r16 Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 1949 ..J1 ! '.B?IP.E THEN I LLJ r-SO I DONT WANT I B80U6MT THESd T ITS QftflK IN THIS II , I t ?JT. i5-MJG,uP STAVINHEIS FHISICELYINO SIX C-NOTES INTO C0CNER--MIN0IF I STEP PZ-? g I TO LOOK AT THE RING WHILE VOU AROUND REMINDING THIS ROOM WITH OVER TO THE LAMP AND CSA I T s r VT IK- HAGGLE, ME OF A CERTAIN mE, BUD- DO I JCOUMT IT ? rjsjm ' V J5J? I . ., M I I CHARLIE LADY15 HEART TAK THEM OR - -. 4l S Af7 - 01 1 FT Ol li I ll3K7,4, CARE TO MAKE) THE RING WITH T 11 II L-. X- V A laa lvZilJ I frHA me an offervme when i eo y H I JSrtes. JL I ( RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN TUESDAY P.M. KSLM 'KGW HKOCO 'aT'KOIN Chapter 6 Marshal John etover noticed the absence of the guard a socu as he climbed the stairs me iicxi mum imr insida the cell, a Quick exam Inatlon showed him that Pete was dead, so he swung aouub wj bound and gagged Glenn Gleason nnH finlrklv t)lt him lOOSe. Glenn sputtered and coughed, iroamog with pain when ha tried r nu Ku mntMu "Th rilrl.v rat." yJ l.CA I 'a Mtuuww --w . h Rrated. "What happened?" Glenn told him, angrily and pro- "Well. I reckon this settles 81ur fctin1nmin'R hash." Stover went out the back way to take a look at tne siaDie ana uienn walked to his office. Stover found fnntnrintj in the allev. He was lol- iowinB them when he met Glenn nn his wav back, angry and shaken "The skunk took my horse anu laddie and enough ffrub to last a week," he complained. "Let's have a look at the tracks from your stable." , They found tiie prints left by Bluff and tne norse easily enouxn. Ruiv-pr followed the Drlnis firimly ' slont? the alley, past a shed to the ' ranRe beyond, and then to a trail . which angled up into tne hills. . i A posse was soon formed and rode off toward the trail which BIuk had taken, but Glenn did not ' accompany them. He crossed to ' Mike Pacheco's saloon and ordered 1 whpn'tt wo served he said soft' t ly, "The goose still hangs high. -Pacheco answered calmly. "The toose, she ees cook." "You mean tolug didn't leave "anvthtnir fnr me?" billed with sullen anger, Glenn I returned to his living quarters ana flung himself on the cot. He awoke .to find Jell shaking him and Con- ale looking at mm anxiously. 1 '-Takimr a little nap." lie ..plained. -What sleep 1 got last night ..was induced oy siug ana wasn rery satisiying.'1 .r-Get any money out of him?1 asked Jell. 'Not a cent," lied Glenn. "And be took my horse and saddle and a week's supply of food." . The poste returned late that inleht. uruu ana dispirited. They tuid lost Slug's tracks on a rock llai ;jtfKi had been unable to pick them rGlenn and Jeff rode out to the tSi own Sunday morning. Jeff was onan wim ruddy cheeks and shrewd yes. '"You two sit out here and get icquainted,'' Glenn said. "I'm going 'to help Connie and her mother with the dinner." He took the girl a nana and drew ner into tne ,ist use. 9"&orry we can't spend the after--floon with you boys," apologized t-King, "but we're liavin a special kQ)eetln' of the bank of i leers and 1 '-promised my wile I'd take her with vme for the drive. But the place is , yours and I want you to enjoy jour Utlves.'' tMr, and Mrs. King left imme HHateiy alter dinner, and Glenn 'lent Jeff out to the gallery with i'the announcement that Connie and ae would wash the dishes. Jeff sat nlhere quietly, listening to the con , tei'ftation and laughter which driit itd out from the kitchen. He heard the soft tliud of hoofs inu glanced to his right to see -tors em an rou nd the corner. He 'recognizea Chuck Gale. . t "Howdy, Gale. 