Capita! Journal, &alm, GlJUIiriCD ADVERTISING per Line . lft Par Uo 1 Kriu ...40 ' Par LID f time ....60 Par Lin I snontb SI M . Outside J Salens 1U par Una par day. alio tOct I tlmaa tnla ftft I t)m mln 11.20 No Refund BaTADIRS p Leeal New CaL Oelyi A Par una 0e ,?o Flacs an Ad Phone 2-2406 FPU SALE HOUSES HOMER ABOVE AVERAGE Atlft.OOO for this English tyU 3 BR homa. Ha Ige. llv. A din. rini., 1 bath, full v-4tj burnt., ell ht close to grade, ar. it .'tr schools. . i 119,000 CAPE COD Pull basmt., 3 If. BR. 18x34 Hv. rm.. 13x13 dln..rm., nook fin. in Ph. maho--jaany, covered patto, 3 fplei., 3-car gar.. "m ft. pvd. at. front, all la lawn 4c ..shrub. V' 816.350 VIEW HOME -Well planned 3 BR. piped oil hi.. 3-car ' gar., 10 ft, front all In lawn. No track ed plaster in thla home. 131.000 . 4-WAY VIEW Tji. nlnure windows. 2-cer tar. 3 lie BR. Just the placa to be by yourself iJbut not isolated. i.-i 821.000 BRICK HOME Burnt., all plastered, full plumb . 3 1st. ,BR , room for more, 3-car gar, Ufa time roor. rn. a-neoo. , ED LUK1NBEAL REAL ESTATE , 440 N. 14th 81. a I BDRM. house. Auto. heat, wall to wall -WELL BUILT HOME " (1900. North. 3 BR, fenced In back yard. Lara lot. Ol loan ear ba uiun ma. Mil hi consider Ierm. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Of I lea Ph. 2-1803. Iv. 2-3147, 3-8814 al43 - NEW HOUSE BY OWNER ' S BR, attractive kitchen ft nook, comb. " LR ft dinette, ('place, hdwd. fir., ample cupboard ft cloaet apace. Lot 73x150 ' reach tree. 1 blk. from Kelier atoree. "i bike, from achool. Froren food locker -ext to back of lot. IBS00. Ph. 3-7520 a 143 BY OWNER: Lerie nouse, I rm. down .J up. 4 lota, fruit nut tree. Could .be made Into apt. Price 14800. Zeck 8c hell, P. O. Box 225, Oervaia 159 POR KALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm home. PH. A. terma. (lit) down. Phone 1-3880. 10' JUNGWOOD HTM. 2 bdrm. home, base nient, rumpu room, oil heat, two fire place. New carpeting. P.H.A. Call own er MMl, iDU LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath u pat aire end down Hardwood floor throueh out. Pull plea- -tered eareie. Lota of atoraae apace. .Terraced back yard. Coat over lis, .4)00 to build. Will eel for 114,800, aome trrmx. Also will consider cheaper house in trade. Por more information Inquire - eat Steven Ued Cera, 011 8. 13th 8t al54 IMMEDIATE po. Small " house it "double 'garage, '4 acre. Excellent wrll. I "tSOOO down, balance terma. Rt. 4. box "MS. Ph. 3-0734. I, ml. NW Prlnele 'achool on Battle Creek road. a!41 pTearly-NEW ettra'ctlve 1 bd. rm. home 1'placa it Venetian blindi, all modern ft cblg gar. Por quick dale, 14.000, i turned dos. Terma. 100 Lent Ave. Ph. 24779. A REAL BUY Large living rm. with fireplace. 1 Bd -rm. Full dining rm. with Prench dr opening Into patio and beautiful back yard. Large landscaped lot with view of city. Price I9OO0. Will take limit r.H.A. ' 'loan. . -.FOUR BED ROOM Attractive older home, I area llv. ft din. rm. Pull bailment and large porch. 230x .110 ft. Shady lot. Planted to fruit, ber ries and flowera. Restricted DIM. Owner moving to Calif. Will sacrifice for 18950. Cell Bon Clesry. Walter Musgrave Realtor ItU Edge water Ph. 35100, Bve. 39039 141 CNDALA RIA, 3 bdrm. home. By owner . 230 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 11341. aim IV OWNER: New 2 barm, home on V A Near sciiool, bus it ihopplng renter. Lara llv. rm., din. rm., utility ft nlre -kitchen with lnu of built In. H.W BDRM. older stylt corner lot. Small down payfent. 2305N.Mh. a 1 42 1 MM. cottage. Good location. 4 fruit tree. 600.610Ratcllff drive. 142 Shir IISAO DN. Modern 3 BR home, nlre tit i tr let. Balance 16400. r.H.A. Ph. 34189. 143 t Bdrm. F.H.A. Terms New hardwood firs., cement foundation. Nvlng rm., din. rm.. kit., Venetian blind, floor furnaee, alt. aar. CI mi to it. Vincent's achool. Pull price tO.750. r Rawlins Realty Hollvwnod District ftl. 1-4444. Eves, 3-0013, 3-7111, 3-8757 11" SvM. NEW unfinished house East. At- , bached taraee. Lot 100x180. Call Stanley Brown with Slate Finance Co., R'ltors 151 8. High Bt., Ph. 1-4131, Eves. 2-5581 al43 tt.TM. CLEAN 1 bdrm. home, furnl'hed Out to erhool. Bus at door. South. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors J51 8. Huh 81., Ph. 1-4131, Eves. 3-'5l el43 BEST BUYS 'd CABINET SHOP Owner fnrred to ell Hftmlirtng etiulp wient buildingn. maihinerr. for IIOOOO. Ot will ell building only for Lib eral term. Eve. ph. 30413 or 3J5SI. F.NOLrwoon pit Brand new 3 bdrm. home with (in fin upnairi. 3 block to grade nrhonl. ft block to high itrhortl A real bargain at 700 down Total prlre 810.OO0. Eve Ph. 3-0411 or 3-J553 mipi.rx Older tvpe home tn good condition Pri vate enl. to earh unit. Private bath icinniK, ronier let but at ft out door. Khnol I Mock. 11000 down Tom! price nly 17500. Eve. a. 10473 or 335M. FARMS -b 31 ACRI-: I .arrea under cultivation. 3 arrea tn bearer dam. 3 rm. hoime Cmm trier able aw timber. Owner forced tn leate state Total price 10500. lie. Ph. 3-9401 or W". Crlo tn Eat Large hern. everal out jflrllng. niee home ite. A good buv for 16180. Trrma. Eve, Ph. 39403 or 33568 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors MM Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830. 3-4598 aUl I KM. HOt'ii mi WoodburnWired for itertrtc rang. Lot AOftO Prlre 83450. iarrr Collina, 3330 Hyde St.. Salem. a145 LOOK, YOt Houe Buyerot Thave'e new I bdrm., lie. rm., kitchen, bath, utility. tl plastered, vent, bltndi, 1J30 garaie Only 31W0 down Bel. PHA. Would take ft building lot or car at ft purl down payment. Ph. 368.13. ai45 TT- OWNER: 3 bdrm" honieN Pine krlnhen, fireplace, attached plastered wage with utility room. 630 N. Hurt 14f RF3Wfsft for qutk sale BYOWNPR tr bdrm. hse lovely yard, eh rubbery ttJM. Includes Wreulating healer vflnte. Rendu opt lone.) Near bus. pre 8) school. 