Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 13, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 13, 1949
Miss Leek
Bride Friday
A June bride wa Mis Doris
Jeane Leek, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Leek of West,
Salem whose marriage to Rod
ney Engdahl, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Engdahl of Route 9,
Salem, was an event of Friday,
June 10. The 8 p.m. ceremony
was performed by Rev. Dudley
Strain in the First Christian
The bride was given In mar
riage by her father. She chose
for her wedding a gown of white
marquisette with a little girl
collar setting off the tiny but
tons running to the waist line.
Her fingertip veil was held In
place by a seeded pearl crown.
She wore a gold locket, a gift
from the bridegroom. Her
bouquet was of white roses and
white sweet peas.
Mrs. Betty Leek, sister-in-law
of the bride, was matron of
honor, and the bridesmaids were
Miss Grace Mulligan and Miss
Marian Burns. They wore
pastel gowns and carried nose
gays of pink roses and sweet-
peas. Little Lynn Finell, niece
of the bridegroom, was flower
girl. Lighting the tapers were
Mrs. Hazel Finell, and Mrs.
FlnclI, and Mrs. Julia Rothrock,
sisters of the bridegroom.
Torgny Finell, brother-in-law
of the bridegroom, was
best man, and the ushers were
Clarence Rothrock, Stewart
Leek, Marston Leek, Francis
Bomber, Richard Gltschlag, and
Elmer Leek.
Mrs. Alda Holford sang and
Mrs. Rosemary Naff was the or
ganist. For daughter's wedding Mrs
Leek chose a wine colored
erepe dress with gray accessor
ies. Mrs. Engddhl wore a navy
blue crepe dress with gray ac
cessories. Both had corsages of
white gardenias.
The reception was held In the
- church parlors. The table was
centered with a four tiered wed
ding cake, decorated with white
love-birds and silver leaves,
and topped with a miniature
bridal couple. Garden flowers
adorned the room. In charge of
the guest book was Mrs. Blos
som Woods, and Mrs. Dorothy
Hlppe and Mrs. Dorothy Kleen
were at the gift table. Mrs. Jes
sie Sutliff cut the cake, while
Mrs. Matred Leek, Mrs. Ermyl
Obershaw, Miss Dorothy Butts,
Miss Nellie Lodie, Miss Doro
thy Wood, and Miss Eloise Mc
Clellen assisted with the pour
ing and the serving.
For traveling the bride wore
a dress of black faille with gold
accessories and a corsage of red
roses and white sweet peas.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Engdahl
have been attending the Willa
mette university the past year.
Following their wedding trip
the couple will be at home at
1042 Seventh street, Salem.
Out of town guests were Rev.
and Mrs. E. C. Salter and Doro
thy, aunt, uncle and cousin of
the bride, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Rush, Corvallis; Mrs. Mar
lon Clelan, Meridian, Idaho:
Miss Nellie Lodie, Portland: Miss
Emma McClcllen, Ocean Lake:
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wells. Jef
ferson; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Jacobson, Portland, aunt and
uncle of the bridegroom: Mr
and Mrs. Gail Cornelius and
family, cousins of the bride
groom, Portland; Mr. and Mrs
Clarence Rothrock, sister and
brother-in-law of the bride
groom, Albany; and Mrs. Julia
Ties., Jane lilt. Martha
Taber, riftiram't Home
Venom ht, "Hot Weather
re4 Hlnta,"
Wed.. Jant 15th Hal H.
Nohltren. "ftalem'e Off.
I reel Parkln rranaeaV
Than,, Jane Mth Martha
Tatar, -Trkkt With Leea
nade. Jana 111b Mar
Themae, Inter let per
aler, "Dearatlaf lb Dem
r riarrem.H
All broadcasts are held in the
Itrnp In for retire and
Meet., Jane 1Mb Mr. ft. . I'TmV TWI wailfcaWsA f
man K. Wlmlew, Halt V"t W-iM " ' A
At Williamsburg
Wllliamsberg, Va. Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Phillips of 195 West
Lefelle, Salem, were here this
week visiting the restored col
onial capital city which Is cele
brating Its 230th anniversary
this year.
