,! Party for -Bride-Elect Miss Evelyn Halvorson, bride elect of Herman Hanson, was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Miss Dorothy Engelbart and Mrs. Kenneth Eilert at the Fairmcunt Hill home of Miss Engelbart. Fol lowing an Informal evening a ' late supper waa served. For the shower a delicate pink crepe shower umbrella was arranged for the shower of gifts. Sweet peas decorated the rooms, i Bidden to honor the bride-to-v' be were Mrs. Harold Neuens- Jwanger, Mrs. Royal Hayes, Mrs. Hay Brown, Miss Jean Brown, Mrs. Ralph Eyre, Mrs. Ivan Os terman. Miss Mary Senter, Mrs. ' William Fawk, Miss Joan Bair, . Mrs. Lewis Jorv, Miss Hazel Hefley, Mrs. M. D. Cochell, Mrs. Floyd DeLapp, Mrs. Kenneth Hilfiker, Mrs. Elling Halvorson and the hostesses. Group Planning For Convention These are, busy days for mem bers of the American Legion auxiliary here, getting ready for the. annual state convention to be held in Salem August 3 to 6. Mrs. I. N. Bacon is general I chairman, with Mrs. Helen Mc- 'Tteod, president of Capital unit No. 9, and Mrs. Harlan juaa, president of Unit No. 136, as co chairmen. Other convention commission chairmen include the following: Secretary, Mrs. Don Madison; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Lloyd Demarest; treasurer, Mrs. Ethel Lewis; badges, Mrs. Jen nie Bartlett: banquet, Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs. Harlan Judd: convention hall, Mrs. Frank Marshall. District presidents' breakfast, Mrs. Earl Andreson; distinguish ed guests, Mrs. Leon Brown; decorations, Mrs. Harold Street er; exhibits, Mrs. Clara Poland; finance, Mrs. Glenn Porter flags and standards, Mrs. John E. Wood. Forty-niner hour, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding; Gold Star Mothers tea, Mrs. Merle Travis; hospi tality, Mrs. Paul Ficke. Housing, Mrs. Malcolm Cam eron; memorial service, Mrs. O. E. Palmateer; pages. Mrs. J. D White; programs, Mrs. Ray J Bassett; publicity, Mrs. Michael Panek; registration, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson; ritualistic contest, Mrs. Don Apperson. Secretaries' and treasurers' breakfast, Mrs. Bert A. Walker; trophies and awards, Mrs. Ken neth Shomaker. LEBANON Mrs. E. A. Mc Bride was honored on her 87th birthday at home of her son, C C. McBride. Relative gathered at the McBride home for reunion and dinner, a number coming from outside points. These In clude Mrs. A McBride, daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Sylvie McBride oldest granddaughter, both of Portland, and Mide Girdner, a grandson who it student at O.S.C. A native Oregonian, Mrs. Mc Bride was born at The Dalles, June 6, 1862. Educated for the teaching profession, sh received her first teaching assignment near Corvallis In 1879. WOODBURN The annual picnic of the Past Matrons club of Evergreen chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, for members and families, will b held Wed nesday evening, June IS, at Settlemler park. The picnic din ner will be served at 8:30. In case of rain members are to meet at the Masonic tempi. TVSSYS NEW "TW0-IN-0NE" LIPSTICK Brings Tim 2 Fttfl-Sfoed Lipstick in mi amort com 2 value $1 for only 1 TWnk W kf Yoa get 1 hD-nted Trnwy Lipsticks a beaatifal tarnished neul ease. All far the price ti a single tipeoVkl Ye get two mf the f Huey hades-la that flattering Tom? tnrhjr. All this benty ki a anait-lnokini gilded em that sukes a handseiM para accemory. YnaH want em for ymnelf and several awre for gift. Tuuy$ Tare-in-OnV Ufutirkt in glamoroat color eomblmatitnut Garden Party-Midnight in fair emuplexiea Contraband-Midnight medium eompleijoa FUspberry-Funnuker for dark eomplexM Fonmaker Merry Red for medium eomplexina - im-a rirrr 1 nimmn Honor Goldenweds Silverton As a pre-observ- ance of their parents golden wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacPherson and Dickey, of Riverside, Calif., ar ranged for the parents of Mrs. MacPherson (Nana Cramer), Mr. and Mrs. Everett K. Cramer, to take the train to Sacramento, and join them there for a travel trip through Yosemite, to Reno, and across the high mountain panes just opened to auto travel, and on to Silverton to spend a week of Mr. MacPherson' va cation. The MacPhersons will be here until after Sunday, June 12 when an afternoon reception for the honored couple will be held the fireplace room of the armory with friends invitea through the press. Also assist g will be a son, W. H. Cramer and Mrs. Cramer of Klamath Falls, and a son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price of Riverside, Calif. Shane-Davis Rites June 8 Woodburn In a quiet cere mony at the home of the bride. Miss Elfreda Davis, daughter of Mrs. Lena Davis, and Arthur C. Shane, son of Roy Shane of Woodburn, were married Wed nesday, June 8, at 2:30 p. m., with the Rev. Harry Pember ton of Salem officiating. Fran cis Neislus of Mt. Angel was soloist. Dr. Frank Neisius of Mt. An gel gave the bride In marriage. She wore a white satin wedding gown, floor length, with long sleeves, V neck, and tight-fitting bodice. Her veil of fingertip length fell from a crown of orange blossoms and she carried a nosegay of red roses. Miss Caroline Davis was maid of honor for her sister and Ed ward Hanson was best man. Miss Davis wore a gown of peach taffeta and carried gar denias and rosebuds. A reception followed the ceremony. Miss Donna Lee Han son cut the wedding cake, Mrs. Felix Choquette and Mrs. Charles Morgan served. Mr. and Mrs. Shane spent their honeymoon in Portland and are now at home in Wood burn on A street. Mrs. Shane graduated from Woodburn high school with the class of 1949 and Mr. Shane attended school in California. Engagement Told Pleasantdale A nnounee ment was made recently at the Alpha Chi Omega house in Eu gene of the engagement of Miss Marllee McFarlane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McFarlane of Pleasantdale to Richard D. Stoinof f , son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stoinoff of Portland. Both are members of this year's graduating class at the University of Oregon. The bride elect is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Chi Theta, business honorary. Mr. Stoin off served, three years in the army air corps, and it a member of Alpha Tau Omega. The wedding will take place in October. FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! "DAFFY AUCTION" hw lali u I in Miss Halter Wed Recently Woodburn The marriage of Miss Rosemary Halter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Halt er, to Willard Mathews, son of Mr. and Mrs. dell Mathews, all nf Woodburn, was solemnized May 28 at 2 p. m. at St. Luke's Catholic church. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Francis Hanley, Bernard Smith was soloist and Mrs. Ma ne Donnelly presided at the organ. The bride was given In mar riage by her father. She wore a white satin wedding gown, fashioned with round neck, long sleeves, with a trim of lace and satin ruffles on the bodice and front of the skirt which extend ed into a full length train edged in lace. Her veil of French llhl sion was of fingertip length held in place with a lace cap, SWa4iP! M ftp;! t-Ajr-s. m"l "''"'" '"mm .V! " "l""-'Llinl"l"ir ' '' " ''' """II f, Second Annual ' 1 YMCA Family M Night At The fX f X Ball Park )?:r7ksf M Jun 1 J, 1949 N.xt Monday Night Ti&lLM l Salm Sanatort v. Vancouvtr Copl- y-v f I w lane. Regular "W" gam, Rtgular Jt th elotht to tek along on (rr'n cwU ' t""iAdul"; 25 happy-ge-lucky vacation. Easy- (JISPfe going yt imart. Carafully d. mm - JiV'.