f1"""" I j i . i . ,i. - m m,"'"'"iriTriif n'i j a .nil' ' v I -'" Z . ...... r . ti f it & o 0 U flu n.., A0 J u u t i'' -ww tsxmv&wap? psf ts i Vl i ;'. 4M JT i vVz1! Polk Vandals Damage Bus Dallas Vandali maliciously damaged a bus, used for trans porting work platoons to berry fields, here last week with dam age estimated at about $600, ac cording to Roy Dancer, high school instructor, who has ar ranged for the work platoons. The bus was splashed with white paint, the air was let out of two tires, spark plugs were damaged and metal particles were put in the crankcase. The latter completely ruined the mo tor in the 65passenger bus. Dancer said, with damage at over $500. Local and state police officials have been called to work on the case and are checking several suspects. Dancer said that policemen told him that a logging truck was also smeared with paint and air let out of its tires. One tire was ruined at a cost of $125. The bus is the property of the Dancer-Bennett bus service of McMinnville, operators of school buses there. It has been used here to take workers to their employment at Alderman Farms. Stones were used for cannon balls in early artillery. REJECTION SUP STARTS AUTHORESS Jump from Lusty Novels To Child's Books 'Not Far' By PETER HAYES 'United Preu Surf Cormpont'.f ntl Victoria, B.C. (UJ!) The jump from writing prize-winning chil dren's books to lusty historical novels like "Kitty" or "Duchess Hotspur" isn't very far not if you are Rosamond Marshall. Nor has this vivacious, frizzle haired authoress stopped -with spare time scaling the towering Swiss and Italian Apis. "But I'm not in shape for such rugged exercise anymore," she laughed. "I like to go salmon fishing off the island here. That's enough exertion for me. Summer Training for Reserves Above: Twenty-eight Sa lem Naval Reserves line up at 13th naval district headquar ters, Seattle, awaiting processing of their orders prior to embarking last Saturday afternoon on a two-week training cruise to San Francisco. Center: Members of the 369th engi neers and 409th quartermasters. Army Reserves, have show down inspection and hear orders read by the commander of the 369th, Col. George Spaur, prior to leaving for summer training at Fort Worden, Wash. Standing near Col. Spaur is Lt. Col. George P. Harber of Albany, who is to command the engineers while they are summer training, in the absence of Col. Spaur. Below: Master Sgt. Raymond M. Palmer of the 369th engineers (right) signs for a duffle bag that he is tak ing to camp. Checking out the equipment at left is Capt. Will iam Haskin of the engineers and seated, center, is Sgt. Ic George E. Schroeher, also of the engineers. Grand Ronde Man Killed in Collision Fay Riggs White, 28, of Grand Ronde, and Thomas Drabeck, Winner, S.D., were killed in a headon automobile collision on highway No. 18 early Monday night Six others were Injured and hospitalized at McMinnville. White was a passenger in an automobile owned by Ray Ar nold McNutt, also of Grand Ronde, believed to be the driv er. Mildred K i 1 b y, Otis Junc tion, and two other passengers in the same vehicle were also injured. Riding in the Drabeck auto mobile were Frank F. Spieker, of Winner and John Whebe, also of South Dakota. Location of the accident was placed on a slight curve near Rose Lodge, 15 miles west of Willamina, by Glenn Macey, Yamhill county coroner, who took charge of the bodies. these two. Miss Marshall just returned to her home at Cobble hill on Vancouver island here after a whirlwind tour of the country promoting the sale of her third historical novel, "Celeste." Miss Marshall likes to relax at hei picturesque home and re call how she got her start writ ing best sellers. If it hadn't been for a little note pencilled on one of the many rejection slips I used to get," Miss Marshall said, I would probably still be grinding out Juveniles." The story began in 1942. The New York-born author won first prize in the older children's division at the New York Herald Tribune's book festival with her Noen But the Brave." Encourage, Miss Marshall wrote another juvenile, "Blue Boy," a story about the subject of Thomas Gainsborough I fam ous painting. But "Blue Boy" fizzled. "It got 10 rejection slips on that one," Miss Marshall smiled. "But on one of them was writ ten the recipe that got me out of the juvenile field The note said, "This might show promise if you would write it for adults. And don't be afraid to put a little zip into it. This Miss Marshall did. And in 1943 "Kitty" was published ARE YOU A TENDERFOOT? Do Nylon Stockings Hurt Your Feet? Don't give up the beouty ond convenience of nylon stockings. Round-the-Clock's wonder ful Comfort Sole is the onswer. Made of fine cotton lisle in the sole of the foot, it absorbs perspiration os nylon doesn't, keeps your feet cool and free from sore ness and discomfort. You'll say Round-the-Clock Comfort Sole nylons are a must for summer, wonderful the year around. Available in the fa mous Round-the-CIock fit service in smorf summer shodes. 