rent Roen, 45 Court, o TRANSFER A BTORAOE 'ecal e Distance Tranafer. storage Burner olla. eoal briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent for Bekln Houe hold good moved to anywhere In D o. Canada Larsner Transfer Si Storage Ph 2-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Made tn Salem Pre eat Phone 1733 Cmer tho Blind man Salem Venetian Blind mad to order ot teflnlfthod. Relnholdt Si Lewi. 1-31 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 1 Box 917. Ph. 1-1119 ol' J A. Snead Son, well drilling. 31ft Brook St., Salem. Ph. I-M0. ol WEATHERSTRIPPING Pre estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. I-M65 158 WINDOW SHADE Washable Roller Made to order 1 Day Dei Reinhoidl a. Lewi Ph 39819 WINDOW CLSANTNO Acme V'lndow Cleaner Windows, wall woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, wated and polished Ph 9-3337 347 Court Langdo. CulberUoa and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST West Salet Fuel Co Ph 1-4031. LODGES JL Alns worth Lodge No. 301, TA AF & AF, Tues., June 14th atstra pm. 141 l-O OT meeu every Wed nesdsy alfht. VUltors wel come noason council no. i. n. dci S.M.. specisl meeting. Degrees. Refreshments. Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 p.m. 142 C5 t; k v"1 Best Flcure Betty Grable, owner of one of the best figures in Hollywood, also has the best salary figure among women. Treasury De partment reports have Miss Grable as being the highest paid woman in the country with a take of $208,000 paid her by 20th Center;' films. (Acme TeJephoto). Woman Returns Home Pleasantdale Mrs. Minnie Shephard, 59, who had been with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Erick son in Seattle Wash., since January will arrive by bus in Salem. Another daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ado- Iph Schutz, of this district with whom she resides, will meet her. LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING A administrator with the will and an nexed of the estate of LIDA E. CRAN STON, deceased, the undersigned ha riled in Circuit Court of Oreton for Mar on County In Probate, Its final ac count In estate of said decedent, and July 15. 1949. ten o'clock, a.m.. Pacific Standard Time, and courtroom of raid court have been appointed by said court tor Hearing of objections to aald ac count and settlement thereof. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY By K. E. WENOER. It Seer tarv and Trust Officer ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED AFORESAID linn O Carson and Wellnce P. Caion Attorneys for Administrator with the will Annexed qune 14, 31. 2. July 9. 12 141 NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Civil Service Examinations for POLICEMEN .nd lor FIREMEN subject to trt tulta, regulations and provisos of the Civil Serv ice CommUsfon of Salem, Oregon. ( amended) will be held at the City Hall, Sa lem. Oregon, a follows: POLICEMEN, Police Department, Thurs day. June 33. 1940, 9.00 a Ol. GENERAL SCOPS OP EXAMINATION, in addition to phyelcal examination by the city physician; keenness of obser vation, reading comprehension, ability to follow direction, relations with others, aptitude for police work, simple problems in arithmetic, geography of the city, state laws and city ordinances. Ten Per Cent credit allowed en War Time Service record. PAY: 1225 00 a month for beginner. REQUIREMENTS: Applicants muat have Been bona fid resident of Sslem, Oregon for at least one year Immediately pre vious to the date of the examination and must be registered voters. AOB LIMITS: 91 to 38 Tir (WITH MILITARY RVICE CONCESSIONS'. FIREMEN. Fire Department. FRIDAY, JUNE 34, 1949. 