455 Purd 8t4 Salem P a 144 KrR'ATE PARTY: m rm housVFbdtma l block to Highland erlmol. Small darn payment, balance IS per mo Will have to see to appreciate Pull PVtee 11159. Will sell turn. Ph. 1-9083 14l BTn nWNPR: Leaving Hat. mit sail I-bdrm. unftnUhed hnuse. lot 80H39. 3 block from scnoni. n u bv h-xise ev en hour. Will sell on tergu. lit Cade 141 Oron, Tuwiday, June 14. 1949IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES ftlt.eo. CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. horn. Hollywood dist Close to Catholic school Hdwd. floor. Fireplace. Parly room In batrmint. Thu la a beautiful home Must aeli. CaJI Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors n.Mfl. NEW modern 2 BR home on bu line, close to achool. Hdwd. floor, fire place, oil furnace, V blind, attached garage. Immediate possession. 1650 dn. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. Hifh Bt.f Ph. 1-4111, vea. 3-4561 el42 Br OWNER; Good 4 bdrm. bom. Ph. 39395 146' BY OH NEB: Eng. itrla I m. hie. 3 B.R., brk. nit.. PC S., auto oil, 1860 Bo. Hlih Phone 31711. gl62 INCOME property for nil In heart of Hollywood. With ft-yr. lease. Oood In come. New building. 114ft N. 14th at 141 F.H.A. Houses EAST ENOLRWOOD ADDITION 3380 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE 8360000 Down Modern Bungalow, 3 bedroom, electric heat and fireplace Living it Dining room, kitchen and breakfat nook, laundry room, hard wood floor, garage, concrete drive ii walk, paved sireet. Pull price 110.900 PHA payment 151 91 per month. 1100 EVERGREEN AVENUE 3700 Down Modern Cottage type, 3 bedrooms, oil heat piped into each room. 2 fireplace, living end dinlni room, kitchen and breakfast nook, hardwood floor, garage, concrete drive and waits, paved streets. Pull price 111.500. H A payments on bslance 165.70 per month All houses brand new and ready for Im mediate possession. Csn be financed thru P.H.A. Top loans at 4' interest lor 30 year term If wanted. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Ill M atonic Bids. Ph. 3-9217 insurance Reel Estate - Mtc. Loans a 143 NOT JUST ANOTHER HOUSE A HOME 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, basement lot of shrubs, shade. Enalewood Dis trict. See W. E. Brown McKillop Real Estate Center and High St. Days 1-8620 Eves. 3-4937 a 143 141502 Bd. Rm. House. Chicken house. shop and filling ste. with 2 pumps on acre cast of town. HIM 3 Bd. Rm. in Kelier dtst. Large Llv, Dm. A Din. Rm. on 4 acre. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 Chemeketa St Ph. 39371 Eves. 30441 a 143 SAVE $ $ $ $ $ $4250 FULL PRICE Unfinished house In Kelter 3 block from school and shopping center. 20x 14 L.R., 2 B Rs. Dinette, kitchen, bath Stairway Into upstairs. Separate 10x12 utility, all ached aarage. Cement drive way, sidewalks, septic tsnk. Your own welt and pump. Special this week only! van Or ton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemekte St ph. 30271 Eves. 23983 143' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS PRICE REDUCED. Must sell ft rm. plast ered modern home. Large lot. Only I years old. 86000. UK A I, HOMfc. Practically new and among newer homes. Light cheerful rooms. Elec. heat. Lane garage. Englewood Diai. price on v 1797ft. NEW SUBURBAN HOME on bus lint close to school. I bedrms., hdw. floors Attached garage. Large lot. Owner leaving. Price S850D. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 344 State Si. ph. 2-flfl3 Evenings call: 1-4007, 1-4610, or 2-8l9;i SPECIAL OFFER It's a good value priced below market at 11650. Three bedrooms, HW floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, nice yard with outdoor fireplace and fUh pond paved street, shade trees. Where can you match It? Glad to show any time. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 14ft N. High 8t. Phone 37680 al43 POR SAL OR TRADE by owner, lovely 6 rm ft bath witii garage attached. 3 bdrm.. llv. rm . din. rm. and kitchen on large lot. Wall to wall carpet on liv ing and uln. rm, floors. Purnare and fireplace. Or will take smaller home in Trade. Call Mr. Miller for Information, Ph. 2-1714. t to 13 a.m. week dav. 14J NEW: 3 bdrm. house. Modern. Bendlx washer. All over carpet. Price 15915. S H. Wright. Aumsville. Ore. 1143 BY OWNER, 4 rm. house. Lot 80x168, prt- wen. rrice givuo. r O. Box 53. Lvons, Ore. a j 40 OPEN from 7 to ft 30 p.m. New S room house. Hss fireplace, utility and attach ed garaae. Oak floors, 24- shskes. cor ner lot. You'll like tt. It s a good value. Bus by door. Cloe lo market and school PHA terma. 95 Hit hi and Ave. Carl Seamster ibullderi. aI42 BY OWNrlR: Small unfinished but livable houe on 'i acre, north. 62350, tiOO don. Phone 3-6056. al43 MM B1Y1 N. 5th St. home. Basement A ceraae. won, buy N Cot 1 ate corner. 400 block. it 175 mo. OVYMR leaving. 3 bdrm home, unltnuh. ed up. hdd. floor dining rm.. twin l.. A game, only 110 him L. E. Klumpp Real Estate wo n. unurcn. Ph. 3-1641. Res. 3-0136 0141-! tioft. -i A. and late built s'rnnm hnn ' eat. Garaie and poultry house. Fruit ! trees Will take In car. trailer house 01 properly Cell O V Hum m . h State Finance Co., R'ltors IM 8. High St. Ph. 1-4111. Eie. 3-5206 al44- WM0. LATE built 3-BR home with unfin ished atlle. Located NE Hardwood floors, fireplace, auto oil floor fur nace. Attached garaae. Cor. lot. Terms Call O. V Hume 1U1 State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High St. pn. 3-4111 Eves. 3-M06 ,.. ai44 tt.t.W. NEW attractive unfln. I -room home in 4-Cornera Dmt, Large eor lot H dulled well n, pump. Terms Call O. V Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 161 8. Hlih St. Ph. 3-4111. Eves. 1-506 a 1 44 TODAY'S BEST BUY Owner lealng. Drooa price to effect Im mediate sate. Modern 3 bdrm, home Hard nod Hoot Both electric A oil heal. Nicely arramen rm Attract ne ex terior desian. Excel, location, A better deal at 18.000. