10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. June 14, 1949 "777"! S L 31 Leslie Jr. Hi Students Cited Thirty-one Leslie junior high school student were neither absent nor Urdy during the 1948-49 school year, a list re leased by the school Monday re veals. There were lour seventh grade boys, eight boys, five girls Irom the eighth grade, and live boys and nine girls Irom the ninth grade. The list includes: Seventh grade: Marion Bark er, Richard Biesanz, Clifford Hoover and Danny Newberry. Eighth grade: Donald Agnew, Knute Axberg, Robert Barnes, Peter Hansen, George Meyers, Paul Schmidt, Oliver Taylor, Walton Turley, Violet Clark, Dolores McClellan, Ruth Pan key, Marlene Roller, Phyllis Shrake. Ninth grade: Milton Bishop, Hjalmar Davis, Gaylord Hall, Harold Hansen, Elmer Winegar, Verna Long. Kathryn Meyers, Clara Lou Miles, Carolyn Real, Barbara Rice, Mary Sanders, Caroline Seay, Barbara Wagness and Clarine Woolery. "almost pulpy." An X-ray exam ination failed to show any frac ture, but her doctor said later "there are clinical evidences enough." Eugene to Remain On Standard Time Eugene, June 14 W) The city council voted for a third time last night to keep clocks here on standard time. The vote was 5 to 2 against the Chamber of Commerce pro posal to shift to daylight saving hours along with other Oregon cities. Neighboring smaller commun ities have been awaiting a deci sion here before considering any change. Rotarians Convene Some of the 40,000 members of Rotary International from all parts of the globe crowd Madi son Square Garden in New York, for the opening of the fortieth annual convention of the group. (Acme Telephoto). s?.Q Child Recovering From Father's Blows Yakima, Wash., June 14 Little 4 Vj-year-old Joyce Minon perked up today, apparently re covering from the beating her father has admitted he gave the tot last Saturday "because she wouldn't eat." The father, Walter E. Minon, 41, is being held on an open charge until it is known whether the child will live. Sheriff's deputies Jack Run yon and Lester Pottrati, sum moned to the Minion home by a sister-in-law who lives next door, said the youngster lay un conscious on a davenport for more than 24 hours. When they took Joyce to a hospital Sunday, both eyes were swollen shut and her skull was Rotary Heads Angus S. Mitchell, (right), of Melbourne, Australia, outgoing president of Rotary International, and the incoming president of the organization, Perry Hodgson, of Pawtucket, R. I., get together at the opening session of the first Rotary International convention ever to be held in New York. The first session got underway June 13, when Hodgson automatically became president. (AP Wirephoto). UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS COMPLETE INSTALLATION FttEE ESTIMATES f PLUMBING-HATING 379m COttCtt momv4 HERE 5 THE g THE FREEZ'R SHELF REFRIGERATOR IS SstSssggm AO OKA U ELECTRIC RANGES HOME FREEZERS TAKE 24 MONTHS TO PAY! Tomorrow' re (r iff rator In hr today! It the nfw Gibson with the rif.ru I Frwi'r Lochrr, pie nrrrrd and ptrfertfd by Gibson! Frre r toe krr t the roomy, full width frrrilng up re you've way wantrd and nrerird! It kf f n load of frmrn food farm er run and vitamin-full lor week. In aditltlnft, lh new CUmo Hvt tn in or imdt-Io-thlf spar, more) lr rub rapacity feeler frwnng, rrairr rnnrenienre and many other advent a fee. Com In today anil at the pJna valii oo art in the nw Clhana FrarYr Shelf Refrigerator. $269w West Salem lo Vote on Merger Merger with Salem will pro bably be decided within the next six weeks, according to Mayor Walter Musgrave, of West Sa lem, with a special election to be held. Any official action must be taken by the West Salem city council but Mayor Musgrave points out that petitions will be presented July 6 asking for the special election. Signatures of at least five percent of those who voted at the last general election are required by law. At the last general election West Salem east 884 votes, thus making necessary 14 or more signers to the petition asking that a special ballot be prepared for the proposed merger. Eligible voters must register prior to June 28, or 30 days pri or to an election, which can be held at any