Local Paragraphs Miss Your Paper? if the Capital Journal carrier fail to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Mothera Sent Home Among dismissals from Salem Memorial hospital were Mrs. Alex Flores, Rt. 7. box 232F, and Mrs. Les ter Honey, 1111 Sixth street. West Salem, both with newborn sons, and Mrs. Orville Lau of Detroit with her infant daughter. Victory Club No. 17 Town- send Victory club No. 17 will meet at the Mavflower hall on Fairgrounds roaS Tuesday night at g o'clock for music and a so cial evening. Foot Injured While swim ming near Turner late Sunday Adoiph H. Scharff, 27, who lives at 159S South 22nd street, got a cut on one foot. He was given first aid treatment. Friday Dismissals Leaving Salem Memorial hospital Fri day, both with newborn sons, were Mrs. James Armer, 2277 North Liberty street, and Mrs. John Kellogg, Rt. S, box 458. Players Guests Members of the Salem baseball club will be guests of the Kiwanis club dur ing a luncheon to be held at the Marion Tuesday noon. Building Permits J. Ray Pemberton, to repair a porch at 1453 South Commercial, $30. Bryan Goodenough, to repair a one-story dwelling at 287 South 'Winter, $20. Bryan Goodenough, to alter a two-story dwelling at 257 South Winter, $20. Harry Collins, to build a one-story dwelling at 2335 Hyde, $4000. D. L. Rhoda, to reroof a one story dwelling at 378 North Cot tage, $150. D. L. Rhoda, to re roof a one-ttory dwelling at 4B0 North Cottage, $150. Smith to Ashland Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette university, left Mon day for Ashland where he will participate in the annual con ference of the Methodist church. Melum Rites Tuesday Fu neral services for Mrs. Gunhlld Melum, of Canby, will be held in that city Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the Zoar Lutheran church and burial In the Zoar cemetery She was the mother of W. O. Melum, Canby: George Melum, Toledo and Clara Magnussen, Hubbard Rt. 1. Licensed to Marry Marriage license has been issued at Van couver, Wash., to Russell D. Randall and Millie Smith, both of Falls City and In Portland to C. Wayne Bobbins, Amity and Dorothy Lorraine Folsom, Port land. Memorial Dismissals Going home from Salem Memorial hospital over the week-end with baby daughters were Mrs. Charles Nelke, 1444 Ferry street, Mrs. John Crawford, 444 North 14th, Mrs. Fred Riffe, 540 Leslie street. Taking newborn sons were Mrs. Robert Ander son, 11 30 '4 Nebraska street, Mrs. Lyle Cave, 1140 Dietz ave nue, and Mrs. Anthony Lever- man of Aumsville. Flax Dance Slated The first pre-festival dance of the Ore gon flax festival will be held in the St. Mary's auditorium in Mt. Angel Thursday night. The dance has been christened the "Queen Candidate's" dance and will feature introduction of all candidates for 1949 queen of Flaxaria. The festival will be held in Mt. Angel July 29 to 31. Resort Road Closed Closing to the public of the Detroit- Breitenbush Springs road from 7:45 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. daily starting Wed nesday is announced by S. T Moore, district ranger. The clo sure is made necessary to en able construction crews to com plete widening of the road this summer. To Report on Hazards A dl rective by Assistant Police Chief E. C. Charlton Monday ordered Salem patrolmen to report on hazardous intersections within the city. The order specified that patrolmen were to note shrubs, grass, flowers trees or other obstructions which might be the potential cause of acci dents by limiting visibility at in tersections. For Warehouse Use The brick part of the building own ed by Paul B. Wallace on South High between Trade and Mill will be leased for warehouse purposes to an undisclosed ten ant. The wood part of the build ing is being removed. The build ing housed the Paulus Bros Cannery for many years before the cannery moved to its pre sent location. Accused of Car Theft A check of a car license registra tion by police led to the arrest of Raymond F. Whaley, Port land, Monday by Salem police who found him asleep in an auto parked in the lot in front of Erickson s market at 3060 Port land road. According to police. Whaley admitted the theft of the vehicle "sometime in 1948" and the false registration of the car to secure license plates for it. Home From