While In the city they were
guests at Williamsburg Lodge
and viewed several of the build
ings which have been restored
or reconstructed as they were
two centuries ago. Williamsburg
was established as capital of
England's oldest and largest
American province, the Virginia
Colony, In 1699.
Miss Cannon
Bride Friday
The marriage of Miss Virginia
Cannon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Cannon, to Robert
Allen Humphreys, son of Mrs.
Lola Humphreys, was solem
nized Friday evening at the
home of the bride's parents, the
Rev. E. H. Becker officiating.
The bride wore a seafoam
green afternoon dress of chif
fon and a purple orchid cor
Miss Elsie Cannon was the
bride's attendant and she wore
a pale salmon pink crepe dress
with corsage of pink carnations
and freesias.
Russell Zink was best man
Lightining the tapers was Miss
Dorothy Cannon.
For the wedding the bride s
mother wore an aqua two-piece
dress suit and Mrs. Humphreys
mother of the bridegroom, was
in maroon crepe. Both wore cor
ages of gardenias.
An Informal reception fol
lowed the service. Mrs. Trevor
Humphreys, sister of the bride.
cut the cake. Mrs. Arthur Brown
poured. Assisting were Mrs. Rus
sell Zink and Miss Helen
The couple will be at home
in John Day, Ore., following a
trip to the beaches and in the
fall will go to Eugene where
Mr. Humphreys will complete
his work at the University of
WOODBURN The Woodburn
Garden club will meet Tuesday,
June 14, at the library club
rooms at 8 p.m. Roll call will
be "My Favorite Vacation Spot."
An informal round table discus
sion on the growing, treating and
cultivation of roses will be held.
Flower arrangements will be ei
ther specimens and cultivation of
roses will be held. Flower ar
rangements will be either speci
mens or group showing of roses
from members' gardens.
Hostesses will be Mrs. James
Llvesay, Mrs. J. J. Hall and
Mrs. H. F. Butterfield. Visitors
are welcome.
VISITING at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Rowe this week
is an aunt of the former, Mrs
William W. Hunt of Avon-by-
the-Sea, New Jersey. She is ac
companied to the northwest by
Mrs. Louise Callahan, also of
Avon, and Mrs. George Boyce
of Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Oanes and Emmarlllls Jordan,
aunt and cousin of the bride
groom, McKenzie, North Dakota.
n IIM j
G. E. Model Kitchen at Klfstrom's
listen to the Interviews.
I 7
East Wedding
Of Interest
Invitations have been receiv
ed by Salem friends for the wed
ding of Miss PnsciUa Ridgely
Morrison and Jay Cooke Mich
ael Allen. The wedding is to be
Saturday, June 25, at 5 p.m. in
St. David'f church, Baltimore,
The bridegroom-elect is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke
Allen of New York. Mrs. Allen
is the former Ruth Austin of
Woodburn and Salem.
Miss Morrison is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William George
Morrison of Baltimore.
Program Given for
Marimba Concert
Program for the marimba
concert to be presented by
Priscilla Meisinger Wiltseys
students Monday evening in
Bush school auditorium Is as
Tales from Vienna Woods
Echoes of the Ball ..Gillet
Trees Oscar Rasbach
Ladies' quintet, Muriel Warner,
Lois Gillings, Rosalie Cline,
Dona Zehner, Orabelle Dugger
Down South ....American Sketch
Grand Fantasia on Home
Sweet Home Rollison
Lois Gillings
Plantation Echoes ....DeLamater
Paragon March Galla Rini
Laural Ann Warner and Corky
Meisinger. Accordions: Sharon
Wells, John Burroughs
Santa Lucia . Harr
Marimba Ripples Edwards
Sharon Lambkin
Evening Shadows
Tiny Tots Trio: Claryce Hum
phries. Accordions: K a t h r y n
Johnston, Sandy Forrest
Star Dust Carmichael
Spike Gathercoal
Etude in Ab, Clair Obar Musser
Light Cavalry Overture
. Franz Von Suppe
Lois Gillings
Accompanied by the accordion
Melodettes: Donna Zehner, Lou
ella LaFountain, Florence Pol
ster, Susanna Howell
Down By the Old Mill Stream
arr. Damonte
God Bless America
Irving Berlin
Laurel Ann Warner and Corky
Meisinger. Accordions: Sharon
Wells, John Burroughs
Etude In F Minor Chopin
Andantino Four Hammers
Rhapsodic Fanfasie. Based on
the Second Hungarian
Rhapsody by Liszt
Sharon Lambkin
Stars and Stripes Sousa
Sharon Lambkin and
Lois Gillings
Flight of the Bumble Bee . . .