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1111 Bdgewater. Ph. 3-6109. Eve. 3 939 ai48 ENGLEWOOD Behind Ihos two lovely birch trees at 1130 Mamet St. is an excellent value in a 1 bedroom home, livma room with fireplace, dming room, kitchen ft nook full basement, nice back vird-pnced riant at 6I90. Call Crawford. Modern Ranch Home New I bedroom ft den. betmed-cellma living room, circulating fireplace, hard wood floois. all-electric. Insuiaied. pane double garaae on acres, ten minutes from donlon IB909 i ft right price good terms-win take lot la town in ap Call Crawford BURT PICHA, Realtors 179 N. Hish St. Ph. 3-1049 Ives. 1-5.190 eT4V Journol Want Ads Pay 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS Country Living for Only $4250 Just g little over acre land with comfortable 3 bedroom home In a nice oak grove setting, located about 3 miles from city limits don't overlook this. Want to Buy a Furnished Home? We have a good one. completely furnished on N. 33rd St., has e modern '1 rear oldi 3 bedroom home with Xull basement, fireplace, large lot. The price Is exceptional tlo.600. Includes everytnlng. You'll Say "It's Just Like a Park" When you see the landscaping surrounding this attractive 3 bedroom home, the entire yard is enclosed by lovely natural trees and shrubs, there is an unique petlo with e larae atone fireplace. It s located on the South River Road the price I ONLY 810.700. Manbrin Gardens Special ' Wt have several 3 and 3 bedroom homes In the Manbrin Oarden that are Just waltina for an owner. They're well built with lovely hardwood floors, auto oil heat, fireplaces, large lots. 83200 down will make you proud ownre. Balance on easy monthly payment. A Swell Place for the Children Plenty of place to romp around this 1.87 acreate on Claxter Rd.. plenty of room Inside too. This home hss 4 bedrooms, large basement with oil furnace, fireplace and double garaae, the house la modern, there Is a good chicken house and barn the price is rglht. Gee!! We'd Like to Own This Home Berause It's so spacious with 4 lovely bedrooms and double plumbing: lot of comfort, 3 fireplaces, swell sun room l use it for a green house , complete double lot with many, many varlentles of flowers and shrub, sits up high with excellent view of the city. Location Is tops too. We'd like to show tt to you. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. Eve 3-80M 3-T1832 GRABENHORST SPECIALS APARTMENT HOUSE ZONE 72.1 ft vacant lot located close to State Bldg.. Willamette University and shopping center. Paved St, ft sidewalks. A real value at the price. Call Cob urn L. Orabenhorst. 3 UNIT COURT 1 yr. old. 8 unit court plus very attractive owners home. Income 8192 50 3 units furnished. No. I son, located on main arterial. This Is clean. Call Peter Oetser. 2370 S. 13TH STREET 3 bdrm. Owner. Ferris. llv. rm . din. rm. hail. bath, Excellent condition thruout, EDGEWATER STREET 50x50 bide . Immediate possession, excellent location In growing community. Price 812.600, Call Cob urn h. Orabenhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 3-3471 Sundays and Even in Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Geiser 3-9961 Pari Wet 3-1232 141 FOR SALE HOUSES 9M7M. LATE built 5 -room home. Flrepli oil neat, nice tot. Will take In small acreage or small house In town. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve 2-5206 al44 NORTH SALEM HOME ft rm , 4 yr. olr beauty! Utility rm. with 1. l rav. elec. water heater. Attached garaie. B;g maple. Close to bus, store, school. MOVE IN TODAY! 14100, terms. Less for CASH C. W. STULLER, Agt. Wallace Rd. fc mile N. of bridge at4i FOR SALE LOTS ,OT 45' x lim' on McGllcrlst St. at Sum mer. S650. Ph. 3-1555. Rl. 3, box 901 at Roberts. aa!42 87A FOR MY EQUITY will buy 2 lots and rustic shack NE. Low payments. Bought this intending to bull dhome, but I'm going to be e firemen so its city life for me. Ph. 3-3957. 1130 S. 18th, Apb. 4. aal43 SIS DOWN and 115 per month, tor lots wun tine water. On silver ton mad close to school. General Real Estate 365 Center St. Open Evenings SS143 VIEW LOT, 64X143. ilty water, bus serv Liberty Rd. Reason aa!43 Ice. Near school, 8 ible. Ph. 22109. VIEW LOTS, 800 blk., Yiste Av WOOD- eu Luis, goo bin, Ratcitff Dr Re irirted. ctty water. Ph 3-4284. an FOR SALE FARMS H A. FARM. Will take trade. Inq. 607 N capitoi Apt. e. b!4S SUBURBAN FARM CLOSE IN. 16 Rich -;rei. on pavm t., mostly bottom soil, running water in pasture. VERY AT TRACTIVE set of blda. Mod. 3 B R home. eler. heat. 3 fireplaces, patio ft outside firepl , 3 car garage. Roomy barn with concrete floor and hay fork Pltrv hse. A model Country estate. You'll ao for this. 118.500. Terms. QUALITY I. AND QUALITY BI.DO. 1! Acres, rolline Wll. Silt, on pavm't close In. NEW 3 B R. mod. home, lie L. ft D. Rms.. tiled kit. A bath, plbg upsI. fully In.'Ul. ft W. stripped. Pul basm't, 50 en. ft. deep freeie. NEW gar. age. with finished apt., rented. NEW 10x90 barn, all concrete floor. 300 ca pacity pltry hve. Auto Lawn spk. erst. A SUPER VALUE here for 935.000. Ex tra land with yr. stream available. BUY AN INCOME FARM. By all means. see this 10 choice acres on pavm't. few miles north. All In fine prod. Borsen Berries A Nuts. Has aood 3 B R. h new bsrn, garaie, pliry hse. Reduced 10 sen at once. 19850 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com 1 St.. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-1440 bl4? FOR SALE ACREAGE t'e ACRE on Baxter roadUnfmtshed house beautiful view, good well, Price IJ.3O0. Phone 3-1631 after 4 p.m. A Home for the Future 10 acres, creek, older tvpe 1-bedroom house, berries, nice garden. 16.500. See W. E. Bioan McKillop Real Estate Center and Hlah Streets Day 3-8620 Eve. 3-4in bbm ACRES with 500""feethlwav rronl age on So. 99. Older lrp horn with outbulldini. fruit ft shad trees. 