00 a m. GENERAL SCOPE OP EXAMINATION. In addition to physical examination by the city physician; keenness of observa tion, reading comprehension, ability to follow directions, relation with others, physical ability to meet fire department requirement. Ten Per Cent allowed on War Tim Serv ice record. PAY: 9228. M month for beginners. Physical test as would ba ordinarily used In fire flchtln. RBQUIHEMENTS: Applicants must have been bona fid residents of the city of Salem, Oregon, for at least one year Im mediately previous to the date of the ex amination and must bea reasltered votera. AOS LIMITS: 31 to 31 years. Applicant will be required to take a physical examination from the city phys ician. Each appllcat shall cause to be filed with the Secretary of the Commis sion a statement from the city physician certifying that the applicant Is mentally man physically fit for the position of fire man or policeman. In the absence of such a certificate an applicant will not be permitted to take th exsmlnatlon. APPLICATION BLANKS may be ob tained at the office of the Cltr Record r. must be filed In person, and will not be accepted for filing after the fol lowing d?tea: FRIDAY, JUNE IT. 149, at 9 00 p m. Dated at Sslem. Oreton. June 7. 149. Civil Service Commlsslnn: By: Alfred Mundt. Secretary nd CD iff Examiner Capital Journal. June . . 10 11. 19, 14th INVITATION FOR RID Sealed bid will be received bt th School Boird of Union Huh Srhnol Dis trict No. V. Marlon County, Oregon, at the Hubbard Hlrh School. Hubbard. Oreann. on or before t 00 o'clock p m .. Parlfic davliiht savin time, on Tuesday, June 31, 14. for the drilling of a Wen for the pur pews of supplying water for the new Union Kith School to be lo cated on Boone Ferry road near the center of th district. Specifications are available from the offlre of the Clerk. Robert Oosis. Route Boa 10. Wood burn, Oretnn. or from he offlre of Annand A Kennedy. Archi tects and Entmeera, 401 Central Building, Portland I, Oregon. Sltned' ROBERT OOETZ, Clerk. June 1. 14 EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that DAY TON D. KAY. as esecuter of the estate of WILLIAM H. KAY. deceased, has filed hi fine I account as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Ore- con for Marlon Ctuntv. July 1. 14. at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon of aald Day ha been tiied as the time, and the court room of slid gtVjM has been fled a the p.aee for the hearing of nbieetiona to said final account and the settlement of said estate. DAYTON D KAY. Eteeutor of th Berate of H. Kay, o ceased. R HOT FN RHOTEN SAM P SPEF.RSTRA Pinneer Trust Bull ding Sel'fei Oreenn Attorney for tieeutnr June 14, II, , Jmlr a, II Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, June 14 (i The stock market made a try for higher prlcea today but the ef fort didn't have much driving power behind it. Gain running to around a point were in a majority. Num erous key flocks, though, could not make the grade and many merely tee-tawed without get ting very far one way or anoth er. At the opening of trade It ap peared likely that yesterday'a sharp decline, one of the sever est of the year, would continue in full force. The Monday drop carried the general price level to a 4Ij-year low. Selling soon let up and prices started moving ahead. Gains amounted to more than a point before the advance lost momen tum. Turnover was at the rate of around 1,200.000 shares for the full day, a total well above av erage. Leaning