- , iTikfl'J JoFV ' )"f r 7l IMPORTANT: " " ' Vrli fr&'&T&0'J' rtL Only th. Advance sole tickets toiled y.t ee.y to lound.r. See fcJC-'t' .'152 purchosed from MCA represento- fhtm at ion,f0rtakl prices -nSWiT. fives will benefit the Boys' f, l ?Jh -yj f lttjE'l4-'- S Project Fund of the Solem Y's ou' B,w Vacation Collection. :Ki'l "f V 1 1 i 1 i'jFjr "' " Men's Club. Tickets ore ovoil- wJFi-J' iVI'll Arjf ' VV7 able for immediote delivery by VVVS I J0- fi 1 jH .SfA ",lin3-"'7- . f4$M HISTORY: ' I 3Y Wftf Lost year the First Annuol YMCA I E , i a l. Lr- '' 'viJ ''er Fomily Night wos sponsored . IV P I hZ I'$ Vf f through the cooperation of tht m I I M y. ., I IVpT . j"Jl I A" T Salem ond Vancouver Wl teams MifTllfl 4' '5W SJ&'lF Z ' " "J ond the Solem Y's Men's Club. Tfl II I. VV jPf I 0Pf ; V Help the YMCA Boy's Choir by ULl AJO i- ' . ZtUJtC'' ' buying your boseball tickets fllV9 V ' ' 7f-,L from the YMCA. HQ i i ' i . , ii"m i and she earrled a white, prayer book topped from which with an orchid fell white satin streamers. Miss Rita Halter was her sis ter's maid of honor and Miss De lores Hanauska was bridesmaid. They wore pastel formals and carried nosegays of spring flowers. John Mathews was best man f, hi. hrnlher .Inhnnv Husill was groomsman, Wallace Yatesl and Joe Walker, Jr., were ushers. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Halter wore a blue redin gote ensemble and Mrs. Math ews wore a frock of pale green. Each wore a corsage of red rosebuds and white carnations. A reception in St. Luke's hall followed the ceremony. Mrs. Albin Halter cut the wedding cake, Mrs. Ed Bauman of Sheri dan served punch and Mrs. Leo Rad of Idaho, aunt of the bride, presided at the coffee urn. The gupst book was passed by Miss Delorei Hathaway and at the gift table were Mrs. Joe Walker, Jr., and Miss Mary Helsel. After spending their honey moon In Canada Mr. and Mrs. Mathews have returned to Woodburn and are at home In the Landnn apartments. For traveling Mrs. Mathews wore a gray suit with black accessories and orchid corsage. She will ! ",m",ur ,n " posmon l ine Woodburn telephone office. WOODBURN Thirty - three women were out for golf and luncheon at the Woodburn Golf club Thursday. Feature of play was blind bogey on green No. 4 with Mrs P. C. McLaughlin winning In Class A, Mrs. Henry Miller in Class B and Mrs. Dean Bishop rick in Class C. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Mrs. C. W. Kersten and Mrs. George D. Jones. The committee for next week will he Mrs. Clyde Cuts forth and Mrs. Marion Henning. P.E.O. Event Woodburn Chapter J. of the P.E.O. Sisterhood met Thurs- nay evening at tne country home ui in. v-iHir nnurr wun 10 members present. Mrs. Kenneth McGrath presided and Mrs. George A. Landon was in charge ol the program. She gave in jonf, interesting talk on raising and! handling of oysters. .... . ... ' , UNIT NO. 138, American Le Mrs. McGrath and Mrs Pul!ion auxjiiarV- j, meeting Tues Mills are the official iif.t. who will attend the state con vention at Redmond next week and reports of the convention will be given at the next meet ing which will be held June 23 and will be the final meeting until September. YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS Fret Estimate Phone 2S643 Pumilite - West Salem Capltal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June IS. 19497 Plans were mad to hold the annual picnic for members and I families July 14 at Settlemler park Refreshments were served hv the hn... .i,i.H k m N. F. Tyler and Mrs. George D. "Vnce's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxen ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pirk-Up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 day evening at the Salem Wonv n' club house, a business ses sion to he held at 8 o'clock. STORAGE! CLEANING! RESTYLING! Capital Drug Store 405 Star It. Liberty, Salem, Or. (IV