14950 Phone 3-9110. bbt44 7 ACRES North with income Modern el ect ne home. Good barn, nice yard shrub, family orchard, etc Priced right. Rt. 3, box 363, Salem. Ph. 3-1851 bbl4l' II ACRM of rhok land. No build IngaT Cloe to Haiel Green School. M ACKER near Swegle School. No build ing a. OMER 8 REAL ESTATE 4t N 11th Ph. Unm hhHl REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS Showing splendid return on 1ntmrnt. 1155 Income per mnnlh plus owner apt 3 apis, duplex, house trailer. All for 110,150. t apis New bide Wrc, appliances heal. Excel lent location near Stale Hon. Very aood income and needs no caretaker BUSINESS Eone 2 lot 60x165. 0 rm. modern house suitable for 1 apt Large bid, on alley for shop or mfa. Reduced to 16900 for quirk sale Chas. Hudkins & Son Oter 37 Years In Salem 3J0 N High St, Ph. 3-4139. fl4S FUR P.4.L or trade for Salem property Rental proper! in Euarn en 99 N Veined at II OM 6 units, room for expansion. Write Lakeside Lodse, 371 Barter Drive. Eueene. el41 FOB YOI R SAVINGS Investment Buy a first mtrliiii on real estste. Salem ft ttcinttv. Piamme secant? voureelt Amounts iMtft to several thousand dea ls r net investors w We make ftll eel teflon fur oii if desired TAT 8 FINANCE CO, 13 8. Big ft IFOR SALI HOUSES 3-1831 - 2-353 inside utility, built in 1041 by present lee. lot, garden, 11,850. Call Roy REAL ESTATE WALLACE ROAD Choice 3', A. tract! Close in! Best dlst. Al in big fruit ft nuts! Convert hand' some barn to living quarters! Nice view over Salem 15000. C. W. STULLER, Broker Salem. Oregon Wallace Rd. ml. N. of Bridge. C141 NELSON NEWS Neat Cottage $4200 Llv rm., dm. rm.. 12x13 bdrm.. bath, wtr. htr., garage. 50x100 lot, paved St., sidewalk. Croisan Canyon Home Reduced $1850 Several people have looked at this prop erty without buying at the old price. now lis a real bargain. First come, first served, $8000. A rustic setting, about 1 ac. with firs, alders, etc., with back ground. Llv. rm. with attractive f'place. din rm.. kit., nook, bath, all on 1 fir. Part bsmt with L. facilities ft furnace. Hdwd. firs., elec. wtr. htr. Oood private wtr. system. Good Investment Properties W have several business Investment properties priced right. These are sound DidKS., good location with good leaci. 11260 Gross annual Income .,..160.000 15100 OroM annual Income .... 40.000 15100 Gross annus) Income .,,.135.000 13900 Or os annua income .... 31.500 See Mr. Schmidt of our business depart ment Trade for Good Country Store A good general store ft 3 bdrm. home., dble. gar., Pi ar. land. In good count rj location. Store well equipped including meat market, ice cream ft lunch coun ter. Priced 118.000 plus merchandise in ventory, owners health requires see. Owner will take am. income property tn saietn or producing acreage in trade, Now You Can Buy The price on the 35 acre farm has now been reduced ao that It makes tractive Investment. 30 ac. cult chard. I sanchion barn, chicken hse.. all yr. crk. on paved rd. Mod 4 bdrm. home with f'plsce, elec. wtr. htr.. gar. Now only priced 19250. Owner U going to NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Peraonal Service by Men Who Specialise TO High Ph.3-4622. el4t' 15 ACRES, small house ft garage. Nice timber. 6 miles from Salem 00 old high way, price 13500. lift ACRE ranch, t bdrm. house, full Plumbing, barn. silo, large tnach. shed chicken house. Would make a good dairy farm. 14 stanchions, water cup for each cow; 3 sprlnis. fruit, berries, nice trees. onty IS400. Kea. down. poss. Oct. 1st. If Interested, esll Sederstrom. t I.ARtlK houses. Income o er 1150 mo Good business district. Lot 13x82. Would make an Ideal business corner. Asking price 142 500. Submit offer. Address 405 and 415 Marion St. Corner Liberty. SrderMrom, evenings 3-1892 or 3-1049. WE have ft 3 bdrm. home turn. 14150. Severin Realty Co. lll N, Hlih 81, Ph.3-4018 cl41 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS THADFH .11 4.CRE Farm for citv Dronrrtr 3 BDRM. home for 3 bdrm. home close to Catholic School. LARGE MIRHIT Grocery, teke City home INCOME Property in Wood burn for 8a lent hnmr TR4II6R PARK ft Apt. House for City BDRM. Home for Acreage in Cemrl R.M. HOUSE for lot outsldt hit limits, .pen e.vra. tui g io COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS lMlCr-Titer 91 pn 34f,SJ fUl. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT MCE suburban home, also reason able Apt. He WILLAMFTT1 REAL ESTATE 173 8. Jberly Ph. 31113 ral4t WANTED from owner, best houeI4.500 win ouy. rn. i-iat. ral43 WE ARE tn need 01 good houses to sell tn or near Selem If you wlsb it ut your property for sale GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS l!4js liberty flt phono 3-1411 e NOTICE! II your property-!" for "salt, rent or exchange itt 11 with as We have all kinds of cob buvers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 Wih St cfta BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGE and Service Station, Bhd 34x5fT Soma equipment. Doing good business. Prtce tor bldg. ft equpt. 85.000. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 13 8. High St. Ph. 1-4111. Eves, 3-MM . edi44 NEW MOTEL Near Salem mrelp unit all furn. 'El ecirlc heal, hdd. fir. 393 feet en 99E. This U ft good buy for 118.049 E. M. Hunter Real Estate T7 8 Com'l Ph. 3-4849. edl43' BY OWNCB: Repair eheft ft seme sia- lon t bdrm. home. 1 ft acre. Incom ftltoft per tnonlh. Unlimited possibil ities Terms may be arranged or mi trade. Mt Green t-1198 cdl43' NET ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment Cs MB. R, Sftkegft. Ph. SUM. dl43 BUSINESS OWtTUNITIES GARAGE, STOCK. EQUIPMENT. BLDO. 815.000. TERMS OR BELL PART INTER EST. APT. 37113. cd!41 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory end equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAt 1104. Port send. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sixes 827.500. CLEANINO tt PRESSING Excl. shop it equip. Buiinea showing, steady increase. Long lese, low rant. 86500. SERVICE STATION Stock and equip. Leaie pumping 13,000 gal, mo 838.000. BUSINESS BUILD. Lea ied for 4 yn. at 8400. mo. 8:t8.500. RES1D. COURT ft Unit. Rent are Rcao. Hai caretaker, GROCERY STORKS 33500. Stock, equip., llv. qtra. Leaie. 87500. Block, equip., leaie or rent. 316. 000. Property Incl, nock, equip., llv. qtr. 317.500. Slock at invoice ft equip. Leae 639.000. Property Incl. stock, fix., If, llv. qtn. Phone 36680 ED LUK1NBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14tb St. cdl43 1 HOl'SES for tha price of one. Only 19000. 1 has 7 rms. 1 has 4 rm. Large garage. Close In. Newly decorated. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Office Ph. 3-3863. Eves. 3-3141, 3-8836. Cdl43 ELECTRIC Contracting A Service. Large ''""u vrwune ieaay yr. ground work. Franchise on major appliance, att. living quarter with refrlg.. range, auto, washer ft oil htr. Low rent. Mori, bldg, At Invent, about $4100. 20 ml N Salem on 9E. Hubbard, Ore. Ph. 4511 ed!43 ARE YOU Interested In tha service sta tion business? I have one for sale at Inventory, price. In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle. Distributor Gen eral Petroleum Products Plsnt No 14619. fmi. FURNITURE FOR SALE I'NPAINTED furniture, closeout prices wuuukow'8, 450 Center St. d" WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. P0 2-8110. da AUCTIONS Furniture & Livestock AUCT. JUNE 15TH AT 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. Delta 9'' drill press with 4 h p. motor. Delta 4'i" jointer, ft" table saw with S h p. motor, ft' elec. refrlg. Oas ranges, elec. ranges. Rollsway bed. New vanit ies, new 2' h p. outboard motor. 3 wash ing machine. Breakfast set. Beds, springs, mattresses. 9x13 fool rua. 3 chests of drewers. Window ft sash. Many misc. artlcie. Machinery produce, chickens ft rab bits, calves, veals, weaner ft feeder pigs, feeder stock, cows ft heifer. LANE SUDTELL, Auc't. Ssles yard. 1'a mt. east of Salem on Siherton Road TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-6098" ddl41 FURNITURE AUCTION every Tuesday 8 p.m.. Glen wood Ballroom. 500 yds. N. or Chemswa 4 Corners on 99E. No Junk, all sells. Sell on commission or pay "U" the cash. GLENN WOODRY. AUCTIONEER dd!46- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow ft heifer calf. fresh June 13. heavy milker. J. E. Clark. 146 Cummtngs Lane, Kelier district. el 43 TWO FINE RIDING HORSES WELL TRAINED. SOME EQUIPMENT. CALL AT 2305 S. COTTAGE IF INTEREST ED IN GOOD HORSES. . m I JERSEY-GUERNSEY heifer, I yr. 4 mm., fine shape, 8100. Ph. 36200, Rt. 1, box 92. e142 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED ft LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCendlLsh, 1121 8 36 Ph 3-8147. eal58 PETS ROLLER CANARY birds. 110.00. Ph. 25929. cl57 WANTED Fe. Chow puppy. Write full desc. ft price. R. P. Budrow. Newport. , Ore, eel41 HOLM AN" 8 Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt 1, Box 163 DD, Stayton Near auction ecl54 FUEL PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. Ph. 68F22. GOOD 18 in edtlnx, 13.50 load Double load 810. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. 146 FRES H CLE AN "sawdust. Phon 3353 Dsllas collect. Summer rates. eel60 TRI-CTTY FUEL Freh cut sawdust Prompt delivery Ph 27442 We give 8 ft H Oreen Stamps Oreen 18 In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Die? ei gnd Stove Oils. TRE9H CUT SAWDUST Diy Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood, Ph. 36444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO Biock. planer ft slab wood Ji dint. Ph. 24031 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 3-2861. Lees Hatchery f PRODUCE CHERRY PICKERS WANTED" GOOD CROP. Free Cherries to pickers. Bonus II you atsv for season. A. H. Rone. Rt. t Box 68t 011 Orchard Heights Rd 1', ml. from bridge. ffI4.1 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-plck, 10c. Joe Fendrlck. Rt. 6. Box 438, McClay Rd. Bring containers. ff 143 MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES, U-Ptck. Be lb. Across from Clear Lake church. No. River Rd. ffl43 . ANN CHERRIES on 10 trees. U-Plck at Roberts. Ph. 3-1555. ff 143 CHERRY PICKFRS! Oood orchard, low trees, level ground. Ph. 3-4469. 8. A. Wheatley. 733 Court St. ffl46 iGU'LL GO n long way to find 'em any belter, Marshall strawberries, le lb Oo. N. on 99K to Green Apple Market, "irn left first road. Turn left after croMtne R R. track. Bat., Mon., Tues., ft a.m. to ft 30 p.m. f f 141 GOOD STRAWBERRIES. U-ptck. C. A. Zleltnskl, Rt. 1, box 241. One mile east of Chemswa 4-Corner. tf14l Strawberries U-Pick 8c Bring container, come get yours tods? l's ml. East of Keirer School. Fd Sproed. Rl. 3 Box 40.1 L ff!43 STRAWBERRIES IT. pick, ftc lb. Plenty of berries. ,lne Henny, I mile east of Brook I. mile north. Box 316, ff 143 MARSHALL Strawberries U-Plrk ftc lb. uooa pi rung. mi. out or Sllverton Rd L. V. Hammer Rt. I Box 372A. 11142 STRAWBERRIES ftc lb. Bring containers v pica mem. Marvin van Cleave. 1 miles East of Totem Pole, i mil north on Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 3-5161. 11141' STRAWBERRIES, U pick. 10c lb. Bring your own container. Rl. ft. Box 4B. 1 ml east of Reiser Sch. fill! STRAWRERRIES -U-Pick .0c Bring con- ta.nrrs. Oul SHvertoo Rd f's mt. tc Middle Orov School. Turn tight mi Herr A Rlensrh ff To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES U-PICK, 10c LB. Large Berries, Not Scattered Mile East of Totem Pole. Box 241 C. A. Zielinski HELP WANTED CHERRY PICKER. Rt. 2. box 463. mi. N. off United O rowers cannery. Call eves. 2-3C43. a 148 WANTED Berry picker. MarnhaUi. 