ahead most of the day were Bethlehem Steel, Youngstown Sheet, General Mo tors, Chrysler, U.S. Rubber, Montgomery Ward. Inter"!1--- al Paper, Southern Pacific, Standard Oil (NJ), Richfield Oil, and United Air Lines. Holding back were Goodyear, Seart Roebuck, Douglas Air craft, American Telephone, Am-! erican Can, General Electric, J. C. Penney and Union Pacific. AtomicSpending To Be Attacked Washington, June 14 W) Senator Hlckenlooper (D.. Iowa) is setting out next to attack the atomic energy commission's spending of the taxpayer's dol lar. The Iowa senator, pressing his charges of "incredible misman agement against Commission Chairman David E. Lilienthal, picked for his first target at to morrow's hearing a secret ato mic installation at the Hanford, Wash., plutonium plant. The cost of the Hanford pro ject already has stirred up con siderable congressional inter est. Described as the "capstone" to the whole Hanford operation. the facility originally was ex pected to cost $6,255,000. The commission now estimates it will cost $24,950,000. Senator McMahon (D., Conn.) chairman of the house-senate atomic committee, told reporters yesterday that he had started an Investigation into the project as son as he had heard early this year about the greatly Increas ed cott. The tenate appropriations sub committee on independent of fices, to which the ACC must turn for money, alto hat had It under dlscuttion. Hlckenlooper was told to go ahead on hit new line of in quiry at a cloted-door meeting of the Joint committee yester day. And, after consulting with the five atomic commissioners, the committee decided that the matter could be discussed in public without "damage to se curity." Oath of Office io Roosevelt Junior Washington, Junt 14 ) Franklin D. Roosevelt. Jr.. CD NY), received his oath of office today as a member of the house of representatives. The third son of the late pre sident, to whom he has been compared In political charm. came here from New York to be sworn in by Speaker Ray burn (D-Tex). The 34-year-old attorney said he felt the major domestic is sues confronting congress were repeal of the Ttt-Hartley law and enactment of a labor law "based on a free labor move ment." enactment of President Truman's civil rights prngrsm.l BY GUILD Wizard of Odds I DID YOU KNOW THE ODDS WtW 33 A6AINST WOULD WAR I PFll!i H4VIN6 ANT HUH SCHOOL C ATiOH ? INW0RIDWAM.IW ODOS WERE ONLY 3 TO I A6AINST i i r -v fr?w STOCKS tar sc American Can Ana ?o Ll Am Tel Tel Anaconda Bendli Aviation ... Beth Steel Boeing Airplane ... Calif Faekinc Canadl Paclfl Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Com with At Sou Con Vultec Continental Can ,., Crown ZellerBseh ... Curtiaa Wright Douglas Alrrrift ,,, Oupont de Nem .... Oenerai Elertri ... Jeneral Pood Oenerai Motors Ooodyear Tire Int Hirveater Int Paper Kennecott Ubor UcN Ji L.e... ton Sett "A" Mon;;r-ry Ward , Nash Keivintaor ... Vit 04.1H I NT Central 1 Northers Paeiti ... Pac Am Pun Pae Oa t Tie ... Pae Tel M Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Re renter Rayonler ffd Reynold 4eil Richfield Safeway Store Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific ... Standard Oil Co .... Studebaker Corp ... Sunshine Mining ... Tranaamerica Union Oil Cai Un:on Pacific Untied (ih'tiu U S Steel Warner Bros Pie ... Wool worth . 1A . ao . r . .171 . IT . 