'Light and tome jlp." "Where's Connie?" : "Inside. She'll be out in A min ute." t Chuck slid from the saddle, but -Oefore he could mount the low 'Iteps Glenn and Connie appeared ktn the doorway. She waa clinging ,10 Glenn's hand and had evidently .drawn him after her. .Gale had halted and was eye fcaig the two steadily, and under Ms cold stare Connie's checks flush- Sand she hastily dropped Glenn's nd. B"I auppose you know Jeff Tyler." .(he said. "This Is Mr. Glenn Olea- ton, our new attorney." -Chuck's hard gaze remained fix ejl on Glenn. "So you're Glenn -gleason, huh? The feller that let Rug Benjamin get away." "Glenn stepped to the edge of the .fallery. "Are you insinuating?" ."Seems to me you could give even Mux a right smart tussle." Glenn gave a cry of anger and jewped from the gallery, mtsma. 111111 i w IMfevj Gale ducked beneath a blow and sprang Inside Glenn guard. Auto matlcally Gleason fell Into a clinch out Gaie's arms went about him and his right knee came up In a vicious thrust that cough t Glenn in the groin. A look of agony crossed Olenn's face and the strength seemed to leave him and Gale, bending over, surucx rum aeiioerateiy on ine jaw Glenn toppled over, his body douoi ed in Dain. Before Connie could do more than utter an angry reproach, Jeff sprong from the gallery. Instantly Gale leaped out oi his reach and whipped out his num. "Hold U, Tyler I Keep out of. mis." Jeff halted, his hands going up but Connie came running down the steps ci-vlmr lndiitnantiv. "Chuck Gale, you cowardl Put down that gun." Jeff saw Chuck's gaze flicker In her direction, and in that instant sprang forward. His hands fasten ed on Chuck's wrist and he gave a savage twist and saw the weapon arop. "Now." he panted, "It's you and me. Mister uaie." There was no science to their arming, l oe to toe thev stood. slugging, and in the end it was Gale who went down. His arms were still moving we,akly when he fell. Connie and Jeff ran over to kneel beside Glenn. "I'm all right." he said gruffly. and strutiided to his feet. Jeff helo- eu nun to ine gaiiery. Chuck stirred and pushed him self to an elbow and got unsteadily m nis ieei. jeii picxea up tne gun ana waucea to wnere he stood "Here's you forty-four," he said, "Ana there s your horse. ' added Connie shortly, "please don't come oacK. " Gale walked to his horse nnri slowly mounted. His stare went irom Connie to Glenn and then to Jerf. It lingered there. "I reckon I won't forget this," he said at last. His gaze flicked back to Glenn. "As for you, when you see Slug Benjamin again, give him my regards. (lo be continued) Cool Summer Costume Versatil ity the Important theme of this new ensemble. With the bolero Jacket on. It's a trim costume that goea everywhere: minus the bolero, a cool, cap sleeve charmer. No. 3080 Is cut In sizes 12. 14. 16. 18. 30. 36. 38. and 40. Size 16 dress 3 yds. 35-ln.; bolero, 3 yds. 35-ln. Cottons again strike htirh fash ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to hand'.t Send now lor the SPRING FASHION BOOK which Includes In Its 150 nntlern designs, a big selection ot alluring aUKKCsttont lor cotton tashlons or every age and occasion Price Just 30 cents. Address CaDltal Journal. 