3 wx. picging. Biarc Mon. 13. Furnished cabin. Rt. 1, Box 156. End of mail rt. Crooked FInacr Rd. Mary Maarew Scotts Mills.. 1 14: WANT man with drag saw to cut 2 tree. rnone 7-4811. gl41 WANTED: Cherry pickers atarting Juhe 13th. Oood camp ground. Ammon Orlce 1 box B9J orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 16P16. gUi BOYS ft GIRLS 12 yra. of age or over. Interested in picking cane berries ft beana on a platoon. Call Mr. Martha Pinion Ph. 36865 alter 6 p.m. or stop to see her at 642 N. Cottage. gl42 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint aee unt jest aa in education Column. gl4S CHERRY PICKERS register now. Ander- ua isrni, n. iDcaster at Miyesvuie dr Rt. 7. box 175. Ph. 3-1801. gl42 WANTED Cherry pickers soon. Ph. 23024 CHERRY PICKERS register now. Picking about June 15. Very heavy crop, camp lies available. Watch for sign at Y out Orchard HU. road, 31, miles from Wallace road. Williams Fruit Lands. Rtft Rox 609. Ph. HPS. gui HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN WANTED HAVE OPENING on our sales force for 1 or 2 neat appearing men, ages 20 to so. wun car and willingness to work. W will train you and furnish lead wnen you are ready. See Mr. Miller. Room 23. 245 N. Commercial St., Salem. Ore., between 9 ft 12 a.m. g14? YOUNG MAN under 25: NeTt. agl.. Ireeto iiMvn, vre., wan. cam. and return. Mr. Collier. Grand Hotel, 6: to 9: p m. Don't phone, gal45 COOK: Man to cook for large group. 1180 mo., less maintenance. Perm, pos Oregon Stat Training School, Wood- HELP WANTED FEMALE PART-TIME SECRETARY foT insurance aaency should have some experience In insurance and be capably trained in shorthsnd and typing. Tel. 3-1171 dur ing office hours. gbl43 WOMEN to sew coat linings In fur coats. ore saise wasserman Millers Fur DPt. 8-1)142 SILK FINISHER to work In dry cleaning K.-iu. nyyty rcrss i, leaner, aaon mouth or Ph. 442. bf SALESGIRL wanted. Must be experienced. gbl43" XPERIENCED lingerie and sportswear sales lady. Age 32-30. Permanent poM lon. Write Capital Journal Box 399. gbl41" HIGH SCHOOL GIRL for mother's help- i. nm. oi ooarq, wages, may go home nltes. Ph. 3-8476. gbl42 ASSISTANT to bookkeeper. Some dictation urcrsssry, Beginning wage 1175. Reply Capital Journal box 401. gbl45 RECREATION directory for summer months, Oood Job snd good pay, prefer ably a P,E, teacher on vacation. Ph. 2-3022. sbl42. GOOD COOK ft house keeper for 2 wks. miwern nome, nq washing or Iron ing. Call 3-6S17. gb!41 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFF1CI AND CI.KRICAL rOSITlONI Commercial Placement Agency 380 Stmt, Bt Ph 1-148,. ,r WANTED SALESMEN EXP. TIRE Salesman. Must be acq. In Salem. State age ft exp. Capital Jour- nal Box 402. g145 SALESMAN. Must have car. Apply 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Ave. n WANTED, an aggressive young man, ex perienced in selling real estate. Must have car. P. H. Bell, 101 Chemeketa 6: WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 3-1552 hl6 BABY SITTEB. Ph. 2-0580. MB EXP. OFFICE girl needs I mm. clerical po sition, win also consider child care, board Included. Ph. 3-9792. hl43 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. hl6S DEPENDABLE Woman wants houie work practical nursing. Call 26816. 1U42 WANTED by young girl: Stenographic position. Dr.'e office preferred. 1 year nurse's training and business colleae Phone 1881, Box 285, Sllverton. hl41 MOWING ft RAKING. New power mower II. S-iUS or 3-1404. h 151 LAWN mowed, edging, shrubbery work ft neat eg trimmed. Experienced man Ph 2-7833. R144- CUSTOM PICKUP HAY BALING HERR & RIENSCHE l'e ml. out Sllverton Rd. to Middle Grove chool.Turn right mile. hi4i CUSTOM HAY balelng. rakgwith-Job aisowllI mow. Ph. 31103 h!62 TRACTOR WORK of ftll kinds, discing'. plowing, leveling. Ph. 3-1131. hl44 TREE SPRAYING, llgntra"ctor work. No len Bat hurst, 4385 Hager St. Pb. 3-3907 hl42 DOZING WORK, D4 18.50. D 1ft per hr S ft I d draglines ft crane, truck ft crawler mounted, call Woodbura Red 139. Bog 177 Oervau. hl4l NEED AN -offlc Mr. or salesman? 10 yr. experience retail gelling. Capital Journal Box 295. hl4l EXP. GROCERY Mgr. wishes work In Salem area. Refa. Available July ReplyCapltalJournal Box 394, hl41 3 CARPENTERS New or repair. By" hour or Job. Phone 3-8518 or 1-9374. h!41 Pl.ASTFRINO. PATCHWORK-endchlnv ney building. Ph, 1-4186. Pre estimates ?1S1 CA R PENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 2-3039 hlftl LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put t;i8 lnnw ones. Ph. 3-2606, hl58 GR APFR WORK bv the hr. or Jqb Streeu. reads, subdivision Ph. 39315 or l.i891eve. Mftft. POfft nimeoeraphlna. typing service PTompt service, quality work, lower prkes. Kth Ph. 3-3641. h!5S TriEPRONR CALLS TAKEN 24 hr. serf tee. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5078 hl53 LANDSCAPINO Pruning Bototilltn. New lawn a, tree work. R t chard Boyer. Ph 1-6110. 11146' LNTERJOB PAINTING. Ex Ph. ft.ftTM bl48 SEWING and alterations. Ph. 3-4854 hl48 ROTOTILLER work 1148 Rood St 3-051M I CEMENT WORK w sated. Ph. 1-iiSft, k!44 WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov Ing. Ina. op. Work guar. W. H. Me A! lister. 840 Trade. Ptt 2-1496 tt!44' 41'TO PAINTINO Just ft shad better by Ray Etter Cell Shrock Motor Co. 3-ftloi EDUCATION Get Ahead With Diesel Ra.lroad. truck, tractor, factories large ft small power and llahtlne olant Be ahead of the crowd prepare for thla opportunity now. you can atari learn ing Diesel operation and maintenance while holding present Job. If you are mechanically Inclined write for free tarts, utilities Dleiel Training. Reglitrar. tail aneiiieia, unicago 14. nnni IF YOU like to draw, sketch or saint wriis ror 1 aieni Test 1 no Fee) . cii ve age and occupation. Bat 393 Capita journal nni45' ARTISTS MAKE MONEY. Do vou like to draw? Send name, address, aae and or cupatlon for FREE ART TEST to find out your ability. Bog 301 Capital journal. hhl45' FOR RENT ROOMS WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close In. HftC water. Men only. 737 Center Bt. Jkl42 CLOHE IN. Room for woman only. 423 N Winter. Ph. 1.1835. Jkl41' SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. 