30 denier, 45 gauge nylon hosiery (1.50 131 MfUi tlt.rl, tUU 1) by Prentice Hall, followed by I Duchess Hotspur." Together they have sold more than 4,000,000 copies. Unlike many authors. Miss ; Marshall has no illusions of writing a "great" novel. "I just try ti provide an eve ning's entertainment," said she. 'But my real ambition is to cre ate an immortal character in American art . . . someone like Stella Dallas." Miss Marshall likes to do most of her writing in the early part of the day, preferably under na tural light. "I may write 20 pages a day, but I can turn out three polished pages in a day, I'm satisfied," she said. . To look at her, you wouldn't think the author of "Kitty" has achieved international fame as a mountain climber. When she was living in Turin, Italy, Miss Marshall spent much of her It's such good salt! f , , , I, i i.in. l Si Nj Capital Journal, Salem Oregon Tuesday, Jane J4t 949l$ Miss Australia Beryl James, 24, chosen "Miss Aus tralia" over 1,000 competi tors, smiles as she arrives in London on her tour of Eng land, the continent and South Africa. Job's Daughters Will Install New Officers Independence The order of Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 34, invites the public to attend the installation of officers next Monday at 7:30 o'clock, June 13, in the Masonic hall. Margaret Mix will be honored queen and Margaret Aynes is the retiring queen. Helen Smith of Mon mouth is chairman of the re freshment c committee. MAYFLOWER Citizenship Is Gained by Six Citizenship papers went to six Marion county people Monday after final hearings at the court house conducted by Arthur E. Kellogg, naturalization examin er from Portland. Circuit Judge George R. Dun can was in charge of granting final papers. The six will be honored Tuesday, June 28. at a dinner program at the YMCA where they participated in citi zenship classes conducted by the institution. Granted final papers wer: iSammy Versula Bayya, route 7. ox ziu; aooii trust Miller, 5U N. 20th street; Harry Hanscher, 3850 Midway drive; Jean Addi son, 3297 N. River road, and Ed na Muriel Pickerel, route 6, box 826, all of Salem; Alma Mary Mullen of St. Paul. Thoamadt now diew ttetkk, faugh, (mi it Imoit aiif they didn't hav fall teeth I Tby un BTAZB, amamng new cream i;.in a handy tuba. STAZ8 eala edgea TIOHTI Help keep out food particle. Get 3S 8TAZB. Money-bark Ruarantre. tTAZE HOLDS PLATES TIGHTER. IONCU Ul AaMLr VAN LINES CO. 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Going East, the Union Pacific will serve you. Low fares . . . air-conditioned comfort . . . rest-easy coach seats . . , relaxing lounge cars ... delicious meals. Choice of roomy Pullman berths, roomettes, bed rooms, compartments, or drawing rooms. At your destination, step off the train rested and refreshed. En route by Union Pacific vitif Denver and Sail Lake City at no extra cot. Write for froe, colorful vacation booklets. let as htlp you paa jrrr aeat trip Mui GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Room 751 Pittock Block Portland 5, Oregon GJJMDL?J PA(SIL7D(S RAILROAD KAISER-FRAZER Invades New Price Field See the BIG BIG New Kaiser Drastic Low Prices 24 Months to Pay Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4171 la cheating YOUR Dental Plates insist on ALL the qualities hat Modern Dental Science provides . . . insist on Natural Ap pearance, Genuine Comfort, and Lasting Durability. In this con nection, nothing will serve you better than the new Transparent Palate Dentures. Ask Your Dentist to show you samples of these fine plates created to meet the needs of particular plate waareri. You will appreciate their many important advantages . . . and they're so easy fa buy on Dr. Semler't Liberal Credit Terms. 1T03 DAY SERVICE Thr If H0 waltlntj or delay at Dr. Sm ler'i, and yoir Da tal Work It com pltd In 1 ts S day t4ittiCurV i capfedl. Tad ad vantage of this 1 1 ma savin q service lor ALL types of Dntal Car. WEAR YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING e by perch a tine, them ea Or, Senior's Liberal Crodft Plan. On approval f year credit, take lan as I, 10 or II months to pay. Small payments to fit year badqet. Ho delay ar rod tape . . . aa third party or finance company to deal with when yoa aso year credit at Or. Somler's. Tear word com pleted NOW , . . pay later, oa yeer owa reasonable crodft terms. Come la aay time. EXAMINATION WITHOUT APPOINTMENT 19im wATias-oooiMa tioe. illlltyJaB IC STATE t COMMERCIAL fflfflV satt Selem, Orepen 3"331l NOUII IMIHUlH'M tawfay I 10 AM PM