Long Trip A month-long 7500-mile trip end ed Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Chllds when they return. ed to their home in Salem. The trip took them through southern and middle states, or about 17 states in all, and their best im pression, they said, was of Ohio and Indiana. They were accom panied by Etta Sutter, 243 North 14th, and Alice Mathey, 2063 Market, also by their daughter, Betty of Portland who went with them to Jackson, Miss, where she visited Mrs. Kelton Lowery, who was formerly Mol ly Mason of Salem. Lansing Will Speak Cant Walter Lansing, of the Oregon state police, will give the flag day address at a program spon. sored by the Toledo Elks lodge Tuesday night. The program will be open to the public and start at 8 o'clock, daylight sav- Ing time and will be presented by officers of the lodge. Meeting Wednesday Oregon Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, will meet at VFW hall, 640 Hood street, Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. BORN The Capital Journal Welco the Following New CHhrem; KIBBV To Mr. and Mn. Hirlow H K.bby. Rt. Box 154, a boy. at the 8a Urn Ocnerat hospital, Jum 13. McCONNELX To Mr. and Urt, Burt MrCannelL Viran VtlUl. Monmouth, ft boy. at tht litem Oentrai hotpltal. .Tunt 13. LEE To Mr. and Mn. Kenneth D. Lm. 1396 N. 3Sth, ft ftrl. at tht Sfticm Otn- rai nospitai, Jun iz. NEWTON TO Mr. fttwl Mn. Chttr Newton, Hollywood Cfcbim. ft bar, st tht aitm uencrai noipiiu. vun n, BUCHANAN To Mr. and Mn. Sitlt Bu thanan, Rt. t. Boa Ml, ft ftrl, ftt U 8a- lm Otnerftl hospital, junt iz. stipt tb Mr and mm. h. t,. itiff. Jr.. Rt. 1. Bos t?0. ft eirL, at the Salem Otneral boiplUi. junt . DIOR Y To Mr. and Mm. Looli Dlah. 1035 Kappahtn Rd.. a fir I, at the Stlem General hospital, June U. OIRO To Mr. and Mra. Fran Oirtf. II. Yairett, ft cirl, Junt 1, at Salem Memorial hotpttftl. KINO To Mr. and Mra. Jaaea Hint, Rt. J. Aa.ty. a ton sin 19, at Satan Memorial hMpltal. DAVIS Ta Mr. tn Mr toward Da- i. 3181 North Liberty atrfei. a My, June 10. at Salem Memorial hsvpital. DICKENSON Ta Mr. and Mtt. Otartt Bar DMktnaen. lilt Pacific hlfhwar, Wood&urn. ber, Juoa IS, at Saiam Mt mar.Bi. STEvrvs Ta Mr. ftrtd Mr. Alien L Stvn. Rieirealt. a ton, Jitnt 11, at r Memorial hoapiial. LOOSDOK To Mr. and Mra Umt Loudon Stanton, ft i'iMr, 4ua 11, at Saitai Memorial fceapual. For Chemeketan Trip Twen ty persons have signed up for the annual outing of the Che meketans, which this year will be to Sequoia National park in California July 30 tc August 14 This was reported at a meeting of the organization at the YWCA Friday night, Others are de sired, and anyone wishing to register is requested to contact Harold Melchert. A bus will be chartered for the trip. Myers Go East Arthur V. Myers, supervising principal for the Salem suburban schools, his wife and four children will leave Tuesday for Boston, Mass. to attend the session of the Nation al Education assn. July 3-8. En route Myers will go to Durham N.H. for a four day meeting of the committee on teacher im provement to be held on the University of New Hampshire campus. Stops will also be made at Washington, D. C New York City and other eastern centers. Returning the family will make visits in Wisconsin and Mmne sota. The trip will be of ap proximately five weeks dura tion. if--- V U rv ;) & 1 1,1 m J I r a -wr St OS . ,f i i v. .. . ) ,v- ..j.j' u v- i r 3, - 4 Capital Journal, Saifia. Oreifon. Monday. Jaw 13, 1949 5 Graduates Hear Dr. Knight On Basic Philosophies l "In these days our educational process must be itsied by wheth !er or not it is adequately equipping individual tor democrats living. The college trained man is the well educawd man only when his college experience implies certain basic phiiosophie." With these statements as a background. Dr. John L. Knight, of Lincoln. Neb., presidentelect of iiU 1 Baldwin-Wallace college of . Ohio, went a te 4eveloD these J ba?ic phiiosopliics" during his address before the graduating tlsss of Willamette university Sunday afternoon. 