1 i:iit tini'srirvc-Divn . .i. man, iii.ju mumo. rn, j-jujb. ATTRACTIVE rms. 203 S McCoy. Ph. 1-8093 jinn NICE SLEEPING RM. for employed Is dy. Kitchen privileges. Ph. 2-6068. 1155 Llie Hi. Jkl42 NICE SLEEPING room (men).' 44ft Center Bt. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jkl42 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 FURNISHED suburban rentals. Week or monin. m. box 822. Ph. 3-1626. Jpt46' NEWLY DECORATED furn. apt. 135 Perth, West Salem. 1pl43 t RM. FURN. Apt. Prl. bath. 330 8. 14th. JP142 3 RM. APT. Partly furn. 110. Ph. 3-67ft' JP141 LARGE I rm. furn. apt. with electric kit chen. Inquire at 330 Mission St. JpI4I CLOSE IN Small 1 room furn. apt. for 1 , person. 535 N. Winter. Jp141 3 ROOM apt. Partly turn. Prlv. bath4 entrance. 780 N. Church. Ph. 1-9201. JP142 3 RM. Furn. apt. Shower 3-4449 or 3-7046. toilet. Ph. JP143 RM. furn. spt. 125. 2210 Hazel. Jpl39' S ROOM mod. apt. Ph. 3-9131. 165 per mo JP141 I RM. furn. apt. Main floor 3310 N. 4th. Mr. Fred Lemon. Jpl42 I RM. FURN. apt. Hot' ft cold water. Shower bath ft elec range. 1 or 2 ad ults. No children. Ph. 3-8826. W. Salem. JP142 NICE 3 rm. upstairs unfurn. ant. prlv. ent. Utilities ft elec. range. 147ft Elm. West Salem. Jpl43 3 LGE. RM. unfur. Apt. Auto, oil heat. tin 1,. iBiiRc inciuaea. rrivaie oatn. will allow children. Ph. 37773. Jpl43 FURN. 1 OR Z RM. apt. Cheap. S fin. walk" Rids O.K. 160 Union. Ph. 3-9835. Jpl41 CLOSE IN. Small apt. women only. 435 Winter. Ph. 3-1835. JP141' 4 ROOM flat basement to Hollywood dlst. ims nar-ei pt. wo pnone. 850. Jpl3B RM. furn. Apt. To employed couple-or ingle. Near new shopping center. 460 N. "th. jpU3. CLOSE IN Apta. Auto. heat. H. L. Stiff 3B1B& or 370.10. Jpl42 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE, 1996 S. Commercial, . Jml41 8 BDRM. housa for rent. 820 Cascade Dr, rhingwooa ni. Ph. 2-1236. Jml42 6-RM. 3-br. flat, newly dec. Adults, 660 NJJlgh at. 38375J jmiu FURN. COTTAGE. 1 Bdrm. 840. 3 mt. North of Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottage. , Jml43 NEW 5 ROOM house for rent. Good dlst. oupuroan. lea. pn. 2-1073. Jml42 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WARE HOUSE 31x27, Ph. 3-3603. J14B RENT Singer electric sewing machine by monin in your home. No extra charge for delivery ft pickup of machine. 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166 36 IN. POWER 8YCLE mower; power mow er; garden tillers: paint sprayers: pow er tools: plumbing tools; air compress or and etc. Howser Bros., 1410 8. 12th. Ph. 2-3048. J142 OFFICE spaces and desk spacea. Pb. 15S.9!. ) GROUND FLOOR rooms, , suit ftb lft for of lice or stores STATE PIN A NCR CO. Ph. 34121 j U DRIVE trucks cars Pb 3-9103 POWER TOOL rentals for home ft in dustriftj use Howser Bros Ph 8-1846 TRAILERS. 13.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th, West Salem j BUSINESS BM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomen Wsrd. ) TO DO good lob rent a good floor send er. W sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS Ph 3-3646 J ROOM AND BOARD ROOM ft BOARD for one business womsn. Ph. 3-8372, J) 143" VACANCY for room ft board 639 N. win" ter. JJ142 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Diamond ring, 3 diamonds. Down town on S. Liberty, Sentimental value. Reward. Ph. 3-9054. k!42 LOST: Blue silk stripe border umbrella on Browning bus May 20th. Reward. 765 Dearborn Ave. kl41 LADY'S Oruen wrist wateh""Aprlft Between Millers ft Penny. Ph. 3-3487 k!42 LOST: Small black cordsy purse. 8. Com' merrtal. Sat. nil, June 4 Reward. Ph 3-3113. k 141 MISCELLANEOUS wil.L TRADE l'( ton O M C. t an truck for building lot with water. 345 I. Sa lem Heiahu avc. ml43 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State ft Commarclftl St SALEM Phone 1-3311 m I AVE YOUR BINGER Sewing machln repaired by guai'fled Singer represen ts" e Ph 8-1113 for free plek up and delivery service on all makes f ma chines. Pre- estimate given before work li started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com"! m BUILDING MATERIAL AETNA STEEL DOOR FRAMES, assembled One unit. Low installation cost. PUM ITK - West Salem. rrtJ4" STNFfmciNO STEEL! Blok-Mesh In 4". 6 , 9 ft 13 ' widths. PUMILITI, West Salem. mftl4l ROCKLATH, Plaster end Stucco Materi al. Complete Line. Quality Materials. PUMILITI - West Salem. maUl "E-ROOF NOW. First quality asphalt shinties In 3-1 dun. 17.95 per square. Phone 3-9191 for free estimate. maUl NEW NEW NEW PaneUhakft In sulated ld:nt. Weather proof-termite proof Added beauty for o.d buildings Phone 9-9191 for information. mal41 NEW GRADE A doori 16 90. Screen door ftll thtrknesaes of plrwood. New w.n dows 100 of sash. Ptrtex. sheet rock, in sulation, redar shake, asbestos aiding. Com par our prices. C. G, Long. Ph. 35831. 1 mi. North of Ketter; mal43 SPFClAlTi OuticlrVoi.e paint S3 4S per gal ; p:nt sprayer rental reduced 63 00 per day with purchase W1U) paint Howser Broa Pft. 1-14. al4l BUILDING MATERIAL BOWSER BBOrt., your power tool rent, al head quarters. New address, 1410 S 12th. Ph. 1-3648. mal42 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 3 15 cedar war ahakes and undercourse. 