Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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Brass Drives Gen. Omar Bradley, chief of staff, U.S.
army, drives from 12th tee in third annual National Celebri
ties golf tournament at the Army-Navy Country club, Washington.
Calapooya Scouters
Arrange Steak Fry
Lebanon Sixty scouters of
the Calapooya district, with
their wives, met In the city park
by the river for a steak fry.
Pits were opened and fired
by Erie Soderberg of Albany,
and William Baldwin. Many
fried their steaks on the coal
beds, but the less experienced
used skillets and forks. Beans
from an old fashioned bean hole
provided a novel item on the
menu Ed Cardwell of Sweet
Home, was general chairman of
the affair.
Games and a nature scaven
ger hunt were directed by Eric
Soderberg, and Squeed Robert
ton of Albany.
On the program appeared L,
T. Davis of Albany who talked
on scouting and bird lore; Dave
White of Albany led group sing
ing, and L. A. White, also of Al
bany expressed parting thoughts
at the fireside closing.
Mechanical Engineer
Joins Lebanon C of C
Lebanon Chamber of com
merce headquarters announce
the membership of John J
Pearl, mechanical engineer, who
has opened an office in the Bil-
yeu building, 537 Park street.
Pearl is a registered engineer,
a graduate of the school of en
gineering, O.S.C., and was pro
duction engineer at Swan Island
in Portland during the war.
He is an authority on steam
and hydro-electric power plants
New Lebanon Maps
Lebanon New maps of Leb
anon and vicinity have just been
completed by Earl Elliott, Al
bany, and may be purchased at
the Kerr-Miller drug store or
City hall in Lebanon, or at
the assessor's office in tne coun
ty court house.
The maps are available in
two sizes, 21 by 21 inches scaled
600 feet to the Inch, or 42 by 42.
300 feet to the inch scale. Elliott
drafted the maps from the of
ficial county records.
Top Tunes Sprinkled
With Foreign Songs
New York Wi I am always surprised when someone says, "Is
that a foreign aong? I never knew we imported songs."
Believe me, music publishers know all about foreign tongs.
The money they earn Jinglesv
like the brook that is never
done. Perhaps I can tell you
The origin of popular tongs
ignores political labels. By any
other name a rose is as sweet.
The SO or 70 thousand songs
we copyright every year has
not cut down the rash of hits
from France, Italy, Czechoslo
vakia, Britian and South Amer
The public Is funny. It plays
around with many songs but has
love affairs with only a few.
These make the top tune polls.
And on every such list for 10
or 20 years we've had visitors
from overseas.
The smash tunes include
South of the Border," "Fren-
esi , "isle or Capri, " "Beer
Barrell Polka", "Moonlight Ma
donna", "Valencia", "I Kiss
Your Hand, Madam e", "Lili
Marlene", "Malaguena", "Gal
way Bay", Siboney", Bella, Bel-
Ma, Marie", and "Song of Long
Ago" all bell ringers from
If you examine the current
top ten, you will find songs
from England, Switzerland, and
"Cruising Down the River" is
from two old maids in Eng
land. "Forever And Ever" h
adapted from the German "Fly
With Me to the Fatherlands".
"Galway Bay" is the product
of a professor at the Universi
ty of Dublin.
' The French, who spawn such
international favorites as "A
Little Love, A Little Kiss" and
"Madolon", recently gave
"La Vie en Rose," re-titled
"You're Too Dangerous, Cherie.
An old Russian waltz became
the basis of "The Loveliness of
If "Be Mine" seems familiar
it goes back to the Spanish "La
Artie Shaw discovered "Fren
esi" and "Adois, Marquita Lin
da" in Mexico. "Siboney" and
Malaguent came from Cuba
The Czechs had a song they
sailed "Capri Fisherman". An
American took it to Berlin,
where an Englishman wrote new
lyrics for it. Another American
put it in an Italian movie and
thats why it's known in this
country as "Bella, Bella, Marie".
'Symphony" was a French
song picked up by American
GI'i during the war, and you
are familiar with what happen
ed to the German "Lili Marlene",
Another source of hit tunes
is the manuscript of old mas
ters. Lifting their stuff is called
raiding the classics.
For Instance, "Till the End of
Time" came straight from Cho
pin's "Polonaise"; "Our Love" is
out of Tschaikowsky't "Romeo
and Juliet Overture"; "My Rev
erie is from Debussy; "You are
My Song of Love" is Shubert s
unfinished symphony; and "The
Things You Left in My Heart"
is Drigo's "Serenade." There are
others. .
The answer to why so many
European songs became hits is
because their melodies run
around in your brain like pretty
girls. And we are a nation that
believes in romance.
Last Area of
Forest Sprayed
Spraying of the last area of
the budworm Infested Douglas
fir area near Oakride was start
ed Monday by the state forestry
department. This time only one
bi-plane and one helicopter are
used in the operation, which is
expected to be completed by
the latter part of the week.
At the same time that the new
area was started a preliminary
check was also being made on
the 155,000 acres sprayed
earlier at Springfield. In that
area tome sections showed a
84 per cent kill of the worm and
other sections it was 100 per
cent effective, which according
to the forestry department means
practically elimination of the in
festing insect.
Spraying of the area around
Oakridge, which is approxi
mately 10,000 acres, was delayed
because the spruce worm has to
be caught in the latter part of
the larva stage for the tpray
to be effective. The solution of
one pound of DDT per gal. of
oil is used in a ratio of a one
gallon unit per acre.
When the first area was spray
ed earlier this month 13 Sterman
bi-planes were used and four
helicopters. The bi-planet can
carry ISO gallons, while the
helicopters can carry 30 gal
lons. The helicopters are used
in the areas where there is no
landing field available.