41 Grains Advance From Early Low Chicago, June 14 (1 Wheat led other grains upward from an early low at the board of trade today. The advance came on news the government wants flour and of a better cash mar ket at Kansas City. Wheat pushed up in a good closing rally, but corn and oats were Inclined to drag. Good ralnt where needed had a flow ing effect on feed graina. Lard, flowed by a lower hog market, had trouble keeping up with other futures. At the close wheat was 14 to 1H higher than yesterday's close, July S1.95H to Corn was to H higher, July $1.30- le-311.. Oats were Vi to higher, July 58 a,i. Rye was un changed to 1 cent higher, July $1.35. Soybeans were 1 '4 to 2 higher, July $2.23 1i -24. Lard was 7 to 8 cents a hundred weight higher, July $11.20. Wm. F. Foster, Grocer, Dies 111 for only tlx days, William F. Foster, groceryman in Salem for many years died Tuesday morning at a local hospital. Foster, born In 1874 in Lou isiana, moved to South Dakota wnen a boy and spent most ot hi boyhood there. He came to Oregon in 1904 and entered the grocery business. He first estab lished the firm known as Damon and Foster and located at 339 Commercial street. Later this be came Fotter and Baker. In late yean Foster has been connected with the Willamette Grocery company. He was an active member of the Calvary Baptist church. Surviving are his wife, the former Vivian McCurdy to whom he was married In 1S05; three tons, Eldon Foster, Ad dison Foster and William Fos ter, all of Salem; three daugh ters, Elaine Lottls of Hilo, Ha waii, Florence Gllman of St. Helens. Oregon, and Prudence Reed of Amity, Oregon; and six grandchildren. Announcement of funeral services will be made later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. The last foreigner to win the U.S. open was Ted Ray of Eng land who triumphed at the In vernett club in 1820. and a national housing program. "I was elected on a program which is in accord with Presi dent Truman," Roosevelt said. TO I DU- M( N SHOULD! LIVE 7 TIMESTtlflB YfAKOFoROWm Z0YRS-0R 140 YEARS-CLAIMS DR JULIAN BEMANCAN. (too THERE'LL BE MLYCAMV VI 2.000 A P.. ACCORDING TO SOME MEDICAL AOlHORllf-Ml 0MS m 9 TO) MIH WON I E A611 TO SUCCHD AS P0LY6AMISTS BE" CAUSE OE LACK Of HfAlW INTELLIGENCE AND IM0TI0NAL STABILITY Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, '-fen" English Lecturer Charles A. Rsnoui, ot the Illinois State Teachers college at DeKalb. is lecturing in the English courses being offered during the eight-week summer term now being held on the OCE campus at Monmouth. MARKET QUOTATIONS Sates Ll vest Market 'B Valley Parking CwipnFi Sarins lambs 23 Feeder lambs 1100 to tlSOfl l. M II 00 10 IS 00 Cutter rows 18 00 lo 111.00 ?i dsiry cows 1 1 1 no to 13.00 B ills . . IIS 00 to 130 00 Calves, aood O00-JJ0 Ibs.l 111. 00 to 119.00 Veal I ISO -300 lbs.) aood ..120 00 to 134 00 i.pis prlre paid witntn iSi ol Port md price tot each tvpe Top, llO-aa ,b Portland Eat tilde Market S .awberrte sold for S3 A (o 13 1A a ' l-riip crate on trie Portland Ks..Lldr Farmera Wholseale Produce market lodsy. Bint, cherries bromhi 13 cent a pound. Bed rsspberrle were 13 00 a 13-rup fill. Cauliflower sold for 13.00 a crate. Lettuce brouirtt 11.00 to tl.35 a rritf. Currants were t3 00 a 13-haltock flat. Pes moved at 13 lo IS rni.i a pound. Spinach was 11.36 to It. 4 an orange box. Ballerfat Tematlt. ausjeel t Im atari ertange .Tnum quantf mtMtmuat to .3 to I percent aeiauj aeiivreo m Portland i-S4C lb iitsi quaint bv-ojc b erond quality 1-S0c Valle? route nd country points Se less thar first Holler Wholes! TOB oulk aupes u, r-bolesaiei grade AA 9 :ore 61 -flic , 3 score 0-llc, B, 0 score. 7e lb.; C. score. He Ib. Above prices are atrlet it nominal Cheese Benin a orlee to Portland whole al Oregon srniiea. Se Oregon ib loaf tl Hni triplet we teai wan tnglea Fni IT l?hlealersi-A raoe large j-S4 ic: A medium, S3-J',c; grade B. Iirer. 