Jf, Capital Joomal, Salmi, Oregon, Monday, Jon 13, 194 A rrc ll DKHMH mi m to From n I ask Give her soft, white hands. Give her new after-dinner leisure. Give her sparkling clean dishes. Give her a present that will make her proud of her kitchen. And she'll love you every day for years to cornel M 1 1 T f WLM MT I Just put In the dishes (pots and pans, too) add the detergent HUlUlflHIIVi flip a switch. That' all! The G-E Dishwasher will wash and double rinse your dishes automatically. The dishwasher stops automatically, too and the top opens to allow your dishes to dry. 17 17 SpecM stationary racks OHrLi breakage. hold your dishes, glasses, and silver and guard against I ft 1A A ACTI Costs only about a penny a day, at national average rates, to mm w WW w W vl i operate. And it saves on towels, soap, 1 , breakage, and tim. iSMSB fits anywhere in your kitchen. Top-opening for easy loading. Convenient height, flush with other work surfaces. $TO50 PER MONTH AFTER DOWN PAYMENT 1VI Atk to tee tha complete electric sink in the G-E model kitchen complete with built-in dilh woih or and the Diipoioll which boniihet garbage wor ries forever. ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION With our special portable diihwaihtr wo con now show you exactly tha marvels of G-E automatic diihwoshing In your own home. No obligation It entailed. l- You can put your confidence in General Electric You Can Always Save Money at i Elfstrom's 1 - i Business Is Always Good at Elfstrom's