4 itrlKff' River Course (Continued from Page ! A total of 12.78 miles of relo cated highway far above the dam and the reservoir that will be created by the stored water back of the Detroit dam, is ex pected to be completed late in July. Of the total road work Kukenberg Construction compa ny is doing the largest share and Guy F. Atkinson company the re mainder. The Port Construction company is rapidly completing high bridges over Tumblo and Brettenbush creeks. Bridges and road work will cost approximately $4,330,000 with 3.5 miles yet to be con tracted at an additional estim ated cost of $1,060,000. Guests at Albany Members of the caravan were guests of the Albany Chamber of Commerce at luncheon Satur-i day after which the party was taken to Fern Ridge dam, com pleted in 1941, and given a pre view of the recreational features that will be available on the lake that will be formed by the con struction of the Detroit dam. For two hours members of the party were taken on speed and sail boats by members of the Eu gene Yacht club and were fa vored with a sail boat race in which 12 boats participated. An overnight stop at Eugene was made and on Sunday the party was given a bird's eye view of the railroad and relocation work being performed by the ar my engineers in connection with the Meridian dam on the mid dle fork of the Willamette river. Railroad Being Moved Twenty-three miles of the main line of the Southern Paci fic railroad is being moved from its present location, which will be in the Meridian reservoir ar ea, to a route high above the present route. Also being re located are 14 miles of Highway 58 and a portion of some forest roads. Dine at Mess Halt The Dorena Construction com pany was host a luncheon given in the mess hall at Dorena dam Sunday afternoon after which members of the caravan viewed the cement portion of the dam through which the Row river has now been diverted. Consid-1 i,ijf Wriifti.'v erable progress has been made on ii V. , Agj, - me eann nu uam at ims pouil' . ? c:i' and the entire project is expect- l.V:t'r$, ' ea to oe complete laie uisi ' jJ iau, a iuu year ahead oi con tract time. Cottage Grove Dam The last project viewed was J l eat , J "'v. '? 'fit. ' via the Cottage Grove dam located gj t'"-' a few miles south of the city of rurJ f voiiitgc orove. ims aam was completed before the war and is credited with saving Cottage Grove from untold flood damage through the past few vears. Col. O. E. Walsh, district engi neer in charge of the entire proi- ect and Percy M. Oihus, special' assistant to the colonel, ex plained features of each project to the group. At Detroit Lt. Col. John M. Miies, resident en gineer, assisted. Other members of the army engineers staff also contributed information to the u. ' - ' m -S6r . 'T t EaW? 9 ! t, - Redmond Host Fliers More than 5000 aviation enthusiasts of central Oregon turned out on Roberts field at Redmond Sun day to welcome nearly 1000 airborne visitors and see the finish of the all-girl air race in connection with the first avia tlon day sponsored by the state board of aeronautics The race was won by Betty Kastner, Portland, according to W. M (Jack) Bartlett, state director of aeronautics. Evelyn Whii maker, public relations repre sentative fur the state board demonstrated a safe landing after stopping the engine of her light plane in the air over the field. The visitors, who arrived in more than 200 planes, were served a buckaroo breakfast at the airport. Ace Demers, Sa lem, demonstrated crop dusting and spraying. Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 140 Now Is the time. Place your order for the coming season's canned fruits and vegetables. Ph. 3-8487. Aufranc's Custom Cannery. 140 Dr. Harmon T. Harvey an nounces the removal of his of fice. For the practice of diagno sis and internal medicine to 908 Livesley Bldg. effective June 19th, 1949. Telephone 2-3641 for appointment. 146 Marimba Concert Monday, June 13th, 8:15 p.m., Bush school. No admission. Publis in vited. Wiitsey Music Studios 1630 N. 20th, Ph 3-7186. 140 Federally insured Savings Current dividend I See URST Federal Savings FIRST t42 S Liberty Ph I 4944 Up to 75 off on over 150 closeout Wallpaper patterns at Elfstrom'f, 340 Coum St. 145 Guaranteed expert Swiss and Amer. watch rep. at Jewel Box. 443 State. Come to Summer School at the Capital Business College Classes starting June 13. Vou can get shorthand, typewriting, accounting, filing, mathematics, calculator, spelling in the morn ing. Phone 3-5987. 