113.80 painted No. 1 un painted 19.00. No. 2 86.60. Tec Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1196 ma SHEETROC kTnc whlpmenL V it V Bee ua for new low cash prices. Keltc Brown, Front ft Court. ma1 Builder-Contractors W hav complete stock of framlni lumber, timbers ft shlplap, all trades, al rock bottom prices. We.'t Salem saw mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39693 Fret Delivery. ma!43 iLUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. Beg your dealer or Call Diet- 3-6401. ma 156 NEW SHIPMENT plast board. S" ftwd V, 6e sq. ft Rock Utha 4ft a. fL 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 81LEM 8AVB ON ROOPTNO Let Wards give you eomplet IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON ma DOORS. INTERIOR 3 panel doors, at 1 he greet special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.60 each. Keltb Brown, Fornt ft Court St., Salem. ma ALUMINUM R OO PINO I ft. width la the following lent-that " 11.74 r 3 32 10 .'. 3 90 13- 3.4ft Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. ' 6 AX EM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK BEDDING PETUNIA, salvia. 6 dox. 11. luoeroua oegonia. saerrui s ureennouse. Brooks. mb!43 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED LAWN MOWER ft grass catcher. In good condition, 1600. Ph. 3-9332. 2035 N. 171 h St. n 1 42 TEETER-BABE, 15.00. Ph. 24434. nl43 USED TIRE BARGAINS Because of the greet demand for Ward's new Air Cushion tire, we have accumu lated a large stock of unusually good trade-ins. Montgomery Ward Tire Store. Trade ft High. n!46 SPRING MATTRESS, springs ft bed. 120. Rose Bt , Ph. 2-1582. nl43 GOOD USED Kelvlnator refrigerators oer ft cu. it. recent model reconditioned ft guaranteed. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCE jl5S Center Ph. 3-3139. n!4V iLWAUKEE disc sandcr. Used very little," 140. Ph. 2-3957. 1130 8. 18th, apt. 4. nl43 ABC SPIN dry washer. New, never been used. Was given to a hundred-year-old lady by Kay Kyser's program. Can be had for 1135. less than wholesale. See at 1715 N. Winter St. Also elec. range. nl46 USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nieg NEW & USED SINGER Electric sewing machines. Terms, 16 down. We will demonstrate In yoi.i home by appointment. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 130 N. Commercial, Phong 3-3513 nl41 GARAGE house to be moved. Make offer. V. I. Wagers, Rt. 6, Box 801, Sllverton Hwy. past Lancaster Dr. nl41 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles fertiliser ft flatrock. Phillips Bros., Rt. 8, Box 118. Ph. 08F23. n APT. SIZE electric rania. Good as new. Ph. 3-B825. nl42a SILVER TONE CONSOLE radio ft record player. Excel, cond, 1830 N. Cottaxe. nl43 STRAWBERRIES. U-Plck, 8c. Nice ber ries. Good picking. Bring containers. P. K. Sanders, Rt. 7. 353, Salem, 1 mi. I., ' ml. 8. Totem Pole. nl42 MOVING SALE I GARDEN MASTER planting machine, push type, A disc for any spacing, seed or kernel, 110. Sump pump, used 3 mo., like new. W h p., 840. .Electric chick brooder, 50 chick capacity. Sears mod el, tio. Infra-red brooder unit, 300 chick capacity, 115. Battery fence charger unit. 110. 1 old 18x20 still camera with bellows ft fixed lens, 130. 32 auto, hl standard pistol, 120. one 12 guage Hanger shot sun, single barrel. 17. RT 7, BOX 92 PH. 36200 SAVE MONEY!! Buy good clean used clothing cheap. Garment Bazaar, 3020 John St. Ph. 3-5497. nl45 KEROSENE white enamel range. Simu lated elec. range style. Coronado. 1365 Broadway. nl43 1 OLIVER No. 20 Combine. 1 Ford buck rake. 1 Ford mower. 1 Ford post digger. 35 weaner pig. 1 Dodse 4 wheel drive pickup. A. V. Jeck Gilbert, Ph. 321, Sweet Home. , ni45 DAVENPORT ft chair. Maple fin. arm, coll pnng cusnions, value lor 189.88. Maple arm love seat ft chair to match 369 88. We give Green Stamp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. nl43 7-WAY floor lamp with nlte lite. Bronze or ivory siano. rissd-siig shade 89.95. Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 8. Com'l. U142 GOV'T. SURPLUS bunk bed with mattrest ju wiom gzz n. oreen Stamp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 1J7 S. Com ). nl42 FROM STORAGE, targe lot of nearly new furniture, Inc. Grey Mohair Frlexe Da veno ft Club Chair, Period Style Dinette Set. 4 Pc. Bed Suite. Inc. Box Spring ft Innerspring Mattress, Enamel Trash Burner. Older 4',' Refrlg Westtnghoiwe Elec. Range. ABC Washer. 8 Windows. Shower Stall, complete. 30" Door. Sink. Desk. Wool Rugs. Cedar Chest. 100 other Hems. All go Tuesday nlte, ft p.m. at Auction. No Reserve. Sale held Inside spacious Olenwood Ballroom, 500 yds N Chemswa 4 Corners. Hiway 99E. Glenn Woodry. Auctioneer. Ph. 35110. Sells on Commission or Paya "U" the Cash Out tlthi. nl4i SPOT CASH for your furniture. Appli ances. Rugs. What have "U"T OLBNN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER n!43 ARE YOU Interested In the service sta tion business? 1 have one for sale at in ventory price. In Monmouth. Ore, Con tact War'en Doollttle, Distributor. Oen eral Petroleum Products. Plant No. " nl4i T-D 16 Angle ft Tltt Doten ft Carry All att. A-l cond. Guarantee. Only 1200 hr Very reasonable. I. c. Claus. Rt. 3, Box 46. Ph 2115 Dallas. n 141 FULLER brushes. 174ft Orant. Ph. 28357. nlSft FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mill pasteuruer, at close-out prices. Yeater Apphance CO; nl48 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you us riasu-Roi. ine cellophane-like fknlsn for your floors or Uooleum. Tester An PUance Co. n 18 DEEPFREEZE home freezer. 1129.9ft and ELECTRIC SEWING machine. (Pr.Ws- wnwimu.-mr Tirt wppuance K0. nil" EXHAUST FANS Cross-out prices. Tester Appllanc Co. nl4t USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, rentes, water beaters. Yeater Appliance Co. ni4B STEEL clothesline poets. 111 ft up. Rail- ing in aiocs, copper lanterns ft tanej at reduced price. 1145 N Liberty. nlM PEAT MOSS with turtey dropping! 5e 8tore,43ti Bllvertoo Rd. Pb 23034 ' una GENERAL ELECTRIC C rosier. Olbsoa wow a m ia appliance) at OemrLg GARDEN 8AXD. grftieU crushed rock- Shovel ft drag-ttn etcftratlng. WAI L INO BAND ft O RAVEL CO Ph ft-834. (Continued on Page 19)