Drink to Me Only With Thine
Eyes Old English Air
Repasz Band March . . . Lincoln
Ladies Quintet
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
in the YWCA. Mrs. Flora En-
ders is to be the hostess. I
Hell get a thrill day after day from a gift of
magnificent Courtley toiletries ... the hind
some "permanent" containers last for years.
Combination Sttt-telecthn of colon.
Hang other tuperior Courtley product.
lunmous skavi towi
l-ru tat HM
V e
Recent Bride A bride in
early June was Mrs. Earl
Marcum, the former Wanda
Lee Amen. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Amen, route 1, West Salem.
Cpl. Marcum is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Marcum and
is stationed at Fort Lewis.
(McEwan studio picture.)
Mrs. English
Heads Group
At the annual commencement
breakfast for alumnae of Ore
gon Gamma chapter, Pi Beta
Phi sorority, Willamette univer
sity, Sunday, Mrs. Wheeler R.
English was elected president of
the group. Other officers chos
en include Miss Carolyn Brady,
vice president; Miss Dorothy
Symes, secretary; Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Gilvra, treasurer.
The breakfast meeting was
held at the Senator hotel. Sen
iors of the active chapter were
honor guests at the event. Red
roses and ribbon streamers bear
ing the class numbers of 1949
decorated the tables.
A large group attended the
event. Miss Faye Cornutt, Port
land, presided at the business
session. Short talks were given
by the house president. Miss Avis
Roberts, and the treasurer, Miss
Mary Jo Wigginton.
If You Have Hesitated
Murine; better hearing became you
dtd not want to be een wearini that
little hearlni "button" In your ear,
hesitate no longer! It'i out of jlnhtl
Mail Coupon Now
1933 State St., Salem. Ore.
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liat optrat as om
Mrs. Arnot
Is Honored
Honoring Mrs. Howard Arnot,
her sister, Miss Shirley Hill, and
Edward Lind were hostesses
Friday evening at a party and
shower at the residence of Miss
Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. El
more Hill.
Twenty guests were bidden.
An informal evening was spent
in games and visitin. and a late
supper was served.
Mrs. K. H. Arnot and Miss
Jean Arnot of Jennings Lodge,
mother and sister of Howard Ar
not, were among the guests.
MESSAGES of felicitation are
being extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert L. Stiff, Jr., upon the
birth of a daughter, Karen Jane,
Saturday, June 11, at Salem Gen
eral hospital. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff of
Salem, and great grandmothers
are Mrs. S. Breitenstein and
Mrs. Mary Stiff of Salem.
EXPECTED home the first of
the week are Misses Marilyn Ey
erly and Carol Van Duzen who
have spent the past week as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Randall at Longview. This
week-end they were at the Ran
dall summer cabin on the Kal
ama river.
412, Eight and Forty society, is
meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. in
the Mayflower hall.
There will be formal initiation.
election of officers and election
oi delegates for the state conven
tion in Salem in August. Light
refreshments will follow the
ARRIVING tomorrow for two
weeks' visit here will be Mr
and Mrs. Robert Guild (Paulie
Wallace) of Madison, Wis. They
will be guests of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. Mr
and Mrs. Guild have been at
tending University of Wisconsin
by Warren Goodrich
"I'll give Uncla lardo plenty
of time to answer he'll be
at dinner about now."