To make the spray job ef
fective the planes must fly about
50 feet above the tree tops and
approximately 100 feet apart
Despite the risks involved there
were no fatal accidents during
the early spraying. One plane
did hook its tail in a tree and
had to have the damage repaired
and another hit a snag and re
quired repairs. Still another
plane ran out of gas and had to
land in an area where it had to
be disassembled before it could
be removed.
Lebanon Man Elected
To Executive Duties
Lebanon, June 14 Jack
Brande, executive official at the
Cascades Plywood corporation,
was selected as a member of the
executive board of Western For
est Products, at the conclusion
of the annual safety conference
in Seattle.
Brande will serve with Wayne
Hamilton, Bend; W. M. Allison.
Vancouver, B.C., and G. A. Oak
erlund, Bellingham.
The conference delegates set
their next meeting date for
June, 1R50 in Longview, Wash.
Hugh Croner, safety supervi-
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 14, 1949 11
Royal Anne Price to
Orchardists 7 Cents
The Dalles, Ore., June 14 (U.R)
Orchardists are receiving seven
cents a pound for No. 1 Royal
Anne cherries, less than half the
1948 price, but no agreement
had been reached on prices of
Bings, Lambers and other dark
Large 'quantities of fruit are
being delivered here for barrel
ing and ultimate use in the ma
raschino trade. The cherries are
accepted for the accounts of the
various growers who receive a
pro rata share of the proceeds
when the pack is sold.
Estimates on this year's sweet
cherry crop in The Dalles are
running as high as 10,000 tons.
Lodge Will Celebrate
Hubbard Thalia Rebekah
lodge will meet Tuesday eve
ning. An observance of the 39th
anniversary will be held.
Acfrv3Tea Shell Premium is the most
powerful gasoline your car can use!
eel ik Ml
Activation makot
the difference
Shell splits molecules: Shell scientists
take tht tnest available erode activate
the saolecnles by spiimnt them and
reerrtntinf tht torn I according to
Shell's form ale for a perfect!? be lanced
gasoline. The remit Shell Premium,
tht aost poerfoj gasoline roar
YES, msny of today's engines have been
stepped-up . , . they call for more powerful
gasolinel Now Shell gives you the most
powerful gasoline your car can use Shell
Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can
top its power in your car!
This is made possible by Shell's own, spe
cially produced power components and by
Shell's own blending methods!
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more
power for today's more powerful engines. So
you get a gasoline that's "activated" ) ways!
I Attlvetea' for knottiest aewerl
Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full
thronle, Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powerl
3. Activate) for fast "aatawey."
Shell Premium deliver! tht extra power too eta
feel so "bilking," no "stuttering" yoa gol
3. Afthratat) far full mileage.
Shell engineers "btltnce" Shell Premium to that
very drop of fuel goct to work for youl
my business"
When You Can Have
5 Year Warranty
(en sealed-in-trantmiiiion)
Water Saver
No Bolting Down
Cleant Itself
Westinghouse Laundromat
Trade-in allowance for your old MAQ AC
wosher For Only X" " - " D
235 N. Liberty Street
sor at the Lebanon Crown Zel
lerbach paper mill, also attend
ed the three day meeting.
Attend Rose Festival Parade
Liberty Mrs. Carl Bell and
Carl Jr., Mrs. Paul Scharn and
Gerald, attended the rose fes
tival parade
Jefferson high of Portland, who
won first place in the majorette
contest, is the niece of Mr. and
Mrs. Wllbert Kurth. She it a for
mer Liberty resident.
Wheat is the most widely dis.
Helen Dunn ofitributed of the cereal crops.
fan's Jihe
n0 Jn'teMt
practical gifts
that will be
for their use
fulness and
their fine
After Shave Lotion. Balanced Talcum and
choice ol brush or brushltss Shavinej
Cream $2.90
Alter Shave Lotion and Bnl
anced Talcum ......... .S2.00
Smooth Shave Cream,
Alter Shave Lotion. Bal
anced Talcum, Leak,
proof containers. $1.30
Specially packaged and labeled lor'
shipping. If desired Alter Shave Union. I
Balanced Talcum. Persona) Soap, fine
Hair Dressing and Shaving Cream
Sit$U Thau
Capital DrugSiore
405 State Street
wtli the last Mid ?
3ir WMfCk
ACT QUI CULT and in your MefUiorhood it
A saajiet be yon.
For there's bo eoubt that this etfrifrng new Riviera
model styled and executed by Buick it the
very tart word in wm body types.
It hat, at you see, the swift and racy tines of a
Convertible, made even more distinctive by a
bold new sweep of chromium along its fendert.
But the top it solid 1 tingle sheet of stout steel,
neatly finished off inside with chromium bows.
And a broad rear window curves gracefully
around, giving really abundant rearward vision.
lush-button controls drop all windows out of
sight at 1 touch, leaving not even a doorpost
to block your outlook. And the interior trim is
the riehaet yet a really ttunning aroanon In
side at aatll at ami
At ate Hired bare ike Divrara It sow in produo
tion on tbe Bwick ROAiMASTM ettti which
meant )50-hf KtehaM paaat, ttVe tthem bsamry
of Dyvaflow Drive, and 4ee averted Wat hitansii
of the Bitick "d ream ride." That team "tbe last
word" in brilliant partormanee at well at In
luxuriout drew and styling.
Iroduetion on thit high-styled road star is
limited, as you might expect.
To be "first with the last word," therefore, It It
wise to see your Buick dealer soon about getting
your order in.
When better mmtomobllei are bmilt
BVICK trtll build them
tm HIMIY I. TAnOt. AIC NtNWI. n Uanter frtsl
388 No. Commercial
Salem, Ore.