4S-ft1!,r. Portland Oatre Market Butter Pries to retailers- Qrade AA iinnls c: AA cartons tic: A print flr. A cartons, 7e; B print. Me. Ease Prli to retailers A targa STci certified A Une. c: A large. S&.SSr; AA medium. ftc; certified J medium S(e; A medium Se; cartons 3c ad dlllonal. Chees PHe to retailers. Portland jreion singles 40' Mi So Oregon log I, i o OU-iattei triplet 14 ia than sin gtes foil II re LI Chlekens - Ms I quality FOB plants. No 1 broilers under a1 lbs 17-3Sc lb; fryers 9'V3 Iba 10-SJe; 3-4 lbs ll-Slc roasters 4 lbs. and over ll-S3e lb.: fowl. Leghorn under 4 lb. 33c; over lbs. 35c; colored fowl, all weights, 3 roosters, all weights, 18-lSc. Rshhlts Aversie to erowrrs; live whites. 4-5 Ida,, 31-33C Ib; 5- lb. IR-31C lb.; eo! ored 3 cenl lower; old or heavy does, 14c: dre.isrd frver to butchers, 67-flOc. Turketa iPrlees quotes art tot to Ihi producer on k orssieo veignt oaaisi- U S trade A fount toms 11 3e lb.. No young hana nominal! 0e Dressed tar here U relallerat Otade A yaunt hana 10-Tie Meal Vorr tfl dm ed A trade tcuns toms - friiai fJeJJj t'asear Bark Dr ll'W lb., treep 4e Ib Weel Valley soars and msdluai grades 4ta Ik. Mklr l lft. en 1 J-month growth. nominally. Hides Calve. lOe lb . aeeordln to weltht, kips 30o Ib, beef -le lb., hulls S-lc Ib. I- untry buyer pay 3a lass. Mil Qlalleais gealnals Frenquettea first quatlt) fues oo. 14 1e. large. 13 7a; medium, 37 3e, se ond duality lumbot. 10 3. 31" medium, 3 3a: baby 33 3, ofl shel first quality large, lo. meoiurr, m w. sec ond quality large 37 3; snadtum 14 In nib 33 3. Filberts - jumbo, 30a l large IS medium. Ie: small, lie Quota tlona above supplied sty Hrt Periland Oraln Portland. Ore., June 14 oPi Whsal fU' turea unquoted. Caah grain: Oats No. 3. S-lb white S.0. Barle No 3. 4t-lb B.W. 400. Cssh wheat hld: Aoft white 1 1; enlM whit texrludlni resi 3.31 whit aluk J.3?l; western red 3 3rV Hard red wintsr: Ordinary 3 31; 10 per rent 3.3B; 11 par cent 3 31: 13 per cent 3 IS Hard while bssrf Ordinary IIS; 10 per cent. 3.38; 11 per cent 3.3; 13 er -n 3.SI. Today's ear rseelpts- Wheat 14: barley 3; flour li corn C; net 1; mlllfeed 11. Portland Meslafk Portland. Ore., June 14 njl -Livetork Cattle sanble ISO; calve SO: holdover rattle ISO; trade Blow; few sfles weak to M cent below Monday's general market, mostly an row; medium and aood ateerj isrklna: salable steady; top Mondey 37.3: Urn tOTRWeftt. U4 l A te, Ifl er and cutter cows tersely 10.S0-1) SO medium fteei cow ti M to 14 S3. mtmm and good ssusaae bull I 00 to 31 M: good beef bulls 33 00. good and rholr vealers week at 31 0 10 3 7 00; common down to a tm. Hois sslabl ISO: market alow: about steady; good and erotce 10 to 310 lbs 33 00: ISO to 10 Iks. 30 00. 340 to 10 lbs. 30 00 to 3100: good ISO 10 SS lb sows v 00 to 1; feeder salable II.M to 31 SO Sheep aslable 400: holdover ISO: scat tered airly sales fully 1 00 lower: gam spring lamb 3S 00. strictly good and eholca above 300; common 3100. good and choice 100 Ib. old crop lambs 3104, good es 7 00 down, common and dium 3. SO to I SO. Ch ! IMtettark Cnlreto. June 14 Ui - Livestock market flheep salable SAO. general trade SO cents to I 00 lower, mostly 1 00 down on spring lambs, grid leal top 1ft 00: odd show type, holre offerlnis 3 on, we 00 down hesvie and bucks 00. Hoes sale hie 11.000' slow, fl to 1 cents lower on both butchers snd sows top s. Hulk aood and choice 170-310 lb butchers 20 7ft to 31 00 340-370 lbs. 30 3S to 20 7S; 30-100 