552 Mission St, San Francisco 6 Calif. R2830 PATTERN No. R2M0 Embroidered Nosegays Treat your bedroom to a lovelv Inexpen sive summer bedspread. An old spread or plsln unbleached muslin can be "dressed up" bv scattering these lovely floral motifs over the entire top or using them as one large center design. Pattern Envelope No. R2830 con tains 11 designs each 5 Inches square and 12 about a Inches sauare: color chart, stitch Illustra tions and material requirements. to obtain th pattern send 20c in COINS living pattern number your name, address and son num bel to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour iia, 828 Mission street San Fran ciaoo I. Calif s 3' O W ffcIKQ V eeJTIRX-aNO X CtO WeAJ. BULB KNOW TTrTwTcASHJ R'W 0 If FkSTT. WEU- 6UV UP THE LONO - I PEWFtCT IN EVERV W- V TOWN 0CH-CKWL I ARCHITECT BEST M I POP EVEP'TVSMQ IT I M n t PKSQ&R TMOT W4LLEV NC47TH C TOWN- g 1 ru. GET THE PEfll. eIHTE STDSES-WO vgOHDERFUL I THE BOSINESS-HAE ) HADNT OUGHT TO I f " P I ITTS GOT EVERTHING PIVEO 91CH J BOVS ON rr T ONCE - UTTLe HOUSES WITH I HIM HERE TOMORROW I "TAKE SO liXG, EH? I U 'J ( WERE VOU REALLY Y MEBBE 1 WASMT EXACTLY II Y I WOULDMT HURT YOU FOR I I OU . DEAR -Y CIMISfcO flfSS jEALCOSBecAUSEVJeALOUSBUTIFGLTSORTjl TME WORLD, AM eV DEAR THERE'S THE IVJHAT YOuCZT e " T r i ( 1WEMT OUT WITH j OF HURT INSIDE sf YOU'RE SO PINE AND 1 DOORBELLiWAS SAYIN 1 u h v'fenmmi handsome ano-J ' -v-7b'poreyouso. X:J. ; msmm syTfi imm . Kmt fcn &&BfflUL Esm 1 1 znf- ' --ggsd jr -in rrf F THK WINNER ffjrf. .a TrY -accordin' V th- rules- ) I I it ukevjise sa-ys-th' tMmry "X-flinSE. technicality-1 BUT-HI PIG WAS- LAV H TH' ENTPtV MUST WEIGH ,A1 I OOTTA. HtvS. TH' (NTKLLIGENCE 1 wTTr I V SHMECMICAi-lTV.'' I kil'eXW- THEP.l I'M J 300 POUNOS-WHICH FATEACK OF A AVERAGE. PIG -WHICH YOOf - tiOOR SRAPtS:' J unrulMA i.l ui ..t..,l V DOft.7- IT MUST B PIMK -1 I nmurM SSCILV UK-auT IF vmi'ur m m.m Sl , 11 BOOTH .rrjn SUPPO&E.,r) ALL CVEB- WHICH FATBACkI THAR'S NOTHIN' IN TH' RULS5 7f WON Vt THE PtQ )li Ell K?rt icEA" nnnrTfAn - i-n. jii ljl 1 1 J which savs-th'emtr , ' if on a KlrTTir OF E III WHAT'S THE MATTER V I I'LL SOON FINU our! TJS' HOW LETS N rjfflF I X HERE'S THE ANSWER, V HUH M WITH VDU, CICERO? 0h HERE, B0WH SfL SeE HOW fc ( 1 " 2 ' POP 385,70? u CANT -TOO DO SUCH L ' I THESE FIGURES:- WS COOD VOU 77, : S ?. ANO IT-S CORRECT! iPVV " A SIMPLE THING AS J W (76 ARE! ADD W' J tSt--S I y ' p" rZ&3flSiti&!s Y AWIRf?WHySHO0LC VWHERE WAS THAT CAVS Yi ALONS THS TRAIL. WE'D WSSF5f ' L?5 M FLASWU6MT, WE TRIPPEP ON A ROOT OB A WIRE BE 'WAV- R I ENTWCE PWTTyYpO ' &ETTP? TIE UPTH6 HORSES ! 'H THERE jfiCM SEE TO FINP SOMETHING.. WEY yiySjN HERE Igifi U VV a i r T7T ii ii ru1 ' .1 i r wm. I i i - . i w s ti-i 110 i i i 1 i " ii y m riff. Z3 A m eJi r ij BEBt..?HE ASCHE yfJOO0!It STOP BVANO" tTSS' rffofJ'$f CS3, IH l;. HMM!. .TICKCW P0UMBIN6 utf !RLTLINJt)"N0HK0T.1 W&?FfrtffilV?' I " 3k-i' lA?ATZlt-BQIVtR..llTTLE BRISK L "LlH,Kl2? mKyti ARTS BALI WE'RE jfeStltilft - J. TiiT) WAL,( '"OUtDN'T 00 THAT!.;AS jij FiiltM Lcwii Jr. WaaaaVa lcrt imnmj lla Nawa Gaarta Maaraal Prank Rimlirw Nw Stralihl Arrow Mlrilctal Arrtw Cpt, Mldnlfbl Tom Mil Matlral Cacktall Mualcal Caektall Alan Voani Shaw Alan TaHnf Show Oabrltl Healler Nortbwtit Ntg Mail Hualc Bob Hopa Bob Hop Klnf'a Maa Klni'a Men Mad It In Draaat) Mutla Chlabola Trail ChlabolDl TraU Hollywood Tbaatra lloll?wao4 Theatra la Your Handi la Your Handi Mania emn Mantt CrliU FaTarll Starr Favarlta Starr RaaMr Clab Nawa af Wartd Tbla la Taar Llfa Tbla la Tour Ufa Nwa