140 Dr Harmon T. Harvey an nouncts the removal of hi of fice. For the practice of diagno sis and internal medicine to 906 Livesley Bidg. effective June!wy' 19th, 1949. Telephone 2-3641 for appointment. 146 Phone 22408 before 6 p.m it you miss your Capital Journal Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730 140 Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694 140 Don't throw away window shade rollers. Phone Reinholdt 8c Lewis, 2-3839 and have them recovered at a worth while saving. 140' Spencer corset. Amina Felt of Spencer Shop in Portland will be at the Senator Hotel Wed nesday, the 15th. 141' Dr. Harmon T. Harvey an nounces the removal of his of fice. For the practice of diagno sis and internal medicine to 906 Livesley Bldg. effective June 19th. 1949. Telephone 2-3641 for appointment. 148 Beaver Boy State, June 25 to July 2. Merchants and individ uals who wish to sponsor a boy this year are urged to contact American Legion post No. 9 as soon as possible in order that necessary arrangements can be made. 140 Baby beef for your locker 42c C. S. Orwig Co., 4375 SUverton Rd., Ph. 2-6128. 141 Road oiling Call Tweed le 2-4151 days and S-5769 eves 143 Injured savings earn more i nan two oervent at Salem Fed erai Savings Association, (60 SUM street, Salem Supper club. Fine food. entertainment, dancing, club privilege. Ph. 2-9242. 2 miles west of Salem on Dallas high- 140 H" heavy duty Black it Deck er drill. $60. Eisman magneto $25. 2245 Shelton. 140 Dr L B Wamicker Dentist is now associated with the Dr Painless Parker office 125 N Liberty St.. Salem Ph S8825 For sale by owner 1 choice Englewood lot. Ph. 1-JS70. 142 wri-urni, sub. COURT NEWS Police Court LtTeenr of en tuto: Whatey, Fertlsnd. heitf. Rtrmorvd T Circuit Court Settr 1- w Bin B. Cur, divorce fwn pleint ftHff crael rs5 irthtiiRsn treat neat, )u pllnHff bt tvirded cuAtrxJy at ehil with IM) month for it up- port ftnd be re!r feer siieB turn oi Bet It S. RicketU, -June 1, Hit a Sftlen. Wt Permit eSlverec Uf be heard nt motion Jj, June 23, it ftnaoufto d br the elerk el the court but moilon will be hef w mu in tfce moraine; trf thftt dr by JuSs Gesi-fc B. Ouncrtn. Ann . Hiwen Pctf!e Oreyhoand line ni Jeurnai Gsre samptnj, pisin tl tWen to July 8 to file motion tar new trial ftMlnit tht Joumil Oirwe company. othera. ta foreclanore prore-Minsa. an- af Pratist f. HeaJy. attorney nanw by ittt tourt to appear lor ifeiKJnU coiuenta that ft etree oe niereo m as eordacca with prayer of in eompiaint. William Dtnxman an(t other w atat unemployment compensation coB!tntiof and Irwln-Lyons company, aiwwer ot com mlMlon to petition for review aSSey that baneftu ynder the omoenxUon la houla be dented the pUinUf! in ace or -dasea with liottraa ol tht eommUiioo. Applriatien cf Vent L. Rathiey for rlt of habeas corptu tc atate board oi control and Oreaoo taU hocpttai, nder aktnt on appeal tl4. LouiAe vt W. BttRtS U&ert, appJica tlon tor trial. Idft A v William t. Mewtsts, seder ! lowa 7S ft montb support money ptnd ini auil. Dorothy w Abe tfff, motfon to ,naka eompiaint mora definite and cer tain by aettina out in tht complaint die on whlca defendst alleyedir struck Plaintiff. Dim id Court witched plates: IHvS U- Ktlta, Rt. t, ilnad ll ftnd totu. Drunk drlvlnt. IAgv4 DemareM, t Sttwart, pleaded innocent, trial tt be xtt, ball set at 1350. rrobot Court Wee I. Ivle, 'J8fditnh!a, hesrtnc on petition (or appointment of a fuard;n t for fluot J", it t m, Morriogt Licenses Daliaa Hiny. Si. s;t hfthway d partment, Wooburn, and Dorothy 8tn oaa, la, heuaework 81 as. 4 ... v - JTtt ms- .-arc ft -M WJ itjaVMl -'-'w ' v j fy"t1fft "t4 i IVJ! 4 rjKi ?j tcj T-M ft. - W. 5! v "We need revaluate our education, purpose," said Dr. Knight an he teok up the philos ophy of education. "The liberal nris college is sot simply an American tradition it if an American necessUy, Speciaiiza lion in educatioa is not produc ing the well grounded, well rounded cUszenry prerequisite to a well ordered democracy." "Effective living requires that a man be at home in the : universe, said the speaker in connection with the philosophy of the mverse. And srxking of the "Philosophy of History" Mrs. Moss Dies Mler Illness In failing heaJlh inr Ihe past year, Mrs. Laura Bales Moss died Saturday st the home ol her daughter, Mrs. Leston W. Howell at 523 North Capiiol street. Sirs. Moss, lesident oi Salem Mnce last December, coming here from Oregon City, where she had resided smee 19-3, was born at Atlanta, Ma, October 7. 