gCaplUl Jonnut gIm. Oregon. Mondiy. June 18. lUt Home Town Honors Mn. Clark Speaking from bunting and flower-decked stand in hall park of Richland, Kas., (population 225), Mrs. Georgia Ncese Clark thanka her fel low townsmen for public reception given her in honor of her being nominated by President Truman for the post of United States Treasurer. Seated in front row on platform behind her are two flower girls, Judy Allon and Betty Phillips, and Rev. Don V. Bumgarner. (AP Wirephoto). Big Campaign In Advertising Pittsburgh, June 13 One of the largest continuous cam paigns of national newspaper advertising in the history of the food industry will be launched In the Immediate future by H J. Heinz company, It was an nounced here today by H. J. Heinz II president. In a continuous S2 - week schedule of large space adver tisements the maker of the fa mous "57 Varieties" will use 140 daily newspapers In 110 major markets, with special Spring and Fall campaigns covering 300 secondary markets. "Our decision to use news paper advertising on an unpre cedent scale reflects several fac tors," Mr. Heinz said. "Fore most is its effectiveness at the local level. Through newspaper advertising we can bring a a timed, illustrated selling story on our products directly to the attention of housewives on the very day they are planning their weekly shopping lists. We con sider this of major value prompting immediate business for local food retailers. "The flexibility which news paper advertising permits is an other major factor. Heinz sells many products. Some are year 'round staples. Others are more or le.s seasonal. Using news papers, we can advertise dif ferent products in different parts of the country at the same time and tie each into our sea sonal and sectional require ments. "We have always been sub stantial newspaper advertisers Our past experience, plus cur rent trends In the grocery store field, indicate that the time is ripe for the biggest campaign ever." N'nthinr Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades ITi alt watth riliM. nt) r.Ut tmmt aid Wnfliio Mind. ELMER. The Blind Mon Call anytime for Fre. fattmale Phone S J.T!S 145 Rnce Rl M Salem We give SAH Green Stamps East Salem Garden Club ' Lists Seasonal Programs East Salem The difference In the dates of the planting Masons In the valley are noted by a Middle Grove farmer with one of East Salem's bean fields. Jack Wikoff in keeping a record of planting seasons finds that at this time last year they were Just planting their beans and this last week they havt been putting up the strings for well started' vines, which is almost a month earlier than last year. Among the number of stu dents that are returning home this week from a year's work at Oregon State college is Mavis Eggens. daughter of Mr. and E. H. Eggens of Auburn com munity. She will be a senior at the college next year. Swegle Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. William Dam ery in Fruitland district. Mrs Elmer Terrlll assisted in the arvinri nf a ltinchpnn with Z? cmfoT YoL,rMrf Dinner and Picnic Loran Richey, Mrs. Henry Han son, Mrs. Henry Dillard and the hostess, with guests Mrs. Barney Kenney and Mrs. Wilfred Wil ier. Ametie club will meet Tues day night in the horn of Mrs. Leonard Peterson on Lardon road in Middle Grove commun ity. 45 People Attend , Hein, Mrs. Otis Dawes, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. William McKin ney, Mrs. John Swanson, Mrs. Charlea Norton, Mrs. Rex Pef- fer, Mrs. Charles Bnttorff, Mrs. Albert Patz, Mrs. Helen Enloe present, and as guests Mrs. Em- lie s sister, Mrs. Sara Wood- burn. Auburn Woman's club held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Stuart Johns on Monroe avenue in Auburn district. A covered dish dinner was enjoy ed on the lawn. A short business meeting was conducted by the president. Some plans were made for the part the club will take in the annual community center carnival in July. Plans were also made for a special birthdav table at each meeting For the social hour a surprise shower honoring Mrs. John Em mons was given. In attendance were Mrs. L. W. Gordy, .Mrs Charles Gillming. Mrs. E. C Sunderlin, Mrs. Elmer Baker, Mrs. S. Hussleman, Mrs. S. W Burris. Mrs. Ruth Harrelson. Mrs. Emmons, Mrs. Mae Mar shall Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mrs Silverton Forty-five mem bers of the Loyal Berean Sun day school class of the First Christian church were present at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Geiser In their annual nn-hostes dinner and all-day picnic with a brief business meeting and devotional program held. Special guests were Mrs C. J. Cooley and Mr. and Mrs Neilan Dodson. Arranging the dinner were Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre, Mrs. Mar Hnuck. Mrs. Laura Haeverneck Mrs. Blanche Howell and Mrs Del Harrington. The outdoor dinner and pic nic at the Geiser ranch has been an annual affair for the class members for many years. FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" Journal Want Ads Pay ROOFING Now is the hme to order that new roof before the busy wmw ea.r,n Expert wurKmanship with the highest quality material Free estimotes without obligation. McOiJcbrist & Sons 255 No Commercial Street Salem Phone 3847S THI STORES OF BETTER VALUES' I Has Your 0Y RELIANCE I CASUAL COTTONS WOVEN BROADCLOTH WITH EMBROIDERY CHAMBRAYS ond PIQUES FINELY WOVEN GINGHAMS COOL SUNBACKS WITH BOLEROS All In Elegant Solid Pastels SIZES . . . 12 to 20 Site 44 46 to 32 $l98 SEE THEM NOW Women's Ready to Wear fSm lilt SMMkMrMC I I , J THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' SHOP WARDS 'TIL t IVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Fait Elevator Service to All Floors """""iS Liberty Phone 3-J191 Ijj J Me of Voks TUESDAY FURNITURE r SPECIALS REG. 189.95 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SET BEAUTIFUL NYLON VELOUR COVERS On Terms: 10 Down, 24 Months to Pay 14488 Styled In the modern manner with clean lines and gen erous proportions. Tempered high carbon steel sprints ar covered with soft fluffy cotton. Hardwood frame Is built for a life time of use. Curved panel fronts fin ished In dark walnut. Spring filled reversible cushions. See it today! SAVE $35! SPECIAL PURCHASE! $85 VALUE! MATTRESS, MATCHING BOX SPRING Terms: $5.00 Monthly 4988 Compare! Extra sleeping comfort snd extra savings when you Invest In this M9 coll mattress. Kexolator Insulation, 3S-lbs. of felted cotton. Ventilators, inner-roll edge, button tufted. Durable floral Damask tick. Match ing Box Springs. Twin or full size. ms ' it Jr i 1 1 - $49.95 FLORCREST 9x12 RUGS REDUCED! Buy NOW and SAVE DOLLARS on all-wool pile axmirvters! 100 wuoi-piie, wuvrn imm impunrn Terms ply yarm! New florals, woodtones. 15 Monthly 39.88 REG. 52.95 PLATFORM ROCKER Tops In comfort! Innersprin seat on No-Sag base and deep pillow buck . . . both well-padded, Covered In floral ravon velour Walnut trim. 42.88 On Terms: S5 Monthly SALE! REG. 2.29 MARILEIZED LINOLEUM Famous Sloan Quality! Ooktrful marbia training goes through entire surface to felt baaing , . . colors last life of linoleum. Pattern la alow to show soil! ft. wide. 1.94 M- Td. SALE! REG. 74.95 5-PC, DINETTE SET 34x40 Porrelntn enameled steel ta ble top extends to 4x4fl". Chrome over nickel plated tubular steel lean. Teapot detign on Ubia top. 4-let st vie eh sirs. 62.88 17 DWB 136 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon ON SALE TUESDAY ONLY!