Nawa Selact taeal Nawa Nrwa Nrwa Sparta fata Final Ban da af Land Band Wacan Mntla Falten LmIi, Jr. Bob Paala Ibaw Muiia Saaa flaraa Carrent A Chalea Weatara Caravan Haaiarn Caravan Btan Off SUn Oft WEDNESDAY 6 Hodia Podco Hodge Podgo Newa Hodgo Podgo Yawn Patrol Farm Newa Farm Time Yawn Patrol Yawn Patrol Yawn Patrol Newa Farm Time Farm Tlma Tha Old Sonrt Nawa Newa Broakfatt Ganf Braakfaat Gang Top Tradea Fred Waring Fred Waring Rldera of Sago Sam Harea Bargain Coantar Victor Llndlabr Sona af riooatrt Muiia Second Cup Second Cup Jack Batch Newa Newa Kate Smith raator'a Call Wllea Walta Time N Y Honeymoon N Y Honeymoon Tommy Doner Tommy Doner Newi Goipel Slnttre Morning Special Walti Serenade Tommy Doner Tommy Doner Today'i Children Brighter Day Top Tradea Newa Queen for a Par Queen for a Pay Double or Nothing Double or Nothing Light of World Ladlaa Flrat Ladlaa Flrat Nawa Bob Eberlr Show Life Beautiful Ma Perklna Pepper Young Happlneaa Lean Baek Jobnaon Famllr Tell Nelbgbor Blng Singe Baekatage Wife Stella Dallaa Lorenio Jonea Wldder Brown Agalnit tha Storm Aaalnat tha Storm A Girl Marrlee Portia Facea Life Jail Plain BUI Front Pare Farrell Moalc On Parade T B A T B A Songa of Tlmeo Read of LUa Lorn Lawton Aanl Mary We Love Learn 48 Newa DIAL LISTINGS: HEX. 1190; KOAC. 650 If CY Tuesday P. M. S:M, Bejnlrrel lCA Cagei ft: SO, Sky King) S:00. Keep ing bp With Sports i :lo, Heme Edition; ff:M, Green Hornet. 7:00, Edwin C. Hill; 7:IA, Elmer Davis i 1;S0, Report to Peoplet 8:00, Countenprt S:S0, Town Meet ing i :30, Monitor News; 1:4ft, Book Adv.i 10:00, Richfield Reporter) 10:15, Intermes ot IO:SO, Concert Henri 11:30, Memo to Tomorrow! lt:00, Xlra Heuri 1:00. Sign Off. ICY Wednesday, 6 A.M. to 4:41 P.M. IN tA , Early Blrdt S:45, Dirt. Doctor; 7, McCall Newsi 7:15, Bob Johnson Showt 7:3ft, Bob Haaen Showi 7:411, Farm New! 8:00, Myrt and Merger 8:18, Martin Agronskyi 8: SO, Zeko Manners I 8:45, Easy Aces, 9:00, Breakfast Clubi 10:00, Newsi 0:18, Stare of Today, 10:80. Kar Kraer'a Kollego; 11, Ted Malenoi 11:10, Galen Drake) 11:80, True Storyi It, Betty Crock er. 1t:lfl, Newa, tt:80, Baukharei lt:4S, Nancy Cralgt 1:0ft, Northwesternem Coastal Rites Call Silverton Bernard . Gaf- fey was called to Coquille, Fri day by the Illness, and death of his maternal grandmother, Mrs. across L Peer Gynt'a mother ' i. Ooio . Self 12. Kasfd 14. Moving truck 15. Word Indicat ing choice It. Feminine name IT. Exact llkenosa 19. Plentiful 21. Muiic atudle 22. Emri.oya 23. Chance 25. Anchor rlnia 27. Debatable 2S. Italian river 30. Consumed SI. Country Id Arabia S3. Bullfinch 14. Eiclarnatloo 35. Land meaeure J6. Frollo 38. Slopea 40. Not fat 41. Grew to b 43. Collect 45. Town In Ualna 48. Ardor 47. Aloft 49. Term of respect BO. Collection :-3. Fowl 84. Adversary 65. ChnrRe DOWN 1. Philippine volcano t. Town In Florida tvyWs i i7 18 r " , -Ml 4l 42 - W "" 4f 50 iT 7. '.: 53" .;" 4 SS I ' 1 I II I I. ... J I I ROOM AND BOARD WAT IS TOUR, AM. SUWME? 5CHfDULC NEPH6W? -I MEAN, WHAT DO YOU PLAN FOR A VACATION?