18ti8. In Missouri Februarj' 28, 1B95, ise was married la Sam J. Moss, who died in 191 J, while the Mosses resided In Ida ho. She was a member of th First Christian ehtireh at Glad stone. SurvUfm besides Sirs. How- he said: "To yet history a? a cor-vn arc another daughter, Mrs. rective to hitman misbehavior Llovd M. Hill of Salem; a bro rather than a ftrtile series of re-Uher, Mark M. Myers of Port curring cycles saves one fromiiad; (our grandsons, Dr. Clif total disillusionment and offers (or(j f. Hill. Richard H. Hill, hope of a better world His-; Robert L. Hill and Howard Hill, lory reveals man's nobility and;aU of Salem: a great grand- Above, the Academic Procession wends its way from the library to the gymnasium preliminary to the graduation of approximately 240 Willamette university aenior Sunday aft ernoon. Dr. John L, Knight, president-elect ot Baldwin-Wallace college, Berea, Ohio, gave the addrest. Below, honorary degrees were presented to Dr. John L. Knight tleft) and Rev, Charles B. Harrison during Sunday afternoon'i 107th com mencement exercises. Dr. Knight, president-elect of the Baldwin-Wallace college, received the degree of doctor of laws. Rev. Harrison, a Willamette graduate and now a Methodist minister in Columbus, was given the doctor of divinity degree. greatness as well as his stupidity." Rights Dr. Kninht stated: -We Ji nrcd to recapture ll;e basic Idea of the rights of free men in a free society. The democratic principle of human rights and the Christian principle of human worth both require the abolition of social, racial, national fend religious prejudice and bigotry "Intelligence and intelligent sia are not synonymous The college which produces simply the intellectual elite is eentrib icling to neither democratic proc esses nor wholesome living," said Dr. Knight ta speaking of f'A Fholosophy of the Common; to go after hours. Life. The commencement program included the conferring of de grees by President G, Herbert Smith, the issuing of the hon orary degree of doctor of laws to Dr. Knight and the degree of doctor ot divinity to Rev. Charles B. Harrison, a Willam ette graduate and now a Meth odist minister in Columbus. Ohio: the singing of the tradi tional "Farewell Willamette' bv Edith Fairham and vocal solos by William Utley, a graduate of 1938. daughter and several nieces and nephews, including Dr. John W. Myers in Oregon City and Vir gil Myers of Independence. Donor List Grows The list of would-be donors had grown to 103 by Monday morning for the bloodmobile to stop here Tues day from the Portland regional blood center. By Saturday the list had reached orly about 0, Unless more than the 103 sign up. the mobile unit will not be able to secure the goal of 100 pints Tuesday. The unit will be in operation si the First Metho dist church between 2:30 and 7 p.m. Tuesday, the hours being changed to enable those at work Local Takirtr. Best The Lib erty local of the Farmers Union which has been meeting month ly, has discontinued meeting for the summer and will resume early in the fail. Attends State Meeting Coun ty Commissioner Hoy Rice is in Coos Bay attending the State Grange meeting and is expected to be away from his office un til Saturday. Leave Salem General Dis missed from toe Salem General The aenior class of some 24ohosP'4?1 VCT the week-end with recently born Infants were Mrs. Robert MeKeeyer and son, Mon mouth; Mrs. 0. W. Burroughs and daughter, SMS N. Iflth; Mrs. Jimmie L, Kelly and daughter, 244 Marion; Mrs, Charles E. Da vis and daughter, J810 S. 13th; Mrs. Wilber Porter and son. Box 184 Stavton: Mrs. Lorain Summer Visitor Planning to'Duren and son, 340 Evergreen; students, was the largest in the history of the university. Late Saturday afternoon the university trustees elected Her bert Hardy, Portland attorney to a place on the board. He is a graduate of 1934. spend her summer In Salem is Jo Ann Walsh of New York City. Miss Walsh arrived in Sa lem during the week-end. Mrs. Raymond Sfeinke and son. 1140 S, 15th and Mrs. Richard Worthington and son, 1475 N. Commercial. Gatke Cluo Speaker