lbs. 1 3 to 30 00; heaviai weiliM scarce and uneven: odd lot up u. 400 lb, aa low as 17 00; good and choice sows under 10 lbs, 17 SO to IN IS, 3TS-43S lbs. 100 to 17 00; heavier weights uneven, most 4S0-S0O lbs. 14. SO to la SO. weiiht over S00 I be as low as 14 00. Canie eel sole 7.100; ralve son, steers and heifers steady to mnstly steady. rows Steed to IS rent lower: bulls ateady to Strang: veelera steady. Top 31 S for two loads choice Colorado fed steers and for a slinrl load of rnmrt prime 1I7S b ehts f'W loads choir Steers l 00 nc I 'Milne 1400 lb wc;vht the prke i bulk ern-Kt and chntre strt UTS to I stt medium in low aood S'rlm 3100 to IS sn Jas1 rto&.r jpsp t hellers J 3S and 1 A. good to low choice he.lers 3ft SO to 37 31: common to goid hef rows II SO to tl OA esnner and eititers 13 7S ti I 3 mdlim and annd iauaie bu:U 3100 In 13 00. lop 7 0 on 1 choice vealers. Mori? than 2S0 aprrtr of Mtpri ar native to North America. J Tuesday, June 14, 1949 It Solem Markets Coespleled rre re parte tsiisi da era rer ib gaidasirc Capital Jjrml Beadtra. IBetised 4iUj). Relall reed Pnews t .aa Mesh IS.. Rabbll Pelieia I4.3S. Dairy Feed I3.IS. reslim my ins ones Orade A aoiaaM ed hen 3e; grade A Leghorn hens, 31 rent; Orade A colored fryer, ibrrg pounds and up. Jit. Urad A old rooetfr i -ents - Sgg Buying Prclea Extra late AA. Ut larBe AA 13c; large A. SO-Slc. medium AA, -, rnrtiium p., u-hc; puiiei S0-13S, ffbeiasaie Prices wholesale ante t 7 cents above inese prices aoe. Orade A generally quoted at hit; pm- ms He. Btlerfal Premium, flic, N. L lt No. I, . c tbuyin price). nuiier - Wbolasai grade A. e. r 11 71 DEATHS Lawra Bell Mesa los Leston W. Howell at as Nortn Capitol atreet, June 11, at the age of '2 years. Survived by two dsughters, Mrs. Lei on tHlldai Howell and Mrs. Lloyd U. ms oi i hiii. ooi h of Sslem; a brother. Mark M. Myers of portlsnd; four grand ton. Dr. Clllford T. Hill. Richard H. Hill. Robert L. Hill and Howard H:U. all wa.em; a areat granddauahter. Ksth n Anna Hill ol Salem, two nephew. , John W. Mvers in Oreson City and Virgil V. Myers of Independence snd v- eral nieces and nepnew in California nd Missouri. Member of th First Christ ian church at Ol ad tone. Oregon. An nouncement of aerv lea later by th Howell -Edward chapel. Judse Per R. Kelly judsa Percy R. Kelly. Isie resident of :sJ bourn I7ih sire., at a iu:ai tiospuil, June 14. at in ase of years. Survived jy wile, Msrtarft Kelly of Salem; a sis er. Mrs. Uary Home of Berkeley, Cslli,: o nieces in Csliforn.a end a nephew Jn Honolulu. Announcement of service Itur ov W. T. R it don company ri. Ida Caroline K. Barqnlit ' Mrs. Ida Caroline 8. BarouUt at the residence at isus Mission street, June It. .survived by two daughters. Mis Car- mellta Barqulst of Sslem and Mrs. Mar- am asunder of Portlsnd; a son. Fran aarnuLU of Sslem; two grandsons, BrMn snd Oary Barqulst of Salem; two niece-, Mr, Ivan Colt-man of Ponlind md Mn. Jsclt Pstcraon ol Flint. Mich.; a sister- Mr. Lois Rudle of Salem. An nouncement of services later by Clout fa- ompsny. OBITUARY Anna C at he t to. Cat Albany Mrs. Ann Catherine Cole. 7. Albtnv, f.'Nf c it ttomt at br da ug li ter. Mr. Ethel Oalvin In Portland, share she wa visiting. Funeral service will e neia inuranay at i p.m.. irom th Fisher funeral home. Burial will be in the River side cemetery. Mrs. Cola was born January 33, 173 In Nebraska and had been a re-. aent oi Albany since ltll eicept for Lb past year which wa spent in Junctlgn City. Her husband, Harry Cole, Sr., died numoer ei year go. BUrviVlng are tb following