-- ARE XXI A SUAWER- RESORT AAAN? A Camper? OR DO 1TOU TAKfc A TRIP " W r 2 WHOLE e L"'- c, summer 1 s, 1 Rarb Shriaar Llttla Shaw Clnb IS Edward Marrow Candlcliibt and Sllvar Knai hraonlnv Benlab Cbal Hnallap Newt Itaak Walton Naval Air Raaorra Eddla UMar Banditand Banditand Lrnn Colt Bob Tantu Show Htrlka It Blah Strlka It Rich Duaout Dopa Baaeball Baaeball Baaeball Baaeball Baaeball Baicball Baaeball Hit lha Jaekvot Hit lha Jackpot Paaa th Baek Paaa tha Bnk Lowell Thontaa Jack Saaltb Shaw Mr. a. Mro. North Mr. Mr a. North Baarball BaaebaU Nawa Combo Club Plvo Star Final Mratarr Theatra t'a Dnnoo ffaranado Tracn ll Yon tha fTarli Orebtatra Ore boat ra Track MM Trark MM Track UiN) Nawa Silent A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Newa KOIN Kleek KOIN Kleeh KOIN Klock Tea Bitter Newa Sparta Tap O' Mornla Newa KOIN Kleeh Newa Newa Fred Beck Weatern Mclodlea Weatern Mclodlea Weatern Melodlea Church In Wild Consumer Newa Art Baker Robert Lewis Robert Lewis Melody Time Mrlody Time Muiia Muile Vocal Varietloa Newa Grand Slam Rosemary Coffee Cup N.W. Report Rhapsody In Rhythm Wendy War ran Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday GUis Wai Glaia Was Glaii Waa Glass Wai Big Sister Ma Perklna Young Dr, Malona Guiding Light Everybody's Idea Hollywood Muslo Mcwa News Come Gel It Vorab Drake Makes You Tick Ted Dale Presents Mac's Mclodlea Mac s Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mae'a Mclodlea Ind Mrs. Barton Perry Mason Pat O'Brien Peggy Lea Newspaper af Air Newspaper of Air Winner Take All Tunefully Yours Mae 'a Melodlea Mac'a Melodlea Mae'a Melodlea Mac's Mclodlea Newa Meet the Mlaona Meet the Mlsaaa Arthur Godfrey Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Mac'a Mclodlea Hac'a Mclodlea Women 'a Page Friendly Spotllte Motto Spotlight on Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrer Arthar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey (Listed at Pacific Standard Time) KOAC Tuea. r.M-w:Ot Ot Ikt Da. beati S:M. Sports Club: The Newa i 6:18, Grace Sorter at tha KOAC Organ, 8:80, Ronnd tha Comprint 7:15, Farm Hoar, S:M, Artistry In Clas sics; 8:3ft, Great Bonis! 8:4ft. The Newat 9:00, Music That Endure t t;45. Evening, Mediations. 10:00, Sign Off. (Listed aa Pacific Standard Time) lAAf Wed. A.M. 10, Newsi I8HS, aMV Especially for Woman: llitw, Concert Halh 12:00, Newai lt:16, Farm Hourt 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy, 1:1ft, Va riety Timet 1:4ft, Melody Lant 8:00, 4-11 Club Jtsjicmblyi 8:WI, News. l:Sft, Kay Wcitt t:00, Breakfast ha Hollrywoodi 8:80, Talk Your War Out of III 8:00, Surprise Package: 8:80, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Welcome Travelers i 4188, Art Llnklctter. Lou el la Campbell, 83. Gaffey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Gaf fey of DeLake accompanied their son to Coquille funeral service were conducted Monday. ta FiTnArgpnT ka o u i ojjto u rUw A a PIP g BMaffr wtq ml t R pn T 8 a nea" wUt eTrir O R 'r oBc rUitIe "PHg R CfL kMlE MOnL N e Sip Ruyig3 OR ATJO ft sbHa CRE L . PfjM E NfflF OUR Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla I. Dutch meter 4. Foundatlton timber I. More crippled Cltv In Paraguay Myaelf lasuea Eacape by artifice Kind of olum Unlta Slip la compelled tn Nothing mora than Bacchanalian cry Western itat Ant Plane tree Enjoyment Begin Pra earl -Mtal-bearlng 1 rocks UaacuMna r name Vegetable organism Plmlaln City In Maasa chunetts Hum bun American la ho EnRllsh queen Netherlands com m una Father of modern on aravlns Type mtaaurw About 4,-4 By Gene Ahern H1A- I FELT HE D DK'NG THIS UP SINCE HIS EL.STpC 'WEEK-END' VISIT HAS STRETCHED OVER A MONTH NOW cm III Put a rod-blcoc On his Plans ' Rhythm Ranch Rbrlbai Ranaa Blng Craibr Sport Paaa f I'M A '. LAKE-CABIN :I MAN, .7 UNCLE : WXFSANS ; BUT HERES I W JOB prtfi ttjc I WHOLE I SUMMER