Please give the person you're
calling plenty of time to answer
at least a full minute. The
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
6-MONTH Sin 3.J
Go to Convention
Off to Seattle Wednesday go
several members of the Salem
Business and Professional Wom
en's club to attend the regional
convention for BPW clubs in the
northwest region, opening Thurs
day and continuing through June
Attending from here will be
Mrs. Arthur Weddle, immediate
past president for the Oregon
Federation of BPW clubs, Miss
Betty Elofson, Mrs. John Ver
steeg, new president for the Sa
lem club, and Mrs. Eugene Es
tes. Plays in Recital
Helen Lewis was presented
in piano recital by her aunt and
teacher, Elma Weller, at the
latter's North Liberty street
studio. Mary Weller, cousin of
the young pianist, assisted on
the program.
The program follows:
Minuet in G Beethoven
Helen Lewis and Miss Weller
Intrata Bach
Transposed into C major
Twilight in Sleepy Hollow
Cotton Fluff Smith
Song in the Merry Month of
May t Gaynor
Helen Lewis
Fairy Tale Witches Kelterer
Italy Tarantella
Polly Put the Kettle On
English folk tune
Helen Lewis, Mary Weller
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By ma,VYV3Uaj
Dfw LIsmkp
Miss King
Miss Barbara King of Port
land, formerly of Salem, will be
honored at a party and miscel
laneous shower for which Miss
Suzanne Huggins and Miss Ro
berta Tussing will entertain on
Friday evening at the home of
Miss Huggins.
Miss King is the bride-elect
of Donald Crouch of Portland.
Invited to the Friday party are
Miss King and her mother, Mrs
Sidney A. King, Misses Gerry
Woodroffe, Lorraine Poindex
ter, Barbara Hendrlckson, Jo
anne Adolph, Patti Ray, Patty
Wilson, Marilyn Hill. Joan
Blaxall, Marianne Bonesteele,
Beverly Nelson, Charlotte Alex
ander, Virginia Huston, Joyce
Smith, Luella Campbell, Joanne
Fitzmaurice, Wanda Hathaway,
JoAnne Gilmore, Mesdames
Dale Pence, William E. Hill,
Harvey Loveall, Keith Morris,
Herbert Applington, Brooks
Beckford, Aubrey Tussing,
Charles H. Huggins.
AT THE beach for the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
Hill and daughters, Misses Shir
ley and Marilyn Hill, Miss Lu
ella Campbell and Miss Joyce
Smith. They were at Pacific
SIGMA KAPPA alumnae are
to meet on Thursday of this
week at the home of Mrs. Thom
as Wright, 118 7th street. West
Salem Mrs. Allan Johnson is
co-hostess for the meeting.
are Clever
Zr Store for Ladies
ficnic Given
A picnic dinner was held
Thursday evening at the coun
try home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
J. Neiger honoring Mr. Neiger
upon his birthday.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter M. Brog, Mr. and
Mrs. K. E. Neiger, Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Caspar, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Neiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Neiger, Miss Gertrude Heyden,
Miss Margaret Caspar, Miss Dor
othy Caspar, Miss Sherrill Ann
Neiger, Miss Ruth Cherry, Miss
Marcia Neiger, Miss Dorothy
Cherry, Miss Linda Johnston,
George Lane, Arthur Lane, Gre
gory Cherry, Gene Cherry, Ger
ald Brog, George Caspar, John
Caspar, Kendall Neiger, Brent
Neiger, Ernie Lane.
WORD has been received here
of the birth of a daughter on
June 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Puffer (Nita Taylor) of Red
mond, Ore., formerly of Salem.
The date also was the ninth wed
ding anniversary oi the Puffers.
They have named the baby Mary
Ellen. Also in the family is a
six-year old daughter, Marcile.
this way . . .
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