Dr. Robert M. Gatke, of Willamette; university, will speak on rhodo-i dendron culture at the meeting! of the Jefferson Garden club; June 20. Members of the club have been invited to Stayton Friday night to hear Carl Mas key, Portland, speak on summer pruning at a meeting of the Stayton Garden club. To Meet Tuesday The Laurel Social Hour club is to meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. C. J. Jackson, 1065 Cas cade drive, West Salem. Mrs. L. B. McClendon Is co-hostess for the meeting. Bork Transferred Fred Bock who has been in Clackamas county for the last t5 years as county horticulture inspector, has been transferred to Salem headquarters of the state agri cultural department division of plant Industry, He fc succeeded by Floyd Markham, Portland. Bock takes the place of Charles Cole, who retired last Decem ber 31. In his new position he will have charge of horticultural inspection in Linn county and part of Marion county. Her from Modesto Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Stark of Modesto, Cal., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lambert, 381 Leslie street. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Stark and Mrs, Lambert drove to Mt. Hood. Anchor Cafe Changes Certi ficate of assumed business name for Anchor Cafe, 3405 Portland road, has been filed with the county clerk by G, F. and M. M. Engelbreit. a certificate of re tirement from the same business having been filed by Deloris . Hasbrook. Charge Canceled A charge of 5435 23 against Lee Eyerly for mt nf tittlMtntf ft hrirta, nn n Doutli tJlh, 1. Utmtr. Oi'tX rlw f . , . t"L , . Motit . c.anii IM, !, voumy runa which nc uses lor a partiti. jcattie pass has been canceled in ciiftou t kMM w.rti, !n ord,r by h county court. Utu Citr. n tt uftos arotiir,, iti The order states that the law al- vaitrMi. rarnnd 1lichtr4 C .thly. it- fictorr flfit. r. ttS Svr:n S;nlc, 3$, fsctorr vrkr. Seta Se. Paue, Uma. Chief Scientists Continued frmn Page 1 No isotopes have been sent to Russia, but some have gone to neighboring Finlam and Nor way. He said that if the Norwegians found a way to make steel more resistant to heat a discovery that would be of only "slight" value to them but of "enormous" value to the United States. He added, In response to a question by Chairman McMahon D., Conn.), that "89 times out of 1000" the United States would make better use of any scientific discovery than Russia. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Monday, June 33 Organised Marine Corps refitrv unit ftt Nsve. Hiui Marine Corps Reserve train in center. Salem Post No. 136 American Legion, Marion Poet No. SSI VFW, VFW faftll. TamUy, June 14 Marion county chapter, Rem Officer' fctsoci&tion. Wednesday, Jene i Volunteer Naval Air Reserva unit at Navai and Marin Corp Retem training center. Recruit Tralninf Ended Weainan KecruU Harold J Wells VHH. aon ol Mr, arid Mra, Harve Well of route 2. Dallas, has com peted his reerait training at the naval training cenler at isan D!fie Well who attended the Dai Dun hmi school be ore entering the navy, en iutted In that branch the arm; forces in Purtiund March 6, Participate la Ewflne A a.em man, FA Aivi 3. Jack son. VHH. aon ef Joe B. Jacnon ot 3MO Wfnoia street w among tnOrte navy men participailni in th Fleet Intertype exeretM-a in South em California. Jackson U aboard the Uae cargo ahap, UHS Semi nole, which is atlarhed to ihe am pru&louc force. Pacific fleet. MaHna an Leare aMW titftr, Turwr, (lows a county to rriare n in- Horn on 30 davi leave after u dividual for m cattle pas only months ol duly in China la Pic ihi costs in vxens of the coit gn JvWon? fofaMr oi . brid Inrie enough to ban-) 7ML0J'mL lVfitaa CSlfiM 7r!Bl!S. Itu4rtt f in ih hrttiem im. nnt in r Jun 1 At n termination Of hU -t!vat lill iHMK fiuui 41 i " " " ut aucii cuit. lea- he milt reoort tn Cainn Pen- Xsmsada 4fa(f Whether you work a 40 hour week or 4 times that much you'll find the quality, precision and good looks f ALEXANDER'S WATCHES give you, by comparison with ordinary timepieces, Time ond a Half! This selection of men's ond wom en's watches is a pleasure to those seeking, not or.1, very finest, but the simplest . 1 of financ ing ss well. You need never sacrifice to own the finest. You're assured of that at exanders