children. Harry and Clifton. Cole, and Mr. Candaca Halne. all or .ipiry; rioya uoie, walla Walla. Wash.; Mr. Ethel Oalvin. Portland: Mra. Elie. Huklll. Stillacum. Wh.. and Lester Cole, Junction City, and a brother, Walter Mil liard, Albanjr. Harvey Eaten Meyer Albany Funeral service foe ttr Eugene Moycr, 31, Talbot, who wa fatal ly injured at :0 a.m. Sunday, when h ppaienily went lo sleep t the wheel of hi car and lost control on U. B. high way No. 30 about four mile esst f Al bany while ha wa tra valine tut anil crashed into a tree, will ft announced by th Flahai funeral home. Harvey Eugene , Mover wa born March 3, 1931, at Hugo, Okig. Ha moved to the Talbot community, si year ato. He wa Inducted Into trie army at Portland, April 32, 1941, and had been aent to Oermany. There ha suffered an Injury and was returned to Brooke uaneral hospital. Fort Sam Houston. Ttx as, where he was discharged at a T6 Feb ruary 36. 104H. He 1 survived by his par-' enu, Mr and Mrs. Lonnle K Moyer, foar' brothers. Set. William Moyer. with (he U. S. army In Oermsny; Lonnle Moyer Jr., CliicBKo, III.; Richard and C. W. Moyer, RFD No. 1. Jrflerson. and two sisters. Mrs. Dslsy Chamber. Corvalti RFD No. it and Martha Loi Moyer. Tal bot. David 1. Sleekier AtomyDirte J. 9tekitrt fe. fptfrt MV, I. Albany, retired farmer, wa fatally In jured Sunday nltht. when struck by., car while he wa attempting ta cross th Pacific highway near Lh wm. Tractor C. plant a mil south of Albany. runrrai arrvKSI ior atccklsy will be held, Wodnasdar at 3 p m., (rem th Twelfth street Mennonlt church, with th Fisb er funeral home in chart. He wa born September , 10. at Hartford. Kan. Ha came to Oreton it year ato from Neb raska. He I survived by his widow, the former Sylvia Tyson, whom ha married in Albany In December, 11. two children, Mrs. Mildred Nelson. Albany, and Mr. Verda Watson, Belldower. Cel.; a brother, Albert Steeklcv. Albany RFD No. i: Lwm. Uteri. Mrs. Velma Llndsey, Lebanon, and mis. MBiiHia .jonnson. CorvaiiU: hi moth er. Mrs. Mary Sickley. Lebanon, and trandaon, Lonni Lee Wauoa, Bellflcew Opel Mae Hwnler Stayton Funeral aervlcet for Mrs. op.' al Mae Nunter, SO. will ba held from th Waddle ehapel here Wednesday at 3 o' clock. Rev. Wlllard Buckner offlelstlnl. ' and burial In Bllyeu Den cemetery near Bclo. Mrs. Hunter, a lifelong resident of the Sclo district, died Sunday at her home in Jordan. She was born near Scio June 13, 111. and married Kirl Barton in Am list, 117. He died in ltll and in July I94S ha married Fay Hunter, who survives with g daughter, Karlene Bur ton: two sons. Darwin and Oary Hunter: sister, Mrs. Manorle Bates and her pft: ems. Mr. and Mrs. Darel Mentaamery, All of Sclo. The earth fi the fifth largest plsnet of the sun. fcd-itniMmM Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanltone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly Smarting disappears lmme, diately tianitone Ointment it elso wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Atfw ete s foot For Sale at Wlllett's Capital Drug Store ' " stale at Liberty Piione 3-3111 FREED FROM HARSH LAXATIVES I "I used to tske laxatives regularly until I started eating KVLIjOWS ' ALL-BRAN daily. That was 21 years ago. ALL BRAN still keeps me regularl'Tlareiirs M. Smith, ttm St. ton, Win. This is just one of many unaolic- I ited letters. II vim suffer ronstlpatioa j due to lark ot bulk in 1 the diet, eat an ounce of ALI-H RAM daily, drink plenty ol water. If not satisfied after 10 days, send th, empty carton to kellogg'a. Btttle Creek. Mirh. Oet DOUBLE YOUK UONKV BACkl Buy todug. 4