time after IS days following formal aetion by the city council, Mayor Musgrave states, but not later than 80 days thereafter. Indications at present are that the special election will be held during the latter part of July. MEET THE LAWN CHAMP WEED & FEED Double oct ion for on price this dry compound destroy brood-leaved weed o it feeds the grot to richer color end thicker growth. Harmles to lawnt, including bentgrass, when put on ot economical rote specified. Easily applied with a Scott Spreader. Handy Shaker Box U'ft tax. kMH 2500 . ft St4tBL SPRfADIM - previde quick, eoiy lawn application!, rub bar tiree 110 5 and 117.50. $1.00 $JJ0 Fill in veidt left by dying weeds with c&ZtL triple cleaned !!. I lb . 1,000.000 Medi . JX F. A. Doerf ler & Sons Nursery 158 N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners Phone I-I5JJ to HARPBOARD natuk's wood impsoveo too fOV INTERIOR EXTERIOR Sheathing, concreta form liners, for farm build ings, garage doors, and for exterior uses whan painted. STRONG YET WORKABLE AND BEAUTIFUL Wall board, partitions, flooring and subfloors, fixtures, furniture, cab inet!, table tops, shelves. COMPAM CKAPCO IOASD FOI USAIIIITY, QUALITY AND MICI IINSIS.T LOCAL MICH J. w. Copeland West Salem Yard 520 Wallace Rd. Phone 36627 SEI CHAPCO BOARD TOD AY I Dleieiiileni-4'se' In IktM Irilckneuei-l , 11 1", 14" Mrs. Moore Guest Amity Mrs. DolHe Moor oil,, San Diego, Calif., is the house guest of her sister. Mrs Fred L. Strout on North Trade street. acation of a lifetime OforJous loka loufs and Banff! Play and relax on the top of the world! Every day of your vacation spent in the fabu lous splendor of Banff, in the alpine beauty of Lake Louise is a holiday to trtasurt! Enjoy golf, riding, hiking, swimming, tennis, fishing plus world-famous cuisine, service, hospitality. Make reservations now with your local agent or see . . . -I 1 Py. 107 Aimrl.iin lonlr lid,. W Fa&V- '0'"and' Or,f en aB I TIMELY VALUES JUST FOR HIM K I , S5, HE'LL TAKE A SHINE TO THIS fta Genuine Leather Billfolds t I. fl.t HERE'S A BRILLIANT GIFT IDEA. III Quality Handkerchiefs 10 m 1JS fxt WlldfOOt J I vT'V Iff latherDay Cards 10 U SfV l5V Hair Tonic fl ttS?Ss5r 3 tCfc Cv tf Smart New Hoae 10 te 1 vJS llfWSi Wildrtot Cream Oil II "WiAur 'aM&S. m Striped Broadcloth Boxer 8horta m V (V fjL. V Hair Tonie ia non- U W - t SQW Genuine Leather Belts IVMatl 1 I J yi8f eicohoUe . . . eontains PepSOdent QJy ffV Smooth Writing Ball Point Pens-1 1. 1 IR iCT RrvsSVf Lwolin for scalp and I Toothpaste CMvnii tTr-z fh F , iaj TtJ K t Polished Steel Pocket Knives te et a ml I' TitelSr!i ' I friSSS "J Jl 'JDwbl'PUyH-"J, WHW LUJrf A HE'LL CALL YOU BRIGHT aWN YOU HANDAr I.h.rSho.nflCP iliU Shave Cream Jl Colgate'e "small-bubble" nr 'jv V f ' I He'll really thank yon for thia quick lathering (j Lsther softens tough whiskers, sclty V J whiskeMoftening ahave cream... m will give him a clean, close, v' rj3sss J v and for the smooth shaves it givea him. ,0! M Colgate Dental Cream U JLI0 Toothpaste with an active, penetrating Wit 11 fW I fl ont elinf to his blade. Labricatee skin, I foam that gets into hidden crevices for t J. II 1 ) too, for qoiek slick shaves. J V sparkling teeth...deaner breath. ff A I , . . . M ' i1 " Colgate l Vaseline . f l V m isoinrowair nair ionic VVli ' ' " I Si TfiL He'll like the way Colgate's s Dad's hair will look better XxfjeiiJlliS Vl5 gentle polishing agent banishes his scalp feel better when be Wjlef' r 55 VT dull dingy film... makes bia . , sues Vaseline Hair Tonie I XVV r'rmW month feel super-clean. so check Dry Scalp. I 10 21 39 10 23 41 I ClllaHe Tech Raxor A fSj oVT!77eTi , . wimams' n AM-ZSZZZZZT ? J 1 make a big bit with Dad oa Sunday and AqUO VOIVQ lattsssssf every ether dav. It enmee with ft Coot efterehave lotioa ( wita Tvirvsnini tinalc clean aroma. pU tax Gillette Blue Blades Hell look sharp, feel sharp and be sharp when he nsea Gillette's top-cmaii ty. double-edge Bine Blades. 2f1(X 5f23 10W4 Gillette Thin Blades Precisi on-honed. eupeMhsrp blades thst whisk his whiskers off in a jiffy. 4tr 10 FURNITURE CO. i) vumhhi vvm:i li lit a s 27S North Liberty Dial 1-41 S vmr reu hi aim woo. worth itori-nowi fl Gillette Blue Blsdea, too. 49